Very strange problems with OFX imported dividend reinvestment transactions from Fidelity

2024-08-31 Thread Jack Ostroff via KMyMoney-devel
I've been having problems with consistency check for a long time, but  
never bothered to track down the cause.  I'm trying to do that now, and  
everything I see just confuses me more.  I do assume that the initial  
issue is introduced with the ofx import from Fidelity, but I also think  
KMM is doing something funny here.

For one transaction, consistency check says:
 * Split S0002 in transaction 'T000258' contains different  
signs for shares and value. Please fix manually

This is a dividend reinvestment transaction, and the ledger shows the  
shares $149.44, price $1.00, and value $-149.44 (all in US Dollars, no  
currency conversions involved.)  However, there is no error icon on  
that entry.  Showing the transaction details matches these numbers in  
the stock account, and all are positive in the interest/dividends  
category,  If I then edit the transaction, all values show positive.   
If I then click the enter button without changing anything, the  
transaction shows an error icon with a missing assignment of $298.88.   
At that point, transaction details shows the same for the stock  
account, but shares and value both negative in the category account.   
Editing the transaction again shows all numbers positive, but Enter  
does not change anything.  If I then edit and change the shares to  
negative, the ledger looks the same, but transaction details shows  
negative shares and values in both accounts.  Another edit to remove  
the minus sign on the number of shares clears the error in the ledger  
and the transaction is no longer listed in the consistency report.

This all makes no sense to me, since my edits add then remove a minus  
sign on the number of shares, I would not expect any net change, but at  
the end, both shares and value show negative in the category in the  
transaction details, although in the category ledger, it does show as  
income, not expense.

Just to make things worse, if I start by looking at one of these  
transaction (I have several) in the category ledger, the amount is  
shown in the Expense coulumn, which is clearly wrong.  Transaction  
details, as above, show positive shares and negative value in the stock  
account but both positive in the category.  Editing and saving with no  
changes seems similar to doing so in the investment account ledger,  
with the error icon showing the missing assignement of twice the value  
and transaction details showing positive shares and negative vlue in  
the stock account, and both items negative in the category.  However,  
if I then  edit the transaction, it shows as a Buy, with no Security  
shown, and 0 for shares and price.

Since I never seem to notice this until long after I actually download  
those transacations, and I don't save the download file (web connect  
download) I'll have to find time to download a small sample and see if  
I can reproduce the problem in a smaller test file.

Any other suggestions before I can create a small test case?


issue with reconciliation progress bar

2024-08-05 Thread Jack Ostroff via KMyMoney-devel
Several times over the past few days, when I reconcil, instead of the  
reconcile bar actually progrssing from 0 to 100 and then disappearing,  
it shows up and just stays there.  These seem to be cases where the  
actual reconciliation is completed within one second or so.  There is  
no button on that dialog, but when I just closed it (x in upper right)  
the reconciliation summary was displayed (it had actually already been  
displayed behind the other) and I was able to close it by clicking "OK."

Could this be some timing issue related to the one second delay  
mentioned in the commit message?

reconciliation bars not showing in investment account

2024-08-03 Thread Jack Ostroff via KMyMoney-devel
I'm doing my monthly reconciliation of a bunch of my investment  
accounts, and on the second one noticed that the green reconciliation  
bars in the ledger are not showing up for my investment accounts.  I'm  
not actually sure when this started.  Am I missing something or should  
I file it as a bug?

new crash on closing file

2024-05-14 Thread Jack Ostroff via KMyMoney-devel
With 5.1.80-022af411a, I get a crash closing my data file (xml.)  (So  
far tried with two different files.)  Possibly related to f34f4e99?


(gdb) bt
#0  KMyMoneyAccountCombo::setSelected (this=0x3ff0, id=...,  
ignoreCache=ignoreCache@entry=false) at  
#1  0x77c90296 in KMyMoneyAccountCombo::setSelected  
(this=, id=...) at  
#2  0x55635ef2 in KInvestmentView::executeAction  
(this=, action=, selections=out>) at  
#3  0x5563d37d in KMyMoneyView::executeAction  
action=action@entry=eMenu::Action::FileClose, selections=...) at  
#4  0x5560312a in KMyMoneyApp::Private::fileAction  
action=action@entry=eKMyMoney::FileAction::Closing) at  
#5  0x555e9a88 in KMyMoneyApp::slotFileClose  
(this=0x55d07010) at  
#6  0x555fb47f in  
QtPrivate::FunctorCall, QtPrivate::List<>,  
void, bool (KMyMoneyApp::*)()>::call(bool (KMyMoneyApp::*)(),  
KMyMoneyApp*, void**) (f=, o=,  
arg=) at /usr/include/qt5/QtCore/qobjectdefs_impl.h:152
#7  0x555fb4c0 in QtPrivate::FunctionPointer(KMyMoneyApp::*)()>::call, void>(bool  
(KMyMoneyApp::*)(), KMyMoneyApp*, void**) (arg=,  
o=, f=) at  
#8  QtPrivate::QSlotObject,  
void>::impl(int, QtPrivate::QSlotObjectBase*, QObject*, void**, bool*)  
(which=, this_=, r=,  
a=, ret=) at  
#9  0x75e20a85 in QtPrivate::QSlotObjectBase::call  
(a=0x7fffc440, r=0x55d07010, this=0x561024f0) at  
#10 doActivate (sender=0x56104c80, signal_index=out>, argv=) at  
#11 0x75e19898 in QMetaObject::activate  
(sender=sender@entry=0x56104c80, m=m@entry=0x76d5a3c0  
argv=argv@entry=0x7fffc440) at  
#12 0x768f8d07 in QAction::triggered  
(this=this@entry=0x56104c80, _t1=) at  
#13 0x768fa95f in QAction::activate  
(this=this@entry=0x56104c80, event=event@entry=QAction::Trigger) at  
#14 0x76a2f45c in QMenuPrivate::activateCausedStack  
(this=this@entry=0x55e6a110, causedStack=...,  
action_e=action_e@entry=QAction::Trigger, self=self@entry=true) at  
#15 0x76a3508a in QMenuPrivate::activateAction  
(this=this@entry=0x55e6a110, action=action@entry=0x56104c80,  
action_e=action_e@entry=QAction::Trigger, self=self@entry=true) at  
#16 0x76a35ba5 in QMenu::mouseReleaseEvent (this=out>, e=0x7fffcb20) at  
#17 0x7693348e in QWidget::event  
(this=this@entry=0x55f52720, event=event@entry=0x7fffcb20) at  
#18 0x76a3750b in QMenu::event (this=0x55f52720,  
e=0x7fffcb20) at  
#19 0x768fe1a6 in QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper  
receiver=receiver@entry=0x55f52720, e=0x7fffcb20) at  
#20 0x76904059 in QApplication::notify (this=,  
receiver=0x55f52720, e=0x7fffcb20) at  
#21 0x75df9579 in QCoreApplication::notifyInternal2  
(receiver=0x55f52720, event=0x7fffcb20) at  
#22 0x7ff

doc question - what gnuicash versions are imported by KMM

2023-10-04 Thread Jack Ostroff via KMyMoney-devel
The current doc (from 2011) says that KMM will import the xml files  
produced by gnucash versions 1.8 and 2.0  Gentoo Linux tells me GnuCash  
4.13 is the latest stable version, and that even 5.3 has been released.

Can the doc simply say that files from any recent version of Gnucash  
should be imported without problems?

Has anyone actually used this feature within recent memory?



How to deal with clang-format

2023-08-12 Thread Jack Ostroff via KMyMoney-devel
I'm finding git requiring me to run clang-format on most code changes.   
Most of the time, it is fine - just fixing up bad indentation (tabs ->  
spaces) but sometimes it completely re-indents something in ways that  
make it actually harder to read, or using longer lines. says you can  
use a comment at the end of a line to preserve manual line breaks, but  
I have a case where it still re-flows, putting ". //" on a line by  
itself.  Do we have a preference on how to handle this, or do we just  
let clang-format do its thing?

Related - is there a way to get emacs to use the required formatting  
style without having to explicitly run clang-format (either in emacs or  
command line) ?


Jenkins build for MacOS failing

2023-07-14 Thread Jack Ostroff via KMyMoney-devel
The MacOS build of KMyMoney on Jenkins has been failing for a week.
There is also a report on Discuss of the MacOS version not running  
(Could not initialize KBanking online banking interface, but we're  
still trying to get at the full stdout console output)  but it's not at  
all clear whether these are related or not.

The build seems to fail while building aqbanking with

18:48:30  dyld[83380]: Library not loaded: libbrotlienc.1.dylib
18:48:30Referenced from:  

but I have no idea what to do with that info, as I have basically no  
MacOS experience.

Any suggestions on how to proceed?



account opening date question

2023-05-28 Thread Jack Ostroff via KMyMoney-devel

When I do a consistency check, the results include
 * The security 'UNITEDHEALTH GROUP INC' has no price set for the  
opening date '2023-04-03'.

However, the that security is held in a single investment account, in  
the security account
 lastmodified="2023-05-08" institution=""
	opened="2023-04-03" number="" type="15" name="UNITEDHEALTH  
GROUP INC" description="" currency="E000541"/>

and it is used in a single transaction
PRICE   488.325500" entrydate="2023-05-07" commodity="USD">

action="" reconcileflag="2" value="-244163/100" shares="-244163/100"
		price="1/1" memo="Purchase: UNITEDHEALTH GROUP INC PER  
ADVISORY AGREEMENT. PRICE   488.325500" account="A000263" number=""  
reconcileflag="2" value="244163/100" shares="5/1"
		price="244163/500" memo="Purchase: UNITEDHEALTH GROUP  
INC PER ADVISORY AGREEMENT. PRICE   488.325500" account="A001156"  

bankid="ID 20230424TB151147020156039"/>

The transaction is dated April 26 and was imported May 7.  How did the  
opening date get to April 3?   Is there any way for me to change that  
opening date short of editing the data file?  I know I can just add a  
price on or before April 3, but I'd rather not need to have price  
before I ever owned the stock?

Any thoughts or pointers?



inconsistent diaply of stock name

2022-09-11 Thread Jack Ostroff via KMyMoney-devel
Somehow I ended up with a stock with one name in the Equities tab of  
the Investment View, but a different name (same symbol and other  
details) in the Securities tab.  In the ledger, all transactions for  
that stock were displayed with the name shown in the Equities tab, but  
when edited, the name switched to the one from the Securities tab.

In addition, while trying to clean this up, at one point, I had the  
entry in the Equities tab showing Stock, but the entry in the  
Securities tab showing Mutual Fund.

First, I'm not sure any of those details of a Security Account should  
be allowed to be different from the Equity from which it ws derived,  
and which is still it's parent.

Second, display details in a ledger should always (my opinion, open for  
discussion) be taken from the security accunt and not the parent  
equity, especially if they can differ.



git master not entering scheduled transactions

2022-09-11 Thread Jack Ostroff via KMyMoney-devel
Just noticed today, that in git master (Version 5.1.80-9f9089fe4) I can  
enter the dialog to enter the next scheduled transactions, but when I  
hit Enter, nothing happens.  The transaction remains on the list still  
to be entered.  Same if I try from the Scheduled transaction View or  
from the Scheculed transactions section of the Home View.


failed pipeline

2022-08-10 Thread Jack Ostroff via KMyMoney-devel
I've gotten some pipeline failure messages for my MR, which only  
changes doc files, so I am assuming it is something about the CI setup  
( build_local_ubuntu_2110).  Should I ignore it, or report it, and if  
so, to whom?



new crash in master

2022-07-11 Thread Jack Ostroff via KMyMoney-devel
First, thanks for all the help and quick work dealing with everything  
I've been adding to Issue 61.  All my original crashes and other issues  
are fixed or are  being worked on.  This was all for reconciling a  
bunch of investment accounts and a checking account, so it was a pretty  
good exercise of most of what I do with KMM.

This is a new crash over the past few days.  It's pretty consistent:   
start KMM, go the the ledger for an investment account, click  on the  
Investments View, crash.  So far, I only found two accounts which do  
this.  If I start with the Investments View and select the account,  
then go to the Ledger and back, no crash.  If I select any other  
investment account first, I can 't get it to crash.  I just finished  
reconciling a whole bunch of my investment accounts, so it doesn't seem  
likely there is anything seriously wrong with any of them, including  
the one that triggers the crash.

The BT:

#1  0x75e59cf0 in QSortFilterProxyModel::data(QModelIndex  
const&, int) const () at /usr/lib64/
#2  0x55644da6 in QModelIndex::data(int) const (arole=256,  
this=0x7fffd140) at /usr/include/qt5/QtCore/qabstractitemmodel.h:460
#3  operator()(QModelIndex const&, QModelIndex const&) const  
(__closure=0x5f020bf0, current=, previous=out>)
#4  0x55645074 in  
QtPrivate::List, void,  
KInvestmentView::showEvent(QShowEvent*)::const QM
odelIndex&)> >::call (arg=, f=) at  
QtPrivate::FunctorQModelIndex&, const QModelIndex&)>,  
2>::call, void>
(arg=, f=) at  
QtPrivate::QFunctorSlotObjectQModelIndex&, const QModelIndex&)>, 2, QtPrivate::ListQModelIndex&, const QModelIndex&>, void>::impl(int, QtPrivate::QSlotO
bjectBase *, QObject *, void **, bool *) (which=,  
this_=, r=, a=,  
ret=) at /usr/include/qt5/QtCore/qobjectdefs_impl.h:443
#7  0x75eac4e6 in QObject::event(QEvent*) () at  
#8  0x769639af in QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper(QObject*,  
QEvent*) () at /usr/lib64/
#9  0x75e80b38 in QCoreApplication::notifyInternal2(QObject*,  
QEvent*) () at /usr/lib64/
#10 0x75e841c5 in  
QCoreApplicationPrivate::sendPostedEvents(QObject*, int, QThreadData*)  
() at /usr/lib64/

#11 0x75ed33c3 in  () at /usr/lib64/
#12 0x73d9160b in g_main_context_dispatch () at  

#13 0x73d918c8 in  () at /usr/lib64/
#14 0x73d9197f in g_main_context_iteration () at  
#15 0x75ed2e54 in  
() at /usr/lib64/
#16 0x75e7f51b in  
QEventLoop::exec(QFlags) () at  
#17 0x75e87b7d in QCoreApplication::exec() () at  
#18 0x555d7066 in runKMyMoney(QApplication&, QUrl const&, bool)  
(a=..., file=..., noFile=noFile@entry=false) at  
#19 0x555d8620 in main(int, char**) (argc=,  
argv=) at  

Console output might have another hint:
First, when opening the investment account in the ledger:

No selections
current selection
Institutions: ("I05")
Accounts: ("A000344")
JournalEntries: ("2022-07-01-T025933-S0002")
current selection
Institutions: ("I05")
Accounts: ("A000344")
JournalEntries: ("2022-07-01-T025933-S0002")

That transaction is just the last transaction displayed in the ledger  
for that account.  Then, when selecting the Investments View:

No selections
No selections
No selections
QSortFilterProxyModel: index from wrong model passed to mapFromSource

Thread 1 "kmymoney" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x75e59a37 in ?? () from /usr/lib64/

The mentioned transaction is a Dividend transaction in both cases, one  
marked as imported (not yet accepted) but accepted and reconciled in  
the other account.

Anything else I can do to help troubleshoot?  This is with kmymoney  


possible new qif profile (export) problem

2022-04-01 Thread Jack Ostroff via KMyMoney-devel
In playing with qif profiles, I created a new profile, and did a qif  
export with several different date formats.  All selections I tried  
with a four digit year worked as expected.  However, for two digit year  
formats, the output had the final delimiter replace by a single quote.   
For example, using a Date Format of "%d/%m/%yy" output a date of  
"D02/10'20" and "%d.%m/%yy" produced "D02.10'20".  The order of date  
and month was correct per the format selected.

Before I file a new bug, I'd like to check if anyone else can confirm  
this, or if I'm just missing something.



Debugging hints for sql plugin

2020-12-20 Thread Jack Ostroff
I decided to test the sql back end, but when I try to save as a mysql  
database, I get an exception thrown that opening the database failed.   
So, I'm debugging in kmymoney/plugins/sql/mymoneystoragesql_p.h.  I've  
added some debugging output in createDatabase, and found something that  
doesn't make sense to me.

After the fails (around line 2044,) I confirmed that  
among other values, that maindb.userName is "jack" as it should be.   
However, retrieving maindb.lastError.text(), I get "Access denied for  
user ''@'localhost' to database 'mysql' QMYSQL: Unable to connect".
localhost is correct, as is the blank password, but where is the  
userName?  I'm going to start digging into the code for but thought I'd ask first if anyone can think of  
something I might be doing wrong.  Just to confirm, I can run mysql at  
command line, and the database does open, so I know the db system  
(mariadb) is running, and I do have permissions to login.


windows versions on download page

2020-07-29 Thread Jack Ostroff
The download page has two links for windows versions.   The link for  
"download server" has links for 5.0.6 from last September.  The link  
for "preview builds" is for nightly builds from master branch.  Should  
we add the link to the Jenkins page of nightly builds from the 5.1  
branch, and should the download server get a more recent version?


process changes after gitlab migration

2020-05-19 Thread Jack Ostroff
Now that the gitlab migration has been completed, what is the suggested  
way to handle review requests?  (I'd say code review, but for me it's  
docs.)  Should I create a new branch "work-docs" and push my changes to  
there and make a merge-reqest, with the delete branch on merge?  I  
include "work" based on an email from Ben Cooksley sent to and kde-devel  about work  
branches, but I'm not really sure that's appropriate, as work branches  
do not trigger notifications.  My initial thought was that the  
notifications would happen when the merge request was finished, but I  
don't know if there would be notifications about activity during the  
review process.  Thoughts?

Also, with the older git, we could set notifications to receive an  
email on any commit to a selected repository.  I've found the  
notification settings on, but they seem rather  
different.  It also looks like the default settings are to only get  
notified for "Participate" which is threads you have participated in.   
It looks like to get all notifications for repository activity, you  
have to set that on the project page, not on your own settings page,  
although once done, it does show up there.


general question on compiling with craft

2020-03-29 Thread Jack Ostroff
I'm trying to see if I can actually help get a more recent version of  
KMM working with ofx and maybe even AqBanking for Windows, so I've  
finally succeeded in getting Craft set up on Win 10 in a VirtualBox  
instance.  I've got most of the dependencies installed, but there are  
some which still require python27.As part of seeing if any of those  
might be eliminated (by comparing the compiles to my Gentoo box, where  
there is definitely a strong move to remove python27) I've noticed that  
KMyMoney on Craft still requires qtwebkit, instead of qtwebengine.  I  
suppose it doesn't really matter in the short run, but I figure it's  
worth trying to switch if qtwebkit is deprecated.  However, I don't see  
anything in craft or the blueprint that goes into any of the details of  
how a program is configured.  I'd appreciate it if anyone can provide  
any pointers about that.



Missing menu bar

2020-01-16 Thread Jack Ostroff
I don't know why I always seem to find these inexplicable, bizarre  
problems, but I've got another one.  I don't think this is really a KMM  
problem, but something KDE related, but as of now, KMM is the only KDE  
app which exibits the problem - no menu bar.

I'm running plasma-desktop, and do NOT have the global menu widget  
installed anywhere.  I briefly did add it to a panel, quickly got rid  
of it, discovered it was still present in a panel not being displayed,  
and finally managed to remove it by hand editing  
~/.config/plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc.  Menus have returned  
to all other KDE apps where they were missing, but still not for KMM.

I'd love any suggestions where else to look, or what else to try to  
bring my menus back.  There's lots I can do with context menus, but  
some things I can't find any path to other than the main menu items.

Thanks for any hits or clues or pointers to fine manuals I seem not to  
have read.


segfault in new ledger code

2020-01-10 Thread Jack Ostroff


Per your suggestion in the Wayland thread, I just recompiled with  
UNFINISHEDFEATURES enabled.  Selecting the new ledger gives me an  
immediate segfault, from both 5.0 and master, and whether or not I have  
already selected an account.  I'm pretty sure I can easily enough get a  
backtrace, but before I do, what other information would you want to  
help debug?


problem/question on deleting equities and securities

2020-01-07 Thread Jack Ostroff
I'll skip the longwinded history, but I am trying to delete a security  
account in an investment account.  There is no other security/equity  
for the same underlying security.  I can "Close" it, but not "Delete"  
it.  I have deleted all prices for it.  By grepping the xml file, it  
seems to exist only in one transaction - but only within the value part  
of a keypair for "kmm-matched-tx".  I suspect that the security was  
created automatically when importing that transaction (possibly one of  
multiple imports) and I had "corrected" the security in another version  
of that transaction before matching them.  I have looked at that  
transaction from the perspective of all three splits - the Investment  
account, the Brokerage account (it is a Dividend transaction), and the  
Category.  None of them display as a matched transaction, so there is  
nothing I can "Accept."  Is my best bet to simple manually remove that  
key/value pair and the one above it about which split it matches?  Is  
there any other way to remove it?

Separately, it seems there is no way to actually remove a  
 record through the UI.  It seems to me they are  
created automatically the first time any security is created with that  
symbol, but other than seeing it in the Securities tab of the  
Investment View, there is no way to actually do anything with it.  Am I  
missing something?



another appimage oddity (stock price fetching fails)

2019-10-11 Thread Jack Ostroff
I've been using the appimage version for the past few days, following  
the issues with importer plugins, and just discovered that it fails  
when fetching stock prices.  (empty quote data)  Re-installing 5.0.6,  
using the exact same data file, and all prices get fetched with no  
problem.  I'm pretty sure I'm currently using Financial Times for all  
my stock prices.

Just to check - the appimage is fetching from but locally compiled  
5.0.6 is using and I don't see any  
difference between them.
Lookoing at the online quotes config for Financial Times, they also  
appear to be identical.

Any thoughts?


Side effect of not requiring brokerage account for zero amoun invest transaction

2019-08-02 Thread Jack Ostroff
I thought there had been a (relatively) recent change to allow  
investment transactions to not need a brokerage account if there was  
zero amount (i.e, fees equal to the investment amount) but I can't find  
anything in the git log about it.  I do see Bug 408692 which mentions  
this, but it is still marked as REPORTED.

The reason I noticed this is that I have one investment account which  
has only one annual transaction - the annual fee is taken by selling  
exactly enough of the only security in the account.  In the past, this  
resulted in a $0 transaction showing up in the associated brokerage  
account.   I just entered the annual transact (by duplicating last  
year's, and adjusting the amounts.)  Not only does the transaction not  
appear in the Brokerage account, there is no value in the brokerage  
account field.  However, if I edit the transaction, the brokerage  
account DOES show up, but is apparently not saved if the account has a  
zero total.  In addition, this year's transaction looks different from  
last year's in the ledger (I've attached a screen shot) and the  
category for the fee is listed twice, but the memo is not listed.

As it is really just a cosmetic issue, I suppose I'll file a wishlist  
for the two transactions to look more similar, and probably to allow  
the zero amount split to go to the brokerage account (user choice, I  
think it should be allowed as well as not being required).   My  
question here is why would not haveing that extra split cause the  
appearance in the ledger to change?  (Note that if I edit and save the  
older transaction (making and reversing some edit to the memo, for  
example) it gets saved like the new transaction - without the entry for  
the brokerage account.


question on list of accounts presented for import

2019-06-04 Thread Jack Ostroff
As I remember, there was a relatively recent switch to list ALL  
accounts as possible targets of imports.  Unfortunately, even  
Investment accounts are now included on that list.  I have not yet  
tested to see what happens if I choose one, but I can't imagine it  
would be good.  Also - in this particular case, I am importing to an  
Investment account, and am asked for which account to import the  
checking data.  I would think the current investment account should  
absolutely not be on the list, but I suppose that will be taken care of  
if all Investment accounts are removed.  Should I open a bug for this?


KMM still creating new security instead of reusing one for new equity account

2019-04-29 Thread Jack Ostroff
I can't tell if there has been a regression, or if I'm doing something  
wrong, but when I buy shares, creating a new equity account, even if I  
own shares in the same equity in a different investment account, it  
always creates a new security, instead of offering to reuse the  
existing one.  I know I'm using the same name and stock symbol, and I  
can't find any differences in how I create the equity.  I've even  
re-read the page in the handbook which refers to this, and I'm at a  
loss for what I might be doing wrong.

The easiest way to test is to create a new file with two new investment  
accounts (and either one or two brokerage accounts).  Purchase a stock  
in one of the investment accounts and then purchase some of the same  
stock in the other account.

I'm using a version compiled from 5.0 branch git head just a few days  

Any thoughts or suggestions?  (I'm really hoping that as soon as i post  
this, it will just start working for me, but I'm not holding my breath.)


new ofx import problem - duplicate transactions that shouldn't be

2019-04-28 Thread Jack Ostroff
I've been trying to update one of my investment accounts, and have been  
having trouble with one particular transaction.  I've repeated the  
direct connect import several times, and the transaction does not show  
up in that account.  After finally repeating the import after launching  
KMM from command line in order to see the import debug info, I think I  
may have found a problem with the import matching code.  However, I'm  
not sure if it is really a bug, or if Merrill Lynch has yet again done  
something strange.

Background:  in a different investment account which I updated last  
week (updating and reconciling for March) there was a dividend from a  
particular stock on 3/14 for $9.20.  It turns out I own the same amount  
of that stock in the account I'm working on now, and it also had a  
dividend of the same amount on the same date.   The command line output  
from trying to import that transaction is:

Process on: '2019-03-14', id: 'ID 20190314CA051225670881396', amount:  
'9.20', fees: '0.00'
Looking for a match with transaction:  "2019-03-14" , "" , "-9.20"  
(referenced account:  "Dividends" )

Considering 1 existing transaction(s) for matching
Detected transaction duplicate

If I look at the ledger for that category, I see a transaction for that  
date and amount - and it is a matched transaction.  If I unmatch it, it  
now correctly shows two "almost" identical transactions - the  
difference is that they are for two different investment accounts.

Just to confirm, I did a manual OFX download from Merrill Lynch for all  
dividend transactions for that date, and indeed, there are two - one  
for each account, but with the same FITID value.  I'll call them Monday  
to see what they have to say - but I suspect I won't even be able to  
find someone who even understands what I'm talking about.

Regarding KMM behavior in this case - from the perspective of the  
Dividends category, these do appear to be a duplicate transaction,  
except that they are for two different investment accounts.  Should  
this be something that should block being recognized as a duplicate, or  
is it something I'll just have to live with?

As a somewhat separate question, if I repeat the same import, KMM  
simply says no transactions imported.  Would it not be more accurate to  
say that all the transactions were duplicates?  Otherwise, I never know  
if it really processed all of them, or if something was wrong with the  


What is "Forecast (history)" in home page settings?

2019-03-30 Thread Jack Ostroff
In the Configure KMyMoney, Home section, the list of optional sections  
for the home page includes "Forecast (history)"When I toggle this,  
I do not see any change on the home page.  Was this section dropped or  
renamed and the entry in this list simply missed getting deleted?

Related to this, it seems we have several names for the Home Page, Home  
View, Main Page.  I propose we stick with Home View (it seems to be the  
most common use in the Handbook.)  The one exception is the section on  
that page itself, which actually seems to be the only place calling it  
"The main window."  I would also propose changing this to The Home View.

Any comments or objections, please let me know.



external programs - still used?

2019-03-29 Thread Jack Ostroff
On the Configure KMyMoney dialog, General section, General tab, the  
last section is "External programs" with only one entry - for  
"Calculator".  I have tried putting the path to various programs in  
there - with no apparent effect.  Is this actually used at all?  After  
setting this and bringing up the calculator to enter some amount, I  
still get the default pop-up calculator.

Thanks for any info.


OFX import skipping most transactions

2019-02-02 Thread Jack Ostroff

Hello all,

I'm trying to reconcile some accounts, and find there are numerous  
transactions listed online and in my pdf statement, which have not been  
imported.  I see them in ofxlog.txt and in a manually downloaded ofx  
file, but not in the kmm-statement file.  This seems to have started  
some time within the past month.  I know I've been testing multiple  
versions of multiple libraries, but as far as I can tell, everything is  
now appropriately up to date.  Libofx is 0.9.13 including the three  
patches from libofx PR 13, which I have been using for at least several  
months.   This is all with 5.0 git head, which is what I've mostly been  
using for some months.  Same results with 5.0.3.  To test 5.0.2, I  
would have to downgrade libalkimia.

I don't see any command line output about errors or transactions being  
ignored for any reason.

Can anyone suggest anything stupid I might have done in terms of  
configuration?  This is an investment account, but things like checks  
and payments and deposits from the brokerage account have previously  
imported without problem - now they seem to be silently ignored.

Thanks for any suggestions on where else to look.


widget question

2019-01-29 Thread Jack Ostroff
I don't think I've ever mentioned it on this list, but I've long had a  
minor issue with the date selection widget in the transaction editor.   
If you select the date part, the up and down arrows change the date  
between 0 and the highest date in the month.  I would really like it to  
go past either end, and have it adjust the month (and year) as  
necessary.  I would most commonly use this near the beginning of the  
month, when I import lots of transactions which are actually from the  
end of the previous month.  I know I can click on the calendar icon to  
the right of the date, and usually the end of the previous month is  
selectable - if it's on the same line/week as the first of this month.  
But this could be easier (as long as the code changes are not  

Question - what is that widget?  I had opened a bug  
( thinking it was a more  
generic issue than just for KMM, but as I look through the source, it  
appears to be a custom widget KMyMoneyDateInput.  If so, then I'll move  
the bug (already a wishlist) from frameworks-kwidgetsaddons to kmymoney.



Question about category ledger

2019-01-13 Thread Jack Ostroff
I just filed a bug that the ledger, when displaying transactions for a  
category, does not show the name of that category, but shows the name  
of the most recent account for which the ledger was displayed.

The other thing I just rediscovered about the category ledger is that,  
for me, a large number of these transactions are matched, but not yet  
accepted.  The matches WERE accepted in the actual account ledger which  
shows that transaction.  I have not yet looked into the XML file to see  
why the match shows accepted from the perspective of the account, but  
not of the category.

I'm just reporting here, in case it might reflect some problem with the  
logic of accepting matched transactions, or of how that acceptance is  


unexpected payee showing up in investment transaction

2018-12-29 Thread Jack Ostroff
I was looking through all transactions for a specific payee, and found  
something that does not make any sense to me.

The payee is the US Treasury, which I use to track my federal tax  
payments.  The transaction was "Sell shares" from an investment  
account.  The transaction has three splits (looking into the xml file).
- The first split is for the investment brokerage account for the  
amount of the proceeds of the sale.

- The second split is for the category I use for brokerage fees.
- The third split is for the account of the equity being sold,  
including the number of shares, price per share, total value of sale,  
but also has that payee.

Why would there be any payee on that sort of transaction and how could  
it have gotten there?  Is there any way to remove it other than  
manually simply removing it from the file?  At some point, I suppose  
I'll see if there are any other investment transactions with payees in  
them, but that will probably take me a bit of perl programming to hunt  
through the file.

Thanks for any thoughts on this.


new (?) cmake problem with libalkimia version

2018-12-18 Thread Jack Ostroff
I just tried recompiling from git head branch 5.0.  It claimed it could  
not find an appropriate configuration file for libalkimia5.  It found  
version 8.0.0 of the relevant cmake files, which are there because I  
currently have libalkimia installed from git head.  For now, I'll just  
reinstall the released libalkimia.  My question is whether we do need  
to restrict libalkimia to version 7.0.0 or if it would be OK to  
allow >= instead of just =.


Should it be possible to buy shares of a closed equity account?

2018-11-12 Thread Jack Ostroff
I was just reconciling my investment account (confirming number of  
shares held) and my statement shows a number of shares of a stock which  
did not appear in the investments list for that account.  I went back  
to the ledger, and found the buy shares transaction, which shows a  
balance of the same number of shares bought (in the past month.)  When  
I searched for all transactions for that equity, I discovered that all  
shares owned were sold last year.  At that point, I apparently closed  
the equity account to prevent it from cluttering up my listings.  This  
month's OFX download included the purchase, leading to my owning shared  
in a closed account.

If an import includes a purchase of shares in an existing but closed  
equity, what is the proper way to handle it?  Just completing the  
purchase does NOT seem correct to me, as I assume I would not be able  
to close the account with shares present.  Should it just automatically  
reopen the account?  With or without some notification?  Should I file  
a bug to track this?



Re: Trouble compiling KMM 5.0 and Master Branch on new Fedora 29 system

2018-11-12 Thread Jack Ostroff

On 2018.11.12 16:27, Jack wrote:
OK, I've now been able to duplicate it - it does NOT happen if the  
build directory is not under the source directory.  It does happen if  
the build directory is under the source directory.  I still haven't  
figured out exactly what is failing, but I finally do see the  
relevant files left under CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp.
Got it (sort of).  the relevant error occurs when cmake runs gmake  
(symlink from make) on the Makefile it creates to compile the cxx  
program which tests for the presence of libIcal.

gmake[2]: Entering directory  
CMakeFiles/cmTC_98fb0.dir/build.make:64: *** target pattern contains no  
'%'.  Stop.

A bit of googling says that error is perhaps not well worded, but does  
occur because of the colon in the path name in line 64 of that  
build.make file (buried under CMakeTmp.)  The colon confuses the make  
about what rule it is trying to deal with on that line.

Because your script has worked for years, I suspect either something  
may have changed in a recent version of make, or perhaps you have moved  
the build dir from outside to under the src dir?

On 2018.11.12 15:24, Brendan Coupe wrote:
I figured it out. After trying many manual and script based builds I  
started to see a pattern. It only failed to build when it was in the  
directory that my script created with a date/time stamp. I've been  
using this script for 10+ years without a problem. The download  
directory names looked like this:


Simply changing the : to . solve the cmake problem.


Sometimes I really hate computers.

Thanks for all of your help Jack.

Brendan Coupe

On Sun, Nov 11, 2018 at 4:53 PM Jack  


> On 2018.11.10 20:25, Brendan Coupe wrote:
> > I'm not sure I explained what I've tried well enough for you to
> > understand. While I normally use compile and install scripts  
that I
> > wrote a long time ago (used with cvs and svn) I tried compiling  
> > the official tar file for the recently released 5.0.2. It worked  

> > on both my older upgraded (F28 to F29) and on my new clean F29
> > install.
> >
> > I think this means my systems are fine.
> >
> > I just manually downloaded both the master and 5.0 branches from  
> > KMM git web site. Both compile fine. When I run the git clone  

> > that is in my script and then run cmake, it fails just like I
> > mentioned in my original email. Except for how I download the  
> > code, I'm running the exact same steps that I use for the  
> > downloaded zip versions of KMM (5.0.2 release, 5.0 branch &  

> > branch) and they all succeed.
> >
> > When I compare the size of the source code directories, all of  

> > zip files result in about 21k of source files. The git downloaded
> > folder is about 70k. I suspect git is the problem and it may not  
> > related to F29 since I started having problems compiling from  
> > several weeks before I upgraded to F29. There is a .git  
directory in

> > the git clone directory that is about 49k so it's probably the
> > difference.
> You could do a diff -r comparing the source dir from the zip/tar  
> the source downloaded from git.  The only difference (off the top  
of my
> head) should be the presence of the .git directory, as you  
suspect.  If
> there are other differences, see what they are.  Be sure that the  
> and git are both at the same commit of the same branch, which I  

> you are already doing correctly.
> > The git command that worked until 4 to 6 weeks ago is:
> >
> > git clone git:// $BRANCH $KMMDIR
> >
> > Is this correct?
> I don't think so.  I don't think (but am not absolutely certain)  
> you shouldn't specify the branch.  Do the git clone first  

> the directory is ok) and then do "git checkout branch" to switch.
> Looking at "git clone --help" however, you could also do "git  
clone URL

> --branch $BRANCH" to not need to do the checkout.
> >
> I'm also still curious whether there is any hint of what went  
wrong in

> those files or folder after the cmake fails.
> In theory, the git and tarball/zip of the same branch/commit  
should be
> identical, so the issue may be either that the git clone does have  

> difference, or that cmake is possibly aware it is running in a git
> repository and doing something different.  (I think the latter is
> unlikely, but I'm grabbing at straws here.)
> Jack
> > 
> > Brendan Coupe
> >
> >
> > On Sat, Nov 10, 2018 at 3:44 PM Jack  

> > wrote:
> >
> > > On 2018.11.10 13:35, Brendan Coupe wrote:
> > > > I downloaded the source for 5.0.2 and compiled it without any
> > > > problems. I
> > > > tried the 5.0 and master branches again and they failed on  

> > again.
> > > > Seems that there is something off with the source on 

more on recent crashes on startup

2018-09-11 Thread Jack Ostroff
I'm not sure if it's the same crash others have reported, but very  
often lately, I've been getting a crash on startup.  It most commonly  
happens when I launch from a shortcut icon on my toolbar.  So far,  
every case I checked puts into dmesg:

[80251.062950] kmymoney[16385]: segfault at 220 ip 7f1887e8cd4a sp  
7ffdd026a230 error 4 in[7f1887cfd000+616000]
[80251.062957] Code: 8b 54 24 08 48 63 42 08 8b 4a 0c 29 c1 85 c9 7e 6c  
4c 8d 64 24 10 45 31 ed 4c 01 e8 4c 8b 74 c2 10 4d 85 f6 74 42 49 8b 46  
08  40 20 01 74 38 49 8b 46 28 f6 40 0c 01 75 2e f6 40 0a 01 75 28

The actual addresses differ each time, but it always looks like "error  

One time, I did get the crash running under gdb, but unfortunately  
without having compiled with all the debug options.  The backtrace was:

Thread 1 "kmymoney" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x733bad4a in QWidgetPrivate::showChildren(bool) () from  

(gdb) bt full
#0  0x733bad4a in QWidgetPrivate::showChildren(bool) () from  

No symbol table info available.
#1  0x733bae7f in QWidgetPrivate::show_helper() () from  

No symbol table info available.
#2  0x733bdb7b in QWidget::setVisible(bool) () from  

No symbol table info available.
#3  0x733badd0 in QWidgetPrivate::showChildren(bool) () from  

No symbol table info available.
#4  0x733bae7f in QWidgetPrivate::show_helper() () from  

No symbol table info available.
#5  0x733bdb7b in QWidget::setVisible(bool) () from  

No symbol table info available.
#6  0x555eb680 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
#7  0x555ea3af in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
#8  0x7059cf0a in __libc_start_main () from /lib64/
No symbol table info available.
#9  0x555eb32a in _start ()
No symbol table info available.

I don't think I've ever gotten this crash when starting with "kmymoney  
-n" and I think it's been very rare to get it opening the file once  
kmymoney has sucessfully started, such as with -n.

I'll try to compile with full debug info.

Fortunately, this is not critical, since it's always on startup, so no  
data is ever lost.  I'm posting just in case it might trigger any  
thoughts about the cause.


more details on recent problem with ofx import not remembering brokerage account

2018-08-13 Thread Jack Ostroff
I'm trying to create a small test kmy file which shows the problem of  
KMM asking for the brokerage account every time I do an ofx import for  
my investment accounts.  So far, I can't reproduce it, but I do have a  
different problem.  I created a new kmy file with a checking account,  
and then created an investment account with brokerage account.  I have  
two ofx files I downloaded from Merrill Lynch, for different dates,  
each with several banking type transactions, but no actual investment  
transactions.  When I import them, KMM prompts me for the investment  
account to import into, not the brokerage account.

One thing I find very odd - I downloaded an ofx from Merrill Lynch  
(actually in this particular case, I extracted the ..  
from ofxlog.txt.  If I import this into my main kmy file, it prompts me  
to identify the checking account (with no identifying info) to import  
into.  If I import it into the test file I just created, it prompts for  
the investment account to import into, and does show it is from Merrill  
Lynch, and shows the account number.   What could be the difference  
between two kmy files, so importing the same ofx file gives two  
different prompts for identifying the account into which to import?


new compile fail with git master head - another missing Qt include

2018-07-01 Thread Jack Ostroff
I have been doing battle with craft and kde-windows for several days,  
and have managed to get all prerequisites compiled.  However, kmymoney  
failed to compile.  I get what I think is the same failure on Artix  
Linux, but not my Gentoo box, so I suspect it might again be related to  
QT 5.11.  Below is the log of the failure.  Adding "include  
" to kmymoney/dialogs/knewbankdlg.cpp fixes it.  (I  
have not yet tested the fix with craft.)

[ 23%] Building CXX object  
/home/jack/KMM/kmymoney/kmymoney/dialogs/knewbankdlg.cpp: In member  
function ‘void KNewBankDlg::slotUrlChanged(const QString&)’:
/home/jack/KMM/kmymoney/kmymoney/dialogs/knewbankdlg.cpp:185:30: error:  
variable ‘QRegularExpression protocol’ has initializer but incomplete  

/home/jack/KMM/kmymoney/kmymoney/dialogs/knewbankdlg.cpp:185:94: error:  
incomplete type ‘QRegularExpression’ used in nested name specifier
/home/jack/KMM/kmymoney/kmymoney/dialogs/knewbankdlg.cpp:186:27: error:  
variable ‘QRegularExpressionMatch matcher’ has initializer but  
incomplete type

   QRegularExpressionMatch matcher = protocol.match(newUrl);
/home/jack/KMM/kmymoney/kmymoney/dialogs/knewbankdlg.cpp: In member  
function ‘void KNewBankDlg::slotLoadIcon()’:
/home/jack/KMM/kmymoney/kmymoney/dialogs/knewbankdlg.cpp:207:27: error:  
variable ‘QRegularExpression urlRe’ has initializer but incomplete type

/home/jack/KMM/kmymoney/kmymoney/dialogs/knewbankdlg.cpp:207:99: error:  
incomplete type ‘QRegularExpression’ used in nested name specifier

/home/jack/KMM/kmymoney/kmymoney/dialogs/knewbankdlg.cpp:208:27: error:  
variable ‘QRegularExpressionMatch matcher’ has initializer but  
incomplete type

   QRegularExpressionMatch matcher = urlRe.match(path);
/home/jack/KMM/kmymoney/kmymoney/dialogs/knewbankdlg.cpp: In member  
function ‘void KNewBankDlg::slotIconLoaded(KJob*)’:
warning: this statement may fall through [-Wimplicit-fallthrough=]

   qDebug() << "KIO::FavIconRequestJob error" << job->error();
/home/jack/KMM/kmymoney/kmymoney/dialogs/knewbankdlg.cpp:252:5: note:  

 case EALREADY:// invalid URL, no server response
make[2]: *** [kmymoney/dialogs/CMakeFiles/dialogs.dir/build.make:525:  
kmymoney/dialogs/CMakeFiles/dialogs.dir/knewbankdlg.cpp.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:7870:  
kmymoney/dialogs/CMakeFiles/dialogs.dir/all] Error 2

make: *** [Makefile:141: all] Error 2

new configure problem (git master head) possible cmake bug?

2018-06-15 Thread Jack Ostroff
Recently, I've been playing with some informal comparisons between make  
and ninja as build system, and between gcc and clang as compiler.  I  
have a sense that ninja is a bit faster, although I've also been trying  
cccache, which make a great difference if doing clean compiles but with  
only minor changes in configure parameters.

However, starting about two days ago, several builds ended up not  
having libofx clientuid capability, which is absolutely essential for  
me, and which has worked fine for quite a long time.  I started digging  
into the code, and I did notice two recent commits in CMake files  
related to libofx.  However, nothing made any sense, until I realized  
that what happened was that all my compiles using "make" failed to find  
clientuid support, but my compiles with "ninja" did find it.  Note that  
terminology is not quite accurate, since the success or failure was all  
within the cmake/ccmake run, before either make or ninja was involved.   
I'm guessing this is a bug within cmake itself, but I'm stumped as to  
how to create a small test case.

Question: is there anyone compiling from source who has found the  
problem with cmake not finding clientuid support, where it was  
previously found?  I'm really not sure if one of the cmake related  
commits tripped over some sort of edge case,

I did reinstall cmake on 23 May, but it was just a reinstall of the  
same version 3.9.6 I originally installed on 27 Dec.  I'm going to try  
a newer version of cmake, but would love to find I'm not the only one  
who has gotten caught by this.

Thanks for any ideas.


New ledger display oddity (git master)

2018-06-14 Thread Jack Ostroff
I'm not sure when I first noticed this, but it hit me again today.  If  
I go to the Categories View and double click on a category, it switched  
to the ledger view of that category - but the Account Name drop-down at  
the top of the ledger displays the last regular account which was shown  
in the ledger.  This got me really confused for a while until I  
realized that all these yellow and purple transactions were in the  
category, not in the listed account.  It's rather minor in the scheme  
of things, but did cause me some head scratching until I realized it  
was just a display issue.

I'll be glad to open a bug for this if it needs tracking.


New "Save as..." problems, especially with anon files.

2018-06-11 Thread Jack Ostroff
I know there has been some recent work on both file storage and the  
file save dialogs and processes.  I have not followed that carefully,  
having been concentrating my efforts on some other ongoing problems.   
I'll be glad to file a bug for this - it looks like a continuation of  
one of the recent phabricator reviews.

This is with git master head (5.0.80-0b87da17).  If I open a file, and  
click Save As I get the consistency check popup, and then the file  
selector dialog.  I no longer see any checkbox for saving as an  
anonymous file.  If I type in the filename newtest.anon.kmy (similar  
with xml) and then click "Save" I get a second consistency check popup,  
and no indication of what has actually been saved, because the display  
still shows the old account names.  If I then open that newly saved  
anon file, it correctly shows the anonymous account names.  However, if  
I add a new account and do "Save" it overwrites the anonymous file with  
a non-anonymous file (with the new account) but still using the anon  
file name.

So, I see several different problems here:
- Save as runs the consistency check before choosing a file name, and  
then runs it again when actually saving, after the file name is  
chosen.  The second check is unnecessary, since there is no time the  
file could have been changed since the first run.
- There is no checkbox on the "Save as..." file selection dialog to  
save as Anonymous
- After saving an anonymous file (by typing .anon. as part of the file  
name) the display shows that name in the window title, but the  
displayed data is still pre-anonymization.
- If you then add an account, and then do "Save" it overwrites the  
previously saved anonymous file with a non-anonymous file, but still  
with the file name.


New segfault with git head master

2018-06-07 Thread Jack Ostroff
I was very happy when my emails with Thomas led me to figure out the  
cause of my problems with some OFX imports seeming to create  
transactions I could not edit because KMM claimed that the category  
used was a closed account.  In fact, the bug was that KMM was reporting  
the wrong account as being closed, and Thomas has already committed a  
patch to fix that problem.  Unfortunately, since that time, any copy of  
KMM I have compiled from git master head has segfaulted, either simply  
loading my .kmy file, or when opening any account.  Creating a new kmy  
file, and creating an account does not trigger the crash.  I have  
recompiled multiple times, and I am at least certain of this:

git commit 380e9d60 (current git head) does segfault
git commit 12b53c99 (about the time I discovered the cause of my issue)  
does not crash (but reports the wrong account as closed.

Tomorrow I will start bisecting to find the commit that actually causes  
the crash.  I will also continue my so far unsuccessful attempts to get  
a useful backtrace, to see if that points to the cause.  Any  
suggestions or hints to speed the process will be appreciated.  I'll  
report back as soon as I have any more useful information.


new compile problem git master, gcc-8

2018-06-02 Thread Jack Ostroff

Under Artix Linux, trying to compile KMM from git head, I get

In file included from  
/home/jack/KMM/kmymoney/kmymoney/dialogs/kfindtransactiondlg_p.h: In  
member function ‘void KFindTransactionDlgPrivate::init(bool)’:
error: no matching function for call to  
‘KFindTransactionDlg::connect(QHeaderView*, void (QWidget::*)(const  
QPoint&), KFindTransactionDlg* const&, void (KFindTransactionDlg::*)())’
&QWidget::customContextMenuRequested, q,  

There are other warnings in the same file, and two instances of
/usr/include/qt/QtCore/qobject.h:308:13: error: no type named ‘type’ in  
‘struct std::enable_if’

but I figure I'll track things down one at a time.

The same code compiles fine on my Gentoo box with gcc-7.3.0.  The Artix  
box has failed with more than one version of gcc-8.x, currently  
8.1.1.Since this is not my primary PC, it is not critical, but I'm  
wondering if this might be related to the gcc version.  Is anyone else  
using this new a gcc?

I admit I don't follow the code well enough here - I don't see where q  
is defined, so I don't know where to even look for a connect function.

Thanks for any pointers.


Error compiling KMM on Windows 10 (Craft)

2018-05-28 Thread Jack Ostroff
I finally set up a new Craft environment, and got all KMM deps  
installed OK.

First issue - KMM complained about finding python36 but needing  
python2.  I did "craft python2" and that error disappeared.  Should  
python2 be included as a dep?

Now, I still get the following:

-- Performing Test COMPILE_HAS_DEPRECATED_ATTR - Success
CMake Error at kmymoney/misc/CMakeLists.txt:13 (if):
  if given arguments:

"1" "AND"

 Unknown arguments specified

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!

I'm out of time to work on this now, so I'll dig in tomorrow, unless  
someone else can figure it out.



new minor question on layout of home page account summary section

2018-04-24 Thread Jack Ostroff
I like seeing the Last Reconciled column in the Assets and Liabilities  
Summary on the home page.  However, all the dates are wrapped to two  
lines, and it seems to me there is plenty of room - being used as extra  
padding in other columns, particularly the Current Balance.  Also, it  
seems like the column widths are forced the same for Assets and  
Liabilities, even though in my case, they do not need to be - it turns  
out my Liability account names are all shorter than the longer Asset  
account names.  Are these at all adjustable, or only in the code?

Thanks for any hints or pointers.


another odd, new ofximport issue (auto import to closed account/category)

2018-02-08 Thread Jack Ostroff
I just tried doing my monthly ofximports to update my investment  
accounts (Merrill Lynch).  Based on some notation in the ofx produced  
by Merrill Lynch, certain transactions have their income assigned to  
the category "_Dividend".  Oddly, however, I had closed this category  
in the past so it would not be used.  Today, two transactions were  
imported and assigned to this category - but I now can't edit them,  
since it is not allowed to edit a transaction using a closed account.   
I know I can reopen the account, fix the transaction, and then re-close  
it - but isn't it a bug to assign a new transaction to a closed account?


new problem with ofximport (5.0)

2018-02-07 Thread Jack Ostroff
I actually think I have mentioned this previously, but I now confirm it  
happens with 5.0.  If I do an ofximport (direct connect) of an  
investment account, KMM asks me which checking account to use, instead  
of defaulting to the assigned (default) brokerage account.  It even  
asks if I repeat the same import again.  It shouldn't need to ask in  
the first place, and it should certainly remember once told.  I suspect  
the problem is at least partly due to the fact that there is no account  
number in the import, since it just just the cash transactions from the  
investment account.

I'll be glad to open a bug, if appropriate.


more basic doc question

2018-02-01 Thread Jack Ostroff
The current Accounts view description says there are four account  
categories:  Asset, Liability, Income, and Expense.  Only the first two  
are actually described there.  If I am correct, Income and Liability  
accounts only include Categories, and so will never be shown on the  
Accounts view, only on the Categories view.  If this is correct, I will  
remove mention of the latter two from this page, as it only serves to  
confuse.  I assume they will be mentioned when describing the  
Categories view, which is probably the best place to explain the always  
confusing issue of categories being accounts, but only as used  
internally by KMM, not as presented to the user in general.

I don't plan to change much about these descriptions in this round of  
edits, but as this area seems always to be the cause of confusion, I am  
always open to better ways of describing it.


yet another doc question

2018-02-01 Thread Jack Ostroff
When I went to take the screenshot for the institutions view, I found  
that no columns except for the institution and account names were  
present.  This optionality seems to be new.  I seemed obvious enough to  
me to right click on the column header to add the other columns.  When  
I went to the Accounts view, it also started with only the name  
column.  However, when I selected a column name to add there, I got a  
popup asking if I wanted that column to appear in ALL views.  While  
this makes sense, why did I not get that option when selecting columns  
in the Institution view?  Is that intentional, or an oversight?



missing icons in 5.0?

2018-01-26 Thread Jack Ostroff
I'm slowly working my way through updating all the screenshots in the  
manual, but many of the images are actually just icons used by the  
program, so it's easier for me to just use the same icon file instead  
of trying to capture an image from the screen.  However, there seem to  
be a few which are not showing up for me.

- tags icon in the view selector  (named mail-tagged.png in 4.8) - used  
for the Outbox item (last or next last item in views selection)

- many icons on the tool bar, including New, Open..., Save, Print.

I know not all of those are needed for the manual, but I'm curious why  
they are not displayed by the program - is it a compile problem, are  
they missing from source, or are they missing somewhere else on my  
system?  They do show up when I run 4.8.1.

I also see "New ledger" as the last item in the views selection - am I  
correct that this will disappear when the new ledger code is completed  
and replaces the old ledger code?


new problem with 5.0 - it doesn't think mapped accounts are mapped

2018-01-14 Thread Jack Ostroff
I just recompiled from the 5.0 branch, and there is a problem with the  
online mapping.  None of my mapped accounts show as mapped.  However,  
if I click the Account menu, I see "Unmap account" enabled, and "Map  
account" is disabled.

The first time I ran this version, I got a crash on trying  
Account/Edit, but that was one time only, with no repeat crash.   
(recomipiled twice, to see if there was a problem from a previous  
compile.)  I'll try one more clean compile if I have the time.


gnucash 2.7 schema change

2018-01-13 Thread Jack Ostroff
I just saw a note (happened to be on a Gentoo mailing list) that as of  
GnuCash 2.7, the schema for both database and files is changing.  While  
this is likely a low priority for us, I wonder if our gnucash import  
routines check for file version?


No crash, but other (minor) issues: was: new crash on launching git master

2018-01-07 Thread Jack Ostroff

On 2018.01.07 13:44, Jack wrote:

On 2018.01.07 13:38, Jack wrote:
With a fresh pull from git master (no extra patches) I have now  
gotten twice, right on launch:

Uncaught error. Please report the details to the developers
No storage object attached to MyMoneyFile in file  
line 225

I'll reconfirm again starting with a clean build dir.

Most likely due to not switching to the 5.0 branch.  For some reason  
"git branch -a' did not show the 5.0 branch until I explicitly did a  
checkout.  Compiling now.

Sorry for the noise - checking out the 5.0 branch compiles and runs  


compile failure with git master

2017-12-31 Thread Jack Ostroff

With a fresh pull from git master, I get a compile failure

[ 20%] Building CXX object  
fatal error: ui_reporttabgeneral.h: No such file or directory


Looking at an old build folder I still have, that file appears in  
/path-to build/kmymoney/widgets/.  If I cd to that directory, type  
"make" there, and then resume make in the top build directory, it  
completes with no errors.

I suspect that some recent change to the CMake files changed the order  
of things.


Re: windows magic (not?)

2017-09-09 Thread Jack Ostroff

On 9/8/2017 6:47 PM, Jack wrote:
I'm away from home, with my Windows laptop, and I want to check 
something in my kmy file, which I have a copy of.  I downloaded the 
windows installer from the link on the home page and ran it. I have 
now clicked on the icon; I have tried to launch from cmd; I have tried 
to launch from ConEmu; I have tried to launch from a Cygwin shell - 
all multiple times.  In a few cases, I think I may have seen some 
window flash briefly on the screen.  Other than that I have nothing.  
No windows, no evidence of files created.

Am I missing something?  I really didn't think there was anything 
magic about this.  I've done it in the past, but not recently.  I have 
checked that there are no remnants of an old install anywhere I can find.

The laptop is an HP Compaq Presario, running an updated Windows 7 

Thanks for any suggestions.
Thanks to a suggestion from Ralf, I used dbgview from Microsoft to 
determine KMM was failing to launch because it couldn't find dbus. I 
think there is a timing issue involved, because of how many attempts it 
took, but I finally did manage to use ConEmu to get dbus-launch working, 
and then get kmymoney launched successfully right afterwards.  I suppose 
I'll have to bring it up with KDE-Windows, but I'm curious why the 
KMyMoney for windows installs about 150 exe files (separate from almost 
as many .dll files) but the icon doesn't actually launch the program (at 
least not for me - although it does work now, now that dbus is running.)


Re: Review Request 130236: Make Qt4 build support working again by specifing -DBUILD_QT4=1 on cmake configure line

2017-09-01 Thread Jack Ostroff

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

Ship it!

Ship It!

- Jack Ostroff

On Aug. 29, 2017, 2:06 p.m., Ralf Habacker wrote:
> ---
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> ---
> (Updated Aug. 29, 2017, 2:06 p.m.)
> Review request for KMymoney and Skrooge.
> Repository: alkimia
> Description
> ---
> The installed package is coinstallable with the Qt5 variant.
> See for more details how to use.
> Required for building stable kmymoney releases, which are Qt4 based.
> REVIEW:130236
> Diffs
> -
>   CMakeLists.txt 19f3e4d367324841e12b426ae9cadc127aa0e597 
>   autotests/CMakeLists.txt faa9973d750503cb5ef017c70a0b4a29181ab5dd 
>   src/CMakeLists.txt 9765cf7c43e5c09fe20c7a6ac1b872718eeac781 
>   src/ cce2f7c420109d981f21866b0ed57bdf7ae834f8 
>   src/ 871e3f30ac0ead437b84707506d3b8d770d9f007 
> Diff:
> Testing
> ---
> - compiled for qt4 and qt5
> - used to build with kmymoney4 and kmymoney/KF5
> - installation gives install tree for qt4: 
> tmp/usr/local/include/alkimia/Qt4/alkimia/alkcompany.h
> tmp/usr/local/include/alkimia/Qt4/alkimia/alkvalue.h
> tmp/usr/local/include/alkimia/Qt4/alkimia/alk_export.h
> tmp/usr/local/include/alkimia/Qt4/alkimia/alkquoteitem.h
> tmp/usr/local/lib64/
> tmp/usr/local/lib64/
> tmp/usr/local/lib64/
> tmp/usr/local/lib64/pkgconfig/libalkimia.pc
> tmp/usr/local/lib64/cmake/LibAlkimia-7.0
> tmp/usr/local/lib64/cmake/LibAlkimia-7.0/LibAlkimiaConfig.cmake
> tmp/usr/local/lib64/cmake/LibAlkimia-7.0/LibAlkimiaTargets-noconfig.cmake
> tmp/usr/local/lib64/cmake/LibAlkimia-7.0/LibAlkimiaConfigVersion.cmake
> tmp/usr/local/lib64/cmake/LibAlkimia-7.0/LibAlkimiaTargets.cmake
> tmp/usr/local/lib64/cmake/LibAlkimia-7.0/FindGMP.cmake
> - file content of libalkimia.pc
> # pkg-config configuration for libalkimia
> # For information about the syntax, see pkg-config(1)
> # General installation directories
> prefix=/usr/local
> exec_prefix=/usr/local
> libdir=
> includedir=include/alkimia/Qt4
> # Human-readable name
> Name: Alkimia
> # Human-readable description
> Description: A library for financial data handling
> Version: 7.0.90
> Libs: -lalkimia
> Libs.private: -lgmp -lQtCore -lQtDBus -lstdc++
> Cflags: -I${includedir}
> - installation gives install tree for qt5: 
> tmp/usr/local/include/alkimia/Qt5/alkimia/alkcompany.h
> tmp/usr/local/include/alkimia/Qt5/alkimia/alkvalue.h
> tmp/usr/local/include/alkimia/Qt5/alkimia/alk_export.h
> tmp/usr/local/include/alkimia/Qt5/alkimia/alkquoteitem.h
> tmp/usr/local/lib64/
> tmp/usr/local/lib64/
> tmp/usr/local/lib64/
> tmp/usr/local/lib64/pkgconfig/libalkimia5.pc
> tmp/usr/local/lib64/cmake/LibAlkimia5-7.0/LibAlkimia5Config.cmake
> tmp/usr/local/lib64/cmake/LibAlkimia5-7.0/LibAlkimia5Targets.cmake
> tmp/usr/local/lib64/cmake/LibAlkimia5-7.0/LibAlkimia5ConfigVersion.cmake
> tmp/usr/local/lib64/cmake/LibAlkimia5-7.0/LibAlkimia5Targets-noconfig.cmake
> tmp/usr/local/lib64/cmake/LibAlkimia5-7.0/FindGMP.cmake
> - file content of libalkimia5.pc
> # pkg-config configuration for libalkimia
> # For information about the syntax, see pkg-config(1)
> # General installation directories
> prefix=/usr/local
> exec_prefix=/usr/local
> libdir=
> includedir=include/alkimia/Qt5
> # Human-readable name
> Name: Alkimia
> # Human-readable description
> Description: A library for financial data handling
> Version: 7.0.90
> Libs: -lalkimia5
> Libs.private: -lgmp -lQt5Core -lQt5DBus -lstdc++
> Cflags: -I${includedir}
> Thanks,
> Ralf Habacker

Re: Review Request 130236: Make Qt4 build support working again by specifing -DBUILD_QT4=1 on cmake configure line

2017-08-31 Thread Jack Ostroff

> On Aug. 29, 2017, 3:27 p.m., Jack Ostroff wrote:
> > Please clarify - this makes the qt4 and qt5 versions of libalkimia 
> > co-installable.  Is that only if both are the same version, or is it also 
> > true if you compile libalkimia 5.0.0 (released) with qt4 and 6.0.0 (from 
> > git) with qt5?  KMyMoney 4.8 requires <6.0 and KMyMoney 5.0 (git head) 
> > requires >=6.0.  The latest change goes to 7.0.0 (was there ever a 6.0.0?) 
> > which cannot be used by KMM 4.8.x although it is still mentioned.
> Ralf Habacker wrote:
> > Is that only if both are the same version,
> yes version 7.0.0 unified qt4 and qt5 builds to one source.
> > or is it also true if you compile libalkimia 5.0.0 (released) with qt4 
> and 6.0.0 (from git) with qt5? 
> no, libalkimia 5.0 (qt4 only) and 6.0 (qt5 only) uses the same include 
> header path and library names
> >KMyMoney 4.8 requires <6.0 and KMyMoney 5.0 (git head) requires >=6.0.
> Is this only because of alkimia build system issues or are there any code 
> changes involved ? In case of the first, the are no problems with this patch. 
> >The latest change goes to 7.0.0 
> >(was there ever a 6.0.0?)
> git tag shows 5.0.0 as the last one, so no 
> CMakeLists specifies 6.0.90 as current version, the next stable version 
> would be 6.1.0 - is that acceptable ? Or simply using  6.0.0 as public 
> release ?

I think I see what I was missing.  

Version 5.0.0 was qt4 only, version 6.0.90 was qt5 only, and now you are 
allowing both qt versions for a single alkimia version.  (Correct me if I'm 
still not right.)

I have no objection to that, although I don't think there will be much future 
use for qt4.  However, out of curiosity, if qt5 was the only reason KMM 4.8 
would not work with alkimia 6, then would KMM 4.8 work with the qt4 version of 
alikimia 7?  

I'm OK with jumping to 7 because of this switch, although 6.1 would also be OK. 
 I would probably skip 6.0.0 just to avoid decreasing the version number, even 
if nobody used it when pulling a git version.

- Jack

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

On Aug. 29, 2017, 2:06 p.m., Ralf Habacker wrote:
> ---
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> ---
> (Updated Aug. 29, 2017, 2:06 p.m.)
> Review request for KMymoney and Skrooge.
> Repository: alkimia
> Description
> ---
> The installed package is coinstallable with the Qt5 variant.
> See for more details how to use.
> Required for building stable kmymoney releases, which are Qt4 based.
> REVIEW:130236
> Diffs
> -
>   CMakeLists.txt 19f3e4d367324841e12b426ae9cadc127aa0e597 
>   autotests/CMakeLists.txt faa9973d750503cb5ef017c70a0b4a29181ab5dd 
>   src/CMakeLists.txt 9765cf7c43e5c09fe20c7a6ac1b872718eeac781 
>   src/ cce2f7c420109d981f21866b0ed57bdf7ae834f8 
>   src/ 871e3f30ac0ead437b84707506d3b8d770d9f007 
> Diff:
> Testing
> ---
> - compiled for qt4 and qt5
> - used to build with kmymoney4 and kmymoney/KF5
> - installation gives install tree for qt4: 
> tmp/usr/local/include/alkimia/Qt4/alkimia/alkcompany.h
> tmp/usr/local/include/alkimia/Qt4/alkimia/alkvalue.h
> tmp/usr/local/include/alkimia/Qt4/alkimia/alk_export.h
> tmp/usr/local/include/alkimia/Qt4/alkimia/alkquoteitem.h
> tmp/usr/local/lib64/
> tmp/usr/local/lib64/
> tmp/usr/local/lib64/
> tmp/usr/local/lib64/pkgconfig/libalkimia.pc
> tmp/usr/local/lib64/cmake/LibAlkimia-7.0
> tmp/usr/local/lib64/cmake/LibAlkimia-7.0/LibAlkimiaConfig.cmake
> tmp/usr/local/lib64/cmake/LibAlkimia-7.0/LibAlkimiaTargets-noconfig.cmake
> tmp/usr/local/lib64/cmake/LibAlkimia-7.0/LibAlkimiaConfigVersion.cmake
> tmp/usr/local/lib64/cmake/LibAlkimia-7.0/LibAlkimiaTargets.cmake
> tmp/usr/local/lib64/cmake/LibAlkimia-7.0/FindGMP.cmake
> - file content of libalkimia.pc
> # pkg-config configuration for libalkimia
> # For information about the syntax, see pkg-config(1)
> # General installation directories
> prefix=/usr/local
> exec_prefix=/usr/local
> libdir=
> includedir=include/alkimia/Qt4

Re: Review Request 130210: initial doc update for 4.8.1

2017-08-31 Thread Jack Ostroff

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

(Updated Aug. 31, 2017, 7:35 p.m.)


This change has been marked as submitted.

Review request for KMymoney, Ralf Habacker and Thomas Baumgart.


Submitted with commit 06eec27a6885535f5ef3782232f564cff32672bf by Jack Ostroff 
to branch 4.8.

Repository: kmymoney


Accept Ralf's spelling fix and update number of bugs/features.

Final doc changes for 4.8.1 release.



  doc/credits.docbook 91279bba10045b863acc1a1ea2564df3d1ebf6bc 
  doc/details-impexp.docbook 3bf43e7e542cd490e4e36ef2095d6b4c9a75c4ad 
  doc/index.docbook 42e206d5ded84753bf0ff08365813a6220644d50 
  doc/introduction.docbook d497ed9d58e4ef6c6bd686b4d414af7e42270c02 
  doc/whatsnew.docbook e12766dc0a783167d3356a39ef8156ae95275b8d 



passes checkXML and meinproc4.

Aside from typos and changes to order or emphasis, let me know if there are any 
other chapters or sections that should really get updated, as the last complete 
revision to the manual was for 4.6.x.


Jack Ostroff

Re: Review Request 130210: initial doc update for 4.8.1

2017-08-31 Thread Jack Ostroff

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

(Updated Aug. 31, 2017, 7:33 p.m.)

Review request for KMymoney, Ralf Habacker and Thomas Baumgart.

Repository: kmymoney

Description (updated)

Accept Ralf's spelling fix and update number of bugs/features.

Final doc changes for 4.8.1 release.


Diffs (updated)

  doc/credits.docbook 91279bba10045b863acc1a1ea2564df3d1ebf6bc 
  doc/details-impexp.docbook 3bf43e7e542cd490e4e36ef2095d6b4c9a75c4ad 
  doc/index.docbook 42e206d5ded84753bf0ff08365813a6220644d50 
  doc/introduction.docbook d497ed9d58e4ef6c6bd686b4d414af7e42270c02 
  doc/whatsnew.docbook e12766dc0a783167d3356a39ef8156ae95275b8d 



passes checkXML and meinproc4.

Aside from typos and changes to order or emphasis, let me know if there are any 
other chapters or sections that should really get updated, as the last complete 
revision to the manual was for 4.6.x.


Jack Ostroff

Re: Review Request 130210: initial doc update for 4.8.1

2017-08-31 Thread Jack Ostroff

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

(Updated Aug. 31, 2017, 5:41 p.m.)

Review request for KMymoney, Ralf Habacker and Thomas Baumgart.

Repository: kmymoney

Description (updated)

accept Thomas' suggested edits

Merge branch '4.8' of into 4.8

Final doc changes for 4.8.1 release.

Diffs (updated)

  doc/credits.docbook 91279bba10045b863acc1a1ea2564df3d1ebf6bc 
  doc/details-impexp.docbook 3bf43e7e542cd490e4e36ef2095d6b4c9a75c4ad 
  doc/index.docbook 42e206d5ded84753bf0ff08365813a6220644d50 
  doc/introduction.docbook d497ed9d58e4ef6c6bd686b4d414af7e42270c02 
  doc/whatsnew.docbook e12766dc0a783167d3356a39ef8156ae95275b8d 



passes checkXML and meinproc4.

Aside from typos and changes to order or emphasis, let me know if there are any 
other chapters or sections that should really get updated, as the last complete 
revision to the manual was for 4.6.x.


Jack Ostroff

Re: Review Request 130210: initial doc update for 4.8.1

2017-08-31 Thread Jack Ostroff

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

(Updated Aug. 31, 2017, 5:30 p.m.)

Review request for KMymoney, Ralf Habacker and Thomas Baumgart.


Accept Thomas' suggestions. (further update to follow shortly - see description)

Repository: kmymoney

Description (updated)

Accept Thomas' suggested edits.  Note I am publishing this version now since I 
apparently forgot to do so when I made these updates, but will very shortly 
upload a final version, which addresses Ralf's recent comments.

Diffs (updated)

  doc/credits.docbook 91279bba10045b863acc1a1ea2564df3d1ebf6bc 
  doc/details-impexp.docbook 3bf43e7e542cd490e4e36ef2095d6b4c9a75c4ad 
  doc/index.docbook 42e206d5ded84753bf0ff08365813a6220644d50 
  doc/introduction.docbook d497ed9d58e4ef6c6bd686b4d414af7e42270c02 
  doc/whatsnew.docbook e12766dc0a783167d3356a39ef8156ae95275b8d 



passes checkXML and meinproc4.

Aside from typos and changes to order or emphasis, let me know if there are any 
other chapters or sections that should really get updated, as the last complete 
revision to the manual was for 4.6.x.


Jack Ostroff

Re: Review Request 130210: initial doc update for 4.8.1

2017-08-30 Thread Jack Ostroff

> On Aug. 30, 2017, 6:23 a.m., Ralf Habacker wrote:
> > doc/whatsnew.docbook, line 20
> > <>
> >
> > Because the what's new section does not include all topics it would be 
> > good point users to the full lists, which are 
> > 
> > List of bugs: 
> >
> > 
> > list of resolved features:
> >

I will add these.  I thought I had posted a reply saying I was accepting 
Thomas' suggestions, but I don't see it.  I'll try updating again after I add 
these two items.  (I used the reviewboard tools to post this review.)

Because of the deadline, I can either accept a "ship it" in the next two days, 
and push the changes, or drop this request, and resubmit through Phabricator.

- Jack

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

On Aug. 1, 2017, 8:50 p.m., Jack Ostroff wrote:
> ---
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> ---
> (Updated Aug. 1, 2017, 8:50 p.m.)
> Review request for KMymoney, Ralf Habacker and Thomas Baumgart.
> Repository: kmymoney
> Description
> ---
> initial doc update for 4.8.1
> Diffs
> -
>   doc/credits.docbook 91279bba10045b863acc1a1ea2564df3d1ebf6bc 
>   doc/details-impexp.docbook 3bf43e7e542cd490e4e36ef2095d6b4c9a75c4ad 
>   doc/index.docbook 42e206d5ded84753bf0ff08365813a6220644d50 
>   doc/introduction.docbook d497ed9d58e4ef6c6bd686b4d414af7e42270c02 
>   doc/whatsnew.docbook e12766dc0a783167d3356a39ef8156ae95275b8d 
> Diff:
> Testing
> ---
> passes checkXML and meinproc4.
> Aside from typos and changes to order or emphasis, let me know if there are 
> any other chapters or sections that should really get updated, as the last 
> complete revision to the manual was for 4.6.x.
> Thanks,
> Jack Ostroff

Re: Review Request 130236: Make Qt4 build support working again by specifing -DBUILD_QT4=1 on cmake configure line

2017-08-29 Thread Jack Ostroff

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

Please clarify - this makes the qt4 and qt5 versions of libalkimia 
co-installable.  Is that only if both are the same version, or is it also true 
if you compile libalkimia 5.0.0 (released) with qt4 and 6.0.0 (from git) with 
qt5?  KMyMoney 4.8 requires <6.0 and KMyMoney 5.0 (git head) requires >=6.0.  
The latest change goes to 7.0.0 (was there ever a 6.0.0?) which cannot be used 
by KMM 4.8.x although it is still mentioned.

- Jack Ostroff

On Aug. 29, 2017, 2:06 p.m., Ralf Habacker wrote:
> ---
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> ---
> (Updated Aug. 29, 2017, 2:06 p.m.)
> Review request for KMymoney and Skrooge.
> Repository: alkimia
> Description
> ---
> The installed package is coinstallable with the Qt5 variant.
> See for more details how to use.
> Required for building stable kmymoney releases, which are Qt4 based.
> REVIEW:130236
> Diffs
> -
>   CMakeLists.txt 19f3e4d367324841e12b426ae9cadc127aa0e597 
>   autotests/CMakeLists.txt faa9973d750503cb5ef017c70a0b4a29181ab5dd 
>   src/CMakeLists.txt 9765cf7c43e5c09fe20c7a6ac1b872718eeac781 
>   src/ cce2f7c420109d981f21866b0ed57bdf7ae834f8 
>   src/ 871e3f30ac0ead437b84707506d3b8d770d9f007 
> Diff:
> Testing
> ---
> - compiled for qt4 and qt5
> - used to build with kmymoney4 and kmymoney/KF5
> - installation gives install tree for qt4: 
> tmp/usr/local/include/alkimia/Qt4/alkimia/alkcompany.h
> tmp/usr/local/include/alkimia/Qt4/alkimia/alkvalue.h
> tmp/usr/local/include/alkimia/Qt4/alkimia/alk_export.h
> tmp/usr/local/include/alkimia/Qt4/alkimia/alkquoteitem.h
> tmp/usr/local/lib64/
> tmp/usr/local/lib64/
> tmp/usr/local/lib64/
> tmp/usr/local/lib64/pkgconfig/libalkimia.pc
> tmp/usr/local/lib64/cmake/LibAlkimia-7.0
> tmp/usr/local/lib64/cmake/LibAlkimia-7.0/LibAlkimiaConfig.cmake
> tmp/usr/local/lib64/cmake/LibAlkimia-7.0/LibAlkimiaTargets-noconfig.cmake
> tmp/usr/local/lib64/cmake/LibAlkimia-7.0/LibAlkimiaConfigVersion.cmake
> tmp/usr/local/lib64/cmake/LibAlkimia-7.0/LibAlkimiaTargets.cmake
> tmp/usr/local/lib64/cmake/LibAlkimia-7.0/FindGMP.cmake
> - file content of libalkimia.pc
> # pkg-config configuration for libalkimia
> # For information about the syntax, see pkg-config(1)
> # General installation directories
> prefix=/usr/local
> exec_prefix=/usr/local
> libdir=
> includedir=include/alkimia/Qt4
> # Human-readable name
> Name: Alkimia
> # Human-readable description
> Description: A library for financial data handling
> Version: 7.0.90
> Libs: -lalkimia
> Libs.private: -lgmp -lQtCore -lQtDBus -lstdc++
> Cflags: -I${includedir}
> - installation gives install tree for qt5: 
> tmp/usr/local/include/alkimia/Qt5/alkimia/alkcompany.h
> tmp/usr/local/include/alkimia/Qt5/alkimia/alkvalue.h
> tmp/usr/local/include/alkimia/Qt5/alkimia/alk_export.h
> tmp/usr/local/include/alkimia/Qt5/alkimia/alkquoteitem.h
> tmp/usr/local/lib64/
> tmp/usr/local/lib64/
> tmp/usr/local/lib64/
> tmp/usr/local/lib64/pkgconfig/libalkimia5.pc
> tmp/usr/local/lib64/cmake/LibAlkimia5-7.0/LibAlkimia5Config.cmake
> tmp/usr/local/lib64/cmake/LibAlkimia5-7.0/LibAlkimia5Targets.cmake
> tmp/usr/local/lib64/cmake/LibAlkimia5-7.0/LibAlkimia5ConfigVersion.cmake
> tmp/usr/local/lib64/cmake/LibAlkimia5-7.0/LibAlkimia5Targets-noconfig.cmake
> tmp/usr/local/lib64/cmake/LibAlkimia5-7.0/FindGMP.cmake
> - file content of libalkimia5.pc
> # pkg-config configuration for libalkimia
> # For information about the syntax, see pkg-config(1)
> # General installation directories
> prefix=/usr/local
> exec_prefix=/usr/local
> libdir=
> includedir=include/alkimia/Qt5
> # Human-readable name
> Name: Alkimia
> # Human-readable description
> Description: A library for financial data handling
> Version: 7.0.90
> Libs: -lalkimia5
> Libs.private: -lgmp -lQt5Core -lQt5DBus -lstdc++
> Cflags: -I${includedir}
> Thanks,
> Ralf Habacker

Re: Fwd: Retirement of Reviewboard - Transition to Phabricator

2017-08-24 Thread Jack Ostroff
I hope rbt (review board tools) will be able to work with Phabricator, or there 
is a replacement.


On Aug 24, 2017, 5:26 AM, at 5:26 AM, Thomas Baumgart  
>Hi all,
>since there are some reviews still lingering around for KMyMoney on
>reviewboard, I want to inform about an upcoming change for this infra.
>The list can be found at
>(make sure to select 'hide closed' to find the ones that are still
>--  Forwarded Message  --
>Subject: Retirement of Reviewboard - Transition to Phabricator
>Date: Donnerstag, 24. August 2017, 21:07:49 CEST
>From: Ben Cooksley 
>To: informing about and discussing non-technical community topics>, kde-devel , kde-core-devel
>Plasma , KDevelop ,
>Suite developers and users mailing list ,
>developers room - digiKam - Manage your photographs as a professional
>with the
>power of open source 
>Hi all,
>The following is Sysadmin's suggested plan for the retirement of
>Reviewboard now that Phabricator is fully up and running for hosting
>of code reviews.
>Phase 1: Commences September 2: All repositories are closed for
>accepting new reviews on Reviewboard. A notice is added to the top of
>the main page indicating that reviews should now be done on
>Phase 2: Commences September 16: Login to Reviewboard is disabled, and
>final backups are taken. A static copy of Reviewboard is generated and
>published online, and the software itself is taken down.
>The vast majority of projects should now be migrated to Phabricator,
>with only historical reviews needing to be cleaned up.
>Note that due to how Reviewboard stores diffs and reproduces them for
>use, some reviews may have decayed and may no longer be readable. This
>is due to short-hashes which are used by Git/Reviewboard in diffs now
>having collisions with other commits which previously did not exist.
>Unfortunately there is nothing we can do about this.
>Any comments on the above?
>Thomas Baumgart
>   Telegram, the better WhatsApp
>To be or not to be that is the question. - Any programmer
>knows the answer: $2B | !$2B is $FF.

Review Request 130210: initial doc update for 4.8.1

2017-08-01 Thread Jack Ostroff

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

Review request for KMymoney, Ralf Habacker and Thomas Baumgart.

Repository: kmymoney


initial doc update for 4.8.1


  doc/credits.docbook 91279bba10045b863acc1a1ea2564df3d1ebf6bc 
  doc/details-impexp.docbook 3bf43e7e542cd490e4e36ef2095d6b4c9a75c4ad 
  doc/index.docbook 42e206d5ded84753bf0ff08365813a6220644d50 
  doc/introduction.docbook d497ed9d58e4ef6c6bd686b4d414af7e42270c02 
  doc/whatsnew.docbook e12766dc0a783167d3356a39ef8156ae95275b8d 



passes checkXML and meinproc4.

Aside from typos and changes to order or emphasis, let me know if there are any 
other chapters or sections that should really get updated, as the last complete 
revision to the manual was for 4.6.x.


Jack Ostroff

Re: [kmymoney4] [Bug 378164] "No suitable accounts were found at this bank" after successful login to OFX URL

2017-03-28 Thread Jack Ostroff
Ah, I didn't notice you were using aqbanking.  I know the ofxlog.txt 
works for libofx.  I don't know if aqbanking has an equivalent logging 
mechanism, although you do seem to have gotten something.  However, what 
you post from ofxlog.txt is only what is being sent, and shows nothing 
returned from the bank.  Note specifically it is not returning 0 
accounts - it is not returning ANYTHING.  I would have expected a better 
error message than no accounts found.  I suppose it is possible the 
bank's setup delay is longer than 1-2 days, but I'm more suspicious that 
the connection info you have is not correct.  I haven't looked at lately - has anyone else confirmed that contact info works?  
I would suggest checking it with the bank, but I doubt any success down 
that path.  Have you tried pinging the host you are using to see it at 
least exists?

Re: Review Request 129371: Use GpgME++ if possible, QGpgme from kdepimlibs-4 as fallback

2017-01-01 Thread Jack Ostroff

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

Works for me with gpgme 1.8.0 (Gentoo 1.8.0-r2) and no gpgmepp.  I'd love to 
see this in 4.8.1, but I'll wait for one of the developers to give the "ship 

- Jack Ostroff

On Jan. 1, 2017, 11:19 p.m., Andreas Sturmlechner wrote:
> ---
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> ---
> (Updated Jan. 1, 2017, 11:19 p.m.)
> Review request for KMymoney.
> Repository: kmymoney
> Description
> ---
> Remove bogus qgpgme include.
> REVIEW: 129371
> Make kdepimlibs optional
> Based on b5de50ccaa1571c4feb0c17ea8016554e3b822d7 from master.
> REVIEW: 129371
> Diffs
> -
>   CMakeLists.txt 22515185dcb2bdb6a9027101270ff97d445008b6 
>   kmymoney/dialogs/settings/ksettingsschedules.cpp 
> da138a7ab138d2f5ef1e8f5b7ad636f9a1964343 
>   kmymoney/kmymoney.cpp 3b3352b7abc83b60fe0e8156d48e7be439fb8964 
>   libkdchart/kdablibfakes/src/KDABLibFakes.h 
> f47ec24423a2ca61b04a98069351539e738fe572 
>   libkgpgfile/CMakeLists.txt a41a6a408e3da8769308dae75d4f514aa969dc87 
>   libkgpgfile/kgpgfile.cpp b1870be92edb833ed30f369e3e0ca0f320fe147b 
> Diff:
> Testing
> ---
> Built successfully (so far only tested with GpgME++ 1.7.1 and without 
> kdepimlibs-4).
> Also built fine on a system with Gpgme 1.7.1 (no Gpgmepp bindings) and 
> kdepimlibs-4 installed.
> Thanks,
> Andreas Sturmlechner

Re: Review Request 129616: update kmymoney reference docbook to kf5

2016-12-09 Thread Jack Ostroff

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

Two questions.  I thought the version number was only supposed to be updated to 
the version the doc actually describes.  Although the frameworks port has not 
changed any functionality, even the 4.x version was a bit outdated (my fault 
for not keeping up).  Is it worth adding a comment that this version of the doc 
is not fully up to date in describing the program, but is being worked on?
Second, several sections were removed from the Settings and Help section.  Have 
all of them actually been removed from the program?  (I don't have a fully 
compiled version from master to check right now, but I'm working on it.)
Other than those, I agree with Luigi.

- Jack Ostroff

On Dec. 5, 2016, 2:47 p.m., Burkhard Lück wrote:
> ---
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> ---
> (Updated Dec. 5, 2016, 2:47 p.m.)
> Review request for Documentation and KMymoney.
> Repository: kmymoney
> Description
> ---
> bump date + releaseinfo
> replace &kappname; (not used in kf5 any more) with &kmymoney;
> use entity &Ins;
> add missing shortcut
> use link to fundamentals for Settings + Help menu
> Diffs
> -
>   doc/reference.docbook 0b21b3a 
> Diff:
> Testing
> ---
> checkXML5 index.docbook
> Thanks,
> Burkhard Lück

Re: Review Request 129371: [kmymoney/4.8] Use GpgME++ if possible, QGpgme from kdepimlibs-4 as fallback

2016-11-19 Thread Jack Ostroff

> On Nov. 11, 2016, 8:38 p.m., Marko Käning wrote:
> > Cool, does this mean, that one won't need kdepimlibs anymore when building 
> > KMM? :-)
> Andreas Sturmlechner wrote:
> Yes, please give it some testing ;)
> Marko Käning wrote:
> Can't promise when, but will give KMM4 some testing on OSX/macOS. Thanks 
> for implementing this!
> Jack Ostroff wrote:
> With gpgme 1.7.1, gpgmepp 16.04.3, and kdepimlibs 4.14.11_pre20160211_r2 
> (Gentoo version) it fails to find gpgmepp.  It says it considered but did not 
> accept /usr/lib64/gpgmepp/GpgmeppConfig.cmake.  That belongs to kdepimlibs.  
> Should it have continued looking?  I don't want to actually uninstall 
> kdepimlibs until I know I can work without it.  Is that possible?
> Andreas Sturmlechner wrote:
> That's expected, Gpgmepp is only found if you built gpgme-1.7.1[cxx] 
> which is blocking kdepimlibs:4. If the latter is present instead, it will use 
> its QGpgmeConfig.cmake as it has always done (even though only using the 
> gpgmepp part from kdepimlibs).
> Take a look at which adds 
> USE=pim to kmymoney-4.8.0 to toggle between building with gpgme-1.7.1[cxx] or 
> kdepimlibs:4.
> Jack Ostroff wrote:
> Ah - I didn't have cxx set.  So there is no way for me to test this 
> without unmerging kdepimlibs.  I suppose I can do a quickpkg so I can put it 
> back quickly if necessary.  Right now I just want to be sure it works.  I'm 
> already using a mix of portage ebuilds (main tree, kde overaly, and local 
> modifications) as well as some builds without using portage at all.  I mostly 
> keep track of what's what, but I do trip over my own feet on occasion.  It 
> will be great when I can get back to all in-tree ebuilds.  (Sorry for the 
> Gentoo specific digression.)
> Jack Ostroff wrote:
> (Gentoo specific problem) I've been struggling with getting gpgme to 
> accept the qt5 and cxx use flags.  /usr/portage/base/package.use.mask 
> includes the following three lines:
> # Alon Bar-Lev  (23 Sep 2016)
> # Mask qt5 until kde ports
> app-crypt/gpgme cxx qt5
> I don't understand the reasoning and whether or not it's safe to unblock 
> them.  Thanks for any explanations.
> Andreas Sturmlechner wrote:
> [Gentoo excursion] echo "app-crypt/gpgme -cxx -qt5" >> 
> /etc/portage/profile/package.use.mask
> This is just a safeguard so that most blockers (against old PIM) are 
> sorted out before >=gpgme-1.7.0 is let loose on the tree. You're safe.

Success.  builds and works fine with gpgme-1.7.1 and no kdepimlibs, with the 
Gentoo 2667 patch.  (Not tested super extensively, but I did several OFX direct 
connect downloads.)

- Jack

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

On Nov. 10, 2016, 6:13 p.m., Andreas Sturmlechner wrote:
> ---
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> ---
> (Updated Nov. 10, 2016, 6:13 p.m.)
> Review request for KMymoney.
> Repository: kmymoney
> Description
> ---
> Gives kmymoney-4 some extended life on systems that upgrade to KDE 
> Applications 16.12 and are required to upgrade to kdepimlibs-conflicting 
> GpgME-1.7.0 by the latest version of KDE PIM.
> Remove bogus qgpgme include.
> Make kdepimlibs optional (based on b5de50ccaa1571c4feb0c17ea8016554e3b822d7 
> from master)
> Diffs
> -
>   CMakeLists.txt 22515185dcb2bdb6a9027101270ff97d445008b6 
>   kmymoney/dialogs/settings/ksettingsschedules.cpp 
> da138a7ab138d2f5ef1e8f5b7ad636f9a1964343 
>   kmymoney/kmymoney.cpp a4251f031cee280983aa67c55447d3f97865dcbd 
>   libkdchart/kdablibfakes/src/KDABLibFakes.h 
> f47ec24423a2ca61b04a98069351539e738fe572 
>   libkgpgfile/CMakeLists.txt a41a6a408e3da8769308dae75d4f514aa969dc87 
>   libkgpgfile/kgpgfile.cpp b1870be92edb833ed30f369e3e0ca0f320fe147b 
> Diff:
> Testing
> ---
> Built successfully (so far only tested with GpgME++ 1.7.1 and without 
> kdepimlibs-4).
> Also built fine on a system with Gpgme 1.7.1 (no Gpgmepp bindings) and 
> kdepimlibs-4 installed.
> Thanks,
> Andreas Sturmlechner

Re: Review Request 129371: [kmymoney/4.8] Use GpgME++ if possible, QGpgme from kdepimlibs-4 as fallback

2016-11-18 Thread Jack Ostroff

> On Nov. 11, 2016, 8:38 p.m., Marko Käning wrote:
> > Cool, does this mean, that one won't need kdepimlibs anymore when building 
> > KMM? :-)
> Andreas Sturmlechner wrote:
> Yes, please give it some testing ;)
> Marko Käning wrote:
> Can't promise when, but will give KMM4 some testing on OSX/macOS. Thanks 
> for implementing this!
> Jack Ostroff wrote:
> With gpgme 1.7.1, gpgmepp 16.04.3, and kdepimlibs 4.14.11_pre20160211_r2 
> (Gentoo version) it fails to find gpgmepp.  It says it considered but did not 
> accept /usr/lib64/gpgmepp/GpgmeppConfig.cmake.  That belongs to kdepimlibs.  
> Should it have continued looking?  I don't want to actually uninstall 
> kdepimlibs until I know I can work without it.  Is that possible?
> Andreas Sturmlechner wrote:
> That's expected, Gpgmepp is only found if you built gpgme-1.7.1[cxx] 
> which is blocking kdepimlibs:4. If the latter is present instead, it will use 
> its QGpgmeConfig.cmake as it has always done (even though only using the 
> gpgmepp part from kdepimlibs).
> Take a look at which adds 
> USE=pim to kmymoney-4.8.0 to toggle between building with gpgme-1.7.1[cxx] or 
> kdepimlibs:4.
> Jack Ostroff wrote:
> Ah - I didn't have cxx set.  So there is no way for me to test this 
> without unmerging kdepimlibs.  I suppose I can do a quickpkg so I can put it 
> back quickly if necessary.  Right now I just want to be sure it works.  I'm 
> already using a mix of portage ebuilds (main tree, kde overaly, and local 
> modifications) as well as some builds without using portage at all.  I mostly 
> keep track of what's what, but I do trip over my own feet on occasion.  It 
> will be great when I can get back to all in-tree ebuilds.  (Sorry for the 
> Gentoo specific digression.)

(Gentoo specific problem) I've been struggling with getting gpgme to accept the 
qt5 and cxx use flags.  /usr/portage/base/package.use.mask includes the 
following three lines:
# Alon Bar-Lev  (23 Sep 2016)
# Mask qt5 until kde ports
app-crypt/gpgme cxx qt5

I don't understand the reasoning and whether or not it's safe to unblock them.  
Thanks for any explanations.

- Jack

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

On Nov. 10, 2016, 6:13 p.m., Andreas Sturmlechner wrote:
> ---
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> ---
> (Updated Nov. 10, 2016, 6:13 p.m.)
> Review request for KMymoney.
> Repository: kmymoney
> Description
> ---
> Gives kmymoney-4 some extended life on systems that upgrade to KDE 
> Applications 16.12 and are required to upgrade to kdepimlibs-conflicting 
> GpgME-1.7.0 by the latest version of KDE PIM.
> Remove bogus qgpgme include.
> Make kdepimlibs optional (based on b5de50ccaa1571c4feb0c17ea8016554e3b822d7 
> from master)
> Diffs
> -
>   CMakeLists.txt 22515185dcb2bdb6a9027101270ff97d445008b6 
>   kmymoney/dialogs/settings/ksettingsschedules.cpp 
> da138a7ab138d2f5ef1e8f5b7ad636f9a1964343 
>   kmymoney/kmymoney.cpp a4251f031cee280983aa67c55447d3f97865dcbd 
>   libkdchart/kdablibfakes/src/KDABLibFakes.h 
> f47ec24423a2ca61b04a98069351539e738fe572 
>   libkgpgfile/CMakeLists.txt a41a6a408e3da8769308dae75d4f514aa969dc87 
>   libkgpgfile/kgpgfile.cpp b1870be92edb833ed30f369e3e0ca0f320fe147b 
> Diff:
> Testing
> ---
> Built successfully (so far only tested with GpgME++ 1.7.1 and without 
> kdepimlibs-4).
> Also built fine on a system with Gpgme 1.7.1 (no Gpgmepp bindings) and 
> kdepimlibs-4 installed.
> Thanks,
> Andreas Sturmlechner

Re: Review Request 129371: [kmymoney/4.8] Use GpgME++ if possible, QGpgme from kdepimlibs-4 as fallback

2016-11-15 Thread Jack Ostroff

> On Nov. 11, 2016, 8:38 p.m., Marko Käning wrote:
> > Cool, does this mean, that one won't need kdepimlibs anymore when building 
> > KMM? :-)
> Andreas Sturmlechner wrote:
> Yes, please give it some testing ;)
> Marko Käning wrote:
> Can't promise when, but will give KMM4 some testing on OSX/macOS. Thanks 
> for implementing this!
> Jack Ostroff wrote:
> With gpgme 1.7.1, gpgmepp 16.04.3, and kdepimlibs 4.14.11_pre20160211_r2 
> (Gentoo version) it fails to find gpgmepp.  It says it considered but did not 
> accept /usr/lib64/gpgmepp/GpgmeppConfig.cmake.  That belongs to kdepimlibs.  
> Should it have continued looking?  I don't want to actually uninstall 
> kdepimlibs until I know I can work without it.  Is that possible?
> Andreas Sturmlechner wrote:
> That's expected, Gpgmepp is only found if you built gpgme-1.7.1[cxx] 
> which is blocking kdepimlibs:4. If the latter is present instead, it will use 
> its QGpgmeConfig.cmake as it has always done (even though only using the 
> gpgmepp part from kdepimlibs).
> Take a look at which adds 
> USE=pim to kmymoney-4.8.0 to toggle between building with gpgme-1.7.1[cxx] or 
> kdepimlibs:4.

Ah - I didn't have cxx set.  So there is no way for me to test this without 
unmerging kdepimlibs.  I suppose I can do a quickpkg so I can put it back 
quickly if necessary.  Right now I just want to be sure it works.  I'm already 
using a mix of portage ebuilds (main tree, kde overaly, and local 
modifications) as well as some builds without using portage at all.  I mostly 
keep track of what's what, but I do trip over my own feet on occasion.  It will 
be great when I can get back to all in-tree ebuilds.  (Sorry for the Gentoo 
specific digression.)

- Jack

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

On Nov. 10, 2016, 6:13 p.m., Andreas Sturmlechner wrote:
> ---
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> ---
> (Updated Nov. 10, 2016, 6:13 p.m.)
> Review request for KMymoney.
> Repository: kmymoney
> Description
> ---
> Gives kmymoney-4 some extended life on systems that upgrade to KDE 
> Applications 16.12 and are required to upgrade to kdepimlibs-conflicting 
> GpgME-1.7.0 by the latest version of KDE PIM.
> Remove bogus qgpgme include.
> Make kdepimlibs optional (based on b5de50ccaa1571c4feb0c17ea8016554e3b822d7 
> from master)
> Diffs
> -
>   CMakeLists.txt 22515185dcb2bdb6a9027101270ff97d445008b6 
>   kmymoney/dialogs/settings/ksettingsschedules.cpp 
> da138a7ab138d2f5ef1e8f5b7ad636f9a1964343 
>   kmymoney/kmymoney.cpp a4251f031cee280983aa67c55447d3f97865dcbd 
>   libkdchart/kdablibfakes/src/KDABLibFakes.h 
> f47ec24423a2ca61b04a98069351539e738fe572 
>   libkgpgfile/CMakeLists.txt a41a6a408e3da8769308dae75d4f514aa969dc87 
>   libkgpgfile/kgpgfile.cpp b1870be92edb833ed30f369e3e0ca0f320fe147b 
> Diff:
> Testing
> ---
> Built successfully (so far only tested with GpgME++ 1.7.1 and without 
> kdepimlibs-4).
> Also built fine on a system with Gpgme 1.7.1 (no Gpgmepp bindings) and 
> kdepimlibs-4 installed.
> Thanks,
> Andreas Sturmlechner

Re: Review Request 129371: [kmymoney/4.8] Use GpgME++ if possible, QGpgme from kdepimlibs-4 as fallback

2016-11-15 Thread Jack Ostroff

> On Nov. 11, 2016, 8:38 p.m., Marko Käning wrote:
> > Cool, does this mean, that one won't need kdepimlibs anymore when building 
> > KMM? :-)
> Andreas Sturmlechner wrote:
> Yes, please give it some testing ;)
> Marko Käning wrote:
> Can't promise when, but will give KMM4 some testing on OSX/macOS. Thanks 
> for implementing this!

With gpgme 1.7.1, gpgmepp 16.04.3, and kdepimlibs 4.14.11_pre20160211_r2 
(Gentoo version) it fails to find gpgmepp.  It says it considered but did not 
accept /usr/lib64/gpgmepp/GpgmeppConfig.cmake.  That belongs to kdepimlibs.  
Should it have continued looking?  I don't want to actually uninstall 
kdepimlibs until I know I can work without it.  Is that possible?

- Jack

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

On Nov. 10, 2016, 6:13 p.m., Andreas Sturmlechner wrote:
> ---
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> ---
> (Updated Nov. 10, 2016, 6:13 p.m.)
> Review request for KMymoney.
> Repository: kmymoney
> Description
> ---
> Gives kmymoney-4 some extended life on systems that upgrade to KDE 
> Applications 16.12 and are required to upgrade to kdepimlibs-conflicting 
> GpgME-1.7.0 by the latest version of KDE PIM.
> Remove bogus qgpgme include.
> Make kdepimlibs optional (based on b5de50ccaa1571c4feb0c17ea8016554e3b822d7 
> from master)
> Diffs
> -
>   CMakeLists.txt 22515185dcb2bdb6a9027101270ff97d445008b6 
>   kmymoney/dialogs/settings/ksettingsschedules.cpp 
> da138a7ab138d2f5ef1e8f5b7ad636f9a1964343 
>   kmymoney/kmymoney.cpp a4251f031cee280983aa67c55447d3f97865dcbd 
>   libkdchart/kdablibfakes/src/KDABLibFakes.h 
> f47ec24423a2ca61b04a98069351539e738fe572 
>   libkgpgfile/CMakeLists.txt a41a6a408e3da8769308dae75d4f514aa969dc87 
>   libkgpgfile/kgpgfile.cpp b1870be92edb833ed30f369e3e0ca0f320fe147b 
> Diff:
> Testing
> ---
> Built successfully (so far only tested with GpgME++ 1.7.1 and without 
> kdepimlibs-4).
> Also built fine on a system with Gpgme 1.7.1 (no Gpgmepp bindings) and 
> kdepimlibs-4 installed.
> Thanks,
> Andreas Sturmlechner

persistent problem building new versions

2016-10-29 Thread Jack Ostroff
Trying to build 4.8, if I set QT_SELECT=4, it does mainly pull in Qt4 
stuff and not Qt5, but not completely.  Something is still pulling in 
some Qt5 stuff.  CMakeCache.txt still includes:

CMakeCache.txt://The directory containing a CMake configuration file for 

CMakeCache.txt://The directory containing a CMake configuration file for 


In addition, if I include -DQT_INSTALL_DIR=path/to/qt4 it says it is a 
manually specified variable which is not used, although it does show up 
in CMakeCache.txt.  If I do NOT include it, CMakeCache.txt shows it 
pointing to the Qt5 version.

Right now, I'm working on Kubuntu 16.10, but I've had similar problems 
in the previous Kubuntu version and on Gentoo.  Is it likely I've got 
some dependency installed as a Qt5 version, and if so, how do I find it 
without explicitly checking every one?

I'm getting rather frustrated with this, partly becuase I've tried so 
many different approaches (trying both 4.8 and master) that I know I've 
gotten myself confused as to exactly what I have with any particular 

Thanks for any suggestions.


Re: Review Request 128478: Only import OFX requested date range

2016-10-26 Thread Jack Ostroff

> On July 20, 2016, 5:55 a.m., Thomas Baumgart wrote:
> > Your patch in general seems OK if you only have OFX accounts. It will 
> > interfere though with other online transaction downloads e.g. HBCI.
> > 
> > Since the problem and the solution are very OFX specific, I suggest to move 
> > the logic into the OFX plugin. I would move the calculation of the 
> > **startDate** into **bool OfxImporterPlugin::import(const QString& 
> > filename)** and the filter logic at the end of **int 
> > OfxImporterPlugin::ofxTransactionCallback(struct OfxTransactionData data, 
> > void * pv)** where unhandled transaction types are already eliminated.
> Jack Ostroff wrote:
> Thomas:  do any of the other import types use the concept of a requested 
> start date for transactions?  (I know csv does not, and have very limited 
> experience with anything except OFX.)  Also, I think this only applies to OFX 
> direct connect, not to OFX file import, in case that affects the 
> implementation.
> Thomas Baumgart wrote:
> In fact, KBanking supports this concept from day one and does so pretty 
> well. The German bank servers obey the options in the request (I have not 
> heard otherwise) whereas the Citibank server seems to be ignoring them 
> completely. Your hint about import vs. online download is valid. One could 
> catch this if the calculation for **startDate** is moved to **bool 
> OfxImporterPlugin::updateAccount(const MyMoneyAccount& acc, bool 
> moreAccounts)** which is only called for online updates AFAICS and leave it 
> at 1.1.1900 for all other paths.
> The KBanking logic btw. can be found in **bool 
> KBankingPlugin::updateAccount(const MyMoneyAccount& acc, bool moreAccounts)**.
> Jack Ostroff wrote:
> Just because there is only one current example of a server not honoring 
> the start date, and it happens to be OFX, would it hurt to have ALL online 
> imports drop transactions prior to the requested start date?
> Thomas Baumgart wrote:
> The KBanking plugin e.g. goes back two or three more days than the last 
> download date. This is because sometimes transactions get delivered on a 
> later date. Having a general filter would eliminate these transactions as 
> well.
> ```C++
>   // get last statement request date from application account object
>   // and start from a few days before if the date is valid
>   QDate lastUpdate = 
> QDate::fromString(acc.value("lastImportedTransactionDate"), Qt::ISODate);
>   if (lastUpdate.isValid())
> lastUpdate = lastUpdate.addDays(-3);
> ```
> In general, I think, each solution to a specific problem should stay as 
> close to the source of the problem. So this OFX specific thing should be 
> handled in the OFX specific part. Plus you mention that it only applies to 
> OFX download not the file import. There we have the first exception to the 
> rule. The MyMoneyStatementReader does not differentiate between file import 
> or online download (AFAIR).
> Jeff Lundblad wrote:
> Moved the logic to ofximporterplugin. Date filter only applies in 
> updateAccount(), so "File->Import->OFX" files are not affected.
> Regarding the lastUpdate.addDays(-3), it has occurred to me before that 
> having a "last update minus X days" in the "Import Details" choices would be 
> nice. Like the current "Today minus X days". X=0 would provide current 
> functionality. I think I occasionally miss investment transactions if I 
> update "just right" between the trade date and the settlement date (I'm not 
> real sure on this).
> Thomas Baumgart wrote:
> The changes look good to me, but since I am not an OFX user, I cannot 
> comment on the overall functionality.

If the impact of this change is simply to limit importing transactions to those 
after the requested start date, then this change will only affect downloads 
from institutions which do not honor that request.  This reveiw was in response 
to the only report of that problem I recall ever hearing.

- Jack

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

On Oct. 25, 2016, 9:44 p.m., Jeff Lundblad wrote:
> ---
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> ---
> (Updated Oct. 25, 2016, 9:44 p.m.)
> Review request for KMymoney.

problems compiling 4.8 on system with both qt4 and qt5

2016-10-15 Thread Jack Ostroff
I think this is at least part of my problem trying to build from 4.8 
branch on both my home Gentoo system and a VirtualBox Kubuntu 16.10.  I 
know I have enough of qt5 installed, as I have successfully compiled 
from git head.  I'm pretty sure I have enough of qt4 installed, but it 
seems that the qt5 stuff is found in preference to the qt4.  I got the 
cmake to complete successfully by first doing EXPORT QT_SELECT=4. 
However, when I then do "make" it fails with a complaint about a moc 
file being compiled with 5.6.1. when it should be 4.8.7.  I'm hoping 
there is some other environment variable I should set before doing the 
cmake, or perhaps something I can add to one of the CMake files.

Thanks for any suggestions.


Re: Compile Failure 4.8 Branch

2016-10-14 Thread Jack Ostroff
I'm still not sure what the underlying issue is, but I do see some 
things that smell suspicious to me.  These comments are as I read 
through the log.

gcc is 6.2.1.  I have no idea if anyone else is using this recent a gcc. 
 I don't think it should be a problem, but there have certainly been 
cases where a newer gcc handles something differently.

at the end of the cmake run, I don't see the usual output about the 
various things it has found.  I don't know if you snipped it or if that 
might indicate some issue with the cmake output being incomplete.

that ending seems very abrupt to me.  Try running make with a more 
verbose setting.  It normally says more about what it is actually doing. 
 No need to start from scratch, if you just run make in the existing 
build directory, it will skip the things that were done ok.

One more question - It looks like your build directory is right in the 
root of the source tree.  This is not recommended, although it often 
does work.  Try using a build directory outside the source tree.

The error does seem to be within the automoc stuff, which is just magic 
to me.  (It is also where I am currently having problems with both the 
4.8 and master branch builds in various different environments.)


On 10/14/2016 12:47 PM, Brendan Coupe wrote:

I was running make with -j 8. I eliminated that setting and ran it again
assuming this might show where the error is. The last part of the output
is copies below and the full log is attached.

Scanning dependencies of target kmm_config_automoc
[ 11%] Automatic moc for target kmm_config
[ 11%] Built target kmm_config_automoc
[ 12%] Generating kmymoneysettings.h, kmymoneysettings.cpp
Scanning dependencies of target kmm_config
[ 12%] Building CXX object
kmymoney/CMakeFiles/kmm_config.dir/build.make:70: recipe for target
'kmymoney/CMakeFiles/kmm_config.dir/kmymoneyglobalsettings.cpp.o' failed
CMakeFiles/Makefile2:738: recipe for target
'kmymoney/CMakeFiles/kmm_config.dir/all' failed
Makefile:160: recipe for target 'all' failed



On Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 9:17 AM, Brendan Coupe>> wrote:

I've attached the full log.



On Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 8:29 AM, Jack>> wrote:

On 2016.10.14 08 :55, Brendan Coupe wrote:

​I compared the output from the 2 systems. The line that
happen right
before it crashes​:

[ 26%] Built target kmm_kdchart

happens at 44% on the systems that completes the compile

Not sure if that helps but it appears to be skipping something.


On Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 5:44 AM, Brendan Coupe>>

> Doug, Thanks for your quick reply.
> All kdepimlibs are installed on both systems. Any other ideas?
> *Brendan*
> On Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 1:23 AM, Doug Lytle>> wrote:
>> On 10/14/2016 01:28 AM, Brendan Coupe wrote:
>> Both systems are running Fedora 24 64 bit. I assume I'm missing a
>> dependency. Can anyone tell what is wrong?
>> If I recall correctly, you'll need kdepimlibs development 
>> Doug

I wouldn't trust the % very much.  It seems very different on
two different compiles for me which I would expect to be much
more similar.  However, if you want help, you have to post the
actual error.  What you posted was just the final report from
make that it didn't succeed.  The real error is probably much
higher in the output.  It may still not be obvious why it
failed, but it will at lest tell the actual command which failed.


Re: Review Request 128478: Only import OFX requested date range

2016-07-20 Thread Jack Ostroff

> On July 20, 2016, 5:55 a.m., Thomas Baumgart wrote:
> > Your patch in general seems OK if you only have OFX accounts. It will 
> > interfere though with other online transaction downloads e.g. HBCI.
> > 
> > Since the problem and the solution are very OFX specific, I suggest to move 
> > the logic into the OFX plugin. I would move the calculation of the 
> > **startDate** into **bool OfxImporterPlugin::import(const QString& 
> > filename)** and the filter logic at the end of **int 
> > OfxImporterPlugin::ofxTransactionCallback(struct OfxTransactionData data, 
> > void * pv)** where unhandled transaction types are already eliminated.
> Jack Ostroff wrote:
> Thomas:  do any of the other import types use the concept of a requested 
> start date for transactions?  (I know csv does not, and have very limited 
> experience with anything except OFX.)  Also, I think this only applies to OFX 
> direct connect, not to OFX file import, in case that affects the 
> implementation.
> Thomas Baumgart wrote:
> In fact, KBanking supports this concept from day one and does so pretty 
> well. The German bank servers obey the options in the request (I have not 
> heard otherwise) whereas the Citibank server seems to be ignoring them 
> completely. Your hint about import vs. online download is valid. One could 
> catch this if the calculation for **startDate** is moved to **bool 
> OfxImporterPlugin::updateAccount(const MyMoneyAccount& acc, bool 
> moreAccounts)** which is only called for online updates AFAICS and leave it 
> at 1.1.1900 for all other paths.
> The KBanking logic btw. can be found in **bool 
> KBankingPlugin::updateAccount(const MyMoneyAccount& acc, bool moreAccounts)**.

Just because there is only one current example of a server not honoring the 
start date, and it happens to be OFX, would it hurt to have ALL online imports 
drop transactions prior to the requested start date?

- Jack

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

On July 18, 2016, 5:44 p.m., Jeff Lundblad wrote:
> ---
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> ---
> (Updated July 18, 2016, 5:44 p.m.)
> Review request for KMymoney.
> Bugs: 365818
> Repository: kmymoney
> Description
> ---
> Only import transactions that are newer than or equal to the "Start date of 
> import" in the account's online settings
> Diffs
> -
>   "a/kmymoney/kmymoney/converter/mymoneystatementreader-1b81833-left.cpp" 
> 0b31377 
> Diff:
> Testing
> ---
> Tested on Citi credit card OFX downloads which nearly always download 2 years 
> worth of transactions regardless of the date range that the OFX request 
> requests.
> Thanks,
> Jeff Lundblad

Re: Review Request 128478: Only import OFX requested date range

2016-07-20 Thread Jack Ostroff

> On July 20, 2016, 5:55 a.m., Thomas Baumgart wrote:
> > Your patch in general seems OK if you only have OFX accounts. It will 
> > interfere though with other online transaction downloads e.g. HBCI.
> > 
> > Since the problem and the solution are very OFX specific, I suggest to move 
> > the logic into the OFX plugin. I would move the calculation of the 
> > **startDate** into **bool OfxImporterPlugin::import(const QString& 
> > filename)** and the filter logic at the end of **int 
> > OfxImporterPlugin::ofxTransactionCallback(struct OfxTransactionData data, 
> > void * pv)** where unhandled transaction types are already eliminated.

Thomas:  do any of the other import types use the concept of a requested start 
date for transactions?  (I know csv does not, and have very limited experience 
with anything except OFX.)  Also, I think this only applies to OFX direct 
connect, not to OFX file import, in case that affects the implementation.

- Jack

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

On July 18, 2016, 5:44 p.m., Jeff Lundblad wrote:
> ---
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> ---
> (Updated July 18, 2016, 5:44 p.m.)
> Review request for KMymoney.
> Bugs: 365818
> Repository: kmymoney
> Description
> ---
> Only import transactions that are newer than or equal to the "Start date of 
> import" in the account's online settings
> Diffs
> -
>   "a/kmymoney/kmymoney/converter/mymoneystatementreader-1b81833-left.cpp" 
> 0b31377 
> Diff:
> Testing
> ---
> Tested on Citi credit card OFX downloads which nearly always download 2 years 
> worth of transactions regardless of the date range that the OFX request 
> requests.
> Thanks,
> Jeff Lundblad

Re: KMM 4.7.2 atrociously slow - unworkable

2016-04-17 Thread Jack Ostroff

On 4/17/2016 9:20 AM, Louis-Philippe Allard wrote:

Hello Christian,  I will continue to reply for this ticket in the bug
ticket I opened on KDE bugtracker I am getting a bit confused with
the maillist and the bugtracker auto reply feature.. ;)

When there is a new comment posted to a bug, the bugtracker sends it as 
an email to everyone subscribed to the bug, and that always includes the 
person who posted the bug, and this mailing list, since it is considered 
the owner of any KMM bug.

When you receive a message from the bugtracker and reply to it, the 
bugtracker posts that entire reply as the next comment to the bug, and 
then sends that out as another email, per the first paragraph.

Replying to a bug message is sometimes easier than logging in to, but you need to remember to trim the message, since the 
entire message gets posted as the next comment.


Re: [kmymoney4] [Bug 361865] Dialog uses 'share' when in fact referring to shares and/or bonds (i.e., securities)

2016-04-16 Thread Jack Ostroff

--- Comment #3 from allan  ---
Out of interest, what is the distinction between the original term and the
proposed revision?

There are two separate bugs in question here.  The first, about the 
German translation, had a specific suggestion - to use a word that is 
not specifically restricted in referring to stocks only.  Burkhard Lueck 
suggested to file a separate bug against the original English, so the 
translators would have a better context.

My position is that the English should not be changed, which leaves open 
the question of how to improve the context for the translators.

Your point about the extent of use of the term "share" suggests that it 
should be reviewed at a higher level, but for this specific pair of 
bugs, I think the only place to focus is in four of the specific types 
of investment transactions which mention "shares" specifically buy, 
sell, add, and remove.

My understanding is that the original term is equivalent to "share" only 
as it means the same as stock.  The suggested replacement seems to be a 
more generic term, similar to "security."   In English, I would argue 
that you buy shares of a security (stock, bond, or mutual fund) but not 
the security itself, although I admit it might be a difference only to 
English teachers.  I'm willing to leave it up to the German speakers 
whether the difference is important in that language.  In addition, if 
we can specify the context somehow, then it can be dealt with an any 
translation, in case it does make a difference.

Re: [kmymoney4] [Bug 361865] Dialog uses 'share' when in fact referring to shares and/or bonds (i.e., securities)

2016-04-16 Thread Jack Ostroff
I believe the underlying problem is that English is just sometimes a 
messy language.  In discussing investments, the word "share" seems to be 
used in two slightly different ways.  (I am referring to common usage, 
not to a formal dictionary definition.)  Sometimes it is used as an 
equivalent word for stock, as in the article referred to by the link in 
the original post.  The other use is to refer to the unit of investment. 
 This is certainly used for both stocks and mutual funds.  I have not 
found any particular examples of this use for bonds, but I believe the 
term is used in the same way.  If we do not accept this, what term would 
be used for the unit of ownership of a bond?.

I will try to get a short lesson next week from my investment advisor to 
confirm this, but unless he says something I do not expect, I would 
argue to leave the English terms unchanged.  If that is done, we will 
have to find a way to inform the translators that "share" in those four 
terms is used as the unit of investment, not a particular type of security.

Re: [kmymoney4] [Bug 361850] New: Error in German translation

2016-04-16 Thread Jack Ostroff
I also responded to the other bug to say that I believe the English 
terms are OK as they are, although I will do more research to see if 
there is anything to support that "share" does not apply as well to 
bonds and mutual funds as to stocks.

I don't speak German, so I can only assume the bug is correct that the 
current German translation uses terms which only apply to stocks and not 
to bonds.  (What about mutual funds?).  As I am not currently sure where 
in the code the terms exist, I do not know if there is any reasonable 
way to put a comment or hint that translations should use a term which 
applies equally to stocks, bonds, and mutual funds.

(I am not a developer, but I do maintain the documentation for KMyMoney, 
and I will certainly make a note to check that the handbook is correct 
and accurate in use of all these terms.)

Re: [kmymoney4] [Bug 361865] New: Dialog uses 'share' when in fact referring to shares and/or bonds (i.e., securities)

2016-04-16 Thread Jack Ostroff
As a native English speaker, I do not see a problem.  To me, a "share" 
is the unit of ownership of a security, whether it is a stock or bond or 
mutual fund.  The link provided shows a difference between stocks and 
bonds, but is not explicit enough that "shares" does not also apply to 
bonds.  I will do more research before wanting to change the English 

To discuss the terminology further, I don't consider that I buy a 
security.  I buy shares in that security.  The first time I buy shares 
in a given security, I do have to add that security to the list of those 
in which I own shares, but when I buy more shares, I don't buy that 
security again.  I'm not sure I can perfectly explain the grammar, but 
the current use seems good.

I will respond directly to the other bug to discuss changing the German 

Re: [kmymoney4] [Bug 360938] Scheduled transactions entered in credit card (liability) have random descriptions populated

2016-04-02 Thread Jack Ostroff

On 4/2/2016 3:06 PM, via KDE Bugzilla wrote:

Another thing, theres a "Equity" account with a sub-account named "Opening
balances".  This was not there with KMM 4.6.2.. What is this account?  Some
(4/6) of the errors left are related to this account...  Knowing what it does
and its purpose will help me fix the remaining errors.

Since KMM follows proper double entry bookkeeping practice, every 
transaction needs to be balanced - money always comes from somewhere. 
When you create a new account, and give it a starting balance, that 
money has to come from somewhere.  That is what the "Opening balances" 
account is for.  It is simply a creation to hold the "other" end of 
every transaction that given an account its starting balance.  I think 
it actually was present in earlier versions of KMM, it was just better 

To get to this account, right click on the opening balance transaction 
in any of your own accounts.  There should be an entry in the context 
menu "Go to 'Opening balances'".  That will open the "Opening balances" 
account in the ledger

NOTE:  I just tried this, and it did work, with the one issue that the 
name of the account at the top of the ledger stayed the name of the 
previous account.  If I confirm this when I get home, I'll file a bug 
for it.  However, it appears to only be a cosmetic issue.  It really is 
the "Opening balances" account which is displayed.  You can then edit 
the account to change its opening date.

Once you fix this, feel free to post your remaining errors - perhaps 
just to the mailing list, since this is no longer relevant to the bug.

Re: [kmymoney4] [Bug 360938] Scheduled transactions entered in credit card (liability) have random descriptions populated

2016-04-02 Thread Jack Ostroff

On 4/2/2016 1:14 PM, via KDE Bugzilla wrote:

Then I did another CC on the DB and this time it reported identical output but
at the bottom:

Finished: 0 problems corrected. 111 problems still present.
That is not really as bad as it looks.  All those errors about account 
opening dates are from recent changes to the program, so you would not 
have seen them previously.  However, I don't think any of these errors 
should cause a crash.  The first step is to recover your data and let 
you keep working.  After that, if saved a copy of the bad database, then 
at a lower priority, it might be possible to find the source of the crash.

The issue is that an account should not have any transaction with a date 
earlier than the opening date of the account.  In KMM, payees and 
categories are internally treated as accounts, and when they are 
created, their opening date is the date they were created, not the date 
of the first transaction.  This is where most of these issues come from.

As you saw, KMM was able to fix most of those errors by altering the 
opening date of the account.  For the others, you can try to manually 
edit the account and change the opening day to be early enough.  In 
general, the best way I have found to do this is to open the ledger for 
the target account, then click the edit account icon (if you have it 
displayed) or else select the Account/Edit menu.  It seems the "Opening 
Balances" account is a bit difficult to find - but the first transaction 
in the ledger for most other accounts is the initial transfer of the 
opening balance for that account, so you can right click on the 
transaction, and there should be a choice "Go to 'Opening Balances"'.

Re: importing data

2016-02-20 Thread Jack Ostroff

On 2/20/2016 10:49 AM, john jefferis wrote:

I have just moved over to Linux Mint from Windows 10 and would like to
use kmymoney.  I am currently using Bank Genie, which does not run on
Linux and I have several years of data I need to move.  Bank Genie does
not have an export facility bt they suggested that if I did a backup to
a memory stick I could use that.

The backup files are all .CDX, .DBF and .FBT.  Is there any way at all
of picking these up into kmymoney?

John Jefferis

Hmm. The BankGenie site says "Flexible analytical and reporting tools, 
with printing and exporting options." as well as "Export reports to 
Excel, txt" with a yes for both the pro and plain version 4.  Are they 
blatantly not telling the truth, or are the exports simply of no real use?


Re: importing data

2016-02-20 Thread Jack Ostroff

On 2/20/2016 4:36 PM, aga wrote:

On 20/02/16 20:32, john jefferis wrote:

Many thanks for your prompt reply Allan.  Sadly Bank Genie has no output
facility at all.  I have queried this with the maker and they confirm
the only thing I can do is try to load from the back-up files, which as
I said before are all .CDX, .DBF and .FBT.

It was indeed a bad move!  Windows 10 e-mail program is a load of
rubbish.  Edge is awful and also has no way of exporting favourite files
(I have managed to download a work around for that).  And now I find the
program I chose to replace the old MS Money, although highly
recommended, has swallowed up my bank data and won't spit it out again.

Fortunately I still have windows 10 on my new laptop, so I will leave
Bank Genie on there as an archive file, and create a new start point for
kmymoney on Linux on this old laptop.


It's best to reply to the list so that others can be updated and given a
chance to respond.

What about these last two points?

" It might be worthwhile looking at a linux program called wine, which
   can be useful for running Windows programs on Linux, assuming
   Bank Genie is a Windows app.

   Generally, one installs wine, then use it to install Bank Genie,
   which you then run as normal.
   Finally, it might be worthwhile trying to open your backup files in a
   text editor to see if anything useful shows."


On 20/02/16 18:59, aga wrote:

On 20/02/16 15:49, john jefferis wrote:

I have just moved over to Linux Mint from Windows 10 and would like to
use kmymoney.  I am currently using Bank Genie, which does not run on
Linux and I have several years of data I need to move.  Bank Genie does
not have an export facility bt they suggested that if I did a backup to
a memory stick I could use that.

The backup files are all .CDX, .DBF and .FBT.  Is there any way at all
of picking these up into kmymoney?

John Jefferis

Bad move, choosing an app which locks you in.

Leaving aside those backup formats. does Bank Genie have any output
capability?   If so, in what format?

It might be worthwhile looking at a linux program called wine, which
can be useful for running Windows programs on Linux, assuming Bank Genie
is a Windows app.

Generally, one installs wine, then use it to install Bank Genie, which
you then run as normal.

Finally, it might be worthwhile trying to open your backup files in a
text editor to see if anything useful shows.


If you have linux running already, you can try "file file.cdx" at the 
command line.  That's the literal word "file" which is a command that 
tries to determine the type of file, followed by the name of the backup 
files you have.  It may tell you if one or all of the files are 
compressed by some known algorithm, or if they look like XML or some 
other known format.  If they are any sort of text file (even if 
compressed) there is more possibility of conversion and import into KMM 
than if they are a proprietary binary format.


Re: [Kmymoney-devel] Reproduced failure: Jenkins-kde-ci: alkimia master kf5-qt5 » Linux,gcc - Build # 3 - Still Unstable!

2015-12-06 Thread Jack Ostroff

On 2015.12.06 03:43, Thomas Baumgart wrote:

On Saturday 05 December 2015 18:53:42 Jack Ostroff wrote:

First, I finally realized this was for libalkimia, and not for the  
frameworks branch of KMM.  (I'm still working on that...) This built  
fine for me, twice, using either gcc 4.8.5 or 4.9.3.  However, I  
wondered if there is any way to be sure I'm actually using all the  
same framework and library versions?  So as another  test, instead  
of simply doing "cmake source" and then ccmake to alter the install  
directory, I copied the full cmake line from Jenkins.  That version  
failed the first alkvalue test.

> So - what information can I provide or how can I help debug?
(Minor point - I started by trying to use the gentoo  ebuild.   
That built fine, but wouldn't install due to [expected?] file  
collisions. I'm actually not sure why it let me even do the emerge  
since libalkimia:4 is clearly installed and a blocker in the   

I don't think it provides any useful information, but the actual  
cmake line that led to the failure was:


> -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/jack/KDE/KMM/installframeworks
> /path-to-portage-git-download/libalkimia-

I have seen some reports on kde-core-devel about the address  
sanitizer stuff. Not sure if that is related here. The subject there  

RFC: Enabling -DECM_ENABLE_SANITIZERS='address' in jenkins
Redoing the cmake without -DECM_ENABLE_SANITIZERS='address', followed  
by make clean, make, make test - still had the error.  Starting from  
scratch did not.  If I get time, I'll try both builds in parallel to  
see what the difference is.

KMyMoney-devel mailing list

[Kmymoney-devel] Reproduced failure: Jenkins-kde-ci: alkimia master kf5-qt5 » Linux,gcc - Build # 3 - Still Unstable!

2015-12-05 Thread Jack Ostroff
First, I finally realized this was for libalkimia, and not for the  
frameworks branch of KMM.  (I'm still working on that...) This built  
fine for me, twice, using either gcc 4.8.5 or 4.9.3.  However, I  
wondered if there is any way to be sure I'm actually using all the same  
framework and library versions?  So as another  test, instead of simply  
doing "cmake source" and then ccmake to alter the install directory, I  
copied the full cmake line from Jenkins.  That version failed the first  
alkvalue test.

So - what information can I provide or how can I help debug?

(Minor point - I started by trying to use the gentoo  ebuild.  That  
built fine, but wouldn't install due to [expected?] file collisions.   
I'm actually not sure why it let me even do the emerge since  
libalkimia:4 is clearly installed and a blocker in the  ebuild.)

I don't think it provides any useful information, but the actual cmake  
line that led to the failure was:


On 2015.12.03 14:03, Cristian Oneț wrote:

If anyone can reproduce this failed test please let me know. It runs
with success on my machine and I would not like to perform test
debugging on the build machine using print statemements.


2015-12-03 20:30 GMT+02:00  :
> Build URL:,compiler=gcc/3/

> Project: PLATFORM=Linux,compiler=gcc
> Date of build: Thu, 03 Dec 2015 18:28:36 +
> Build duration: 2 min 1 sec
> Revision 0783adaf3ec9159dc09d384f5345f7f603ed47a7 by Cristian Oneț:  
(Don't depend on KDELibs4Support to find GMP.)

>   change: add cmake/modules/FindGMP.cmake
>   change: edit CMakeLists.txt
> Name: (root) Failed: 1 test(s), Passed: 2 test(s), Skipped: 0  
test(s), Total: 3 test(s)Failed: TestSuite.alkvaluetest

> Cobertura Coverage Report
>   PACKAGES 1/1 (100%)FILES 9/9 (100%)CLASSES 9/9 (100%)LINE  
927/1012 (92%)CONDITIONAL 1750/3439 (51%)

> By packages
> libalkimia
> FILES 9/9 (100%)CLASSES 9/9 (100%)LINE 927/1012  
(92%)CONDITIONAL 1750/3439 (51%)

KMyMoney-devel mailing list

Re: [Kmymoney-devel] Review Request 122746: Add a stage to the consistency check to fix transaction post dates.

2015-04-01 Thread Jack Ostroff

> On April 1, 2015, 7:01 p.m., Cristian Oneț wrote:
> > Bump.

I'm OK with the wording of the description, but I'll leave the "ship it" to 
developers who have actually looked at the code.

- Jack

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

On March 27, 2015, 6:29 a.m., Cristian Oneț wrote:
> ---
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> ---
> (Updated March 27, 2015, 6:29 a.m.)
> Review request for KMymoney.
> Bugs: 313793
> Repository: kmymoney
> Description
> ---
> If the transaction is moved to another post date the price information
> is moved along with it for investments transactions. This fixes the
> reported issue, saving the file once will fix all price issues.
> Also add the possibility to save the consistency check log to a file
> or copy it into the clipboard.
> Make sure that the user enters a valid transaction date by checking
> that the transaction date is after the opening date of each and every
> account involved in the transaction. Until now we only checked that
> the transaction date is after the opening date of the account in which
> is being entered.
> BUG: 313793
> REVIEW: 122746
> Diffs
> -
>   kmymoney/dialogs/transactioneditor.cpp 
> a215e3f8a1eaf2f7ccf1d73f29190f2ad86ff282 
>   kmymoney/kmymoney.h 92ab4b28d52c237222a2fb1106398ce0208215aa 
>   kmymoney/kmymoney.cpp c132983b63536e094375532082ea87c54461235c 
>   kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneyfile.cpp 8c1be4301a89b65f428edf2b8f0ab8b6e3dac51e 
> Diff:
> Testing
> ---
> Opened the file attached to the report and observe that the consistency check 
> fixes all of the issues.
> Thanks,
> Cristian Oneț

KMyMoney-devel mailing list

Re: [Kmymoney-devel] Review Request 122746: Add a stage to the consistency check to fix transaction post dates.

2015-03-25 Thread Jack Ostroff

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

You say "Don't allow the user to add a transaction after the opening date of 
all accounts involved in the transaction."  Do you mean "Don't allow the user 
to add a transaction BEFORE the opening date of ANY of the accounts involved in 
the transaction" ?  The transaction date should be after all the opening dates, 
unless I'm really confused (which is certainly possible.)

- Jack Ostroff

On March 25, 2015, 7:42 p.m., Cristian Oneț wrote:
> ---
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> ---
> (Updated March 25, 2015, 7:42 p.m.)
> Review request for KMymoney.
> Bugs: 313793
> Repository: kmymoney
> Description
> ---
> If the transaction is moved to another post date the price information
> is moved along with it for investments transactions. This fixes the
> reported issue, saving the file once will fix all price issues.
> Also add the possibility to save the consistency check log to a file
> or copy it into the clipboard.
> Don't allow the user to add a transaction after the opening date of
> all accounts involved in the transaction.
> BUG: 313793
> REVIEW: 122746
> Diffs
> -
>   kmymoney/dialogs/transactioneditor.cpp 
> a215e3f8a1eaf2f7ccf1d73f29190f2ad86ff282 
>   kmymoney/kmymoney.h 92ab4b28d52c237222a2fb1106398ce0208215aa 
>   kmymoney/kmymoney.cpp c132983b63536e094375532082ea87c54461235c 
>   kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneyfile.cpp 8c1be4301a89b65f428edf2b8f0ab8b6e3dac51e 
> Diff:
> Testing
> ---
> Opened the file attached to the report and observe that the consistency check 
> fixes all of the issues.
> Thanks,
> Cristian Oneț

KMyMoney-devel mailing list

Re: [Kmymoney-devel] Review Request 122746: Add a stage to the consistency check to fix transaction post dates

2015-03-05 Thread Jack Ostroff

> On March 5, 2015, 9:20 p.m., Thomas Baumgart wrote:
> > kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneyfile.cpp, line 2132
> > 
> >
> > Would it probably make sense to adjust the account's opening date 
> > instead?

Unfortunately, I think it depends on the user.  If the account opening date was 
just set without a serious reason (such as last year, if it is actually an 
older account but it will only be tgraqcked from this year) then moving the 
opening date is OK.  However, if someone has actually set the opening date to 
when the account was opened, then just changing it is bad - as there is 
probably some problem with trying to put an older transaction in that account.  
While I hate to propose another popup warning/question to the user, what about 
asking: "This transaction is on a date prior to the opening date of the 
account." and offer to "Move account opening date." or "Cancel" ?

- Jack

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

On Feb. 27, 2015, 7:56 p.m., Cristian Oneț wrote:
> ---
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> ---
> (Updated Feb. 27, 2015, 7:56 p.m.)
> Review request for KMymoney.
> Bugs: 313793
> Repository: kmymoney
> Description
> ---
> If the transaction is moved to another post date the price information
> is moved along with it for investments transactions. This fixes the
> reported issue, saving the file once will fix all price issues.
> BUG:313793
> Also fix some old code that added prices when entering transaction, there is 
> no such action as "Sell".
> BTW: currently it's possible to enter a transaction prior to the opening date 
> of an account by making a transfer to that account from another account which 
> has an older opening date, should we fix that?
> Diffs
> -
>   kmymoney/dialogs/transactioneditor.cpp 
> 1aadc6fc96b7d21c7da198e92900023100fda9ad 
>   kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneyfile.cpp 8c1be4301a89b65f428edf2b8f0ab8b6e3dac51e 
> Diff:
> Testing
> ---
> Opened the file attached to the report and observe that the consistency check 
> fixes all of the issues.
> Thanks,
> Cristian Oneț

KMyMoney-devel mailing list

Re: [Kmymoney-devel] Feature request

2015-01-27 Thread Jack Ostroff

On 2013.06.20 10:34, Eric Bonney wrote:
Just an update, my project is not dead, just on a very long delay and  
I am sorry for that. I had to set it aside once tax season hit here  
in the US and since April 15th things have just been plain busy. I am  
in the middle of moving personally and my work has me swamped right  
now. So while there hasn't been much progress to report on the  
Android version, I am hoping that once I get settled in my new place  
I will be able to devote some time again to the project and get  
moving again.


Just another ping for an update of current status.  Someone recently  
posted on the kmymoney mailing list with the idea of creating a web  
app.  However, his main goal seems to just be capturing cash  
transactions during the day, so they can be loaded into KMM at home.   
It seems that should be a reasonable task for an android version.


KMyMoney-devel mailing list

Re: [Kmymoney-devel] Review Request 122150: Added netherlands to ibanbic folder

2015-01-19 Thread Jack Ostroff

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

There is a major difference between the title of this review and the 
description.  I suspect one of them is simply wrong or someone edited the wrong 
review request.  (One is about adding to ibanbic folder, the other is about 
loading excel to sql.)

- Jack Ostroff

On Jan. 19, 2015, 3:42 p.m., Shayantan  Pal wrote:
> ---
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> ---
> (Updated Jan. 19, 2015, 3:42 p.m.)
> Review request for KMymoney and Christian David.
> Repository: kmymoney
> Description
> ---
> Feeds data to an SQLite Database from an excel file
> Diffs
> -
>   kmymoney/mymoney/onlinejobtypedtest.cpp 
> 189df04413120050e26ad8199a31d2c68c8f2960 
>   kmymoney/mymoney/payeeidentifier/payeeidentifierdata.h 
> a6899c1f018a5b34dcf585e6b61995b6cb107ac0 
>   kmymoney/mymoney/onlinejobmessage.cpp 
> 3597364a198703f2356801bfddc434bda9d993c1 
>   kmymoney/mymoney/onlinejobtyped.h c23599f3b4b9523d11bbc31bb38c390068890572 
>   kmymoney/models/onlinejobmodel.h 8ff20bd1881d3e4a2605183d392baf92002dea1d 
>   kmymoney/models/onlinejobmodel.cpp e369eed334cbd80770e41a15b19222db1079a1b2 
>   kmymoney/models/payeeidentifiermodel.cpp 
> 9fff26c6b615976ab621911b9b688f75d45d3087 
>   kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneypayeeidentifiercontainer.h 
> 190604416445ef26056fa021ff08fa8d2bfcb269 
>   kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneypayeeidentifiercontainer.cpp 
> c5cc8da3a2905da6157dfa29f10bed29eb86280e 
>   kmymoney/mymoney/onlinejob.h 8ae40202e88e198189201d5325523b3fc01bd3e2 
>   kmymoney/mymoney/onlinejobadministration.h 
> 83650a1272be6e1660b18df335c1a5f202dfa990 
>   kmymoney/mymoney/onlinejobfolder.h b5a96c070b44849de461cae9cd81f31991fd2aa8 
>   kmymoney/mymoney/onlinejobfolder.cpp 
> 432fe7d8f938fd9a39057757210d0ee0e6e45294 
>   kmymoney/mymoney/onlinejobmessage.h 
> f520c25b69cee4406b9ffe10a377332bb008296d 
>   kmymoney/misc/charvalidator.h PRE-CREATION 
>   kmymoney/misc/charvalidator.cpp PRE-CREATION 
>   kmymoney/CMakeLists.txt 653734a2d410de4070133f8ff6686bd416e1a913 
>   kmymoney/converter/mymoneystatementreader.cpp 
> 17eba4df32d5142ed16149917245b9529994a4e5 
>   kmymoney/dialogs/konlinetransferform.cpp 
> 6ab9a2f41a650fe96adc8f15994f7600150136f4 
>   kmymoney/dialogs/konlinetransferformdecl.ui 
> 7246541fb34db8dcbf9e59a722d272edd509ceb1 
>   kmymoney/kmymoney.cpp a3de0df5309b95ad507c501e74cb057c7cdad60a 
>   kmymoney/kmymoneyutilstest.h bb75b60e79214e8b7f036c984738d129c4460d0f 
>   kmymoney/kmymoneyutilstest.cpp 7be55c80874b1779832d619caf4b95c032013780 
>   kmymoney/misc/CMakeLists.txt ab29cfac55070a00db5df5a13d27b1ff93dd5867 
>   kmymoney/mymoney/payeeidentifier/payeeidentifiermacros.h 
> 96251afe1242977473c96514a16f6fce945305cc 
>   kmymoney/mymoney/payeeidentifier/payeeidentifiertyped.h 
> 07d3abbe61cce60f5bec110038178ec4fbf0d6a7 
>   kmymoney/mymoney/storage/kmymoney-sqlstorageplugin.desktop 
> 3bd3531221f42a48adedb67db023699b6ee4a328 
>   kmymoney/mymoney/storage/mymoneydatabasemgrtest.cpp 
> 04873dc9568ab63cde637aad8a037a00dbede7e4 
>   kmymoney/mymoney/storage/mymoneyseqaccessmgr.cpp 
> c6a248967e1ba156534253b3200560ac281b9064 
>   kmymoney/mymoney/storage/mymoneystoragesql.h 
> ce65996452769e1beb6982205f9a781b7d0cc6f5 
>   kmymoney/mymoney/storage/mymoneystoragesql.cpp 
> a9049cc03cef650b4668f08f4987a65b8f27dcc2 
>   kmymoney/payeeidentifier/ibanandbic/CMakeLists.txt 
> 71aededa81e222784f7f6a85a9d71df4c1ac8697 
>   kmymoney/payeeidentifier/ibanandbic/bicmodel.h 
> 8611da4f45f62bc61b7e07ad2368ff22ab605ada 
>   kmymoney/payeeidentifier/ibanandbic/bicmodel.cpp 
> 2caf8c10bde555f0db46680ace0013687bd06857 
>   kmymoney/payeeidentifier/ibanandbic/ibanbic.h 
> 399cc05f1b6e33e49062a1936bce070e5df6b1de 
>   kmymoney/payeeidentifier/ibanandbic/ibanbic.cpp 
> 76c25ca29e2849e68eda0a0c73252f2d37c6125d 
>   kmymoney/payeeidentifier/ibanandbic/ibanbicdata.h 
> ccfd8ff62e4fac73ec55a0fa49b5bfadd47d8d9b 
>   kmymoney/payeeidentifier/ibanandbic/ibanbicdata.cpp 
> baca85b95393e786e1adb23ec40a312984dd503f 
>   kmymoney/payeeidentifier/ibanandbic/ibanbicmacros.h 
> dd48be0b6adabe17209a0fd2b39df32a452bee77 
>   kmymoney/payeeidentifier/ibanandbic/ibanbicstorageplugin.cpp 
> 7b094ab08667094de8eb85983822fdf91a87a6ad 
> kmymoney/payeeidentifier/ibanandbic/tests/internationalaccountidentifiertest.h
>  568fd

Re: [Kmymoney-devel] Review Request 120632: FAQ uses Capacity now

2014-10-17 Thread Jack Ostroff

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

I apologize if I'm being dense, but what do you mean by "uses Capacity now" ?  
I see mainly a reordering of questions.

- Jack Ostroff

On Oct. 17, 2014, 6:42 p.m., Lars Meiendresch wrote:
> ---
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> ---
> (Updated Oct. 17, 2014, 6:42 p.m.)
> Review request for KMymoney.
> Repository: kmymoney-org
> Description
> ---
> FAQ uses Capacity now and bug fixed in
> Diffs
> -
>   faq.php 85aaec8 
> 109ab08 
> Diff:
> Testing
> ---
> Created my own Webserver. Everything looks fine.
> Thanks,
> Lars Meiendresch

KMyMoney-devel mailing list

Re: [Kmymoney-devel] Review Request 120153: Remove the OFX investment transactions amount sign inversion hack.

2014-09-18 Thread Jack Ostroff

> On Sept. 12, 2014, 12:10 p.m., Allan Anderson wrote:
> > I've confirmed that when the OFX file (produced from the logfile) is 
> > imported into a checking account, the sign now is correct.
> > I've also imported a number of my own non-OFX files and they too are OK.
> > I'm not an OFX user, and I'm assuming that the second half of the file is 
> > informational and not for import.
> Cristian Oneț wrote:
> Thanks, then somebody using OFX to import investment transactions should 
> check this patch, anybody up fo the task?

Sorry it took so long, but I can confirm that with the patch, the .01 imports 
as a deposit.  The second half of the file does look informational, and I 
suppose in an ideal world, it might be imported either just for informational 
display or perhaps to confirm balances, but ignoring it for now seems correct.

- Jack

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

On Sept. 12, 2014, 6:25 a.m., Cristian Oneț wrote:
> ---
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> ---
> (Updated Sept. 12, 2014, 6:25 a.m.)
> Review request for KMymoney and Allan Anderson.
> Bugs: 333522
> Repository: kmymoney
> Description
> ---
> As the author of the hack states he's not sure why this was necessary.
> This hack also caused a lot of workarounds in MyMoneyStatementReader
> so it definitely should be removed. I've tried to keep the current
> behaviour in MyMoneyStatementReader but since I'm not familiar with
> investment transaction these should be double checked.
> BUG: 333522
> Diffs
> -
>   kmymoney/converter/mymoneystatementreader.cpp 
> 766d2151e17f07891f43e6d4d50861d40cbffe17 
>   kmymoney/plugins/ofximport/ofximporterplugin.cpp 
> 556cb4195ef1c5680ac50ce394f8bd9893fdcbdb 
> Diff:
> Testing
> ---
> Imported the OFX file attached to BUG 333522 in a checking account and in an 
> investemnt account. Allan please take a look if the investment transactions 
> part in MyMoneyStatementReader is OK.
> Thanks,
> Cristian Oneț

KMyMoney-devel mailing list

Re: [Kmymoney-devel] question on tags

2014-09-04 Thread Jack Ostroff

On 2014.09.04 18:51, Alvaro Soliverez wrote:

Hi Jack,
Tags are assigned to splits, therefore they are only applied to one
end of the transaction.

It should show the tag, regardless of there being a payee or not.

I'm doing a clean compile now.  If it still shows a difference, I'll  
try to post a screenshot.

I'm still debating whether to push what I've done so far, so you can  
take at least a quick look.  I know I'll have to redo many screenshots  
over the next week or two - but those can be done after the string  
freeze starts.  (When is it exactly?  No need to push again - I just  
want to plan my next days carefully. :-)

I expanded the tags stuff a bit, and Allan and I are almost done with  
the csv importer chapter.  However, I still have over a page of notes  
of other things that need updating.

KMyMoney-devel mailing list

Re: [Kmymoney-devel] Converting shares

2013-12-09 Thread Jack Ostroff

On 2013.12.09 18:19, Ian Neal wrote:
It is staying within the same account, what is happening is the  
stocks are being converted to a 'clean share class'. The current  
shares are in a class of shares that are still paying a rebate, and  
my investments are being converted into 'clean shares' that do not  
pay rebates but offer a lower annual management charge. So 100 shares  
of StockA are being converted into 61 shares of StockB.

So although they are still shares of the same company, I think they are  
a different security, and I assume they have a different ticker  
symbol.  That is certainly a different issue from the wish-list I  
opened.  Only someone who knows the code better could say whether I  
should add this request to the one I just opened, or if it should be a  
separate wishlist for tracking purposes.

KMyMoney-devel mailing list

Re: [Kmymoney-devel] build issues

2013-09-17 Thread Jack Ostroff

On 2013.09.17 19:48, aga wrote:

On Tue, 17 Sep 2013 18:24:27 -0400
Jack  wrote:

> I'm trying to install KMM from source in a newly installed Kubuntu
> 12.0.4 as a VirtualBox guest (under Gentoo as host), and am
> currently stuck at libalkimia.  I see Claydoh has KMM 4.6.3
> available, but only 4.3.1 of libalkimia.  I have successfully built
> libalkimia from source, but I'm curious if I missed any available
> package - perhaps in a different ppa?
> Jack
> ___

As I understand it, the stable 4.6.3 requires "FIND_PACKAGE(LibAlkimia
4.3.1 REQUIRED)"
Claydoh's PPA now looks pretty dated, as does Kubuntu 12.0.4.

You don't say what version of libalkimia you have, or in what way
you're stuck, but, assuming you have KMM from git HEAD, I take it you
have 4.3.2. I got it from I think, github.

In case you don't have that, I'm attaching my version to save to-ing
and fro-ing.

git head said 4.3.1 was not sufficient, although I have not looked  
inside the CMAKE files.  I actually took the 4.3.2  source from the  
download tarball on my gentoo box, and the KMM compile has finally  
completed successfully.

I'm just curious how Claydoh built KMM 4.6.3 without libalkimia 4.3.2,  
which seems to have been required for at least a version or two, not  
new to 4.6.3.  Either I'm missing some clue, or there's magic afoot.

KMyMoney-devel mailing list

Re: [Kmymoney-devel] CSV Plugin Documentation Update

2012-11-17 Thread Jack Ostroff

On 2012.11.17 08:58, Allan wrote:

Just to refresh my memory, what is the best way for you, for me to  
update the docs?  Might going via ReviewBoard be the best way to find  
if others can follow the write-up?


I'm pretty flexible.  However, given the complexity of the underlying  
task (or at least the complexity of explaining it clearly) I'd prefer  
to do what we have done in the past, which is to start with a few  
passes of plain text between us by email, to settle on an overall flow  
of the section.  After that, I suppose reviewboard would be a good way  
to let others see it before one of us actually commits it to git.  I'm  
also happy for you to send me either a patch or a replacement file for  
me to commit.

KMyMoney-devel mailing list

Re: [Kmymoney-devel] Review Request: Prices: search reciprocal value before searching previous dates

2012-04-30 Thread Jack Ostroff

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

I don't have much experience with multiple currencies, but Thomas' comments 
made me think.  I know when changing money at a bank, the two rates are not 
reciprocal, because the bank makes some money on each exchange.  Is this also 
true for the exchange rates KMM retrieves on-line?  If the rates are 
reciprocal, then the closest date is most accurate (can the date be later than 
the transaction instead of earlier?)  However, if the rates are NOT reciprocal, 
than how preferable is a correct rate to a reciprocal rate on a closer date?


- Jack Ostroff

On April 30, 2012, 11:11 p.m., Alvaro Soliverez wrote:
> ---
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> ---
> (Updated April 30, 2012, 11:11 p.m.)
> Review request for KMymoney and Thomas Baumgart.
> Description
> ---
> There may be cases where only the reciprocal value for a given date is 
> present, but if there is a price for a previous date, the latter will be used 
> instead.
> The fix here intends to use the most accurate value, which is the one in the 
> exact date, even if it's the reciprocal one.
> There might be performance issues. Perhaps a price cache should be considered 
> in the future.
> This addresses bug 297437.
> Diffs
> -
>   kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneyfile.cpp eef7126 
> Diff:
> Testing
> ---
> Ran reports where this case is present, and unit tests.
> There was no noticeable performance problem, but the set of prices was normal.
> Thanks,
> Alvaro Soliverez

KMyMoney-devel mailing list

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