Iraq. The Biggest Robbery Of The Century.

2000-12-17 Thread heikki sipilä

From: "Francisco Javier Bernal" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Biggest Robbery Of The Century

  by Rafiq A Tschannen

  Daily Star (Bangladesh), 9th December

  DURING the gulf war 1991 the USA has destroyed the water

  system of Iraq and thereby violated the Geneva war convention.

  recently an American High School teacher submitted a study which

  proved that the wilful destruction of a whole country was carried

  out with a strategic calculation. Nearly ten years later the whole

  population of Iraq continues to pay the price of the stubbornness

  the USA and Iraq's leader Saddam Hussain. There is no end in sight

  in this situation. On the contrary during the US election campaign

  both candidates were eager to outdo each other in their anti-Iraq

  feelings. And quietly the robbing of Iraq continues as the work of

  the UNCC United Nations Compensation Commission shows, an obscure

  entity, which sucks off one third of all Iraqi export earnings.

  The UNCC has existed for the last ten years and remains nearly

  unknown to the public. But actually this discretely operating

  institution is one the most important instruments in the

  strategy against Iraq. The economic sanctions against Iraq are

  being covered by the media. We see on TV malnourished children and

  hospitals where the most basic items are missing. We see a whole

  country and a whole culture being permitted to deteriorate

  further and further. But hardly any journalist seems to be

  in the work of the UN Compensation Commission and in their

  legality and their dubious practices. And this in spite of the

  that since December 1996, 11 billion dollars, approximately one

  of the export earnings of Iraq, have flown into the coffers of


  In April 1991, shortly after the defeat of Iraq, the UN security

  council decided that according to international law Iraq will be

  liable for all losses, damages which other states,

  or foreign corporations have had as an immediate result of the

  Iraqi invasion and occupation of Kuwait. For the determination of

  such damages the UN compensation commission was created. The board

  of this commission is made up of representatives of the 15 members

  of the UN security council. The executive council, which has been

  dominated by its US members right from the start, is supposed

  to inform the commission, although disinform would be the more

  appropriate term.

  The method chosen by the Security Council is without parallel in

  history at least not since the Versailles Agreement at the end of

  World War I, which laid the foundation for the Second World War.

  In article 231 of the Versailles agreement Germany was made to

  Hitler took advantage of this agreement that went too far. It was

  easy for him to point out that "enough is enough". The United

  had not ratified the Versailles agreement, but today is carrying

  in the same way "Iraq will pay!" How will this time?

  Iraq is not even recognized as a defendant party". Every petty

  criminal has the right of defence but the country of Iraq has no

  say in how and how much the country is bled. Every year 50 million

  dollars are being deducted from the Iraqi export earnings to

  finance the activities of the commission. Excellent salaries of

  commission members and their travelling arrangements in business

  class are financed. For the first time in the history of countries

  since the Second World War a state has absolutely nothing to say

  about a juristic case that directly relates to it.

  Iraq has no right to vote at the UN because it did not pay its

  At the same time the USA is in arrears for over one billion

  Just another small example of the double standards prevailing

  One law for the super power and another law for the rest of the

  No doubt Iraq does have a duty to provide compensation. But how
can a

  law case be fought and presented without giving the other side a

  to present their own case? For instance: The state of Kuwait had

  presented a claim for 21.6 billion dollars in 1994. Baghdad was

  a summary of the claim five years later in 1999. The Iraqi

  was given a dateline of 19th September 2000. Iraq requested

  to use some fund out of the commission's funds actually Iraq's own

  export earnings! to pay for a legal office to scrutinize all the

  documents. The commission refused. After a long discussion finally

  Iraq was given one hour on 14th December 1999 to present its point

  of view. One hour to treat a 20 billion dollar claim! In spite of

  Russian and French reservations the compensation was fixed at 15.9

  billion dollars.

  The UN Secretary General had recommended in 1991 that Iraq "be

  about all claims and to be given the right 

Belarus: Back In The USSR - NY Times

2000-12-17 Thread red-rebel

 NY Times Magazine, Dec. 17, 2000
 Back in the U.S.S.R.

 Belarus is convinced that it has the answer to post-Soviet turmoil --
 Brezhnev-era Communism.


 Dr. Lev Demenuk was not always a Communist. He never believed the old
 propaganda about the evils of capitalism. Not until he experienced it for

 "I cheered when Yeltsin stood on that tank and the Soviet Union fell
 apart," the tall, bearded physician tells me while we wait for a bus after
 the gala. "And I certainly didn't think I'd ever be celebrating Revolution
 Day again."

 The rain has stopped, and the streets are slick and empty. Minsk is very
 dark at night, with only the occasional streetlight or splash of neon to
 pierce the gloom. But the city feels perfectly safe -- one advantage of
 life in a police state.

 "We also used to have Chechen gangsters, and shootouts and robberies --
 the things they have in Russia," recalls Demenuk. "It was terrible. People
 were frightened to leave their homes."

 The bus arrives. It is crammed and steamy and, by the look of it, has been
 in service since the days of Brezhnev. Fortunately, Demenuk's building is
 only a few stops away. He lives in a Stalinist high-rise, virtually
 indistinguishable from the thousands of drafty, precast concrete
 Soviet architects slapped together after the Nazis razed Minsk to the

 We continue our conversation in Demenuk's tidy fifth-floor apartment, over
 Armenian cognac and sliced pears. "We had every kind of shortage. There
 were work stoppages and equipment failures. Our wages were wiped out by
 hyperinflation. You couldn't even buy a roast with your monthly pay."

 Demenuk talks about the polyclinic at the Minsk Automobile Factory, where
 he works as one of 60 doctors and dentists caring for its 29,000
 "The plant was on the verge of closing. Production had dropped tenfold. At
 the clinic, we were reusing hypodermic needles. We had no medications for
 the workers. It was like the war."

 Things got so bad that Demenuk thought about returning to Russia, where he
 was born and reared before attending medical school in Minsk. But Russia
 was in even worse shape. He even considered emigrating. "My sister had
 moved to Boston. I went to the States, too -- worked under the table doing
 manual labor in Detroit for a while," he says.

 Demenuk liked America, even with the language barrier. But in the United
 States, he couldn't practice medicine. "I didn't want to end up as a taxi
 driver with a medical degree."

 There was some encouraging news from home, however. In the summer of 1994,
 a political unknown stormed onto the scene in Minsk. Aleksandr Lukashenko
 was charismatic and rugged, an avid athlete with a manly mustache and
 shoulders. At 39, Lukashenko was the same age as Demenuk, and many of the
 things he said struck a chord with Belarussians who longed for a strong
 leader, someone who would restore some sense and pride to their existence.
 He pledged to chase away the bandits and corrupt officials who were
 the country, which in Soviet times had enjoyed one of the highest
 of living of all the republics.

 Lukashenko swept into office as a savior. "He was our de Gaulle," Demenuk
 says dreamily.

 Lukashenko quickly set about bridling the free press; its pesky criticism,
 he said, impeded his ability to make needed changes quickly. Next he
 his attention to the country's shadowy league of big bankers, the
 "parasites" who had looted the country through dubious privatization

 In renationalizing Belarus's banking sector, Lukashenko claimed he was
 simply returning stolen state property to the people. And the people
 cheered. Ivan Osintvev, for instance, a pensioner, had little sympathy for
 BMW-driving bankers. "I had my life savings in a bank that was
 recalls the decorated World War II veteran, who as a young Soviet soldier
 was shot in the leg just outside Cracow when the Red Army liberated
 Auschwitz. "The new owners closed the bank and ran off with my money,"
 about $2,000, he says. "The capitalists stole all my money. The president
 simply gave it back to me."

 Full article at:

Colombia: Eyewitness to Revolution [FightBack]

2000-12-17 Thread red-rebel

 Fight Back News Service

 This article is from the Fall 2000 special supplement
 on Colombia of Fight Back! / ¡Lucha y Resiste!

 Colombia: Eyewitness to Revolution

 Jessica Sundin, of the Colombia Action Network, led a
 small delegation of three North American activists to
 Bogatá in July 2000, to attend a conference responding
 to U.S. military aid. The delegation also traveled to
 the area in Southern Colombia controlled by the
 guerrillas of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of
 Colombia - People's Army (FARC-EP). Fight Back!
 interviewed Jessica about what she saw there.


 You recently had the opportunity to travel to Colombia
 to attend a conference on U.S. intervention and the
 so-called "Plan Colombia." Could you begin by
 explaining what Plan Colombia is?

 This year, President Clinton, along with the president
 of Colombia, launched Plan Colombia. The Plan gives
 Colombia $1.5 billion to buy attack helicopters, spy
 planes, high-tech surveillance equipment, and
 weaponry. This military aid goes to the Colombian
 Army, to fight the war against left-wing guerrillas.

 This fall, there have been at least two reports of
 U.S.-paid-for helicopters being directly involved in
 combat with guerrillas. Colombian activists say the
 Army will use U.S. aid to continue the Dirty War of
 human rights violations against community leaders,
 human rights activists, and labor union organizers.
 Even school children are targets of Colombia's Army -
 on August, 6 children were murdered when the Army
 fired in their school group during a field trip.

 What is Colombia's 40-year civil war about?

 There is zero political space for progressive people
 in Colombia to decide their own country's fate and
 there is a real need for change. It has the highest
 unemployment rate in Latin America. Even though it is
 rich in natural resources, many people in Colombia are
 homeless, can't get health care or a decent education.
 Every day Colombia's rulers sell off another piece of
 the country to foreign corporations.

 A handful of rich people run Colombia in their own
 interests. They keep themselves in power through
 violence. Colombia has the worst human rights record
 in all of Latin America. Anyone who speaks out for
 something different becomes a target of the most
 brutal military and paramilitary organizations (death
 squads) in all of Latin America.

 Who was at the conference and what did they say about
 Plan Colombia?

 The conference brought together hundreds of people:
 Leaders from the teachers union and the oil workers
 union, environmental activists, students and youth,
 progressive journalists, human rights workers, women
 leaders, and people from the Colombian left. Every
 person I spoke with said Plan Colombia is a plan for

 Because everyone at the conference was an activist,
 they are the civilians that are most threatened by the
 U.S. giving more weapons to the Colombian Army. They
 have fled their hometowns because of the violence, and
 every one of them has had friends and family murdered.
 They say the last thing Colombia's brutal army needs
 is more weapons.

 Plan Colombia will spray more toxic chemicals over
 suspected coca crops. So far, these campaigns have
 been one hundred percent negative. The government has
 sprayed areas where there were no coca crops at all.
 Many families have fled the fumigation because the
 chemicals were poisoning their children, the water,
 the air and the land. The sprays don't just kill coca
 crops, they kill food crops.

 The other problem with Plan Colombia is the "Push into
 Southern Colombia."  Most U.S. military aid will be
 used to sponsor a Colombian military offensive against
 the guerrillas based in these areas.

 What are Colombians doing to try to change Colombia?

 I was inspired by people organizing in Colombia, in
 spite of the violence. Just days after I left, almost
 a million people joined in a general strike to say no
 to Plan Colombia, to stop the privatization of
 state-run hospitals and other industries, and to
 defend wages and jobs for state workers. Human rights
 workers in almost every small town are working to
 document human rights violations and bring  those who
 commit these crimes to justice.

 I met indigenous leaders working in their communities
 to stop the sell-off of native lands to foreign
 corporations. I met students and young people fighting
 to keep public universities open. People are
 organizing strikes, and protests and letter-writing
 campaigns demanding an end to human rights abuses, to
 call on the government to meet peoples basic needs,
 and to get the U.S. out of Colombia.

 You spent a few days in an encampment of the
 Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and met
 with their chief negotiator, Comandante Raul Reyes.
 Could you describe 

Turkish prisoners reported near death in hunger strike

2000-12-17 Thread heikki sipilä

From: Press Agency Ozgurluk [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Turkish prisoners reported near death in hunger strike

The Associated Press

ANKARA, Turkey (December 17, 2000  6:16 a.m.  EST - A prisoners' group said Saturday that dozens
of prisoners on a 58-day hunger strike are near death.

Some 250  prisoners linked to left-wing groups are refusing everything but
water to protest transfers from their dormitory-style open wards to one- or
three-person cells.

The prisoners say the cells would leave them vulnerable to abuse by

Mediation efforts ended Friday over what Justice Minister Hikmet Sami Turk
called the prisoners' "unacceptable" demand to be housed in 20-person
rooms.  The government wants to break up large wards, which it cannot
control and where riots and hostage-takings are frequent.

"Only hours are left till death," a statement from Ozgur Tayad, a
solidarity group for prisoners' families said.  It said the prisoners would
not abandon the strike until their demand is met.

Umit Erkol, head of an Ankara-based physicians' association whose members
have visited some of the prisoners, said "we can expect the worst now."

The independent Human Rights Association said about 20  prisoners were in
critical condition.

Press Agency Ozgurluk
In Support of the Revolutionary Peoples Liberation Struggle in Turkey


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The Biggest Robbery Of The Century [STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2000-12-17 Thread Bill Howard

- Original Message -
From: Francisco Javier Bernal [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, December 17, 2000 1:55 PM
Subject: The Biggest Robbery Of The Century [STOPNATO.ORG.UK]


 The Biggest Robbery Of The Century

 by Rafiq A Tschannen
 Daily Star (Bangladesh), 9th December

 DURING the gulf war 1991 the USA has destroyed the water distribution
 system of Iraq and thereby violated the Geneva war convention. Only
 recently an American High School teacher submitted a study which
 proved that the wilful destruction of a whole country was carried
 out with a strategic calculation. Nearly ten years later the whole
 population of Iraq continues to pay the price of the stubbornness of
 the USA and Iraq's leader Saddam Hussain. There is no end in sight
 in this situation. On the contrary during the US election campaign
 both candidates were eager to outdo each other in their anti-Iraq
 feelings. And quietly the robbing of Iraq continues as the work of
 the UNCC United Nations Compensation Commission shows, an obscure
 entity, which sucks off one third of all Iraqi export earnings.

 The UNCC has existed for the last ten years and remains nearly
 unknown to the public. But actually this discretely operating
 institution is one the most important instruments in the destruction
 strategy against Iraq. The economic sanctions against Iraq are
 being covered by the media. We see on TV malnourished children and
 hospitals where the most basic items are missing. We see a whole
 country and a whole culture being permitted to deteriorate
 further and further. But hardly any journalist seems to be interested
 in the work of the UN Compensation Commission and in their doubtful
 legality and their dubious practices. And this in spite of the fact
 that since December 1996, 11 billion dollars, approximately one third
 of the export earnings of Iraq, have flown into the coffers of this

 In April 1991, shortly after the defeat of Iraq, the UN security
 council decided that according to international law Iraq will be
 liable for all losses, damages which other states, individuals,
 or foreign corporations have had as an immediate result of the
 Iraqi invasion and occupation of Kuwait. For the determination of
 such damages the UN compensation commission was created. The board
 of this commission is made up of representatives of the 15 members
 of the UN security council. The executive council, which has been
 dominated by its US members right from the start, is supposed
 to inform the commission, although disinform would be the more
 appropriate term.

 The method chosen by the Security Council is without parallel in
 history at least not since the Versailles Agreement at the end of
 World War I, which laid the foundation for the Second World War.
 In article 231 of the Versailles agreement Germany was made to pay.
 Hitler took advantage of this agreement that went too far. It was
 easy for him to point out that "enough is enough". The United States
 had not ratified the Versailles agreement, but today is carrying on
 in the same way "Iraq will pay!" How will this time?

 Iraq is not even recognized as a defendant party". Every petty
 criminal has the right of defence but the country of Iraq has no
 say in how and how much the country is bled. Every year 50 million
 dollars are being deducted from the Iraqi export earnings to
 finance the activities of the commission. Excellent salaries of the
 commission members and their travelling arrangements in business
 class are financed. For the first time in the history of countries
 since the Second World War a state has absolutely nothing to say
 about a juristic case that directly relates to it.

 Iraq has no right to vote at the UN because it did not pay its dues.
 At the same time the USA is in arrears for over one billion dollars.
 Just another small example of the double standards prevailing today.
 One law for the super power and another law for the rest of the world.

 No doubt Iraq does have a duty to provide compensation. But how can a
 law case be fought and presented without giving the other side a right
 to present their own case? For instance: The state of Kuwait had
 presented a claim for 21.6 billion dollars in 1994. Baghdad was given
 a summary of the claim five years later in 1999. The Iraqi Government
 was given a dateline of 19th September 2000. Iraq requested permission
 to use some fund out of the commission's funds actually Iraq's own
 export earnings! to pay for a legal office to scrutinize all the
 documents. The commission refused. After a long discussion finally
 Iraq was given one hour on 14th December 1999 to present its point
 of view. One hour to treat a 20 billion dollar claim! In spite of
 Russian and French reservations the compensation was fixed at 15.9
 billion dollars.


Havana Radio news/views Dec 16-17

2000-12-17 Thread heikki sipilä

X-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Unverified)

subject:Havana Radio news/views Dec 16-17.
Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit
Radio Havana Cuba - Weekend News Update - 16-17 December 2000









Havana, December 16 (RHC)-- Cuba has every legitimate right to cut
direct, long-distance telephone calls from the United States. During
a special roundtable discussion, aired live on Cuban radio and
television last night, a panel of journalists and experts on
international affairs examined the decision to cut the cord on direct
communications, which went into effect at 12:01 a.m. on Friday.

One panelist on the roundtable -- Eduardo Dimas, a political
commentator on radio and television in Havana -- recalled that since
1966, Cuba has maintained telephone links with the U.S. despite the
fact that payments were never made. Dimas said that Cuba did not
receive a single cent for the phone service and that the money was
frozen in U.S. bank accounts until 1994.

Journalists taking part in the televised program Friday night noted
that in 1999, a judge in Miami ordered that the frozen funds be used
to pay the families of four members of the terrorist group Brothers
to the Rescue. The four were shot down, despite repeated warnings
that they were violating Cuban territorial airspace, on February 24,
1996. It was revealed that Judge Lawrence King is in the pay of the
right wing Cuban-American community in southern Florida.

After warning that telephone service would be cut if the bills were
not paid to ETECSA, a Cuban-Italian joint venture, it was announced
that phone service would be disconnected beginning on Friday,
December 15th.

Several panelists pointed out that the right-wing Cuban-Americans in
Miami are now raising hell -- claiming that Havana has unilaterally
taken this measure at a time when relatives in southern Florida want
to call their families on the island and wish them a Merry Christmas.
Reinaldo Taladrid, a television commentator, said that the Miami
mafia is not reporting on the long history of stormy relations in
communications between the two countries... trying to make it seem
like Cuba is cutting the cord on telephone calls at this time of year
to punish the families of Cubans on the island. Taladrid pointed out
that when one doesn't pay their bill, services are terminated. And he
pointed out that even in the United States, if one doesn't pay their
gas bill, their heat is turned off -- even in the dead of winter,
right around Christmas-time. The right-wing campaign coming out
of Miami and Washington, designed to make Cuba into the bad guy, was
quickly dismissed as nothing more than a weak propaganda effort.

During the roundtable discussion on Friday, panelists also examined
the desperate attempts by Miami to try to free international
terrorist Luis Posada Carriles, who is being held in Panama for
planning to assassinate Cuban President Fidel Castro. The
participants pointed to the campaign -- led by an attorney and former
attorney general of Panama -- who has been paid to try to defend
Posada Carriles and his accomplices. It was noted that attempts to
defend the jailed terrorists in Panama and free them on
bail purposefully ignore the long history of Luis Posada Carriles in
attacks against the Cuban Revolution.


Havana, December 16 (RHC)-- Delegates to the First National and
Regional Conference on Health Promotion have granted Cuban President
Fidel Castro the Health Activist Diploma "for his tireless efforts
and his active participation in the promotion of adequate and high-
quality health care assistance not only for his people, but also for
all peoples of the world."

The First National and Regional Conference on Health Promotion,
which concluded on Friday here in the Cuban capital, gathered
representatives from nine countries, including Mexico, other nations
from Central America and the Caribbean. For two days, participants in
the conference exchanged their experiences in the fight against
tobacco, alcohol and drug addiction. Experts also reviewed current
national programs against sexually transmittable and other
preventable diseases.

Other Cuban personalities who were also given the diploma for their
active participation in health promotion are Dr. Carlos Dotres,
Health Minister, Vilma Espin, President of the Cuban Women's
Federation and Juan Contino, National Coordinator of the Committees
for the Defense of the Revolution (CDRs).

The President of the Conference Organizing Committee, Dr. Jose
Pinon, pointed to Cuba as a vivid example of what can 

Korean Central News Agency Dec 16

2000-12-17 Thread heikki sipilä

December.16.2000 Juche 89


   * Greetings to President of Niger

   * Commemoration function held in Nigeria

   * Delegation of south side leaves

   * Joint communique on 4th round of inter-Korean ministerial talks

   * Kim Jong Suk's feats praised

   * Ethiopian President supports Korea's reunification

   * Women's meeting for earlier opening of Japan-DPRK diplomatic relations

   * "Theory of principal enemy" denounced

   * Japan's intention to place SDF on war footing

   * S. Korean organizations call for repeal of SL

   * Halt to U.S. forces' firing exercise demanded

   * Abolition of SL in S. Korea called for

   * China will support Korean people's struggle

   * KCNA on sinister plot of Japanese reactionaries

Greetings to President of Niger

   Pyongyang, December 16 (KCNA) -- The south side's delegation headed by
Unification Minister Pak Jae Gyu left here today after participating in the
fourth round of the inter-Korean ministerial talks.
It was seen off at the airport by delegates of the north side to the

Commemoration function held in Nigeria

Pyongyang, December 16 (KCNA) -- The fourth round of the north-south
ministerial talks, which opened in Pyongyang amid the expectation and
concern of the public at home and abroad, closed today.
At the talks, both sides reviewed the work done for the implementation
of the historic north-south joint declaration and reached an agreement on
the proposals made from the viewpoints of reconciliation, cooperation, unity
and reunification.
At the talks, heads of the delegations of the two sides signed the
agreements on the protection of investment between the two sides, on the
prevention of double taxation on the income between the two sides, on the
settlement of accounts between the two sides and on the procedures for the
settlement of disputes between the two sides which were reached at the
second working-level contact for north-south economic cooperation held on
Nov. 10.
A joint communique on the 4th round of the north-south ministerial talks
was released at the talks.
The communique says:
The 4th round of the north-south ministerial talks was held in Pyongyang
from Dec. 12 to 16, Juche 89 (2000).
At the talks the two sides reviewed the last six months' work for the
implementation of the historic north-south joint declaration and agreed as
follows after sharing the understanding that they are committed to
positively implement the joint declaration, greeting 2001:
1. The north and the south agreed to form and operate a committee for
the promotion of north-south economic cooperation with a view to ensuring
the balanced development of national economy and co-prosperity.
This committee will be made up of 5-7 members to be headed by
vice-minister-level official from each side and have its first round of
contact in Pyongyang around December 26, 2000. It will take up and solve
such practical matters arising in the immediate economic cooperation as
cooperation in the field of power industry, the issue of relinking railways
and roads, the construction of an industrial district in Kaesong and the
issue of pushing ahead with the project for the prevention of flood damage
in the area along the River Rimjin.
2. The north and the south agreed to cooperate with each other in the
field of fisheries. As regards the proposal made by the north side to offer
part of its fishing ground in the east sea of Korea to the south side for a
certain period, those officials concerned of the authorities of the two
sides agreed to have a contact in the area of Mt. Kumgang at an early date
to discuss the matter.
3. The north and the south agreed to recommend a contact between
Taekwon-do organizations of the two sides to discuss the exchange of
Taekwon-do demonstration teams.
4. The north and the south agreed to conduct on an experiment basis the
work of confirming whereabouts of separated families and relatives and
exchange of correspondence. The work will involve a hundred persons from
each side in January and February, 2001 and about 300 persons from each side
will write to each other in march, 2001.
5. The north and the south will exchange the third visiting groups of
separated families and relatives, 100 persons from each side, in late
February, 2001.
6. The north side will send a team to tour Mt. Halla in March, 2001 and
an economic study team in the first half of 2001.
7. The north and the south agreed to separately go through the
formalities for the effectuation of the agreements on the protection of
investment between the north and the south, on the prevention of double
taxation on the income between the two sides, on the settlement of accounts
between the two sides and on the procedures for the settlement of 

Korean Central News Agency Dec 17

2000-12-17 Thread heikki sipilä

TODAY'S NEWS (December.17.2000 Juche 89)


   * New feature film produced

   * Seminars held in Tanzania and Ethiopia

   * Pyongyang declaration's vitality increases

   * Japan's claim to Tok Islet rejected

   * Punishment of Japan's war criminals called for

   * Repeal of SL demanded

   * Japan urged to drop its bid to sit on UNSC

 For Spanish-speaking people

   * farsa de intriga de fuerzas conservadoras de japon

   * exhibicion de fotos y proyeccion filmica

New feature film produced

Pyongyang, December 17 (KCNA) -- Some days ago the April 25 Film Studio
of the Korean People's
Army produced part 4 (Choe Hyon) of the multi-part feature film "the Nation
and Destiny" part 53.
The film depicts the heroic battles fought by Choe Hyon and KPA
servicemen behind the enemy lines to
protect the safety of the supreme headquarters after it went over to a
counterattack from the entire front line
under the preeminent operation plan of the President Kim Il Sung during the
Fatherland Liberation War (June
1950-july 1953).
It truthfully represents the indomitable fighting spirit of the first
and second generations of the revolution
who devotedly defended the party and the leader and stresses that comradely
love and the sense of obligation
centered on the leader serves as a source of inexhaustible strength of the
revolutionary armed forces.
A preview of the film took place at the People's Palace of Culture
Senior party and state officials and other cadres and Pyongyangites saw
the film.

Seminars held in Tanzania and Ethiopia

Pyongyang, December 17 (KCNA) -- Seminars were held by the Tanzanian
National Coordinating
Committee of the Juche Idea Study Groups and the Addis Ababa Group for the
Study of the Juche Idea of
Ethiopia on December 8 and 9 separately to mark the 9th anniversary of the
great leader Kim Jong Il's
election as Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army and the 83rd
birth anniversary of the great
communist revolutionary fighter Kim Jong Suk.
The chief of the Addis Ababa Group for the Study of the Juche Idea of
Ethiopia in his speech said that
world politicians are now praising him as a general type statesman. He went on:
The DPRK considers the military affair as the most important state
affair and gives top priority to
strengthening the army. This politics is the political mode which can be
created only by Kim Jong Il, general
type statesman.
Only victory and glory are always in store for the Korean people guided
by Kim Jong Il, general type
politician with literary and military accomplishments.
The secretary general of the Tanzanian National Coordinating Committee
of the Juche Idea Study Groups
in his speech said: The world records many heroines, but no great woman
performed such great exploits as
Kim Jong Suk did.
What occupies the most important place in her history of revolutionary
struggle and her feats was that she
ensured President Kim Il Sung's safety and brought about the future of
modern Korea by giving a steady
continuity to the revolutionary cause of Juche.

Pyongyang declaration's vitality increases

Pyongyang, December 17 (KCNA) -- The Pyongyang declaration "Let us
defend and advance the cause
of socialism" has gives a strong impetus to progressive parties and people
around the world in their struggle
for socialism with great attraction.
The Pyongyang declaration was adopted by leaders and representatives of
progressive parties including
communist parties and workers' parties of many countries in April Juche 81
(1992). This declaration
represented the resolution of the communist parties and workers' parties to
fight it out for the future of
humankind with firm confidence in the cause of socialism.
No sooner had the declaration been published than over 150 media of
more than 60 countries gave wide
publicity to it.
The number of political parties which signed the declaration at the
time of its adoption was 70 and it
reached 170 one year after its adoption. 251 political parties have signed
it up to this date.
The progressive parties including communist parties and workers'
parties of various countries took the
Pyongyang declaration as the charter of socialism and their action program
and are working hard to put it into
The political parties of various countries including Russia and Romania
keep pace with each other in the
movement for rebuilding socialism, boosting their relations on the basis of
the declaration.
Many progressive parties including the Communist Party of the Russian
Federation, the Norwegian
Communist Party and the New Communist Party of Great Britain sent their
delegations to the DPRK to learn
from experience in its party building and socialist construction.
A gathering of officials of progressive parties from more than 20
countries took place in Moscow to mark
the fifth anniversary of the publication of the declaration. It adopted a