2000-12-28 Thread Mark Clement

Wednesday, December 27, 2000

VHS copies of the film 'Big Ben to Baghdad', the epic account of last year's
journey in a 37-year-old Routemaster bus from London to the capital of
sanctions-engulfed Iraq. The 65-minute-film costs £9.99 from the Mariam
Appeal, 13a Borough High Street, London+LATEST

Iraq Questions Credibility of UN 
December 27th, 2000 

BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) _ Iraq is questioning the credibility of a U.N. force
monitoring the border with Kuwait, saying it does not report flights by
American and British warplanes as violations to U.N. resolutions.
In a letter to U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan, Iraq's foreign minister
took the monitors to task over the U.S.-British warplanes, which patrol a
no-fly zone in southern Iraq and frequently fire on Iraqi air defense sites
that target them.

The U.N. Observation and Monitoring force, known as UNIKOM, watches over a
no-man's land at the Iraqi-Kuwaiti border, where its role is to monitor all
land, sky and sea traffic and report any violations of either nation's
territory immediately to the Security Council.
``Most of the warplanes cross the area observed by the UNIKOM posts to
strike Iraq and return through the same points,'' Foreign Minister Mohammed
Saeed al-Sahhaf said in the letter, reported by Iraqi television Tuesday

``By violating our territories, the warplanes commit sheer violations to
U.N. resolutions, obliging the UNIKOM forces to monitor and report these
violations immediately ... to the U.N. and the Security Council,'' al-Sahhaf
said in his letter.

The U.S.-British patrols, conducted since 1992 following the Gulf War, are
not mandated by the United Nations and Iraq considers them violations of its
sovereignty and international law.

The United States and Britain say the patrols _ based out of Saudia Arabia
and carriers in the Persian Gulf _ are necessary to protect Iraq's Shiite
Muslim minority in the area from the Baghdad government. A similar no-fly
zone in the north is enforced by planes based in Turkey.
Iraq has been challenging the flights for two years _ locking on to the
planes with its radar _ and routinely drawing fire.

In its reports, including its most recent one Sept. 27, UNIKOM has
highlighted air violations of the no-man's land, but has not identified the
origin of the planes and has said it could not chart all violations because
the aircraft were flying too high to be identified.

Al-Sahhaf dismissed that reasoning in his letter, noting the allies
``themselves announce that their warplanes have carried out daily patrols in
Iraq.'' ``Is flying in the no-man's land considered to be an accepted act?''
the letter asked. ``If flying at high altitudes is not considered to be a
violation, then we Iraqis can do that, too.'' ``What would the UNIKOM
observers then say if Iraqi planes flew over the same area?'' al-Sahhaf
asked in the letter.

Muslims mark Eid with prayers, calls to liberate Jerusalem 

December 27th, 2000 
CAIRO, Egypt (AP) _ The violence in the Palestinian territories overshadowed
Muslim celebrations of the end of the holy month of Ramadan on Wednesday,
with religious leaders urging the faithful to liberate Jerusalem from the

As Muslims worldwide celebrated Eid al-Fitr, the holiday marking the end of
Islam's holiest month, clerics also urged worshippers to divert zakat, or
alms, to the Palestinians.

In Mecca, Saudi Arabia, the imam of Masjid Al Haram, Islam's holiest site,
said ``the tragic events'' in the Palestinian territories are a ``source of
sorrow to every Arab, Muslim and fair-minded person in the world.'' ``The
Jewish invaders have violated the forbidden, desecrated the sacred and
usurped our land in Palestine while the whole world has stood idle,'' Sheik
Mohammed Bin Abdellah Al-Sabeel said in a sermon following the Eid prayers.
His words were broadcast live across the region on state-owned Saudi
satellite television.

Muslims believe the Quran, their holy book, was revealed to the Prophet
Muhammad over Ramadan 14 centuries ago. They mark the holy month with
daylong fasts and celebrate its end with feasting.

In Iraq, Baghdad's streets were quiet on the first day of Eid, when many
Iraqis traditionally visit cemeteries to pray, drink tea and eat snacks _
keeping their dead beloved company on the holiday.

War and sanctions have ravaged Iraq's economy.
``To hell with sanctions! People do not give money to beggars any more
because they do not have it to start with,'' a beggar who refused to give
his name said as he tried unsuccessfully to collect alms near a Baghdad

Muslims in many countries ended this Ramadan with few festivities.
Palestinian families all over the West Bank and Gaza were mourning their
dead. Nearly 350 people have been 

Vietnam News Dec 28

2000-12-28 Thread heikki sipilä

  Hanoi Party Congress opens

 Secretary of the Hanoi Party Committee Nguyen Phu Trong 
   delivers a report at the congress.

Hanoi opened its 13th Party Congress yesterday morning with the
participation of 401 delegates representing more than
150,000 local Party members.

Politburo Member and Secretary of the Hanoi Party Committee Nguyen Phu
Trong, in his political report delivered at the
Congress, said that Hanoi would promote age-old culture and its Heroic
title while stepping up industrialisation and
modernisation to build a more prosperous, civilised and modern city. His
report also highlighted important achievements
recorded by the city in many fields. The city's economy has developed with
pretty high growth rate. The economic structure
has seen positive changes toward industrialisation and modernisation. Hanoi
is one of the localities having high growth rate
in all sectors and areas with its annual gross social products growth rate
of 10.6%.

The political, security and defence situation has been maintained. The
infrastructure construction and the city's management
have seen much progress. Achievements have also been made in the social
culture with the title 'The City for Peace' given to
Hanoi by UNESCO.

Apart from the achievements, Mr Trong also pointed out the city's
weaknesses and shortcomings concerning unstable
economic development, slow settlement of the resolved burning issues on
social evils, slow process of administrative reform
and weak Party building work.

Regarding the orientation for socio-economic development over the next ten
years, Mr Trong said that Hanoi strives to obtain
a rapid and sustainable economic growth rate.

He also put forth main targets of the five year plan: the annual average
GDP growth rate of between 10% and 11%, the
industrial production value increases by about 14.5 to 15.5%; service
sectors, 9% to 10%; export turnover, 16 to 18% and
about 4,500 to 5,000 people will be admitted to the Party each year.

Meanwhile in the opening speech, Deputy Secretary of the Hanoi Party
Committee Pham Loi said that on the City's Party
Congress, the capital's people and army have strengthened the patriotic
emulation movement. Hanoi has overfulfiled the
socio-economic targets this year. Activities to celebrate the Thang
Long-Hanoi founding anniversary have ended in success.
He also said that the Hanoians' happiness and pride have been multiplied
many times when Hanoi was awarded 'Heroic
City' title by the Party and the State. Particularly the Politburo has
recently issued a Resolution on orientations and tasks to
develop Hanoi over the next ten years. This, he said, is a great honour and
also creates favourabe conditions for the congress
to discuss and map out plans and tasks for the city's development in the
coming time.

Prominent among those attending the congress were Party General Secretary
Le Kha Phieu, Advisors to the Party Central
Committee Do Muoi, Le Duc Anh and Vo Van Kiet, Prime Minister Phan Van
Khai, National Assembly Chairman Nong
Duc Manh, Permanent Member of the Politburo Standing Board and President of
the Presidium of the Vietnam Fatherland
Front Pham The Duyet and Vice President Nguyen Thi Binh.

  Hanoi, the heart of country: Party leader

Communist Party of Vietnam General Secretary Le Kha Phieu has laid emphasis
on the development of Hanoi as the core in
Vietnam's national construction and defence strategy in the on-going
process of industrialisation and modernisation.

Addressing the 13th Hanoi Party congress, which was opened on December 27,
in the presence of Advisors to the Party
Central Committee Do Muoi, Le Duc Anh and Vo Van Kiet, Prime Minister Phan
Van Khai, National Assembly Chairman
Nong Duc Manh and others, Mr Le Kha Phieu said :

The development and political stability of Hanoi has helped accelerate the
growth and political stability of the northern region
and the whole country and raise Vietnam's position.

It has also helped gain our friends' love for and trust in Vietnam, the
Party chief recalled.

He lauded Hanoi's Party Committee and people, saying that Hanoi is worthy
of being the capital city of a millennial
civilization, the national political nerve-centre, and a major economic,
cultural, scientific, educational and international
exchange centre. It is worthy of being the heroic capital of a heroic nation.

Hanoi is the heart of Vietnam's socialist system and a socialist stronghold
of the whole country. It also symbolises the
Vietnamese people's persistent political stance and has contributed to
creating and multiplying the vitality of the country's
political, economic, ideological and cultural policies, Mr Phieu said.

The Party leader stressed that any vague viewpoints and hesitant attitudes
towards Vietnam's path of national independence
and socialism in all areas should be criticized frankly and openly.

Hanoi posted a high GDP 

USA. Political Prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal

2000-12-28 Thread sipila

From: Mark Clement [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, 28 Dec 2000 10:41:51 -0500
Subject: [pttp] FW: These Voices will be Heard!

 The Curtain of Silence
 by C. Clark Kissinger
 It is illustrative how much the campaign to execute Muma Abu-Jamal is
 carried forward on the wings of official censorship.  The most recent
 example is the attempt of the US Bureau of Prisons to prevent radio
 journalist Noelle H from conducting a recorded interview with me.  Ms.
 Hanrahan, who is seeking to interview me for KPFA-FM in Berkeley,
 California, has been told that she can do the interview, but Warden
 Dennis Hasty is exercising his discretion to bar her from bringing
 recording equipment into the Brooklyn Metropolitan Detention Center,
 where I am currently a guest.
 Presumably Ms. Hanrahan is also free to photograph me, as long as she
 doesn' t bring a camera along.
 This incident is yet another example of growing moves by prison
 authorities cross the country to stifle the voices of the 2 million who
 are behind bars. Noelle Hanrahan, and the Prison Radio Project, have
 been at the forefront of the battle to allow these voices to be heard.
 More particularly, this is a reprise of the government's attempt to
 censor the voice of Mumia.  It was Noelle Hanrahan who first went into
 Pennsylvania prisons to record Mumia's voice and make his audio
 journalism available to millions.  When Pennsylvania authorities cut off
 Mumia's access to audio and video journalists, as punishment for
 publishing his first book, Live from Death Row, Mumia took them into
 federal court and won.  The federal courts ruled that PA could not
 single out Mumia for this kind of censorship.   The Pennsylvania prison
 system responded by changing its rules to prevent all Pennsylvania
 prisoners from being recorded.
 People everywhere must speak out against the wall of silence that
 official are seeking to build around America's two million prisoners.
 Note: Clark is still not receiving the volume of mail that we know has
 been sent to him, nor getting access to money sent him which he can use
 to make phone calls.  Please let his office know what response you get
 from contacting the following:
 Continue the phone calls for Clark's release, and for his access to mail
 phone calls:
 Warden Hasty:  718.840.4200; FAX 718-840-5005
 Unit Manager Lee Tatum   ext. 5212Unit: Cadre 2 South
 US Marshal's office, Daniel Byrne: 718.254.6700
 US Attorney for the Eastern District, Loretta Lynch:  718.254.7000
 Judge Arnold C. Rapoport: 610.776.0369; fax, 610.776.0379
 Judge Bruce Kaufman: fax, 215.580.2281
 Please keep writing to Clark:
 Charles Clark Kissinger  #53094-066
 Brooklyn Metropolitan Detention Center
 100 29th Street
 Brooklyn NY 11232
 Phone CCK office 212-57-10962  Email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at
 Prison Radio challenges mass incarceration and racism by airing the voices
 of men and women in prison. Our educational materials serve
 as a catalyst for public activism.
 To subscribe to the Prison Radio Zap-email list,
 send a blank email message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To unsubscribe, send a blank email
 message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 In order to be on the mailing list,
 send us a contribution of $25 or more.
 Prison Radio
 P.O. Box 411074
 San Francisco, CA 94141

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DHKC Statement: 139 (Internet lies)

2000-12-28 Thread dhkcbureau

Date: December 27, 2000 Statement: 139


"We also caused the DHKP-C's Internet site to collapse." This was the news
transmitted on all TV stations and published in the newspapers. This was
said in the days when the prisons were being attacked and dozens of
prisoners murdered. "They are attacking the organisation in every sphere,
they are destroying it!"
A LIE. Like everything else they said in connection with the Death Fast in
the prisons, this too was a lie. The media also saw no drawbacks in
presenting everything the way the authorities wanted them to. But none of
these Internet sites named has or had anything to do with us.
The sites they claim to have destroyed, WWW.DHKP-C.ORG, WWW.DHKP-C.COM,
WWW.DHKP-C.NET do not belong to us and have no connection with us.
The sites under these rather obvious Internet names have been closed and
then sold off by those whose motives are commercial.
The "individuals" who buy these sites then display their own mentality by
downloading a Turkish flag on them with the statement that "we have hacked
into the DHKP-C site", and this is what is being presented to public
We have established that the "individuals" who have carried out this work
have used the telephone number "0212-259" under the address of "Cihangir
Yokus, AL 81000 Istanbul" and someone using the name of "BAD SERAFETTIN" is
running such sites. The "Bad Serafettins" are working for the state's
efforts in the sphere of psychological warfare, or are collaborating with
This is another display of incapacity and falsehood by the murderous
authorities in the face of the prisoners' resistance, it is a new example of
the pathetic and mendacious acts they have recourse to. They stupidly
thought that these cheap numbers would not be revealed.
This transmits a warning about how pathetic and ignorant the media are in
saying and doing what the police want and believing these lies rather than
engaging in their own research. For there has also been demagogy about
Holland and Belgium, and the Internet sites run by DHKC Information Bureaus
in these countries.
The reason for all this pathetic behaviour towards the sites of our movement
is an investigation in America revealing that "in the past six weeks the
organisation's site has been visited a great many times". So the pathetic
people who engage in psychological warfare lies have now won "a very great
What a victory they have won over the DHKP-C! Look how they are winning one
victory after another!
All our Internet sites continue to transmit the truth and the voice of the
people. We are continuing to expose the true nature of the murderous
authorities to the whole world and to our people.
We warn the media not to believe the words and statements of the government.
Do not be the victims of their lies, search for the truth, for there is the
suspicion of "a high probability of falsehood" in all the words they utter.
Do not let yourselves be used as tools in psychological warfare.
You will be able to obtain information about the DHKP-C at the DHKC


DHKC Statement: 139 (Internet lies)

2000-12-28 Thread sipila

From: "dhkcbureau" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2000 01:09:18 -

Date: December 27, 2000 Statement: 139


"We also caused the DHKP-C's Internet site to collapse." This was the news
transmitted on all TV stations and published in the newspapers. This was
said in the days when the prisons were being attacked and dozens of
prisoners murdered. "They are attacking the organisation in every sphere,
they are destroying it!"
A LIE. Like everything else they said in connection with the Death Fast in
the prisons, this too was a lie. The media also saw no drawbacks in
presenting everything the way the authorities wanted them to. But none of
these Internet sites named has or had anything to do with us.
The sites they claim to have destroyed, WWW.DHKP-C.ORG, WWW.DHKP-C.COM,
WWW.DHKP-C.NET do not belong to us and have no connection with us.
The sites under these rather obvious Internet names have been closed and
then sold off by those whose motives are commercial.
The "individuals" who buy these sites then display their own mentality by
downloading a Turkish flag on them with the statement that "we have hacked
into the DHKP-C site", and this is what is being presented to public
We have established that the "individuals" who have carried out this work
have used the telephone number "0212-259" under the address of "Cihangir
Yokus, AL 81000 Istanbul" and someone using the name of "BAD SERAFETTIN" is
running such sites. The "Bad Serafettins" are working for the state's
efforts in the sphere of psychological warfare, or are collaborating with
This is another display of incapacity and falsehood by the murderous
authorities in the face of the prisoners' resistance, it is a new example of
the pathetic and mendacious acts they have recourse to. They stupidly
thought that these cheap numbers would not be revealed.
This transmits a warning about how pathetic and ignorant the media are in
saying and doing what the police want and believing these lies rather than
engaging in their own research. For there has also been demagogy about
Holland and Belgium, and the Internet sites run by DHKC Information Bureaus
in these countries.
The reason for all this pathetic behaviour towards the sites of our movement
is an investigation in America revealing that "in the past six weeks the
organisation's site has been visited a great many times". So the pathetic
people who engage in psychological warfare lies have now won "a very great
What a victory they have won over the DHKP-C! Look how they are winning one
victory after another!
All our Internet sites continue to transmit the truth and the voice of the
people. We are continuing to expose the true nature of the murderous
authorities to the whole world and to our people.
We warn the media not to believe the words and statements of the government.
Do not be the victims of their lies, search for the truth, for there is the
suspicion of "a high probability of falsehood" in all the words they utter.
Do not let yourselves be used as tools in psychological warfare.
You will be able to obtain information about the DHKP-C at the DHKC


Leninist-International mailing list
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Japan's secret shame

2000-12-28 Thread Bill Howard

- Original Message - 
From: Mark Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, December 28, 2000 8:39 AM
Subject: [CrashList] Japan's secret shame

The world sees Japan as a rich, successful country. But the economy is stagnating,
big companies are going bust, and workers are facing the unthinkable - the end of
jobs for life. Jon Snow on an unreported disaster.

Thursday December 28, 2000

The blade caught the morning sun. Despite the gloom beneath the bridge, I'd seen
enough to know that it was at least the size of a carving knife. This man meant
business. Even though we were on the other side of the river talking with other
homeless men, he had clearly decided he was going to see to us. With a roar he
grabbed his old bicycle, charged up the embankment and headed straight for us.
There was a block of flats a few hundred yards away. Our film crew of four split up,
and headed for different stairwells. Four floors up Mayu, a Japanese journalist
working with us, was hammering on doors begging to be let in. The crazed knife
wielder was closing in.

As suddenly as he had come after us, he disappeared. We sneaked down the hallways
and out on to the street again. In seconds he was back - but this time he had the
police with him. An amazing sight, here was a dishevelled vagrant, ordering first
two, then three, then five, and finally eight policemen to arrest us. And arrest us
they did. Two squad cars, and even the superintendent's limo attended the scene.

Our first night in Kyoto was spent in the cells. In the chaos of our arrest, Mayu
had become separated, so that only the three white men of our team found themselves
behind bars. The complainant arrived, still on his bicycle, but with no knife, about
10 minutes after our arrest.

Our lingually-challenged confinement and eventual release lasted three and a half
hours, and occupied the attention of all eight of the arresting officers. There is
little crime in Kyoto, but there is much homelessness. Yet even the homeless have
powers when foreigners come to call. They may have no social security, but they can
still make a citizen's arrest.

Somehow, you don't expect this rich, successful, country to sport rows of cardboard
box homes with desolate hungry men and women beneath every span in town. Ten bridges
in Kyoto, 10-20 beneath each - I suppose we met at least 200 homeless people, and
there were clearly many more that that. It is a new phenomenon that has hit a
society that has almost no provision for coping. For pride is the Japanese watchword
and nothing assaults pride so much as the loss of everything else, hence the ire and
fury that accompanied the threatening blade beneath the city's most westerly road
bridge over the Kamog river.

Japan is in unreported trouble. Sure, the statistics reveal little more than 0%
growth for the past 10 years, a massaged 1.5% this past six months that has already
dribbled to nothing. But they tell you nothing of the precipice this country is
hurtling toward.

Back under the next bridge, Hajime Tanaka, slurped tea. He had run a small business,
lost it, lost his wife and his three children, and now he had lost his home. His
pride, like his dirty white gloves, was still just about intact as he scoured the
river banks for cans. He can make #7 a day selling them in a country where the
average wage is #500 a week.

Takashi Matsuta is only a fraction luckier. A kimono weaver, his breathtakingly fine
woven wasteband lies on the table in front of his loom in the upstairs room of a
sweatshop. He earns no money, but is kept by the factory owner, a distant cousin.
The bottom has fallen out of the Kimono industry.

We were travelling the Tokaido Way - the old 400-mile imperial route that led from
the former capital to Tokyo. Travelling in a G7 economic powerhouse, an industrial
miracle maker - the birthplace of my hi-fi, my microwave, my television, even the
Walkman on my belt - yet now an undiscussed disaster on its knees. Even so, we don't
know it, and many of them don't either. We had been sent here to find out if the
recession was over, if Japan was coming back.

The dense elongated concrete coastal sprawl that spawned Japan's success still feels
prosperous, the trains run, the neon flashes and the cranes sprout above the
skyline. But, like the white gloves of the homeless scavenger, appearances in Japan
are deceptive. Beyond the convenience stores, the gambling halls and the noodle
bars, there is an event taking place that dwarfs any postwar recession Britain has

You can hear the factory in Hamatsu where Yamaha makes grand pianos long before you
enter it. Infernal robotic fingers drum the keyboards for hours on end to see if
they fall apart. It is strange to see so singular a thing as a concert grand in
unfurnished rows of twenty. Four hundred people work here, four hundred jobs for
life. Like all old Japanese businesses, Yamaha looks after its workforce from the
cradle to the grave. Except 

Korean Central News Agency Dec 28

2000-12-28 Thread sipila

TODAY'S NEWS (December.28.2000 Juche 89)



Kim Jong Il inspects KPA unit no. 395

Police called in to break up sit-in strike in S. Korea

Japan's moves to draw up war constitution under fire

South side's delegation arrives

Dismantlement of concrete wall urged

Celebrations by Kothongryon

Many films for children produced

Anniversary of Kim Il Sung's work marked

Greetings to King of Nepal

Greetings to PM of Nepal

Floral basket and messages to Kim Jong Il

For Spanish-speaking people


comandante supremo kim jong il inspecciona unidad no. 395 de epc

llega a pyongyang delegacion de surcorea a primera reunion de cpcens

base de creacion de pelicula infantil

Kim Jong Il inspects KPA unit no. 395
     Pyongyang, December 28 (KCNA) -- The Supreme Commander Kim Jong Il on
December 27 inspected unit no. 395 of the Korean People's Army. He climbed
up a forward command post on a height to learn about the terrain conditions
and troops deployment.
    He said that the soldiers of the unit are now demonstrating their might
in the sacred service for the defence of the country by inheriting the proud
tradition of the unit and that the colours of the unit is associated with
the noble soul of the revolutionary martyrs who dedicated their youth and
life to the party and the leader, the country and the people.
    He went to the headquarters of the unit and acquainted himself with the
performance of its mission and the soldiers' living, going round a lecture
room, an education room and a sleeping room.
    He gave the unit a pair of binoculars and an automatic rifle as gifts
and had a picture taken with the commanding officers and soldiers of the
    Then he visited a civil police company under the unit on guard duty at
forefront post and gave a warm pep-talk to its soldiers.
    After acquainting himself with their military uniforms, he gave an
instruction to supply more high quality uniforms to them who are performing
the most difficult mission on the forefront.
    Getting familiar with the living conditions of the soldiers and seeing
the sideline store, he expressed great satisfaction with the sideline job
done well to provide a good diet to them.
    He gave the company a pair of binoculars, a machine gun and an automatic
rifle as gifts and had a picture taken with its soldiers.
    That day he inspected a power station built by soldiers of KPA unit no.
    Looking round different places of the power station, he highly
appreciated the devoted efforts of the soldiers of the unit to contribute to
the building of a prosperous and powerful nation.
    He was accompanied by Jo Myong Rok, director of the general political
department of the KPA, Kim Yong Chun, chief of the general staff of the KPA,
Kim Il Chol, Minister of the People's Armed Forces, and KPA generals Ri
Myong Su, Hyon Chol Hae and Pak Jae Gyong.

Police called in to break up sit-in strike in S. Korea
     Pyongyang, December 28 (KCNA) -- The police was hurled yesterday into
the scene of the sit-in strike called by unionists of the national bank and
the housing bank in South Korea, Seoul-based "Yonhap News" (internet) said.
At least 8,000 unionists have been on a nearly week-long over-night sit-in
strike against the forcible merger of the two banks in the playground of the
training institute of the national bank in Koyang city, Kyonggi Province.
    Upset by the high spirits of the workers, the police let two helicopters
fly over them early in the morning and scatter 10,000 leaflets warning
strikers of punishment.
    Then at least 7,000 policemen of 51 companies were hurled into the scene
of the strike. 
    The low-altitude flight of the helicopters made over 150 tents collapse
all at once by blowing them even 30 metres off and causing fire in different

Japan's moves to draw up war constitution under fire
     Pyongyang, December 28 (KCNA) -- Shortly ago, the greatest faction
within the Japanese ruling liberal democratic party worked out a draft
report calling for the revision of the present constitution to enable Japan
to exercise the "right to collective self-defence." The report calls for
stipulating in the constitution such articles as allowing Japan to exercise
the "right to collective self-defence" and keep troops for "self-defence"
and designating "emperor" as "head of state" and permitting Japan to
dispatch armed forces overseas to take part in joint military operations
with U.S. forces. 
    A signed commentary of Rodong Sinmun today dismisses this move as a very
dangerous and serious one as it laid bare the aggressive nature and ambition
of Japanese militarism.
    It says: 
    There is a serious 

For All Russia, Biological Clock is Running Out

2000-12-28 Thread Bill Howard

- Original Message - 
From: Mrs. Jela Jovanovic [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: crashlist@lists [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, December 28, 2000 4:31 PM
Subject: [CrashList] Fw: SN1066:For All Russia, Biological Clock is Running Out

- Original Message -
From: Elich, Gregory [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'siemvesti' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, December 28, 2000 2:49 PM
Subject: SN1066:For All Russia, Biological Clock is Running Out

 New York Times
 December 28, 2000

 For All Russia, Biological Clock Is Running Out

 By Michael Wines

 RYAZAN, Russia - If Ina Chaikovskaya does not have it all, she has more
 most women in this ancient military town: brains and pluck, an apartment
 a Zhiguli sedan bought with profits from her own business, a pointed wit.

 What she does not have, and would like, are a husband and children. At 37,
 she is running out of time.

 "There are no normal men," she complained, curled up in jeans and a
 on a sofa, her companion - a 7-month-old orange tabby cat - staring out
 balcony window. "They've all got an inferiority complex because they can't
 earn enough money to support a family. All of them live with their
 They all earn 1,000, 1,500 rubles a month," $35 to $55, roughly.

 "Who would want to bear a child with a man like that?" she asked.

 In Ryazan, a struggling industrial city southeast of Moscow, the answer is
 clear: hardly anybody. In the last decade, the marriage rate here has
 plummeted 30 percent. The divorce rate has leaped 60 percent.

 Not surprisingly, the birthrate is down 40 percent, too.

 This is the flip side to Russia's decade-long epidemic of rising
 a baby bust of alarming speed and size, winnowing the nation's population
 millions - and likely to continue for years. Europe's highest- fertility
 country just a decade ago, Russia today is right down there with Spain and
 Italy as the lowest.

 New births last year in Russia occurred at the rate of 8.4 per 1,000
 compared with 13.4 in 1990. Put another way, Russia's fertility rate - the
 average number of babies a woman is expected to bear - was just 1.17, down
 from 1.89 in 1990.

 The outlook, then, is for a shrinking, aging population when there is a
 crucial need for young people to rejuvenate Russia's farms, re-energize
 industry and rebuild the economy.

 The twin trends - rising deaths and declining births - are both rooted in
 the social and public-health upheavals that have swept the nation since
 Soviet Union entered its death throes in 1991. Both trends have confounded
 experts, who expected them to be neither as serious nor as prolonged as
 have been.

 The country's health care has collapsed in the last decade, along with the
 people's health. Public hospitals and clinics are short of money and
 medicine; doctors earn near-poverty wages; infectious diseases like
 tuberculosis are epidemic.

 No one doubts the decay has fed a rise in mortality unparalleled in recent
 peacetime history. And no one believes this is merely a medical issue.
 Rather, it is a signal that poverty and stress are eroding the
 ability to care for its own.

 Experts, including some at United States intelligence agencies, fear
 deteriorating public health could lead to political upheavals at worst, or
 aid emergencies at best.

 Low fertility is the norm in many Western nations, of course, thanks
 to women's emancipation and widespread birth control. Even in Russia,
 birthrates crept slowly downward for decades before the 1990's.

 But the latest plunge is different: driven not by women's broader choices,
 but by the fact that many of their options - marital, medical, social,
 financial - have been all but obliterated by the earthquake that destroyed
 the Soviet Union.

 Some turnaround surely will occur, but when, nobody knows. Experts once
 believed that Russia's mothers would start bearing children again after
 upheavals of the early 1990's. Instead, Russia's birthrate fell another 10

 By all estimates, the population will continue to shrink. Russia has
 lost 3.3 million people since its population peaked in 1992. It will lose
 tens of millions more, experts predict, regardless of whether births pick
 up. The only question is how many.

 According to projections prepared at the United Nations, Russia will
 contract in the next five decades from its current 145 million people to
 million, the level of 1960.

 One Russian demographer, Sergei Yermakov, of the Research Public Health
 Institute, says Russia could shrink to as few as 80 million people, 10
 million fewer than at the time of the Russian Revolution in 1917.

 "Children are being put off right now," said Sergei V. Zakharov of the
 Russian Academy of Sciences, perhaps the leading expert on Russian
 fertility. "They are going to end up being born. The question is how
many -
 two or three. But the answer to that question isn't clear."
