Korean Central News Agency Feb 25

2001-02-25 Thread sipila

TODAY'S NEWS (February.25.2001 Juche 90)



S. Korean prosecution threatens to sternly deal with workers' struggle

Seminar on Juche idea held in Ukraine

Utterance of former Japan defence agency chief blasted

Kim Jong Il's birthday celebrated in S. Korea

Revocation of proposed revision of "Labour Law" demanded

Senior Japanese official's outburst under fire in S. Korea

DPRK women table tennis players prove successful

Condolences over death of Han Tok Su expressed

For Spanish-speaking people


dirigente kim jong il dirige sobre terreno fabricas de industria ligera de

comunicado conjunto sobre establecimiento de relaciones diplomaticas rpdc -

S. Korean prosecution threatens to sternly deal with workers' struggle
  Pyongyang, February 25 (KCNA) -- The South Korean prosecution "declared
a war" against the workers' struggle against the restructuring of financial
institutions and enterprises, after branding it as "mass egoistic violence",
according to Yonhap News of South Korea. The prosecution will reportedly
hold a "national meeting of prosecutors for public peace" in march in order
to adopt and put into practice a "guideline for public peace operation"
chiefly aimed to crack down upon workers' struggle.
 The prosecution decided to arrest and take legal actions against all the
prime movers of "massive disturbances" without exception including strike
and organize and operate "arrest squads" at local public prosecutor's
offices and police offices across South Korea, not depending on police only
for arrest of people.

Seminar on Juche idea held in Ukraine
  Pyongyang, February 25 (KCNA) -- A national seminar on the Juche idea
entitled "The Juche Idea is a Guiding Idea of the 21st Century" took place
in Kiev on Feb. 17 on the occasion of leader Kim Jong Il's birthday. Genadi
Dmitrivich Berdyshev, vice-chairman of the Ukraine-DPRK Association, in his
congratulatory address said that it was of special significance in the
movement for the revival of socialism in Ukraine to hold a national seminar
on the Juche idea. 
 Polishuk, chairman of the Ukrainian Association for the Study of the
Juche Idea, in his report said that socialism has entered a new stage of its
development because Kim Jong Il has wisely led the world socialist movement
holding aloft the banner of the Juche idea.
 He continued: 
 The Juche idea is a great guiding idea of the era which indicates a road
for humankind to follow.
 Humankind, who has entered a new century, new millennium, will certainly
revive socialism under the banner of the Juche idea. The 21st century will
be a century in which the victory of the Juche idea would be proclaimed.
 Speakers noted that Korean socialism, to which the Juche idea has been
applied, is most ideal socialism they should build in future.
 A letter to Kim Jong Il was adopted at the seminar.

Utterance of former Japan defence agency chief blasted
  Pyongyang, February 25 (KCNA) -- Norota, former director general of the
Japan Defence Agency, was reported to have asserted in a recent lecture that
"the war for greater east Asia put an end to the colonial rule over Asia".
This outburst has come under fire in a signed article of Rodong Sinmun
today. The commentary says: The Japanese ultra-rightists do not feel guilty
for Japan's past aggression at all but are keen on presenting a distorted
picture of it. 
 The Japanese imperialists' invasion of the continent was most vicious,
barbarous and inhuman act of aggression in human history.
 The Japanese aggressor troops perpetrated such shuddering crimes as
killing everyone, setting fire to and destroying everything and looting
 The Korean people liberated the country through several decades of an
arduous bloody struggle against the Japanese imperialists.
 After world war ii history meted out deserved punishment to them and
accordingly, Japan still remains an "enemy state."
 But the Japanese reactionaries are totally denying this.
 They have deep-rooted ambition for aggression and are thirsty for
 They are dreaming of war of aggression, not peace, and working hard to
dominate again Korea and other Asian countries, the commentary stresses.

Kim Jong Il's birthday celebrated in S. Korea
  Pyongyang, February 25 (KCNA) -- The central committee of the National
Democratic Front of South Korea (NDFSK) issued a press release on Feb. 21 on
the functions held to celebrate the birthday of leader Kim Jong Il,
according to Seoul-based Voice of National Salvation. According to the press
release, the central committee of the NDFSK and its provincial and city
committees had meetings to celebrate the day.
 The meetings said that Kim Jong Il is a great 

Korean Central News Agency Feb 25

2000-02-25 Thread heikki sipilä

Kim Jong Il's work published in Bangladesh

Pyongyang, February 25 (KCNA) -- The famous work of General Secretary
Kim Jong Il "Socialism Is a
Science" was published in booklet by the Natun Bangla Publishing House of
Bangladesh on Feb. 15.
The work proved the scientific accuracy of socialism as an inevitable
consequence of the social development and
comprehensively expounded the idea of the essential advantage and
invincibility of the socialist society.
The publishing house said in its introduction that the work was
published on the occasion of the 58th birthday
of Kim Jong Il and hoped the work would help the people who aspire after
socialism and independence properly
understand socialism and learn from it.

4th seminar of political parties on building new society held

   Pyongyang, February 25 (KCNA) -- The 4th seminar of political parties on
building a new society was held in
Mexico on Feb. 14 and 15.
Present there were the coordinator of the national executive committee
of the Worker's Party of Mexico, the
general secretary of the c.c., the Dominican Communist Party and other
party delegations and delegates from over
20 countries including the DPRK, Peru, Libya and Guatemala.
Discussed at the seminar were the reactionary nature of the
imperialists' "globalization" policy and its
consequences, the measure to check and frustrate it, the necessity of the
victory of socialism, the way of
consolidating and developing it and the tasks for strengthening unity and
solidarity among the international socialist
A special resolution supporting the just cause of the Korean people was
adopted at the seminar.
It extended positive support to the Korean people in their struggle to
defend and develop the socialist idea under
the uplifted banner of socialism.
It also extended invariable support to the Korean people in their
struggle for pulling down without delay the
concrete wall built by the United States and the South Korean authorities
in the area south of the Military
Demarcation Line in a bid to perpetuate the division of Korea into the
north and south and achieving the reunification
of the country in accordance with the proposal for founding the Democratic
Confederal Republic of Koryo advanced
by President Kim Il Sung at the sixth congress of the Worker's Party of Korea.

Congratulatory visits paid to DPRK embassies

Pyongyang, February 25 (KCNA) -- General secretary of the central
committee of the Communist Party of Peru
(Red Motherland) Alberto Moreno, the secretary general of the Peruvian
Committee for Supporting the Independent
and Peaceful Reunification of Korea, Minister of Youth and Sports of
Democratic Congo Mutombo Tchibal, the
president of the Soekarno Education Foundation of Indonesia, the first
vice-president of University Bongkarno of
Indonesia and other figures from all walks of life in different countries
paid congratulatory visits to the DPRK
embassies in their capital cities on the occasion of the birthday of
General Secretary Kim Jong Il.
They laid floral baskets before the portraits of the President Kim Il
Sung and General Secretary Kim Jong Il and
paid their respects to them.

DPRK circus awarded highest prize in Italy

   Pyongyang, February 25 (KCNA) -- Aerial acrobatics "flying girls" of the
Pyongyang Circus of the DPRK was
awarded the highest prize at the International Joint Circus Performance in
The prize was awarded under the sponsorship of the World Talents
Association, the World Circus Association
of Italy and the National Circus Federation of Italy before the first
performance in Genoa on Feb. 11.
Egidio Palmeri, chairman of the National Circus Federation of Italy,
told the audience before the prize-awarding
ceremony that the highest prize was awarded to the acrobatics of the DPRK
at a significant time when the diplomatic
relations were established between Italy and the DPRK.
There are at least 150 circuses, large and small, in Italy with a long
circus history but none of them has been
awarded the highest prize, and circuses of many countries have come but the
prize has never been awarded to
circuses of other countries, he said.
He expressed his gratitude to Kim Jong Il, the great leader of Korea,
for sending such excellent acrobatics to
Padric Tonadegui, director of the art department of the organizing
committee of the Monte Carlo International
Circus Festival, said that it is very natural and just that the highest
prize was awarded only to the aerial acrobatics of
the DPRK at the international joint circus performance.
Yedi Murillo, chairman of the World Talents Association, noted that as
one of organizers of the international
joint circus performance he had never felt pride like this time.
No others have rocked the world with so new, unique and fine circus
skill as the DPRK did, he said.
A small group of the Pyongyang Circus performed in Milano, Savona and

GI's killing