KR> winner

2008-10-12 Thread
did i miss it? or no one has mentioned that  a kr has  won an  award at snf 
so congrats to bill clapp   yes he  won the award  for  best wood 
  way to go  bill,n212kr

KR> kr2

2008-10-12 Thread
i would like to get as much input as possable from everyone on the fastest  
known, kr2 flown in continous level flight. reguardless of what powered  it?

  steve jones

KR> wing gap seals

2008-10-12 Thread
i used white flashing strips & made the top oiece end underneath & made a 
second piece for the bottom. the top part overlaps the bottom part to make the 
compound curve. then i ran a slight edge bend along both side edges so they lay 
tight to the surface. just screwed them down, painted to match the color 
stripes,steve jones   n212kr

KR> kr

2008-10-12 Thread
hi everyone, does someone out there have enough extra gap seal mat'l i can  
buy for my kr2 wings, i can buy?  steve jones, n212kr, venice fl
  oh yea, an update , n212 kr is up & flyin with it's new turbo  corvair eng. 
& so far no problems other than too much prop, soon to be  resolved.10 hrs tt 
so far!  it's a real power house. with 10 inches of  too much pitch @ 2500 
rpm's , it'll still climb 1500 ft/min all the way up,so  far to 6500 ft. cant 
wait to try the right prop & get 3800 rpm  :-)

KR> Re: brakes

2008-10-12 Thread
i had the same problem with the plastic brake line blowing out from fitting 
pinch pressure. i found a product from parker hydrolic , it's parker parflex, 
nylon tube  # nn-4-062, in natural instead of black so you can see air bubbles. 
it's rated 500 psi & 200 deg.. it has a.127 wall thickness that will hold all 
the compression fitting pressure without leaking or pinching out! 
 this stuff is flexable & very tough, perfect for brake lines thruout. use 
this stuff & forget about brake lines foreverunless you cut it 
  steve jones,venice fl, n212kr

KR> Re: brakes

2008-10-12 Thread

when i built n212kr, i ran steel tubing from the gear leg, up thru the wing 
stub to the fusalage inside, so i could snake the tubing up thru the gear 
leg,thru the steel tube into the fusalage. tying a knot in a braded wire, feed 
wire thru the lengh of tubing& thru the gear leg all the way to the outlet 
inside the cockpit & long enough for some one to pull on the wire as i feed the 
tubing thru the gearleg, all lubed up so is slides thru untill itcomes out 
inside where it termnates to the hard line fitting inside. this made replacing 
flexable brake line possable
so when my old flimsy brake line blew, i snaked new parker lines in & no more 
steve jones,venice fl,n212kr

KR> Re: brakes

2008-10-12 Thread
correction,,the parker tubing has a wall thickness fo.062,,,not .127 
as first reported,,,sorrysteve jones

KR> Re: brakes

2008-10-12 Thread
also if you epoxy 3/16  into 1/4 line,,also use a braded wire & tie a knot at 
one end & run the wire thru the 3/16 tube& thru the1/4 line all the way to 
where it comes thru inside & have someone pull the wire while you feed & push 
the tubing from the other end,,, steve jones

KR> Re: brakes

2008-10-12 Thread
amenbuilt to service  :-)  steve jones

KR> ailerons

2008-10-12 Thread
when building my ailerons,i fit the wood spar to the cutout in the glass& 
foam so the wood fit the angle of the shape& flush to the cutout recessing the 
inter layer of glass to fit flush with the inner surface of the spar wood.  
where diel skins, after a perfect fit was made, i beveled the outer edge all 
the way around the outer spar edge at a 45 degree angle to make a 3/16 fillet 
area when the spar is installed flush.  then i sanded the inner primmeter of 
the glass for a good bond & also sanded out the foam core for a fillet area to 
fill with flox,then i wet all surfaces with epoxy & fill the sanded areas with 
flox, insert the spar flush to squeese into the applied flox & tape over the 
spar to the outer surface to hold into place, then fill the outer beveled out 
area with flox &squegy folx into the bevel area till full & flush fith the 
outer surface. this way it comes out smooth & no faring of glass on the outer 
steve jones,n121kr, venice fl

KR> Prop needed

2008-10-12 Thread
check which way the rotation is on the sube to get a test prop,,

KR> kr meet

2008-10-12 Thread
i'm planning to be at the kr gathering & would like to know where most  of 
you are staying at?
i need to make a reservation to stay for the weekend! i can't wait to  
experence the adventure there & meet everyone & see all the kr's. i  might be 
only turbo powered corvair there i think?  so, i'm ready to go  with a little 
help on planning the stay & ground transportation. 
see ya all there,,,steve jones,venice,fl, n212kr  how many  day's ??? :-)

KR> kr meet

2008-10-12 Thread
does anyone have an extra airport directory of ILL.   the easterd  states 
directory cover everything from fla to Ind. but not ILL. i hate to spend  $30 
bucks for a directory that i'll use 1 time only.  gettin everything  ready for 
the BIG trip. let's all hope for gd flyin weather to &  from,,steve 
jones,venice fl

KR> kr

2008-10-12 Thread
thanks to everyone for the responce on an airport directory for Illonois ,  i 
feel safer if i have a directory of the state incase weather deviation sends  
me where ever, i'll have a layout of any airport available if nessary. make's 
 flying into an airport with knowing the runway layout, easer to set up for, 
just  incase,,

steve  jones
_fixerjones@aol.com_ ( 

KR> Procedure to cover glass cloth on foam.

2008-10-12 Thread
your layup list looks good to me&there  are vairiations to the layup , cut & 
layup a layer at a time  on the foam or stack all layers on some plastic 
sheet,wet them, then apply the layer buildup to the foam,happy sanding.  steve 
jones,venice fl, n212kr

KR> k r gathering

2008-10-12 Thread
well i'm really excited as i pack up the kr  tonite for my first real  trip. 
i'm off to the gathering in the early morn,the 3rd, to fly to dayton ohio,  
where i'm from, to see all my relatives for a few days. then it's a 200 mile  
flight to the gathering thursday, WEW, i can;t stand it. hope i can sleep  
tonite. thought i wasn't gonna make it when i developed a real bad shake in the 
airplane 2 days ago. cone to find out, i installed weel pants that day & the  
nose weel fork wasn't snug enough, which let the front weel assy. start  
fluttering, i mean real bad. it felt like a piece of prop was missing! that's  
now & i'm off the ground at daybreak in the morn. 
see y all there god willing & the kr shines

  p.s.  it's a turbovair !  :-)

steve jones
venice fl
_fixerjones@aol.com_ ( 

KR> help

2008-10-12 Thread
am i back on the list?  i've been off the list not by choice since the  
gathering!  A O L screwed up my getting it.  steve jones,venice,fl,  n212kr

KR> kr

2008-10-12 Thread
if steve glover reads this, please e me off the kr list please
steve jones venice fl  fixerjones at

KR> risk management,

2008-10-12 Thread
would you risk life,limb, and all thet hard work you did to get your plane 
just to carb ice??  i know i would not !  i worked too hard for that risk to 
  steve jones
  venice fl

KR> Azusalite wheels

2008-10-12 Thread
i use the azusua alumn. 5" weel on my nose & clevelands on the mains,,
steve jones

KR> Flight Reports

2008-10-12 Thread
yes, it's a great inspiration to builders but also as a flyer, i really like 
hearing about all the moments we all have flying, knowing that we share the 
same love,  not only building,
but for the freedom of flight & all it's joy,,,fly safely & build them safe!
 steve jones

KR> eaa breakfast

2008-10-12 Thread
well i fiannaly got to fly down to naples for the local EAA chapter  
breakfast ( a real good one they serve!)   left around 8;30 this  morning for 
my 80 
mile trek , scattered t storms (normal around here),   & all went well, called 
the tower & made a good landing, taxied to the  eaa hanger & parked & got out & 
noticed massive amount of engine oil  dripping out underneath! wo,,what's 
goin on!  uncowled for a look, it was  dripping everywhere. wiped it down & let 
it cool off, so i got in line &  got breakfast & ate while talking to some of 
the local members about my  trouble.  they were very helpfull, we went out & 
started it up &  found the oil fitting block where the original oil cooler 
blew a  gasket!  leaking to the tune of around a quart of oil every 3 min. 
wow it  must have started on touchdown,lucky for me. a little more than a QT, 
low at  that point.  so one of the eaa members took me & n212kr over to his  
hanger & i commenced to tear down .  pulled the turbo to gain access to  the 
fitting block, found the gasket must have been installed offset form the  
its a wonder it didnt leak on my long trip to ohio & mt. vernon  & back, but 
as luck has it, i made an uneventfull find & repair & 3  hrs later i was back 
in the air headed to venice, thanks to the guys at the  naples eaa, they were
real nice to help out.  that's what it's all about, fellow flyers  helping 
out !
 well, now it's all over (oil) but the cleanin,,steve  jones,n212kr

KR>new kr2 flyin

2008-10-12 Thread
testing,,flyin my kr2, steve jones, N 212 KR


2008-10-12 Thread
good to see i figured out how to get on line,,anyway, yes i've fiannally got 
my kr2 done & flying with 16 hrs so far.  it's a  fixed tricycle gear with a 
type 4, 2.6 liter
  N212KR is a blast to fly.  Flew to my first flyin to placid lake,fl last 
sunday& got a lot of looks. still need to prop it,only gettin 3100 rpm max in 
flight.  Any hints out there ?  as what to get for a prop?If i figure out 
how to show picts,i'll do so,
gotta go flyin now,,steve jones/

KR>Elevator/Control Stick Adjustment

2008-10-12 Thread
the elevator bell crank hole spread from the center line out to the2 outer  
holes must be equal distance & match the hole spread in the stick with the same 
spread & distance,steve jones

KR>Steve Jones Pics

2008-10-12 Thread
In a message dated 11/13/2003 9:15:30 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

> http://kr-builder
> org/SteveJones/index.html 

thanks dan for the pict exposure,,steve jones  :-)

KR>Steve Jones Pics

2008-10-12 Thread
it works way too good,,it pulls 7 to 9 inches,,too much,,got to install a 
regulator, i regulate it with vicegrips for now,
it's a super venturi,,steve jones

KR>Steve Jones Pics

2008-10-12 Thread
thanks for the kind words,steve jones

KR>Lap belts

2008-10-12 Thread
seatbelts are a must with sholder harness,,but no one so far has addressed 
roll over protection? the kr ( and alot of planes) have little if any support 
the event of flipping over upside down.  the canopy&turtle deck willnot 
support that kind of impact!  i've installed a steel rollbar inside the 
where the canopy meets. hopefully it will help to keep my head&back ok in the 
event of #@*%,,you know what i mean<
yea it's extra weight & worth it,,steve jones,,N212KR

KR>G load - tank question.

2008-10-12 Thread
i fly a ercoupe,,the header tank has a wire fuel lever guage in the middle of 
the windshield (the header gas cap) to show the amount of fuel left to go.  
it gravity feeds the carb,, not fed by the fuel pump!  the pump only feeds 
contunisoly fuel to the header tank untill both wing  tanks are empty,  the 2 
tanks are piped together. its a great system that is safe & works well   
steve jones,N212KR

KR>name for Brian's

2008-10-12 Thread
ok,here's a shot at the name thing.  we all know whats involved to finish one 
of these birds ok,,ready for this?  ,,hrer goesSANDY
steve jones  N212KR

KR>Thank you/update

2008-10-12 Thread
Colin & Bev Rainey KR2(td),

i'm almost ready for that warm up cook out! 36.5 hrs & counting ti'll i break 
out of my fly zone here in venice fl,,, it's only been 30 days since my 
inspection sighn off!  still waitin on  ed sturbe to call & say come pick up 
new prop so i can try my type 4 2.6 L  @ 3600 rpm.  only get 3000  rpm with 
current prop. it's s fun to fly :-)

N212KR, steve jones

KR>Vacuum Source

2008-10-12 Thread
hey scott,,the prop blast does provide almost ample vac volumn for the DG,but 
a far cry from supplying enough vac for the artifical horizon.  the venturi 
supplies too much vac (9 inches) at speed. you must use a vac regulator to get 
4.5-5.5 inches. too much vac will burn out gyro berings quickly!   if anyone 
figures out how to elimniate that ugly,draging thing,,let me know. untill 
then,it gets the job done.


2008-10-12 Thread
congrats larry,the excitement your having is still fresh in my mind. i went 
thru the same thing a month ago with my KR2,N212KR & since then,  put 38 hrs on 
it! your going to have a blast with it,,enjoy!   steve jones.venice fl


2008-10-12 Thread
well guys, i'm doing my best exposing my kr2,n212kr here in fla. 
since nov. i,ve  flown 76 fun filled hrs around the state,to fly ins, eaa 
breakfast,resterants & just goin to little airports hangin out with whoever has 
hanger open. yes i,ll be at sun&fun a day or two& looking forward to longer 
this year.  maby even get to go to my 1st kr gathering!  the whole point to me 
is to have fun building&then real fun flyin   :-)
  steve jones, venice fl  

KR>kr2 (Steve Jones)

2008-10-12 Thread
i'm tryin to finish up puttin lites in for a first nite flight. if it's 
done,,i'll be down to naples & we'll talk some more,,,steve jones   n212kr

KR>Ellison Carburetor vs Aerocarb

2008-10-12 Thread
i am also running a ellison efs-2 now with 75hrs on a 2.6 liter type 4 in my 
kr2 7 it performs great. but after a flight ,stop the engine for 15-20 min. it 
heat  soaks & gets a little vapor lock, when taking off the second time, 
loses power for a moment then runs flawless the remainder of the flight. steve 
jones  n212kr

KR>Ellison TBI

2008-10-12 Thread
yea,i tries autogas in my ellison & fou temps at full rich at full power, 
then i reduced rpm for a landing & it it almost quit running,at full rich. so i 
went to full power to get it to run & switched tanks to the avgas & it ran 
fine. i landed & drained the 10 gal out & never tried that again.  it's been 
running fine ever since.  steve jones  n212kr

KR> KRnet sticker update

2008-10-12 Thread
i must be blind or what?  i can't find anywhere an amount to send for each 
sticker?  help me out here guyssteve jones  n212kr

KR> KRnet sticker update

2008-10-12 Thread
thanks guys, now i can also own these collectable stickers,,steve jones

KR> Re: n212kr , the weekend,,,,,,,,

2008-10-12 Thread
wow,,what a weekend,!  i had so much fun with N212KR  at SNF.  i didn;t 
expect to be interviewed  by BUD with the EAA mag. fri morn. before i could get 
 tied down & regestered. He was very nice& said he knew ken way back then. 
after talking to bud for almost an hour, he instructed me where & when to be at 
the pilot breafing for the air to air photo shoot.  fiannly i get to go to 
register the plane for judging& pay for admittance& then get to finally hit the 
potty. I was floatin,,By then i was ready for lunch. after lunch, it was off to 
the pilot breafing filling out paper work&going thru with 10 or so others 
fixin up time slots & explaining the in's & out's of the formation flyin to get 
the shots they need. almost 2 hrs later i get out, only enough time to see 
parts mart a little( our eaa chapter runs it) & some food for supper& off i go 
the flight line lookin for a gas truck so i can fuel up & meet the photo plane 
for take off @ 5:45. So off we go into the wild blue yander to 8500 ft. &
start the close& i mean close formation flyin & snappin lots of shots,,about 20 
min wourth.  all done& i peel off to the south west home to VNC.  that day i 
talked to a lot of kr guys from the net,@ a lot of others who have kr's& built& 
building kr's & a couple who crashed kr"s ( and there still around to talk 
about it!)   oh,yea, by the way i found out tonite about the best auto conv. ac 
award ,i got a tropy& plack coming   :-)this is just part of the whole 
ordeal over the weekend , but i can't type & this took quite a while,wew,I 
to thank everyone on the KR net for all of there input to creating the info 
for all to use&  you all are a great bunch!
N212KR, steve jones, venice fl

KR> SNF Pics

2008-10-12 Thread
In a message dated 4/19/2004 11:58:12 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:


the con is the top guage lookin inst. above the throdle,  steve, n212kr

Fwd: KR> type 4 Failures

2008-10-12 Thread

my viewpoints on the use of the type 4,for reliable service all aspects 
must be set up properly ,not guess work or it's close.  my type 4 is a stock 71 
mm crank, with a big bore kit, the bore size is not important,,the 
compression ratio is!  i use 8 to 1 comp. to make the engine live a long life,, 
8 to 1 
comp. or less .  also the timing set to 26 degrees or less! also a egt & cht on 
all 4 cyls.  i run 1200 egt max& 375 cht max sensed on the plugs.  another 
point is to balance the engine.  the prop must be wood & balanced on the engine 
too.  i run 100ll avgas only& the oil press @ 50psi @ 3000rpm which is max in 
flight.  i cruise @ 2400 to 2600 rpm.  this is my method of type 4 survival & 
durability,   steve jones   n212kr
i almost forgot to thank greatplains for there quality parts,,without the 
force 1 hub setup, it wouldn't work as well,,,

KR> Sealant

2008-10-12 Thread
for sealing the case halves, i used hondabond,,,got at the honda shop,, used 
the stuff since 1972 with no problems. steve jones n212kr

KR> SNF Pics

2008-10-12 Thread
you got that rite,,with homemade antenna of copper foil it works GREAT  

KR> microair & antennae

2008-10-12 Thread
yes the micro air is in use in n212kr & everyone says it comes in very 
clear,,even atc 60 miles away @1500 ft!  on the antenna. you can use copper 
inplace of foil,,i used a wood yardstick,, 2 pieces bolted together at one end 
spreaded it inside the fusalage as much as poss. with the active element 
straight up & the 2nd wire( the ground plane) horizonal.  clear taped the 
foil(wire) to the stick to trap it in place.  attached the unit to the  
airframe with 
plactic wire tyes & soldered the coax center wire to the verticle element # the 
shield to the horizonal  element.  trim the lenght to tune & wala,, it works  
 t scrounges all the materals ,,it cost nothing!   steve jones

KR> RE: Bob Sauer Photos

2008-10-12 Thread
In a message dated 5/4/2004 12:21:34 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:


i love it! nothin like cookin up a corvair in the kitchen,,n212kr

KR> flight report

2008-10-12 Thread
 for reference, i flew to 12,000 ft,
 lite on fuel & still was gettin 450-500 ft per min climb, got worried about 
brain o2 after a while&decended,,steve jones   n212kri'll have to try the 
trimmed level @ cruise & pull the power & see the results

KR> Elevator authority

2008-10-12 Thread
i noticed change as you described when flying full or 1/4 fuel.  i carry 30 
gal ,from the main spar to the rear spar tank config.  when light on fuel, it 
takes a little nose up trim,with full fuel, it takes a little nose down trim
lite on fuel,it's more stable than full fuel,that seems to be  kinda like 
balancing on a ball.  :-)  steve jones  n212kr

KR> flight report

2008-10-12 Thread
congrats,larry.  i can share in your excitement ,  having gone thru  what you 
are experencing ! !  the fun is only begining for you.  i'm still feeling 
like you @ 118 hrs on my kr & lookin forward to my first long  cross country 
 enjoy & fly safe
 steve jones   n212kr

KR> corvair

2008-10-12 Thread
does anyone have a pair of corvair heads ,my heads are the smog heads that 
are not good to use,,  yes i'm building a corvair engine.   steve jones n212kr

KR> intercoms again

2008-10-12 Thread
the microair 761 has an intercom built in,,

KR> Microair 760

2008-10-12 Thread
i have a microair in 212kr & i will attest that there is an intercom built 
in,,the manual shows the wiring provision to opperate it & also flew with a 
buddy in  his  rv4 & we use the intercom on his microairsteve jones 

KR> Short Landings!

2008-10-12 Thread
ok you dragshute in,, now how do you get out?

KR> Garry Morgan Flying Photos

2008-10-12 Thread
In a message dated 5/24/2004 9:52:22 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

WOW now thats a nice KR2s,,beautifull job,looks great!  steve jones n212kr

KR> Thrown plug

2008-10-12 Thread
the ngk sparkplugs i've been using have antisieze applied to the threads rite 
out of the box! ready to install,,   steve jones n212kr

KR> insterment question

2008-10-12 Thread
if your replying to n212kr, it's the elt remote access to switch& test the 
nonaccesable elt,,,steve jones, n212kr

KR> Taxes

2008-10-12 Thread
the way to aproch the tax on a new homebuilt is to tell the the tax collector 
that the  homebuilt you are regestering is plansbuilt & the tax was paid on 
the parts & material as you built it! there is no tax due on regestration this 

KR> hurricane damage

2008-10-12 Thread
the kr at punta gorda i saw & talked to the owner at the airshow. it was in 
dire need as the owner explaned, from what i saw of the airframe when it was in 
one piece, it was probly for the better what happened. the owner was debating 
weather to cut it up & start over  steve jones n212kr

KR> kr group

2008-10-12 Thread
well it's gettin close & i wonder if it's ok to fly in at the last moment?  i 
still don't know if i'll be able to come to the flyin untill it's that week 
end. so if i make it, i'll have to just wing it with a place to stay & 
transportation back & forth.  the only way i'll go is to fly n212kr there! 
permitting,,,steve jones, n212kr, venice fl

KR> Diehl Alternator in SuperCase

2008-10-12 Thread
yea,hook up the reg & rectifier & the single lead from that goes to the 
battery,that wire you use a 25 amp toggle/breaker  that gives you circut 
& can be switched off if output voltage goes astray.  steve jones  n212kr

KR> AN fittings and threads

2008-10-12 Thread
AN , as in AN fittings refers to army/navy,  a standard that was established 
for them 
in the military industry spec. there are varoius thread sizes , 
ase,uss,acme,npt & more! if you are using one of these thread types, a normal 
tap or die 
will do,except on precision threads, to check the  threads for fit, there are 
go/no go thread guages to check the threads produced for proper sizing and so 
on. for most things, a standard tap or die will do as long as the fit is fairly 
good   my 2 pennys worth
steve jones  n212kr

KR> Lonely

2008-10-12 Thread
yea i fly n212 kr @ 1290#  , me & 30 gal fuel..steve jones

KR> for Colin

2008-10-12 Thread
if there's a fly.inin fl, count me in,,n212kr

KR> Embarrasing moments in airplane building

2008-10-12 Thread
that's too funny,,,n212kr  :-)

KR> Steve Jones...bravo...well done

2008-10-12 Thread
well,i can't wait to see the story on my n212kr in eaa mag!  well  guys, the 
airframe is approching prime & paint on repairs & i'll have a  suprise for 
all, with a new firewall forward
set up, somewhere around 150 hp!  it's in the works & with a lot  of luck, 
i'll be at snf trying for 2 in a row. started all this only 7 weeks ago  & 
workin day & nite to get it goinsteve  jones

KR> sport avaition

2008-10-12 Thread

a big thanks to everyone in K R Land!  As you may have read, i'm  killing 
myself , workin since january to rebuild the airframe & design a new  turbo 
corvair engine. i'm ready to fair in the repaired center section to prime  & 
& reassemble.  the firewall forward is coming along good  & so far, it looks 
like i'll make it to  SNF by the skinn off my #@*!  extra effort is put in to 
the powerplant assy to be another show winner,,i  hope!  i rember gettin 
started on this pile o kr  parts & found  the kr net.  you guy's pat yourself's 
the back for the vast array of  info & idea's. it put a jump start into a 1st 
time builder ( me), & made  it a lot easyer to figure out the simplified manual 
i had. hat's off to you all  & keep up the tech  part of the net!
gotta go get ready for SNF>  P.S hope the huricanes down here in  south fla 
give me a break to make the gathering this yr, they didn't the last  one!   