KR> Getting closer.

2011-08-26 Thread DAN INA GLANDT

Yesterday was a good day.  I have been worried about getting the cg in the 
forward half of the range as I am using a Jabiru 85 hp and had to extend the 
engine mount based on the wt and balance we did without the engine.  I double 
checked my figures, but there was that nagging feeling about did I make a 
mistake.  Also, after filling and sanding, painting, wiring, instruments, etc., 
you wonder how much weight you have added.  Also, my wings with the al tanks in 
them each weight about 63 lbs.  Anyway with it in flying configuration the 
empty weight came out at 636 lbs and the rear cg with no fuel in the header 
tank and my 177 lbs sitting in it came out at 11.17".  Using sand bags, we 
simulated adding a 187 lb passenger and no fuel in the header tank and full 
wing tanks and the cg moved to 14.42.  Still in the range, but from what I have 
read, not a great idea.  There isn't much room for a passenger anyway.
I have started talking to a DAR and getting the paper work in order for his 
The Jabiru has an engine driven fuel pump.  Question.  How do you determine 
fuel flow with an engine driven fuel pump?  On my VP, I had gravity flow and it 
was easy.  I raised the front end to simulate a steep climb and measured the 
flow rate.  I might be able to use gravity flow on the KR2S, but won't know 
until I try it.  What angle should the fuselage be at for the test?  
I have been reading the comments on the Jabiru and doesn't help my confidence.  
I have over 60 hours on my 2200 in the VP and have never had any issues.  The 
cylinder head temps rarely went above 270 deg. It has the GRT engine monitor 
with its wiring harness made for the engine. When climbing at full throttle, 
the oil temp would definitely go up.  I added a bigger oil cooler and that 
helped.  I generally cruised at around 2800 rpm which was comfortable in the 
VP.  It turned the VP in to a really fun airplane.  I could outrun my friend's 
Tri Pacer if I wanted to where in the past when I had the Franklin 60 HP 2A120B 
2 cyl engine, he used to fly a circle every so often waiting for me.  I gained 
an electrical system with starter, battery, etc. and the empty weight was 
within a pound of what it was with the Franklin.
The KR should be ready to fly before too long if all goes well with the 
inspection, etc.  I have never flown in one and think it would be wise so would 
appreciate a chance to do so at the gathering.  I plan to attend if the creek 
don't rise as they say.

KR> Getting closer

2008-10-12 Thread Robert Schmitt
Just a progress report. Returned from Iraq in Dec and now in final
sand/finish stages.  Jeff York dropped by and said hello when he was in town
for Sprint last week, and he gave me a lot of good ideas on
priming/painting.  Got my N number from the FAA, N1852Z on Monday.  I had
the EAA chapter Tech Counselor come by last night to look my KR2S project
over.  He had some misc. comments on protecting the wiring in the engine
area better, how to do the cotter pins and safety wire correctly and adding
a control stop on the elevator.  He said it looked pretty good overall and
said it shouldn't be any problem when the time comes to check it out.  Even
better yet, he's also a DAR here in KC so he will be the guy to do the final
review.  My target is May/June to get it past the inspection and fly the
hours off in June/July/August.  If all goes as planned, count me in for the
gathering (flying this time instead of driving). All is well and it is good
to be home working on the plane again.

Rob Schmitt


KR> Getting closer

2008-10-12 Thread VIRGIL N SALISBURY
Are the control stops at the INPUT end of the control ?? Virg

On Wed, 1 Feb 2006 21:15:17 -0600 "Robert Schmitt"
> Just a progress report. Returned from Iraq in Dec and now in final
> sand/finish stages.  Jeff York dropped by and said hello when he was 
> in town
> for Sprint last week, and he gave me a lot of good ideas on
> priming/painting.  Got my N number from the FAA, N1852Z on Monday.  
> I had
> the EAA chapter Tech Counselor come by last night to look my KR2S 
> project
> over.  He had some misc. comments on protecting the wiring in the 
> engine
> area better, how to do the cotter pins and safety wire correctly and 
> adding
> a control stop on the elevator.  He said it looked pretty good 
> overall and
> said it shouldn't be any problem when the time comes to check it 
> out.  Even
> better yet, he's also a DAR here in KC so he will be the guy to do 
> the final
> review.  My target is May/June to get it past the inspection and fly 
> the
> hours off in June/July/August.  If all goes as planned, count me in 
> for the
> gathering (flying this time instead of driving). All is well and it 
> is good
> to be home working on the plane again.
> Rob Schmitt
> website
> ___
> Search the KRnet Archives at 
> to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to
> please see other KRnet info at

Virgil N. Salisbury - AMSOIL
Miami ,Fl

KR> Getting closer

2008-10-12 Thread Robert Schmitt
No, I don't have control stops at the input. He wanted to see a control stop
added at the up elevator limit in back. He gave me a couple ideas on how to
do it. The down limit was ok by him with the notch in the fuselage which
physically limited the elevator down movement.


-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2006 7:50 AM
Subject: Re: KR> Getting closer

Are the control stops at the INPUT end of the control ?? Virg

On Wed, 1 Feb 2006 21:15:17 -0600 "Robert Schmitt"
<> writes:
> Just a progress report. Returned from Iraq in Dec and now in final 
> sand/finish stages.  Jeff York dropped by and said hello when he was 
> in town for Sprint last week, and he gave me a lot of good ideas on 
> priming/painting.  Got my N number from the FAA, N1852Z on Monday.
> I had
> the EAA chapter Tech Counselor come by last night to look my KR2S 
> project over.  He had some misc. comments on protecting the wiring in 
> the engine area better, how to do the cotter pins and safety wire 
> correctly and adding a control stop on the elevator.  He said it 
> looked pretty good overall and said it shouldn't be any problem when 
> the time comes to check it out.  Even better yet, he's also a DAR here 
> in KC so he will be the guy to do the final review.  My target is 
> May/June to get it past the inspection and fly the hours off in 
> June/July/August.  If all goes as planned, count me in for the 
> gathering (flying this time instead of driving). All is well and it is 
> good to be home working on the plane again.
> Rob Schmitt
> website
> ___
> Search the KRnet Archives at
> to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to 
> please see other KRnet info at

Virgil N. Salisbury - AMSOIL
Miami ,Fl

KR> Getting Closer

2008-10-12 Thread Mark Jones
We are in the 50's now. 59 days till the Gathering that is. Don't regret not
going. It is the place to be.  

Mark Jones
Mueller Sales Corporation
Ph: 262-781-5310

KR> Getting Closer

2008-10-12 Thread Lee Van Dyke
I have purchased the plane tickets, and will be attending Thur, Fri, Sat,
and departing Sun.  Looking forward to seeing all kinds of different KR's.

Lee Van Dyke
Mesa AZ
- Original Message - 
From: "Mark Jones" <>
To: "KR Net" <>
Sent: Monday, July 26, 2004 8:05 AM
Subject: KR> Getting Closer

> We are in the 50's now. 59 days till the Gathering that is. Don't regret
> going. It is the place to be.
> <>
> Mark Jones
> Mueller Sales Corporation
> Ph: 262-781-5310
> Fax:262-781-4130
> E-mail: <mailto:mjo...@muellersales.comn>
> Web: <>
> ___
> to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to
> please see other KRnet info at

KR> Getting Closer

2008-10-12 Thread Bernard McLean Sr
We're all set to go too!
Won't be flying my KR this year (just getting ready to set the center 
spars...cut 1 main rib today :-) ).
We booked a room at The Holiday Inn for Thurs, Fri and Sat. Does anyone 
know if this hotel provides daily transport back and forth to the airport?
We look forward to seeing lots of KRs and picking lots of brains!

Bernie and Carla McLean

KR> Getting closer

2008-10-12 Thread lee van dyke

Great strives have been made on my KR2 in the past 3 weeks.  Thanks to my 
father being able to come to Arizona for 3 weeks, we were able to sand primer 
and paint the entire airplane.  A new tail wheel and spring will be here next 
week, along with a new control arm for the elevator.  I'm going with a push rod 
under the seat.  The motor is on and the cowling has been put on to get ready 
for the new exhaust.  The new trim tab is now been mounted.  Some of you may 
have read some of my E-mails in the past re: the removal and rebuilding of the 
elevator.  I would not wish that task on anybody.  I will add the recent photos 
that i have taken to my web site soon.  I now need help with hooking up and 
wiring my 1835 VW,  

Lee Van Dyke

KR>getting closer and tailwheel advice

2008-10-12 Thread Brian Kraut
I finally have my test area approved from the FAA.  They gave me 5 
 hours of testing since I have made major alterations and it has taken 
some time to get everything approved.  I have been doing more high speed 
taxi tests and will probably take my first flight tomorrow.

I was having problems on the high speed taxi tests with keeping the 
plane under control when I pulled the power back.  It would veer off to 
the side of the runway and I had a hell of a time trying to keep it 
straight.  The tail would be coming down at the same time to really keep 
things interresting.  I thought about it and realized that my problem 
was probably that I wasn't compensating for the loss in engine torque 
soon enough.  I made an effort to relax pressure on the left rudder 
peddal while I was pulling the power back BEFORE the plane darted to the 
left edge of the runway.  I was always used to adding right rudder on 
spam cans while I added power, but never thought of reducing rudder 
while pulling power back.  This has solved the problem and I can do high 
speed taxi runs now without raising my blood pressure.

Thanks to Dan Heath and Steve Glover for giving me some tailwheel advice.