Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Document Liberation Project flyer for translations

2023-02-22 Thread toki

On 22/02/2023 09:20, Mike Saunders wrote:

On 21.02.23 18:36, toki wrote:

Have branding guidelines for each writing system.

That sounds like the best option, with Noto Sans as a fallback that should work 
in most cases.

I was referring to the entire NoTo family, not Noto Sans in specific.
By way of example, if there isn't a designated font for content written 
in, for example, Cherokee, then use NotoSansCherokee-Regular.ttf.

That leaves content written in the hundred or so writing systems that 
NoTo doesn't cover, without a specific font. We can cross that bridge 
when, we get to it. (My guess is that we'll see a team creating 
dictionaries, and related tools, before a font for LibO branding is needed.)


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Document Liberation Project flyer for translations

2023-02-21 Thread toki

On 21/02/2023 18:44, Cristian Secară wrote:

I forgot this: what is the point in keeping something aesthetically pleasing, but restricted to 'Western' Latin languages only ? 

Depending upon how one counts, between half and two thirds of the 
languages in current use, that have been reduced to a writing system, 
use the Latin Writing System. Rephrasing, roughly 1500 languages spoken 
today, use the Latin writing system.

Number two would be Cyrillic, which covers between 10% and 25% of the 
languages in current use, that have been reduced to a writing system.

In third place, it is a toss-up between CJKV and Arabic writing system.

In terms of number of speakers of languages that have been reduced to a 
writing system, the order is:

* Latin writing system;
* Arabic writing system;
* Cyrillic writing system;
* Indus Valley writing systems;


Technically, CJKV is ten different writing systems. For selecting fonts, 
treating them as the same writing system greatly simplifies the process.

>even then: year 2010 is somewhat more recent than Stone Age

Unicode 6.0 was released in October 2010. It covered 93 writing systems, 
with just under 100,000 glyphs. Pan-unicode font development is still 
trying to catch up with that standard.

Unicode 15.0 was released in September 2022. It covers 161 writing 
systems, with just shy of 150,000 glyphs.


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Document Liberation Project flyer for translations

2023-02-21 Thread toki

On 21/02/2023 07:48, Mike Saunders wrote:

Not at all, and clearly Vegur is lacking. Let's find a font that works 
is many more scripts, and adapt the flyers accordingly...

Have branding guidelines for each writing system.

Each writing system has its own specific font family, with an ugly fall 
back font family - probably NoTo, simply because it covers more Unicode 
defined writing systems than any other pan-Unicode font family.

There are no pan-unicode font families that look good in every writing 


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Document Liberation Project flyer for translations

2023-02-21 Thread toki

On 20/02/2023 21:39, Cristian Secară wrote:

Has anyone thought about i18n issues at the time of choosing this font?

Back when Vegar was chosen, the intersection of FLOSS license, and 
pan-unicode fonts was aesthetically displeasing for every writing system 
in use.

The situation today is aesthetically displeasing in all but one writing 

Why not choose from SIL fonts ? Their i18n support is comprehensive (and font 
quality is awesome).

There is this little thing known as license incompatibility. Not all of 
the fonts that SIL distributes use the SIL Open Font License.

Or, perhaps the sister project considers that only 'Western' languages "

The options are:
* An attractive font that works for one writing system only;
* A font that is ugly for every writing system out there;
* A plethora of fonts whose only element in common is that each font is 
attractive for a specific writing system;

If you are aware of a font that is as aesthetically pleasing in Miami, 
as it is in Naxi, and uses a FLOSS license, a plethora of designers want 
to know about it.


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Luganda Localization Project(New)

2021-02-23 Thread toki

On 19/02/2021 15:09, Phillip Samuel wrote:

Hello everyone,

I'm Phillip, and I wish to start a Luganda(Ganda) localization project. 

Please create a valid, reliable spell checker for Ganda.
The last time I had to proofread a document in Ganda, it was an exercise 
in futility, because the document was an exemplar of bad Ganda spelling 
compounded by equally bad Ganda grammar, and the existing spell-checkers 
weren't any better.

A functional grammar checker would also be useful.

> I don't know how long translating the UI will take, probably a while,

It isn't uncommon for a12n projects to take two or three years to 
produce a beta localisation in the target language. At least a year is 
spent discussing what new words in the target language should be.


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Problems in English text related to statistics

2018-05-15 Thread toki
On 05/15/2018 03:44 PM, Milos Sramek wrote:

> Are "portray" and "represent" synonyms?

Yes, and No.

"Portray" implies the totality of the population.
"Represent" implies a subset of the population.
However, "portray" can imply a subset of a subset of a population.

On the other hand, literary aesthetics decrees that words should not be
repeated, hence words with similar meanings can be used as synonyms,
even when they aren't.

Going only by the strings you wrote, I'd suggest replacing everything
with "are numerical arguments representing the population (sample)",
with the word in parenthesis being included, or excluded, as appropriate.


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] New language request: PDT "Plautdietsch"

2017-12-04 Thread toki
On 12/04/2017 06:48 PM, Eike Rathke wrote:
> As the main default locale I'll add pdt-CA

How about including pdt-US, and pdt-MX?
My perception is that the language is used as much, if not more in the
US, and Mexico, as it is in Canada.


At some point the UI is going to have to be redesigned, because a
theoretical 250 countries times 3,000 languages times 212 writing
systems is going to be too chaotic for anybody to the language/writing
system/country that they are looking for.

OTOH, Musk's Tesla is more likely to collide with Russell's Teapot, on
its way to Mars, than LibO will have the ability print a document to Moon.


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Fwd: [Tuxpaint-i18n] Call for translation updates

2017-12-04 Thread toki

On 12/04/2017 01:20 PM, Yury Tarasievich wrote:
> The idea of handing a kid 'from 3 to 12' something like this is the sole
> reason for 'shuddering'.

Your shuddering is understandable.

However, remember that in the United States, the schools no longer teach
students handwriting.(One has to know how to read and write, in order to
be accepted into first grade --- the class which historically has taught
one how to read and write.)  Drawing is classified as "art", and is only
taught if their is enough time at the end of the quarter to squeeze it
in, and either the teacher, or the parents provide the requisite art
materials, at their expense. The school board won't pay for them,
because it lacks the funds to do so.

As such, if a kid learns to draw on a computer, there are one step ahead
of those who failed to learn to draw on a computer.


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Fonts in "Book" style

2017-06-22 Thread toki
On 06/21/2017 05:02 PM, Gabor Kelemen wrote:

> For example the "standard", "regular" and "medium" styles coming from
> font files are all displayed as "Normal" in the UI[2].

They should not be displayed the same. Their weights are different.
("regular" is between 5% and 10% lighter than "normal".)

> On the other hand, I know nothing about the font industry, so I just
> made every unique font style name that came up translatable.

If the fonts are made by professionals, or according to standard
typographical font specifications, then each part of the name of the
font has a specific meaning, and as such, is probably best translated
into the local patois.


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] New Tumbuka translation

2017-02-24 Thread toki
On 02/23/2017 07:29 PM, collins nyirenda wrote:

> How would I go about making a Tumbuka translation 

Do you mean:

* Provide the LibreOffice User Interface in Tumbuka?
* Translate an existing document into Tumbuka?
* Create a Grammar Checker for Tumbuka?
* Create a Spelling Checker for Tumbuka?
* Providing documentation for LibO in Tumbuka?
* Something else?


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Re: LibreOffice Online translation

2016-05-27 Thread toki
On 25/05/2016 23:42, Michael Bauer wrote:

> but there is no such thing as "Scottish Gaelic (gd) - Ireland (ie)". Scottish 
> Gaelic is not an Irish locale.

Whilst one has to go back in time, there is a use case for gd-IE that
that fails when one uses ga-IE as a workaround. One does have to go
further back in time, for pgl-ie-212 to be the required setting.
(Gaeilge Ársa in Ireland using the Ogham writing system.)

This is where the UI designer has to decide what percentage of the user
base can be pissed off, because the UI doesn't support their specific
use-case. Do you aim at a minimal 1,000,000 combinations (^1), or the
basic core of 275 million combinations (^2), or go to the full
1,188,137,600,000 theoretically possible combinations (^3).

^1:  Minimal setup: 1,000 languages, 100 countries, 10 writing systems,
no modifier.

^2: Basic Core: 2,500 languages, 110 countries, 100 writing systems, 10

^3: Full: 17,576 languages, 676 countries, 1,000 writing systems, 100


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] English Dictionaries Project - Introduction by Marco Pinto

2016-05-04 Thread toki

On 03/05/2016 19:14, Kruno wrote:

And there is now way any language smaller then English build something like 
outside some institute or outside funded

  project of some sort.

Please either rephrase that sentence, or write it in your native language.

I'm trying to figure out if you mean that English is the only language 
in which an N-Gram based grammar checker can be created, or if that is 
the only language for which adequate funding for such a critter can be 

For small languages even having a spell checker is huge. There's quite a

When working with evidential grammars, or noun class grammars, spell 
checking fall apart, because the entire word is rewritten according to 
the evidential particle, or noun class.


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] English Dictionaries Project - Introduction by Marco Pinto

2016-05-03 Thread toki

On 03/05/2016 15:51, Kruno wrote:

not doubled maintained word lists by multiple maintainers (not knowing each 

will not and can not be resolved.

With a central repository for working on dictionaries, it is far easier 
for two individuals interested in the same dictionary to find each 
other, than if they are working on two different sites, in different 

Who's dictionary to include to that single repository, how to merge

As a practical matter, a repository that only allows for one dictionary 
per language, is not viable. At a minimum, you'll have specialized 

how to merge affix files with different affix classes (that will be a mess).

I've seen some tools for automating the creation of affix files.
I don't know how well they work, though.

This goes back to my claim that spell checking without built-in grammar 
checking is useless.

>Why you think that included dictionary is 'standard' and is better 
then the other one?

Any dictionary project has to include the ability to have the same 
language in at least two different writing systems --- Braille (^1) and 
the standard writing system for the language.

>The other guy will give up his work?

The proposal does not require the other guy to give up his project.

I wouldn't be surprised to see the other guy create a more specialized 

* John Doe creates a general purpose dictionary;
* Jane Doe creates a name and places dictionary;
* John Roe creates a scientific terminology dictionary;
* Jane Roe creates a basic words dictionary;

Who will hunt all those 'other' guys telling them 'Yo, dude, leave that, do 
this shit!'

As far as existing spell checking and wordlist projects go, nobody is 
going to tell them to "leave that, do this". What might happen, is that 
known, existing projects, are offered space, etc in the proposed 
repository/incubator, but they will stay where they currently are, due 
to how their workflow operates.

How will such a repository resolve competition between two English dictionaries?

Since you specifically mentioned English, there currently are versions 
of English for a dozen locales, plus around half a dozen specialist 

Most users won't choose the English (OED) variant, because it has too 
many words in it. Too many words means that words that are wrongly used, 
get flagged as correct spelled. The "Eye right withe aye pin" phenomena.

Nobody can (or should) just declare 'we are building dictionary
repository - here use this, not that' just because being in position of
power to do that.

The proposal does not mandate that only the proposed space/workflow/etc 
be used. In an ideal world, existing groups would be able to drop their 
work-product into the repository, with only one change to their workflow 
--- a bot that automatically uploads their new, verified, approved work 
product into the repository. Furthermore, this change would occur, if, 
and only if the existing group wanted to do so.

This proposal is about non-technical types being able to _easily_ create 
viable dictionaries for their specific use-case. It doesn't matter if 
that use-case is a dictionary in Pondo, or a dictionary of people and 
places in Bharat, or a dictionary in Moon.

The other part of the proposal is that even if the original dictionary 
creator abandons the dictionary, it can still be maintained, and updated.

The third part of the proposal is that whilst it is initially for LibO, 
the hope is that it becomes the source for dictionaries for FLOSS projects.


Hypothetical situation. One of Kevin Scannell's students decides that 
what the world needs is a dictionaries in each of the 2,500 languages 
that have been reduced to a writing system.  So said student walks thru 
Kevin's word lists, and creates a dictionary project for each of the 
2,000 languages that Kevin maintains word lists for. A year later, said 
student graduates, and forgets about their dictionaries.

Under the current scenarios, when said student abandons their 
dictionaries, the only way other people can update them, is by forking 
them --- assuming that the license allows forking.

Under the proposed scenario, if said student creates the dictionaries in 
the repository, when said student abandons them, other people can still 
update the dictionaries, which can then be distributed to LibO, etc.

I'll grant that were said student to create 2,000+ dictionaries for 
LibO, it would break the UI. However, as far as the proposal goes, that 
breakage is irrelevant.

use of hunspell features correctly (not simple word lists, but by logic)

what this mean?

For non-techies, creating a HunSpell dictionary is a non-starter, 
because they don't understand the vocabulary that it uses.

For techies, the technical description is, at best, off-putting.

features but those dictionaries who do just word list will continue do
just the word list because is purgatory (or hell) to do this right if

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] XHP Help online to assist translators

2016-04-29 Thread toki

On 28/04/2016 18:13, Olivier Hallot wrote:

I have set a web site that is able to

display the help pages (

I like the idea.

The help online has been loaded with the latest master help contents,
updated just today. What you see there may be a little in advance of the

How frequently will this master list be updated?

Perhaps more important, when viewing the page, can you include an
indication of when it was last updated and/or which LibO build it is for.

Asking for that, because using your example, the following is what is
Show All

views; maximum size
maximum formula size
formulas; maximum size

Show All
Displays the entire formula in the maximum size possible so that all
elements are included. The formula is reduced or enlarged so that all
formula elements can be displayed in the work area. The current zoom
factor is displayed on the status bar. A selection of available zoom
options is accessible through the context menu. The context menu in the
work area also contains zoom commands. The zoom commands and icons are
only available in Math documents, not for embedded Math objects.

If anybody wants a screen shot, I can provide one, but the text in the
quote signs is literally everything displayed on the screen.


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] [PROPOSAL] New project for dictionaries

2016-04-28 Thread toki
On 27/04/2016 23:30, Dennis Roczek wrote:

> Do try to get the system running, provide a system (hosted / maintained
 by TDF) and everybody would use the same system to create new dictionaries

Make it easy enough, and every group that is working on reducing a
language to writing, will be uploading their word lists here.
(If that occurs, then LibO will definitely need to redesign the language
selection component.)

> libreoffice or whatever) and the maintainer (similar to the Language
> Administrator in Pootle) decides if it goes in the dictionary or not.

This is where automated tools are great.
(I'll ignore  issues such as
the one with Afrikaans, which didn't contain the word "die" for several
years.  This is the definite article in Afrikaans, so it was a pretty
annoying omission.)

> @toki I really hope not that the maintainers do have *NOT* to learn git.
> It should be more than an intelligent pootle system.

The reason I mentioned GIT, is because there was (operative word _was_)
a group of people working on an extension for AOo/LibO to save documents
to GIT. The projected end result would be that all the individual would
have to know about GIT, was to click on this extension to either save,
or retrieve the document from GIT.

> looks with the affix files, but we will find somebody who can do it - 

My impression is that there is a python library that takes word lists,
and creates affix files from them.

> If the "TDF" and volunteers are able to implement that in a technical way, 
> Will be a completely different story.

Listing the technical requirements for the must-haves and nice-to-haves.


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] [PROPOSAL] New project for dictionaries

2016-04-27 Thread toki

On 26/04/2016 06:08, Rimas Kudelis wrote:

I think it may be beneficial to have a central repository to host these 

If Hunspell does not offer a repository for all languages, and The
Document Foundation has the resources to do so, then this is something
that would be extremely useful.

I don't what resources would be required, but my guess is:
* GIT, or something similar, that hosts word lists;
* A BuildBot system, that creates the dictionary extensions/packages/etc
on a weekly/fortnightly/monthly/quarterly builds;
* Automatic uploading of spelling dictionaries to the Dictionary
Extensions host used by LibreOffice;

Somebody has to write _extensive_ documentation on:
* How to create word list;
* How to modify a word list;
* How to upload the wordlist to the repository;
* How third parties can download content in the repository;
And maybe also:
* How to transform the data in the repository to use with other software;

I know that storing the wordlist on Git is well within the realms of
being doable.  However, I have no idea how that is done, and my reading
of books on Git hasn't provided me with any pointers in that direction.

For people who aren't used to versioning systems, Git is a confusing
maze that is utterly incomprehensible. If it weren't for the fact that
there are over 100 books on using Git, in print, I'd suggest that the
first solvable problem is writing a manual for Git that mortals can
understand.  On second thoughts, even with 100 books in print, this type
of manual could be an extremely useful addition.


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[libreoffice-l10n] Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Mistake in calc guide 4.1

2016-03-03 Thread toki
On 03/03/2016 06:18, Luc Castermans wrote:

> But instead of reporting you could fix it, that is what open source is about.

The type of error that Elcico found is not uncommon in technical

By reporting it, instead of just silently fixing it, people working on
either the same document, or a later version of it, in their target
language, are notified and can correct the error.

Whether or not it is cost effective to go back to the 3.x documentation,
to fix it, a slightly different question.


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Possible error in calc guide

2016-03-01 Thread toki
On 02/03/2016 01:19, elcico2001 wrote:

> I think the power functions, as shown in the formula, are wrong, as they
> should be used with a ; and not with a , .
> As also stated here:
> Am I right? Am I wrong?

In LibO both formats ( ";" & ",") work.
I don't have earlier versions of LibO installed, so I can't check to see
when both forms became acceptable.

 I _think_ that this is one of those features that belongs in the user
documentation, but hasn't yet found its way there.


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Language Support, Spelling Check, Grammar Check, Proofreading, Autocorrect.

2016-02-29 Thread toki
On 29/02/2016 09:34, Michael Bauer wrote:

>> As is, LibO is perilously close to the maximum number of languages
that can be supported, without undergoing a major UI redesign.

> That is quite worrying - in what sense do you mean that?

* Ease in selecting the correct language.
Currently, there is a bewildering array of languages and locales, that
most people will never utilize. For those who do, finding the
appropriate one can be challenging.
By way of example, most people don't realize that "Greek, Ancient" is
not "Koine Greek", and that LibO doesn't formally support "Koine Greek".
Whilst using "Greek, Ancient" usually works, both the spell checker and
grammar checker will do a number on one, when one is not paying close

* Ability to utilize neighbouring, almost supported languages.
By way of example, the minority languages of France. Configure LibO for
one of them, and almost all of the other minority languages are
automatically excluded. (I'll grant that Ethnologue is at least
partially to be blamed for that situation.)

On a slightly more practical/political level, not all of the
semi-official languages of South Africa, can be configured in a single
LibO setup. The same thing applies to India, and its semi-official
languages. (Those two countries rank as having the second largest and
largest number of official languages, and semi-official languages,
respectively, in the world.)

I don't have a good solution to either issue. :(

Whilst «country, language, writing system, aeon, modifier» is ostensibly
the simplest approach, spinning that many choices will be overwhelming
for non-power users. (^2)
How many people write Turkish in the Arabic writing system. On the
flipside, enabling that will allow users of Braille, Moon and other A11Y
writing systems to do both spell checking and grammar checking. On the
gripping hand, it will enable one to easily include Xhosa, Pedi, Griqua,
and the rest of the semi-official Khosian languages of South Africa,
without grammar/spelling clashes.

Something that makes language selection slightly more complicated, but
is extremely helpful to those who use unsupported languages, or
neighbouring semi-supported languages, would be three or four "user
language #" in each of the Western, Asian, & CTL language groups.
(There are/were technical & legal reasons why that is no longer provided.)

^2: I think that this modification will also require some changes in the
ODF specifications.


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Language Support, Spelling Check, Grammar Check, Proofreading, Autocorrect.

2016-02-29 Thread toki
On 29/02/2016 00:26, Michael Bauer wrote:

>> Spelling and grammar check in every language, makes life easier. :
> True but with 6000 languages on the planet, LO can't be the one which

That 6.000 count only includes natural, living languages. Dead and
extinct languages would probably double that number. Conlangs would
triple, if not quadruple that number.

As is, LibO is perilously close to the maximum number of languages that
can be supported, without undergoing a major UI redesign.


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Need for a solid help content

2015-12-16 Thread toki
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On 16/12/2015 08:25, Rimas Kudelis wrote:

> Do they charge differently for questions covered in built-in help, or 

Welcome to the wacky world of Help Desks at support centers. Where the
answer is located can have a huge difference on how much the client is
billed. At one establishment I'm familiar with, answers in book number
one were gratis, in book number two cost the client around five bucks
each, and answers from book number the three were charged to the client
for around a grand each.  Answers from «F1» help were not gratis, but
answers from official software documentation manuals were gratis. Beyond
that, I don't remember the rule-set used to determine which answer book
to place new solutions in.

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Bavarian and Nipmuck - report

2015-12-12 Thread toki
Hash: SHA1

On 09/12/2015 14:31, Michael Bauer wrote:

> 1) Orthography
> Terrible reason to turn down a project. Most l10n projects LO has invo
lve languages where spelling is a potentially contentious issue.

Nonetheless, every one of the 3,000 languages that have been reduced to
writing has a published dictionary, and grammar. I'll grant that
regardless of which language one is talking about, there will be
contentious issues regarding the accuracy of the book in question.  That
doesn't mean that work on spell checking and grammar checking should not
be done.  It does mean that whoever creates the spell checker and
grammar checker have a hardcopy (paper) copy of the printed dictionary
and grammar checker of the language in question, and understands both
what in the book is contentious, and why it is contentious.

It also means that when automated tools are used to pare out foreign
words, ensure that only foreign words are omitted.  (How many iterations
of the Afrikaans spell checker were needed, before "die" was included in
it? The same thing happens in other languages, but usually aren't as
blatantly obvious omissions to even the most casual user.)

>Team Size

> Errr no. 1 dedicated localizer is more than enough. 

How many people should be on a team is as dependent on cultural factors,
as it is on practical factors.

The vice of a one-person team, is that there is nobody to hand off
responsibility for the project off to, if the sole team member is no
longer able to work on the project.

The vice of multi-member teams, is death by paralysis. The inability to
come to mutually acceptable solutions, when questions/problems arise.

In the corporate world in Europe and North America, researchers have
found that eight people on a team, is the most effective size, for a
project to be successful.

> 5) Start with documentation/help
> No.It would raise the wrong expectations, if you give the average user
 a screen that says Filte, unless highly cynical, they would expect the
rest in the same lingo too.

a)  The primary issue with translating the help file after the rest of
the UI, is that it does not get done. (Take a look at the number of
localizations of LibO, where the Help file is not translated into the
target language.)

b) By starting with the Help File, one can incorporate it into the
Documentation Work Flow, ensuring the documentation is consistent across
the various mediums.  Otherwise you end up with situations like the US
English, where the written documentation and the help file contradict
each other. Even worse, is when both the built-in help file, and written
documentation are wrong.

> As to the Help, who reads the Help? 

The advanced/expert users of the software.

I realize that Apple pioneered "Prohibit documentation wherever and
whenever possible", but all that really results in, is to ensure that
the user is unable to use the product as designed.

>its the worst starting point and a soul-destroying task.

It is no more heartbreaking to translate the Help file, as it is to
translate the rest of the UI, or the documentation that is in other
languages, into the target language.

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] New language request

2015-12-08 Thread toki
On 08/12/2015 14:23, Greater Worcester Land Trust wrote:

> I read in the FAQ that you post here to request a new language effort.
> I am looking to start work on a Nipmuck localization.

Let's start at the very beginning.

How well does LibO _currently_ support Nipmuck?:
* Is Locale data for Nipmuck correct?
* Is the language currently selectable at >Options >Language Settings
>Languages >Default Language >Western"?
* How accurate is the spell checker?
* How accurate is the hyphenation tool?
* How accurate is the grammar checker?
* Are all the glyphs found in the writing system used by the language
correctly represented in LibO?
* Are templates appropriate to the language, and its inherent culture,
* Are templates appropriate to the language, and its inherent culture,

Once all that is done, then start creating basic documentation. My
recommendation is that for at least the first round, translate existing
documentation. With the second round of documentation, start using local
examples, usages, etc. within the documentation.

After creating complete documentation for four or five releases of LibO,
most of the glossary related issues will have been solved, which
simplifies the translation by several orders of magnitude.

I'd also recommend starting with the built-in help file, rather than the
initial screens, when translating the UI.

Sidenote: In talking with professors who specialize in minority
language, and language recovery, the uniform response is that it is much
more important that the office suite produce accurate documents in the
target language, than the UI be in the target language.


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[libreoffice-l10n] Two Languages: One ISO-639-# code

2015-05-15 Thread toki

In testing out various grammar and spell checkers, I've come across a
couple of instances, where different languages/dialects share the same
ISO code.

The _current_ ISO 639-1, ISO 639-2, ISO 639-3, ISO 639-4, ISO 639-5, and
ISO 639-6 codes are the same. They do have different Glottolog Codes.

The only solutions I found from Google searches were:
* Use User-1 for one language, User-2 for the other language;
* Use a completely different language and locale for one language;

The issue with User-#, is that it is no longer found in standard
LibreOffice builds.

The issue with use a completely different language, is that that
results in a language collision, when a user has to use both languages.

* What is the recommended practice for this type of situation.


Currently, this is an unusual case, but as LibreOffice extends into more
languages that are threatened, endangered, extinct, or dead, it will
become much more common.


I do have complete locale data for one or two of these conflicting
languages. However, since they share the same ISO 639-#, ISO 15924, and
 ISO 3166-1 Codes, I don't see how LibO, or any other programme could
correctly differentiate between them. As a general rule, they do have
different ISO 3166-2 Codes.

ISO 3166-3 Codes are not of much use here, because they aren't old
enough for the languages that need them. (Chinese, Greek, and Hebrew,
amongst others.)


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] OOo goes to Apache Foundation

2011-06-03 Thread toki
Hash: SHA1

On 03/06/2011 05:26, andré b wrote:

 AGPL is a stricter version of GPL.  It adds restrictions on Internet 

AGPL preserves the freedoms that GPL doesn't.

 LGPL now means _Lesser_ General Public License.

I know what it means,. I also know how to take LGPL licensed software,
modify it, and distribute the resulting binary without the source code
used to create that binary, and remain in technical compliance with the

 In practical terms, it means that Libreoffice can always be distributed
by others along with closed source programs, so allowing a wider use of

It also means that LibreOffice, or OOo, or whatever Apache renames it,
_if_ they decide to accept it, will also be providing support to those
distributors of repackaged LibO, or OOo.  Distributors that may, but
based on historical practice, will not be providing source code for
their modifications.

- -- 
If Bing copied Google, there wouldn't be anything new worth requesting.

If Bing did not copy Google, there wouldn't be anything relevant worth

  DaveJakeman 20110207 Groklaw.
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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] OOo goes to Apache Foundation

2011-06-02 Thread toki
Hash: SHA1

On 02/06/2011 12:29, Mike Dupont wrote:

 This means that changes can be cherry picked out and included in libreoffice, 

What changes?

Under the new OOo license there is no requirement for source code to be
available, much less sent up stream.

Which means that the best license for LibO to use is AGPL, precisely
because it is incompatible with the EULA that OOo will be distributed
under. (Unless you don't mind your LibO contributions being used in a
closed source, priority program that is distributed under a EULA on
slightly less restrictive than MSO2000 Enterprise Edition.)

 Also, may i ask what is the point of a lgpl. library gpl for an application.

It allows the program to be distributed as closed source, without making
that fact immediately obvious.

- -- 
If Bing copied Google, there wouldn't be anything new worth requesting.

If Bing did not copy Google, there wouldn't be anything relevant worth

  DaveJakeman 20110207 Groklaw.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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