Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Advice on translating large Odt documents

2013-10-14 Thread Sveinn í Felli

Þann lau 12.okt 2013 06:58, skrifaði Yury Tarasievich:

In fact, I believe I've seen an OOO/LO add-on for parallel
(segment-by-segment) translation. It was called
translator's friend or in the similar vein. I didn't try it.


Probably you are referencing the Anaphraseus-extension. Not 
been updated for LO for a while, seems to work on AOO 
(Win/Mac only???).


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Advice on translating large Odt documents

2013-10-14 Thread Valter Mura
In data giovedì 10 ottobre 2013 11:47:05, Sophie ha scritto:
 Hi Tom,
 Le 10/10/2013 11:42, Tom Davies a écrit :
  Hi :) Sorry, this is a bit off-topic for this list but it seems to be
  the only place that might have relevant experience and expertise
  about this issue.
  Are there any good tools to help people translate fairly large
  documents produced by LibreOffice.  There is a group that has some
  Odt files of up to 60 pages per chapter and those chapters get
  combined to form books of 300-600 pages.
  At the moment their only way of translating them means they can't
  access most of the tools you folks use and it's difficult to find a
  good work-flow too.
 They can use OmegaT, it's a very good tool translated in several
 languages, see
  Does anyone here translate office documents or books and have any
  good suggestions for tools and/or work-flow?
 The workflow depend on the size of the team, numbers of translators,
 proof readers, etc.

I can fully support this suggestion... :)

Open Source is better!

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Advice on translating large Odt documents

2013-10-12 Thread Yury Tarasievich

On 10/11/2013 11:26 PM, Tom Davies wrote:

OmegaT sounds like the main tool i was looking for.


I feel I still ought to warn you from my own 

Yes, OmegaT is, /de facto/, the only serious 
tool of description available open-sourcely (and 
not tied-in into some specific context).

However, OmegaT's automation may covertly 
skew/corrupt the result when working with object 
having complicated structure, as I learned to my 
own detriment when trying to apply OT to the LO 
PO files set.

I believe the root reason for that is 
segment-based translation for which OT was 
initially created. This is from memory so there 
are no more details.

I understand you'll translate (monolithic) LO 
documents so you'll likely be okay, but still, 
beware. :) Backup early etc. :)


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Advice on translating large Odt documents

2013-10-12 Thread Yury Tarasievich
In fact, I believe I've seen an OOO/LO add-on 
for parallel (segment-by-segment) translation. 
It was called translator's friend or in the 
similar vein. I didn't try it.


On 10/12/2013 09:49 AM, Tom Davies wrote:

Firefox has a lot of different add-ons that are quite good MTs.  Quite a few 


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Advice on translating large Odt documents

2013-10-12 Thread Yury Tarasievich
Ah, I found the reference to this add-on in my 
notes. It's named 'translation table' :), and 
it's function isn't exactly CAT (for which 
functionality authors refer to Anaphraseus 
add-on for OmegaT :), just a two-column segment 
layout helper (still very useful for what you 
seem to have in mind). In fact, I think I'll 
have a go with it myself.

As for the automation, you 'tend to not to' 
(commendable :) but may still end having relied 
(or not been careful) too much. Just like I did :).


On 10/12/2013 01:28 PM, Tom Davies wrote:

I've not heard of translators friend before
but it sounds useful.

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Advice on translating large Odt documents

2013-10-12 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
Yes, thanks :)  I do make mistakes all on my own, without any help, despite 
having had good advice from people and from automated systems.  (sorry, that 
was another clunky sentence from me)

Does Anaphraseus do the same job?  Is it also OpenSource?  Would it be better 
to go with that?  Does it look like the Translation Table Extension avoids 
needing a separate 3rd party tool and just does the whole job inside 

Regards from
Tom :)  

On Saturday, 12 October 2013, 12:18, Yury Tarasievich wrote:
Ah, I found the reference to this add-on in my 
notes. It's named 'translation table' :), and 
it's function isn't exactly CAT (for which 
functionality authors refer to Anaphraseus 
add-on for OmegaT :), just a two-column segment 
layout helper (still very useful for what you 
seem to have in mind). In fact, I think I'll 
have a go with it myself.

As for the automation, you 'tend to not to' 
(commendable :) but may still end having relied 
(or not been careful) too much. Just like I did :).


On 10/12/2013 01:28 PM, Tom Davies wrote:
 I've not heard of translators friend before
 but it sounds useful.

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Advice on translating large Odt documents

2013-10-12 Thread anne-ology

   BTW  ;-)
 re. acronymns ... this may be the main reason I don't like
these silly things; TM was an abbreviation for many years prior to any
computer  ;-)

From: Adolfo Jayme Barrientos
Date: Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 7:38 PM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Advice on translating large Odt documents
To: anne-ology
Cc: Sophie Gautier,, Tom

On Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 6:52 PM, anne-ology wrote:

I don't know what the TradeMark [ what else is TM ??? ] is, but it

“TM” stands for Translation Memory. :-)

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Advice on translating large Odt documents

2013-10-12 Thread anne-ology
   ah, yes, and that's another reason I dis-like acronymns ... they can
be mis-interpreted as typos  ;-)

   BTW - I see you too have discovered FireFox' add-ons ... ... ...
[way too many to count]

   You also brought up a very important point in translating - thanks!
jokes, puns, ... any play-on-words should be avoided, if
possible, due to the embarrassing situations which may occur.
   This is one of the reasons, many foreigners find English a
complicated language to learn - where we (English) get confused remembering
what gender objects are  ;-)
[it can be sometimes quite amusing to watch translators,
including signers - try it sometime when you have a moment  ;-)  ]

From: Tom Davies
Date: Sat, Oct 12, 2013 at 1:49 AM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Advice on translating large Odt documents
To: Adolfo Jayme Barrientos, anne-ology
Cc: Sophie Gautier,

Hi :)
Ahh, i thought it was a typo for MT = Machine Translator

Firefox has a lot of different add-ons that are quite good MTs.  Quite a
few combine Google Translate with various other engines. My current
favourite is Quick Translate but for ages i used Foxlingo and IM
Translate but there are others.

In LibreOffice or OpenOffice got to
Tools - Options - Internet - Browser Plugin
and tick the box in order to open ODF documents in a web-browser.  Then
when you try to open the file or download it then it opens in the
web-browser.  If you want to open a local file (on one your machine) or
even on your network file-shares then you can right-click and choose Open
With ... and then choose to open the document in a web-browser.

With Quick Translate when select an area or block of text or even a
single word a spinning globe appears near the start of the selected text.
 Clicking on that starts a spinning wheel in the bottom right and that
eventually brings up a translation.  You can change the default language it
translates into and the MT usually correctly guesses the language used in
the web-page.

However i am sure everyone has examples of situations that MTs can't
handle.  One stupid example is a story/joke in my country.
A man and a giraffe went into a pub and both got very drunk.  The giraffe
tripped over and fell asleep.  The man started to walk out the pub but the
barman said You can't leave that layin' there.  The man said It's not a
lion.  It's a giraffe and left.  In normal speech people often use
contractions so laying ends up sounding like lion but it also sounds
like lying.  So now if someone accuses someone else of telling an untruth
then another person might try to diffuse the tension by saying It's not a
lion it's a giraffe.  If the 1st person had wanted to avoid the tension
then they would have accused the person of telling a giraffe, as in that's
a giraffe or they might say Pull the other one (or the more complete
Pull the other one it's got bells on) in reference to a bizarre pagan
ritual which has been trivialised over the centuries to the point of
becoming a joke.

One US president went to visit a certain war-torn city and wanted to say
that he felt so much sympathy / empathy for their plight that he felt he
almost was one of them.  Unfortunately he mispronounced it slightly and
ended up saying something like
I am a small sausage
So now when someone claims to be an inhabitant of anywhere they might
accidentally (or deliberately) say it in such a way that various people
laugh at the hinted reference although many people probably don't remember
the original story, but might still find it amusing without really knowing

There are some not so funny (means exactly the opposite of funny)
examples such as when you finally get to an answer and solve a problem
there is one combination of words that was the code-name of an operation
to commit genocide.  A human translator would carefully avoid the phrase or
quickly rearrange the words possibly resulting in something that looks
clunky to people with perfect English.

Sometimes stories spring up in certain groups or at certain times and then
might vanish shortly after or might so swiftly become so deeply embedded
within the language that not using them looks clunky.  We now have txtin
language (no e otherwise it changes the meaning) and 24/7 and a verb,
mobile has become a noun.

Machine translators are never going to be able to keep up with all of them
because some appear and vanish too fast or are too subtle or has too many
nuances some of which may have more or less strength due to context or
recent events in the world.  Humans don't always keep up either but are
more likely to have a good gut-feeling about which are worth avoiding in
certain situations.

Regards from
Tom :)

  On Saturday, 12 October 2013, 1:39, Adolfo Jayme Barrientos wrote:
 On Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 6:52 PM, anne

Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Advice on translating large Odt documents

2013-10-12 Thread Yury Tarasievich

Tom, Thomas,
From what I can see in the code, Anaphraseus 
seems to be at least partially self-contained 
CAT (relying on OO for UI functionality (?)), 
and so the OmegaT reference in the 'Translation 
table' annotation looks somewhat bogus.

On the other hand, Anaphraseus definitely knows 
about OmegaT, and seems to be capable of two-way 
exchange with OT's TM via TMX format.

the TT looks just like helper with layout for 
segment-by-segment translation. Something like 
OmegaT's main screen.

All this gleaned just from looking into the 
code/jars. I'm not yet *installing* any of 
these, as I want to keep my already cluttered 
installation fucntional. :)


On 10/12/2013 03:40 PM, Tom Davies wrote:

Does Anaphraseus do the same job?  Is it also
OpenSource?  Would it be better to go with that?
  Does it look like the Translation Table
Extension avoids needing a separate 3rd party
tool and just does the whole job inside


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Advice on translating large Odt documents

2013-10-12 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)  
Thanks Yury.  You have already done more than enough to settle my questions.  

I'm a bit of a middle-man here so i might not be able to give back any feedback 
on how useful the actual translators find it.  It all sounds useful to me.  
Also it is great to be give them options so that they can pick and choose.  
Regards from 
Tom :)  

On Saturday, 12 October 2013, 14:23, Yury Tarasievich wrote:
Tom, Thomas,
From what I can see in the code, Anaphraseus 
seems to be at least partially self-contained 
CAT (relying on OO for UI functionality (?)), 
and so the OmegaT reference in the 'Translation 
table' annotation looks somewhat bogus.

On the other hand, Anaphraseus definitely knows 
about OmegaT, and seems to be capable of two-way 
exchange with OT's TM via TMX format.

the TT looks just like helper with layout for 
segment-by-segment translation. Something like 
OmegaT's main screen.

All this gleaned just from looking into the 
code/jars. I'm not yet *installing* any of 
these, as I want to keep my already cluttered 
installation fucntional. :)


On 10/12/2013 03:40 PM, Tom Davies wrote:
 Does Anaphraseus do the same job?  Is it also
 OpenSource?  Would it be better to go with that?
   Does it look like the Translation Table
 Extension avoids needing a separate 3rd party
 tool and just does the whole job inside


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Advice on translating large Odt documents

2013-10-11 Thread anne-ology
   The best one I've seen - and used - is tied in with FireFox;
   I tested it in French, Latin, Italian, Spanish to  from English
 found the translations were good.

   Actually, I've been pleased with all of FireFox's add-ons (although
I must admit I've only used a mere handful compared to all they seem to
have and/or produce.)

From: Tom Davies
Date: Thu, Oct 10, 2013 at 4:42 AM
Subject: [libreoffice-l10n] Advice on translating large Odt documents
To: L10n@Global.LibreOffice.Org

Hi :)
Sorry, this is a bit off-topic for this list but it seems to be the only
place that might have relevant experience and expertise about this issue.

Are there any good tools to help people translate fairly large documents
produced by LibreOffice.  There is a group that has some Odt files of up to
60 pages per chapter and those chapters get combined to form books of
300-600 pages.

At the moment their only way of translating them means they can't access
most of the tools you folks use and it's difficult to find a good work-flow

Does anyone here translate office documents or books and have any good
suggestions for tools and/or work-flow?
Regards from
Tom :)

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Advice on translating large Odt documents

2013-10-11 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
Pull the other one, it's got bells on ;)

Thanks for the suggestion though.  I think Machine Translators might be a good 
tool as part of the translation process but they miss a lot of the nuances and 
subtleties that a human would pick-up on and have no idea of contexts and 
associations certain phrases have within different cultures.  

Thanks for the idea though Anne-ology :)  OmegaT sounds like the main tool i 
was looking for.  
Regards from 
Tom :)

On Friday, 11 October 2013, 19:11, anne-ology wrote:
       The best one I've seen - and used - is tied in with FireFox;
           I tested it in French, Latin, Italian, Spanish to  from English
 found the translations were good.

       Actually, I've been pleased with all of FireFox's add-ons (although
I must admit I've only used a mere handful compared to all they seem to
have and/or produce.)

From: Tom Davies
Date: Thu, Oct 10, 2013 at 4:42 AM
Subject: [libreoffice-l10n] Advice on translating large Odt documents
To: L10n@Global.LibreOffice.Org

Hi :)
Sorry, this is a bit off-topic for this list but it seems to be the only
place that might have relevant experience and expertise about this issue.

Are there any good tools to help people translate fairly large documents
produced by LibreOffice.  There is a group that has some Odt files of up to
60 pages per chapter and those chapters get combined to form books of
300-600 pages.

At the moment their only way of translating them means they can't access
most of the tools you folks use and it's difficult to find a good work-flow

Does anyone here translate office documents or books and have any good
suggestions for tools and/or work-flow?
Regards from
Tom :)

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Advice on translating large Odt documents

2013-10-11 Thread Adolfo Jayme Barrientos
On Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 6:52 PM, anne-ology wrote:
I don't know what the TradeMark [ what else is TM ??? ] is, but it

“TM” stands for Translation Memory. :-)

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[libreoffice-l10n] Advice on translating large Odt documents

2013-10-10 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)  
Sorry, this is a bit off-topic for this list but it seems to be the only place 
that might have relevant experience and expertise about this issue.  

Are there any good tools to help people translate fairly large documents 
produced by LibreOffice.  There is a group that has some Odt files of up to 60 
pages per chapter and those chapters get combined to form books of 300-600 

At the moment their only way of translating them means they can't access most 
of the tools you folks use and it's difficult to find a good work-flow too.  

Does anyone here translate office documents or books and have any good 
suggestions for tools and/or work-flow?  
Regards from 
Tom :)  
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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Advice on translating large Odt documents

2013-10-10 Thread Sophie
Hi Tom,
Le 10/10/2013 11:42, Tom Davies a écrit :
 Hi :) Sorry, this is a bit off-topic for this list but it seems to be
 the only place that might have relevant experience and expertise
 about this issue.
 Are there any good tools to help people translate fairly large
 documents produced by LibreOffice.  There is a group that has some
 Odt files of up to 60 pages per chapter and those chapters get
 combined to form books of 300-600 pages.
 At the moment their only way of translating them means they can't
 access most of the tools you folks use and it's difficult to find a
 good work-flow too.

They can use OmegaT, it's a very good tool translated in several
languages, see
 Does anyone here translate office documents or books and have any
 good suggestions for tools and/or work-flow? 

The workflow depend on the size of the team, numbers of translators,
proof readers, etc.

Kind regards

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Advice on translating large Odt documents

2013-10-10 Thread Milos Sramek

Hi Tom,

We've just successfully passed a proof-of-the-concept testing of 
translating the LO guides using OmegaT. It works, even in a team setup 
in which the translators share translation memory over a subversion (or 
git) repository.

The only problem we have encountered (and solved) is oversegmentation of 
translation segments owing to direct formatting. Even words were split 
by this, making translation nearly impossible. We had to remove the 
formatting (replaced by styles)  and then had to clean the files by a 
script (which removed all direct formatting). The script is available 
(but it is not an enterprise grade one :)

I've written to this list about that some days ago.


As I have written to this list Dňa 10.10.2013 11:47, Sophie wrote / 

Hi Tom,
Le 10/10/2013 11:42, Tom Davies a écrit :

Hi :) Sorry, this is a bit off-topic for this list but it seems to be
the only place that might have relevant experience and expertise
about this issue.

Are there any good tools to help people translate fairly large
documents produced by LibreOffice.  There is a group that has some
Odt files of up to 60 pages per chapter and those chapters get
combined to form books of 300-600 pages.

At the moment their only way of translating them means they can't
access most of the tools you folks use and it's difficult to find a
good work-flow too.

They can use OmegaT, it's a very good tool translated in several
languages, see

Does anyone here translate office documents or books and have any
good suggestions for tools and/or work-flow?

The workflow depend on the size of the team, numbers of translators,
proof readers, etc.

Kind regards

email  jabber:

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[Solved] Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Advice on translating large Odt documents

2013-10-10 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)  

Thanks Sophie and Milos! :)  That neatly solves the whole problem for me.  

If i do have further problems i might ask about them separately but, for me, 
this case is closed already! :D
Many thanks and regards from 

Tom :)  

On Thursday, 10 October 2013, 14:03, Milos Sramek 
Hi Tom,

We've just successfully passed a proof-of-the-concept testing of 
translating the LO guides using OmegaT. It works, even in a team setup 
in which the translators share translation memory over a subversion (or 
git) repository.

The only problem we have encountered (and solved) is oversegmentation of 
translation segments owing to direct formatting. Even words were split 
by this, making translation nearly impossible. We had to remove the 
formatting (replaced by styles)  and then had to clean the files by a 
script (which removed all direct formatting). The script is available 
(but it is not an enterprise grade one :)
I've written to this list about that some days ago.


As I have written to this list Dňa 10.10.2013 11:47, Sophie wrote / 
 Hi Tom,
 Le 10/10/2013 11:42, Tom Davies a écrit :
 Hi :) Sorry, this is a bit off-topic for this list but it seems to be
 the only place that might have relevant experience and expertise
 about this issue.

 Are there any good tools to help people translate fairly large
 documents produced by LibreOffice.  There is a group that has some
 Odt files of up to 60 pages per chapter and those chapters get
 combined to form books of 300-600 pages.

 At the moment their only way of translating them means they can't
 access most of the tools you folks use and it's difficult to find a
 good work-flow too.
 They can use OmegaT, it's a very good tool translated in several
 languages, see
 Does anyone here translate office documents or books and have any
 good suggestions for tools and/or work-flow?
 The workflow depend on the size of the team, numbers of translators,
 proof readers, etc.

 Kind regards

email  jabber:

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