[LAAMN] Fwd: [Fast4Freedom] Tune in...to the Pelican Bay SHU hunger strike on KPFK Sat 7-2 at 1:00 PM

2011-07-01 Thread Michael Novick

From: JazzyMoe Ahmed jazzmoe2...@yahoo.com

Are you tuned into the SHU at Pelican Bay State Prison?

Do you ever imagine yourself living the same day, day after day, in 
a dark cage, alone, hurt inside, lonely with NO view to the outside, 
without ample, even digestible food?  And do you imagine yourself 
left to the mercy of often sadistic guards who on a whim can do 
whatever they will with you?  Can you imagine spending years on end 
with no human touch? Conditions in SHU's are so deplorable that men 
there have launched a hunger strike which will go on until their 
demands have been met.

Please tune into KPFK, 90.7 fm on Saturday, July 2nd at 1:00 pm for 
a special show on the Hunger Strike at Pelican Bay.  We will speak 
to former prisoners who have tolerated unspeakable treatment and who 
have resorted to different methods of resistance and to the mother 
of one of the strike organizers.  We will open the phones to those 
of you who wish to share your feelings, ideas and words of 
solidarity.  Once again, tune into KPFK, 90.7 fm at 1:00 pm for a 
special Think Outside the Cage!!

If you are not from LA, you can listen live at http://KPFK.orgKPFK.org.

geri silva
FACTS Education Fund:
Families to Amend California's Three Strikes
Fair Chance Project
3982 So Figueroa St #210
Los Angeles  90037
424.744.1156 - cell

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[LAAMN] Fwd: [Fast4Freedom] Press Conference Friday -- Pelican Bay State Prison Hunger Strike

2011-07-01 Thread Michael Novick

From: Keith James keithjame...@yahoo.com
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2011 18:26:28 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Fast4Freedom] Press Conference Friday 
-- Pelican Bay State Prison Hunger Strike
Reply-To: fast4free...@yahoogroups.com

Emergency Press Conference:
Support for Hunger Strike at Pelican Bay Prison

Friday, July 1, 2011 @ 12 noon

KRST Unity Center of Afrakan Spiritual Science
7825. S. Western Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90047-2728

Phone: Contact Keith James @ 213-840-5348 (cell)

On July 1, 2011, prisoners in the SHU (Security 
Housing Unit) at Pelican Bay State Prison begin 
an indefinite hunger strike.  There are 5 core 
demands (see below).  There is an important show 
of racial /ethnic unity among the prisoners.

This emergency press conference, on Friday, July 
1, at 12 noon, will show support for these basic 
demands from the SHU prisoners.  Letters from 
hunger striking prisoners in Pelican Bay State 
Prison will be read and made available to the 
press.  The press conference will expose and 
condemn indefinite and long term solitary 
confinement as torture; as cruel and unusual 
punishment (on May 23, the U.S. Supreme Court 
ruled that prison conditions in California 
violate the Eighth Amendment’s ban on cruel 
and unusual punishment). Pelican Bay State 
Prison is considered the “model” nationally 
for long-term segregation and isolation.  Such 
long-term solitary confinement is now widespread 
throughout CA and U.S.  No one is sentenced in 
court to serve their time in isolation (except 
in very rare cases) – such long-term isolation, 
which includes minimuum human contact and 
maximum sensory deprivation, is decided by the 
prison authorities themselves.  This brutality, 
aimed at breaking bones and spirit, is nothing 
less than crimes against humanity – and they are 
bbeing carried out every single day at Pelican 
Bay State Prison.  This press conference will 
demand there be no reprisals against the 
prisoners and present a vision of support that 
will shake society awake on this crucial issue.

Speakers/statements include Rev. Richard Meri Ka 
Ra Byrd (KRST Unity Center); Clyde Young 
(revolutionary communist and former prisoner); 
Fanya Baruti (All of Us or None LA Chapter 
Organizer); Gloria Killian (Action Committee for 
Women in Prison); Paul Von Blum (professor of 
African American Studies, UCLA); Luis Garcia, 
Senate Select Committee on California 
Correctional Systems (SSCCS); Dylan Rodriguez, 
Professor and Chair, Ethnic Studies, University 
of CA, Riverside (update to follow); Rev. Dr. 
Lewis E. Logan, Ruach Christian Community 
Fellowship; Rev. Eugene Williams, Regional 
Council of Neighborhood Organizations

Basic Core Demands From Pelican Bay Prisoners (Security Housing Unit)

1. Eliminate group punishments.  Instead, 
practice individual accountability. When an 
individual prisoner breaks a rule, the prison 
often punishes a whole group of prisoners of the 
same race.  This policy has been applied to keep 
prisoners in the SHU indefinitely and to make conditions increasingly harsh.

2. Abolish the debriefing policy and modify 
active/inactive gang status criteria. Prisoners 
are accused of being active or inactive 
participants of prison gangs using false or 
highly dubious evidence, and are then sent to 
longterm isolation (SHU). They can escape these 
tortuous conditions only if they debrief, that 
is, provide information on gang activity. 
Debriefing produces false information (wrongly 
landing other prisoners in SHU, in an endless 
cycle) and can endanger the lives of debriefing prisoners and their families.

3. Comply with the recommendations of the US 
Commission on Safety and Abuse in Prisons (2006) 
regarding an end to longterm solitary 
confinement.  This bipartisan commission 
specifically recommended to make segregation a 
last resort and end conditions of 
isolation.  Yet as of May 18, 2011, California 
kept 3,259 prisoners in SHUs and hundreds more 
in Administrative Segregation waiting for a SHU 
cell to open up.  Some prisoners have been kept 
in isolation for more than thirty years.

4. Provide adequate food.  Prisoners report 
unsanitary conditions and small quantities of 
food that do not conform to prison 
regulations.  There is no accountability or 
independent quality control of meals.

5. Expand and provide constructive programs and 
privileges for indefinite SHU inmates.  The 
hunger strikers are pressing for opportunities 
“to engage in self-help treatment, education, 
religious and other productive 
activities...  Currently these opportunities 
are routinely denied, even if the prisoners want 
to pay for correspondence courses 
themselves.  Examples of privileges the 
prisoners want are: one phone call per week, and 
permission to have sweatsuits and watch caps. 
(Often warm clothing is denied, though the cells 
and exercise cage can be bitterly cold.)  All of 
the privileges mentioned in the demands are 
already allowed at other SuperMax prisons 

[LAAMN] Drowning Fish?

2011-07-01 Thread Scott Peden
**Drowning Fish?**

/by Greg Palast
June 30th, 2011/


July 3 would have been my parents' 67th Anniversary. 67 years. Maybe it 
was the triumph of Hope over Reality (still have that Obama 2008 
poster?). Or maybe something else, something that those of us who 
haven't walked that far down the path can't imagine.

My Dad's last wish the night before he died last November was to 
dedicate some of his small savings to the Palast Investigative Fund.

It's the only time I wished he'd been an investment banker. He wasn't, 
so the Gil Palast Memorial Fund is small. And therefore, I appreciate 
deeply the donations many of you added to it.

My mom asked me to wait until my parents' would-have-been anniversary to 
announce the recipient of the Gil Palast Really Tiny Memorial Fellowship 
in Investigative Reporting.

And the winner is: Rob Roberts, fish biologist.

Except his name isn't Rob and he doesn't know a damn thing about fish.

His real name is Zachary ZD Roberts, photo journalist extraordinaire.

Zach, under the name Rob, scoped out the Gulf Coast for our team 
immediately the BP Deepwater Horizon explosion.

If you google Zach Roberts, Greg Palast also comes up, making his 
undercover work more difficult than it need be. But google the name Rob 
Roberts and you get lots of hits including a sex offender and a fish 

Using the name Rob (one of his many legal names, so it's legit), Zach 
could go where US media fear to tread: where BP doesn't want cameras to 

Here's what he found. According to the scientists on NPR, every one of 
whom is in BP's pay, Mother Nature herself was cleaning up the oil from 
BP's blow-out, so don't worry about the fish. But Zach found out that 
BP's fish story was baloney. From local fisherman, Zach learned that 
fish were DROWNING.

Until I heard this from Zach, I didn't know a fish could drown.

They can, a biologist (a real one) explained to me. And they have, by 
the gazillions - but BP's rent-a-professor operation had drowned out the 

Yes, Mother Nature has created bacteria that can eat crude oil (good), 
and the bugs have had a party feasting on BP's gunk. Then these bacteria 
had bacterium babies (bad). These little buggers, like all creatures, 
breathe — and so they sucked all the oxygen out of the water. Result: 
fish drowned.

BP denies it — and the Department of Interior can't find the fish 
corpses. The Department hired these same biologists who are suckling on 
the BP money teat. They could not find the dead fish despite searching 
by sticking their white canes in the Gulf waters.

But we could. It's not easy finding a biologist who is not licking BP's 
candy cane. But we found a couple: You can meet them — and the deceased 
fish—in our film on BP, broadcast last week in Europe. The full-monty US 
version is on its way.

This year, Zach completed the first round of shooting in Alaska for his 
film on Sarah Palin. Click here 
for some of the killer shots from his portfolio, including the one at 
the top of oil from the Exxon Valdez — taken 21 years after the spill by 
Roberts in advance of our filming in the Arctic for our Arctic-to-Amazon 
investigation of BP and Big Oil.

Zach, by the way, conceived and edited the comic book, Steal Back Your 
Vote (2008) 
and convinced Bobby Kennedy and I to write it, along with artists Ted 
Rall and Lloyd Dangle.

The Fellowship will provide Zach a small stipend to work with us for one 
year. [I'd like to make it two years, and would appreciate your 
tax-deductible donations to do so. I don't want to pressure you, but my 
mother is 89 and it would break her heart if the Gil Palast Memorial 
ran out of funds. Mom has also requested the list of names of all you 
subscribers who have NOT donated; which gives you a hint as to how she 
maintained a successful 66-year marriage.]

Thanks again to you all. We're working hard to produce no-B.S. 
journalism and your support goes along way. We look forward to sharing 
our forthcoming reports with you over the next several months, and will 
keep you informed on Rob Roberts' ongoing work.

/When in the course of human events it becomes necessary/ to expose the 
bastards, you can count on us.

— Greg Palast and the Palast Investigative Team


/Forensic economist and journalist Greg Palast, author of the New York 

[LAAMN] Justice as important as the money in Cobell case

2011-07-01 Thread Romi Elnagar
Justice as important as the money in Cobell case
By WAYNE GREENE World Senior Writer
Published: 6/20/2011  2:29 AM
Last Modified: 6/20/2011  4:54 AM

A proposed $3.4 billion settlement of a 1996 class-action lawsuit would mean 
paydays - in some cases, huge ones - for half a million American Indians, 
including some 35,000 in Oklahoma.

But not everyone is satisfied with the deal.

Congress has already approved the settlement - the largest ever against the 
U.S. government - to resolve decades of mismanagement of American Indian 
assets, including land, oil, natural gas, timber and grazing.

U.S. District Judge Thomas Hogan of the U.S. District Court in Washington, 
D.C., has scheduled a fairness hearing over the proposed settlement Monday.

Nineteen people are scheduled to speak against the plan.

Ben Carnes, a Choctaw from Broken Bow, sold a lithograph by American Indian 
Movement leader Leonard Peltier and scraped together donations from Facebook 
friends to pay for his trip to Washington to speak against the settlement.

Carnes said his main concern is that the settlement ignores those responsible 
for the asset mismanagement.

They want to throw some money at it and (have) everybody forget the main 
issue, Carnes said. I was under the impression that we were pursuing justice, 
that we wanted to find out where the money went to.

Carnes said he will ask Hogan to throw out the settlement and take a closer 
look at what happened to the assets over the decades. He also wants to end U.S. 
Bureau of Indian Affairs control of the assets and grant Indians full 
sovereignty over their own property.

Compared to those greater issues, the settlement money is nothing, he said

What's the market value of sovereignty? What's the price of that? he said.

It's not just about the money. Money doesn't mean anything.

Carnes said he doesn't have much hope for convincing the judge, but he plans to 
continue his fight to the Supreme Court before opting out of the settlement, if 
he has to.

The Quapaw Nation also asked to be part of Monday's hearing, but won't be 
allowed to speak because the nation isn't due any money under the settlement, 
although many of its members are.

You would think a fairness hearing says that anybody that's interested ought 
to be able to be heard, but I guess the definition of fairness may be 
different, said Tulsa attorney John Williams, who is working with the tribe on 
the case.

Some 1,065 Quapaws have asked to opt out of the settlement and the tribe asked 
the court for three more months to discuss the issue with its 3,500 members.

The proposed settlement may sufficiently resolve issues for many Indians, but 
it is grossly inadequate to address the history of theft of mineral and 
agricultural wealth from Quapaws, tribal filings with the court say.

Quapaw allotments in northeastern Oklahoma had an enormous amount of lead and 
zinc that were mined for decades by companies that contracted with the federal 
agencies that were supposed to be protecting Indian interests.

Tribal members have filed a separate class action suit reflecting its claims, 
but the 1,065 who tried to opt out of the Cobell settlement through the tribe 
may be forced to accept at least part of the settlement - an issue that will 
probably lead to more litigation, Williams said.

Steve Bruner, a member of the Creek National Council, has conditionally opted 
out of the settlement. In a letter to Judge Hogan, he strongly objects to the 
size of potential legal fees for the firm that brought the suit.

The firm sent Bruner an estimate that his mother's estate would receive more 
than $127,000 under the settlement.

But Bruner complained that he couldn't get a straight answer on how much money 
would go to the lawyers or how his family's claim would change if the legal 
fees were reduced.

For Bruner, the money would settle years of government mismanagement of family 
oil royalties in Creek County.

Originally, the firm told Congress they would limit their fees to no more than 
$99.9 million, but later asked Hogan to award $223 million, Bruner's letter 

The letter says he can't make an informed decision on whether to accept the 
potential settlement until he understands how high the fees are and how those 
fees affect the settlements to class members.

Bruner said he hasn't gotten a response to his letter and doesn't know if he's 
considered a part of the class or not at this point.

It's the principle of the thing. When those lawyers say they're going to cap 
at x amount, then that's the way it should be. I don't appreciate them coming 
back and saying, 'We meant this; we didn't mean that.'

What they're doing is they're dangling money in front of people's noses who 
don't have a lot, so they'd love to get $500 or $300. They'll be glad to get 
whatever, Bruner said.

It's not going to make or break me. I just object to the way it was done, he 

About the Cobell case
Filed: 1996 by Elouise Cobell, a member 

[LAAMN] UK Strikes

2011-07-01 Thread Ed Pearl
This actually happened, yesterday.  Here’s the who and why of it, as the NY
and LA Times today were inadequate, at best.



UK Strikes: 750,000 Set to Down Tools in Biggest Day of Industrial Action
Since the 1980s

by Mark Ellis

strial-action-since-the-1980s-115875-23236531/ : June  30, 2011 

THOUSANDS of furious workers are staging a mass walkout today to fight
Government plans to savage their pensions.

Hundreds of thousands of public sector workers have begun to strike across
the country, closing or disrupting schools, colleges, courts, Government
offices and job centres. Unions estimate 750,000 public sector workers,
including teachers, immigrations officers and customs officers, will be
striking across the country in protest at the government's pension reforms.
Some union officials said they expected the best supported strike we have
ever seen (Getty images) The strikes by around 750,000 teachers and civil
servants will be the biggest day of industrial action since Margaret
Thatcher was PM in the 1980s.

Hard-pressed staff have already been hit by savage Coalition cutbacks and
are incensed over proposals to hammer their pensions.

Thousands of schools in England and Wales will be closed today while ports
and airports will be disrupted. Driving centres, courts, job centres and
even Downing Street will also be affected.

Last night Dr Mary Bousted, general secretary of the Association of Teachers
and Lecturers, said the Government was morally responsible for the strikes
because it was trying to steamroller through unfair changes to pensions and
had failed to negotiate. She added: “Deciding to strike is not a decision we
take lightly. This is the first time ATL members will be involved in a
national strike in our 127 years.

“We regret any inconvenience caused to parents but a one-day strike will
have significantly less impact on children’s education than the damage done
by making education an unattractive career. 

“If the Government’s changes go ahead we risk losing the best graduates to
teaching, losing great teachers, lecturers and heads, and causing a
recruitment crisis finding school and college heads. We’ve deliberately
chosen June 30 to avoid exams and the start of school trips and events.

“We hope parents and the community can understand why we’re taking action as
a last resort.”

Labour accused ministers of causing the industrial action by not taking part
in last-minute talks.

Shadow Education Secretary Andy Burnham said: “When Labour was in government
we negotiated through the night to avoid fire strikes and worked hard to
stop industrial action on public sector pensions. The Tory-led Government
has badly mishandled the whole process. Ministers and unions need to put
children’s education first and focus on reaching an agreement.”

The Coalition was also accused of having a hidden agenda to undermine public
sector pensions – paving the way for privatising Government services.

Mark Serwotka, general secretary of the civil servants’ Public and
Commercial Services Union, told the Mirror the rush to privatise public
services would turn from “a stream into a flood”.

He added he was confident of the “best support we’ve ever had” for a strike,
saying: “Hard-pressed public sector workers are paying a huge price, while
the Tories’ friends in the City who caused this crisis are back enjoying
their bonuses. This is part of a hidden agenda to undermine pensions and
pick off massive parts of the public sector and hand them to the City.”

Mr Serwotka said key Government services in the justice department and
benefits system, as well as the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency were
prime targets for privatisation.

Last night the Government denied it had a hidden agenda on pensions. It
followed David Cameron launching another attack on the strikes.

Speaking at Prime Minister’s questions he said: “I don’t believe there is
any case for industrial action tomorrow, not least because talks are still
ongoing. It is only a minority of unions who have taken the decision to go
ahead and strike.

“What I want to see is as many mums and dads as possible able to take their
children to school.”

But his call fell flat when Tory-run Surrey county council – which includes
the Westminster seat of Education Secretary Michael Gove – said the use of
volunteers to keep schools open was “best avoided”.

Staff are walking out over plans to make teachers and civil servants pay
more for pensions, get less on retirement and work longer. Those in their
30s won’t be eligible to retire until 68.

Rallies are being held around the country and the leaders of the four unions
involved – including the National Union of Teachers and the University and
College Union – will attend a march in Central London.

Labour leader Ed Miliband said yesterday that he expected his party’s MPs to
cross picket lines 

[LAAMN] Elouise Cobel statement at fairness hearing for settlement

2011-07-01 Thread Romi Elnagar
Elouise Cobel statement at fairness hearing for settlement

Tuesday, June  21,  2011

The following is the statement made by Elouise Cobell, the lead 
plaintiff in the Indian trust fund lawsuit, at the fairness hearing for 
the $3.4 billion settlement. June 20, 2011.

Your Honor, my name is Elouise Cobell. I am an enrolled member of the 
Blackfeet Tribe and I was born, raised and presently reside on the 
Blackfeet Reservation in Montana. I am also the lead plaintiff in this 
litigation. My great grandfather was Mountain Chief, the last war chief 
of the Blackfeet Nation.

I wish I could be present at today’s fairness hearing so I could 
introduce myself and personally explain to you how important this 
settlement is to 500,000 individual Indian trust beneficiaries. However,
 physically, I am unable to do so. Therefore, I sincerely thank you for 
the opportunity to participate by telephone.

I want to explain that few if any other legal cases in modern times have
 embodied the pain of so many people in Indian Country and also embodied
 the hopes of these people. The possibility of settling this century old
 injustice has provided hope for the future and a light on the horizon.

For over 100 years, individual Indians have been victimized by the 
government’s gross mismanagement of the Individual Indian Trust and our 
trust assets, including the income earned on our trust lands. And, for 
the last 15 years, this Court, alone, has held out hope for individual 
Indians. No other place and no other institution – not the Executive 
Branch nor, with some notable exceptions, did Congress provide such 
promise. Successive administrations stubbornly resisted and bitterly 
fought our efforts with everything it has. Congress was unable to bring 
resolution, despite great effort to do so.

Finally, in 2009, through the extraordinary efforts of this Court, Class
 Counsel and the Class Representatives, for the first time since this 
case was filed on June 10, 1996, the Executive Branch sat down in good 
faith and negotiated a fair settlement of this case. Then, in December 
2010, after a year of meeting with members of Congress and their staff, 
we were able to obtain Congressional approval of this settlement. 

In this tight budget environment, that was extremely difficult to do, 
particularly since 100% of the Senate was needed to pass the 
ratification of our settlement.
What has been accomplished here is historic and unprecedented – a $3.4 
billion settlement – with $1.5 billion distributed directly to 
individual Indians and $1.9 billion to address fractionation – a 
necessary investment for improving future management. And this is tax 
free. In addition, $5 billion has been spent by the government on trust 
reform brought about by the pressure this case has brought to bear. 
Nothing like this has ever been done for individual Indians.

I am confident that this Court understands our history of abuse. Its 
opinions and decisions speak eloquently and sincerely of the challenges 
we have had to face. The record is plain to anyone who spends the time 
to read and understand it. It is permanent testimony to the importance 
of this case and why it has been one of the most difficult challenges I 
have ever faced.

The terms of settlement bring a measure of justice to some of the most 
vulnerable people in this country. The settlement isn’t perfect. I do 
not think it compensates all for all the losses sustained but I do think
 it is fair and it is reasonable. That is what matters – a fair 
resolution has been achieved. I am convinced that it is the best 
settlement possible. I am convinced also that if this settlement failed,
 there would be many more years of litigation with little possibility of
 a more favorable resolution.

While you will hear from several objectors today, the overwhelming 
majority of class members -- over 99.98% -- agree that the settlement is
 fair and want this matter resolved now. This support is not surprising 
to me. When I have visited innumerable Indian communities over the last 
year to speak about this settlement, I have heard first hand the wide 
support this settlement enjoys.

I don’t want to get into the details of our settlement. Those issues 
have been fully briefed and debated. And, I know that they will be 
discussed further in this hearing. However, I want to address an issue 
that has been addressed by the defendants and a couple of members of 
Congress. That issue is the reasonableness of the legal fees for our 
Class Counsel.

I have said that if our attorneys are not treated fairly and in 
accordance with controlling law, we will never be able to retain 
competent lawyers who would be willing to battle the government until 
justice is served – how ever long that takes. I strongly believe that is
 true. An overwhelming majority of individual Indian class members 
agree. Please let the message be that lawyers who represent native 
people will be treated no worse or 

[LAAMN] 7/1: Russia Confronts France Smuggle Weapons to Libyan Rebels

2011-07-01 Thread SIUHIN
Moscow, Paris argue on arms  deliveries to Libya 

_English.news.cn_ (http://english.news.cn/)2011-07-01 21:46:59  
MOSCOW, July 1 (Xinhua) -- Russian Foreign Minister Sergei  Lavrov held 
talks with his visiting French counterpart Alain Juppe here on  Friday, but the 
two argued on France's arms deliveries to Libya. 
After their talks, Lavrov told reporters that France's supply of  weapons 
to the Libyan opposition was an unpleasant situation. Juppe said the  move 
was for self-defense in line with the U.N. resolution concerning  Libya. 
Lavrov said that France's interpretation of the U.N. Security  Council 
resolutions presented at their meeting allows anyone to do anything for  any 
I think that we and Paris and other permanent and non-permanent  members 
of the Security Council should expect to receive documents that are  clear, 
Lavrov said. As we had warned in advance, now we have these very  
unpleasant situations when things can be interpreted in any number of ways. 
In turn, Juppe insisted Paris' move was not a violation of the  Security 
Council resolutions, but a protection of civilians from Libyan leader  Muammar 
Civilians had been attacked by Gaddafi's forces and were in an  extremely 
vulnerable situation and that is why medicine, food and also weapons  of 
self-defense were parachuted, Juppe said. We informed our partners in NATO  
and the Security Council about these deliveries. 
News of France's weapons deliveries to the Libyan rebels emerged  in a 
report by Le Figaro newspaper on Wednesday. The report said the weapons  
included anti-tank rockets and light arms. 
Russia has been critical of NATO-led military operations in  Libya, saying 
airstrikes go beyond the Security Council resolution which  mandated a 
no-fly zone over the North African country.  
_Special Report: Foreign Military  Intervention in Libya_ 

Peace NO War Network  (http://www.peacenowar.net/) 
_http://www.PeaceNOWar.net_ (http://www.peacenowar.net/)   
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Not in our Name! And another world is possible!

Information for antiwar movements, news across the  World, please visit:_  
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[LAAMN] Stephen Zunes: Washington Okays Attack on Unarmed U.S. Ship

2011-07-01 Thread Ed Pearl

Washington Okays Attack on Unarmed U.S. Ship

by Stephen Zunes http://www.commondreams.org/stephen-zunes 

Policy in Focus: June 30, 2011  

The Obama administration appears to have given a green light to an Israeli
attack on an unarmed flotilla carrying peace and human rights activists -
including a vessel with 50 Americans on board - bound for the besieged Gaza
Strip. At a press conference on June 24, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
criticized the http://www.state.gov/secretary/rm/2011/06/166868.htm
flotilla organized by the Free Gaza Campaign by saying it would provoke
actions by entering into Israeli waters and creating a situation in which
the Israelis have the right to defend themselves.

Clinton did not explain why a country had the right to defend themselves
against ships which are clearly no threat. Not only have organizers of the
flotilla gone to great steps to ensure are there no weapons on board, the
only cargo bound for Gaza on the U.S. ship are letters of solidarity to the
Palestinians in that besieged enclave who have suffered under devastating
Israeli bombardments, a crippling blockade, and a right-wing Islamist
government. Nor did Clinton explain why the State Department suddenly
considers the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of the port of Gaza to be
Israeli waters, when the entire international community recognizes Israeli
territorial waters as being well to the northeast of the ships' intended

The risk of an Israeli attack on the flotilla is real. Israeli commandoes
illegally assaulted a similar flotilla in international waters on May 31 of
last year, killing nine people on board one of the vessels, including Furkan
Dogan, a 19-year old U.S. citizen. Scores of others, including a number of
Americans, were brutally beaten and more than a dozen others were shot but
survived their wounds. According to a UN
n.pdf  investigation, based on eyewitness testimony and analysis by a
forensic pathologist and ballistic expert, Dogan was initially shot while
filming the assault and then murdered while lying face down with a bullet
shot at close range in the back of the head. The United States was the only
one of the 47 members of the UN Human Rights Council to
7110.html?wprss=rss_print/asection  vote against the adoption of the
report. The Obama administration never filed a complaint with the Israeli
government, demonstrating its willingness to allow the armed forces of U.S.
allies to murder U.S. citizens on the high seas.

As indicated by Clinton's statement of last week, the administration appears
to be willing to let it happen again.

Congressional Response

Last year, 329 out of 435 members of the U.S. House of Representatives
signed a
letter that referred to Israel's attack that killed Dogan and the others as
an act of self-defense which they strongly support. A Senate
pdf  letter - signed by 87 out of 100 senators - went on record fully
supporting what it called Israel's right to self-defense, claiming that
the effort to relieve critical shortages of food and medicine in the
besieged Gaza Strip was simply part of a clever tactical and diplomatic
ploy by Israel's opponents to challenge its international standing.

But not everyone in Congress believes the assaulting and killing human
rights activists on the high seas is legitimate. Last week, on June 24, six
members of Congress signed a
letter to Secretary Clinton requesting that she do everything in her power
to work with the Israeli government to ensure the safety of the U.S.
citizens on board. As of this writing, they have not received a response.

Earlier in the week, the State Department issued a public
http://travel.state.gov/travel/cis_pa_tw/tw/tw_5511.html  statement to
discourage Americans from taking part in the second Gaza flotilla because
they might be attacked by Israeli forces. Yet thus far neither the State
Department nor the White House has issued a public statement demanding that
Israel not attack Americans legally traveling in international waters.
Indeed, on Friday, State Department spokesperson Victoria Nuland implied
that the United States would blame those taking part in the flotilla rather
than the rightist Israeli government should anything happen to them. Like
those in the early 1960s who claimed civil rights protesters were
responsible for the attacks by white racist mobs because they had provoked
them, Nuland
D-flotilla  stated, Groups that 

[LAAMN] Lal Khan/Palestine: The simmering revolt

2011-07-01 Thread Cort Greene

 Palestine: The simmering
Written by Lal Khan Friday, 01 July 2011
[image: Print]http://www.marxist.com/palestine-the-simmering-revolt/print.htm#

*The scathing remarks of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu against
Barak Obama for suggesting that the ‘two state solution’ should be based
upon the pre-1967 borders, just before boarding the plane to Washington for
a state visit, exposed the diplomatic weakness of the imperialist leaders.*

[image: Netanyahu and Obama]
arrogance displayed by one of its closest allies laid bare the political and
diplomatic impotence of the USA, and its inability to solve the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The standing ovation for Netanyahu during his
speech to the US Congress was another humiliating setback for Obama who was
fortunate enough to be touring Buckingham Palace at the time. Netanyahu’s
offensive was devised to avoid the question of the Jewish settlements on
Palestinian land, which is blocking any even partial peace settlement. In
fact he rejected almost every demand of the so-called international

The fact is that he cannot make any significant concessions if he is to
preserve the exploitative system on which Israel was created under the
pretext of the biblical myth of the “land of Judea and Samara”. Thus the
talks stalled once again. The general pessimism about a negotiated
settlement in the Middle East was expressed by *The Economist* in its recent

“In the end, after much brouhaha and hyperbole, there were no real winners:
no sign that negotiations between Israel and Palestinians would resume; no
hint of flexibility from Mr. Netanyahu; no expectations from the
Palestinians that they would talk to Mr. Netanyahu under the present
circumstances... Rarely has the outlook seemed so bleak.”

The “two state solution” was always a non-starter. After the occupation of
the West Bank the process of building settlements has made the geographical
differentiation between Jewish and Arab neighbourhoods almost impossible.
These Jewish settlements are deep intrusions into the West Bank that even
surround large towns and cities like Ariel, Ramallah, Bethlehem and, of
course, East Jerusalem.

A number of areas within the Palestinian Territories have been dissected by
these settlements and the monstrous concrete wall imposed by the Zionist
state. Gaza and the West Bank are already divided up by large tracts of
Israeli occupied territory. There are many other unresolved questions: the
Israeli demand for a demilitarised Palestinian state; trade and commerce
under Israeli tutelage; the use of the Israeli currency the shekel in
Palestinian areas; but above all the vast number of Palestinian workers that
are employed in Israeli industry.

Under these conditions, a two- state solution would not bring anything like
independence or sovereignty to the Palestinians. It will rather increase the
military and economic subjugation of the Palestinian masses to the Zionist
state. All those who are constantly harping about the independence of
Palestine through this two-state solution carefully avoid all mention of the
realities on the ground. While talking about a “peace process”, they ignore
the crude reality of imperialist aggression, brutalisation and the daily
killings of the Palestinians by Israeli state terrorism.

The Arab rulers have used and abused the Palestinian cause to perpetuate
their despotic rule and distract their subjects from the economic and
political repression they were inflicting. The conduct of the so called
United Nations reeks of hypocrisy. Scores of resolutions have been passed in
the General Assembly proclaiming the rights of the Palestinian masses. But
not one has been implemented. This decrepit assembly of the ruling elites of
the world can never grant the Palestinians their freedom. The declaration of
an independent state at the UN general assembly in September will be yet
another hoax. Even if it is passed, the Americans will veto it.

The Palestinian masses have a long history of sacrifices and struggle.
However, the methods of individual terrorism over the years played into the
hands of the vicious Israeli ruling class, who replied with the most brazen
state terrorism. The blowing up of passenger planes and school busses only
provided them with an excuse to carryout ferocious massacres of the
Palestinians like those in the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps in the early

Neither could the negotiated settlements with imperialism attain freedom for
the Palestinians. It was the first intifada of 1987, the huge revolutionary
upsurge of the Palestinian masses that rattled the Zionist state. However,
the Oslo accords signed between Arafat and imperialism were bitter pills
coated with layers of saccharine diplomatic hypocrisy. They were 

[LAAMN] Today's LUV News: 1 July, 2011

2011-07-01 Thread Scott Peden


*President Obama has gone after more whistleblowers than any previous 
president.  This is chilling to anyone who cares about government 
corruption, now rampant.  Linda Greene has a piece going inside it 
http://www.counterpunch.org/greene06302011.html this morning.


*Glenn Greenwald points out that banksters are finally being prosecuted 
but /in Afghanistan/, not here, where bankster scams resulted in the 
entire world economy collapsing.  The Third World, it would appear, is 
being held to a higher standard.

In an update at the end of the piece, Greenwald points out a /Washington 
Post/ piece calling for the establishment of the rule of law in 
Afghanistan, where the USA keeps its Bagram prison in which thousands 
are locked away without charges indefinitely, never seeing a courtroom, 
many of them allegedly children.  Because of mass media like /the Post/, 
most citizens stumble about like zombies, completely unaware.



*In our Action of the Month for July http://members.cox.net/libertyuv/ 
we encourage readers to send a donation to /Inter Press Service/, which 
maintains reporters throughout the third world and reports on the 
victims of global capitalism ignored by our mass media.

**At /LUV News/ we routinely run stories about our ruling Forces of 
Greed http://members.cox.net/libertyuv/FOG.htm (FOG) killing their 
workers by maintaining known unsafe workplaces, killing their consumers 
with known poisons and unsafe products, sickening us all with air and 
water pollution and numerous other horrors with the approval, or a blind 
eye, from our corrupt government.

But can they take away your right to sue them if they rape you?  Yes 
they can.  You think I mean figuratively, but no, I'm talking about 
actual rape, brutal rape, and there's nothing you can do about it.  The 
FOG, like King George, rule absolutely  --Jack

*Woman Gang-Raped by 7 Halliburton Employees Signed Away Her Right to 
How Justice Has Become the Privilege of Corporations* 

*Access to justice -- like access to elected office, let alone a 
pundit's perch -- is becoming a perk just for the rich and powerful.*


*by Laura Flanders*

*Worried about the influence of money in American politics, the huge 
cash payouts that the US supreme court 
http://www.guardian.co.uk/law/us-supreme-court waved through by its 
Citizens United decision -- the decision that lifted most limits on 
election campaign spending? Corporations are having their way with 
American elections just as they've already had their way with our media. 
But at least we have the courts, right?*

*Wrong. The third branch of government's in trouble, too. In fact, 
access to justice -- like access to elected office, let alone a pundit's 
perch -- is becoming a perk just for the rich and powerful.*

*Take the young woman now testifying in court in Texas. Jamie Leigh 
Jones claims she was drugged and gang-raped 
while working for military contractor KBR in Iraq (at the time, a 
division of Halliburton). Jones, now 26, was on her fourth day in post 
in Baghdad in 2005 when she says she was assaulted by seven contractors 
and held captive http://abcnews.go.com/video/playerIndex?id=4004174, 
under armed guard by two KBR police, in a shipping container.*

*When the criminal courts failed to act, her lawyers filed a civil suit, 
only to be met with Halliburton's response that all her claims were to 
be decided in arbitration -- because she'd signed away her rights to 
bring the company to court when she signed her employment contract. As 
Leigh testified before Congress, in October 2009, I had signed away my 
right to a jury trial at the age of 20 and without the advice of 
counsel. It was a matter of sign or resign. I had no idea that the 
clause was part of the contract, what the clause actually meant, 
testified Jones.*

*You've probably done the very same thing without even knowing it. When 
it comes to consumer claims, mandatory arbitration is the new normal. 
According to research by Public Citizen 
http://www.citizen.org/Page.aspx?pid=183 and others, corporations are 
inserting forced arbitration clauses into the fine print of contracts 
for work, for cell phone service, for credit cards, even nursing home 
contracts, requiring clients to give up their 

[LAAMN] Fwd: Investigative Journalism professor banished by Dean after his students uncovered 13 wrongful death penalty convictions

2011-07-01 Thread Michael Novick

Wrongfully Banishing Professor David Protess
by Stephen Lendman Tuesday, Jun. 21, 2011 at 12:55 AM


Wrongfully Banishing Professor David Protess - by Stephen Lendman

On March 18, Chicago Tribune writers Matthew Walberg and Dan Hinkel 
headlined, Northwestern at odds with star professor, saying:

Cook County prosecutors sparked a media firestorm nearly two years 
ago when they subpoenaed notes, recordings, and even grades of (his) 
students (because of their work proving) Anthony McKinney had wrongly 
been convicted of a 1978 murder.

The battle sparked a feud between Northwestern and Protess, whose 
Medill Innocence Project uncovered numerous wrongful murder 
convictions, culminating when former Illinois Gov. George Ryan 
declared a moratorium on capital punishment in 2000 after 13 
prisoners were found innocent and released.

On January 11, 2003, two days before leaving office, he then cleared 
death row, commuting sentences for 163 men and four women to life 
imprisonment. He also declared a moratorium on future executions, now 
banned after Gov. Pat Quinn signed legislation last March, saying 
it's impossible to create a perfect, mistake-free death penalty system.

Northwestern University Medill School of Journalism's Protess, also 
Medill Innocence Project Director, was a superstar (investigative) 
professor, leading teams of students (to uncover 13) wrongful death 
penalty convictionsOne was just hours from execution.

Medill Dean John Lavine, however, suspended him by email, with no 
further comment about his future. In fact, he was effectively fired, 
Lavine privately suggesting he wouldn't be welcomed back.

It was a textbook case of academic lynching, affecting a 
distinguished professor deserving high honors, not denigration and banishment.

Northwestern's statement said in part:

There have been recent media reports regarding the conduct of David 
Protess (and his) Medill Innocence ProjectNorthwestern has been 
conducting its own review of (his) actions and practicesIt served 
as the basis for Northwestern's response to subpoenas issued by the 
Cook County State's Attorney's office. Despite his laudable work, 
his Innocence Project (goal) would not justify any improper 
actions, despite no legitimate evidence proving any.

On March 18, The Daily Northwestern's Brian Rosenthal headlined, 
Updated: NU removes David Protess as professor of Investigative 
Journalism in spring, saying:

His removal leave(s) the future of the class unclear. In an 
interview, Protess said he will continue to serve as director of the 
Innocence Project, but he doesn't know if the project will continue 
to be involved with the class

At the time, he also said he's committed to continuing our 
investigations in these cases. Innocent prisoners should not be 
punished for the dean's decisionThe innocent prisoners in jail 
transcend anything going on at Northwestern. I'm not going to neglect 
the cause.

In addition, he expressed disappointment because last quarter's 
class was the best group of students I've taught in years.

The eight undergraduates in his spring class petitioned Medill's 
Senior Director of Undergraduate Education Michele Mitoun saying:

If removing Protess is part of an effort by the University to 
discipline him for defending the integrity of the Innocence Project 
to which he and decades of students have given so much, please know 
that you are not punishing Prof. Protess half as much as you are his 
students, and the two men still sitting behind bars.

Dozens of alumni also petitioned Northwestern and Medill, saying:

We are writing to request a public explanation of the facts 
surrounding the apparent removal of Professor Protess. In particular, 
we would like to know the reasons for (his) removal, and your 
explanation of why this action was necessary and is in the best 
interests of Medill and Northwestern.

Former students like Evan Benn, now a St. Louis Post-Dispatch 
reporter called Protess' class life-changing. Another, Maurice 
Possley, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, said he was incredibly 
professional. Paul Ciolino added:

If you look at this thing 30 to 40 years from now, Protess will be a 
beloved figure that they'll be building statues about.

The Northwestern Faculty Senate passed a motion expressing deep 
concern over the way Protess was treated.

Former Medill Dean (1989 - 1996), now Columbia University Journalism 
Professor, Michael Janeway said he zealously pursued a cause, one 
you could not question.

On June 19, New York Times writers David Carr and John Schwartz 
headlined, A Watchdog Professor, Now Defending Himself, saying:

Renown Journalism Professor Protess spent three decades fighting to 
prove the innocence of others has been locked in a battle to do the 
same for himself. It hasn't gone as well.

In fact, spurious practices he's accused of include 

[LAAMN] Activist Convicted of Resisting Arrest Without Violence

2011-07-01 Thread Romi Elnagar
Activist Convicted of Resisting Arrest Without Violence
Flickr/ photographer padawan *(xava du)
Activist Post

Orlando Cop Watch activist, John Kurtz, has been ordered jailed for 30 days 
with 1 year probation for resisting arrest without violence.

Kurtz's case came to public attention in January after he was arrested for 
filming a case of police brutality administered at the hands of officer Adam 
Gruler, well known for his questionable conduct and liberal use of tasers and 
verbal abuse.  Kurtz was facing a possible 6-year prison sentence for his 
audacity to film a public servant attacking a member of the public even after 
the person was restrained with handcuffs.

Kurtz's video camera was confiscated after his arrest and mysteriously went 
missing, destroying a key piece of evidence for his own defense, as well as to 
document exactly what happened that day.  The evidence, therefore, relied upon 
the words of police officers attached to the event.

Despite the conflicting testimony of these officers -- including the arresting 
officer Adam Gruler himself saying that John did not resist -- Kurtz was still 
convicted of resisting his illegal arrest.

The pattern of lawlessness is reaching a fever pitch, as there is now an overt 
war by police on photojournalists.  The use of intimidation, overt brutality, 
and a permissive court system is now spiraling out of control.  Kurtz's case is 
a clear violation of the 1st and 4th amendments, yet the conviction stands.

Similarly the charge of resisting arrest has become a mantra for officers, 
which is allowing for horrendous acts of police brutality, even of society's 
most vulnerable.  YouTube is filled with examples of people lying face-down, 
cuffed, kneeled upon and pummeled as officers continue to shout stop 
resisting!  This is done not only as a show of power, but it also reinforces 
the legal justification for their behavior and is intended to lead to 
convictions like those of John Kurtz.  The result has a chilling effect on 
anti-police state activists, as well as photojournalists in general.

Please take action and call Judge Alan S. Apte, Orlando Police Department, and 
the Orange County Jail. Let them know that caging peaceful people will not be 
tolerated by the general public.

Circuit Judge Alan S. Apte
Address: 425 N Orange Ave, Courtroom 18A, Orlando, FL 32801
Office: 407-836-0535
Judicial Assistant: Hale
Hale’s Email Address: ctja...@ocnjcc.org

Chief Judge Belvin Perry
Address: 425 N Orange Ave, Courtroom 19D, Orlando, FL 32801
Office: 407-836-2008
Judicial Assistant: Gay

Orlando Police Department Headquarters
Address: 100 South Hughey Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801-2501
Non-Emergency Complaint Desk: 321-235-5300
Information Desk: 407-246-2470
Community Relations: 407-246-2461

Orange County Corrections Jail Facilities
Address: P.O. Box 4970, Orlando, FL 32802
Phone: 407-836-3400

Source for this article: Orlando Cop Watch 


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[LAAMN] With the illness of President Chavez, the working class and the revolutionary people must take charge of the revolution

2011-07-01 Thread Cort Greene
*Please excuse this poor google translation, for the orginal Spanish go to
the url below.*
*From the Venezuelan section of the International Marxist Tendency:*
  With the illness of President Chavez, the working class and the
revolutionary people must take charge of the
by Class Struggle / CMI Venezuela Friday July 1, 2011
[image: chavez-speech-disease]On Thursday 30 at 9pm on President Chavez went
to the Venezuelan people in a national report on their condition, explaining
that Cuba was operated on to remove a cancerous tumor. This story raises a
new stage for the revolution and class struggle in Venezuela, which is even
more necessary for working people to take the reins and ensure the
continuity of the revolution.

The short message read where the president expressed his health, made ​​it
clear he is still in command of the Venezuelan government, but should follow
the instructions for treatment and his medical team. This ends the false
matrices opinion that the private media attempted to create on this subject.
Gossip about a power vacuum were not in Venezuela, but have heard in
international media such as *El País* of Spain or the *BBC* in Britain. They
are part of an international media blockade against the Bolivarian
revolution in order to weaken it before the 2012 presidential election.

As in the civilian-military uprising of February 4, 1992, President Chavez
showed his face and spoke directly to the Venezuelan people. Chavez himself
admitted that fundamental error has been over the pressures and pace he
has imposed the same process in recent years. According to its announcement
on medical treatment will require a reasonable time for full recovery, and
even if it leaves his duties as president, it is clear that his
administration will hold much of the responsibility he has as president.

This event is so important and decisive for the revolution comes at a time
when the class struggle has reached a point where the contradictions between
the oligarchy and the working class are more irreconcilable than ever. While
the revolutionary people are demanding more radical revolution, fulfill the
Great Commission Housing, in addition to removing the corrupt state
bureaucrats and the bourgeoisie and imperialism focus on economic sabotage,
media manipulation, sanctions against PDVSA and its destabilization plan

Now clearly feels the emptiness, the truth is that no figure in the
government has even half of Chavez's popularity among the masses. All this
problem shows that it is possible to base the revolution in one man. Chavez
himself has said this more than once, and has tried to form a mass party,
PSUV, which could play a role beyond electoral battles. Unfortunately, this
party has been hijacked in many states by a bureaucracy that is not
interested in the actual training of revolutionary cadres.

[image: fidel_chavez_29junio]The absence of Chavez leads for the right to
try to rely on stretchers reformists and bridges to slow the course of the
revolution, expropriation and workers control. The opposition knows that
Chavez is the only leader of the revolution can give real leadership and
unify the ranks of the Bolivarian movement. They are also well aware that
the president has so far been a hundred times to the left of all inter-media
leaders in their movement. With one of the latter at the head of the
revolution, would be much easier to negotiate to divert or break, later to
defeat once and for all. Against this background, the Venezuelan section of
the International Marxist Tendency, grouped around the newspaper Fight
Classes, calls on all revolutionary sectors to drive around a program that
ensures the triumph of socialist revolution:

1.La central slogan should be: *revolutionary Watch!* to go from the base to
ensure that they comply with the orders of President Chavez and guidelines
such as: workers' control, all power to the people, no reconciliation with
the right fight against bureaucracy and corruption.

2.De according to this slogan, we must extend workers' control all
institutions and state enterprises. Open the books of account and abolish
the wage inequality between officials and grassroots workers.

3.Construir councils of workers in all areas and linked to state and
national level, with elected and recallable spokespeople in each instance. As
shown in the large national meeting held in May in Ciudad Guayana for
workers' control, this slogan is not utopian but a real possibility.

4.In order to fulfill the Mission Housing and building the two 


2011-07-01 Thread Ron

Ron Gochez
Social Justice Educator/Community Organizer



WHEN:  SATURDAY!!. July 2nd!  8pm-2am!

WHERE: South Central LA! S. Figueroa St and W 40th Place!

Join the Southern CA Immigration Coalition at that location to insure
that the LAPD does not steal people's cars simply for not having a
license! Bring signs, flashlights, banners...etc! We will have Know
Your Rights fliers to hand out to the people at that location! Join us!

Ron Gochez
Social Justice Educator/Community Organizer
Union del Barrio
Southern CA Immigration Coalition

July 1, 2011 (Friday) – Sobriety Checkpoint from 8 p.m. to 2 a.m. in 
LAPD’s Devonshire Area on Reseda Boulevard at Nordhoff Street
July 1, 2011 (Friday) – Sobriety Checkpoint from 6 p.m. to 12 a.m. in 
LAPD’s North Hollywood Area on Lankershim Boulevard at Cumpston Street
July 2, 2011 (Saturday) – Sobriety Checkpoint from 8 p.m. to 2 a.m. in 
LAPD’s Southwest Area on Figueroa Street at 40th Place
July 3, 2011 (Sunday) – DUI Saturation Patrol from 12 p.m. to 8 p.m. in 
LAPD’s Foothill Area
July 3, 2011 (Sunday) – DUI Saturation Patrol from 12 p.m. to 8 p.m. in 
LAPD’s Harbor Area
July 4, 2011 (Monday) – Sobriety Checkpoint from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. in 
LAPD’s West Los Angeles Area on Pacific Coast Highway at Temescal 
Canyon Road.

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[LAAMN] Letters to Congress RE: The Gaza Freedom Flotilla

2011-07-01 Thread Romi Elnagar
Dear All,

As always, you are free to borrow from this letter for your own messages to 
your congresspeople.  As you may intuit from this letter, our congressional 
district lies in the Bible belt and is written with that in mind.
  However you choose to word your message, though, I hope you will take the 
time to write or call your representatives. You may also wish to write a letter 
to the editor of your local newspaper.
 May God have mercy on us all.
 Hajja Romi

Dear Congressman Cassidy/Senators Vitter and Landrieu,

I wish to express my strong sympathy and support for the nonviolent activists 
on board a flotilla of ships in the harbor in Athens, who are trying to sail to 
Gaza with much-needed supplies of food and medicine for the captive population 

I realize that my support is at variance with that of the US Government and 
many of my fellow citizens, but I feel that people in this country are poorly 
informed as to the issues involved.  For years our mainstream media in the 
United States has been completely dominated by pro-Israel interests, and as a 
result many people in this country who do not have connections in the Middle 
East, as I do, simply do not know the truth about the dispossession of the 
Palestinian people and the atrocities which have been perpetrated against them 
before, during and since the 1948 war which Israelis call their War of 
Independence and Palestinians call the Catastrophe (Nakba).

Arab peoples have as much right as anyone to nations of their own, and simply 
because Israelis claim that God gave them Palestine does not make it so.  God 
is not in the real estate business, and His promise was to Prophet Abraham 
(peace be upon him), father of BOTH the Jewish AND Arab peoples.  For Israelis 
to claim that their covetousness of the land of Palestine and their murder of 
innocent civilians there is in conformity with God's will is clearly false, as 
their conquest and occupation go against His law in the Ten Commandments 
(Exodus 20:2-17), if nothing else (laws #6 and #10).  In addition, Israelis 
have also borne false witness against Palestinians (law #9) and their illegal 
settlements constitute theft (law #8)

Two years ago, Israel mounted a punishing, devastating assault on the trapped 
population of Gaza.  These people, most of whom are refugees and the 
descendants of refugees from the 1948 ethnic cleansing of Palestine, were 
bombarded with internationally outlawed weapons like depleted uranium and white 

Among the more than 1400 known dead were many woman and children.  Almost all 
of the dead were unarmed civilians and their death constituted a war crime that 
even Israelis like jurist Richard Goldstone condemned.

While the US has consistently supported Israel in the prosecution of these 
attacks, most of the world has condemned them as war crimes.

We do ourselves NO FAVORS when we continue to give Israel a blank check to 
harass and murder innocent people.

Now, an unarmed flotilla seeks to leave Athens.

Israel would be well advised to let it proceed without the kind of murderous 
attacks on the passengers which left nine dead in a similar attempt last year.  
We deceive only ourselves if we think that God will not punish us for supplying 
weapons for the hideous genocide of the Palestinian people which Israel is so 
clearly attempting.

Romi Wythe Elnagar
Natural-born US Citizen

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[LAAMN] Fwd: Please Support Anti-War and Chicano Activist Carlos Montes!

2011-07-01 Thread Carlos Montes

Hi, please support me and the 23 other activist in this fight, my court date is 
July 6.


Carlos Montes 

Support Carlos Montes' legal defense. Thousands are needed to keep Carlos out 
of prison. Also don't forget the call-in Day July 6!

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View it in your browser. 

Please Support Anti-War and
Chicano Activist Carlos Montes!
A July 6 court date is fast approaching for Carlos Montes, and we urgently need 
your support.
Thousands of dollars are needed to put on a strong legal and political defense.
You can help keep Carlos Montes out of prison.
We are asking you to donate to Carlos Montes’ legal defense by clicking here.
For donations by check, there is information at the bottom. 
Carlos Montes is a longtime Chicano activist known for his leadership of the 
1968 East Los Angeles high school education reform movement (see the film 
Walkout), the historic Chicano Moratorium against the U.S. war in Vietnam, and 
the recent immigrants rights mega-marches of 2006.
More recently in September 2010, Carlos Montes’ name appeared on the FBI search 
warrant for the Anti-War Committee office in Minneapolis - the organizing 
center for the 30,000 protesters at the 2008 Republican National Convention. 
The attack on Carlos Montes is part of a sweeping government campaign tied to 
23 Midwest anti-war activists raided or subpoenaed by the FBI - as the 
Washington Post reported.
In May, Los Angeles Sheriffs broke down Montes’ door, arrested him and 
ransacked his home. They took political documents, a computer, cell phones and 
meeting notes having nothing to do with the legal charges. The FBI tried to 
question Carlos regarding the case of the 23 anti-war and solidarity activists.
Sadly, we have seen this repression before. As Congressman John Lewis (D-GA) 
said in a recent letter to Attorney General Eric Holder about the current FBI 
and grand jury repression:  “I am writing because I am reminded of another time 
and another period in our history, during the Civil Rights Movement, when Dr. 
Martin Luther King, Jr. and I and many others in the movement, were 
investigated in an attempt to silence our voices.” 
If you know this history, you understand the repression Carlos Montes now faces.
In solidarity with Carlos Montes on Wednesday July 6, we are organizing a 
protest in Los Angeles and a National Call In Day to Attorney General Eric 
Thank you for your donation and your solidarity. The anti-war and immigrant 
rights movements will not be silenced, we will continue to organize for 
meaningful change.
For peace and justice,
Tom Burke,
for the Committee to Stop FBI Repression
To Donate by Check
Mail: Committee to Stop FBI Repression
PO Box 14183
Minneapolis, MN 55414

To Donate Online click here. or paste http://www.stopfbi.net/donate in your 
For Tax Deductible Donations
For larger tax deductable donations going to the legal defense fund, please 
make them out to the “National Lawyers’ Guild Foundation and write “CSFR” in 
the message line. These donations must be $100 or more. Please mail to our 
office at the address above.

For questions or information: i...@stopfbi.net or call 612-379-3585

 follow on Twitter | friend on Facebook | forward to a friend  

Copyright © 2011 Committee to Stop FBI Repression, All rights reserved. 
Thanks for your ongoing interest in the fight against FBI repression of 
anti-war and international solidarity activists! 
Our mailing address is: 

Committee to Stop FBI Repression 
PO Box 14183
Minneapolis, MN 55414

Add us to your address book



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[LAAMN] Fw: Last update for July 1st

2011-07-01 Thread Romi Elnagar

--- On Fri, 7/1/11, U.S. BOAT TO GAZA ustog...@gmail.com wrote:










July 1 - 9 pm (NYC time)

Sorry for the delay in getting this to you all.

As you know, earlier today the U.S. Boat to Gaza - The Audacity of Hope - was 
stopped by the Greek Coast Guard. After a stand off that unfolded over several 
hours a 2nd Greek Coast Guard boat arrived. This boat carried heavily armed 
Greek commandos and this shifted the dynamic. Soon after a decision was made to 
bring the boat back to a dock in Athens, not the same one the boat had 
previously been at.

Once docked we learned that the Greek authorities are most likely going to 
bring some type of charges against the captain of our boat, and that should 
happen tomorrow (Saturday) morning. In solidarity with the captain, most of the 
passengers and other crew members decided to spend the night on the boat. We do 
not yet know what their plans are for tomorrow, or what the next steps in all 
of this will be. As soon as we find out we will get word to you all.

The good news today was the tremendous outpouring of calls and emails sent to 
the Greek Embassy in Washington, DC as well as Greek consulates around the 
country. Many people have also contacted the U.S. State Dept. urging them to 
stop supporting the Israeli efforts to undermine the flotilla.

Please be sure to check our website for regular updates and to sign up for 
Twitter and Facebook notices.

Thanks everyone for your support and great work today!





Thank you for your support

Please distribute widely










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