[lace] Further Steps in Honiton Lace on ebay

2004-11-02 Thread Karen
Have just noticed on ebay there is a copy of Further Steps in Honiton Lace.
It took me a year to track down a copy, so thought someone might be
interested.  the same person seems to have a large selection of inherited
lacemaking including patterns pricked onto parchment.


in Coventry

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Re: [lace] Further Steps in Honiton Lace on ebay

2004-11-02 Thread Jenny Barron
Thanks Karen I started looking the same time as you and I'd already spotted it and am 
bidding on it - cross your fingers for me!
jenny barrob

Karen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Have just noticed on ebay there is a copy of Further Steps in Honiton Lace.
It took me a year to track down a copy, so thought someone might be
interested. the same person seems to have a large selection of inherited
lacemaking including patterns pricked onto parchment.


in Coventry

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Re: [lace] Digital cameras (again)

2004-11-02 Thread Ilske Thomsen
Hello Lacefriends,
Today  I added my lace-sleeve to our webshot album.
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[lace] Gremlins

2004-11-02 Thread Tamara P. Duvall
I have just received notice of another number transposition in 2-Pair 
Inventions - same page (15), #s 2 and 3. Darn and blast it!

But, I'm in good company when it comes silly mistakes... :)
When Jill Treeves (she who signs at Heathrow, near London) visited 
here, I gave her one of my Windrose I baubles as a souvenir. At the 
time, stuffed to the gills with cold, I didn't think to offer the 
*pattern* as well (usually of more interest to most lacemakers; it's 
more fun to make than to receive g). But, in the follow up 
correspondence, I did offer it, thinking she might like it. She sounded 
eager, so I started looking for the relevant issue of the IOLI 
Bulletin; I'm not the best of housekeepers, and not all of the 
magazines are filed in their proper places as yet.

The most recent issue of the Bulletin was one of the unfiled ones, and 
came to hand first. Since it had Windrose II in it, all I had to do was 
to check the volume and issue number to find out where the Windrose I 
was (the one before). Windrose II is in vol. 24, #4, so off I go to the 
files, and piull out vol. 24, #3.

And Windrose I isn't in it! What the... Halloween is long past, so how 
come my Windrose I has been tricked away? I know I've seen the Bulletin 
with it published... Finally, I locate the issue with Windrose I 
(different pile of unfiled magazines g). It's vol. 24, #4... :)

There *is* a difference between the two not quite twins: one's vol. 
24, #4, Summer 2004, the other is vol. 24, #4 Fall 2004. It is quite 
obvious that gremlins don't work to union hours... :)
Tamara P Duvall http://lorien.emufarm.org/~tpd
Lexington, Virginia, USA (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)

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[lace] digital cameras

2004-11-02 Thread Helene Gannac
Bev wrote:
...For a *lace* tool, the decision to buy a digital camera was a good
I use it more than I would have thought, the main factor being the
immediate results. I use it to examine a piece of  antique lace, where
the screen resolution is easier for me to see than  a magnifying glass.
I can then print a picture (in black and white to save ink) and draw on
it, or snail mail it to someone

Thanks, Bev, that's a great suggestion. I certainly agree you couldn't do
that with a normal camera!I've parked your email to remember later, if I
get one.

Helene, the froggy from Melbourne, where it poured with rain yesterday,
when the best known horserace in Australia took place!!!

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[lace] placing sender's address on envelopes

2004-11-02 Thread Helene Gannac
Tamara wrote:
...I have lots of issues with the US's do it my way or take the 
highway attitude, but the placing of the address label isn't one of 
them :)
it does make sense, if you're trying to have millions of pieces of mail 
processed, efficiently, by a dumb machine... I'm a great proponent of 
common sense :)

Still raises the question, Tamara, of how come other countries can read
the sender's addresses at the back with -probably- the same machines?...
In Australia, we are required to put the Airmail sticker in the top
left-hand corner. As far as I know, there are no stickers that combine
AIRMAIL and sender's address on them :-)otherwise, I might buy them.

I am quite happy for all the POs in the world to discuss the matter and
decide that they are *all* going to ask their citizens to put the sender's
address in the top left-hand corner (or wherever). I am less happy to know
that my mail might be ditched out when I write to one country while it's
OK in all the others...As you say, it's a small thing, but it is another
I think I will put the sender's address on both back and front this Xmas,
just to annoy everyone :-)

helene, the froggy from Melbourne, with about 100 Xmas letters to go...

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[lace-chat] Postage

2004-11-02 Thread Faye Owers

I have had no problems with parcels that have been sent to me, they have all
arrived safely and in the allotted time frame.  I have not even had any opened
by customs recently, but the few that have been opened (during the height of
the terrorist scare) have been taped back up with tape that said Opened by

Maybe I am just lucky.

Faye Owers


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[lace-chat] Top Tips

2004-11-02 Thread Jean Nathan
I love the flawed logic behind some of these. Happens in real life too.

My local council has removed some undercover seating in the town, which is
used by the holiday makers, elderly and disabled. During the night and
sometimes when the weather's not so good, the seats are used by drunks, who
make a real nuisance of themselves. The council's solution to the problem of
the drunks is to remove the seating. Applying the same flawed logic to the
big problem they have of Canada Geese making a real mess in the town's main
park, they should remove the park.

Naturally, loving to get on my soapbox, I'm currently trying to get them to
see this non-logic, and persuade them that it isn't the seats they need to
get rid of, but the drunks. I'm not having a lot of success.

Jean in Poole

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[lace-chat] Re: Top Tips

2004-11-02 Thread Tamara P. Duvall
On Nov 2, 2004, at 3:32, Jean Nathan wrote:
I love the flawed logic behind some of these. Happens in real life too.
My local council has removed some undercover seating in the town, 
which is
used by the holiday makers, elderly and disabled. During the night and
sometimes when the weather's not so good, the seats are used by 
drunks, who
make a real nuisance of themselves. The council's solution to the 
problem of
the drunks is to remove the seating.
A couple of years ago, there had been a rash of thefts at women's 
toilets at the Interstate rest stops. You'd hang your handbag on the 
hook provided (on the door in front of you) and, while you were 
helpless, you'd watch a hand reach over the door and remove it...

Different rest stops found different solutions to the problem. Some 
installed a hook or a little shelf next to the toilet paper dispenser 
(and next to you) . Some moved the door hook about 6 further down - it 
would take a very tall simian to reach that far over the door. But my 
favourite solution is the real money saver: some rest stops simply 
removed the hooks altogether... :)
Tamara P Duvall http://lorien.emufarm.org/~tpd
Lexington, Virginia, USA (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)

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[lace-chat] :) Fwd: pirates and emperors

2004-11-02 Thread Tamara P. Duvall
I may have removed the objectionable part of my signature as promised 
(by now, the die is cast, or it's after the mustard as we say in 
Polish), but that doesn't mean *I* have changed any. So, I found this 
quick and simplified lesson on history/politics which my son'd sent 
me quite amusing, though I expect it'll be as annoying as my erst-while 
sig to some.

It's a film, and fairly long, so I'm not sure I'd recommend it to 
people without broadband. Also, it *definitely* requires sound - the 
pictures are cute, but it's the song (text) which is really 
illuminating. I was unable to raise the film from the original URL 
Danek'd sent me, so he's resent in two versions - a Mac and a WIndows 
one, and that's worked for me. Hope it works for y'all too

From: D.D.
Here's the quicktime movie:
and the Windows Media:
Tamara P Duvall http://lorien.emufarm.org/~tpd
Lexington, Virginia, USA (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)
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[lace-chat] Austrlian postage

2004-11-02 Thread Helene Gannac
Got it in one, Peter!! But try to explain to them that that's how it
*really* works

Helene, the froggy from Melbourne, who lost her shirt (well,a $15.00 shirt
anyway :-))at the Melbourne Cup yeaterday by backing 2 horses with a
French name...

From: Peter Goldsmith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [lace-chat] Australian Postage

I worked for a short time for the tax office when the new tax system came

in an it seems to me the post office is double dipping as you described

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