[lace] UK Lace magazine

2017-05-25 Thread Regardes from Liz.
My magazine arrived safely a couple of days ago – at last.   There is a lot
of good reading in it, -- and  an idea I am playing with for a competition
piece, has had a nice prod,  by something in the magazine which travels along
the path my thoughts were going!  So that was a big help to see that I was
thinking along the right lines...!

I need to improve my typing, as I had a bad typo in my last email – I Have
received a form for the Lace Exhibition in Philadelphia, (My typo said
‘not” instead of “now”!  Sorry.!)

I have started tatting a sleeveless vest – in small squares – from a
Russian pattern. Its a good thing their numbers are the same as ours!!  And
they have a clear diagram, - which I enlarged!   It is something I can work on
while travelling  - a 15 hour plane flight, 4 or 5 hours at LA airport, then
another 5 hour flight to Philly, should give me time to tat a few squares!!!
I need about 75 (or more) !!!
You don’t have to be crazy – but it helps  I am using #20 DMC Cebelia,
which is nice and soft, and pleasant to use.

Regards from Liz. In Melbourne, Oz.

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[lace] Turning corners on roller pillow

2017-05-25 Thread Sally Jenkins
Hello all,

I have a question about making corners on a roller pillow. I have seen the
conical (as opposed to cylindrical) rollers for making corners, and I
understand how they work, but how do you then go on working a straight
piece of lace after you've made the corner? Do you have to transfer your
work back to a cylinder? And then transfer it to a cone again for the next
corner? Surely I am missing some basic understanding.

Thank you,
Sally in western Oregon, where the raspberry and blackberry bushes are
starting to have blossoms

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[lace] "Continental Lace Bobbins" (Lace Bobbins of the world?)

2017-05-25 Thread Brian Lemin
Hello again spiders,


At the time of the preparation for writing the Guide and Dictionary, I also
mentioned my digital (and actual) collection of what I am calling my
"Continental Bobbin Collection".  As I am  poorly educated in this area of
bobbins I asked for a volunteer who may sort or classify them into
countries, then we could put them on the net (hopefully) 


In fact I have them already sorted into countries to my level of knowledge,
but I am sure there are E and O.


There was one person who did volunteer, but because of the volume of work
that the  above web publications involved, I must clearly have ignored them
(for which I apologise)


If someone is interested in this project, I will happily send them my
current resources on a USB and if a worthwhile collection for sharing;
knowledge/education comes about, then I will happily try and get it up on
the web.  Frankly I do not want my name on any such outcome, so it will be
all "yours" !


BTW Arachne members have indeed contributed over the years to this
collection.  Many thanks to them.  I would like their generosity
acknowledged by a web publication if we can.


With special apologies to the original volunteer.




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[lace] Honiton (East Devon) antique Bobbins ? Downton's and Malmesbury Bobbins. I am "after them" !!! smile

2017-05-25 Thread Brian Lemin
Hi Spiders,


I hope to get the East Midland Collectors Guide and Antique English Lace
Bobbin Dictionary up on line soon.



Meanwhile  I have been looking at my digital East Devon (Honiton) bobbin
collection and it is a bit "lacking"!  Come to that, so too are my examples
of Downton and Malmesbury bobbins.


I wonder if any of you who may have Antique examples of these groups would
be kind enough to send me pics or scans of them.  Please.


Malmesbury are essentially plain bobbins, but regarding Honiton's and
Downton's I really would only like decorated examples of them please.  They
do need to be antique / vintage please.  I just love the modern painted
versions, just beautiful,  but they do not fit into my field of study and
collecting. Sorry.


Any initials and dates on bobbins are very useful to their study.


Re Honitons, ships, household items (social history) and inscriptions are
very welcome (With text of inscription please.)


Everyone points me to All Hallows when I make this type of appeal; suffice
to say they are good friends of mine.  Some museums like Exeter have good
Honiton collections if you are keen photographers?


No , I am not running out of areas of study, but would like to have the
whole of England represented as well as I can.


Thanks a lot




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Re: [lace] Chrysanthemum & Tonder lace

2017-05-25 Thread Bev Walker
Hello Susan

The 'Chrysanthemum lace' from Essential Vermeer is a classical lace from
earlier centuries, not the 'Chrysanthemum lace' referred to in the
Belleville book, and other current publications offering nice patterns for
mats and seasonal ornaments, e.g. hearts, Easter eggs, Christmas bangles.
Some free advice, you can be selective for your exhibit, aim for an
interesting overview about the laces your are confident in describing.

On Thu, May 25, 2017 at 6:42 PM, Susan  wrote:

> Thank you Jean!  Bobbi is definitely the Queen of Tonder lace!  As to
> Chrysanthemum, a connection with Bruges fits the "Flanders province"
> description on Essential Vermeer.

Bev in Shirley BC, near Sooke on beautiful Vancouver Island, west coast of

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Re: [lace] Chrysanthemum & Tonder lace

2017-05-25 Thread Susan
Thank you Jean!  Bobbi is definitely the Queen of Tonder lace!  As to 
Chrysanthemum, a connection with Bruges fits the "Flanders province" 
description on Essential Vermeer.  Interesting too that description "b" under 
Bruges in Glynne is reminiscent of Chrysanthemum attributes:  tape-like lace, 
formalized flower heads & convoluted scrolls.  "At times plaited brides are 
doubled & ornamented with picots...".  However, I have never made Chrysanthemum 
lace so have no clue whether it is continuous or non-continuous--a significant 
feature that differentiates Bruges from Lille according to Glynne.  That could 
be a conflict that supports Nancy's citation of Lille.  It's amazing what one 
can learn by organizing a simple lace exhibit at the library!   Sincerely, 
Susan Hottle USA.  

Sent from my iPad

> On May 25, 2017, at 4:26 PM, Jean Leader  wrote:
> Susan,
> Tonder bobbin lace (with a slash across the o) is definitely from Denmark - 
> ask Bobbi Donnelly who is teaching Tonder 
> Chrysanthemum lace I’d never come across until I saw the book by Cathy 
> Belleville but I believe it’s related to Bruges lace which would possibly 
> make it Belgian rather than Dutch.
> Jean
> ---
> Jean Leader
> www.jeanleader.net

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Re: [lace] Chrysanthemum & Tonder lace

2017-05-25 Thread Susan
Thank you Clare!  It was nice of you to consult your copy of the Belleville 
book.  According to the Vermeer site, it was "made in Flanders province for 
export to Holland.  Dutch lace is also called Cauliflower or Chrysanthemum lace 
because of the pattern."  Now you know why I was trying to track down another 
citation!  It would be interesting to know what other countries claim to be the 
origin of Chrysanthemum lace.  It certainly is sinuous.  Sincerely, Susan 
Hottle USA

Sent from my iPad

> On May 25, 2017, at 6:52 PM, Clare Settle  wrote:
> The intro to Chrysanthemum Lace by Cathleen Belleville says that 'the history 
> of this lace is a mystery.  It is a relatively modern lace, having been 
> developed in the early to mid 1900s but its country of origin is widely 
> disputed.  Almost every European country claims to have invented it...'
> Clare

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Re: [lace] Chrysanthemum & Tonder lace

2017-05-25 Thread Clare Settle
The intro to Chrysanthemum Lace by Cathleen Belleville says that 'the history 
of this lace is a mystery.  It is a relatively modern lace, having been 
developed in the early to mid 1900s but its country of origin is widely 
disputed.  Almost every European country claims to have invented it...'


> On May 25, 2017, at 6:13 PM, N.A. Neff  wrote:
> Hi Susan,
> Tønder lace is indeed Danish as Jean says, a point ground lace derived from
> Lille lace from France.  This is what I read recently, I believe in the
> first part of Inge Skovgaard's The Technique of Tønder Lace. Bobbi
> Donnelly, as Jean says, is the expert on Tønder, would know if I have the
> right reference, and would be able to tell you if she agrees or not with
> the derivation from Lille.  I can give you Bobbi's email privately if you
> want--I don't think she would mind.
> Nancy
> Nancy A. Neff
> Connecticut, USA
> -
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Re: [lace] Chrysanthemum & Tonder lace

2017-05-25 Thread N.A. Neff
Hi Susan,

Tønder lace is indeed Danish as Jean says, a point ground lace derived from
Lille lace from France.  This is what I read recently, I believe in the
first part of Inge Skovgaard's The Technique of Tønder Lace. Bobbi
Donnelly, as Jean says, is the expert on Tønder, would know if I have the
right reference, and would be able to tell you if she agrees or not with
the derivation from Lille.  I can give you Bobbi's email privately if you
want--I don't think she would mind.


Nancy A. Neff
Connecticut, USA

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Re: [lace] Chrysanthemum & Tonder lace

2017-05-25 Thread Susan
Thanks Jean!  I saw the Belleville book online but would need to request it 
from IOLI library to see if it has historical info.  I just stumbled upon the 
Vermeer site & the Chrysanthemum reference.  I only knew about Withof & 
'sGravenmoer so this was a surprise that there might be an additional 
Holland-origin lace.  My Grandmother's family was from The Hague.  Too much 
lace to learn in one lifetime!  Sincerely, Susan Hottle USA

Sent from my iPad

> On May 25, 2017, at 4:26 PM, Jean Leader  wrote:
> Chrysanthemum lace I’d never come across until I saw the book by Cathy 
> Belleville but I believe it’s related to Bruges lace which would possibly 
> make it Belgian rather than Dutch.
> Jean
> ---
> Jean Leader
> www.jeanleader.net

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Re: [lace] Chrysanthemum & Tonder lace

2017-05-25 Thread Jean Leader

Tonder bobbin lace (with a slash across the o) is definitely from Denmark - ask 
Bobbi Donnelly who is teaching Tonder at the IOLI Convention in July 
 There could be whitework from Tonder but bobbin lace is what the small town is 
known for nowadays.

Chrysanthemum lace I’d never come across until I saw the book by Cathy 
Belleville but I believe it’s related to Bruges lace which would possibly make 
it Belgian rather than Dutch.

Jean Leader

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[lace] Chrysanthemum & Tonder lace

2017-05-25 Thread Susan
Hello All!  While working on our upcoming "nationality lace" exhibits today, I 
was using the Lace app (Leader) & the Illustrated Dictionary (Gwynne) to help 
me plan the layouts for our maps & lace displays.  I found a brief reference to 
Chrysanthemum lace, described as Dutch lace, on a Vermeer website but little 
else.  I didn't find Tonder bobbin lace listed in Gwynne, although it is 
referenced tangentially under white work.  So to clarify--should I identify 
these laces as originating in Holland & Denmark respectively?  Or do they fall 
into another category?  Many thanks for any advice.  Sincerely, Susan Hottle

Sent from my iPad

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[lace] Bookmark exchange

2017-05-25 Thread Alison Gray


Yesterday, on returning from a busy day, I found my exchange bookmark from
Alice Howell. it's a lovely white flower from a German lace book, I shall
treasure it. And with it a card showing Carricmaross lace from the Lace
Guild collection.


Thanks again , Alice


Alison in sunny and unseasonably hot Colchester UK

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