[lace] introduction and pillow ?

2005-01-23 Thread auntsis
Hello - I'm new to this list. I live in Midlothian VA and have been lacing for 
a couple of years and really, finally, everything clicked and am now addicted. 
I take lace lessons from a wonderful teacher, Susan Wenzel (lacysusan) who has 
really helped me. Last August my sister and I went to the IOLI convention in PA 
and after a week of lacing I could not get enough - the funny thing is when my 
sister told me she planned to take something like 30 hours of classes I thought 
that would be boring, well I signed up just to spend the time with her and it 
definately was not too much!
We are planning our Denver trip - I bought our plane tickets ($202RT out of 
Dulles, each) have reserved a room and a car. We are going out a few days 
early. Now my question - has anyone flown with thier lace pillow? If so, what 
is the largest size pillow you were able to carry on?
Thank you,
Christina in VA

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[lace] Re: airline, low fare & pillow

2005-01-23 Thread auntsis
Thank you all for the information. For those of you nearby Air Tran is having a 
sale on fares now. I did book through travelocity, after checking both the air 
tran site and a couple of the other sites. I also have a room(from the marriott 
chain), which is being totally renovated next month, at $54 a night. We chose 
Regan because it was $100 per ticket than Richmond and is fairly easy to get in 
and out of . 

One class we plan to take calls for a 16" or larger cookie. My sister suggested 
we get 16" and  have my hubby cut an opening(he said he would offset it to give 
us more workroom) to insert blocks from our one-and-only. We want to carry our 
pillows and bobbins so that, in case our luggage takes a different route we 
willhave our "tools".

Christina in VA 

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[lace] re:cookie pillow

2005-01-24 Thread auntsis
What I am thinking of is the 16" ethafoam from snowgoose and having DH cut the 
block(s) at the top - similar to the 13" cookie with blocks at their site. If 
anyone visits it, please take a look and give an opinion

It is another snow day out of school so more lacing. i am going to work on the 
Milanese from the class I took from Louise Colgan, in PA. It certainly is a 
good thing that this is my last year of teaching as it interfers with lace time!

Have a good day.
Christina in va

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[lace] re:cookie pillow

2005-01-24 Thread auntsis
I do have and love a one-and-only that I bought from my teacher Susan 
(Lacysusan). I bought it uncovered and used some fabric that I had hand-dyed in 
a class. 

The teacher in the class suggested 16" or larger. We do not want to bring our 
one-and-only because we want to carry them on since a few months ago my luggage 
took the scenic route and arrived a couple of days after I did!

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[lace] starts, stops and turns class

2005-02-28 Thread auntsis
I am lucky enough to have Susan Wenzel as my lace teacher - it is worth every 
minute of the 2 hour drive. Saturday she taught the "starts, stops and turns" 
class and it was wonderful. She will be teaching this class in August at the 
Denver convention and I highly recommend it for new lacers. Susan has a way of 
making everything so clear. 
Christina in Va

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[lace] Bookmark "tails"

2005-03-17 Thread auntsis
My favorite project is bookmarks..but I have problems with the ends. My braids 
just don't come out right! Any suggestions on books that give directions on 
making nice braids and tassels. 
Christina in VA

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[lace] re:Bookmark tails

2005-03-20 Thread auntsis
I have been offline for a few days but  wanted to thank everyone for their 
input on bookmark tails. I have printed all your help notes and will employ the 
help when I finish my next bookmark. 

Yesterday at lace class Susan taught us various starts - headside, footside and 
horizontal. She also told us when to use which. Good class! I used the 
colcotton thread - it is really nice to work with. Susan helped me choose a 
varigated lavender and soft pink for my next class - a small mat with rose 
ground. I love color and she has a great eye for combining them.

Christina in VA

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[lace] re:Comments re Convention

2005-03-20 Thread auntsis
Last year was my first lace convention so I have nothing to compare it 
to(except for math conventions which really are not as much fun as lace). I 
really liked the format - as a new lacer at the time I found the all day class 
helpful. During lunch break I would mull over what I learned and what I needed 
more help on and return to get immediate feedback so that I was not "stuck" 
when I did my homework at night. I liked not shifting gears middle of the day.

Everyone has a different learning style so varying formats are good for 
everyone. I have always been one to like variety and change and always 
appreciate and look forward with anticipation to whatever format a sponsoring 
group chooses. After all - if it weren't for changes we would all be starting 
hitching up buckboards laden with our lace supplies to head for conventions!

By the way does anyone know when we will get notification as to what classes we 
won? I can't wait!

Christina in VA

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[lace] re:International Old Lacers

2005-04-07 Thread auntsis
Fellow Lace Makers,
I wish to echo Susie Johnson's sentiments ("Personally I would like to see you 
all use your time to make lace and give up the name change ideas."). I joined 
IOLI at the PA convention last August and was very excited and proud to be a 
member. I don't find any bit of the name offensive. I am surprised at the 
amount of unhappiness expressed over , what seems to me, trival reasons. 
Re:"international" perhaps the intention when the name was created was that the 
group become so - after all isn't one of the goals to share lacemaking to as 
many as possible? 
Christina King
..who is counting the days until my flight to Denver

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[lace] re:IOLI

2005-04-08 Thread auntsis
Good Morning Fellow Lace Makers,
I was wondering if anyone knew the intent when the founders came up with the 
IOLI moniker. I would imagine it was only with good intent they settled upon it.

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[lace] re:IOLI week

2005-08-10 Thread auntsis
Had a great week at the IOLI convention. I discovered I love bedford lace after 
my first class with Holly Van Sciver and bought a couple of books on it. I had 
never tried it because I thought that it would be difficult. 
Chris in VA

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[lace] re:bobbin lace sharing

2005-09-01 Thread auntsis
I have been home for a couple of days but will be running back to SC to help 
take care of my father-in-law (since being widowed,after 55 years,in April his 
health is sliding- neither eats properly nor takes his meds). Anyway - as I 
brought my pillow in from the car my neighbor asked what it was. When I told 
her she initially thought I used the bobbins from the sewing machine. When I 
unwrapped the pillow her exact words were "These are bobbins - teach me". I 
cannot tell you the delight in her eyes as she fingered my bobbins. So on those 
few days I am here at home we will "bobbin" when she gets home from work. I 
have an extra pillow and bobbins for her to use and last night was her winding 
night. And I was worried that since I retired from teaching in June I may not 
have as much social contact!

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[lace] Re: How did you start making lace?

2005-10-27 Thread auntsis
I went with my sister to a lace day in Virginia Beach. I only went to spend the 
day with my sister and buy some beads for a costuming project (I had the 
dubious honor of being wardrobe mistress at the high school where I taught 
math). That day I learned to whittle a bobbin. When we got back Nancy, my 
sister, taught me the basics on a pillow that she had bought for me 10 years 
prior but I never tried because it looked too hard! Now I really love it.

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[lace] Oya & reticella laces

2006-01-23 Thread auntsis
Does anyone know of anyone in the US who teaches these laces? I am especially 
interested in learning the Turkish laces/Oya. I am hoping to find someone on 
the east coast who teaches it but will go just about anywhere.
Midlothian VA

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[lace] re:late reply on dealing with the heat

2006-08-08 Thread auntsis
On a trip to Utah a couple of weeks ago I bought the "cool neck scarf" - it is 
a bandana with moisture miser crystal in it. I wet it at an outdoor faucet( the 
water was cool from an underground spring) at Bryce Canyon, it plumped up an we 
hiked all day in 109 degrees and it kept us cool. I forgot to put it in the 
motel frige overnight but it was still plump and cool for another day of 
hiking. When we got back to really hot humid Virginia my hubby used it when 
cutting the grass and was not "bushed" when he finished for a change. Best $5 I 
have ever spent!

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