[lace] old lace related document

2006-03-13 Thread sealacehaven

Hi spiders
Long time since I've posted, but I've been lurking nevertheless. Anyhow, 
whilst doing some research at the County Record Office, in Ipswich, Suffolk 
(UK), I came across referencing to an old document, which I did have a quick 
look at. It is an old vellum document dating from 1830 and it details the 
Deed of Partnership between Jonathan Austin and John Greenwood who were lace 
manufacturers in Nottingham (UK). I didn't read further because I had 
limited time for my own research.

I don't know if anyone is doing research to which this may be relavant, or 
knows someone who is, but if you are please contact me and I can give you 
the specific catalogue details for re-locating this item. If you were 
actually looking for it you'd never find it and why it is in the Ipswich 
Record Office archive is anybodies guess.

bye for now

in Suffolk where it has been bitterly cold, wet and well normal English 
weather I suppose. 

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[lace] old? Bucks Lace postcard

2006-03-29 Thread sealacehaven

Hi Spiders
I've recently acquired a postcard depicting 20 Bucks lace workers, members 
of the Bucks lace Industry, Olney. It states that their combined age is 1600 
years the average age is given as 80. The postcard is not postally dated so 
I don't know how old it is, nor is the printers name given. However, there 
are 20 elderly ladies and underneath they have signed their names/or made 
their mark beside their name. They are -: Eliza Harper 84; Isabella Dowdy 
77; Ellen Clare 84; Emma Richardson 81; Mercy Sanders 84; Elizabeth Kingston 
80; Harriet Cooper 73; Sarah Ann Warren 72; Fanny --penny 81; Mary 
Percival 77; Martha Hinde 74; Sarah Hedge 87; Elizabeth -cester 83; Jane 
Brice 72; Helen Haynes 87; Charity Harper 85; J. Ellis 82; Sarah -Maslars? 
72; Tamar Linger ? 87 E. Salisum?

One or two of the names are quite hard to read/decipher (the dashes are a 
random number). Does anyone have any information about either the postcard 
and or the lacemakers listed.

Many thanks
Nicky in Suffolk 

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[lace] re: Old Bucks Postcard

2006-03-31 Thread sealacehaven
Many thanks to all you wonderful spiders who have sent me information about 
the old Bucks postcard, greatly appreciated.
I have e.mailed Lori to let her know that I will send a picture of the card 
just as soon as I can, have family arriving over the next few days, more 
than anticipated.

many thanks again
Nicky in Suffolk 

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[lace] new e.mail address

2004-10-28 Thread sealacehaven
Hi Spiders
Have been having untold problems with some low life who has infiltrated my
e.mail and caused untold problems, they've evaded every MacAfee spam/filter
security and so I've had to change my address with immediate effect to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Do these people not have better things to do with
their lives is their a link to children being on school holiday and simply
being bored?

Best wishes
Nicky Hoewener-Townsend
chair Suffolk Lacemakers

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[lace] Norwich Suppliers Fair

2004-10-29 Thread sealacehaven
The Norwich Suppliers Fair is organised by Norfolk Lacemakers and is being
held at the John Innes Centre, Norwich Norfolk on Sunday 31st October.
Norwich is centrally situated in the county of Norfolk in the region known
as East Anglia ie in the middle of the large bump on the eastern side of
Nickyfrom Suffolk who is looking forward to attending

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[lace] Re: lace-digest V2004 #394

2004-12-03 Thread sealacehaven
- > Date: Fri, 03 Dec 2004 03:38:45 +1100
From: David Collyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [lace] Lucky Purchas today
Dear Friends,
I had a phone call this week from a woman who finds she no longer wants to
make lace and needs to get rid of her gear. Can you believe 

Your not the only lucky one David, I had a lady call me yesterday who is 
looking for a good home for a pillow and bobbins, have arranged to go and 
collect them on Monday, (assuming I'm not suffering from an overdose of 
chocolate! or a hang over from the party!).
Nicky in Suffolk

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[lace] old lace bobbins

2005-01-18 Thread sealacehaven
Hi spiders
Shortly before Christmas I was given a large number of old bobbins, a few 
are very similar to those shown in David Springetts book and I'm getting a 
second opinion on them soon. In the main they had belonged to the ladies 
aunt (born 1887) who lived most of her life in the Shenley area of Bucks. 
Having done some research into the family I have found that several 
generations lived in the area of Shenley, Aldbury and Ivinghoe (all Bucks). 
A number of them were straw plaiters, and as I understand this aunt was the 
only lacemaker amongst them I was told she made lace to add to the family 

A good number of the bobbins were inherited by this aunt from a woman called 
Ruth Higgs, who lived in a nearby village - but at present I don't know 
which one.  The aunts family name was Daniels on the fathers side and 
Waterton on the mothers.

Are there any folk on this list who have any local knowledge of the area 
that may be of use / help to me in finding out more about this aunt and her 
lacemaking or about Ruth Higgs. (I have access to census records).  I have 
several addresses relating to the family -: 1 New Road Shenley Brook End; 2 
New Road Shenley Brook End; Lower Barbery End Ivinghoe; Ringshall The Row 
Ivinghoe; can any of these addresses be located today, do they still exist?
I'm hoping to visit the area possibly next month on a flying visit so it 
would help to know where to look.

I know this is a long shot but then its amazing what a mine of information 
arachneans are and any information ould be greatly appreciated.
In anticipation
Nicky   in a grey, grey Suffolk.

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[lace] Old Lace Bobbins

2005-01-19 Thread sealacehaven
Hello Diana
Thank you so much for the reply. Absolutely fantastic.
Priscilla Daniels would have been the aunt of the lady who originally owned 
the bobbins and Mrs [Emma]  Daniels would have been her mother. I've not 
come across Betsy Willett - will search tonight when I visit the Family 
History Centre.

Only a few of the bobbins have names, I have put into brackets the family 
relationship that I believe they may relate to as these names are confirmed 
on the genealogy research I have done so far, they are, Emma [mother], Ann 
[paternal grandmother], Fanny [maternal great grandmother] , Betsy [maternal 
grandmother]and Benjamin [no idea on this one but does it relate to the "my 
love" a romantic possibility perhaps?]  One also has the year "1875" and 
another "my love".

Is there any possibility of my having a copy of the photograph, I'd be very 
happy to reimburse you any costs. I really do appreciate your taking the 
time to check this out for me.
Very best wishes

Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2005 08:56:14 -
From: "Diana Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [lace] Re Old lace bobbins
Hello Nicky
I've done a lot of research on the old lacemakers of the East Midlands and
have a large collection of photographs.
I've had a quick look through and found pictures of a Mrs Daniels of 
taken c1905, a group with a Priscilla Daniels and one of Mrs Betsy Willett
(nee Daniels) who was c1930 residing in the Shenley Almhouses.
In my very quick search I've found nothing on Waterton or Higgs.
Things are rather rushed at the moment so I'll dig more deeply later but I
doubt I'll find anything else.
Are there any inscriptions on the bobbins you've been given? I also keep a
database of any old bobbin inscriptions - amongst other things ;-)
Best wishes
Diana Smith in Northamptonshire where it is bright and sunny but rather
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[lace] Re:lacemakers getting together

2005-02-01 Thread sealacehaven
It's been interesting to read how the various groups meet up etc so I just 
thought that I'd add my bit too. The classes I teach were originally adult 
education classes at the local college when I was invited by the retiring 
tutor to take them over. All went well for the first year apart from the 
fact that the college wanted everyone to work towards assessment which was 
non too popular with ladies who were making lace for pleasure. The following 
year it was made very clear that we were not welcome - we were sited in a 
room in one of the colleges annexe buildings, on the second floor - 
surrounded by decorators equipment and even a couple of chainsaws ! What 
they thought I might do with those we will leave to the imagination. The 
first night of classes I wondered why so few had turned up, it wasn't until 
almost time to go home that the ladies and I discovered what was up. The 
caretaker walked into class and was extremely surprised to see us. He had 
been walking home when he saw the room light on and came to investigate it 
transpired that we had been locked in sometime earlier and left with no 
access to fire escapes, emergency telephone etc etc and we weren't even 
supposed to be there! Needless to say I went to see the college principle, 
just about every rule of health and saftey had been broken by the college - 
her attitude didn't help - well they are just a group of old ladies does it 
really matter stance - I somewhat flipped as I pointed out that they were 
the mothers and wives of policemen, fire inspectors, health and safty 
inspectors and lawyers and could probably between them get the college shut 
down ! We went private a week later.

Today I teach the classes from home, weekly on roughly a school term basis. 
I don't have a large house just two dining room tables (one in the adjoining 
conservatory) which are sufficient for up to nine students, and a husband 
who now makes lace (if you can't beat them join them) and attends every 
class (now grown from the original 2 to 3). I am registered with Inland 
revenue and I don't advertise, my classes are rarely ever short on numbers 
and when they do drop (I had to shut for a term because of convalesence 
after an operation) the numbers soon pick up again.  We get to lace days and 
events around our region and enjoy our lacemaking.

As they say variety is the spice of life - what matters is that lacemakers 
can meet up and enjoy their lacemaking.
Nicky  in Suffolk

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[lace] lace classes - inspections and qualifications

2005-02-03 Thread sealacehaven
I completed the Adult and Further Education Teaching qualification several 
years ago, which I passed, but when it came to receiving my certificate they 
refused to give it to me until I passed GCSE maths! Apparently I was 
supposed to have had either this or maths o'level when I enrolled for the 
course but needless to say no one told me this nor was it listed anywhere in 
the information I received about the course, they were only too happy to 
take my money! I did take maths GCSE, what a sham that was - mainly taught 
myself as the tutor wouldn't teach anyone wanting to take the higher paper 
as a grade c is all that they required students to achieve, and as I wanted 
to get at least grade b I had no option- I got an a grade and finally got my 
teaching certificate but I was rather miffed about it all.

As for the Teaching certificate - well I suppose the good thing about it was 
that it got me back into studying again - having left school aged 14 and a 
bit years old with 8 o'levels - it had been sometime since I'd done any 
academic work, as for the course itself - well the main tutor was too busy 
trying to ingratiate himself with some of the women in the class, he became 
known as "Rick the " - yep you probably worked that one out. I was very 
disappointed with the course as it seemed nobody really bothered to read any 
of the essays we had to write, my work was submitted to the moderator for 
assessment (at further expense to me and it wasn't cheap about £50) and it 
wasn't even looked at. I came away from the course feeling very very 
disillusioned with the system, the college, the whole process.

My classes being forced out of the college was a godsend teaching at home 
has proved so much more rewarding, relaxing and enjoyable - and the students 
like it too or they wouldn't keep coming let alone recommending them.
Nicky in Suffolk 

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[lace] Tracey Emin's bed

2005-02-10 Thread sealacehaven
Oh what a relief, I'm clearly not the only one that thinks this piece of 
trash - take that how you will (didn't it also list on the bed cover all the 
men she'd slept with?) - is just another example of Emporer's New Clothes.

Visited the Tate Modern a couple of months back, admittedly I wouldn't claim 
to be a fan of modern art but I went with an open mind and came rushing out 
of the building after barely 10 minutes holding my head in absolute agony - 
we'd been in the main hall (used to house the power stations generators?) 
they were/are having an exhibition which is basically 50 or so speakers 
around the hall all emitting repeated sounds - at first I couldn't make out 
what it was all about so went to walk over to a board which I thought would 
it explain it all, didn't get that far felt a dreadful explosion of pain in 
my head as I suffered an attack of vertigo, brought on by the awful 
cacophony of noise! Two hours later I was still feeling very nauseaous and 
no I shall never ever return.

Nicky in Suffolk

Tracey Emin is an "artist". Her "My bed" was short-listed for the Turner 
Prize in 1999. "A bed in which she claimed to have spent a week after a 
break-up complete with vodka bottles, cigarette butts and pregnancy 
Se's clever though - it's made her very well known and wealthy.

It was in The Saatchi Collection in London, but I don't know (or care) 
it is now.

It is ashes, it was in the art storage fire last year
Best place for it in my opinion.
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[lace] Lace shops

2005-02-26 Thread sealacehaven
Hi spiders
Like Sue, those of us who live in Suffolk are also greatly spoiled for 
access to lace suppliers, Suffolk Lacemakers organise 5 lace days each year 
and we have easy access to those held in the neighbouring counties of Essex, 
Cambridge and Norfolk. In fact you can have a hard job deciding on which 
ones to attend as you could probably get to at least one a month.

We also run a bring and buy service for members (you can bring along and 
sell lace items that you no longer require and the group get 10% of the sale 
price), at last weekends lace get-together we made around £40 for the group 
through this facility, tickets for the day were sold out and our visiting 
suppliers were more than happy with their sales for the day too).

Reading about the lack of facilities that other lacemakers face really makes 
me appreciate what we have here and I try to remind my students of how lucky 
we are and encourage them to make use of what we have - so that we don't 
lose them.
Nicky in Suffolk UK

Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2005 14:19:55 -
From: "Maureen  Harvey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [lace] Lace Shops
Patty and all spiders,  re" no lacemaker lives in lace heaven" well I 
in Norfolk we do, we have at least eight lace days in the surrounding area
that we can attend plus we have really good access to most of the 
in the UK via phone or e-mail, we also have a non profit making shop at 
Norfolk Lacemakers once a month, so I consider we are very fortunate and
feel so sorry for our sisters (and a few brothers) across the big pond 
do not have the same.
Sue M Harvey
Norfolk UK
- - Original Message - 
From: "Patricia Dowden" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2005 8:34 PM
Subject: RE: [lace] Lace Shops

Noelene wrote:
... The lace fairs in the UK and Europe people talk about seem well
patronised, we have nothing like that here in Australia.   So keep
your emails coming in about new books and products, otherwise
we'll never know what's available at least by mail order!
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[lace] Norfolk Lace Day

2005-03-01 Thread sealacehaven
Hi Sue
Glad to hear that your arm is now better and you are back to your 
lacemaking. Like you I'm looking forward to the lace day in Norwich on 
Saturday, I shall be taking along the old bobbins that I was recently given 
for Carol Morris to have a look at, her comments will be of great interest. 
there are about 12 of us from my classes going but it's always nice to see 
friends that you only get to see at the lace days. See you there.

Suffolk UK (we won't forget our passports)
Also looking forward to Norfolk Lacemakers Laceday on Saturday hope to 
all my lace friends there.

Sue M Harvey
Norfolk UK
Now happily lacing again now my arm is better.
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[lace] raffle - this must be a record

2005-04-17 Thread sealacehaven
Sorry Jacqui, but I don't think so. I did a raffle for 12 pairs of Maltese 
bobbins Christmas 2003 and I received 129 entries! Until then I hadn't 
appreciated just how many are/were on the arachne list.

Nicky in Suffolk

Well, I think this must be some kind of record!  We had 55 responses.
I will be posting your spiders to you as soon as possible. Enjoy them.
Jacqui Butler ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
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[lace] elastic for wedding garter

2005-05-20 Thread sealacehaven
Hi Jill
I have made several wedding garters now, one of which I wore myself almost 
six years ago. I have found that threading the wide knicker type elastic 
through the middle where the ribbon would go to be most uncomfortable and 
unsatisfactory. So the method I use is to slip stitch sheering elastic along 
both edges just to the side of where the ribbon is threaded, the bit that is 
like a footside edge running down either side of the middle. The sheering 
elastic does not leave nasty marks and is strong enough to hold the garter 
in place quite securely. Once the sheering elastic is slip stitched into 
place ( I do not stretch the elastic at this stage) I knot the ends and then 
carefully pull up the sheering elastic so that the garter ruches up. Once 
the elastic has been pulled up so that the garter is about the right size to 
fit I tie a new knot so as to shorten the elastic and cut off the excess 
elastic. I leave a bit of leeway so that the garter can be further adjusted 
nearer the day by the bride if need be (having shown her before hand how to 
do it). The ribbon looks as if it is holding the garter in place but it is 
the elastic that does the work.

The waste sheering elastic doesn't actually go to waste I use it double 
thickness to thread through two beads, one larger than the other (size of 
those used as a bottom bead for a spangle or slightly larger) - a bit like a 
hair bobble. They are useful for holding two bobbins linked together when 
you need to use two bobbins as if they were one ie adding in a bobbin to 
replace one that it is running short of thread. Slip around the two bobbins 
and pass one bead over the other.

Hope that this is of use to you.
Nicky  in Suffolk
I would really appreciate some advice about elastic for wedding garters
please :o)
I have completed a garter (one of Biggin's torchon garter patterns) for
one of my friends at work - although she doesn't know it yet - and luckily
she is one of these stick insect types so I didn't have to do yards and
yards of it.  Having said that, I thoroughly enjoyed doing it and am quite
sorry it is finished.
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[lace] elastic for a wedding garter

2005-05-23 Thread sealacehaven

Hi Jill
Glad to have been able to help out, as you say the shirring elastic is nice 
and discreet, either white or ivory should be fine, the ribbon just finishes 
it off. I know it adds time to the making of the garter but I think that 
it's time well spent. Why cut corners especially when you take into 
consideration the time spent making the garter in the first place!

My new daughter-in-law had no problems wearing her garter using this method 
(they married in February) and I'm trusting that  my daughter-in-law to be 
has no problems wearing hers come August, it has just recently been 
completed so she hasn't seen it yet. The idea of offering a choice of ivory 
or blue ribbon is a nice idea, I like that.

Hope all goes well for the wedding.
Best wishes
Nicky in Suffolk

.and waste not want not, I loved your other tip of using the waste
elastic for using double bobbins when thread is running out :o)

Thanks for all the advice.

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[lace] suffolk lacemakers

2005-08-23 Thread sealacehaven

dear spiders
i have just had the most awful shock. i have just been advised that the web 
site name, that was until recently, used by suffolk lacemakers has now been 
purchased by another company and is being used to directly link unsuspecting 
people to porn sites!

we had used the web site for the past two years, but had begun having 
problems with access earlier this year, our isp host   " freeola"  were 
extremely unhelpful. when "nominet" informed me that to continue use of 
thename was going to cost £94.00 for a further two years I declined as we 
were unable to access the site and upload and/or download new or amended 

i have contacted both the british police and "nominet" and have been 
informed that there is nothing i can do about this, it is legal!

please be warned that there are "companies" out there watching for groups 
such as ourselves, church groups etc etc just waiting to get the domain name 
if it is allowed to lapse so that they can use it for their thoroughly 
disgusting and underhand purposes.

please also know that this site is absolutely nothing to do with suffolk 
lacemakers or any member of suffolk lacemakers.

nicky hoewener-townsend
chairman suffolk lacemakers

please excuse typing but i have had an accident and am only able to use one 

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[lace] gozo lace

2005-09-01 Thread sealacehaven

dear arne
the lace school is run by consiglio azzarpardi so you may be able to get 
details direct from her if not,  you could e.mail me direct and i will be 
able to forward on more information about the lace school in gozo, one of my 
students (and her husband) went there this summer and had a very enjoyable 
time, so i can find the information you want from her.

nicky  suffolk

ps excuse typing but i had an accident on holiday and can still only use one 

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