[lace-chat] Secret Pal - Merry Christmas!

2003-12-19 Thread Patty Dowden
Hi Secret Pal,

I have been pestering my husband every day asking "Did it come?" and today, 
it did!  I got your wonderful package.  Receiving it at any time would have 
been a treat, but it arrived with plenty of time to spare for a Christmas 
delivery.  As for January, the later the better.  I always need a winter 
lift when all the glitz and activity of Christmas subsides.  (But it's not 
winter where you are, is it?)  So you're going to be off on a 
post-Christmas, **summer** holiday.  California is not a very seasonal 
place.  It is colder now, but just cold enough for a sweater, really.  And 
it's been raining some, but hardly a dramatic seasonal change.

I'm one of those people who doesn't think I need more than one of any 
thing, but now that I have two new pin cushions in as many months, I can 
see a real benefit of having each type of pin on a different cushion.  And 
the cover cloth is charming.  The print is busy with needles and scissors 
and spools of thread, but the texture is so silky smooth, just lovely.

I really like the two bobbins and I must say that being not quite the same 
is just my style.  There is a family story about the time I was sent to get 
new bath towels.  I picked a polka dotted one and a striped one and a blue 
flowered one and so on until we had enough.  It never occurred to me to get 

Do you know what wood the bobbins are made of, some native New Zealand type 
of wood, perhaps?  I have collected an assortment of  bobbins that capture 
my interest and I've about decided that all my unspangled bobbins need to 
be dressed properly (I am a dedicated square bobbin user, even have square 
binche bobbins), but I am not sure that it will be with beaded 
spangles.  Maybe beaded lace frills (since I won't use them, but want to 
display them instead.)  H.  I'll have to think about that.

I got a kick out  of the New Zealand Lace Society magnet.  It is always so 
interesting to see how each group symbolizes the art of lacemaking.  I 
think the New Zealand symbol is kind of like a secret handshake.  If you're 
not a lacemaker, you won't know that it shows two spiders and a stylized 
worker pair.  Has anyone in New Zealand every worked the symbol in 
thread?  It would make a dandy motif.

Merry Christmas and have a wonderful trip in January,

Thanks for all the goodies,

Patty Dowden

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[lace-chat] FW: :) Nativity Accent

2003-12-19 Thread Margery Allcock
  In a small Southern town there was a "Nativity Scene" that showed great
skill and talent had gone into creating it.
  One small feature bothered me.

  The three wise men were wearing firemen's helmets!  Totally unable to come
up with a reason or explanation, I left.

  At a "Quik Stop" on the edge of town, I asked the lady behind the counter
about the helmets.

  She exploded into a rage, yelling at me, "You Yankees never do read the

  I assured her that I did, but simply couldn't recall anything about
firemen in the Bible.  She jerked her Bible from behind the counter and
ruffled through some pages, and finally jabbed her finger at a passage.

  Sticking it in my face she said "See, it says right here, 'The three wise
men came from afar'!"

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Re: [lace-chat] did you know that ?

2003-12-19 Thread Joy Beeson
At 08:02 PM 12/18/03 +0100, dominique wrote:

> i remember seeing a film from 1811 saying 
>four baths a year were enough ...  

Gee, I didn't know they had film in 1811!  

No baths a year are quite enough.  I've had only one bath since we moved
here in 2001 -- took me half an hour to dust the bathtub.  

Soaking in hot water is good for a lot of ailments -- but I always take a
shower afterward.  

Joy Beeson
http://www.timeswrsw.com/craig/cam/ (local weather)
west of Fort Wayne, Indiana, U.S.A.
where there is a dusting of snow on the ground.

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[lace-chat] Politically Correct 12 days of...

2003-12-19 Thread Clay Blackwell
This has been around for a few years, but seems appropriate

On the 12th day of the Eurocentrically imposed midwinter
festival, my
Significant Other in a consenting adult monogamous
relationship gave
to me:

TWELVE males reclaiming their inner warrior through ritual
ELEVEN pipers piping (plus the 18-member pit orchestra made
up of
members in good standing of the Musicians Equity Union as
called for in their
union contract even though they will not be asked to play a

TEN melanin-deprived testosterone-poisoned scions of the
patriarchal ruling class system leaping,

NINE persons engaged in rhythmic self-_expression,

EIGHT economically disadvantaged female persons stealing
products from enslaved Bovine-Americans,

SEVEN endangered swans swimming on federally protected

SIX enslaved Fowl-Americans producing stolen non-human

FIVE golden symbols of culturally sanctioned enforced
domestic incarceration,

(NOTE: after members of the Animal Liberation Front
threatened to
throw red paint at my computer, the calling birds, French
hens and
partridge have been reintroduced to their native habitat. To
avoid further
Animal-American enslavement, the remaining gift package has

FOUR hours of recorded whale songs,

THREE deconstructionist poets,

TWO Sierra Club calendars printed on recycled processed tree

ONE Spotted Owl activist chained to an old-growth pear tree.

Blessed Yule.
Merry Christmas.
Happy Chanukah/Hanukkah.
Good Kwanzaa.
Oh, heck! Happy Holidays (unless otherwise prohibited by

Unless, of course, you are suffering from Seasonally
Affected Disorder
(SAD). If this be the case, please substitute this
gratuitous call for
celebration with a suggestion that you have a thoroughly

Clay Blackwell
Lynchburg, VA

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Re: [lace-chat] did you know that ?

2003-12-19 Thread dominique
easy . to subscribe , click on http://www.gophercentral.com/sub/sub-
it's a site i quite like . i just take no notice of the advertizing (he has 
to find the money somewhere ... )

Esther Perry a fait jouer ses doigts de fée pour écrire à  ÒRe: [lace-chat] 
did you know that ?Ó.
[2003/12/18 23:25]

> >Where did you get this!  Is it a website?  Can we have the url?
> >
> If you copy the sentence into Google, enclosed in  quotation marks, 
> you'll find it, and some other stuff as well ;-))
> http://www.dribbleglass.com/subpages/laws2.htm
> Esther Perry
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Re: [lace-chat] did you know that ?

2003-12-19 Thread dominique
Joy Beeson a fait jouer ses doigts de fée pour écrire à  ÒRe: [lace-chat] 
did you know that ? Ó.
[2003/12/19 16:32]

> At 08:02 PM 12/18/03 +0100, dominique wrote:
> > i remember seeing a film from 1811 saying 
> >four baths a year were enough ...  
> Gee, I didn't know they had film in 1811!  
OOPS! they didn't . i meant 1911 .. . it was a film to show how to wash 
properly which meant the boy tucked his sleeves up and washed the arm as 
high as he could go , tucked his trouser legs up and washed from the knee 
downward  , washed his face and neck and that was that ... and no more than 
four baths a year ..

i never have baths either but it's only because my old flat only has a 
shower .. i lve soaking in scented foam ...

dominique from nearly warm Paris..

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal thanks!

2003-12-19 Thread Susan MacLeod
Dear Secret Pal.
Thanks for the Great package that came yesterday!  Love the 
bobbins, the laminiated ones are really pretty!  The NEC bobbin is great, 
were you lucky enough to get to go there?  I can't imagine what it would be 
like to be able to see so much lace stuff in one place.  For me, the Ithaca 
lace day is the biggest I can see.
The purple bag is great, I love little project bags like that!  I 
may have to make a pattern from it and make more of them.
And of course, chocolate is always appreciated!

Susan G. MacLeod
Dummerston, VT  USA
"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do." John Wooden 

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal thanks

2003-12-19 Thread Joan Whitfield
Thank you for the beautifully-wrapped Christmas parcel.  I know, of course,
from the contents list on the customs form that I have an Australian
calender, diary and bobbins, but I am being very good and saving the parcel
for Christmas morning, so I have more pleasure to come when I see the
contents.  My grandsons were fascinated with the Australian 'creatures'
pulling Santa Koala's sleigh and have asked if they can take it to school in
the new year to show off.
Joan from Yorkshire

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal thanks

2003-12-19 Thread cooncatmom-arachne1061
Thank you Secret Pal for taking the time to wrap all my presents!

Because they were so nicely wrapped, I put them under my tree.

Thank you for the beautiful card and I will let everyone know just 
how< nice you were on Boxing Day.
Hope you get everything you wish for especially a "roundtuit" for all 
your lacing in the new year.

Korwyn in Thetford UK

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