[lace-chat] mobiles and their charges

2004-09-13 Thread Helene Gannac
Lynne wrote:
>We have had to block our house phone from phoning mobiles since our last
>bill. DD2 was calling her friends - only for a few seconds each time
>she was out of credit on her mobile) but the accrued total of minimum
>charges was frightening.

I sympathize with you, Lynne! I have always wondered by which logic
various Telecoms around the world have decided that people on normal
phones ringing a mobile had to pay extra!! After all, it's not my fault if
someone I need to talk to prefers to own a mobile rather than a normal
phone!! Why should I pay for his/her choice? And you can get really stung
by trade people transferring their calls to a mobile without warning you!
My parents in France got an enormous phone bill because they had to
arrange repairs on a house in a different part of the country from where
they live usually. They had to do it by phone, and didn't realize that
every time they rang the guy's phone number, they were transferred to his
mobile! And 80% of the time he wasn't there even to answer his mobile, but
my parents had to pay for the connection!! Why don't we all revolt against
that practice?

Helene, the froggy from Melbourne

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[lace-chat] secret pal's thanks

2004-09-13 Thread Helene Gannac
Dear secret pal,

I think you might have unsubscribed, since you are coming to Australia on
holidays, but just in case, I'm sending this to say I've just received
your lovely parcel for September! Thank you so much for the Italian lace
book, I've always wanted to try that kind of lace, so now I can start from
the beginning!
I also like the cottons and the crochet hook. Would you believe it! I've
got nbr 1,2 and 3 and I've got nbr 5 and 6, but no number 4, so it's
I'm looking forward to seeing you at the end of the month. Have a
wonderful holiday.

Helene, the froggy from Melbourne

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[lace-chat] Mobiles and their charges

2004-09-13 Thread Jean Nathan
We have a mobile and a land phone. The mobile I got for free when I changed
credit cards a few years ago. It costs 50p a minute (charged by the second)
to use the mobile, but then as we only use it when DH and I really need to
contact each other when one is out of the house because of his parents being
in ill-health (whever's out takes the phone) and for me to call the
breakdown services if the car breaks down, the cost of calls doesn't matter.
But we do get strange looks because it isn't a slim fold-up one with a fancy
ring-tone. But so what - it enables us to make and receive calls. And we pay
in advance, ony needing to put GBP 10.00 into it, which can last for as long
as we like provided we make one paid-for call every six months. I usually
top it up just once a year.

We don't see the need for a phone that can take pictures, play games,
download music, show football matches, etc - it's a phone for goodness sake!
But try and buy one now that doesn't do all that.

I can't understand how children can have a GBP300 phone and afford to have
it either clamped permanently to their ears (I don't intend microwaving my
brain - there's little enough left), or giving themselves a permanent
disability in their thumbs through texting. They could be doing something
more useful with their time and money.

Off my soapbox.

Jean in Poole

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Re: [lace-chat] Mobiles and their charges

2004-09-13 Thread Allan+Yvonne Farrell
I recently found a good use for the camera on my phone. When I was out at
the fabric shop I work at looking for patterns for DD2's deb(formal) dress I
took a photo of a pattern I thought would work and then I took a photo of
the number of the pattern so I wouldn't forget it. We were then able to look
up the pattern on the net. She loved it so that's the one. An ideal use for
the phone.

By the way, DD1 recorded a message for me so I could pick my phone ring out
amongst all the other noise in our daily life. It says, "Hey Mum your
phone's ringing. You better pick up the phone Mum. Hello, Hello you phone's
ringing." Everyone who hears it either falls about laughing or wants to
throw it against the wall.

Cheers, Yvonne.
- Original Message -
From: "Jean Nathan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, September 13, 2004 6:11 PM
Subject: [lace-chat] Mobiles and their charges

> We have a mobile and a land phone. The mobile I got for free when I
> credit cards a few years ago. It costs 50p a minute (charged by the
> to use the mobile, but then as we only use it when DH and I really need to
> contact each other when one is out of the house because of his parents
> in ill-health (whever's out takes the phone) and for me to call the
> breakdown services if the car breaks down, the cost of calls doesn't
> But we do get strange looks because it isn't a slim fold-up one with a
> ring-tone. But so what - it enables us to make and receive calls. And we
> in advance, ony needing to put GBP 10.00 into it, which can last for as
> as we like provided we make one paid-for call every six months. I usually
> top it up just once a year.
> We don't see the need for a phone that can take pictures, play games,
> download music, show football matches, etc - it's a phone for goodness
> But try and buy one now that doesn't do all that.
> I can't understand how children can have a GBP300 phone and afford to have
> it either clamped permanently to their ears (I don't intend microwaving my
> brain - there's little enough left), or giving themselves a permanent
> disability in their thumbs through texting. They could be doing something
> more useful with their time and money.
> Off my soapbox.
> Jean in Poole
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[lace-chat] enjoying the "list"

2004-09-13 Thread mmouzon
I am so glad to have this lace chat list!  It has been a great place to
retreat lately.  I think everyone needs distractions at one time or
another in their lives, and this list is just such a place to “get
away”.  I love reading everything people write about.  The poem about
grandma is cute, and the quote from David about family history was one
that I will copy and keep.
The distraction is greatly appreciated because we are just under a lot
of stress down here in Florida these days.  After four major storms in
one summer, if there is one thing that I am an expert on... it is how to
prepare for a hurricane!  The forecasts seem to include everyone at one
point or another, so tensions are on hold as we all wait to see where a
storm will make landfall, and how it will impact areas around it. You
begin to wonder if you will need to evacuate, and what you will take if
you do.  After a while, it all works together to begin to wear you down.
When Ivan showed up on the scene, and the evacuations started again down
south, I could already sense the frustration setting in up here. Most of
my neighbors have not taken down the wood from Frances...which was only
put up on their windows because they went through effects from Charley
without any wood on the windows.  There was a rumor going around Friday
that gasoline was going to be rationed.  Just a rumor, but people at
first were lining up 3-5 deep at the gas stations.  Things calmed down
the next day.  I think keeping a sense of calm is one of the hardest
things facing those of us in Florida right now.  It doesn’t matter
whether you will be in the path of the storm or not.  Even when you find
out your area will be spared the worst, you hurt for the ones who will
not be spared.  It has been a tense month and a half.
I have never watched the weather channel as often as I have lately, but
they have been very helpful in keeping everyone informed, and it amazes
me how brave these pilots are who fly right into the storm!
I have really enjoyed reading my Bible, especially the Psalms.  I read
things there that seem to say exactly how I feel, and then take my
feelings right on up to God. There is great peace available there to
anyone who asks.
We have spent more time with our neighbors...even helping each other cut
up the trees that have fallen, etc.
It is a summer we will not soon forget.
Debbie ... in Florida (and still loving this place!)

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[lace-chat] secret pal

2004-09-13 Thread Lynn Weasenforth
Hello to my secret pal.  I just received your package today, what a treat 
you are spoiling me.  The two pair of bobbins are wonderful, it's the one 
thing that I really don't have many of, the divider pin is my first and I 
love it.  The magnets and pads are almost too pretty to use, but I will and 
the spider, he's so cute.  I used to be afraid of spiders until I joined 
this list, now there not so bad.  I will attach him to my pillow to watch 
over my work.  I have been doing some lace, trying to figure out spiders, 
and the next thing I want to try is the roseground, what is chrysanthemum 
lace?  Thank you again and I am now off to add these bobbins to my pillow.

Hugs to you and Thank you for everything.

Clarksburg, WV

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[lace-chat] Of limited interest (US)

2004-09-13 Thread Tamara P. Duvall
My son sent me a link to a New York Times front-page article today (a  
propos something we'd been e-talking about). I'd already read the  
article in the preferred format (hard copy ), but wasted some time  
checking out the "periferals", so that I could refer him back to  
another one, in the op-ed section, which I thought was even more  
important, for everyone in the US.

Please check (if you can; the URL looks peculiar to me ):

Also, for those who like Alice in Wonderland, here's a take off on  
Jabberwocky... Part of my 4th year U grammar exam was to parse the  
original; this one's easier :)

nicholaskristof - 4:42 PM ET September 9, 2004 (#586 of 588)
Readers know I’m a soft touch for poetry. One reader wrote this satire  
of Jabberwocky:

The Jabberwonks
'Twas bush league, and the slimy droves
Of rightwingnuts loved condibabe;
While powells, ashcrofts, cheneys, roves,
And rumsfelds abu ghraib.
"Beware the Jabberwonks, my son!
Their clauses mean, their verbs agree --
Beware the tax!" said Forty-one;
"... the facts!" heard Forty-three.
He took his verbal word in mouth
Long time the media he conned:
He grinned and quipped "If there's no script
Then I need not respond!"
He stood there not responding when
The Jabberwonks showed photographs
Of tortured captives Rummy's men
Had tormented for laughs.
"Just one or two! At most a few!"
The verbal word denied, denied,
Denied command of those it canned
And, in courts martial, tried.
"And hast thou gamed the Jabberwonks,
With talk of honor where there's none;
Is oil still squirtin' for Halliburton?
Oh, what a good job you've done!"
'Twas bush league, and the slimy droves
Of rightwingnuts loved condibabe;
While powells, ashcrofts, cheneys, roves,
And rumsfelds abu ghraib.
Tamara P Duvall http://lorien.emufarm.org/~tpd
Lexington, Virginia, USA (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)
  Healthy US through The No-CARB Diet:
no C-heney, no A-shcroft, no R-umsfeld, no B-ush.
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