Re: how to do a loop for controls

2004-03-12 Thread parimala
No problem.Any i got it workrd with your ideas.Thanks a lot.

Re: How to read *.bin file

2004-03-12 Thread shoneill
I'm not sure if I'm on the right track here, but if you're saving the
file through LV, then a look at the code should reveal everything you
need to know about the file.  The easiest thing may be to write a VI
to convert the data into a more Matlab-compatible format.  This
requires also that you already know the format of the file, in which
case the problem is already solved.  Ah Catch 22.

Otherwise, if a *.bin is a standard filetype I have no experience with
is, sorry.


Re: serial TX completion

2004-03-12 Thread picerno
I have used VISA WRITE synchronously and VISA Flush I/O Buffer but
indeed the problem persists.

Re: Running data through multiple front panels simultaneously

2004-03-12 Thread ThomasG
All right Damien!

The files i did send to you are LV 6.1 so that=92s a problem if you are
using 5.0.
But in words i did it like this.
In the functions pallet i used
Functions-Application control-Open VI Reference
Functions-Application control-Property Node
Functions-Application control-Close LV Object Reference

For the Property Node i used the attribute Front Panel Window-Open
This is a Boolean and True means show front panel and False don't

I'm quite shore this will work in LV 5 to.


ISDN Karte in LabView einbinden

2004-03-12 Thread nico
Hallo,ist es m=F6glich eine ISDN Karte in LabView einzubinden?? Ich
m=F6chte aus einem VI heraus eine Telefonnummer w=E4hlen!

Danke f=FCr die schnelle Hilfe.

MfG N.Venske

Re: Why does one while loop stop after 3-4 weeks?

2004-03-12 Thread shoneill
The VI stops after 3-4 Weeks you say?  This sounds familiar.  Do you
have a Timer(ms) function in this VI coupled with the stop criteria of
the loop?  The ms counter is an U32, which can hold max. 4294967296
ms, which equals 49.7 days.  Note that the counter starts immediately
when the computer is bootet (if I remember correctly).

This counter will wrap every 49.7 days possible causing timing
problems with your VI.  If you're coupling a Wait(ms) with a check
whether a certain amount of milliseconds have passed since the last
iteration, this may lead to a condition where your elapsed time is a
lery negative number, possibly eliminating the possibility of the VI
sending more data.

Again, it depends on how your VI is set up.

Hope this helps


Dynamically build VI using LabVIEW

2004-03-12 Thread Glenn Korendijk
I'm currently working on an application and I would like to be able to
generate VI's using LabVIEW. I remember seeing something like this
being used before, so I would like to know how one would go about
accomplishing such a feat. The point is that I want to be able to use
LabVIEW to generate LabVIEW VI's add some elements to those VI's
(controls, functions, etc).

Thanks in advance,

Re: Cycle trough an Arry

2004-03-12 Thread IBI
Thank you very much, my question is answered.

I cannot work on my vi and the investagate internal error...

2004-03-12 Thread nak
I cannot work on my vi and the investagate internal error found an
objheap.ccp (1237). What can I do to solve this problem?

I'm not able to do anything on my vi, that seems like breezed. When I
launched the diagnostic tool, it found an OBJHEAP.ccp (1237) error

AT command CDMA LG phone diagnostic mode labview, after t

2004-03-12 Thread baiju_alex
I used At command to put CDMA phone to diagnostic mode, i used labview
to send command after the phone was in DM i send some commands which
end with 7E, the response from the phone is very difficult to
interpret can anyone help?

Re: I cannot work on my vi and the investagate internal error...

2004-03-12 Thread nak
What can I do to eliminate the OBJHEAP.ccp internal error?

Different front panels within the same VI in LV

2004-03-12 Thread Victor_M
I've several subvi=B4s runnig on the main VI. I would like to show the
front panel of these subvi=B4s
in another window that appears if the user press different control
buttons on the panel of the main VI. How can i do it? Just give me an
idea or send me some examples.
Thanks in advanced

how to sum all bytes in array and remove carry/overflow ?

2004-03-12 Thread Nok
Hi.. everybody !!
I want to make bitwise operation in Labview. By the way,sum all bytes
in array and remove the carry/overflow.

Anybody has an idea about that ?


Re: Different front panels within the same VI in LV

2004-03-12 Thread nayisoe
well, there are several ways of doing this. you can use VI server, you
can use open front panel when called. Try this link,a

Re: I am using an HP34970a and I want to measure temperatures...

2004-03-12 Thread HoSk
With what are you going to shut down the motor?
You must have a relay card in your Agilent 34970 or a separate
computer controlled relay.

I see two solutions
1.You can configure the Agilent 34970 to make alarms and pull a relay
on a internal relay card to switch off your motor.
2. In your measurement loop you compare measured values with your
limits. If there is a alarm you shut down you motor with your switch.
(your attached program is not complete, lots of missing vi's)

Re: Control the LPT voltage

2004-03-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Yes, I know.. This is 1 more thing that I want to talk about.. what is
the LPT port voltage? 5v or 12v? I think that 5v but I'm not sure..

10q very much..

Re: Integrate IMAQ Vision picture into frontpanel

2004-03-12 Thread Greg McKaskle
 I've tried a little more, with some logical operations (and or ...) of
 grayscale pictures, sometimes, theres color in the displayed result-image.
 Something must be wrong. Any Idea?

The logic on the image and the display of the image are really 
unrelated.  You can take a color image and display as grayscale at any 
point or take a grayscale and apply a false color colortable at any time.

Anyway, I suspect that your logic operations are working fine.  The 
intensity graph always maps the data to the range of 0-255 and applies a 
color table.  It does this for integers as well as floats.  If the color 
ramp of the color table contains color, that would explain it.  If it is 
totally gray and you are seeing color, it may be a bug in the intensity 

If this doesn't help, either post again with more information about how 
the intensity graph is setup, or try turning on interpolation on the 
intensity graph.

Greg McKaskle

Re: I am using an HP34970a and I want to measure temperatures...

2004-03-12 Thread Joey Wood
Yes I am using the Agilent Alarm Card. What vi's am I missing?

How do I write data to a new file every 24 hours?

2004-03-12 Thread soleater
I have a VI set up to collect thermocouple data and write the data to
a file.  How would I configure LabView if I wanted the file writing to
write to a new file at the start of each new day (at midnight)?

Re: Array of float32!

2004-03-12 Thread Greg McKaskle
 The idea of buffers seems to be difficult to implement since the entire
 Labview is per sample oriented.

Ah.  This is making more sense now.  In that case, I'd recommend 
wrapping the CIN into a subVI.  You pass in the point and the while loop 
I desribed earlier is inside the subVI.  From the user of the subVI, it 
looks normal, like it handles one point at a time.  From the CIN point 
of view, it only gets full buffers.  The only complication added here is 
that you may need something to initialize and flush the subVI buffer.

This is pretty similar to what happens in the point by point analysis 
functions added in LV6.

Greg McKaskle

Re: how to transfer waveform graph to array

2004-03-12 Thread Shan
You have a couple of choices.  You can use the FFT function in the
Analyze  Waveform Measurements pallette or you can use the Get
Waveform Components function from the Waveform pallete.  To create the
time array you just build it knowing t0, dt, and the length of the
amplitude array.


Re: How do default values of indicators work?

2004-03-12 Thread Ben
Hi Steve,

I have to confess that I am having a hard time folling this.

Could you please post an example to clarify?

Without that I will put forth a theory that may explain what you are

First for the not wired to connector pane terminals.

The will be set to their default state when the VI is loaded in to
memory. As long as the VI stays in memory the boolean will maintain
its state until changed by an user or set via code. I have seen people
uses controls as a type of memory. I do not.

Next, the boolean wired to the icon connector.
The control will take on the value assigned to it by the calling code
via the wire that is connected to it. If no wire is connected, LV will
set it to its default value in your behalf.

Does this help?

Otherwise post an example and we will investigate further.

Trying to help,


a href=;
Certified LabVIEW Developer /a

Re: USB-Serial

2004-03-12 Thread James Huang
1,It is not a NI USB-Serial Convertor.
2,Unplug USB-Serial Convertor Cause Computer dead.

Re: USB-Serial

2004-03-12 Thread Chris Rake
I suspect that you will probably get similar behavior if you
disconnect the USB-Serial from within any application (like hyperterm
with the port open).

You will probably have to contact the manufacturer of your USB-Serial
convertor for support if the computer hangs (not just application
hangs) as these issues are typically the result of a driver problem.

Slick way trim 2D array from end?

2004-03-12 Thread zilla
I would like to trim a large 2d array from the end. Is there an easy
way? Or do I have to break it down to a 1D, flip, trim, flip and


Why DB Tools Execute Query can't work correctly?

2004-03-12 Thread cnxht
I connect to a MS access database using Database Connectivity
Toolset(Version 1.0.1).But I can't select the certain data useing DB
Tools Execute Query.I have set condition statement to the SQL query
(for example:SELECT * FROM testdata WHERE date=2004-3-12),but i
received all the data of database. That is to say,the condition
statement doesn't work.What's wrong?

Urgent! Web browser ActiveX control size messed up.

2004-03-12 Thread inhaler
Please help.
The program was compiled in LV7. I use the web browser control to
display some html file. Initially I set the size to fit 1024x768
screen. But the customer use the size 800x600 to install the program.
after he reset the screen size to 1024x768, the web browser control
size is larger than supposed to be. The OS customer uses is Windows
98. IE5.5. My compile environment is LV7.0, OS WinXP, IE6.

I asked the customer to reinstall the program under 1024x768, but the
size of control is still larger. Please indicate what the problem
could be.

Thanks a lot!

Re: Why DB Tools Execute Query can't work correctly?

2004-03-12 Thread cnxht
when i use DB Tools Select Data node,the same problem visit me.I set
condition statement to the optional clause,I have received all the
data in the DB.

copy graph to word using EMF(WMF) format

2004-03-12 Thread ealek
Hi I am using Labview 7.0 and I want to copy a graph to buffer so I
can paste it to word/powerpoint in a vector graph format. Is there an
easy way to achieve this?

Re: Slick way trim 2D array from end?

2004-03-12 Thread Ben
Does it have to be Slicker than the

Array Subset



a href=;
Certified LabVIEW Developer /a

Re: How do I write data to a new file every 24 hours?

2004-03-12 Thread Dennis Knutson
One easy way is to base the file name on the current date. The Get
Date/Time String function output can be formatted how you want (i.e.
replace / with _) and then use the Build Path to create complete
path. If this iw wire to the file write function, You'll automatically
create a new file when the date changes.

Re: I cannot work on my vi and the investagate internal error...

2004-03-12 Thread shoneill
Try copying everything in one go into a new VI and saving this VI.

Often this fixes any random corruption the VI may have suffered.


Re: Different front panels within the same VI in LV

2004-03-12 Thread Victor_M
Thank you for your help.The link you send me help me a lot for do it.

Re: Different front panels within the same VI in LV

2004-03-12 Thread Victor_M
Hi Nirmal

Thanks a lot for answering, but finally I=B4ve achieved what I wanted.

Best regards

Re: How to read *.bin file

2004-03-12 Thread BeckyB
Hello -

This a
discusses importing data from LabVIEW to Matlab.  Good luck with your
project and have a great day!

Becky B.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments

Re: how to sum all bytes in array and remove carry/overflow ?

2004-03-12 Thread Robert Cole
If your array is an array of U8 type numerics, then all you have to do
is sum the elements. This will return a U8. No carries. Sounds like
what you're looking for.


Re: a doubt on stabilty of temperature measurement

2004-03-12 Thread wwert
The difference is about a few degree.
I am new for Labview, can you tell me how to caliberate the system.
And I am using T-type

Re: Error 6 File Open

2004-03-12 Thread tbob
Are you re-initializing the array in your vi every time it executes?
If not, the array will keep on growing.  When you open the file for
writing, what mode are you using, append or replace?  If append, the
file will continue growing, if replace the file will only hold the
latest data.  You have to match what you are doing with the array with
how you open the file.  It might be best to open the file for append
and write the latest data only, initializing your array at each loop
so that it holds only the latest data.

Re: Slick way trim 2D array from end?

2004-03-12 Thread zilla
Thanks that just what I needed.

Re: Why does one while loop stop after 3-4 weeks?

2004-03-12 Thread Richard Swent
I am using the Wait Until Next ms Multiple to time the loop, and the
loop stop condition is a Boolean constant. I remember hearing about
some problems with these ms counters a long time ago, but I thought
that they were fixed in recent versions. Does the Wait Until Next ms
Multiple function work properly when the timer wraps? I don't care if
the timing is a bit off, so long as it continues to function.


Re: Stereo Microphone Sound Cards

2004-03-12 Thread Robert M

Any of the sound cards that are compatible with Windows will work with
LabVIEW.  Some of the top brands are:  Aopen, Chaintech Inc., Creative
Labs, Gainward/Card Expert, Guillemot/ Hercules, M-Audio, Turtle
Beach/Voyetra, and Zalman Tech Co.  Any of the cards from these
companies with stereo microphone inputs should work for you.  The
particulars are up to you.

 If you are looking to do really high-end stuff with a lot of
flexibility, you could look into purchasing one of our a
href= boards/a.  Any one line
on these boards competes with the best of the sound cards, but
provides more lines and much more flexibility and functionality.

Hope this helps, and have a great day!

Robert M
Applications Engineer
National Instruments

how to use g++ to build shared libraries for labview in linux?

2004-03-12 Thread I have a similar problem
does anyone knows if it's possible to compile a shared library in
linux with g++ that could be recognized by labview?

Re: Boolian switches are not working

2004-03-12 Thread Dennis Knutson
I have not seen this behavior. Are you doing anything else with the
Booleans in the program like using local variables or property nodes
to set their values? If you are, you may have some sort of race
condition that is evident now that the VI was recompiled for version
7. If you could post a VI that demonstrates the problem, it would

Re: Freezing Tab Control/State Machine

2004-03-12 Thread Victrick
The event handling is divided amongst multiple loops for the sake of
encapsulating the related code - in the actual program, there are lots
of controls on each tab and lots of events to handle.  Lumping all the
events together in a single event structure makes the code less
readable then I would like.

The two tabs are supposed to behave like entirely separate dialogs -
because in my situation it's not desirable to have to load another VI.
(This tabbed dialog resides in the subpanel of a main frame.  I don't
want to programmatically load a different sub-panel, as these two tabs
are enough alike to warrant being grouped together).  Plus, each tab
has it's own intialization and shut-down sequence - just like a
top-level VI might have, which further complicates the one event
structure approach.

Thanks for trying to help me out, and I appreciate the code snippet,
but it wasn't quite the reply I was looking for.  Maybe I should have
more clearly stated my request.

Any ideas as to the cause of the freezing?  To my (perhaps untrained)
eyes, there seems to be no logic problems in my original diagram.
This is what I see - the inner loop terminates, and the tab control is
reset.  The front panel is locked until the event completes, and as
soon as the panel unlocks, the tabs should be switched so there is no
way that the button should register the double-click.

I was wondering if I could get some etails as to the true cause of the
freeze.  If anyone had some more information about tab controls, etc.,
it would be appreciated.

Re: how to use g++ to build shared libraries for labview in linux?

2004-03-12 Thread David Duffey
Hi JP,

Yes you can use g++ to build shared libraries that labview can use.
You'll want to give your C++ library a C interface.  This is really
common practice.  You can do this by simply declaring functions as
'extern C'.  Here is a link with more information:

I've personally worked on projects that do exactly what you want to

Re: Freezing Tab Control/State Machine

2004-03-12 Thread Dennis Knutson
I think the cause of the freeze is what's explained in the caveats to
using event structures in the on-line help. To quote:

National Instruments recommends that you place only one Event
structure in a loop. When an event occurs in this configuration, the
Event structure handles the event, the loop reiterates, and the Event
structure waits for the next event to occur. If you place two Event
structures in a single loop, the loop cannot reiterate until both
Event structures handle an event. If you have enabled front panel
locking for the Event structures, the user interface of the VI can
become unresponsive depending on how the user interacts with the front

There are other details in the help listing including a deadlock
condition caused by a double-click.

Re: Timing the while loop precisely

2004-03-12 Thread Dennis Knutson
The only way to get that kind of determinism is with LabVIEW Real
Time. You'll never get 1 ms with a Windows OS application.

Re: How do default values of indicators work?

2004-03-12 Thread Ben

If you create a local for that indicator and use that to wire to the
indicator, everything works as I would expect.

That just don't make sense!


Timing the while loop precisely

2004-03-12 Thread Shreesha
  I am working on communicating with a few devicenet devices using
  the I/O communication. In am using the Multiple I/O commuication vi
  for this purpose with a NI DNET PCI card. In this vi, there is a while
  loop running that gets and puts information into my various DNET
  devices. But, I have a problem. I need to time my while loops
  precisely, so that I know how often I am writing or reading from the
  devices. For example, I would like my while loop to execute every 1
  ms. How can I achieve this?
Can it be done with the normal Labview or do I need Labview
Real Time to do this.
Waiting for a reply.

Re: What is LabView load error code 34?

2004-03-12 Thread Craig H.
Jack Remiasz,

Let's see if we can get to the bottom of this. Which operating systems
are you running and which VIs are you using? Also if you could include
the text of the error message that would be helpful. Thanks!

Craig H.
National Instruments

Re: How do default values of indicators work?

2004-03-12 Thread Ben
I see your confusion!

Two suggestions;

1) Repost just the puzzle version as a new questions and ask if this
is a bug. I will watch for others to reply.

2) Report this as a bug to NI.

I suspect this is one of those Don't do that! bugs.

It appears the indicator is behaving as if it is a set for latch

Maybe someone else will spot something I am missing.

Please keep us updated if you hear something off-list.


LabVIEW 5.0 Application Builder User Manual

2004-03-12 Thread bubbles
Can I get the LabVIEW 5.0 Application Builder User Manual in .pdf

Re: DataSocket and two NICS?

2004-03-12 Thread Shea C
Hello nealpederson,

Thank you for your question regarding DataSocket. You mentioned that
you would like to communicate through two separate NICs using
DataSocket. This feature is not available in DataSocket. One possible
solution may be to run DataSocket server on the client computers and
send data to the desired target IP address on the computer with
multiple NICs. However, LabVIEW would most likely send data out on all
the cards that you have installed on the computer with multiple NICs.

Other resources can be found on the website by clicking the
support tab at the top of the home page. Then search from Technical
Resources at the top of the page for your topic. I hope these
resources help! Let me know if you need any other support with this

Shea C.
Applications Engineering

How do I call LabVIEW's ActiveX interface from .NET?

2004-03-12 Thread unDees
I'm trying to call a LabVIEW VI from C# using LabVIEW's ActiveX
interface.  I've successfully imported LabVIEW.tlb and can do a few
simple things like load a VI into memory and run it.

But things get more complicated when I need to use a cluster output
from one VI as the input to another.  The return value of
GetControlValue is, unfortunately, a System.Object refnum.  This is
useless for passing into LabVIEW: it's just a pointer.

How to I get C# to pass the System.Object refnum in as a Variant
containing the actual cluster data instead of a Variant containing a
32-bit pointer?  I'd even settle for flattening the C# object to some
kind of string, but the ToString() method is useless: it returns
System.Object[] instead of an actual representation of the data.

Re: how do I use display a measurement from a load cell (attached to my serial port) in a front panel

2004-03-12 Thread Dennis Knutson
First you'll have to convert the string received from each serial port
read into numbers. Use a Scan From String function on each serial port
data to do this. To plot in real-time, the simplest thing to use is a
chart. Bundle together the two numbers output from the Scan From
string and wire the bundle to the chart.

Re: Control the LPT voltage

2004-03-12 Thread Craig H.
Reiss Rotem,

LPT port voltage is between +2.4v to +5.0v for a TTL high and between
+0v and +0.8v for a TTL low. Hope that helps!

Craig H.
National Instruments

Re: a doubt on stabilty of temperature measurement

2004-03-12 Thread Conseils
To CALIBRATE you must use a reference which is traceable to a national

I suspect what you want to do is check.

Warning the following involves water which could be near electricity -
take EXTREME CARE! There is also hot water and electricity - very
dangerous if care is not exercised.

  1) Get some ice
  2) Smash it up
  3) Mix in a flask 50% water 50% ice
  4) Leave for 10 minutes
  This is 0=B0C (Zero)

  1) Boil a pan of water
  2) Keep it boiling for 5 minutes
  This is 100=B0C (Don't put your sensor in the bottom of the pan, near
the top third)

The above are quite precise, if your not at some very high elevation.
One can compensate for elavation if required.

How to close TCP port in LV 4.1?

2004-03-12 Thread ksem
I've used the TCP Listen VI and the combination of TCP Create
Listener  TCP Wait on Listener to accept a socket connection.
That works fine, but I do not want the app to listen for any more
requests once it has a connection.  I would expect TCP Listen to
close the listener once it has a connection, but it does not.  When
using the Create/Wait Listener VIs I call Close Connection on the
Listener and even though I do not get an error, the port is still
being listened to.
What could be going wrong?

I get internal error 2349!

2004-03-12 Thread cnxht
During the installation of the Driver CD, I get internal error 2349
during installation of NI-SWITCH 2.0.0. What is wrong and how do I fix
this problem?

Re: how to use g++ to build shared libraries for labview in linux?

2004-03-12 Thread I have a similar problem
thks I will use your sugestion.

Re: run ssh command in labview

2004-03-12 Thread David Duffey
Hey JP,

Does your problem stem from the fact that you have no way to enter
your password?

If so, you could setup a public/private key and use the
authorized_keys file so that ssh never prompts for a password.
Everything should work after that.

You could also use an agent so that you only have to enter your
password once (before you execute labview).

You could also use a graphical X/gnome agent that will ask for the
password instead of trying to read from standard input.

If these ideas won't work for you, just reply and I'll try to find a
more suitable solution.


Re: a doubt on stabilty of temperature measurement

2004-03-12 Thread wwert
I have do something like this. However, I did not get a good result.
For example, I keep the CJC constant to be the room temperature. then
I put the thermocouple into ice watter system. It did not show zero.
Should I change the constant? Or Change it to be 'bulit in', or
anything else?

Re: a doubt on stabilty of temperature measurement

2004-03-12 Thread wwert
I forgot one thing, When the thermocpuple in the ice water system, the
reading decreaced after a few second. Do you know the reason.

Generating a pulse train

2004-03-12 Thread sami
Hi all,

I'm using PCI 1200 and i'm trying to generate a 2kHz signal from
the output pin of counter 1 (pin 43). What i did is just placing 
a Pulse Train icon on the diagram window and connected the 
device # and the freq. I entered 1 for the counter #. When I ran the
vi i got the following message:

  Error 10403 error occured at CTR Group Config.
   The specified device does not support the requested

I tried using the Generate Pulse train (DAQ-stc).vi and i got a similar
error. I don't think this vi works for PCI1200. I foud another one
 Generate Pulse train (8253).vi, I placed a while loop around the case
structure and it ran without errors but i couldn't
measure any freq signal from the output pin using my scope. I can pick up
a voltage from the output but it's constant.

Any help is appreciated.

Re: a doubt on stabilty of temperature measurement

2004-03-12 Thread Randall T
Both of the modules you mentioned have built in cjc sensors. You
mentioned the 1303 terminal block then later called it a 1300.  The
1303 should have a more accurate cjc reference than the 1300. I have
not used the 1112 but since it is designed specifically for
Thermocouple measurements they should have a decent cjc sensor
network.  I will mention that the miniconnector plugs should be the
right type for the T type you are using but I imagine you have done

In the scan mode your 1102 module will continue to scan the cjc so
changes in ambient temperature at the chassis should be compensated
for.  Since the 1112 are newer module they should do the same. Some of
the older isolated modules only picked up the cjc reference at on the
initialization of the scan.  I have used the 1102 modules with the
1303 terminal blocks for several years. The accuracy of this
combination usually keeps me within a couple deg F. when I check the

If you are using the 1303 terminal block make sure you have the right
resistor network for your application. Check your documentation for if
you have the 10 ohm bias resistor in and your tc is grounded you will
see a significant error.

There are ways of using an external CJC to improve your accuracy if
needed. These methods will increase the cost of your system, as they
will require additional hardware.

Re: How do default values of indicators work?

2004-03-12 Thread Ben
It is as if the default value is being applied AFTER the VI runs.


Re: How do default values of indicators work?

2004-03-12 Thread Ben
BUt then again,

why would the default be applied?

Still puzzled,


Re: How do default values of indicators work?

2004-03-12 Thread Dr. Imad
An indicator that is connected to a terminal (if not updated) will
pass its default value.
But why you have to run the vi twice to make the indicator restore to
its default value, that I do not know
This is also an issue in version 6.02 that I have seen before (but
never been woried about)
If I am to use an indicator that is connected to a terminal, I usually
update it (may be wire a constant to it)

New Control Labels are bolded

2004-03-12 Thread RobertVR
I place a new control on a front panel and the label is bolded. It
just started doing this so what did I do to cause this?

I have worked in Labview for years currently using Labview 7.0.

Re: New Control Labels are bolded

2004-03-12 Thread Dr. Imad
some fonts are set depending on how they are in windows settings
(assuming Windows OS).. Check on these settings
Also, in Labview menu, select
Options and then make sure the fonts are not set to bold.  You may
have pressed some keyboard key that automated that

Re: How do default values of indicators work?

2004-03-12 Thread Dr. Imad
It has been like that since the days of LabView version 3.1 (when I
started using LabView.
This is also true for controls.

I have this note hanging on my cubicle since late 1996
The controls that are not connected use their default values
The outputs (indicators) that are not connected use their default
Controls and indicators (that are not connected to terminals  of the
vi)and their local variables use the updated values in each

I must have been puzzled then, and apparently someone at NI helped me
(I assume so).

But this is the behavior that has been all along, and if it changes in
future versions, I may have to reexamine some vi's

Re: copy graph to word using EMF(WMF) format

2004-03-12 Thread JoeLabView
Here is a link to past answers on this topic.

Look at the bottom of all the answers... But the short answer is no
simple method

Re: copy graph to word using EMF(WMF) format

2004-03-12 Thread JoeLabView


Re: Control the LPT voltage

2004-03-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I'm feeling very stupid because I've alreasy forgot what is TTL.. :-/
I looked in my book of the basic course I and I didn't find nothing
about it but I read the part on the LPT connection.. All I remember is
that TTL realated to a squre signal or something like that.. please
remind my.. :-( But from what I understand from you I need to use high
TTL and I can adjust it to send 1.7v to the pin that I need?? (1.7v
because this is the LEDs voltage.)

Thank you,
Reiss Rotem

Re: copy graph to word using EMF(WMF) format

2004-03-12 Thread ealek
Hi Joel,

Thanks. That is what i gathered also for making emf files (NI should
really add this to their write to file menu btw), but I just want to
copy my graph to the windows clipboard so then I can paste it to
word/powerpoint as emf/wmf/jpg/etc. I know I can do
it manually (using ctrl-c) when I am in edit mode of labview window,
and I ve seen people doing this copy to clipboard programmicaly using
A) keyboard simulation and B) WINAPI library calls. However, I could
not do for graphs:
A) -- could not find how to select a graph for copying,
the keyfocus property alone did not select the graph.
B) -- don't know what/how to call copy_graphics_to_clipboard
function of kernel32

May be soneone can help me out with these?



Need help on labview

2004-03-12 Thread kidkib
I have 6.0 labview with NI-6023E and CB-68LP. My goal is to run some
samples of prtein solutions using a light scattering. However, I don't
a clue how to program to capture the a plot of intensity vs. time of
the solution using a laser diode and a detector. So, if there is an
easy way to do it that I can follow,let me know.

Re: Stereo Microphone Sound Cards

2004-03-12 Thread Les Hammer
OK, Thanks.  If anyone listening has one of these cards and likes it
or hates it, please let me know.

Thanks again.


Re: MSVCRT.dll

2004-03-12 Thread tbob
I believe that MSVCRT stands for MicroSoft Visual C Run Time.  So this
must be the run time library for Visual C programs.  There is MSVCRT
and a MSVCRTD library file in Program Files\Microsoft Visual
Studio\VC98\Lib.  The DLLs should be in the Windows\System32 folder (I
use XP).  I have Visual Studio installed on my system, however I
believe that the Windows operating system contains these DLLs even
without having Visual Studio installed.  Maybe you search Microsoft
website and find them.  If you do, put them in the System32 folder.

Re: Who can I build music equalizer in LabView?

2004-03-12 Thread Conseils
Check out this link

It does pretty much what you want in principle.

For absolute db levels check out

Re: How can we change the name of dynamic events selector label in Event Structure

2004-03-12 Thread Jeremy Braden
I have used dynamic events a bunch and I do not thing there is a
better way to do this.  Your VI is an excellent example!!

Re: a doubt on stabilty of temperature measurement

2004-03-12 Thread wwert
I am new for Labview. So I didn't use the miniconnector. You mean the
module can update the
CJC temperature, it cause the decrease in reading from thermocoupes,
Also I have not use resistor and my tcs were not grounded. So I can
use the resistor, right? and how?

Re: I want the UV-meter instead of analog meter, where can I load this ?

2004-03-12 Thread Conseils
I looked at your code !!

Anyway, I think your problem is the approach that you are using. You
have constructed logic out of CASE statements and used Property Nodes
to read values not yet set.

You need to use the basic native logic functions built into Labview.

Here are two example custom controls: -

Re: Having problems with Labview 7.0 after installing Windows XP Pro

2004-03-12 Thread BeckyB
Hello -

Have you performed all Windows XP updates?  This may help.

Did you completely uninstall LabVIEW before reinstalling it?  Make
sure the registry values were wiped clean and then try a fresh

post discusses how to clean the registry of LabVIEW components.
Please use the MSIBlast Utility as a last resort.

If none of these suggestions work, please post a screen shot of the
error and I will further investigate the matter.  Have a great day!

Becky B.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments

Re: New Control Labels are bolded

2004-03-12 Thread RobertVR
Already checked Options/Fonts and they are still default in Labview.
Using Windows 2000 where would you think to could look? The label font
is the standard Labview application font but is bold,

Re: OLE Objects and Database Connectivity Toolkit

2004-03-12 Thread BeckyB
Hello -

Have you tried any of the shipping examples for the database
connectivity tookit?  You can find them by navigating Help  Find
Examples  Toolsets and Modules  Database Connectivity.  The Insert may help you get started.  Click a
to access database examples posted on the Developer Zone.

Please let me know if any of these examples helped.  If not, can you
provide more information about the version of LabVIEW and Access you
are using?  Thanks!  Have a great day!

Becky B.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments

Re: copy graph to word using EMF(WMF) format

2004-03-12 Thread zou
A) -- could not find how to select a graph for copying,
the keyfocus property alone did not select the graph.

You can't select an object, and copy it at run time.
Only works when the VI is in edit mode.

With keyboard simulation, you can copy the whole front
panel to clipboard.

B) -- don't know what/how to call
copy_graphics_to_clipboard function of kernel32

There is no single function can do this.

I created VIs to capture part of the screen, and place
it on clipboard.  My VIs can also place the image data
return from Get Image method to clipboard.  Demo of
my VI can be found at:

George Zou

Re: I want the UV-meter instead of analog meter, where can I load this ?

2004-03-12 Thread Dennis Knutson
Wow. That's pretty complex. Have you seen this A

Re: How to set the correct time scale of VI ?

2004-03-12 Thread Greg McKaskle
 The x-scale is always 01/01/1904 even after I selected the 'absolute
 time' option from waveform chart properties. If I add 2004 as offset
 of x-scale as suggested by the previous post, the waveform of the
 signal cannot be displayed, the system think it is still running in
 1904.Could you give me some further help?

Your description doesn't give enough information to pinpoint the 
problem, so I'll list off a few things that could be going on.

The graphs and charts accept many datatypes.  If you are using the 
waveform, display it on a regular waveform indicator and see what the 
timestamp and deltaT are.  If these are correct, then the graph should 
be able to display things with no further changes except that you may 
need to turn on X Scale Autoscaling so that it will zoom and shift to 
show the plotted data.  Charts will shift, but by default will not zoom 
in, and it might make sense there sometimes too depending on the delta T 
and amount of data plotted.

If the timestamp on the waveform is incorrect, then it is much easier to 
construct the properly marked waveform than make the graph add to it to 
label the waveform's time differently.

If you are not using the waveform, then you may be using a cluster of 
X0, dX, and Y array wired to the graph.  This is very similar to the 
waveform, and again, it is better to add offsets to get the X0 to 
display correctly on a numeric.  You can extract this number or display 
the cluster in an indicator, then format the numeric to display absolute 

If you are simply wiring the Y array, then LV will construct the X 
values based upon the number of points beginning at 0 and incrementing 
by one by default.  When displayed as absolute time, this will default 
to midnight Jan 1 2004 plus an offset based upon your timezone.  In this 
case, since there is no X information being piped into the graph, it is 
better corrected by going to the graph properties for the X Scale and 
setting the X Offset to the seconds between now and 1904.  This is a 
constant you can compute when your program starts up or you can use a 
calculator, whichever is easier.  You will also likely want to set the X 
Multiplier to the deltaT between successive points.  0.001 for 1KHz, 1 
for 1Hz, etc.

Finally, if these suggestions don't make sense or don't help, you might 
want to explain more about what doesn't work.

Greg McKaskle

Re: MSVCRT.dll

2004-03-12 Thread Enrique

To the best of my knowledge, the D in MSVCRTD stand for Debug.
When you compile an application in Microsoft VC++, it first uses
debug dll files that facilitates debugging your application. Debug
dll are bigger than regular dlls. Once you finish your application and
you know it work as expected, you need to re-compile it as a release

As stated by tbob, that file is part of Microsoft's VC++. Probably you
can just copy the dll from a computer with VC++, however if it depends
on other D dlls, you may run into all sort of troubles. My
suggestion will be to recompile the external dll as the release
version (to do that in VC++, make sure you have the Build toolbar
open. Change Active configuration from Win32 Debug to Win32
Release and recompile.)

Enrique Vargas

Re: using a microphone to measure speed

2004-03-12 Thread explorer
How to setup the microphone in order to measure sound.

Re: How do default values of indicators work?

2004-03-12 Thread Greg McKaskle
Before I go into the details, here is the basic rules to remember. 
Everything that comes into memory is given its default value.  So we can 
take that one off the table.

Objects not connected to the connector pane probably behave as you 
expect.  The have the value written to it via local, terminal, or value 
property.  The primary exception is the latched button, which will reset 
to default when read via the terminal.

Objects connected to the VI connector pane take on a few new behaviors 
in order to make function calls more predictable.  If not passed in, an 
input parameter will use its default.  If this weren't the case, it 
could take on the value of the last call.  This could be made useful, 
but would be annoying most of the time and would require wiring most 
inputs in order to have consistent execution.

Output objects wired to the connector will normally update the value 
written to them during the diagram execution.  But what happens when the 
terminal is inside of a case and never written to.  Should it return the 
value in the control, which would be the last value written to it? 
Again, this would be useful sometimes, but othertimes it would be 
annoying.  These are typically called conditional indicators.

 in a vi with only a boolean indicator, indicator NOT connected to
 connector pane:
 indicator comes in at default when loaded.
 indicator is NOT set to default when vi is run
 in a vi with only a boolean indicator, indicator IS connected to
 connector pane:
 indicator comes in at default when loaded.
 indicator IS set to default every time vi is run

This is because this is presumably an unconnected or conditional indicator.

 in a vi with only a boolean indicator, indicator connected to a read
 local of itself:
 it comes in at default when loaded.
 it does NOT set to default when vi is run

This isn't a conditional indicator since it is written to.  It will 
return the last value put into the Boolean.

 in a vi with two boolean indicators, 1st is connected to connector
 pane, a read local of the 1st is connected to the 2nd:
 both come in at default when loaded.
 manually change state of 1st (but not default value)
 neither indicator is set to default during first run
 the 1st is set to default on the second run
 What is going on here?

To simplify things a bit, delete the second Boolean and wire the value 
of the first to an empty sequence or another node.  You see the same 
behavior, but it is simpler because the second Boolean has nothing to do 
with it.

This is an odd case in part because the value of an indicator is being 
set interactively.  This cannot happen at runtime except to set it to 
its default value.  What is happening is that the first time the VI is 
run, it seems that the Boolean was changed since its last run -- the 
change is interactive, but it is a change none-the-less.  So the first 
run, the Boolean isn't reset since it appears like it was changed.  For 
the second run, nothing happened to the Boolean, so it is rerun.  If you 
are to run the VI once, then toggle the button twice, then rerun, it 
will not toggle since again, it seems that the value was changed between 

So, is this a bug?  It is consistent with the conditional indicator, but 
it is fooled a bit by the fact that the user is modifying indicators, 
something that doesn't normally happen.

I hope this sheds a bit of light on your riddle.  Was there any more to 
your question?  Do you have a VI with indicators being read and operated 
in edit mode?  This isn't likely to change, but I'm curious about an 
application that is heavily affected by this behavior.

Greg McKaskle

Re: Problems with ActiveX Callbacks in LabVIEW 7

2004-03-12 Thread Greg McKaskle
 In a nutshell, when a lot of events fire in rapid succession, the
 user-interface locks up.

I can't really replicate your problem since I'm responding to these on a 
Mac.  But the event structure has a Boolean checkbox for Locking the UI 
during the processing.  This makes sense for UI events, and may 
sometimes make sense for User Events.  Look for a way to turn off the UI 
locking during the processing of the events.  Of course this may also be 
caused by the ActiveX control needing to run in the UI thread, and it 
may be difficult to tell the difference except to experiment with them.

Because the diagram still responds, I expect it to be the locking.
As for the handles, most LV allocations aren't tracked in the 
performance monitor.  Since the handles are cleared up when the VI goes 
idle, I suspect that it is the cleanup/garbage collection of LV that is 
closing ActiveX references that are being opened and never closed.  You 
might look around in the reentrant VI or other code in your app for 
ActiveX references that may need to be closed explicitly on your 
diagrams.  If the handles didn't return at idle, it might be more 
indicative of a bug in LV.

 Anyone seen anything like this?
 Anyone (NI guys) have any ideas?
 Follow up question (NI guys): when will the support for the old
 ActiveX event stuff dry up?

I'd say the dry-up date has something to do with when you and other 
users find that the new stuff totally eclipses it.

Greg McKaskle

Re: How do default values of indicators work?

2004-03-12 Thread Ben
I think that last part of :Fooling... is what I was missing.


Re: to capture INTENSITY VS. TIME

2004-03-12 Thread Nirmal Sharma

NI-6023E module has total of 8 differential or 16 single ended voltage
channels. Each channel can capture voltage values between -10 to +10
Votls. So for capturing the light signals, you have to convert these
signals in the compatible voltage range suitable to above DAQ card.
After you connect all the field signals to CB-68LP, Run examples
program which takes the voltage signals. You might need to scale your
voltage signals into the light signals by multiplying by scaling
factor. Then u can represent them in Intensity vs time stamping on a
graph by programming in Labview.

Hope it helps. Your feedbacks are welcome.

Best Regards,
Nirmal Sharma