Re: problem with color

2004-04-18 Thread Thandal
Hi thanks for your ans.
I had use  color to RGB vi, and find it's RGB component
I am more interested in starting with a color and move it towards
black or white
I was unable to do it.
can  you tell how to achieve it, Can I use color ramp for this
If yes then how to use it.
if possible send example vi
Please help.

How to apply 1/3 octave bandpass filter of about 10Khz on a signal

2004-04-18 Thread Pavitra
I would like to know if octave filtering is possible in Labview.

problem with NI- TIO Examples

2004-04-18 Thread michenaud

mat=E9riel utilis=E9:
lab view 7 et driver nidaq et carte pci-6602

je dois simul=E9 8 signaux de facon synchrone  c est =E0 dire =E0 partir de
to,et qui sont non periodique.

j'ai donc utilis=E9 pour r=E9aliser une partie du probleme, le code
librairie Multiple Pulse-Train Generation with Phase Shifts
(NI-TIO)(qui me permettra de simuler 4 signaux)

qu est ce que c est ?
est ce un driver ?
est ce compatible avec la PCI 6602 et NI DAQ?

je n arrive pas a synchronis=E9 via une gate (je rentre un signal
exterieur sur la gate du compteur 0 tout en validant les autres
criteres n=B0device , freq utilis=E9e, duty cycle ).

Cependant  j arrive =E0 obtenir un signal qui est periodique en mettant
le start trigger en mode disable.
Or il faudrai que  le mode soit enable pour la synchro  mais cela ne
fonctionne pas.

j espere avoir clarifi=E9 ma question.


Re: Passing parameters to VIs

2004-04-18 Thread shoneill
If I'm not mistaken, all data operations done on references must be
done in the UI thread.  Depending on what thread the sub-vi is
normally running in, this can have severe performance issues.

Have a look a
for more information.


Re: NI-IMAQ 1394 image display

2004-04-18 Thread VanessaB

I didn't manage to find where to download the driver on this website (
I subscribe to the technical support but the driver is not there ).
Could you give me the complete URL ?
thank you very much !

How to apply 1/3 octave bandpass filter of about 10Khz on a signal

2004-04-18 Thread Pavitra
I am unable to retrieve the time signal after doing the 1/3 octave

pci-6602 :comment fonctionne le vi counter start trigger et a quoi sert_il?

2004-04-18 Thread michenaud
j utilise l exemple multiple pulse train with phase
et je veux synchronis=E9 mais signaux via une gate exterieur (que je
connecte sur la gate du compteur 0)
j'obtiens bien un signal mais non synchronis=E9


Re: CIN memory problem

2004-04-18 Thread Pier Giuseppe
You are 100% right!
Thank you,


2004-04-18 Thread IMMA
Please, can you send another time your vi? I can't charge it with my
labview, my computer said: there was an error. Perphaps the problem is
that my labview is 5.1 version.
Thanks a lot.


2004-04-18 Thread IMMA
Please, can you send another time your vi? I can't charge it with my
labview, my computer said: there was an error.
Thanks a lot.

Re: how to exchange data between two labview programs running on independent machines?

2004-04-18 Thread jhoskins
One of the easiest ways would be to use the VI server. There are many
examples on how to do this that come with labview.(7.0) Do a search on
server and you will find many ways.


filter data

2004-04-18 Thread marymc
I need to filter some data, its basically ratio values verses time for
a temperature sensor. I'm already using an averaging filter but the
overall response of the sensor changes. This is shown when you run the
attached VI and select the text file. One graph shows prefiltered data
while the second shows filtered data. Can you suggest a filter that
would filter the data without changing its response, any help at all
would be greatly appreciated,
Best regards,

Re: How do I get the tools palette to be visible in labview 7? It is not listed under windows

2004-04-18 Thread Ed Dickens
I'd turn this option off as the others pointed out. It is annoying.

You can also get the Tools palette by holding the 'Shift' key down
while right-clicking. This works on both front panel and block
diagram. This is nice to know if you use the auto tool as it's a quick
way to get to the tool palette.

Re: how to implement only if statement using case structure

2004-04-18 Thread Mudda
Thanks buddy, It just worked the way I want.

Re: filter data

2004-04-18 Thread jhoskins
Please repost your VI. Second any of the filter Vi's should work.

How do I get the tools palette to be visible in labview 7? It is not listed under windows

2004-04-18 Thread mda711
The winow dropdown list does not even list show tools pallete.  The
auto tool is driving me crazy

Probleme sur ecriture disque,

2004-04-18 Thread Phb
une application labview qui ecrit des donn=E9e ( toutes les 50ms) dans
des fichier texte ( format texte tabul=E8) ... le nom du fichier
changeant environ toutes les minutes , provoque une erreur ( apr=E9s un
temps d'execution ind=E9termin=E9...) :
Ecriture d=E9cal=E9 =E0 echouer : Windows n'as pu sauvegarder toutes les
donn=E9es dans le fichier \Device1\HarddiskVolume1\Donnee\Fichier1.tsv
..cette erreur peu =EAtre du =E0 une panne mat=E9riel ou r=E9seau...
dans  le gestionnaire d'=E9venement l'on trouve
Type de l'=E9v=E9nement=A0:=09Avertissement
Source de l'=E9v=E9nement=A0:=09Disk
Cat=E9gorie de l'=E9v=E9nement=A0:=09Aucun
ID de l'=E9v=E9nement=A0:=0951
Une erreur a =E9t=E9 d=E9tect=E9e sur le p=E9riph=E9rique \Device\Harddisk0=
\DR0 au
cours d'une op=E9ration de pagination.
: 04 00 22 00 01 00 72 00   .r.
0008: 00 00 00 00 33 00 04 80   3..?
0010: 2d 01 00 00 15 00 00 c0   -..=C0
0018: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   
0020: 00 aa 36 56 04 00 00 00   .=AA6V
0028: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   
0030: 00 00 00 00 2a 00 00 00   *...
0038: 02 84 00 00 00 21 05 00   .?...!..
0040: 2a 00 02 2b 1b 55 00 00   *..+.U..
0048: 11 00 ..

Puis :

Type de l'=E9v=E9nement=A0:=09Avertissement
Source de l'=E9v=E9nement=A0:=09Ftdisk
Cat=E9gorie de l'=E9v=E9nement=A0:=09Aucun
ID de l'=E9v=E9nement=A0:=0950
{Perte de donn=E9es en =E9criture retard=E9e} Le syst=E8me a essay=E9 de
transf=E9rer des donn=E9es du fichier depuis les tampons vers
\Device\HarddiskVolume1. L'=E9criture a =E9chou=E9, il se peut que seulemen=
quelques donn=E9es aient =E9t=E9 =E9crites dans le fichier.
: 00 00 04 00 02 00 56 00   ..V.
0008: 00 00 00 00 32 00 04 80   2..?
0010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   
0018: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   
0020: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   
0028: 15 00 00 c0   ...=C0

ensuite :
Type de l'=E9v=E9nement=A0:=09Informations
Source de l'=E9v=E9nement=A0:=09Application Popup
Cat=E9gorie de l'=E9v=E9nement=A0:=09Aucun
ID de l'=E9v=E9nement=A0:=0926
Application popup=A0: Windows - L'=E9criture d=E9cal=E9e a =E9chou=E9=A0: W=
n'a pas pu sauvegarder toutes les donn=E9es pour le fichier
\Device\HarddiskVolume1\AppLW\Donnee\Cycles\8464.tsv. Les donn=E9es
ont =E9t=E9 perdues. Cette erreur peut =EAtre due =E0 une panne de votre
mat=E9riel ou de votre connexion r=E9seau. Essayez de sauvegarder ce
fichier =E0 un autre emplacement.

Ensuite les 2 evenements suivants se r=E9p=E9te

Type de l'=E9v=E9nement=A0:=09Avertissement
Source de l'=E9v=E9nement=A0:=09Disk
Cat=E9gorie de l'=E9v=E9nement=A0:=09Aucun
ID de l'=E9v=E9nement=A0:=0951
Une erreur a =E9t=E9 d=E9tect=E9e sur le p=E9riph=E9rique \Device\Harddisk0=
\DR0 au
cours d'une op=E9ration de pagination.
Type de l'=E9v=E9nement=A0:=09Avertissement
Source de l'=E9v=E9nement=A0:=09Ftdisk
Cat=E9gorie de l'=E9v=E9nement=A0:=09Aucun
ID de l'=E9v=E9nement=A0:=0950
{Perte de donn=E9es en =E9criture retard=E9e} Le syst=E8me a essay=E9 de
transf=E9rer des donn=E9es du fichier depuis les tampons vers
\Device\HarddiskVolume1. L'=E9criture a =E9chou=E9, il se peut que seulemen=
quelques donn=E9es aient =E9t=E9 =E9crites dans le fichier.

=E0 la suite de ce probl=E9me le PX : PXI-8175 sous Windows 2000 pro ,
avais des probl=E9mes pour ecrire sur disque dur ... un red=E9marrage et
un scandisck =E0 remis les choses en place 
auriez vous une id=E9e sur l'origine et la cause du probl=E9me ...
merci d'avance

Re: While installing LabVIEW 7 Express on MS2000, I get Fatal Error Unhandled MSI Error

2004-04-18 Thread dan bookwalter
i had the same problem and i 'think' i neede to get the latest

good luck

Feature request and how-to info for EXE icons

2004-04-18 Thread m3nth
I would like to request for future versions of LabVIEW, support for
higher resolution, and higher color resolution, icons imported into
the compiled application.

Currently it is possible to use an icon editor to create an icon with
several images of different size and color resolution that can be
imported as an independent icon in the VI application building
process, by selecting the Application Settings tab and loading a
custom icon.  Currently however the LabVIEW application builder will
only import 4 of the images into the executable.  These are:

32x32, 16 color  black/white
16x16, 16 color  black/white

Windows however (newer versions anyway) will support higher resolution
48x48 true color icons, which definitely have a more realistic
appearance, especially when using shrunken pictures as part or all of
the icon.

As a workaround, using a resource editor these higher resolution icons
may be 'hacked' into the compiled executable, but cannot be imported
during the build process using a pre-constructed icon (*.ico) file.
This is great if you're into doing things manually just to get the job
done, but it requires time and effort for each build, and also makes
it an out-of-the-question option when building applications from
controlled source code.  For those reasons, I would like to request
this be changed in future versions of the application builder.

For those interested in icon modification, here are some freeware
utilities to try:

google: IconEdit32 -- -- Icon editor capable of saving
multiple icon variations to a file... easy to use for changing the
icons of a LabVIEW app that is going to be compiled.

google: peresourceexplorer -- PE Resource Explorer -- Utility to
'hack' into an executable and modify icons so they are higher
resolution and higher color resolution than LabVIEW will allow by

google: Irfanview -- Highly functional image browsing program --
good in this particular case for resizing jpgs down to icon size so
they can be cut and pasted into an icon editor.


2004-04-18 Thread Dennis Knutson
Have you tried the Read From Spreadsheet File function (File I/O
palette)? Use a , as the delimter and it should work just fine for
your file. If it doesn't, could you post the text file you're trying
to read?

Re: Can i make the communication of Raynger MX4/MX6 ?

2004-04-18 Thread Dennis Knutson
It should be fairly easy to do. Start with the shipping examples for
serial comm (i.e. LabVIEW - Serial). Both the writes and reads are
terminated with CR/LF so for the VISA Configure Serial Port, you need
to specify xDA for the termination character and inside that function,
add the Serial End Mode for Writes to the VISA Instr property node and
use TermChar as a value.

Looking at drwatson logfile, can you tell me why my app crashed?

2004-04-18 Thread RudyRed
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

I recently updated one of our PC test systems to SP4 (WIN2kPro).  It
has AMD cpu  1 GHz, 256 MB RAM.  It ran a test for the past 13 days
then my LabVIEW app crashed this morning.  The drwatson logfile pins
the rap on my LV app.  I wonder if it had something to do with the
recent update of the OS (just before starting the test).  The event
log shows there was not a reboot, and the drwatson log shows the same
time as the last entry in the data file the test was producing.  Does
anyone at National Instruments know how to use the drwatson log file
to discover the direct cause of the crash?
Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=drwtsn32.log
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=drwtsn32.log
Content-Description: DrWatsonLogFile

Microsoft (R) Windows 2000 (TM) Version 5.00 DrWtsn32
Copyright (C) 1985-1999 Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.

Application exception occurred:
App: svchost.exe (pid=416)
When: 3/22/2004 @ 10:59:11.193
Exception number: c005 (access violation)

* System Information *
Computer Name: SS100-DUR4
User Name: SYSTEM
Number of Processors: 1
Processor Type: x86 Family 6 Model 4 Stepping 2
Windows 2000 Version: 5.0
Current Build: 2195
Service Pack: 2
Current Type: Uniprocessor Free
Registered Organization: 
Registered Owner: Delphi

* Task List *
   0 Idle.exe
   8 System.exe
 168 smss.exe
 192 csrss.exe
 188 winlogon.exe
 240 services.exe
 252 lsass.exe
 416 svchost.exe
 444 spoolsv.exe
 476 svchost.exe
 504 mgabg.exe
 592 regsvc.exe
 608 MSTask.exe
 732 Explorer.exe
 808 PDesk.exe
 816 CreateCD50.exe
 844 DirectCD.exe
 780 PLXTASK.exe
 648 drwtsn32.exe
   0 _Total.exe

(0100 - 01005000) 
(77F8 - 77FFB000) 
(77DB - 77E0B000) 
(77E8 - 77F35000) 
(77D4 - 77DB) 
(77A5 - 77B46000) 
(77F4 - 77F7C000) 
(77E1 - 77E74000) 
(7619 - 761CD000) 
(7800 - 78046000) 
(77C1 - 77C6D000) 
(7503 - 75043000) 
(7502 - 75028000) 
(77BE - 77BEF000) 
(74FF - 75002000) 
(7798 - 779A4000) 
(7505 - 75058000) 
(74FD - 74FEF000) 
(7501 - 75017000) 
(785C - 785CC000) 
(7734 - 77353000) 
(7752 - 77525000) 
(7732 - 77337000) 
(7515 - 7516) 
(7517 - 751BF000) 
(751C - 751C6000) 
(7795 - 77979000) 
(779B - 77A4B000) 
(773B - 773DE000) 
(7738 - 773A2000) 
(7783 - 7783E000) 
(7788 - 7790D000) 
(774E - 77512000) 
(774C - 774D1000) 
(7753 - 77552000) 
(77B5 - 77BD9000) 
(77C7 - 77CBA000) 
(7736 - 77379000) 
(775A - 77625000) 
(777E - 777E8000) 
(777F - 777F5000) 
(754B - 754B5000) 
(782D - 782EE000) 

State Dump for Thread Id 0x19c

eax=0025 ebx= ecx=0024 edx= esi= edi=0048
eip=77f82861 esp=0006fc38 ebp=0006fca8 iopl=0 nv up ei pl zr na po nc
cs=001b  ss=0023  ds=0023  es=0023  fs=0038  gs= efl=0246

function: NtReadFile
77f82856 b8a100   mov eax,0xa1
77f8285b 8d542404 lea edx,[esp+0x4]  ss:00aed20b=
77f8285f cd2e int 2e
77f82861 c22400   ret 0x24

* Stack Back Trace *

FramePtr ReturnAd Param#1  Param#2  Param#3  Param#4  Function Name
0006FCA8 77DC9385 0048 0006FD80 0216 0006FCD0 ntdll!NtReadFile 
0006FCD4 77DC9225 0048 0006FD80 0216 0006FD0C 
0006FD50 77DC8F76 0048 0006FD80 0216 00074738 
0006FFB0 0100113D 00074738 006C0061 0044 77E97D08 
0006FFF0  010010B8  00C8 0100 svchost!nosymbols 

* Raw Stack Dump *
0006fc38  b6 73 e8 77 48 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  .s.wH...
0006fc48  00 00 00 00 80 fc 06 00 - 80 fd 06 00 16 02 00 00  
0006fc58  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 0c fd 06 00 2b 73 e8 77  +s.w
0006fc68  80 fd 06 00 00 00 00 00 - 01 00 00 00 c0 55 07 00  .U..
0006fc78  94 fd 06 00 00 00 00 00 - 70 00 00 00 50 47 07 00  p...PG..
0006fc88  a0 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 60 fc 06 00 40 fd 06 00  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
0006fc98  40 fd 06 00 5b 61 e8 77 - e8 73 e8 77 ff ff ff ff  @...[a.w.s.w
0006fca8  d4 fc 06 00 85 93 dc 77 - 48 00 00 00 80 fd 06 00  ...wH...
0006fcb8  16 02 00 00 d0 fc 06 00 - 00 00 00 00 c0 55 07 00  .U..
0006fcc8  80 fd 06 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 50 fd 06 00  P...
0006fcd8  25 92 dc 77 48 00 00 00 - 80 fd 06 00 16 02 00 00  %..wH...
0006fce8  0c fd 06 00 38 47 07 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 f0 fd 7f  8G..
0006fcf8  cd df d4 77 90 47 07 00 - 94 fd 06 00 00 00 

Re: [WinXP/LabView7.0]Reading parallel port is too slow...

2004-04-18 Thread m3nth
If you're trying to acquire a 16-bit sample at 1MS/s, using the
parallel port, it will not work.  In fact, many full-fledged DAQ cards
do not support this high sampling-rate/resolution combination.  Look
at what NI has available here, in the S and E series DAQ boards--this
should give you a feel for what's out there and what a professionally
manufactured piece of equipment is capable of:

As you noted already, a parellel port is going to be extremely slow
for your needs, and likely not only be slow, but also have a pretty
fair amount of timing jitter, since the timing of your read calls will
be indeterminate.  I would definitely recommend you look into some
other hardware acquisition option besides your parallel port... it
won't get you very far unfortunately, because that isn't what it's
really designed for.

Counting more than 65535 count with ICTR_CONTROL.VI

2004-04-18 Thread Augerspectro
I want to count pulse at a rate of 100 000 Hz, how can I do that with
ICTR control? I use 8253 counter and the COUNT_EVENT.VI

Re: how to implement only if statement using case structure

2004-04-18 Thread Ed Dickens
I think something strange is going on here. Placing the indicators in
the True case and not writing to them when you do not have a match
should leave the last value written displayed. I do this all the time
and have never had this problem.

I dropped a new meter and connected it to the same place inside the
true case right beside the original meter, and it holds the value
while the original goes back to zero. I even copied the original meter
and it works as it should.

Try deleting your indicators and dropping new ones to see if that
fixes the problem.

Re: LabVIEW Licensing question

2004-04-18 Thread Methis Elddir
On Thu, 15 Apr 2004 10:40:45 -0500, s wrote:

 I have purchased one copy of LabVIEW Full Dev. System 6.0.  It has since
 been upgraded to 6.1 and 7.0.  My questions are about licenses:
 1.  Am I allowed to install LabVIEW 7.0 on multiple machines, if I'm the
 only developer who will use LabVIEW at anytime?
 2.  Can I legally install LabVIEW 6.0 on one machine, 6.1 on another and
 7.0 on a third for use by different developers?

Hello Stephen,

That's a big NO to everything you asked.  There is another option.  I see
from your header that you're a Linux user.  Is it possible that you're
using LV for Linux too?

If yes, then you should consider thin clients.  For more info go to  Then dig through the NI software license agreement (NISLA). You
should find it interesting.

Contact me directly if you have questions (just look at my header and
remove the killspam).

Source Control Error 25581

2004-04-18 Thread gardowp
LabView 7, VSS 5.0, eror 25581, Win 98.  Source Safe worked with
version 6.1.  I used an error cluster to find what 25581 is - and it
came up with a bogus result Error undefined..  When trying to
connect to VSS error 25581 states Visual Source Safe does not appear
to be installed.  Is there a fix?  Is there a work-around to use VSS
w/LabView 7.0?

Re: use start trigger with pci 6602 with driver ni daq

2004-04-18 Thread isabelle.jean
Hi Didier,

NI-TIO is the chipset of counter/timer devices, so that you need to
use NI-TIO-referenced examples.
You can find examples from and specify your
software and hardware.

To synchronize your counters, you can use one of them to generate a
clock and then connect this clock to the gate of the other counters.
You have to specify that you use external clock in the VI, which
configure the device.

The driver for using your device is NI-DAQ.

Isabelle Jean
Applications Engineer
National Instrument

Re: LabVIEW Licensing question

2004-04-18 Thread Jyoti F
Hello Stephen,

According to the Software Licensing Agreement you can have only one
active copy of your software installed at a time.  Also, in this
agreement, the term software includes all upgrades provided by NI.
So, Joe is correct with his statement about your upgrades falling
under the same agreement that was initially purchased for 6.0 and you
are legally allowed to have one of these copies active at a time.

For more information about licensing please visit a

Jyoti F
National Instruments

Re: Using GPIB to talk to HP4083A Switching Controller.

2004-04-18 Thread ScottieB
Hi Lori,

Your attachments are all showing 0 bytes, could you try them again?

Scott B.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments

Re: Complex data structure.

2004-04-18 Thread Ben
I like the typedef constant wraped in a sub-VI.

Alot less space on the diagram, and no issues when the typedef is
modified and the updated constant on the diagram ending up larger than
the structure it is in.

Another plus is that it can be used to establish default values. Any
filed of the typedef that should have a specific default value can be
implemented by doing a bundle by name inside the sub-VI.

I have seen code fail because a constant on a diagram lost its default
values when the type def was updated. This makes sense to me becuase
if a new field is added to the structure we do not know what its
defaults should be.

So you get
1) Smaller diagram foot print
2) Ability to define global default values

by wraping the default in a sub-VI.


Re: Filter Express vi building appllication problem.

2004-04-18 Thread Zvezdana S.
This problem with the Filter express VIs built into exeuctables has
already been reported to LabVIEW engineers, and they are working on a
For now, a workaround is to convert the particular filter express VI
into a regular VI. To do this, right-click on the express VI and
select Open Front Panel. Select Convert in the dialog window. Then
just save the opened VI into your project directory.

Zvezdana S.
National Instruments

Re: use start trigger with pci 6602 with driver ni daq

2004-04-18 Thread Kevin Price
I wrote you a long reply in the Measurement Hardware --
Counter/Timer forum recently, but it was all in English.  (I studied
French in school, but remember only enough to *mostly* understand your

  Please reply in the Counter/Timer forum if you need translation
help.  Perhaps someone out there who's fluent in both French and
English can help.

Re: How do I determine the number of plots on a waveform graph?

2004-04-18 Thread Roy F
Sounds like you really want to know how many waveforms are in the
dynamic data. In your Convert from Dynamic Data node, change from
1D array of scalars - automatic to 1D array of waveform and then
use Array Size on that.

Re: Application Memory Full - how do I stop this?

2004-04-18 Thread rtb
Thanks for your input.
I'll look into the loops.


Re: Menus and EventStructures

2004-04-18 Thread jumarion
If I understood correctly, you've got 2 Event structures. If so you
have to be very careful if they are placed in a loop.

I suggest you use only one Event Structure. See in labView help (Event
structures) for more info on things to take care of when using event
On menu items, you're doing the right thing when handling the event
This VI - MenuSelection (User), the Tags enable you to process the
events in a case Structure.
A single event is generated when selecting a menu item.

Hope this helps !

Re: 4-20ma output of ph controller connection to pc to monitor

2004-04-18 Thread Bill B

I looked at the specs for the datataker dt50 and I noticed that it has
a serial port interface.  You may be able to send commands to the dt50
from LabVIEW and the dt50 may respond with data.  You will need to get
the command set from datataker.  Here are some links to tutorials that
explain getting started with serial programming:

There are also some good serial communication examples that ship with
LabVIEW.  Go to Help  Find Examples  Hardware Input and Output 

Bill B.

Re: continuous transfer function

2004-04-18 Thread Conseils
Coefficients of the numerator of the transfer function, starting from
lowest to highest order. b[0] =3D 1.00 and does not need to be entered.
Only enter b[1], b[2], and so on.

 For example, the 3rd order polynomial as described by the 3-element
array B[0...2] would be

1 + B[0]X + B[1]X^2 + B[2]X^3

Coefficients of the denominator of the transfer function, starting
from lowest to highest order.

 For example, the 2nd order polynomial as described by the 3-element
array A[0...2] would be

A[0] + A[1]X + A[2]X=B2

Re: source code for 2d cross-correlation fx?

2004-04-18 Thread DonRoth
thanks, i will take a look...The correlation fx uses the FFT so I
suppose if starting from scratch with the FFT and knowing the
algorithm for correlation, I can make the modifications as needed.
Cross-correlation involves multiplying the FFT of one fx by the
complex conjugate of the FFT of the second fx (I believe). Since
LabVIEW and IMAQ have all these operations, I should be able to work
with this.



Re: Continuous data acquisition and writting to file

2004-04-18 Thread Azad
Thanks a lot.

While installing LabVIEW 7 Express on MS2000, I get Fatal Error Unhandled MSI Error

2004-04-18 Thread Chris
Setup program fails after the second aceptance screen.

Re: Can Labview 6 be used with a Validyne UPC 607 DAQ board?

2004-04-18 Thread Dennis Knutson
The best place to get drivers and information on them is from the
vendor. See if they offer a set of LabVIEW VIs that you could use
instead of the shipping DAQ functions that only work with NI boards.
If they don't have any VIs, then ask what kind of programming
interface they offer. If it's a DLL, then you'll need documentation on
the function names and parameters. You can then use the Call Library
Function. If they offer an ActiveX interface, then you'll need
documentation on the available methods and properties. LabVIEW has
ACtiveX functions on the CommunicationsActiveX palette.

Using labview, Is there a keypad system to seperate and distribute LN2?

2004-04-18 Thread jimmyb
Currently we are using labview to account for building usage.  We
would like to use this and be able to break down each users total
usage of LN2.  The is a new fill station being installed.  A meter
from Micromotion is already metering the usage from the tank.  We
would like to find a solution to break this down to user groups, with
possible keypad.  For accounting purposes

Limit to the sampling rate for an HP4192 Impedance Analyzer?

2004-04-18 Thread Swordfish78
I'm running my HP 4192 Impedance Analyzer in a FOR loop to take a new
measurement (of Capacitance) at set intervals.  I can't get the
intervals any smaller than 1 second, regardless of using the Labview
Wait ms sub vi.  Also this doesn't seem to be a Labview issue,
because when I remove the instrument sub vi from the FOR loop, it can
execute as fast as I choose.

Does the HP 4192 have this known sampling rate limitation?  That would
not surprise me, I know it's an old piece of hardware.

Re: How can I get the x-value of first (or last) element in history-data of a chart?

2004-04-18 Thread Richard H.
Hi Chrisger,

If you don't have an X scrollbar, the last element in the history
should always have the X value XScale.Range:Maximum.
Then this formula should bring you the X value for the first element
in the history buffer:

XScale.Range:Maximum - (HistoryLength * XScale.Multiplier)

If you are using a scrollbar, then I can see no way of calculating the
correct X values, since you cannot read the scrollbar's position.

The best way to solve this problem is propably to track the number of
data points while writing to the diagramm. Then you don't need any X
scale information from the diagramm, you just use it's history buffer
to store your data.

Richard H.
National Instruments

Re: Continuous data acquisition and writting to file

2004-04-18 Thread Jyoti F
Hello Azad,

Since the PD2-MF-16-400/14H is not a NI board and does not use the
NI-DAQ driver, we do not have any examples that you will be able to
run with your hardware.  We do, however, have examples that show how
to continuously acquire data and write to a file using the NI-DAQ
driver.  These programs are included in your example finder when you
install the NI-DAQ driver.  I suggest looking at these programs as a
model for your own program which will be using the appropriate DAQ
driver.  After you install NI-DAQ, the example programs will be
located under Hardware Input and OutputTraditional DAQAnalog
InputStream to Disk in the NI Example Finder.

Please click a
to download the NI-DAQ 7.1 driver.

I hope this helps!
Jyoti F
National Instruments

Re: how to exchange data between two labview programs running on independent machines?

2004-04-18 Thread Jyoti F
Hello NELCO,

One very simple solution for transferring data between two LabVIEW
programs running on different computers is to use DataSocket.  Take a
look at the DS and DS which are two examples that
are shipped with LabVIEW.  You can find these VIs by going to the NI
Example Finder and typing datasocket in the search tab.

Jyoti F
National Instruments

Re: external clocking proble with NI-DAQ 6534 after driver upgrade

2004-04-18 Thread Brooks B.

What version of NI DAQ did you have?  What version did you upgrade to?
Is your 6534 a PCI board or is it an AT/ISA based device?  Have you
changed your code at all?  You code should be fully compatible with a
new version of NI-DAQ...  Please provide more exact details of the
problem so I can help futher.  Are you getting errors or is it just
not working?


Brooks B
Applications Engineer
National Instruments

Re: problem with color

2004-04-18 Thread Thandal
yesterday evening i solved my problem ,
my internet connection was down
so couldn't reply you.

I manage to find vi.

how can i assigned the shads i get to the LED as it's color
because LED take array as input to it's color property

thanks for reply

Re: labview 7 Beta

2004-04-18 Thread Dennis Knutson
LabVIEW default installation is in it's own directory - typically
program files\national instruments\LabVIEW 7. If you tell it to
install in the same directory as 6.1 (program files\national
instruments\LabVIEW 6.1), then it will overwrite everything there.

Re: unload dll

2004-04-18 Thread Greg McKaskle
 I have a LV application that have some Exit problems. LV hangs. I think the
 problem is related to unload problems of a dll. Normally the dll is unloaded
 then the application is closed. Can I programmely unload the dll before i
 close the application?

The best way to do this is to wrap the DLL in a VI.  Give it a nice 
connector, etc.  Then dynamically load and unload the VI.

Greg McKaskle

failed to launch measurement and automation

2004-04-18 Thread nitim
I downloaded the Labview 7 Eval and it seems to be missing something.
When I click on config on the splash page I get failed to launch
measurement and automation explorer, it may not be installed  (I've
reinstalled 3 times just to make sure... files downloaded from the
website).  When I open a block diagram, I do not see the DAQ assistant
in the menus, and opening the Inst assistant gives me Measurement 
Automation Explorer or the Instrument IO Assistant is not installed
correctly.  Please install these from the LabVIEW driver CD.  Please

Re: labview 7 Beta

2004-04-18 Thread altenbach
LabVIEW has always been very good in allowing multiple versions
installed on the same PC. Just stick to the default installation paths
and all will coexist nicely.

HOWEVER, be also aware that beta releases bcannot easily coexist/b
with other betas or final releases of the same version and special
installation or removal instructions might be needed. There might also
be other special release notes alerting to bugs, etc.

The bofficial release/b of LabVIEW 7 has been out for a while, so
there should be no need to install a beta version of it except for
historical curiosity. Once the final version is released, the beta
license agreement terminates and the purpose of the beta ceases to

Re: Menus and EventStructures

2004-04-18 Thread Greg McKaskle
 The funny thing is: If I click let's say the item Create new profile this 
 event seems to be produced twice. The first occurence is handled by 
 EventStructure A. EventStructure B which is called after EventStructureA is  
 also configured to handle Menu Selection (User) and it triggers immidiately 
 returning the same ItemTag than StructureA.  I can't accept this behaviour.
 1. Do I have to consume the first event that it won't be handled a second 
 time by another EventStructure. How could this be done?
 2. Maybe there are two events produced. The first when I press the mouse 
 button on the menu entry, the second on releasing. Is this correct.
 3. What exactly is MenuTracking and Block menu ?

You already have warnings about multiple event structures, but I thought 
I'd explain what is happening and how you can keep them if you need to.

The issue is that you have two event structures that are registered to 
the menu event.  These are apparently implicitly registered, not using 
dynamic registration, and thus you have two event queues registered. 
When an event fires, it is duplicated to be placed in every queue that 
is registered for it.  If you don't want all menu events for the panel 
all the time, you can use dynamic registration to specify when your 
registration queue is interested in the events, and when it is not.  The 
simpler approach, as others have mentioned, is to question why you have 
two structures.  It is typically possible to collapse them back to one 
and further simplify things.

1.  Each event structure feeds off a registration queue.  If implicitly 
registered, it is a private queue.  If using dynamic registration, it is 
the queue wired to the structure.  The queue can be sent to different 
structures over time and can unregister or reregister for specific 
events at any time.  Events are duplicated and placed on every queue 
registered for them, and consuming an event from one queue has no affect 
on other queues.

2.  Nope.  The Menu Selection event is on menu select, which is always 
mouse up I believe.  The duplicates are due to #1 above.  If using Menu 
Select? events, they take place first and determine if the event is 
discarded.  The Menu Activation happens earlier and allows for the menu 
to be updated before the user views it.

3.  Menu tracking is the term we use to describe the user's interaction 
with the menu with the mouse or keyboard.  If tracking is enabled, the 
menu responds to the end user, if disabled, it ignores them.  Blocking 
is something introduced before LV had the event structure.  It is pretty 
much the same as the Lock Panel option.  It says that while processing 
this menu item, do not let the user choose another option until you 
release the block.  This is used when the menus will be changed, items 
inserted, deleted, checked, enabled, or disabled because of this selection.

Greg McKaskle

Re: How to add visa usb support to the application builder?

2004-04-18 Thread alexander khodarev
Thank you Jyoti and Rolf for the tips, it's very useful. By the way,
do you know if it is possible to separate usb driver (or any other
component) from VISA installer? And do you know if it's possible to
configure the setup process? I mean following thing: when you enter
VISA setup it suggest to install all of it's components. And if you
need only usb support you should deselect all other unnecessary
drivers. So the question is: can i change default VISA installer

Re: i'm reading value from memory addresses one at a time. How can I store my values in an array?

2004-04-18 Thread rolfk
The bad way: Using a shift register and a build array function node
append them to the array.

The good way: wiring the value to the loop boundary and enabling
autoindexing. Autoindexing is enabled by default on a For Loop, but
needs to be enabled on a While Loop.

Rolf K

Re: how to read x and y position of curser

2004-04-18 Thread Greg McKaskle
 I have a graph,
 Using 2 curser I am fixing two points on a graph
 I want to calculate slope using these two points.
 So ,my problem is how to read XY co-ordinates of point, pointed by

Using a property node, set the active cursor property to the cursor you 
want to read, then read the property for cursor position.  You can also 
read the cursor list and loop through the array to do this.

Greg McKaskle

Re: Any idea how to send stereo 8 bit data to SO and make it work?

2004-04-18 Thread stressmate
Thanks for the quick response and an accurate answer.

i'm reading value from memory addresses one at a time. How can I store my values in an array?

2004-04-18 Thread Van626
How can I store values in an array as I read them in
from memory?

Would NI consider posting old copies of LabVIEW

2004-04-18 Thread Lavezza
I just watched the NI tutorial A Simple Thermocouple Measurement -
1994 and 2004. It shows writing a VI in LabVIEW 7 vs. LabVIEW 3.1. It
got me wondering just what the really early versions of LabVIEW were
like. Seeing as the early versions were on a handful of floppies, they
wouldn't be a big download. I even have an old Mac in storage, so
LabVIEW 1.0 would be an option. Anyway, I can't see how releasing the
1.0-3.1 versions as freeware could possibly hurt sales of 7.0. Every
year at NIWeek they have old machines running the old software, so NI
must have a few copies that are easy to get to. Maybe have the person
in charge of that booth add them as a bonus on the 2004 NIWeek CD.

Re: if no screen activity happens for a predefined time show dialog

2004-04-18 Thread Les Hammer
That depends upon how your LabVIEW program is written.
Some of mine run in loops:
   Check the inputs / do something / wait 250ms / repeat
I can easily put a counter in that: 4 loops/sec * 60 sec/minute * 5
Reset the counter if a change (input) occurs.
Run lock/login if counter hits the 5 minute limit.

Is there room for that in your program?


Re: PCI-6601 for limit switches.

2004-04-18 Thread kohokoho
Hello Brooks,

You are right. I would need a mechanical relay to make those
connections. However, I would still like to control those relays using
labview, and the connecting criteria of the lines remain the same. I
am going to get the relays today, and i am wondering what blocks in
labview I can use to send signals to the relay.

If you need more info to be able to help, please let me know. Thanks.

How to trigger an action when OK button in Dialog Box is clicked

2004-04-18 Thread Mudda
In my program I collect data from analog inputs and store that in a
binary file. My problem is I need to trigger another action when ever
the user gives the file name to store the data and clicks the OK
Button inside the Dialog box. Is there any way I can get the boolean
signal when ever the OK button is pressed?

Re: HTML printing in Labview running Sun Solaris

2004-04-18 Thread Greg McKaskle
 We are creating html test data files in labview and would like to
 print them on the Sun Solaris.  Labview for Solaris can print the
 files but just prints the source code (doesn't format the code into
 nice tables, etc).  You can also print the front panel but it resizes
 all the data to one page (very small and not easily modified).
 Currently we have to manually open a browser (i.e. hotjava) and then
 print the files.

I haven't played with it, but you should be able to invoke your browser 
via the System Exec command line tool.  Put the html file on the command 
line and it should load it.  I'd hope there is an option telling it to 
print or just print without opening windows.  You'll have to look in the 
apps help or get someone's input more familiar with that browser under 

Greg McKaskle

Re: TI PCI-2040

2004-04-18 Thread rolfk
Programming hardware is NOT the task of an application, and LabVIEW is
an application running in user space. Trying to do that right away
will cause a General Protection Fault error on any reasonably modern
OS. You can of course try to access Port IO addresses through the Port
IO VIs, but PCI bus addresses are not anymore fixed and need access to
privileged OS services to resolve properly. Otherwise if you start to
use fixed addresses for this using Port IO access, it will most
probably only work on a particular computer and may even fail next
time you restart your computer or resume from standby with a different
PCMCIA or whatever card inserted.
These are all things only a device driver can do properly and so if
you want to access hardware behind a PCI bridge, you really have to
develop a device driver for this hardware to work under any Windows NT
type, Linux or OS X system. The PCI bridge on the system board is not
really programmed by you anyhow but by the OS which provides you with
services to make use of the hardware.
Fortunately developing a device driver only requires advanced C
knowledge nowadays, it used to require also profound assembly language
knowledge only a few years ago.

Rolf K

Re: Feature request and how-to info for EXE icons

2004-04-18 Thread rolfk
I took a look at this. The actual functions doing the icon work in the
application builder seem to be called by reference from
vi.lib\platform\icon.llb\Read Icons From ICO and Write Icons
One problem is that even though the read VI does read all types of
icon formats, the write does only overwrite existing icon formats in
the resource fork of the executable and that contains currently only
those four images.
So I would believe by adding the other resource types you would like
to the applibs/lvapp.lib file (which really is an executable to
startup the LabVIEW runtime engine and is used to create the actual
exectuable file) you could get the Application Builder to replace
those resources with the ones from your icon file.
There is a problem though and it is not very simple. If your icon file
does not contain certain icon types the old ones will stay in and
might be picked up. Removing them or adding new icon types not in the
original file requiures to resize the entire executable and fixup
quite some offsets in the resource table for this. There are some Win
API functions which are supposed to help with that, but I'm not really
familiar with them.

Rolf K

Re: Looking at drwatson logfile, can you tell me why my app crashed?

2004-04-18 Thread Greg McKaskle
 time as the last entry in the data file the test was producing.  Does
 anyone at National Instruments know how to use the drwatson log file
 to discover the direct cause of the crash?

Unfortunately, there isn't as much information there as it might seem. 
There is a stack frame for the thread that crashed, and in fact that 
points to something other than diagram code since LV diagrams execute 
without the stack and have the stack register setup to something else.

I'd recommend running the same VIs in the LV editor and seeing if it is 
reproduceable.  If so, you can set breakpoints at various points, turn 
on execution hiliting for VIs, put in probes, etc.

The first place I'd recommend you look is at any DLL calls.  Since the 
stack was setup, it looks like you might have been in either a LV 
callback into the runtime engine or in a DLL called from the diagram. 
Hopefully you can track it down to a particular DLL call either crashing 
immediately or corrupting memory.

Greg McKaskle

Re: Chromatogram generator

2004-04-18 Thread Cult of Nurse's

Shenz wrote:
 I want to create a signal generator that creates signals equal to these
 from HPLC chromatograms (examples can be found  at Can anybody give me directions of
 what the best way is to do this?
 Thanks a lot!

Use an arbitrary waveform generator card with the MAX scripting capability.

if no screen activity happens for a predefined time show dialog

2004-04-18 Thread alexi
Hi I need to lock my screen, ie bring up a login screen if my vi has
been left with no activity for a predefined time(say 5 mins). How do I
do this? I have considered the wait for front panel activity but i am
not really too sure how to work this.
Any help gratefully accepted

Crash when passing a pointer of an initialized U8 array to my dll file.

2004-04-18 Thread Wayne Si
I need to pass the pointer of an initialized 1D array of U8 type to my
Dll file. At first, I set the length of the 1D array and initialized
it. Then I configured the Call Lib Node and made the input parameter
as 1D Array Pointer of U8 type. The prototype of the called function
in my Dll file is:

EXPORT void Grab(unsigned char *LVPict)

Also, I had a goble pointer of 1D buffer in my Dll file, defined as
LPBYTE pImage, and I wrote the data in the goble buffer to the 1D
array, using

 for (DWORD i=0; idwSize; i++) LVPict[i]=pImage[i];

But after I run the VI, LabView crashed down every time until I
reduced dwSize, the legth of buffer, to 1. That means, I can not write
anything from the buffer to the array.

I'm very very sure the array initialized in LabView is far far huge
than the goble buffer.

Re: How to apply 1/3 octave bandpass filter of about 10Khz on a signal

2004-04-18 Thread Jeremy Braden
Can you post a simple example program?

Remote monitoring and control of a Labview program

2004-04-18 Thread NJG88_TG
I would like to control and monitor my robot program written in LV
version 6.1.  It runs inside a professional firewall at my company. I
need to see and control the main VI and any other VI's that may pop up
on the target machine from my home PC. Can this be done in a secure
way?  PS: I only know my own IP address, the target IP address is
probably not available to me due to firewall protection. Also I am not
expert in TCP/IP protocol.

Re: problem with color

2004-04-18 Thread Greg McKaskle
 I had use  color to RGB vi, and find it's RGB component
 I am more interested in starting with a color and move it towards
 black or white
 I was unable to do it.
 can  you tell how to achieve it, Can I use color ramp for this
 If yes then how to use it.
 if possible send example vi

As I said, there is a VI in the picture palette, near the Color to RGB 
that returns the hilite and shadow of a color.  You can repeatedly call 
this VI passing in a percentage, or you can look at its diagram.

Greg McKaskle

labview 7 Beta

2004-04-18 Thread Irene
Can I install LabVIEW 7 Beta onto the same directory as LabVIEW 6.1
that I already have?

Re: Is it possible to programmatically set the size and names of...

2004-04-18 Thread Jeremy Braden
What you are asking to do is not possible with the present release of
LabVIEW.  As Dennis points out, there are some unreleased features
that might do what you want.  You can learn about them on the LAVA
forum but to find exactly what you need may require a lot of patience
if it even exists.

Re: PCI-6601 for limit switches.

2004-04-18 Thread Brooks B.

I am sorry but I need more information to provide a good response.
The PCi-6601 board you have can output TTL 5 V or 0 V signals (but not
drive much current) or be used for counter operations.  According to
your explanation and the JPG of the limit switches, it looks to me
like you need switch or relay module to connect / disconnect different
pins - is this correct?  This board will not work as a relay.  Please
let me know exactly what you are trying to do in terms of what
signals, what connections, etc and maybe I can help you out or suggest
a more appropriate piece of hardware for you.


Brooks B
Applications Engineer
National Instruments

Re: problem with color

2004-04-18 Thread Thandal
thanks for ans.

Re: sound generator application crashes

2004-04-18 Thread Arek

I have reproduced this behaviour with your reduced application. The
problem has been reported for investigation. I will inform you about
the status or the solution on Tuesday 20.

Arkadiusz Roszczewski
National Instruments

HTML printing in Labview running Sun Solaris

2004-04-18 Thread Noah
We are creating html test data files in labview and would like to
print them on the Sun Solaris.  Labview for Solaris can print the
files but just prints the source code (doesn't format the code into
nice tables, etc).  You can also print the front panel but it resizes
all the data to one page (very small and not easily modified).
Currently we have to manually open a browser (i.e. hotjava) and then
print the files.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Re: How to trigger an action when OK button in Dialog Box is clicked

2004-04-18 Thread Shan
You can't get the OK Pressed directly, but you can check the error
output.  An error code 43 is generated when a user hits cancel in the
dialog box.

If you're using a vi from the File I/O pallet (like Write to SGL
File), they unfortunately don't have the error cluster wired as an
output.  They do have an output of the selected path.  This is set to
Not A Path if the user selects Cancel.  Test the output path - if it
is equal to the Not A Path constant, then the user hit cancel.


Re: Remote monitoring and control of a Labview program

2004-04-18 Thread NJG88_TG
Thank you Teccor.
I have not yet studied your links but I did save them from the title's
I can see you obviously have given me some very good tips!
I will try your suggestions

Thanks again

how to read x and y position of curser

2004-04-18 Thread Thandal
I have a graph,
Using 2 curser I am fixing two points on a graph
I want to calculate slope using these two points.
So ,my problem is how to read XY co-ordinates of point, pointed by

Re: if no screen activity happens for a predefined time show dialog

2004-04-18 Thread Shan
Questions about Labview don't belong on the Labview Discussion Forum?
Exactly what do you think this is for?

If the best you can come up with is to suggest ... try experimenting
with LabVIEW ..., may I suggest you leave the answers to people who
are interested in helping out.

Re: Crash when passing a pointer of an initialized U8 array to my

2004-04-18 Thread Greg McKaskle
 I need to pass the pointer of an initialized 1D array of U8 type to my
 Dll file. At first, I set the length of the 1D array and initialized
 it. Then I configured the Call Lib Node and made the input parameter
 as 1D Array Pointer of U8 type. The prototype of the called function
 in my Dll file is:

It sounds like you are doing things correctly, but this is pretty 
unforgiving stuff.  My advice would be to initialize the 1D array of U8s 
in LV to something you can recognize when debugging the DLL.  Either 
make the entire array be your favorite integer, like 255, or make it a 
pattern like a ramp going from 0 to 255.  Then set a breakpoint at your 
loop and look at the memory pointed to by the array.  One thing I've 
seen happen before is to use the initialize array node giving two 
integers -- which is the size and which the data -- oops, other way around.

Anyway, this will let you see what you are being passed and you can 
watch where the DLL is writing.

Once you have some more info about how it is behaving, you can post back 
if you still don't know what is causing it.

Greg McKaskle

Re: How to apply 1/3 octave bandpass filter of about 10Khz on a signal

2004-04-18 Thread Jyoti F
Hello Pavitra,

The Sound and Vibration Toolset has many powerful tools for octave
analysis.  Please refer to chapter 8 of the a
and Vibration Toolset Reference Manual/a for more information on
these VIs.

Jyoti F
National Instruments

Re: Complex data structure.

2004-04-18 Thread Greg McKaskle
 of the cluster. My question is - what do you use in these situations?
 Of course, I always typedef my complex structures, and I know that
 there is a default value for them, because other language features
 depend on there being a default. Is there anyway to get the default
 value for a typedef? Not seeing one, I have taken to creating a Global
 or Dummy VI for each typedef that returns a default data structure,
 which is what I use in all these situations. What other approaches
 have you seen?

You can right click on a wire or terminal and create a constant for the 
type already there.  This will sometimes fool you if you are wanting the 
input to a shift register since the types flow downstream and you want 
upstream.  Just click somewhere where the type is known, create the 
const and move it where you want it.

The BIG downside to this is that typedef constants tend to be BIG.  My 
favorite solution is to make a subVI that returns the default for the 
typedef.  Put it in user.lib and it is readily accessible.  You can 
think of it as a constructor for your datatype, if you want.  In fact 
you can make several of these or parameterize it to return different 
flavors.  Being the size of all other icons, it fits nicely into the 
diagram and adapts to typedef changes.

Greg McKaskle


2004-04-18 Thread IMMA
Please, can you send another time your vi? I can't charge it with my
labview, my computer said: there was an error. Perphaps the problem is
that my labview is 5.1 version.
Thanks a lot.

Re: Reference Trigger. Continuous Acquisition. Is it possible with a PXI-4472?

2004-04-18 Thread aldeot

yes, that is exactly what we mean. The way to implement this depends
on what version of LabVIEW you are working with. If you are working on
LV 7, then there is a good library of functions called Signal
Manipulation that would allow you to easily handle and work with your
data once they have been acquired.
Basically you should go through your scans and check when the trigger
has come in. Depending on the position of the transition (from 0 to 5
V I guess) you can roll back N samples and save those N + M samples
you are interested in (being N the number of pretrigger samples and M
the number of posttrigger samples).

I think it would be best if you call directly by phone one of our
Engineers at NI Italy and discuss the problem directly with us.

National Instruments

Re: labview 7 Beta

2004-04-18 Thread Dennis Knutson
When LabVIEW 7 was in Beta, you could install it on the same pc with
6.1. I'm not sure you can still install the Beta version however, as
the Beta period expired when it was released last year.

Re: How to apply 1/3 octave bandpass filter of about 10Khz on a signal

2004-04-18 Thread Jeremy Braden
There is a toolkit for octave analysis. a
href=;NI LabVIEW
Sound and Vibration Toolset/a