Re: How to use Digital output to turn on sensor for Analog Input?

2004-06-17 Thread Bill B

Thank you for contacting National Instruments.

If you are worried about the time of your acquisition being off, then
you should associate each voltage measurement with a timestamp.  This
will allow you to know the exact time at which the sample was taken
and you will never be off.  You can use the Get Date/Time in in our while loop with your AI code so that you can read a
sample and read the time.  You can than log the voltage value and the
timestamp to your file.

Bill B
Applications Engineer
National Instruments

Re: Answer to hardware requiremnts for controlling RH of air

2004-05-26 Thread Bill B

More than likely you will need to put an equation in your application.
Here is a simple example of how the application would flow:

1.  Take a current measurement from the Omega using the FP-AI-110.
2.  Use an equation to convert the current to units that are
3.  Use another equation to determine what voltage needs to be sent
out to the MKS.
4.  Use the FP-AO-210 to produce a voltage.
5.  The MKS receives the voltage and does some action.

You do not need to use Matlab scripts. More than likely, you can do
all of your equation coding in LabVIEW by using the Math pallette or
you can use a formula node and program your formula like C code.

You may want to take a looks at some example programs that ship with
LabVIEW for assistance.  Go to Help  Find Examples and take a look.

Re: Answer to hardware requiremnts for controlling RH of air

2004-05-24 Thread Bill B

Thank you for contacting National Instruments.

I will need some additional information in order to make a good
recommendation on how to program this application.  From your post, it
appears that you would like to read the voltage from the RH sensor and
send a voltage to the MKS using your FieldPoint hardware.  Please let
me know if this is incorrect.  Here are my questions:

1.  What FieldPoint Modules do you have? (ie. FP-AI-110)
2.  What version of LabVIEW do you have?
3.  What range of voltage does your RH sensor produce?
4.  What range of voltage can your MKS receive?

I look forward to hearing from you. Simply reply to this posting.

Bill B
Applications Engineer
National Instruments

Re: How to get correct voltage reading?

2004-05-20 Thread Bill B
Hello Astroboy,

Thank you for contacting National Instruments.

It appears that there is an issue with Advantech's  If
you are supposed to be measuring a 5V signal, and this VI is returning
the number 0.09V then there is definitely a problem with either your
DAS card or the driver that their VI is calling to return the
measurement value.

Unfortunately, there is really nothing you can do to correct this
problem in LabVIEW other than try to scale the data to display
correctly.  Even in that case, you will need to know that factor of
which the measurement is incorrect.  More than likely you will need to
contact Advantech in order to resolve the issue with the DAQ device.
If you would like, you can check out our full line of Data Acquisition
boards that will work seamlessly with LabVIEW.

Please let me know if you have any additional questions.  If you get
your hardware problem solved, I can help you with any LabVIEW
questions you may have.  Also, if you have any questions about our
Data Acquisition boards, I will be more than willing to answer any

Bill B
Applications Engineer
National Instruments

Re: AOConfig buffer size

2004-05-12 Thread Bill B
Hello Andrew,

Setting your buffer size to be the same size as your array is
typically what is done.  The buffer size is not in bytes, but in
samples.  Please take a look at some of the example programs that ship
with LabVIEW.  Go to Help  Find Examples  Hardware Input and
Output  Trad. DAQ(LV 7.x only)  Analog Output  Generate

If you take a look at this VI, you will see that a sinewave array is
produced using a FOR loop.  This FOR loop generates an array that has
the same number of samples as the buffer length input of AO Config.
Take a look at this VI and see if you are able to modify it to fit
your needs.

In some cases, you may need to use a buffer that is larger than your
actual data.  This may be the case if your data array is generated
dynamically and is not always consistent in size.  The only size
restriction in this case it that you are able to find a continuous
section of memory that can accommodate the buffer.

Let me know if you need additional assistance with this issue.  The
example programs should be a great reference.

Bill B
Applications Engineer
National Instruments

Re: Is there a way to acquire a set number of points from multiple channels?

2004-05-10 Thread Bill B

Thank you for contacting National Instruments.

As Dennis had mentioned, there are many example programs that ship
with LabVIEW that demonstrate how to take measurements from multiple
channels with either a finite or continuous amount of data to be
acquired.  In LabVIEW 6.1 you can find these examples by going to Help
 Find Examples  Hardware Input and Output  DAQ  Analog Input

In these examples, if you would like to sample multiple channels, you
simply need to add the physical channels separated by a comma for
example:  1,3,5 would sample channels one, three, and five.  You can
also use a colon to sample a sequence of channels for example: 4:6
would sample channels four, five, and six.  This makes it easy for you
to choose the channels that you would like to sample without having to
make any modifications to your code.

Bill B.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments

Re: custom pulse train generation

2004-04-24 Thread Bill B

Here are links to the user manuals for the PCI-MIO-16E-1 and the
BNC-2110.  These manuals should help you understand the signal
connections a little better:

Bill B.

Re: 4-20ma output of ph controller connection to pc to monitor

2004-04-18 Thread Bill B

I looked at the specs for the datataker dt50 and I noticed that it has
a serial port interface.  You may be able to send commands to the dt50
from LabVIEW and the dt50 may respond with data.  You will need to get
the command set from datataker.  Here are some links to tutorials that
explain getting started with serial programming:

There are also some good serial communication examples that ship with
LabVIEW.  Go to Help  Find Examples  Hardware Input and Output 

Bill B.

Re: Can PCI-6601 be used to control a solid state relay?

2004-04-15 Thread Bill B

A PCI-6601 may be able to control an SSR, but you must know the specs
of the relay before you can be certain.  The output voltage of the
6601's digital output line will be +5V with a source current of 4mA.
This means that your relay must require no more than 4mA to turn on.
Here is a link the 6601 User Manual.  You can find these
specifications on page A-1:

If you think the board has enough current to power your relay, then
you can make connections from the digital output lines of the board.
These lines can be seen on page 4-2 of the manual.

Bill B.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments

Re: When i run position measurement vi using 6602 continuous...

2004-04-15 Thread Bill B

I noticed that in your code, you have two while loops that are running
in parallel.  This is going to cause synchronization problems for one
loop is going to dominate the other.  Specifically, the loop with DIO
Read will not allow the loop with DIO Write to execute until it has
acquired all of the samples that it has set to read per loop
iteration.  A better practice would be to only have a single while
loop and then cause data to be written by DIO Write and then have data
read by DIO Read.  You can connect the error cluster from DIO Write to
DIO Read which will cause DIO Read to execute immediately after DIO
Write.  In your current application it is possible for execution to be
stuck in one loop and rarely execute the code in the other.  You may
also be able to place delays in both loops, but combining them both
into single loop would be the best.

Bill B.

Re: SCXI Strain throws -10005 error

2004-04-15 Thread Bill B

You may want to try running the SCXI Strain locally on the
machine itself rather than through RDA.  This will allow us to
determine if the problem is local to the PXI-8146 or if it is being
caused by a RDA Server communication breakdown.

Bill B.

Re: 4-20ma output of ph controller connection to pc to monitor

2004-04-15 Thread Bill B

Unfortunately, the RS-232 port cannot measure an analog current or
voltage.  We do carry products which will allow you to measure such
signals.  Please take a look at our Data Acquisition boards.  Our
boards are able to read analog voltages.  You would simply need to
connect your current to a resistor and then measure the voltage across
the resistor with one of our DAQ boards.  Here is a link to our DAQ

Please let me know if you need any help selecting a board for this
type of measurement.  Note that these boards have multiple channels
that you would allow you to monitor multiple sensors simultaneously in

Bill B
Applications Engineer
National Instruments

Re: SCXI Strain throws -10005 error

2004-04-13 Thread Bill B

Thank you for contacting National Instruments.

The 10005 error is usually the result of wiring the wrong device
number or incorrect channel SCXI string to the SCXI Strain
Ensure that the device number you have connected is the same as the
device number that appears in MAX for the RDA DAQ Board that is
connected your SCXI chassis.  Most importantly, ensure that you have
connected the correct SCXI channel string to the SCXI Strain
For example, sc1!md1!0 , would null channel 0 of module 1 of chassis
1.  Please verify that both the device number and channel string that
you have connected are correct.

Bill B
Applications Engineer
National Instruments

Re: When i run position measurement vi using 6602 continuous...

2004-04-13 Thread Bill B
Hello Nimal,
Thank you for contacting National Instruments!
The reason that you are experiencing this problem is because the
Traditional NI-DAQ driver is single-threaded.  Your Cont handshake
input VI has a DIO Read VI inside a while loop with no wait.  When
this VI runs, the DIO Read VI will wait until it has acquired all of
the Scans to Read and then will release the driver to be used by your
position measurement.  The VI will either read the number scans in the
backlog or the number of scans to read.  Since you do not have a wait,
it is likely that the scan backlog is alway nearly zero.  This means
that the DIO Read VI will almost always be waiting for the total
number scans to read before it releases the driver.

You can do a couple things to alleviate this problem.

1.  Place a delay inside your Cont. Handshake input VI's while loop.
This will cause your backlog to grow.  Do not use too large of delay
for your scan backlog will grow out of control and overflow the
buffer.  1 - 10ms should work fine.
2.  The best way to solve this problem is to combine the two VIs into
a single VI.  This way, you can use the error cluster to control when
things execute.  You  can have both sets of code in parallel and then
snake the error cluster from the first set of code to the next.  This
will cause the DIO code to get configured first then the counter code
and then in the loop, you would run the error cluster to the DIO Read
and then to the counter get attribute to read the position.  This
would ensure that both measurements had equal time.

The easiest thing to try is to decrease the scans to read in the Cont
Handshake input and insert a delay in
the while loop.

Let me know if you are successful.

Bill B.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments

Re: Digital I/O with multiple SCXI 1162 HV

2004-04-08 Thread Bill B
Hello Randall,

You can configure each SCXI-1162HV as a 32-bit port.  This is cool
because you can do a single read and acquire the status of all 32
lines.  Since you have 4 SCXI-1162HV modules, you will need to
configure each port and then you can read each port continuously in  a
while loop.  If you are programming this in LabVIEW, you will need to
have 4 VIs for configuring each port and 4 VIs in your loop for
reading each port.  You can also do this in DAQmx if you have LabVIEW
7.0 or other DAQmx supported software.

Bill B
Applications Engineer
National Instruments

Re: Data Acquisition Question?

2004-04-08 Thread Bill B

Here is a link to a simple Data Logger VI:

1. Download the zip file
2. Unzip the contents
3. Run the Simple Data
4. Choose your channels
5. Click Run
6. Name your log file (text file)
7. VI will begin logging data

Hope this is what you wanted.

Bill B.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments

Re: RDA delay

2004-04-08 Thread Bill B

Thank you for contacting National Instruments.  You have a couple
options here.

1.  Keep all of the processing on the server machine that is
controlling the hardware.  You should only have controls and
indicators on your remote machine that will allow you to view the data
and change parameters.  In this example, you will have two VIs on that
will run on the server and do all of the processing.  The other will
run on your client and you will view processed data and pass
parameters to your server.  You can use DataSocket to read and write
data from your server VI to your client VI.

2.  If the server machine is running Windows XP.  You could just use
the Remote Desktop Connection to logon to your server machine
remotely.  This would simplify things since you could just have one VI
that would do everything on the server machine.

Bill B.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments

Re: How to calibrate Quadrature Encoder signal

2004-04-08 Thread Bill B

Thank you for contact National Instruments.  Here are some links to
documents on our website that should be very helpful for you in
understanding your encoder and application.  One of these links is
even an example program for LabVIEW that you may be able to modify to
do exactly what you need.

Bill B.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments