Re: external clock for AI trad & mx

2004-05-11 Thread Gabriela Tillmann
To verify that last sentence of rising/falling edge ignorance I made
an experiment. I use a programmable function generator. On channel 1 a
ramp (100kHz) on 2 a pulse with a width so that the rising and falling
edges  are at distinctly different point of the ramp. When I switch
between sample point at rising or falling edge I should get the level
of the ramp at these instants.

This is not true.

"DAQmx / Sample Clock" obviously ignores the entry and
always uses falling edge.

Re: external clock for AI trad & mx

2004-05-10 Thread Gabriela Tillmann
I do not expect to see a square wave. The external clock is
synchronous to the data pulses so I should always see the maximum
(flat top) of the negativ and positiv half-wave. That results in a
triangle in the VI display, that's understood. I thought, that using
external sample pulses is a purely hardware issue. That makes me
wonder how a new driver can affect that.

The traditional was working fine. But now I ran into limitations with
the 16 Mio odd maximum number of samples. The data is coming in bursts
of some 2 a time, so I was collecting the whole set in one read.
If there is a way to do this in traditional I might do that. But first
I'd like to know what is really going on.

The 6115 is probably not a solution. We are almost ready for an alpha
test of our machine. It's supposed to to become a low-cost machine.
We'll switch to the 2-channel version anyway. So I guess the 6115
would blow our budget.

Since you are located in Germany I might try to contact you directly.

external clock for AI trad & mx

2004-05-06 Thread Gabriela Tillmann
We are using a  6110 to read a train of bi-polar analog pulses. The
pulses consist of a negative and positive half-puls with 250 ns
spacing. These are sampled with an external clock on PFI0 of the same
high speed.

Up to now we were using traditional NIDAQ 7.0 currently with LV 7.0 on
a Win2K PC.

Now I ran into a limitation of 16mio samples for a finite scan. While
modifying to help this, I decided to move up to mx interface.
This is not giving the same results as with the old interface. The
first sample (the negativ one) of the twin puls is read correctly. The
second puls is obviously wrong. I suspect it is taken with a delay.
When run with the maximum internal clock of 5MHz you can verify both
halfwaves are correct.
The hardware has not changed. Is there a different setup time for the
sample puls between traditional and mx interface? Well, I doubt it.
 What else could I have missed.

Re: What is the most efficient way of passing large amounts of data through several subVIs?

2004-03-01 Thread Gabriela Tillmann
I have real huge sets of data originating from an image-like (many
"pixels") data aquisition that is interpreted according to a similar
large set of objects with many properties. This is all fed also
through different GUI windows.
Before I had this fed into and out of the sub vis via
ontrols/indicators as learned.
Now I just finished converting into keeping the master set of data in
gobal variables and creating a local copy at the entry of the sub VI.
Background of this not so common approach is, that once a front panel
was open ( as in a user interface happens eventually) the data in the
controls/indicators is still using up memory, Whereas since LV 7, I
can release  local memory like copies of global variables on exit.

Of course in a man/machine interface speed is not so essential and
timing performance may require a different approach, but my problem
was reaching the all terminating limit of 2GB / process.
Linux 64 with lots of RAM might have helped otherwise ;-)

Re: Capture right mouse click in image

2004-03-01 Thread Gabriela Tillmann
Obviously i was not explicit enough in describing the problem. Event
structures work on VI's only (as far as I know). It may even be
possible to set it up to detect an event on an external (not your own)
frontpanel. BUT NOT on a associated sub window such as an IMAQ image
(not a picture on the frontpanel).
And the IMAQ Event does not discern left and right click.

Re: Capture right mouse click in image

2004-03-01 Thread Gabriela Tillmann
Obviously i was not explicit enough in describing the problem. Event
structures work on VI's only (as far as I know). It may even be
possible to set it up to detect an event on an external (not your own)
frontpanel. BUT NOT on a associated sub window such as an IMAQ image
(not a picture on the frontpanel).
And the IMAQ Event does not discern left and right click.

Capture right mouse click in image

2004-02-27 Thread Gabriela Tillmann
I would like to capture a right mouse click while pointing into am
image window.
So far I've come only to the possibilty to capture events that
originate somehow with the left mouse click.
Are specific to the front panel of the currently active VI
Detect whether at the time of calling a subVI the button is down or
up, with all the usual hazzel of detecting the transition (plus the
necessity of depending on MS Driect X).

What I would like to have is a signal that describes the right click
in an image window.

Thanks for any ideas

DAQ 7 and Lab view 6.02

2004-01-06 Thread Gabriela Tillmann
The NI DAQ seems to have some nice features and we should definitly
like to explore it and probably use it in our current LV 6.02 project.
But I do not see chances to upgrade to LV 7.
Can I use the multithreading of NI DAQ 7 also in LV 6.02?