Re: I pull fiftyfour bytes of data from MicroProcessor's EEPROM...

2004-03-03 Thread GrantM

You mention that you send a string to the microprocessor that tells it
how many bytes to send.  Instead of requesting 512 bytes, try reading
10 times and only requesting about 50 bytes at a time.

If that doesn=92t help, try directly communicating with your
microprocessor through HyperTerminal.  If you are not on a Windows
system, please let me know.  Also, if you are using an NI serial board
instead of your computer=92s serial port, let me know.
olliIn Windows XP, go to Start, Programs, Accessories,
Communications, and select HyperTerminal./li
liEnter a name for the connection and click OK./li
liIn the next pop-up dialog, choose the COM port you are using to
communicate with your device and click OK./li
liIn the final pop-up dialog, set the communication settings for
communicating with your device./li
liType the same commands you sent through LabVIEW and observe if you
can receive the first 54 bytes you mention.  Also observe if data is
returned from your 512 byte request or if HyperTerminal just
If you do not receive the 512 byte request through HyperTerminal, your
microprocessor is unable to communicate with your computer at a low
level.  LabVIEW uses the same Windows DLLs as HyperTerminal for serial
communication.  Double check the instrument user manual for any
additional information that may be necessary to communicate.

Please let me know the results from the above test in HyperTerminal.
We can then proceed from there.

Grant M.
National Instruments

Re: buffered digital output

2004-03-01 Thread GrantM
Hello Thijs,

The Port List connection of the DIO Config.VI should be wired with
an array of the digital ports you wish to use.  Each port has 8
digital lines.

Unfortunately, the E-series devices do not support hardware-timed
digital I/O.  You could still output your points in a software loop,
but you would not be able to guarantee 1000 Hz.For a card that
does support this, look at the a
For further assistance in obtaining the correct board, go to and click on Contact NI at the top to speak with a
customer support representative.

Grant M.
National Instruments

Re: Further Examples for the Picotech ADC200 Series

2004-02-25 Thread GrantM
Hello Wayne,

A good place to start for example code is the product manufacturer and
it seems like you have already done that.  National Instruments also
provides example code we have created as well as from other users.
You can search this library by going to
and clicking on Support.  In Option 3, click Example Code and you
can search there.

Another option is to search the instrument driver network for your
hardware.  You can search the instrument drivers by clicking
Instrument Drivers from Option 3 of the support page.  Then either
click Download on the left hand side, or Search Drivers under Top
Downloads.  Instrument drivers often come with an example VI which
shows how to use them.

Unfortunately, it looks like neither place has any examples for your
specific product.  We are unable to provide examples for every
product.  However, if you'd like, you can click the Driver Request
link on the instrument driver page.  If enough requests come in for a
particular product, we will create a driver for it.

Good luck in your application development.

Grant M.
National Instruments

Re: where can i find additional DDE resources???

2004-02-25 Thread GrantM

Dave has posted a couple of example programs which use DDE in LabVIEW.

You can find a tutorial by going to
and clicking on Support.  Under Option 3, search
Tutorials/Application Notes and enter DDE LabVIEW (without quotes)
into the keywords box.  One of the first links that will appear is
Using DDE in LabVIEW (Windows Only).  It is a tutorial which
introduces DDE and LabVIEW.  You can link directly to it a

LabVIEW also ships with a couple of DDE examples.  In LabVIEW 7.0, you
can find these by going to Help, Find Examples.  In the Browse tab,
select Task and navigate to Communicating with External Applications
and then to Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE).  If you are using a
different version of LabVIEW and unable to locate these examples,
please let me know.

The DDE functions are no longer in the palettes as of LabVIEW 6.0.
You can still find them in
Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW
However, we recommend that you use ActiveX instead of DDE.  There are
quite a few examples for using ActiveX in the Example Finder under
Communicating with External Applications and then ActiveX.  You
can also find an introduction to ActiveX by searching the Tutorials
and Application Notes like above.  Searching for ActiveX LabVIEW
(without quotes) will return a link to a tutorial named ActiveX and
LabVIEW.  A direct link to this document is a

If you need to use DDE, see if these resources will provide the
background you require.  If you are flexible, try using ActiveX as it
is simpler.  Feel free to post again if you have additional questions.

Happy coding,

Grant M.
National Instruments

Re: I pull fiftyfour bytes of data from MicroProcessor's EEPROM...

2004-02-25 Thread GrantM

Can you elaborate what you mean by the system is lost?

Ben has suggested a good idea of posting the code in question.  It
would also be helpful to know which version of LabVIEW you are using
and which serial VIs you are using.  His clarification of the timeout
for the serial read is also a good suggestion.

You mention that you have a 100ms wait statement.  Is this in-between
when you write the command and read the response?  Sometimes the
hardware needs a small amount of time to respond to the command.
Putting a small delay between writing the command and reading the
response allows the instrument to respond.  If you have this wait
statement here already, try increasing the wait time.

Another option is to add a call to the VISA Bytes at Serial Port
property node.  This will allow you to check if data has been returned
from the device yet or if there is an error with the command you sent.

Try incrementing the wait time before reading a response and checking
how many bytes are at the serial port.  If they do not fix the
problem, please post all or a portion of your code so we can get a
better idea of the problem.

Grant M.
National Instruments

Re: can i use a counter input for a encoder feed back reading i 6014 daq card

2004-02-25 Thread GrantM

Yes, it is possible to read encoder inputs with the 6014 card.  In
order to find more information about using encoders,
liGo to and click on Support at the top./li
liIn Option 3, under search select KnowledgeBase and enter
encoder (without quotes) in the Keyword box./li
liThe first link returned should be a
Do I Use a Quadrature Encoder with My Data Acquisition

That is a brief tutorial about using a quadrature encoder.  The
example provided uses Traditional NI-DAQ.  See below for finding an
updated example using DAQmx.  For more information, follow the link at
the bottom of the tutorial page, a
Quadrature Encoders with E Series DAQ Boards/a.

This a
describes the differences between the 6014 and the E Series boards.
Since the pinout for the 6014 and the E Series boards is the same, you
can follow the tutorials for using quadrature encoders with E-series

The user manual will be helpful in listing the pinout for your card.
To find the manual,
liGo to and click on Support at the top./li
liIn Option 3, click Product Manuals./li
liUnder Search, enter 6014 in the Additional Keywords box.  A link
to the a
6013/6014 User Manual/a will appear.  Appendix B lists the

Numerous examples ship with LabVIEW for illustrating various concepts.
To find an example,
liIn LabVIEW, go to Help, Find Examples./li
liOn the Browse tab, select Task./li
liOpen the Hardware Input and Output folder./li
liOpen the DAQmx folder./li
liSince the encoder is read through the counter, open the Counter
Measurements folder./li
liOpen the Count Digital Events folder and then open the Count

This example will provide an outline of what is necessary to read the

Happy coding,

Grant M.
National Instruments

Re: In-place array subset replacement

2004-02-25 Thread GrantM

Dennis is correct; a local variable will force a copy of the data.  In
general, LabVIEW will try to do an in-place replacement whenever
possible.  However, depending on what is happening with the data
before and after the replacement, LabVIEW may make a copy.

A good KnowledgeBase discussing buffer allocation is a
When and Where LabVIEW Creates a New Buffer/a.  There is a small
utility at the bottom of the page that will show you where data copies
are happening.

It sounds like you've been able to solve your problem.  If you have
any further questions, feel free to post again.

Grant M.
National Instruments