Re: I have a for loop with 15000 iterations, and i'd like to...

2004-06-18 Thread chutla
Greetings, Naddad:

   What's wrong with using one of the several available Labview
   progress bars?  That way you won't have to keep dipping into the
   windows application, which should speed things up considerably.
   (Besides, the Labview bars are a lot better looking than Windows bars,
   IMHO.   :)


Re: Analog trigger with raster scan

2004-06-18 Thread chutla
Dear Slimbim:

At what point on the flyback are you triggering your acqusition?
Depending on how steep the slope is on your sawtooth, you may need to
build some kind of comparator, such as one that triggers when it drops
to 50% of its amplitude, or some such.  I imagine your electron
microscope akready has a real trigger output available.  I'd check
the documentation on that first.  Also, take a good look at your
sawtooth with a wide-bandwidth scopeyou might find the rise (or
rather fall) time of your flyback isn't all that great!You might
need to build a schmitt trigger to speed things up a bit, if you're
undaunted by external hardware!

 Just a few suggestions..


Re: How to control an Electronic Load to give me a constant power output.

2004-06-02 Thread chutla
Dear Wrath:

  Do you know if your load is a constant impedance (or
  resistance)?  If so, all you need to do is assure a constant voltage
  across the load.  If the resistance is variable, you must know the
  current AND the voltage.  In either case, a simple feedback loop or
  loops in Labview should do the job.  For a variable impedance load,
  you will need to multiply the current and resistance to obtain a power
  reading, which, in turn will be used to adjust your output voltage.  (
  An iterative shift register, where you compare a current value to a
  previous value is a simple, stable way of achieving a feedback loop).

I will be glad to work on this code with you.


Re: function max value

2004-05-31 Thread chutla

 Why certainly!   Just look in the Math subpallete, and you will
 find zeros and extrema vi.  Alternatively, you could save the
 function as a waveform and use the wave max/min vi.


Re: Congratulations, Dennis Knutson!

2004-05-29 Thread chutla
Congratulations, Dennis!

 Your productivity is astonishing.  Having just achieved 10% of
 your output myself, I can appreciate your dedication :)  Most of what
 I know about Labview I learned on this forum, and you seem to have
 been there since the very beginning.  Keep up the great work!


Re: code wizard

2004-05-29 Thread chutla

If there was, we'd all be out of business!  All kidding aside,
Labview is written in a language called G, which can be manipulated
within a C type structure.  You might do a web search on G language
and see what has been done.  You might get some hints there.   Also,
look up GOOP.


Re: SCR Phase Angle control

2004-05-11 Thread chutla
Greetings Nick:

   You should be able to get good results with your technique.
   (You're essentially doing a poor-man's
Direct Digital Sythesis, when reading a pre-constructed table like you
are doing) Another way to do this is generate a sine wave, using one
of the sine generator vi's and then run it through a series of
comparators (use comparison primitive) each with a  different
threshold.  Add the values of each comparator output, and voila, this
is your stepped wave. In this manner, you are simulating a flash A/D
 Another way to do this, is to run a square wave generator (say at
 400Hz) and MULTIPLY this by a sine wave at 50 Hz.  This will give you
 a Sine wave modulated square wave, (or vice versa, since
 mathematically, they are identical!)


Re: Looking for ready-to-use indicator that looks like a horizontal-platform panel in an airplane

2004-05-11 Thread chutla
This can be done, but it will take some work.  There are two
approaches.  You can use the PICTURE functions, and build the diagrams
up a layer at a time. (Your PICTURE vi's are loop through, meaning you
can take the output of one, say a grid, and input it to another, to
overlay a pointer, for example)  Another way, probably more labor
intensive, is to use the property node to modify a button of some kind
( color, shape, etc) to make it appear like the indicatory you want.
You might want to look through the NI database to see if there is
anything similar that someone has written that you can embrace and
extend to fit your application.  In the meantime, you have given me a
personal challenge!  I think this would be a good extra-curricular
project for me :)


Re: Why is Time treated as an ugly child in labview

2004-05-08 Thread chutla

You will find that in Labview, the squeaky wheel gets the grease!
Until recently, EVENTS in Labview were treated as ugly children, now,
the entire architecture of Labview is event driven.  This change was
brought about only because of vocal popular demand.  I believe more
input from users like you (and ME!) will eventually do for TIME what
we've done for EVENTS.


Re: Limit in waveform data size?

2004-05-08 Thread chutla
Dear Carnivorus:

 I would venture to say that perhaps there is not enough memory to
 complete the operation! :)   All snide aside, working with large
 arrays takes some serious number crunching.  You might try twiddling
 your swap file size (on the Advanced properties tab of My Computer in
 win2K and later).  However, you're probably bumping up against the
 absolute limit of the OS.
 If there is ANY way of dividing and conquering your data so as to
 not have to deal with such a large array, I think you should
 invistigate it.  YOu may find you don't need anywhere near the samples
 you think you do.  (voice of experience,here!)  Or perhaps you don't
 need the dynamic range.  (On most DAQ cards, you can't change the
 number of bits, but you might be able to use a card with fewer than
 you're currently using)


Re: Data Acquisition Question?

2004-04-08 Thread chutla

 Your application doesn't seem to be too demanding.  Just about
 any Labview DAQ card will do the trick at such a low sample rate, and
 you might look at the DATALOGGING vi examples to get started.

 Good Luck!


Re: I am trying to make a Phase Locked Loop and I have to...

2004-04-08 Thread chutla

It looks like you need to increase your number of samples by quite
a bit.  Can you supply any more information, such as your sample rate,
which DAQ vi you're using, etc?


Re: how to send data as a stream to web site

2004-03-21 Thread chutla

Are you familiar with PHP/Mysql?  It will update a webpage based
on data in a Mysql database.  You can stream the fifo data into a
formatted database, which will then be read and updated as fast
(nearly) as you like.  Poke around the web for PHP references; I think
you'll find just the script to do the job for you.  Also, don't
overlook the Labview webserver tools.


Re: Modify and control Power Point Presentations

2004-03-21 Thread chutla
If you use the Activex container, you should be able to pull down a
menu with all the available controls (from the empty container control
itself).  Be sure you have installed all your activex libraries.


Re: How to save data in a 4D array and make partial plots in real time?

2004-02-16 Thread chutla

You can use any of the 3D display vi's to show your main 3d
data, and then use color to represent your fourth dimension.  This can
be accessed via the property node.  You will have to set thresholds
for each color you use, which is quite simple using the comparison
functions.  As far as the data is concerned, the fourth dimension will
be just another vector (column) in your data file.  Also, check out
the BUFFER examples for how to separate out running data in real
time.  As far as autoscaling is concerned, you might have to disable
it, or alternatively, you could force a couple of dummy points into
your data which represent the absolute min/max you should encounter.
Autoscaling should generally be regarded as a default mode, just to
get things rolling, it should not be relied on too heavily for serious
data acquisition.  It's better to use well-conditioned data, or some
other means, such as a logarithmic scale, to allow access to all your
possible data points.

Good Luck!


Re: how to test for cold soldering?

2004-02-16 Thread chutla
The DMM test is good, if you can wiggle or stress the connection while
measuring the resistance.  It's always best to avoid cold solder
connections in the first place.  Never never EVER blow on a solder
connection to cool it off faster.  This is a surefire guarantee of a
cold connection.  Also, avoid moving the connection until the joint is
cool.  Patience is always the key to good soldering.


Re: Clusters: How to remove the 3D shaded background?

2004-02-13 Thread chutla
Don't you just hate it when that happens?  :)


Re: Clusters: How to remove the 3D shaded background?

2004-02-08 Thread chutla
Most things in Labview ARE, if you know where to look :)   By the way,
in case your input clusters STILL seem too crowded, you can change the
size of the windows with custom tools...also, changing the fonts in
the boxes can do wonders for visibility on a crowded monitor.
Grouping by color background is a big help too.  Also, be sure you
have your display set for the maximum resolution and color depth
possible.  If you end up staring at your VI for a long time, it really
can make a difference.

Just a few hints from the peanut gallery!
