Re: Instrument Drivers

2004-06-17 Thread jason . hobbs
Chad (add others),
Please submit your LabVIEW instrument drivers to the Instrument Driver 
Network at:

This is the best way to share your instrument drivers with the rest of the 
LabVIEW community.

Jason Hobbs
Instrument Drivers

Re: can VISA be used instead of a driver?

2004-06-17 Thread Jason Hobbs
Please sumbit your VISA based LabVIEW driver to the Instrument Driver
Network at:

when you are finished developing it.  This will allow your work to be
shared with the rest of the LabVIEW community.

Jason Hobbs
Instrument Drivers

Re: GRASS S44 Stimulator Driver

2004-06-16 Thread jason . hobbs
I'm not aware of any LabVIEW instrument drivers for Grass Stimulators. You 
can try contacting them to see if they have any LabVIEW code available. 
Sometimes vendors will have LabVIEW code that is not available on their 
website because it is not of release quality, but this code can still be 
helpful getting started.  Otherwise, I might be interested in developing a 
driver for this instrument.  Send me a programming manual for the 
instrument and I'll let you know if we can help.

Jason Hobbs
Instrument Drivers

Re: Help needed to build a VI for XPS

2004-06-14 Thread Jason Hobbs
Does the XPS have a serial port or some other type of communications
port?  Who is the vendor and what is the model number of the
instrument?  You may be able to use NI-VISA to connect to and control
this instrument.  Perhaps I can be of more assistance if you can
provide more details about the instrument.

Jason Hobbs
Instrument Drivers

Re: Does anyone have drivers for the HP 16510 logic? analyzer

2004-06-04 Thread Jason Hobbs
I believe that the 16500 driver should support various plug-in
modules, including the 16510.  Have you tried using this driver with
that module?  I can't find any information on Agilent's site regarding
the command set of this module but my guess it that it should be
handled by the driver for the mainframe.

Jason Hobbs
National Instruments

Re: Did anybody have chance to control Turbo-V 550?

2004-05-27 Thread Jason Hobbs
I did some looking on the internet and was able to find one manual for
the V550, however it did not include any programming information other
than setting up the serial port.  It appears that it should not be too
difficult to communicate with the instrument via VISA Writes and Reads
or the Instrument I/O Assistant in LabVIEW 7.0 or later.  Contact the
vendor and see if they can supply you with the instrument command set.
I would be happy to help further at that point.  You can then share
your driver with the LabVIEW community by submitting it to the
Instrument Driver Network (

Jason Hobbs
Instrument Drivers

Re: Need a Labview driver for Agilent's Signal Generator 8648D!!! Help Please

2004-05-17 Thread Jason Hobbs
Luca has a great suggestion.  I took a quick look at the user manual
for the 8648 series and it appears that you should have no problem
using this driver with the 8648D.  You may have to set ID Query to
False in the Initialize VI.

Please confirm if you have success using this driver with the 8648D so
that we can update the driver record in the Instrument Driver Network
to reflect this.

Jason Hobbs


2004-05-06 Thread jason . hobbs

We are currently developing a LabVIEW instrument driver for the Eurotherm 2000 and 3000 series controllers. I expect this driver to be completed in the next few months. If you would like to be notified when this driver is completed, then submit an Instrument Driver request at or you can just check back with our Instrument Driver Network ( In the short term, you may be able to use or modify some LabVIEW code that Eurotherm has on their website:
LabVIEW interface to Eurotherm OPC server:
LabVIEW VIs using modbus to communicate with Eurotherm controllers:

Jason Hobbs

you wrote:
I am looking forward to command a MODBUS device (Eurotherm 2208e 
Temperature Controller) with LabVIEW. What is it possible to do with 
such a device ? Do you have infos, advices, ressources about this, or 
MODBUS handling in general ?


Re: How do I distribute lbb files (created from a CVI .fp file)

2004-05-06 Thread Jason Hobbs
Talking in terms of the LabVIEW distribution, I would recommend
zipping the .llb, .mnu files, and .dll in a .zip file with a folder
path of driver prefix.  The LabVIEW user can then extract this zip
file to thier LabVIEW\instr.lib\driver prefix folder.  This should
minimize any issues with working on different OS's or different

Also, it is important that your LabVIEW wrapper VIs have only a
relative path to the dll stored in the Call Library Node.  Basically,
this will have LabVIEW look in all predefined paths on the computer
for the dll.  One of these paths is the current directory. Therefore,
the VIs should have no problem linking to the dll if the dll is in the
same directory as the VI (or if the dll is in any other defined system
path like the VXIpnp directory).

The CVI run time engine should be installed with LabVIEW.  It is also
installed with VISA, so if you wrote your driver with VISA this should
not be an issue.

Let me know if you have any other questions regarding this approach.
I would also like to include your drivers on IDNet when you are
finished so don't forget to submit them.


Re: Insturment Drive for Raytek Raynger MX

2004-05-05 Thread Jason Hobbs
I was unable to find a LabVIEW driver for this instrument.  This
leaves you with a few options.  You can submit an instrument driver
request to NI at:
Requests are reviewed and prioritized base on demand.  You can also
contact the vendor to see if they have any types of LabVIEW code or
examples available.  Beyond that, you are left to programming the
instrument through direct I/O.  You can use VISA Writes and Reads to
send desired commands from the instrument's manual and receive
responses.  The Instrument I/O Assistant in LabVIEW 7.0 and 7.1 can
assist in this process.


Re: How do I distribute lbb files (created from a CVI .fp file)

2004-05-05 Thread Jason Hobbs
Dennis is correct in that NI would be happy to have you submit your
CVI driver and LabVIEW wrapper to the Instrument Driver Network.  When
creating your LabVIEW wrapper, refer to the IVI-C Instrument Driver
Conversion Tools for LabVIEW section at our Development Resources
page (  Here you will
find 2 tools (Documentation Converter, VI Updater) that can be run
before and after the wrapper conversion and will result in a higher
quality wrapper.  While these tools were originally created for IVI
drivers, they can also be used for VXIpnp drivers created in CVI.  Let
me know if you have any questions and I look forward to including your
drivers on the Instrument Driver Network.

Jason Hobbs

Re: Has anyone written a driver to comunicate with an ADAM 4000...

2004-05-05 Thread Jason Hobbs
You can purchase a LabVIEW Driver from the vendor of this product:
I also searched google and found the following page which you might
find helpful:

I'm not too familiar with the ADAM 4000, but you might be able to use
a similar NI product that integrates better with LaVIEW.


Re: Insturment Drive for Raytek Raynger MX

2004-05-05 Thread Jason Hobbs
Rather than resorting to a serial port monitor, it should be easier to
find these instrument commands in a users manual.  The user manual
should also document other details regarding serial settings,
communication protocol, and even possibly provide an example using
thier commands to get the instrument to do something.  For additional
information, you can take a look at the instrument driver templates
Just make sure that you have your VISA serial settings configured
properly.  The templates should give you an idea of how to do this.

Re: How do I retreive data and frequencies from VNA 8510C?

2004-05-03 Thread Jason Hobbs
It appears that you are not actually measuring any signal.  This could
be because you do not have a signal connected or becuase the
instrument was not configured properly.  Try running the Getting
Started Example VI to make sure that the instrument is set up with
appropriate configuration parameters.  This VI calls the Application
Example VI, which then calls the Output Raw Data VI.  The Getting
Started Example returns raw data in its real and imaginary components.
You can use these components to calculate the magnitude and phase of
your signal.


Re: Agilent 5973 GC

2004-04-20 Thread jason . hobbs

I am not aware of any LabVIEW driver for the Agilent 5973 GC. We are currently developing a driver for the Agilent 3000 micro GC. Do you have any details about the communication protocol for the 5973? I can't find any documentation on Agilent's site. I'd be interested in seeing how closely it resembles the communication protocol of the 3000 uGC. I'd also be interested in collaborating or assisting in driver development for the 5973 if possible. Let me know if you have additional details.

Jason Hobbs
Instrument Driver Group Manager
National Instruments

Subject: Omega CN3251 Driver

2004-04-20 Thread jason . hobbs

I am interested in including your code for the Omega Temperature Controller on the Instrument Driver Network ( so that it can be shared with all of the LabVIEW community. If you are interested, please submit your code at and I'll make sure it gets posted.

Jason Hobbs

Hello List:

Anybody have an Omega CN3251 temperature/process controller LabVIEW driver.


I have written a set of instructions for a CN3254 Omega Temperature
Controller. I am nearly certain the CN3251 is in the same series as the
CN3254.  I talk to it on an RS232. I simply carefully studied the manual
and figured out how to send it characters on the RS232. It works just fine,
but it took about 20 hours to figure out exactly how to write all of the
instructions and get all of the bits in exactly the right place for each
instruction. If you would like, I could email you a copy of the VI's I
developed. I can select the thermometer type, the set point, the control
parameters, etc. Send me your email address if you would like the code. I
have it in LabVIEW 7.0 and use Windows XP.

Robert W. Reed, Ph.D.
22 Summit Drive
Stroudsburg, PA 18360
Phone: 570-424-7033

Re: Driver Templates

2004-04-20 Thread jason . hobbs

We currently only maintain our templates for the latest version of LabVIEW. We will add support for previous versions, but in the future any updates will only be reflected in the templates for the latest LabVIEW version. This is so we can incorporate the latest LabVIEW technologies in the templates. I have saved the current templates in LabVIEW 6.1 and put them on our FTP site at They are named ID Templates You should be able to access them there for around a week. We will also update our site to have the templates for previous LabVIEW versions.

I want to point you to some of our newly updated tools. These tools can assist you during the development process.

Newly updated and approved LabVIEW Instrument Driver Guidelines
Icon Art Glossary
Newly updated Developing LabVIEW Plug and Play Instrument Drivers application note

Let me know if you have any questions about these tools during your development. I would also like to point out that you can submit your driver to be certified and included in the Instrument Driver Network ( Also, take a look at our Instrument Driver Developer Program ( It is designed to provide value for vendors that develop LabVIEW and/or CVI instrument drivers.

Let me know if you have any questions and I'd be happy to assist.

Jason Hobbs


 I am gearing up to build an instrument driver for one of our newest
 instruments per NI's LabVIEW Plug and Play model. I just downloaded the
 driver templates from their website but found out they were written in
 version 7. I'm using version 6.1. Does anybody have these templates in
 version 6.1 that they could send me?


 Scott Remington
 Optical Applications Engineer
 ILX Lightwave
 ph: 406.556.2545 (direct)
 fax: 406.586.9405

Re: How to manage different instrument models with one driver?

2004-04-13 Thread Jason Hobbs
Hi Freddy,
I just wanted to see if you had completed the update of your driver.
If so, please submit it at so that we can
include it on the Instrument Driver Network (

Let me know if you have any questions.


Re: How to manage different instrument models with one driver?

2004-03-10 Thread Jason Hobbs
I would be interested in including your updated driver in the
Instrument Driver Network so that others can benefit from this driver.
When the driver is complete, you can submit it at

Let me know if you have any questions.


Re: Can't control the HP3325b (error code:Hex:BFFA0010)

2004-02-25 Thread Jason Hobbs
It sounds like you are getting this error because one of your
parameters is out of range.  Range Checking is an advanced feature of
IVI drivers.  Try changing the values on the front panel controls (or
running the Getting Started VI with its default values) until the
error goes away.  Also, there should be an elaboration for the error
which should tell you exactly which parameter is out of range.


Re: i would need a labiew driver for an omega iseries...

2004-02-12 Thread Jason Hobbs
Omega provides LabVIEW drivers for some of their other products.  You
may want to request Omega to provide a LabVIEW driver for this product
line also.  Additionally, you can request an instrument driver from NI


Re: can labview record data through a serial connection from a load cell controller?

2004-02-05 Thread Jason Hobbs
There is some sample LabVIEW code for the Sensotec 2000 at:

If you can't find the instrument driver you are looking for on the
Instrument Driver Network (, you can generally search
google and find something.