Re: Multiple Plots In Seperate Windows

2004-04-08 Thread NIBOUND
Thanks thats really similar to what I am doing its just that my main
form sends data which is causing the flashing.  This design is a great
idea.  Thanks a MILLION for your help and time!

Re: Multiple Plots In Seperate Windows

2004-04-08 Thread CoastalMaineBird
ithats really similar to what I am doing its just that my main form
sends data which is causing the flashing.=A0/i
--- I would suggest putting the data into a separate global function
(better than global variable for non-trivial amounts of data), and
letting the slaves pull it out.  At least that's what I did.

i This design is a great idea.=A0/i
I can't send the code, as it was contract labor.

iThanks a MILLION for your help and time!/i
Please send check for one MILLION to:


Re: Multiple Plots In Seperate Windows

2004-04-08 Thread NIBOUND
I actually got mine working with out using occurances.  What benefits
would I get by using them?  As of right now as can be observed in my
code, I just having everything in a while loop.  I imagine this is as
ineffiecent as possible due to constant polling.  Is this what
occurances would eliminate.  Thanks.

Re: Multiple Plots In Seperate Windows

2004-04-08 Thread CoastalMaineBird
i The way I have wrote it causes the windows to lose and gain focus
as expected.=A0 Does anyone know how to stop the focus from constantly
The focus is changing because the execution is changing (in the same
thread). You have the VI with the graph execute, and then quit.  This
will lose focus.

My occurrence-based scheme had all child windows executing at the same
time (different threads). This meant that the window on top had focus
- no other window would have it until you clicked on that window (and
brought it forward).

Hope that helps.

Re: Multiple Plots In Seperate Windows

2004-04-08 Thread CoastalMaineBird
You have a rather hairy state machine going on (I looked at your code

The difference I see is that you have ONE button which spawns window
#1 or window #2 or window #3, depending on who's up already. But the
logic to support that is part of the polling process of every loop.
My app had one button for each window (each window was different).

My reason for using occurrences was to eliminate all execution paths
between the main and child windows.  In other words the main didn't
CALL the child directly, so therefore, they became parallel
independent processes. This led to the correct behavior as far as
windows on top, who has focus, etc.

There are probably other ways to do it - VI server, for one.  I did
this project in 6.0 and didn't know about VI Server then.

Re: Multiple Plots In Seperate Windows

2004-04-08 Thread NIBOUND
I can see why you used occurances and agree that I think they will
solve my remaining problems.  How do you get the refrum of an
occurance on another form and why do you put them in a shift register?

Re: Multiple Plots In Seperate Windows

2004-04-08 Thread CoastalMaineBird
Occurrence refnum controls are on the REFNUM palette - you can pass
them thru connectors, or make globals out of them. Or you can pop up
on the GENERATE OCCURRENCE terminal and choose CREATE INDICATOR or

The Shift Reg. is just a place to store them. You could probably use
global variables in this case and be OK.  (A global function can store
things in a shift reg and have advantages: it's inherently atomic -
and if the data is large, a shift reg uses less memory than global
variables (no unnecessary copies made).
In this case those advantages are probably not relevant.  I have a
tendency to encapsulate everything.

Re: Multiple Plots In Seperate Windows

2004-04-08 Thread CoastalMaineBird
iwhy do you put them in a shift register?/ip
Also, at the time, I didn't realize that Occurrences were special, in
that a given instance of the GENERATE OCCURRENCE function will always
refer to the same occurrence, even if it's been called before.  In
otherwords, the function that generated them didn't NEED to store

  For this reason, you can't make an array of refnums by using
GENERATE OCCURRENCE inside a loop - the array of refnums will all
refer to the same occurrence.

Re: Multiple Plots In Seperate Windows

2004-04-08 Thread NIBOUND
You have mentioned Global Function multiple times, what are you
refering too?  I have not seen anything refered to as that.

Re: Multiple Plots In Seperate Windows

2004-04-08 Thread CoastalMaineBird
A global function is a VI whose principal job is to store some data
(typically in the shift registers of a WHILE loop with LOOP set to

At one time (LabView 2 and earlier) there were no global variables.
The way you stored something for use by two or more independent VIs
was to have a VI with a READ/WRITE switch input, a DATA input and a
DATA output.

If you called it with WRITE = TRUE, it stored the data you gave it.

If you called it with WRITE = FALSE, you read out the data it had

1... You don't make copies of the data when you read it. That's
important for memory usage when the data is a 200x64*512 array of CDB
(I've used it like that).

2... It's atomic.  If you want to store 6 separate items into six
globals, you have the problem of knowing when ALL items have changed.
Whatever reads them might read them during your change, and read 3 old
values and 3 new ones. The global function is guaranteed to deliver
the data as a set.

3... You can add functionality. I like to encapsulate things - for
example: a config file handler.  I like to have a handler (global
function) for each type of config file.  It has a FUNCTION input,
which typically has functions like INIT, SET DEFAULT, READ FILE, WRITE
FILE, COMPARE, and so on. The actual config is stored by this VI (in a
shift reg, natch). Anybody who wants to deal with a config file calls
this VI.  That way, anytime I need to change something involving a
config file, I have ONE and ONLY ONE place to go.

In my multi-window project, I used a global function to create, store,
and manage the occurrences.

Re: Multiple Plots In Seperate Windows

2004-04-08 Thread NIBOUND
That is what I thought you were refering to.  Which should bring me to
my final question.  I finally have a fully working model using almost
the exact method you perscribed.  My last question lies in
transporting the data to the plots.  Right now I have a re-entrant VI
that has 6 simulated signal sources and puts them in an array.  I
placed a copy of this VI in each plot.  Is this the most effiecent way
todo this?  Soon the simulated signal sources will be DAQ express VIs
and I wasnt sure if I shoud localize and than transport it VI queue or
global variable or something I am not aware of.

It sounds like the way I am doing it now is a global function as you
described but I want to make sure by having as many copies of the VIs
as plots I want to display on the screen that this is memory and
processor efficent.

I really wish I could mail you a thank you card or something you have
been a life saver.  Thank you so much!  I will keep learning so maybe
one day I could help you.

Re: Multiple Plots In Seperate Windows

2004-04-08 Thread CoastalMaineBird
I don't have time to figure out xeactly what you're doing, but here's
some ideas from a previous project I did - maybe they'll fit:

The project had one main window, and six sub-windows.

The main window had a button for each sub-window, to call it up.

Each sub window ran on its own, offering a different view on live data
being taken by the main.

Each window operated as expected - it stays in front if you click it -
you move them around like any other windows.

You couldn't click the CLOSE box, but each window had its own DONE
button which closed it.

Here's how it worked:

1... A Window Manager vi was initialized (from the main) to generate
six OCCURRENCEs and store them in a shift reg.

2... A Window Launcher vi is started.  It first calls the WINDOW
MANAGER to obtain the OCCURRENCE refnums, then launches six parallel
WHILE loops.

3... Each WHILE loop has a WAIT ON OCCURRENCE function. It waits a
specific time (500 mSec in my case).

4... If the WAIT ON OCCURRENCE timed out, we simply check the state of
a global PROGRAM RUNNING variable, and loop if it's true.

5... If the WAIT ON OCCURRENCE did NOT time out, then it was
triggered, and we call our particular sub-window (there's one WHILE
loop for each window).  The sub-windows are set to show front panel
when opened, and close when done.

6... Each sub-window monitors the PROGRAM RUNNING global and stops if
that is false.

7... Periodically, the six main buttons are fed to the window
manager's CHECK function.  This checks each button, and if TRUE,
calls OPEN or MOVE to FRONT VI with the path to the associated
sub-window, and the occurrence for the associated window.

8... The OPEN or MOVE to FRONT vi opens a reference to the associated
VI, and checks the FP Open property to see if it's already open.  If
it's already open, the FP.IsFrontmost property is set TRUE to bring it
to the front (one might click on the main button while this window is
hidden - this will bring it forward).

9... If the window is NOT already open, the associated occurrence is
fired.  The Window Launcher vi will then start it up.

The windows do whatever work they need within themselves - it's not
like the main is doing the plotting and sending data to the windows.
It's more like the main is putting data into a common pot and
whichever sub-windows are open (running) go and get it.

Hope that helps.

Re: Multiple Plots In Seperate Windows

2004-04-08 Thread CoastalMaineBird
If you have a re-entrant VI in each plot window, then they are NOT
showing the same data. The re-entrant attribute means that each copy
of the VI has its own data space.  In your sine-wave example, the
results might be the same, but it's really two (or 3, or 4...) copies
of the same data - not multiple views of a single pile of data.

If all your windows are identical in function (mine weren't, but in
your example yours were), then you want to put as much code into a
common VI as possible.

I'm not sure what your end result is trying to accomplish, but if I
were trying to allow each window to look at a different channel, then
I would have the main store data for all channels) into the global
function, and have each window call that function with a request for
channel 2's data or channel 3's data or channel 2 vs. channel 3 in X-Y
format.  Make the global function do the work of extracting the
requested data and assembling it into a plot.
  The plot window then just calls the global function with a request
to get channel X, and puts the result into a graph.

  Long story short:  Put as much code and data as you can into a
common place, leave as little as possible in the multiple copies that
are showing.

i really wish I could mail you a thank you card or something you
have been a life saver.=A0 Thank you so much!=A0 I will keep learning so
maybe one day I could help you./ip
Your payment will be to stay on the forum and answer somebody else's
questions now and then.

Re: Multiple Plots In Seperate Windows

2004-04-08 Thread NIBOUND
I fixed the focus problem by changed the window property to floating.
The only problem I have left (I have made several changes since the
version you looked at) is that when I change the comboboxes it stalls
the graphs.  Would occurences fix this?

Re: Multiple Plots In Seperate Windows

2004-04-08 Thread CoastalMaineBird
iI fixed the focus problem by changed the window property to
That's not a good fix - although the focus quits flashing, the windows
don't - you can't control the Z-order (who's in front). Overlap the
windows and see.

The occurrences simply controlled the launching of the windows, not
the distribution of data. Once a window was opened, the occurrence
played no part until that window was closed and opened again.

The key factor was that the code in each window was running at the
same time as all other windows.  Your scheme still has the window
display new data and stop.  Therefore you're tied to the fact that the
parent has execution most of the time.

Re: Multiple Plots In Seperate Windows

2004-04-08 Thread NIBOUND
I look around a lot to see if I can answer questions but I havent
found any yet that I have half of a clue how to answer.  I have only
been using LabVIEW since Feb. Thanks for everything.