L&I Tuesdays' Jokes

1998-04-15 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

The Top 16 Differences in the New, Friendlier IRS  
16> Old form: "1090"   New form: "10-40, Good Buddy!"  
15> Prank "Get Out of Jail Free" card sent with audit notice.  
14> After particularly painful audits, agents don dark glasses 
and flash "Men In Black" memory eraser thingy in your face.
13> "Tax shelters" now referred to as "Thatched-Roof Income  
12> Coffee and tea served while agents wait for Viagra pills 
to take effect.  
11> Instead of kicking you in the family jewels with an iron boot,
agents now kick you in the family jewels with a more forgiving
penny loafer.  
10> All audits conducted in the comfort of Willie Nelson's former
 9> Rectal probes now warmed to room temperature before audits.  
 8> Just say "Supersize It!" and Janet Reno will personally conduct
your audit.  
 7> New motto: "Two things are certain: FUN And Taxes!"  
 6> Rifle butt to the head now accompanied by "Please" and "Thank
 5> Threatening form letters now lightly scented with CK One and  
begin, "It's Audit-Doody Time!"  
 4> Either pay required fines, or go double-or-nothing in a game 
of whack-a-mole.  
 3> Agents now required to start with "Hi, my name is Jim, and I'll
be screwing you today."  
 2> Those new commercials featuring a turtleneck-clad George  
Clooney and catchy "Fork Over, America" jingle.  
and the Number 1 Difference in the New, Friendlier IRS...
 1> Unless that's a typo, looks like you're getting an Audi this
The Top 16 Changes in the New "Love Boat"  
16> Safe sex activists insist on mandatory condom-purchasing scene
before each couple pairs off on "The No Glove, No Love Boat."
15> Newly-divorced Kathie Lee beds a different man every week while
humming, "If He Could See Me Now."  
14> Captain Kennedy is too drunk to notice the ship's course is  
from Boston to New York City and back 6 times a day.  
13> For some reason, every episode is 3 hours long and involves an
12> New crew member Weasel, the ship's Sexual Harassment Officer,  
kind of kills the mood.  
11> "Day 47: Had to eat another passenger, but now we'll have an 
even number for the shuffleboard tournament tomorrow."  

[ The Top Five List   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.topfive.com ]
10> Captain Clinton French kisses each woman passenger as they
 9> Hopes for a second season dashed when James Cameron signs on 
to direct 13th episode.  
 8> Only Hanson could turn a merely annoying TV theme song into a
teeth-grinding, hair-pulling, ear-bleeding experience.  

 7> Wacky hijinks ensue when Purser George Michael forced to fill
in for bathroom attendant.  
 6> Ship's Dr. Kevorkian drowns Pia Zadora in the pool, and throws
Andy Griffith overboard.  

[ The Top Five List   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.topfive.com ]
 5> Isaac, the Bartender replaced by Phil, the Starbucks Guy.  
 4> Goodbye, Dramamine.  Hello, Viagra!  
 3> At the end of every episode: "They killed Leonardo!  You  
 2> During a relapse, Julie forces Captain Stuebing to take the
boat into Colombian waters.  
and the Number 1 Change in the New "Love Boat"...  
 1> Cost-cutting results in combined character, Captain Bartender  


A little girl was in church with her mother when she started feeling

"Mommy," she said, "can we leave now?"

"No" her mother replied.

"Well, I think I have to throw up!"

"Then go out the front door and around to the back of the church and
up behind a bush."

After about 60 seconds the little girl returned to her seat.

"Did you throw up?" Mom asked.


"How could you have gone all the way to the back of the church and
so quickly?"

"I didn't have to go out of the church, Mommy.  They have a box next to
front door that says, 'For the Sick'."
Almost DARWIN Award Winners

These are not DARWIN Award Winners, but they are pretty close...

AT&T fired President John Walter after nine months, saying he 
lacked "intellectual leadership". He received a $26 million 
severance package. Perhaps it's not Walter who's lacking 


..With a Little Help from Our Friends! 
Police in Oakland, California spent two hours attempting to subdue a
gunman who had barricaded himself inside his home. After firing ten
tear gas canisters, officers discovered that the man was standing
beside them, shouting to please come out and give himself up...

 ..And What

Was Plan B? An Illinois man pretending to have a gun kidnapped a
motorist and forced him to drive to two different automated teller
machines. The kidnapper t

L&I U.K. Political practise

1998-04-15 Thread Richard Soderstrom

Richard Soderstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Terry wrote you the following.  Is this true? Government financing for a
political campaign??  I would think everyone in the country would run.  How
do they prevent having a thousand candidates for each office

You give us far too much credit, Steve.  I am deeply appreciative of the way
the English treat their politicians.  I guess most everyone on this list is
educated enough to know that most anyone can get government financing to run
for parliament in England and there are all sorts of bizarre characters and
parties that run and put forth candidates.  Margaret Thatcher had to run in
her district with a fellow that wanted the government to furnish a landing
pad for arriving aliens and dressed in a costume that looked like Herblock's
talking bombs.  I only wish I could have seen the "Iron Lady" in debate with
this candidate and standing for photo opportunities with him.  I bet her
stiff upper lip trembled at times.

OTOH this former English colony really takes idiot politicians seriously.
You would think we would have learned something from you.
Best, Terry

The dirty old Gandy Dancer

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Re: L&I Expert: Jonesboro shootings gender-based

1998-04-15 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Sue,

It does seem that males are not reacting well to the female struggle for 
liberation.  Our new so-called "freedoms"  (to have a punishing career
and come home each night to take care of husband and children)are a
threat.  This is probably biologically determined.  In most vertebrate
species the male dominates and does not put up with any nonsensical ideas
from females wanting to do their own thing.  This male dominance idea is
quickly passed from father to son.


You wrote:

. . .<<>>

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Re: L&I George Michael Arrested For 'Lewd Conduct' (http://www.yahoo.co.uk/hea

1998-04-15 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Bill,

I guess it was called "The Gay Nineties rag, waltzes and popular :). One
thing for sure there was lots of good music written then that is still
enjoyably around.
Ah, yes, the "beastiality" discussion I do recall and she who claimed
that instead of a perversion it was okay behavor as long as the animal
enjoyed it.  What a crackpot!   

Abba is okay, although I haven't heard much of them:  My musical tastes
are eclectic for the most part.  The nineteen eighties produced some
really good rock and roll, reggae, R & B and popular.  It seems to me
that the nineteen nineties music has greatly degenerated in quality and
singers now bray slurred lyrics into microphones with the drums and
musical accompaniment (if one can call it that) drowning out the words. 

I'll never get enough of Elton John, though.  He just gets better and
better.  :)

You wrote:

HI Vi,

Hmm, I wonder what the music from the Gay 90's would be called?  I guess
it depends on whether it's the 1890's or 1990's. 
Sorry about the vagueness of the "lamb" comment.  I was thinking of
"had"in the biblical sense and it got me laughing when I thought of the
discussions on the CTV list that centered on bestiality 

What about the music of Abba? 


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Re: L&I .COTD Christopher, Joseph

1998-04-15 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Kathy,

Society will be fortunate if this psychomaniac is killed by other inmates
- which is probably a distinct possibility.  Crazy or sane, he  isn't
worth the cost of his keep.

Have a good rest from L & I.  We will miss your leadership and  posts.

You wrote

<<<:A pathological racist, Christopher launched a one-man war against
blacksin September 1980, claiming victims from upstate New York
tosouthwestern Georgia. In his wake, he left an atmosphere of bigotry
andviolence that provoked a string of hostile confrontations in   
communities not known for racial animosity. His legacy of death and
hatred lingers to the present day, as several of the crimes connected to
his rampage -- or inspired by his example -- are officially unsolved. .

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Re: L&I Fred Goldman Is Newest UPN Star

1998-04-15 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Sue,

IMO this program on American justice is long overdue, and whether Fred
Goldman comes across as doleful or happy is irrelevant.  The public needs
to be educated concerning the chicanery that goes on in a courtroom by
high-priced lawyers in the name of "defense".   

Two years after the Simpson bloody double murder, with the killer able to
buy his way out of paying for his crime, I am still meeting people who
swallowed Cochran and Co's bull about cops planting blood and glove while
ignoring completely the solid, scientific DNA  evidence:  that size 12,
ugly-assed shoe print, blood on the bronco and Simpson's sox,  the limo
driver's testimony,  hair fibers matching Simpson's, his cut finger and
his contradictory stories of how he got the cut and where he was during
the time of the murders!!!  Incredible!!!

If any writer came up with a script like this, no publisher would touch

You wrote:

. . .<<>> 

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Re: L&I .COTD Christopher, Joseph

1998-04-15 Thread Ronald Helm

"Ronald Helm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>Have a good rest from L & I.  We will miss your leadership and  posts.

Very quiet on the Law list today.  I hope this is not a sign of what is to
come whenever Kathy wants a break.  C'mon guys and gals, the cats away, the
mice should play!


 99 percent of lawyers give the rest a bad name.

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L&I COTD: Christofi, Styllou

1998-04-15 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

A native of Cyprus, born in 1900, Styllou Christofi was tried, in 1925,
on a charge of murdering her mother-in-law by ramming a lighted torch
down the old woman's throat. She persuaded a jury of her innocence and
was released, but her problems with in-laws were not at an end.

In 1953, Christofi went to live with her son and his German wife of
fifteen years in Hampstead, England. The women failed to hit it off, and
things became so tense around the house that Hella Christofi announced
her intention of taking the children to Germany for a holiday in July
1954. She let her husband understand that she did not expect to find his
mother in the house when she returned.

On the night of July 28, Styllou ambushed her daughter in the bathroom,
knocking her unconscious with an ash plate lifted from the stove.
Dragging Hella into the kitchen, she strangled the younger woman with a
scarf and tried to hide the evidence by pouring paraffin over the body,
setting it on fire. In moments, the flames leaped out of control,
threatening to consume the house and her grandchildren, sleeping

At 1 a.m., a married couple parked near Hampstead station were
approached by Christofi, babbling in broken English about a fire at her
home. Returning with her to the scene, they doused the flames and found
a woman's body, charred in places, with the livid mark of strangulation
still visible on her throat. Police were summoned, and a neighbor came
forward to describe Christofi stirring the flames around a prostrate
"tailor's dummy."

Prison doctors found Styllou Christofi insane, but she refused to permit
an insanity defense at her trial. Convicted and sentenced to death in
October 1954, her subsequent appeals were dismissed and she was executed
after three doctors pronounced her sane. Her son did not attend the
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
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Re: L&I We got music

1998-04-15 Thread William J. Foristal

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

Hi Vi,

Abba has provided the background music to some very funny movies. 
"Muriel's Wedding" and Priscilla Queen of the Desert are two of my

I like most kinds of music except for Country and Western.  Just never
did get into the twang and nasal singing style.  But there have been some
great performers who developed their own style out of Country and Western
that I really like.  Lyle Lovett for example.  Also, like jazz, blues and
classical.  Favorite radio station plays a mix of today's hits and the

Favorite blues performers: Rod Piazza and the Mighty Flyers


On Wed, 15 Apr 1998 12:00:22 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano)
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:
>Hi Bill, 
>I guess it was called "The Gay Nineties rag, waltzes and popular :). 
>thing for sure there was lots of good music written then that is still 
>enjoyably around.
>Ah, yes, the "beastiality" discussion I do recall and she who claimed
>that instead of a perversion it was okay behavor as long as the animal 
>enjoyed it.  What a crackpot! Abba is okay, although I haven't 
>heard much of them:  My musical tastes are eclectic for the most part. 
> The nineteen eighties produced some really good rock and roll, 
>reggae, R & B and popular.  It seems to me
>that the nineteen nineties music has greatly degenerated in quality 
>singers now bray slurred lyrics into microphones with the drums and 
>musical accompaniment (if one can call it that) drowning out the 
>I'll never get enough of Elton John, though.  He just gets better and
>better.  :)
>You wrote:
>HI Vi,
>Hmm, I wonder what the music from the Gay 90's would be called?  I 
>guess it depends on whether it's the 1890's or 1990's. 
>Sorry about the vagueness of the "lamb" comment.  I was thinking of
>"had"in the biblical sense and it got me laughing when I thought of 
>discussions on the CTV list that centered on bestiality 
>What about the music of Abba? 
>You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get 
>completely free e-mail from Juno at http://www.juno.com Or call Juno 
>at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866]   Subscribe/Unsubscribe, email: 
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] In the body of the message enter: 
>subscribe/unsubscribe law-issues  

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L&I Prom mom offered deal

1998-04-15 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

I guess babies just aren't worth anything.  :((

FREEHOLD, N.J., April 15 (UPI) -- A 19-year-old New Jersey woman who  
gave birth in the bathroom during her high school prom and dumped the 
infant in the trash could strike a plea deal making her eligible for 
parole in four years. 
The Newark Star-Ledger reports Monmouth County prosecutors have  
offered Melissa Drexler a deal that would allow her to plead guilty to 
aggravated manslaughter, which carries a sentence of 12 to 15 years. 
Drexler is charged with killing her baby boy after delivering
him in  
the bathroom stall at her senior prom in Aberdeen Township last June 6. 
If convicted of murder, she faces 30 years to life. 
Defense attorney Steven Secare told the Star-Ledger in a recent  
interview that Drexler, free on bail, stays at her Lacey Township home 
unable to get a job because no one wants to hire her. 
Prosecutor John Kaye said the newborn, which was born healthy
with no  
defects of any kind, was placed in a small plastic bag used for 
disposing sanitary napkins and then placed in a trash basket. 
The infant was discovered by maintenance workers.  
Kaye said that after the birth, Drexler told friends she wasn't  
feeling well, ate a salad, and danced at least one dance. 
One of the Drexler's classmates tells the Star-Ledger: ``She
something that was supposed to be a memorable night for a lot of people. 
... She did the wrong thing, and I hate her for that.'' 

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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L&I Group joins appeal of beef suit

1998-04-15 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

AMARILLO, Texas, April 11 (UPI) -- The beef defamation dispute
Oprah Winfrey and her show against Texas cattlemen has deepened after 
the Texas Beef Group and other cattle companies joined an appeal against 
a jury decision acquitting Winfrey and her show. 
Cattleman Paul Engler filed an appeal March 27 after an Amarillo
acquitted Winfrey, her show and a guest of allegations that their 
comments defamed beef and cost the beef producers millions of dollars. 
The civil trial ended in February.  
Court documents show that Texas Beef Group, Perryton Feeders
Maltese Cross Cattle Co., Bravo Cattle Co., Alpha 3 Cattle Co. and 
Dripping Springs Cattle Co. joined the appeal Friday in Fifth Circuit 
Court of Appeals in New Orleans. 
In June 1996, Engler sued in U.S. District Court, two months
Winfrey and a guest discussed the health threat from beef consumption. 
The April l6, l996, show was broadcast during an international
over so-called ``mad cow'' disease, which devastated cattle herds in the 
United Kingdom. 
The disease, which can affect the brain, poses a threat to
humans who  
consume infected beef. 
After a trial that turned hundreds of Panhandle residents into  
stargazers out to catch a glimpse of Winfrey and her Hollywood guests, 
jurors acquitted Winfrey and the other defendants. 
Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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L&I Girl involved in second choking attack

1998-04-15 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

SAN ANTONIO, April 13 (UPI) -- A 17-year-old girl whose alleged attack  
on a San Antonio teacher caused a public outcry is being sought by 
police after allegedly trying to strangle a school bus driver. 
Northside School District spokesman Larry Meyer says today the
who has not been identified, tried to strangle a bus driver with a nylon 
cord after he ordered her not to stand up on the bus. 
The driver was treated for minor injuries, and the girl fled
the attack. 
She was released from a juvenile detention facility last month
ordered to wear an electronic monitoring device. 
Police looking for the girl say they believe she has removed
Bexar County prosecutor Steve Hilbig is trying to get the girl  
certified as an adult on charges she attacked a reading teacher at Taft 
High School in January, when she was only 16. 
Some parents were outraged that Northside school officials could
expel the girl following the attack. State law allows expulsion only if 
an assault on a teacher qualifies as a felony assault. 
Meyer says the attack on the driver is severe enough to get the
Charges in the case are pending.  

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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L&I Escaped convict caught again

1998-04-15 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla., April 9 (UPI) -- An escaped convict from Texas  
with an ironic sense of humor is again in jail, this time in Fort 
Lauderdale, Fla. 
Steven Jay Russell, who was serving a sentence for stealing
from a Houston business, has been dubbed ``King Con'' and ``Houdini'' by 
authorities for slipping out of jails three times -- always on Friday
Russell is the only inmate to have escaped from Houston's
County Jail twice. 
In 1996, he demonstrated his nerve by impersonating a judge,
the district clerk's office, ordering his bond reduced from $900,000 to 
$45,000 and walking away from the facility. 
Russell's pulled off his most recent escape from the facility
13 by posing as an inmate dying of AIDS. 
Jail officials said Russell managed to get a ``special needs''
to a south Texas nursing home after convincing someone to call the jail 
to release him to a Houston hospital for treatment. 
Once loose, Russell was able to his get lover transferred from
Houston jail to a Dallas lockup, where Russell actually visited him 
several times by posing as the man's lawyer. 
In past escapes, Russell has posed as an FBI agent, a judge and
Investigators from Texas and Florida tracked Russell to Sunrise,
, where he was arrested Tuesday night as he was getting into his car. 
Authorities believe they might have a little comfort room as  
arrangements are made to transport Russell from Florida to Texas; the 
next Friday the 13th comes in November. 

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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L&I British government defends "crime college" kids' prison

1998-04-15 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

LONDON, April 14 (AFP) - The British government defended Tuesday  
plans to open a special detention centre for child criminals that 
critics claim will become a "college for crime" and cost more than 
staying at the Ritz hotel. 
   The first such privately run centre for children aged 12 to 14  
is to open on Friday in the southern town of Medway and will hold 40 
of the country's worst repeat juvenile offenders, who have committed 
long lists of crimes but are too young for an adult prison. 
   The aim of the facility is to rehabilitate tearaways who have  
been convicted of three or more imprisonable offences, such as 
stealing cars. 
   Serious child criminals, such as murderers, can be put into  
local young offenders' homes, but the courts are reluctant to clog 
up these facilities with the less serious young criminals, who are 
usually kept at home under supervision of social workers. 
   The children will be supervised by 26 staff, who will mostly  
have backgrounds in the social services rather than prison 
institutions, including nurses, teachers, social workers and gym 
   To encourage the children to take responsibility for themselves,  
they will be made to do their own washing and cooking, and will also 
do at least 25 hours of school work a week. 
   The setting up of the first of five planned centres was  
contracted out under the previous Conservative government and 
lambasted at the time by the then opposition Labour Party as 
creation of "colleges of crime." 
   Labour Prime Minister Tony Blair's government is keen to crack  
down on youth crime and now finds itself defending the idea, while 
stressing that the centres will not be jails, but places where 
children can be put on track. 
   Critics are homing in on the alleged cost of the first centre  
and fears that putting young criminals together for long periods 
will only lead to them developing worse habits. 
   According to the Children's Society the cost will be 5,000  
pounds (8,350 dollars) per child per week, ten times the cost of top 
private schools Eton and Harrow, and twice the price of staying at a 
luxury hotel. 
   "College of Crime. Outrage as 5,000 pound a week children's  
prison is unveiled," complained The Mirror tabloid daily on 
   Alun Michael, minister of state for home affairs, dismissed  
these figures as "taken out of the air," but said that the cost 
could not be disclosed because negotiations are still ongoing for 
the four other proposed centres. 
   Children's Society chief executive Ian Sparks said kid criminals  
should be kept nearer their homes, not sent away. "We are in danger 
of creating dumping grounds for the children society doesn't know 
what to do with," he said. 
   The principal officer for the National Association for the Care  
and Resettlement of Offenders, Paul Cavadino, said the five centres 
would cost more than 30 million pounds a year and that the money 
should instead have been spent on "developing intensive supervision 
programmes in the community." 
   Nick Metcalfe, a spokesman for the private security firm Group  
4, which is setting up the centre, said "there is clearly some 
punishment of depriving someone of their liberty. They will be away 
from home maybe for a year." 
   "There will be a regime that will not involve sitting around  
watching too much television ... it's going to be fairly brisk," he 
   The problem of very young criminals has become a hot political  
issue thanks to well publicised cases of boys barely in their teens 
notching up breath-taking crime records almost with impunity. 
   Tommy Laws, now 17, became nationally known as "Spider Boy" when  
he was just 13 for his method of using roof tops to escape the scene 
of crimes, including the theft of 190 cars. 

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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L&I Petrocelli Book

1998-04-15 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Joan:

I just found out tonight that Petrocelli's book will be out on the 28th
of this month.

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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L&I 'Spam King' Says He's Sorry

1998-04-15 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

President Of Junk E-Mail Company Abdicates, Apologizes

PHILADELPHIA, Posted 2:45 p.m. April 15,
1998 -- The "Spam King" has declared himself

Good riddance, says anybody who's had their
e-mail box stuffed with spam, what online folks
have dubbed commercial bulk e-mail -- or junk
Sanford Wallace is the president of Cyber
Promotions Inc., a junk e-mail company that once sent out as many as 25
million unsolicited ads, according to The Associated Press. 

Wallace, hardly embarrassed about his reputation for being the most
man on the Internet, likes to refer to himself as "Spamford." 

Now, the wire service says that he has apologized to his unwilling
and promised to stop flooding their e-mail boxes. 
Over the weekend, he reportedly sent a message to his critics on an
newsgroup dedicated to fighting spam. He said he will never go back to
old ways. Instead, writes AP, he will support anti-spam legislation. 
The Spam King also tells the wire service he's been worn down by legal
battles and the struggle to get his operations back online. 

Let's hope he's sincere and that his spamming subordinates follow his
Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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L&I Retrial of confessed murderer

1998-04-15 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

ST. AUGUSTINE, Fla., April 13 (UPI) -- Testimony is set to begin in  
the trial of a Daytona Beach woman who confessed to a slaying recorded 
on videotape and conspiracy in another death. 
Deidre Hunt was on death row for her crimes, but was given a
trial by  
the Florida Supreme Court when it was learned her lawyer sold her story 
to a tabloid television program before her confession. 
Hunt and her lover Kostas Fotopoulos were sent to death row for
1989 murders of Bryan Chase and Kevin Ramsey in an murder-for-hire 
Fotopoulos, married to a wealthy woman, owned a Daytona Beach  
billiards parlor where Hunt worked as a cocktail waitress. 
The two allegedly plotted the death of Lisa Fotopoulos to
collect her  
life insurance. 
Investigators say lovers picked Bryan Chase, a teenage runaway,
the triggerman, proposing a test to see if he had the courage to commit 
the crime. 
They say Fotopoulos videotaped as Hunt pumped several bullets
Ramsey, another runaway, as he stood tied to a tree. 
Chase was allegedly given a gun and told to break into the  
Fotopoulos' home and kill Mrs. Fotopoulos, but Chase did not know it was 
a setup. 
Prosecutors contend the runaway was shot and killed seconds
after he  
put a bullet in the forehead of Mrs. Fotopoulos, who survived the 
homicide attempt. 
Hunt's attorney plans a battered-woman syndrome defense
his client had fallen under the control of Fotopoulos. 
The prosecution is asking for the death penalty.  

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L&I Kevorkian associate surrenders

1998-04-15 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

DETROIT, April 15 (UPI) -- A former live-in girlfriend of a patient of  
Jack Kevorkian says one of Kevorkian's associates sexually assaulted her 
5-year-old daughter. 
Neal Nicol, 58, of Waterford Township surrendered to police
and was arraigned on a charge of first-degree criminal sexual conduct. 
The child's mother is the former girlfriend of Thomas Hyde, 30,
Novi, Mich., whose body was found Aug. 4, 1993, in Kevorkian's van on 
Belle Isle in Detroit. 
Hyde, who suffered from Lou Gehrig's disease, is the father of
child. He was the 17th person to die with Kevorkian's help. Waterford 
police released few details of the sexual assault case. The mother and 
the girl lived with Nicol this year. 
She could not be reached for comment.  
Nicol was released on $5,000 bond pending a May 14 court
Nicol's attorney Michael Odette describes the complaint as  
``unfounded and weird.'' Nicol first helped Kevorkian in the 1960s with 
early blood transfusion experiments at Pontiac General Hospital. 
The Walled Lake woman met Nicol in August 1993, about the time
Hyde's death, Odette said, adding the pair ``didn't date for a year or 
The woman and her daughter moved in with Nicol in August 1997,
it didn't last,'' Odette said. In December, Nicol asked the woman to 
move out. 
In December, Nicol called social workers saying the girl was
abused by her mother. 

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L&I That same rock

1998-04-15 Thread Richard Soderstrom

Richard Soderstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

"I just broke up with someone and the last thing she said to me was,
>  'You'll never find anyone like me again!' I'm thinking, 'I should
>  hope not!  If I don't want you, why would I want someone like you?'
> -Larry Miller
>  "What do people mean when they say the computer went down on them?"
>--Marilyn Pittman
> ***
>  "When you look at Prince Charles, don't you think that someone in
>  the Royal family knew someone in the Royal family?"
>   --Robin Williams
>  "A woman broke up with me and sent me pictures of her and her new
>  boyfriend in bed together.
>   Solution?  I sent them to her dad."
>--Christopher Case
>  "Relationships are hard. It's like a full-time job, and we should
>  treat it like one. If your boyfriend or girlfriend wants to leave
>  you, they should give you two weeks' notice. There should be severance
>  pay, and before they leave you, they should have to find you a temp."
>--Bob Ettinger
>  "I ask people why they have deer heads on their walls. They always
>  say because it's such a beautiful animal. There you go. I think my
>  mother is attractive, but I have photographs of her."
>  --Ellen DeGeneres
>   ***
>  "I've been doing the Fonda workout: The Peter Fonda workout. That's
>  where I wake up, take a hit of acid, smoke a joint, and go to my
>  sister's house and ask her for money."
>--Kevin Meaney
>   ***
>  "A lady came up to me on the street and pointed at my suede jacket.
>  'You know a cow was murdered for that jacket?' she sneered.
>  I replied in a psychotic tone, 'I didn't know there were any
>  witnesses. Now I'll have to kill you too."
>   --Jake Johansen
>  "If your parents never had children, chances are you won't either."
> --Dick Cavett
>  *
>  "Our bombs are smarter than the average high school student. At least
>   they can find Kuwait."
>--A. Whitney Brown
>  "Thou shall not kill. Thou shall not commit adultery.  Don't eat
>  pork. I'm sorry, what was that last one??  Don't eat pork.  God has
>  spoken. Is that the word of God or is that pigs trying to outsmart
>  everybody?"
>--Jon Stewart
>  "My mom said she learned how to swim when someone took her out in
>  the lake and threw her off the boat. I said, 'Mom, they weren't trying
>  to teach you how to swim.' "
>--Paula Poundstone
>   ***
>  "In elementary school, in case of fire you have to line up quietly
>  in a single file line from smallest to tallest. What is the logic?
>  Do tall people burn slower?"
>--Warren Hutcherson
>  "I voted for the Democrats because I didn't like the way the
>  Republicans were running the country. Which is turning out to be
>  like shooting yourself in the head to stop your headache."
>--Jack Mayberry
>  "Ever wonder if illiterate people get the full effect of alphabet soup?"
>--John Mendoza
>  "A study in the Washington Post says that women have better verbal
>  skills than men. I just want to say to the authors of that study:
>  Duh."
>--Conan O'Brien
>  "When I was a kid, I had two friends, and they were imaginary and
>  they would only play with each other."
>--Rita Rudner
>   ***
>  "I don't know what's wrong with my television set. I was getting
>  C-Span and the Home Shopping Network on the same station. I actually
>  bought a congressman."   --Bruce Baum
>  "It had a linguistics professor who said that it's man's ability to
>  use language that makes him the dominant species on the planet. That
>  may be.  But I think there's one other thing that separates us from
>  animals. We aren't afraid of vacuum cleaners."
>--Jeff Stilson
>   ***

Re: L&I Fred Goldman Is Newest UPN Star

1998-04-15 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Vi:

He already has one state that is putting that law about children not
having to live or be in the custody of murders on the books.  I didn't
realize it but in almost every state a person can be convicted of
murdering their spouse and still retain custody of the children.

> Hi Sue,
> IMO this program on American justice is long overdue, and whether Fred
> Goldman comes across as doleful or happy is irrelevant.  The public needs
> to be educated concerning the chicanery that goes on in a courtroom by
> high-priced lawyers in the name of "defense".
> Two years after the Simpson bloody double murder, with the killer able to
> buy his way out of paying for his crime, I am still meeting people who
> swallowed Cochran and Co's bull about cops planting blood and glove while
> ignoring completely the solid, scientific DNA  evidence:  that size 12,
> ugly-assed shoe print, blood on the bronco and Simpson's sox,  the limo
> driver's testimony,  hair fibers matching Simpson's, his cut finger and
> his contradictory stories of how he got the cut and where he was during
> the time of the murders!!!  Incredible!!!
> If any writer came up with a script like this, no publisher would touch
> it.
> Vi

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1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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L&I Paula Jones Will Appeal

1998-04-15 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

April 15) -- Paula  Jones will ask a federal 
 appeals court to reverse a judge's dismissal of her sexual 
 harassment lawsuit against President Bill Clinton, CNN has learned. 

 A formal announcement is scheduled for Thursday
 afternoon. But sources tell CNN's Bob Franken that
 after a day of haggling and argument among lawyers
 and Jones and her representatives, a decision has
 been made to proceed. 

 There has been friction between lawyers from the
 Dallas law firm that has been representing Jones, the
 Rutherford Institute -- the conservative group that
 has been financing the suit -- and Susan Carpenter
 McMillan, Jones' spokeswoman and adviser. 

 Sources say the parties will meet again Thursday
 morning to work out the final details on an agreement
 outlining the conditions under which they will proceed
 during the appeal. 

 Jones, a former Arkansas state employee, alleges
 that Clinton exposed himself and requested that she
 perform oral sex during an encounter in a Little Rock
 hotel room in 1991. Clinton was governor of
 Arkansas at the time. 

 Clinton has said he doesn't recall meeting Jones and
 has denied any wrongdoing. 

 Last month, U.S. District Judge Susan Webber
 Wright in Little Rock dismissed the suit, saying that
 even if Jones' allegations were true, Clinton's conduct
 would not meet the legal standards necessary to
 constitute sexual harassment. 

 Jones' appeal of Wright's decision will go to the 8th
 U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, based in St. Louis,
 which handles federal appeals from Arkansas. 

 McMillan told reporters that in deciding on whether
 to appeal, "You have to look at what's the human
 toll, what's the financial toll, what are the chances (of

 She noted that the St. Louis appeals court reverses
 about one-third of the cases it receives in which a
 judge dismisses a case before trial, which is called
 summary judgment. 

 "They don't like summary judgments," she said. 

 CNN plans live coverage of Jones' news conference,
 set for 2:50 p.m. EDT. 

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1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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Re: L&I Expert: Jonesboro shootings gender-based

1998-04-15 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Vi:

Although you are probably right about everything you said here, I
honestly think the reason the kid shot the girls was because he was
pissed off at one of them for not returning his "love and attention",
just as he told another kid.  As for the other girls and teacher getting
shot they were probably with the girl that got shot, or just happened to
be in the way of a bullet.

Whatever the reason, it really is getting bad.  I heard today that two
of the boys that raped the 3 year old in Texas won't even be held liable
for what they did.  The law won't allow it.  Now that is really sick,


> Hi Sue,
> It does seem that males are not reacting well to the female struggle for
> liberation.  Our new so-called "freedoms"  (to have a punishing career
> and come home each night to take care of husband and children)are a
> threat.  This is probably biologically determined.  In most vertebrate
> species the male dominates and does not put up with any nonsensical ideas
> from females wanting to do their own thing.  This male dominance idea is
> quickly passed from father to son.
> Vi

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Re: L&I We got music

1998-04-15 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Bill:

I liked the music of Abba.  But then again there isn't much music I
don't like, including country.  :)  I even like Celtic and Native
American music.  And I also liked the Village People.  :)

> Hi Vi,
> Abba has provided the background music to some very funny movies.
> "Muriel's Wedding" and Priscilla Queen of the Desert are two of my
> favorites.
> I like most kinds of music except for Country and Western.  Just never
> did get into the twang and nasal singing style.  But there have been some
> great performers who developed their own style out of Country and Western
> that I really like.  Lyle Lovett for example.  Also, like jazz, blues and
> classical.  Favorite radio station plays a mix of today's hits and the
> oldies.
> Favorite blues performers: Rod Piazza and the Mighty Flyers
> Bill

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Re: L&I Presidential Scandals in U.S. History

1998-04-15 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Vi:

Didn't all this with Eisenhower happen (if it did) during WWII?  If it
was and he didn't do anything while over in Europe, he would be the only
guy that didn't, I bet.  :)

> Hi Terry,
> Usually where there is smoke, there is fire.  Ike, being human and away
> from Maime for a long period of time probably did have a flirtation.
> People were romantic is those days and did not necessarily hop into bed.
> There may have been anything from the exchange of a few kisses to a
> full-blown love affair going on and we may never know for sure.
> Whatever he may have done abroad, though, he did the honorable thing at
> home and stood by his wife and children.
> Vi

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L&I Jokes for Wednesday

1998-04-15 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

The Top 16 Surprises in the Final Episode of "Seinfeld"  

16> 105-year-old Elaine recounts how Jerry's apartment hit an  
15> Jerry reveals to all that he, Paul Rieser and Richard Lewis 
are actually the same person.  
14> Mulder and Scully bust in to kill Kramer, who was sent here 
as part of a diabolical alien plot, but he's already escaped 
to join the cast of "3rd Rock from the Sun."  
13> Jerry wakes up next to Bob Newhart and realizes it was all 
just a dream.  
12> *George* awakens from a long nightmare to find Bobby Ewing 
in his shower.  
11> Bikini waxing accident leaves Elaine follically impaired.  
   (Not that there's anything wrong with that.)  
10> George Michael guest stars as "Master Of His Domain."  
 9> Jerry finally accomplishes his goal of dating every single
woman in NYC.  His number is then retired into the rafters
with Wilt Chamberlain's.  
 8> Everyone watches helplessly as the Soup Nazi invades Poland.
 7> George gets crushed by a falling beam at Yankee Stadium.
 6> Jerry, Kramer, George and Newman compare their nude sketches
of Elaine.  
 5> Newman goes postal -- 8 dead, 14 wounded.  
 4> A wacky new spin-off, "Minefield", is born when Elaine
introduces the gang to her pregnant "roommate", played by 
the irrepressible Jodie Foster.  
 3> Jerry's hot new girlfriend tricks him into appearing with 
her on the "I'm dating a prissy, neurotic mama's boy!" 
episode of Jenny Jones.  
 2> Kramer shoots himself in the head mere moments after Jerry
finally locks his front door.  
and Top5's Number 1 Surprise in the Final Episode of "Seinfeld"...
 1> Special surprise appearance by Shoshanna Lowenstein's

 The Pope met with his cardinals to discuss a proposal from Benjamin
 Netanyahu, the leader of Israel.

 "Your Holiness" said one of the Cardinals, "Mr. Netanyahu wants to
 challenge you to a game of golf to show the friendship and ecumenical
 spirit shared by the Jewish and Catholic faiths."

 The Pope thought is was a good idea, but he had never held a golf club
 in his hand.  "Have we not," he asked "a cardinal who can represent me
 against the leader of Israel?"

 "None that plays golf very well," a cardinal said. "But," he added,
 "there is a man named Jack Nicklas, an American golfer who is a devout
 Catholic.  We can offer to make him a cardinal; then ask him to play
 Benjamin Netanyahu as your personal representative.  In addition to
 showing our spirit of cooperation, we'll also win the match."

 Everyone agreed it was a good idea.

 The call was made.  Of course, Nicklaus was honored and agreed to play.

 The day after the match, Nicklaus reported to the Vatican to inform the
 Pope of the result.  "I have some good news and some bad news, Your
 Holiness," said the world-class golfer.

 "Tell me the good news first, Cardinal Nicklaus," said the Pope.

 "Well, Your Holiness, I don't like to brag, but even though I've played
 some pretty terrific rounds of golf in my life, this was the best I
 ever played, by far.  I must have been inspired from above.  My drives
 were long and true, my irons were accurate and purposeful and my
 putting was perfect.  With all due respect, my play was truly

 "There's bad news?" the Pope asked.

 Nicklaus sighed.  "I lost to Rabbi Woods by three strokes."
"Insurance Proceeds"

A doctor vacationing on the Riviera met an old lawyer 
friend and asked him what he was doing there.

The lawyer replied, "Remember that lousy real estate I 
bought?  Well, it caught fire, so here I am with the fire 
insurance proceeds.  What are you doing here?"

The doctor replied, "Remember that lousy real estate I 
had in Mississippi?  Well, the river overflowed, and here 
I am with the flood insurance proceeds."

The lawyer looked puzzled. 
"Gee," he asked, "How do you start a flood?"

"An Accident"

A doctor and a lawyer in two cars collided on a country 
road. The lawyer, seeing that the doctor was a little shaken 
up, helped him from the car and offered him a drink from his 
hip flask.

The doctor accepted and handed the flask back to the lawyer, 
who carefully closed it and put it away. "Aren't you going to 
have a drink yourself?" asked the doctor.

"Sure; after the police leave," replied the lawyer.

"Taking It With You"

An old man was on his death bed. He wanted badly to take 
all his money with him.  He called his priest, his doctor and 
his lawyer to his bedside. 

"Here's $30,000 cash to be held by each of you.  I trust you 
to put this in my coffin when I die so I can take all my money 
with me."

At the funeral, each man put an envelope in the coffin.  
Riding away a limousine, the priest suddenly broke into tears 
and confessed that he had only put $20,000 into the envelope 
because he needed $10,000 f


1998-04-15 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

The guy is bonkers, IMO.  Sue


O.J. Simpson went bananas after a recent TV interview, pretending to
stab a
reporter with a piece of fruit while mugging for the camera, the New
Post reports today.

TV footage shows a wild-eyed Simpson, with a crazy grin on his face,
a banana like a knife and hacking away at BBC reporter Ruby Wax.

Wax said she was stunned by the horseplay: 'O.J. said he had a surprise
me and I genuinely was surprised,' she said. 'I think it was his idea of

Simpson, 50, was acquitted during a criminal trial of murderering
Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend, Ronald Goldman, but a civil jury
found him liable for the deaths.  In the interview, which airs April 29,
says 'Anyone is capable of murder,' but insists he did not kill the two
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Re: L&I George Michael Arrested For 'Lewd Conduct' (http://www.yahoo.co.uk/hea

1998-04-15 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Vi:

Maybe I am dense or something, but I honestly don't see where his
sexuality has anything at all to do with what he did or did not do in
that restroom.  Sorry.

My daughter was in love with him when he was in his glory with Wham. 
That is how I got to know his music, and I really liked it a lot then.

I also heard yesterday that his career is taking off again since this
restroom fiasco.  

> Hi Sue,
> No wonder I liked his music so much in the beginning!  Thanks for the
> information.  You can't blame anyone for coming to terms with their
> sexuality over time, [][but one sure ought to stay out of public
> restrooms in coping!  :)
> Vi

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Re: L&I Boys Attack 3-Year-Old Girl

1998-04-15 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Ron:

They can't even do anything to the two younger kids.  :(  The law in
Texas says that they can't be held liable.  

> >>   Police questioned the boys after the 7-year-old admitted
> >>   his involvement while being disciplined for another
> >>   matter by his school principal, police said. He then
> >>   implicated the other two boys.
> >
> This has got to be the youngest "plea bargainer" in the history of criminal
> justice.
> Ron

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L&I TAX TIME!--The Daily Outrage!

1998-04-15 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Wednesday, April 15, 1998


Mr. Outrage was confused. He had just filed his income tax forms
and was reviewing them, as well as his overall income and
expenses for 1997, with his financial advisor. Their conversation

Advisor: Look, we'll go through it step by step. Maybe that will
help. First of all, the city says your house went up in value, so
your real estate taxes increased. 

Mr. Outrage: What do I pay those for? I send my kids to private
school because the local public schools are teaching that Martin
Luther King led the troops at Valley Forge. All the local cops do
is pull me over for speeding. The streets have potholes and the
local dog-catcher accidentally put our Great Dane to sleep.

Advisor: Well, your problem isn't the real estate taxes.
Actually, in terms of local taxes, you probably paid more in
sales tax. Plus, the real estate taxes are deductible against your
state and federal income taxes, and the sales taxes aren't.

Mr. Outrage: Sales taxes? I thought those went to the state.

Advisor: Well, actually you pay two different sales taxes. When
you eat out, you pay a state sales tax plus a meals tax.
Incidentally, you seem to be eating out a lot.

Mr. Outrage: Yeah, ever since my wife left me for the paperboy,
I've been a regular at Mickey Dees and Burger King. But why do I
pay an extra tax when I eat at fast food joints?

Advisor: Well, a meals tax is sort of a luxury tax. By taxing all
you single people who eat out all the time the city can pay for
vital necessities, like the Easter egg hunt in the local park.

Mr. Outrage: What about the personal property taxes? They seem
really high.

Advisor: Well, the local sales taxes and the real estate taxes
weren't enough to pay for the new baseball stadium, so the city
had to raise the personal property tax.

Mr. Outrage: But isn't the stadium privately owned? I'm sure it
is - that guy that made six billion dollars when he co-founded
MacroHard owns it.

Advisor: Yes, it's privately owned. But real estate, personal
property and local sales taxes aren't what's really killing you.
Did you look at your business return? 

Mr. Outrage: I did, but I still don't understand it.  I was sure
those sexual harassment insurance premiums were deductible.

Advisor:  They are, but only in the event that your income is
less than $82,764. And of course not if you qualify for the
alternative maximum income tax. Unless, of course, Jupiter is in
the seventh moon, in which case you need to file form 32F.

Mr. Outrage: What are these penalties?

Advisor: You under-estimated your estimated tax. We had
anticipated that you would have made less money than you did last
year, but you made more, so you've got some problems. 

Mr.Outrage: How can that be? I don't have any money left.

Advisor: You may also owe some alternative minimum tax.

Mr. Outrage: What! I thought that was to make sure Madonna and
Bill Gates paid their fair share. What does it have to do with

Advisor: Quit complaining, the government provides lots of useful
services. Didn't you see the PBS special, "Bill Clinton: A Moral
Hero for our Times"?

Mr. Outrage: This is unbelievable. How did these taxes get so

Advisor: Well, some people complained about the National
Endowment for the Arts paying millions of dollars for artists to
paint black canvases. But their defenders explained that a hundred
million dollars was nothing, in the scheme of things. Other
people complained about farm subsidies and paying farmers not
to grow crops. But the farmers protested: after all, as a percent
of GNP, the subsidies weren't very much. Of course, despite the
fact that there are approximately 751,293 competing forms of
private media, we couldn't do without National Public Radio. And
then there's the cost of playing Globo Cop. A few hundred million
here, a few hundred million there, and pretty soon you're talking
about real money.

Mr. Outrage: What's this social security payment?

Advisor: It's to help out the older folks, so they don't eat dog
food in their golden years.

Mr. Outrage: You mean like my great aunt Carol? The one that
inherited the local shopping mall? Of course she never paid into
the system.

Well, at least I'll be secure in my old age.

Advisor: No - actually, the system will be bankrupt by that time.

Mr. Outrage: I have to tell you, I'm just glad I still have my
boat. If I didn't have some place to escape I think I'd just go

Advisor: You may need to sell that boat. They're thinking about
implementing an annual luxury tax on boats.

Mr. Outrage: What are these capital gains? I didn't sell

Advisor: Those are from your mutual funds.

Mr. Outrage: But I didn't sell any of my mutual funds.

Advisor: Doesn't matter. The mutual funds sold stocks within the
funds, and as a mutual fund owner you're liable for their gains.

Mr. Outrage: How could there by any gains? The on