Re: [Lazarus] New widgetset

2011-08-16 Thread Michalis Kamburelis
> This seems to indicate that you use an older version of OpenGL (1.5). AFAIK
> GLSL was included from OpenGL 2.0. So this suggests you should try to update
> your libraries.

GLSL is also available for older OpenGL 1.x, through OpenGL ARB
extensions (ARB_shader_objects and friends). But I don't know if
nvidia-widgetset uses it.

But in this case, the problem is most likely Mesa. You need the latest
Mesa (>= 7.9) to have any chance of GLSL shaders, and they are still
quite unstable (for now).

For now, the advised way to get really advanced OpenGL version, with
full shader support etc., is to enable proprietary drivers, which can
give you OpenGL even > 3 on newer graphic cards. Since you have
Ubuntu, this is trivial, just use System->Administration->Hardware
Drivers. You can easily enable, and later easily disable (if you feel
unclean :) proprietary drivers from there.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] RE : New widgetset

2011-08-16 Thread Michalis Kamburelis
Ludo Brands wrote:
> Tried the example but it crashes with a segfault at line 31 in
> nvShaderUtils. It appears that the address of glCreateShader is nil. I tried
> to break into any of the Load_GL_VERSION_x_y or glext_LoadExtension in
> glext.pp but no success. When are functions like glCreateShader supposed to
> be initialised?
> Ubuntu 10.04 OpenGL 2.1, shading language version 1.2

glCreateShader is initialized by Load_GL_version_2_0 (also, higher
Load_GL_version_x_x call Load_GL_version_2_0).

Darius: nvidia-widgets/src/nvwidgets/nvglutwidgets.pas calls
Load_GL_version_2_0, but the result is not checked. You should abort
the program (probably it would be nicest to raise an exception) if
Load_GL_version_2_0 returns false (meaning that some entry points are
not defined). Since the rest of the code seems to assume that GLSL
functions are initialized.

Ludo: Are you sure you have OpenGL 2.1? Some OpenGL implementations
unfortunately lie, claiming in glGetString(GL_VERSION) that they
support higher version than in reality. You can try adding
Writeln(Load_GL_version_2_0) into any OpenGL example program, and you
will probably see that it answers false. For example, you can add
Writeln(Load_GL_version_2_0) inside the FPC demo
packages/opengl/examples/glutdemo.pp, near the other writelns.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] RE : RE : New widgetset

2011-08-16 Thread Michalis Kamburelis
Ludo Brands write:
> The all or nothing approach in Load_GL_version_X_Y (all functions are
> present or fail) is simple but has its disadvantages when working with third
> party libraries. Fe Synapse uses a more elaborate method of loading
> functions at runtime. It defines for every function a wrapper that checks if
> the function pointer is assigned and then calls it or raises a meaningfull
> exception.

When an entry point is nil, the error message is more or less clear if
you can read the backtrace :) The real trouble is that defining such
"stub" versions for all the functions would be unmaintainable IMHO, as
there are a *huge* number of GLExt functions, with various parameters.
That's a lot of work, only to deal with inferior OpenGL

Maybe all the Assigned() checks could be moved lower, so that
everything possible is still loaded, even when Load_GL_version_x_x
returns false. Although this will still be risky: the programs that
want to play safe should just assume that you really don't have
(correct) OpenGL 2, and just don't use any of it's functions, if some
entry point failed, IMHO.

GLSL shaders are also available through ARB extensions, and this is a
good fallback that works in practice, in my experience. (For example,
my fglrx lies about OpenGL 2 too, but it has valid ARB_shader_objects
and friends.) So using GLSL shaders even with these broken
implementations is possible. However nvidia-widgetset doesn't use
ARB_shader_xxx. Understandably, nvidia-widgetset assumes a correct
OpenGL implementation, and I have indeed never seen nvidia OpenGL
lying about it's version (fglrx, and some latest Intel, lie all the
time on the other hand..)


Lazarus mailing list

[Lazarus] Change default component name

2011-10-11 Thread Michalis Kamburelis

When you drop a component on a form, by default the name of the
component is derived from the ClassName with leading 'T' removed (and
number suffix added). Now, I'm wondering about registering a class named
T3DScene as a component, and this causes problems: when you drop this
component on a Lazarus form, the default name is "3DScene1", which
obviously isn't a valid Pascal identifier. Lazarus shows an error
message "Error setting the name of a component :T3DScene to 3DScene1"
and refuses to add the component to the form.

1. Is there a solution for this? Is there maybe a virtual method like
TComponent.GetDefaultName that I can override, or some other way to tell
Lazarus that the default name for T3DScene class should be like
"Scene1", "Scene2" etc.?

2. Or do I just have to rename the class (to e.g. "TScene" or
"TScene3D") to make it work without problems with form designer?

Browsing the Lazarus sources, I didn't see any such way (it seems that
the logic to remove 'T' from ClassName is just hardcoded in some
places), so I'm guessing it's 2., but wanted to make sure :)


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Change default component name

2011-10-11 Thread Michalis Kamburelis
Michalis Kamburelis wrote:
> Browsing the Lazarus sources, I didn't see any such way (it seems that
> the logic to remove 'T' from ClassName is just hardcoded in some
> places), so I'm guessing it's 2., but wanted to make sure :)

To answer my own question, the logic is inside
TCustomFormEditor.CreateUniqueComponentName, and there doesn't seem to
exist a reasonable way to change it. In theory, I could try assigning my
own Name in constructor looking at my Owner, but then I also need to
make sure myself that the name is unique (add unique number suffix),
opening a can of worms (since I would have to replicate part of
TCustomFormEditor.CreateUniqueComponentName implementation then, and
fear that it can change one day :).

I guess the class should just be renamed.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Change default component name

2011-10-12 Thread Michalis Kamburelis
Mattias Gaertner wrote:
>> To answer my own question, the logic is inside
>> TCustomFormEditor.CreateUniqueComponentName,
> I added a check. Please test.

New ClassNameToComponentName works fine :), tested with Lazarus trunk
compiled by FPC 2.4.4. The default component name is now "T3DScene1",
which makes it a valid identifier.

>> I guess the class should just be renamed.
> Yes, that would be nicer for many users.

Will do. (I want to support at least Lazarus 0.9.30 anyway, so even if
Lazarus trunk will get nicer solution, I still have to workaround it for
existing stable Lazarus version.)


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Generics type as parameter

2012-05-12 Thread Michalis Kamburelis

Leonardo M. Ramé wrote:

Without generics, I can use, for example, a TObjectList, or a
TCollection, without any problem. Is there a way to do this using

All generics in FGL unit descend from non-generic TFPSList class. It can 
be used if you need to treat them in a uniform manner.


Lazarus mailing list

[Lazarus] Patch to add multi-sampling (anti-aliasing) to T[Custom]OpenGLControl

2012-05-13 Thread Michalis Kamburelis


For those using TOpenGLControl component in Lazarus: I just submitted a 
patch that adds new property MultiSampling that allows to easily turn on 
anti-aliasing for OpenGL contexts. The patch and description is on

The patch is by Jan Adamec and me. The new TOpenGLControl.MultiSampling 
property also happens to be compatible with my 
TCastleWindow.MultiSampling property in my "Castle Game Engine" :)


Lazarus mailing list

[Lazarus] Responding to #22170 comments: adding more properties to TOpenGLControl

2012-06-03 Thread Michalis Kamburelis


I recently submitted a patch to TOpenGLControl to add AlphaBits, 
DepthBits and StencilBits properties, see . The patch is already 
applied to Lazarus SVN, thanks to Juha Manninen :)

In the comments, there is a question about AuxBuffers and ColorBits. 
Indeed, I agree they would be useful. I personally don't have a need for 
them now, so I will not prepare a patch for them (at least not right 
now), but I would be glad to test the patch if somebody else does.

I created a wiki page with a bunch of links and information, that may be 
helpful for anyone wanting to add AuxBuffers, ColorBits or similar 
properties to TOpenGLControl. It's here:

I hope this is helpful :) I can't add a comment to the bug report on , so I'm posting the info 
here and on wiki.

I am relatively knowledgeable about OpenGL (you can google for my Castle 
Game Engine using FPC :) and interested in keeping TOpenGLControl in 
good shape, so you're welcome to ask me for details, and I'm very 
willing to test related patches (on Linux and Windows) :)


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] TOpenGLControl.DepthBits default value

2013-01-22 Thread Michalis Kamburelis

Reimar Grabowski wrote:


the in the topic mentioned property defaults to a value of 16. Is
there any special reason for it? IMHO the default value should be 24.
After all it's 2013 and not 1998.

It's not really a problem, I just want to know the reason why this
value was chosen.

Before my patch on the 
depth bits were hardcoded (16 on WinAPI and 1 on GLX). So I set the 
default value for TOpenGLControl.DepthBits at safe 16.

The general idea is that TOpenGLControl has safe default values, that 
are guaranteed to work (and be fast) even on really really ancient 
graphic cards or when the system is running under virtual machine (which 
often means you don't get hardware-accelarated 3D until you explicitly 
install/enable something). For the same reason e.g. 
TOpenGLControl.StencilBits is by default 0, even though all modern GPUs 
can give you at least 8-bit stencil buffer.

Other APIs to get OpenGL context, like GtkGLExt or Glut or low-level 
WinAPI or GLX follow the same convention. The defaults are very 

That said, I would be personally fine with changing this default to 24, 
if others think it's a good idea. A developer can always lower it to 16 
when that's enough. So, I don't really have a strong preference about it.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] TOpenGLControl.DepthBits default value

2013-01-23 Thread Michalis Kamburelis

Kostas Michalopoulos wrote:

AFAIK even if you ask for 24 and there is no support for it, you'll get
a 16bit buffer anyway.

No. This is a required minimal value, at least for GLX and modern 
wglChoosePixelFormatARB. It was *possibly* treated in more relaxed way 
by the old ChoosePixelFormat, but you should not depend on that. Links 
to relevant docs are on .


Lazarus mailing list

[Lazarus] [Announcement] Castle Game Engine 4.0.0 release for FPC game developers

2013-01-26 Thread Michalis Kamburelis


I would like to announce a release of Castle Game Engine 4.0.0, an 
open-source cross-platform 3D game engine for Object Pascal (only 

I'm letting myself post an announcement to lazarus and fpc-pascal 
mailing lists, as this engine release is really directed at ObjectPascal 
developers: we finally have a nice high-level game engine API, it's 
possible to make a 3D game really trivially easy, and everything is also 
very flexible. We also have a lot of new engine documentation (tutorial, 
classes overview etc.) and useful examples.

The engine reads many 3D model formats, focusing on VRML/X3D standards 
(so you can make 3D models in pretty much every 3D modeling software), 
but also supporting Collada and other popular formats. We use OpenGL for 
graphics, and we have many eye-candy features (shadows, mirrors, bump 
mapping, screen effects, shaders etc.). The engine is basically 
integrated into Lazarus (you can drop TCastleContol, and a couple of 
non-visual components, on the Lazarus form), although it can also be 
used without LCL (we have our own TCastleWindow). The engine license is 
modified LGPL (same license as FPC RTL), so you can make both open- and 
closed-source games with it.

We welcome developers that want to use our engine, and/or contribute of 
course :) If you want to make a game using our engine, give it a try :)

Links to downloads and documentation are on

Links to our tools and old games are on the main page, .


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] TOpenGLControl: multisampling not working (Linux/GLX)

2013-02-25 Thread Michalis Kamburelis

Reimar Grabowski wrote:


as the title says multisampling does not work for me.

I was testing TOpenGLControl.MultiSampling on Linux (with Radeon GPU), 
it worked fine for me.

Note that there is a fallback (documented in TCustomOpenGLControl 
interface): if the requested MultiSampling is not available, we fallback 
to non-multisampled context (that's because for most applications 
anti-aliasing can be just an optional feature). I guess you already 
checked that this didn't happen in your case?

The code is pretty straightforward, in glgtkglxcontext.pas 
LOpenGLCreateContextCore gets called with given MultiSampling value, and 
then CreateOpenGLContextAttrList adds to the attributes this:

  Add(GLX_SAMPLES_ARB); Add(MultiSampling);

The GLX_SAMPLES_ARB is the minimal required value (as says 
"...accepts GLX_SAMPLES_ARB in , followed by the minimum 
number of samples that can be accepted in the multisample buffer"). So 
it should work... Well, unless GLX is just lying to us.

Can you check what list was created in your case by 
CreateOpenGLContextAttrList, did it contain appropriate GLX_SAMPLES_ARB 
and MultiSampling items?


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] TOpenGLControl: multisampling not working (Linux/GLX)

2013-02-25 Thread Michalis Kamburelis

I was testing TOpenGLControl.MultiSampling on Linux (with Radeon
GPU), it worked fine for me.

I just did some more testing, and things look a little weird.
TOpenGLControl.MultiSampling works fine for Radeon GPU, but silently 
fails with NVidia GPU (GeForce GTS 450 with propriatary NVidia OpenGL). 
On NVidia GLX behaves like we have multi-sampling config, but the actual 
context doesn't have multi-sampling. Both systems (Radeon and NVidia) 
run Linux (recent Debian testing version).

What is weirder is that I can get multi-sampling on both these systems 
(both Radeon and NVidia) with a very similar multi-sampling code inside 
my Castle Game Engine TCastleWindow class (that directly uses GTK and 
GTKGlExt, without Lazarus TOpenGLControl, to create window with OpenGL 
context). Seems like there is something specific in 
Lazarus/TOpenGLControl that causes (some?) drivers to just ignore 
multi-sampling (even though glx seems to behave like we found 
multi-sampling context correctly, just like Reimar describes).

Not really sure what is wrong at this point.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] TOpenGLControl: multisampling not working (Linux/GLX)

2013-02-28 Thread Michalis Kamburelis

Mattias Gaertner wrote:

Reimar sent me a patch that allocates a simple colormap, instead of
the "sophisticated" gtkglext colormap. That seems to be enough for
multisampling. :)

I can confirm that it also fixes the issue for me: now I can get 
multisampling in TOpenGLContext on both Radeon and NVidia on Linux 
(previously only Radeon was working for me).

Thank you!,

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] OpenGL with Lazarus

2013-05-13 Thread Michalis Kamburelis

Mattias Gaertner wrote:

On Fri, 10 May 2013 11:47:54 +0300
Tommi Prami  wrote:


Is there any abstraction of OpenGL for Lazarus/FPC. I am not that
interested on learning OpenGL at low level, but rather use what it can
provide, a bit higher level?

Similar to GlScene... (Or is there Port of GlScene for Lazarus(FPC)...

See here

You can also try Castle Game Engine, an open-source 3D game engine for 
Lazarus/FPC, see and :)


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Resolved: Carbon Application: Unable to open file "-psn_0_....."

2013-09-10 Thread Michalis Kamburelis

Schindler Karl-Michael wrote:

I finally found it. The problem was that the program accepts a file for opening 
from the first command line parameter. That's where the -psn_0_ came from.

And the -psvn... option is under the hood passed to your programs when 
you run them from Finder on Mac OS X, see and 
. When programming Mac OS X GUI programs that interpret command-line, 
you have to be ready to detect (and usually ignore) the -psvn... options.


Lazarus mailing list

[Lazarus] Castle Game Engine 5.0.0 release

2014-05-03 Thread Michalis Kamburelis

Hi everyone,

We're proud to announce the release of Castle Game Engine 5.0.0 :) 
Castle Game Engine is an open-source (LGPL) 3D and 2D game engine, of 
course for modern Object Pascal (FreePascal / Lazarus). We support many 
3D formats and various graphic effects. The main engine site, with 
detailed list of features, links to downloads and documentation, is on

The main feature of 5.0.0 release is the support for Android and iOS 
(iPhone, iPad) platforms. We use OpenGLES 2.0 renderer underneath, and 
our engine can render on Android/iOS almost the same things as on normal 
desktop systems :) Thousand thanks go the FPC team for making it all 

Other new engine features include nice 2D API (although the engine 
started as a 3D engine, it's very comfortable now to make pure 2D games 
too) and new font reading and rendering (using FreeType).

Check out also "Darkest Before the Dawn" , our first 
game done for Android :)

The details about new engine features are on .

There is also a wiki page documenting Android specifics: and 
iOS specifics: .

Engine usage tutorial is on and API 
reference is on .

Have fun!

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] copy from Topenglcontext

2014-06-14 Thread Michalis Kamburelis
Andrea Mauri wrote:
> Dear all,
> Is it possible to copy the content of OpenGLContext to the clipboard?
> How can be done?

You could also copy the contents of OpenGL context (created by
TOpenGLContext or any other similar control) using glReadPixels, and
then convert the resulting bytes into a TBitmap instance. Then you can
copy TBitmap contents to clipboard like Anton shows, using
Clipboard.Assign (see ).

Using glReadPixels and then converting the result will be
cross-platform, as opposed to Anton's solution using
Windows.CreateCompatibleBitmap .


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Tool to convert a multiline text to a pascal string constant

2016-02-02 Thread Michalis Kamburelis
Luiz Americo Pereira Camara wrote:
> Hi is there any tool for Lazarus to convert a multi line text (xml
> snipet, SQL) to a string constant?
> Currently i'm using the following regular expression
> If some one knows a better regular expression that handles putting ';'
> instead of '+ LineEnding +' in last line would help also

As part of PasDoc project we have developed simple file_to_pascal_string
utility for this purpose. Just get
and compile it.

Alongside, there's also file_to_pascal_data that converts anything to an
"array [0 .. Xxx] of Byte" (good to include binary data in the same
way). See
. And see for whole PasDoc website and
links to whole SVN and GIT sources.

I'm using these utilities throughout my projects -- PasDoc, Castle Game
Engine, to include text and binary data inside compiled file. (Although
at some point I may migrate to using FPC cross-platform resource files
for similar purpose.)


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Loading OpenGL error

2016-02-11 Thread Michalis Kamburelis
Aradeonas wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a new Laptop and with new Windows 10 and tried my old working
> demos and I tried it with Last Lazarus Trunk 1.7 and FPC 3.1.1 and just
> tried to run it and its happen :
> A dynamic link library (DLL) initialization routine failed
> It is because OpenGL loading error and I dont have clue how to solve it.
> I already update all drivers and windows but nothing.
> Any one know how can I solve this or faced it before?
> And I tried it with Lazarus 1 and FPC 2.6.2 and it works good and it
> seems OpenGL units changed but I dont know what changes break it.

Are you sure it's in the OpenGL units initialization?

Can you test the Lazarus examples/openglcontrol/ demo, and see does it
crash too?

Base FPC units are part of FPC (trunk/packages/opengl/src/), they are
outside the Lazarus "OpenGL component" package. In Castle Game Engine
we're using FPC OpenGL units on many platforms, including Windows 10,
and we often test with latest FPC from trunk. And everything seems to
work cool. Also, the FPC OpenGL units did not have any "critical" change
since a long time, so I doubt something broke there.

And since you already tested that reverting old Lazarus version doesn't
help, it does indicate the problem is somewhere else...


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Tool to convert a multiline text to a pascal string constant

2016-02-11 Thread Michalis Kamburelis
Marco van de Voort wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 03, 2016 at 07:07:46AM +0100, Michalis Kamburelis wrote:
>> As part of PasDoc project we have developed simple file_to_pascal_string
>> utility for this purpose. Just get
>> and compile it.
> Kind of redundant if two such tools come with FPC (data2inc and bin2obj)

Hm, I admit I simply didn't know about them long time ago, when creating
file_to_pascal_xxx utilities in PasDoc:)

Looking at them now:

1. They both have quite longer code than our simple
file_to_pascal_string.dpr / file_to_pascal_data.dpr...

  In particular data2inc wants to do much more (being able to process a
special file format like data2inc.exm). Although it can do the simple
thing when invoked with -b option.

  But bin2obj is cool, almost exactly what we need, and could replace
file_to_pascal_string and file_to_pascal_data indeed.

2. However, neither of them produces a string with line endings
expressed as LineEnding constant (so it's OS-specific when output). And
we actually like that:) Both bin2obj and data2inc encode the text to a
series of characters, and newlines are expressed by explicit chars (like
#10 when input has Unix line endings).

  But that's a minor thing indeed. If we would know about bin2obj back
then, we would probably use it:)


Lazarus mailing list