Re: [Leaf-user] SCP _through_ Bering firewall disk problem

2002-04-14 Thread Jeff Newmiller

On Fri, 12 Apr 2002, Rick Price wrote:

> I'm having trouble getting scp to work through a Bering firewall (it
> hangs).
> I have no trouble whatsoever with ssh.
> I have only tried to scp things from the outside into a machine in the
> dmz, and from the internal network into the dmz. No other incoming
> connections are allowed.
> I tried removing the ssh entries for TOS, but that did not seem to fix
> things.
> A friend had it work once with no problems from But it now
> seems broken.
> I have used scp a lot before with no problems (but not with Bering). So
> far I have tried it from Debian Testing and OpenSSH on Solaris 8.
> My Bering firewall is configured to allow everything out from the internal
> network (both external network, and into dmz).
> Allow one port (tcp 1966) into the dmz from the Internet to port 22 on a
> machine inside.
> The outside network and the dmz are not allowed into the internal network.
> The dmz is allowed out.
> Does anyone else have these problems, or am I missing something?

I don't use scp from outside a firewall... but scp passes through a single
ssh tunnel, so if ssh works, the networking portion of scp should work,
and Bering should have absolutely nothing to do with it.

I would review the names for your hosts... each endpoint should be able to
identify the other.  To eliminate name resolution from the picture for
troubleshooting, use ip addresses in your file-specifications.

Also, confirm that scp is installed and working on each end.  Try ssh'ing
to the other end, and scp'ing from there. Also try the -v option.

Jeff NewmillerThe .   .  Go Live...
DCN:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Basics: ##.#.   ##.#.  Live Go...
  Live:   OO#.. Dead: OO#..  Playing
Research Engineer (Solar/BatteriesO.O#.   #.O#.  with
/Software/Embedded Controllers)   .OO#.   .OO#.  rocks...2k

Leaf-user mailing list

RE: [Leaf-user] Local.lrp + Udhcp.lrp??

2002-04-14 Thread Jeff Newmiller

On Fri, 12 Apr 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Joey,
> I did not mean to imply one was related to the other. I just found the two 
> questions at the same time.
> 1 - What does local.lrp do?

It is a skeleton package available for you to put your own executables
into, to run out of the "/usr/local/" directories.  This comes from the
tradition of having system installed software in /bin and /usr/bin, and
putting stuff that came from sources other than the source of your system
install put in /usr/local. I don't think it is actually used very often on
firewalls, which is why deleting it is a practical way to obtain some
space. Most people who put new software into LEAF boxes put it into its
own package.

> 2 - Where can I find udhcp.lrp

I think guitarlynn has answered this.


Jeff NewmillerThe .   .  Go Live...
DCN:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Basics: ##.#.   ##.#.  Live Go...
  Live:   OO#.. Dead: OO#..  Playing
Research Engineer (Solar/BatteriesO.O#.   #.O#.  with
/Software/Embedded Controllers)   .OO#.   .OO#.  rocks...2k

Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] Newbee troubleshooting Q (a bit long)

2002-04-14 Thread Ray Olszewski

You didn't really provide enough detail to get good answers yet, but I'll
answer what I can and (I hope) help you post a better followup.

At 11:57 PM 4/14/02, Blue Shadow wrote:
>I'm fairly new to networking and so I maybe doing something obviously wrong.
>but here goes.
>I am trying to network 4 PC's through a LEAF box. here is my set up
>!---!!-!   !---!-[pc 1]
>!xDSL modem !!LEAF box !---!Switch !-[pc 2]
>!---!!-!   !---!-[pc 3]
>   I
>   L-[pc 4]
>I am using Dachstein v1.0.2 1680 for the LEAF box
>and a mix of Win 98, XP, and NT for the machines.
>I am mainly intrested in the W98 machine, as that is the one that needs to 
>work first.
>Here is my question.
>How do I know if the LEAF box is able to access the web? 

Log on to the LEAF router and try to ping, BY address, the gateway your ISP
gave you (one of the numbers that should have come with the static address
you say you have). If that works, you can probably access the Internet. If
it doesn't, tell us HOW the ping fails (see the LEAF FAQ for help with ping

>And if it can, then 
>why is my w98 machine not able to get access.

This is a bad way to ask the question. "get across" doesn't describe
anything. What happened is that you couldn't access Websites using Internet
Explorer, or you couldn't send e-mail, or you couldn't ping out, or you
couldn't play Quake, or ... well, these are just examples, and only you know
what you actually tried to do.

>Here are some of the settings i've made and some of the trouble shooting 
>i've done.
>first of all, using the instructions from the service provider to set up my 
>W98 machine, I got a connection and have been using, so the modem and the 
>service is fine.
>1. I have a static IP from my provider.
>so I followed the instructions for setting up the LEAF box to work with a 
>static IP. However, I did not get a clear answer from them on the the 
>network mask length. They said it is 32 and this is what i set it to
>ie.  eth0_MASKLEN=32
>but I am not confident in this and will call back to talk to the network 
>admin directly on monday. btw, is there a default value for this?

There is no default value for this. Did /32 work on your Windows host when
iti was directly connected? If not, what setting did you actually use on it?

As a general matter, the netmask has to be such that your IP address and the
gateway IP address are on the same network (because the router needs a route
to the gateway). There are other ways to do this -- you can use a /32 plus a
static host route, for instance -- but making the netmask fit is the usual one.

I think the LEAF FAQ has an entry on computing netmasks. (I certainly hope
it does, because several of us have written good tutorials over the years.) 

>2. My provider gave me a username and domain name to set up my W98 machine. 
>However, I did not find where to enter this info into the LEAF machine. Is 
>it necessary for a static IP?

Whether it is needed or not has nothing to do with whether your address is
static or dynamic. You may need it as part of your e-mail address. It may be
part of the ISP's system for authenticating you as a customer. It can matter
for DNS resolution. Knowing as little as we do about the details of your
setup, I can't give you a definitive answer.

>3. I believe that the conection between the LEAF box and the client machines 
>is porbably ok, since after pluging the cable from the LEAF box to my XP 
>machine and telling it to "fix conection" it retrieved an IP and established 
>a conection, but still could not access the internet.

"retrieved an IP?" Do you mean you are running the LEAF system as a DHCP
server and the WinXP host got a lease? Was it in the right address range for
your LAN (WinXX hosts will assign themselves default IP addresses if they
can't get DHCP leases.)

Can the WinXX host ping the LEAF router? IF not, how does it fail? 

>as far as the hardware, all the cables are ok and all NIC's light up when 
>pluged in.
>so i think it comes down to the setup of the LEAF box.
>in these areas.
>mask lenght setting.
>Host and Domain information.
>Once again I am a newbee in dealing with network setup.

Yuou haven't reported anything like enough information to detetmine where
the problem lies. Especially, we don't know if the WinXX host can
communicate with the LEAF router, never mind whether anything on your LAN
can reach the Internet.

The LEAF FAQ has an entry that outlines the basic info needed to begin
troubleshooting a connectivity problem. I suggest you read that over, gather
the needed info (which involves doing some tests that may let you spot the
problem on your own), and post a followup.

"Never tell me the odds!"---
Ray Olszewski-- H

[Leaf-user] Newbee troubleshooting Q (a bit long)

2002-04-14 Thread Blue Shadow

I'm fairly new to networking and so I maybe doing something obviously wrong.

but here goes.

I am trying to network 4 PC's through a LEAF box. here is my set up

!---!!-!   !---!-[pc 1]
!xDSL modem !!LEAF box !---!Switch !-[pc 2]
!---!!-!   !---!-[pc 3]
   L-[pc 4]

I am using Dachstein v1.0.2 1680 for the LEAF box

and a mix of Win 98, XP, and NT for the machines.
I am mainly intrested in the W98 machine, as that is the one that needs to 
work first.

Here is my question.

How do I know if the LEAF box is able to access the web? And if it can, then 
why is my w98 machine not able to get access.

Here are some of the settings i've made and some of the trouble shooting 
i've done.

first of all, using the instructions from the service provider to set up my 
W98 machine, I got a connection and have been using, so the modem and the 
service is fine.

1. I have a static IP from my provider.

so I followed the instructions for setting up the LEAF box to work with a 
static IP. However, I did not get a clear answer from them on the the 
network mask length. They said it is 32 and this is what i set it to

ie.  eth0_MASKLEN=32

but I am not confident in this and will call back to talk to the network 
admin directly on monday. btw, is there a default value for this?

2. My provider gave me a username and domain name to set up my W98 machine. 
However, I did not find where to enter this info into the LEAF machine. Is 
it necessary for a static IP?

3. I believe that the conection between the LEAF box and the client machines 
is porbably ok, since after pluging the cable from the LEAF box to my XP 
machine and telling it to "fix conection" it retrieved an IP and established 
a conection, but still could not access the internet.

as far as the hardware, all the cables are ok and all NIC's light up when 
pluged in.

so i think it comes down to the setup of the LEAF box.

in these areas.

mask lenght setting.
Host and Domain information.

Once again I am a newbee in dealing with network setup.

Thanks for any help.

Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger:

Leaf-user mailing list

Re: [Leaf-user] more than 2 3c509 NIC (was tulip problems)

2002-04-14 Thread David Smead

Brad and others,

Thanks for your great help - I didn't have to install DOS onto a hard
drive!!  I downloaded the 3c5x9cfg.exe, about 230 kB. Before using it to
configure the cards you have to disable pnp.  That's done using the same
executable, but with some command line args.  I found pnpdsabl.bat which
does the trick.

After that I got five cards configured and when Bering boots they load at
the correct addresses and show the selected IRQ!!

cat /proc/ioports looks good, however cat/proc/interrupts doesn't show any
interrupts for the cards.  I don't have any cables plugged in at this
point - are interrupts actually required before /proc/interrupts show up?

I used irqs 3,5,7,11 and 15.

What I get for cat /proc/interrupts is:

0:  886070  XT-PIC timer
1:  1190XT-PIC keyboard
2:  0   XT-PIC cascade

I'm guessing that the column under the CPU0 is the count of occurence
since it goes up every time I run the command.  So where are my other


David Smead

On Sun, 14 Apr 2002, Brad Fritz wrote:

> My apologies for the rather long reply inline...
> On Sat, 13 Apr 2002 21:42:51 PDT David Smead wrote:
> > I have 5 of the 3C509B NICs.
> I have 6 3c509b cards in two of my firewalls.  One is Dachstein
> and the other is Bering.  I can testify that all 12 work fine
> when properly configured with 3c5x9cfg.exe.  More on that below.
> > I downloaded the 3Com PNP tools which are a
> > self expanding .exe.  That didn't do me any good, because it expects to
> > have a hard drive in the system for the expansion.  I really don't want to
> > install M$ on a hard drive!!
> All you really need is the 226k 3c5x9cfg.exe.  Someone has a
> copy posted at
> I ran a comparison of the md5 checksum with a known good copy
> from 3com and they match.
>   [brad@brad-nb tmp]$ wget \
> \
>2> /dev/null
>   [brad@brad-nb tmp]$ md5sum /tmp/3c5x9cfg.exe
>   acd53047824a7438c097e7d58be5bdcd  3c5x9cfg.exe
>   [brad@brad-nb tmp]$ md5sum /mnt/disk/3c5x9cfg.exe
>   acd53047824a7438c097e7d58be5bdcd  /mnt/disk/3c5x9cfg.exe
> IIRC, you only need MS DOS to extract the 3c509x1.exe disk
> image...still it's a shame it's not a plain self-extracting zip
> file.
> > But I discovered the isapnp site, and from
> > there found a dos version that lets me boot dos, then swap disks and run a
> > couple of tools to configure the cards.  The tools say they configure with
> > the io and irqs that I set.
> >From your description, I can't tell if you found 3c5x9cfg.exe at
> the url above or some other tool.  Either way, you definitely want
> to make sure you disable PnP on the cards and, as other list members
> have said, give each separate IO and IRQ addresses.  Here's the setup
> from one of my firewalls.
># cat /proc/ioports
> [..]
>0300-030f : 3c509
>0310-031f : 3c509
>0320-032f : 3c509
>0330-033f : 3c509
>0340-034f : 3c509
>0350-035f : 3c509
> [..]
># cat /proc/interrupts
> [..]
>  5:   14051544  XT-PIC  eth0
>  7:3714433  XT-PIC  eth1
>  8: 47  XT-PIC  rtc
>  9:  61372  XT-PIC  eth2
> 10:  0  XT-PIC  eth3
> 11:  0  XT-PIC  eth4
> 12:  0  XT-PIC  eth5
> [..]
> (I don't use the parallel port or any sound cards on this
> machine.)
> You should probably check that all NICs are using the same
> transceiver types and duplex values from 3c5x9cfg.exe too.
> If you jot down the MAC addresses from 3c5x9cfg.exe and
> physically arrange the cards in order ascending or descending
> MAC address it makes it much easier to keep track of which
> NIC maps to which ethN interface.
> > However, that doesn't work with Bering.  I still get just two interfaces
> > instead of four.  I've tried linking to 3c509.o to make it look like I
> > have another driver, and I've copied 3c509.o to another filename and
> > listed that in /etc/modules and I still get operation not supported by
> > device.
> Sure sounds like you still have an IO port or IRQ conflict.  If
> you configure the cards properly with 3c5x9cfg.exe, you will only
> need a single
>   3c509
> line in /etc/modules and the driver will autmagically recognize
> all your 3c509b NICs.  That's the setup in my 6 3c509b Bering box,
> and they all work fine.
> > I have a couple of other old NICs that aren't PNP, but without enough
> > information to know what driver they take.
> >
> > I don't want to waste a good machine for a firewall, but it's looking more
> > like that will have to be done.  How is everyone else handling more than
> > two interfaces?
> In m


2002-04-14 Thread Etienne Charlier

Can you explain the steps explained by your ISP required to connect using
Windows ?

I use exactly the same hardware but the configuration really depends on the
ISP and the kind of contract you have.

AFAIK,the address is mostly used to configure the modem firmware.

Etienne Charlier

- Original Message -
From: "Halldór Þórólfsson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'guitarlynn'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
Sent: Sunday, April 14, 2002 2:01 PM

> I cant, because I lac the connection with the ISP.
> 1. I can ping the Alcatel Speed Touch Home ISDN modem.
> 2. How do I connect to the ISP.
> The information I'm supposed to include in LINUX are as follows:
> Start-
>   /etc/hosts
> alcatel
>   /etc/ppp/options
> noipdefault
> name "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"  
> noauth
> defaultroute
>   /etc/ppp/pap-secrets
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] alcatel password
>   /etc/resolv.conf
> domain
> nameserver
> nameserver
> End-
> That done, what next??
> How do I connect
> Greetings
> Halldor
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of guitarlynn
> Sent: 12. apríl 2002 04:49
> On Friday 12 April 2002 04:51, Thorolfsson, Halldor -Civ wrote:
> > So far it looks like I have gotten the Bering to work, but how to I
> > test the connection to the internet? Can anybody please help me with
> > this one?
> >
> Halldor,
> Try:
> ping
> I hope this helps!
> --
> ~Lynn Avants
> aka Guitarlynn
> guitarlynn at
> If linux isn't the answer, you've probably got the wrong question!
> ___
> Leaf-user mailing list
> ___
> Leaf-user mailing list

Leaf-user mailing list

[Leaf-user] more than 2 3c509 NIC (was tulip problems)

2002-04-14 Thread Brad Fritz

My apologies for the rather long reply inline...

On Sat, 13 Apr 2002 21:42:51 PDT David Smead wrote:

> I have 5 of the 3C509B NICs.

I have 6 3c509b cards in two of my firewalls.  One is Dachstein
and the other is Bering.  I can testify that all 12 work fine
when properly configured with 3c5x9cfg.exe.  More on that below.

> I downloaded the 3Com PNP tools which are a
> self expanding .exe.  That didn't do me any good, because it expects to
> have a hard drive in the system for the expansion.  I really don't want to
> install M$ on a hard drive!!

All you really need is the 226k 3c5x9cfg.exe.  Someone has a
copy posted at
I ran a comparison of the md5 checksum with a known good copy
from 3com and they match.

  [brad@brad-nb tmp]$ wget \ \
   2> /dev/null
  [brad@brad-nb tmp]$ md5sum /tmp/3c5x9cfg.exe
  acd53047824a7438c097e7d58be5bdcd  3c5x9cfg.exe
  [brad@brad-nb tmp]$ md5sum /mnt/disk/3c5x9cfg.exe
  acd53047824a7438c097e7d58be5bdcd  /mnt/disk/3c5x9cfg.exe

IIRC, you only need MS DOS to extract the 3c509x1.exe disk
image...still it's a shame it's not a plain self-extracting zip

> But I discovered the isapnp site, and from
> there found a dos version that lets me boot dos, then swap disks and run a
> couple of tools to configure the cards.  The tools say they configure with
> the io and irqs that I set.

>From your description, I can't tell if you found 3c5x9cfg.exe at
the url above or some other tool.  Either way, you definitely want
to make sure you disable PnP on the cards and, as other list members
have said, give each separate IO and IRQ addresses.  Here's the setup
from one of my firewalls.

   # cat /proc/ioports
   0300-030f : 3c509
   0310-031f : 3c509
   0320-032f : 3c509
   0330-033f : 3c509
   0340-034f : 3c509
   0350-035f : 3c509

   # cat /proc/interrupts
 5:   14051544  XT-PIC  eth0
 7:3714433  XT-PIC  eth1
 8: 47  XT-PIC  rtc
 9:  61372  XT-PIC  eth2
10:  0  XT-PIC  eth3
11:  0  XT-PIC  eth4
12:  0  XT-PIC  eth5

(I don't use the parallel port or any sound cards on this

You should probably check that all NICs are using the same
transceiver types and duplex values from 3c5x9cfg.exe too.

If you jot down the MAC addresses from 3c5x9cfg.exe and
physically arrange the cards in order ascending or descending
MAC address it makes it much easier to keep track of which
NIC maps to which ethN interface.

> However, that doesn't work with Bering.  I still get just two interfaces
> instead of four.  I've tried linking to 3c509.o to make it look like I
> have another driver, and I've copied 3c509.o to another filename and
> listed that in /etc/modules and I still get operation not supported by
> device.

Sure sounds like you still have an IO port or IRQ conflict.  If
you configure the cards properly with 3c5x9cfg.exe, you will only
need a single


line in /etc/modules and the driver will autmagically recognize
all your 3c509b NICs.  That's the setup in my 6 3c509b Bering box,
and they all work fine.

> I have a couple of other old NICs that aren't PNP, but without enough
> information to know what driver they take.
> I don't want to waste a good machine for a firewall, but it's looking more
> like that will have to be done.  How is everyone else handling more than
> two interfaces?

In my opinion the 3c509b NICs are great cards.  I bought a lot
of 25 for about $2 a piece on eBay and whenever I can, I use
them exclusively in the firewalls I build.  Before I use one,
I configure it with the copy of 3c5x9cfg.exe on a dos bootable
floppy.  Here's the uptime info from one of those firewalls
right before I unplugged it to hook it up to a UPS:

   [brad@brad-nb brad]$ cat systen_router_uptime
   systenrouter: -root-
   # uptime
16:18:16 up 218 Days (5254h), load average: 0.00 0.00 0.00

I had *zero* problems with the NICs during that period and
the same is true for the 3c509b NICs in my other firewalls.

Hope that helps, Dave.  Let me know if you need further details
from any of my config files.


> -- 
> Sincerely,
> David Smead

Leaf-user mailing list


2002-04-14 Thread Halldór Þórólfsson

I cant, because I lac the connection with the ISP. 
1. I can ping the Alcatel Speed Touch Home ISDN modem.
2. How do I connect to the ISP.
The information I'm supposed to include in LINUX are as follows:
  /etc/hosts alcatel


[EMAIL PROTECTED] alcatel password

That done, what next??
How do I connect


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of guitarlynn
Sent: 12. apríl 2002 04:49

On Friday 12 April 2002 04:51, Thorolfsson, Halldor -Civ wrote:

> So far it looks like I have gotten the Bering to work, but how to I
> test the connection to the internet? Can anybody please help me with
> this one?



I hope this helps!

~Lynn Avants
aka Guitarlynn

guitarlynn at

If linux isn't the answer, you've probably got the wrong question!

Leaf-user mailing list

Leaf-user mailing list


2002-04-14 Thread Halldór Þórólfsson

Thanks for you response

The modem I have is Alcatel Speed Touch Home ISDN Network Modem, and
connected to LRP via Ethernet Cable, not USB.

I have not been able to get the information regarding which protocol is
used, PPP, PPPoE or What, but I´m still working on it.

I got the following information from the ISP. With this information in
the given places, I lack the knowledge how to test the modem, if it is
connected or not. 
1. I can ping the modem.
2. I can ping the HUB.
3. I can´t ping the outside world because I have not been accepted by
the ISP, I have no connection to the outside world.

Information given by the ISP
  /etc/hosts alcatel


[EMAIL PROTECTED] alcatel password


These are the lines that are to be included in the given filenames. The
next step would be to connect through the modem with the command:
  pptp alcatel
whereafter I should be able to ping what ever address on the internet.
That pptp is not available.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Jacques Nilo
Sent: 12. apríl 2002 05:33

> I'm new to this Linux world, but I have extensive 
knowledge to the other
> side of the computer inudstry. This is my first 
invention with Linux and my
> first LRP experience.
> I need help regarding how to get my LRP working. I have 
the newest Bering
> release and I'm trying to get it to work. The LRP PC is 
a 486/66 with 32Mb
> Ram, CD, 512MB HD. Two 3Com PCI Ethernet Cards. My 
modem is an external
> Alcatel Speedtouch ADSL modem connected via Ethernet.
> The modem has IP: and it's set. How the 
provider and the modem
> communicate, is not of my concirn, is it??
> So far I have figured out the right net cards, so eth0 
is connected to the
> modem and eth1 to the hub. I have pinged eth1, and it's 
ok. I have pinged
> the modem, and it responds. 

You do not tell us which variety of speedtouch ADSL Modem 
version you have. Be careful to load the USB modules if 
you have got the USB version.

AFAIK this modem requires a special driver. Check:

You also need to know the type of connection you will 
need to talk to your modem. Speedtouch supports both 
PPPoE and PPPoA but you have to check the one which is 
supported by your ISP. Bering supports both types of 

Let me know the precise reference of your modem.

Let me know the type of connection you need to use (PPPoE 
or PPPoA) and I will compile the driver (if required) for 
you and help you to setup your connection. This is a very 
popular modem here in Europe and could be useful to some 
other folks.


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Leaf-user mailing list

Leaf-user mailing list

[Leaf-user] more than 2 3c509 NIC (was tulip problems)

2002-04-14 Thread HENRY PSENICKA

I don't know about using as many as 5, but I have successfully used 3 of the
3C509 NICs with Dachstein.  I haven't tried the same config with Bering yet,
but I would not expect the situation to be any different.

No special tricks with the drivers were required, a single instance of the
standard driver detected and initialized all 3 NICs.

It was necessary to use the DOS utility provided by 3COM (3C5x9cfg.exe) to
configure each NIC with unique IRQ and I/O addresses.  The same utility can
be used to disable PNP support in the 3C509B NICs.  (Turning off PNP support
in the motherboard BIOS might be a good idea as well.)   As far as I know,
the original 3C509 NIC did not support PNP.

Note that you do not need to actually install all of the 3COM tools on the
LEAF system to accomplish this.  you can uncompress the files to a
temporary folder on another machine, and just copy the 3C5x9cfg.exe utility
to a bootable DOS disk.

While you are at it, if the NICs you are using support multiple transceiver
types, now is the time to select which one you intend to use most users
will only be interested in 10Base-T.

When I get a chance, I'll try the same config with Bering to compare

Hope this helps!

-original message below -

FROM: David SmeadDATE: 04/13/2002 21:42:51SUBJECT: RE:  [Leaf-user] tulip
problems Thanks for your help, but I'm about ready to buy some new hardware.

I have 5 of the 3C509B NICs.  I downloaded the 3Com PNP tools which are a
self expanding .exe.  That didn't do me any good, because it expects to
have a hard drive in the system for the expansion.  I really don't want to
install M$ on a hard drive!!

But I discovered the isapnp site, and from
there found a dos version that lets me boot dos, then swap disks and run a
couple of tools to configure the cards.  The tools say they configure with
the io and irqs that I set.

However, that doesn't work with Bering.  I still get just two interfaces
instead of four.  I've tried linking to 3c509.o to make it look like I
have another driver, and I've copied 3c509.o to another filename and
listed that in /etc/modules and I still get operation not supported by

I have a couple of other old NICs that aren't PNP, but without enough
information to know what driver they take.

I don't want to waste a good machine for a firewall, but it's looking more
like that will have to be done.  How is everyone else handling more than
two interfaces?

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