LL:URL: SA Action Alert: Please forward & act - closes 12 June

2003-05-29 Thread Denise Tzumli
I am seeking your support for a letter to the South Australian
Government to encourage the inclusion of women's perspectives and
opinions on the matter of constitutional and parliamentary reform.
Your support involves a quick and simple process of going to the
web site:
and filling in your details.
The petition will be open until the 12 June. It would be much
appreciated it you could forward this email (by cut and paste) to
anyone you know who may be interested in signing.
Dr Tahnya Donaghy
Hawke Research Institute,
University of SA

Forwarded by Denise Tzumli

Dear Friends,
Please take the time to do this. I have been slow to respond, and
was shocked to see that I was only the 48th person to sign this
more than a week after I initially received it.

Women's views on the State Constitution are very important, since
it can be changed in Parliament itself without having to go to a

Some of you may have received my e-mail regarding the recent
elections in Wales (reproduced below)  where 50% of MPs are women.
The Welsh women had to do a great deal of trading and negotiating
to achieve this and it's secure only so long as the deals hold.
If we want equal representation in Parliament, the rules and
processes of elections and Parliament must require that at least
50% of MPs are women. We shouldn't need to rely on either
exceptionally hard dedicated work by women or men's goodwill -
surely by now equal representation is our right.

Please sign the petition now while you are still online, or flag
it to do as soon as you next go online.
The original report below, does not celebrate this astounding
event enough. In the new Welsh Assembly women are the majority on
the government benches. It is even a LARGE majority!! The earth
trembles as thousands of women leap up from their computers
jumping and dancing for joy, running and leaping, shouting out
loud "it is possible!"
Denise Tzumli
 Original Message
 Subject:  [femscot-pol] welsh election - comment on nos
of women
Date:  Fri, 9 May 2003 17:40:05 EDT
To:  list deleted
At last!
The new Welsh assembly is the first legislative body in the world
made up of equal numbers of men and women. Sally Weale reports
Friday May 9, 2003 The Guardian
In a nondescript office block overlooking Cardiff Bay, an
extraordinary moment of political history was played out this
week. It passed without any great fuss or fanfare in the wider
world, but, in the long history of women's struggle for proper
political representation, it was ground-breaking, earth
shattering, almost incredible. Following last week's elections,
the Welsh assembly, created in 1999 following devolution, has
become the first legislative body in the world to be made up of
equal numbers of men and women. Did you catch that? In the 60
strong Welsh assembly, there are 30 men and 30 women. Parity! And
in Wales of all places, home of patriarchal old Labour, born out
of the coal and steel industries, and steeped in male dominated
trade union politics. Better than Sweden, which has long been a
beacon for female political representation, whose parliament is
45.3 per cent female. Better than Blair's Babes. Better than
anywhere. On Wednesday, Crickhowell House, a bland, redbrick
building once owned by the Welsh Development Agency and now the
humble temporary home to the Welsh assembly, was the inauspicious
setting for the inaugural meeting of this record breaking body.
And yesterday, Rhodri Morgan, the Welsh first secretary, completed
the extraordinary overhaul in Welsh politics by announcing his
cabinet, which is also dominated by women, with five females and
four males. Not only are there lots of women, in other words, but
they are in senior positions, making decisions that will affect
the lives of Wales's three million people.
And unlike the last session, this time the Labour party is going
it alone in government, rather than sharing power. Its majority,
however, is slender: it cannot risk a by-election, so Morgan
jokingly urged his members this week not to go skiing, not to
become ill, and not to become pregnant - or, in the interests of
equality, to take paternity leave.
So how was this all achieved? How did this tiny country leap from
a position of abysmal under representation of women in politics
(up until 1997 Wales had only ever had four women MPs in its
parliamentary political history) to parity? According to Julie
Morgan, Labour MP for Cardiff North, wife of Rhodri and a key
campaigner in the battle for equal representation for women, there
is a long tradition of Welsh women who have been active behind the
scenes in politics, but because of the male working class culture
and trade union politics that dominated Wales, they found it hard
to come through the party hierarchy.
With devolution and the creation 

LL:DDS: Nuclear dump debate Sunday 6 April 2pm

2003-03-24 Thread Denise Tzumli
Forwarded from another list

The Nuclear Dump Debate !!

Sunday April 6, 2-4pm
Cynthia Poulton Hall (next to St. Peter's Cathedral), North

Moderated by Monsignor David Cappo of the Archdiocese of Adelaide
‹ Chair of the Board of the State Government's Social Inclusion Unit, 
former head of Centacare Australia.

* Senator Nick Minchin (Liberal - federal government)
* Barry Wakelin MP (Liberal - federal government - member for
Grey, SA))
* John Hill MP (Environment Minister - SA Labor government)
* Senator Kerry Nettle (Greens - federal)
* Senator Lyn Allison (Democrats - federal)
* Senator Penny Wong (Labor - federal)
* David Noonan (Australian Conservation Foundation)
* Janet Giles (SA United Trades & Labor Council)
* Dr. Jim Green (Campaign Against Nuclear Dumping)

Followed by questions and comments from the floor.

More information:
* Jim Green ph: 8211 7604, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.
* David Noonan ph: 8232 2566.

Jim Green
6/21 Surflen St., Adelaide, SA, 5000
Ph. (08) 8211 7604



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LL:DDS: Ecological Footprints Tues 1/4, spkr M. Wackernagel

2003-03-24 Thread Denise Tzumli
Ecological Footprints - Do We Fit on the Planet?
How much nature do we use? How much nature do we have?
Date : 1 April 2003, Tuesday
Time: 6 - 7,30 pm
Venue: Auditorium, Adelaide Convention Centre

A free public forum presented by internationally acknowledged
sustainability advocate and co-creator of the Ecological Footprint
concept, Dr Mathis Wackernagel.

We're spending our natural capital as if there's no tomorrow. The
average Adelaide resident requires approximately 8 hectares of
productive land to meet their consumption demands. If all the
productive land on the Earth were allocated equally, there would
be approximately 2 hectares per person.

The battle for sustainability will be won or lost in cities. As
Adelaide strives to become a green city, innovative and creative
approaches to reducing the city's Ecological Footprint need to be
devised. Mathis Wackernagel will discuss how the Ecological
Footprint can be used as a tool for creating new urban
possibilities in the City of Adelaide.

RSVP Not required.  For further information, please contact Gary
Brook on 8302 3142.

To help Australians join the human shield in Iraq please send
donations to:
Aussieshield Account, C/o Women's International League for Peace
and Freedom (SA), GPO Box 2094, Adelaide, 5001.



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LL:PR: Human Shield reminds PM on Geneva Conventions

2003-03-03 Thread Denise Tzumli
Media Release: Human Shield reminds PM "we are signatories to
Geneva Conventions".
Adelaide, Tuesday, 4 February 2003, 0123am

The text of Ruth Russell's letter to the Australian Prime Minister
was released this morning. Ruth Russell is one of the Australians
who have joined the Human Shield in Baghdad. Of the five assessed
sites Ruth has chosen to shield the water supply.

Contact Details:
Ruth is staying in  apartment 101 at the al-kagiz apartment block
in Baghdad. Donna, another Australian, is operating the group's press 
office. The press office will always know where Ruth is if she needs
contacting. The press office number is: 0011 9641 7192303
If you plan to ring Ruth at her hotel, remember that they are 8
hours behind us.  The line is really terrible, faint reception and
is like speaking down an echoing pipe:  0011 9641 717 2639  ask
for room 101.
Contact details at the five assessed sites are:

Taije Food Silo, Taije, BaghdadPh 885 2846/7 and 885 2842

Jaizert April 7th Water Treatment Plant, 7 Nissan Project,
Baghdad. Ph 4433096

South Baghdad Power Station, Almasbah, Near Al Zquit and near Al
Napaha Company  Phone 718952012 Ext 322

Daura Oil Refinery PO Box 2075 Daura Area, Baghdad Manager is Al
Khashab  Ph 7750300  satellite phone 4337

Durah Electrical Power Plan, Durah, Baghdad  Ph 775 0181 Manager
Janan Matte Behum.

Text of Letter to PM:

John Howard
Prime Minister of Australia
Parliament House

Dear Sir,

I wish to inform you that I, Ruth Elizabeth Russell, am one of
several Australian citizens who have come to Iraq in opposition to
any proposed war. My concern is in relation to bombing of
defenceless and innocent Iraqi people.

I am part of the human shield movement who have been working with
the United Nations Development Program who have now assessed five
sites in Baghdad as of "humanitarian value".  Accordingly, today
all the human shield people are deploying to these five sites in
order to protect them from any proposed bombing as this would be
an act contrary to the Geneva Conventions to which Australia is a

The sites human shields will be protecting are:

Taije Food Silo, Taije, Baghdad.

Jaizert (7th April) Water Treatment Plant, 7 Nissan Project ,

Daura Oil Refinery, Daura, Baghdad

Durah Electrical Power Plant, Durah, Baghdad.

This is my formal notification to you of these sites and their
locations. Any bombing that may occur on these sites I will now
hold you responsible for if Australia joins with the United States
of America in invading Iraq.

I urge you to find a diplomatic, non-violent solution to issues
relating to Iraq.

Yours Sincerely

Ruth Elizabeth Russell
(signed by Denise Tzumli on my behalf as I cannot fax or sign this



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LL:ART: Terror information packs returned

2003-02-12 Thread Denise Tzumli
Some of you may have missed hearing the following news item. It is
quite heartening.

ABC Online
ABC Australia News - 13/02/03 : Terror information packs returned
in their thousands
Thu, Feb 13 2003 1:15 AM AEDT

Terror information packs returned in their thousands
Thousands of people are returning the Federal Government's new
information package on terrorism.
The returned packages are flowing in even though the mailout is
yet to be completed.
Thousands of Australians have begun returning the Prime Minister's
message and information package, part of a $20 million terrorism
awareness campaign.
By Friday all 7.5 million packages will have been received in
households across the country.
Australia Post offices in Western Australia have already received
at least 2,000 packages marked return to sender.
They are being stockpiled in post offices around the country.
Brisbane Lord Mayor Jim Soorley advised people last week to send
the packages back.
He says many people think the campaign is scaremongering
"I would not be surprised if there was hundreds of thousands of
these returned," he said.
"A post office here in Brisbane, one small post office, has had
hundreds of them sent back."
A federal senate estimates committee was told yesterday the
stockpiled packages would be counted next week.

© ABC 2003 | privacy



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LL:ART: privatised water -

2001-09-12 Thread Denise Tzumli

Privatisation of water and sewerage continues across the world.
SA's privatised water & sewerage handler United Water features in this
article on a criticism of moves to privatise New Orleans water &
sewerage systems.

Denise Tzumli

Companies Vying for New Orleans' Water and Sewer Systems Linked to
Criminal Behavior, Corruption, Poor Service Records Collectively Include
Bribery, Environmental Violations, Substandard Maintenance, Broken
Promises and Questionable Ties to Government Officials

WASHINGTON - September 7 - The top three corporations competing to take 
over the city of New Orleans' water and sewer systems have tarnished 
records that, combined, include connections to criminal wrongdoing, suspect 
relationships with government officials, infliction of environmental 
damage, failures to maintain equipment, and the delivery of substandard 
customer service, a Public Citizen report reveals. The report, The Big 
Greedy, details the unseemly histories of three multinational corporations 
likely to submit bids to operate the water and sewage systems for nearly 
half a million people in New Orleans, in what would be the largest public 
works privatization in U.S. history. The winning company, expected to be 
chosen next spring, will run the system for up to 20 years and take in an 
estimated $1 billion in revenues. All three corporations are either 
subsidiaries of or maintain intimate business relationships with 
foreign-based conglomerates that are aggressively acquiring water and other 
utility services throughout the world.

"Giving a precious public resource to private interests is distasteful to 
begin with, but handing over New Orleans' entire water system to one of 
these companies would set a new standard for governmental negligence," said 
Wenonah Hauter, director of Public Citizen's Critical Mass Energy and 
Environment Program. "City officials need to seriously reevaluate their 
actions - particularly because multinational corporations hold the 
interests of their overseas shareholders above the interests of local 
communities." Public Citizen does not believe that New Orleans residents 
would benefit from privatization of their water and wastewater systems. 
Evidence indicates that private operation or ownership of such systems 
fosters corruption and often results in rate hikes, poor customer service 
and a loss of local control and accountability.

Following an emerging trend among local governments, the New Orleans 
Sewerage & Water Board (S&WB) decided last year to hire a private company 
to operate the city's water and sewage systems. A team of financial 
analysts concluded that a corporation could do a better job than the city 
of minimizing rate increases that will result from $1.3 billion worth of 
necessary repairs to the systems. The S&WB will continue to set water and 
sewer rates, but the system otherwise will be privatized.

Though no formal bids have been submitted to run the systems - which 
include 1,610 miles of water pipes, 1,450 miles of sewer pipes, 105 pumping 
stations and two treatment plants - representatives from three 
corporations, including U.S. Filter, which already operates the city's 
sewer system, have toured the facilities. The track records of all three 
corporations have been sullied by various misdeeds:

OMI Inc. of Greenwood, Colo. - Last year, the City Council of Biddeford, 
Maine, withheld payment from OMI until the company fixed a chronic odor 
problem at the city's sewage treatment plant. This year, the county 
executive of Bergen County, N.J., was accused of trying to privatize the 
county's wastewater system to pay back his campaign contributors, which 
included OMI, its parent company and its law firm. OMI is planning to 
submit its bid with Thames Water, a British water giant recently acquired 
by German energy giant RWE.

United Water Resources of Harrington Park, N. J. - In 1996, a top executive 
of United Water's parent company, Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux of France, was 
sent to prison, along with government officials in Grenoble, for bribery in 
connection with a contract award. Last year, United Water executives from 
several states donated more than $10,000 to the brother of Atlanta Mayor 
Bill Campbell, who was running for state auditor of North Carolina. It was 
just two years earlier that United Water won a $21 million contract in 
Atlanta, where local officials and residents have since complained about 
broken fire hydrants, slow service and brown water with flecks of debris.

U.S. Filter of Warrendale, Penn. - In 1997, executives of U.S. Filter's 
parent company, Vivendi Environnement of France, were convicted of bribing 
the mayor of St-Denis to obtain a water concession. Last year, U.S. Filter 
shareholders took Vivendi to court over allegedly illegal payments made to 
U.S Filter executives to w

LL:DD: Candlelight walk for justice and peace 4th May

2001-05-03 Thread Denise Tzumli

Forwarded FYI from: Ngarrindjeri Land and Progress Association
To: Ngarrindjeri Land and Progress Association <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2001 4:18 PM
Subject: candle light walk for Justice and Peace - May 4th

(Info for other states at the end) Next candle light walk for Justice and 
Peace in Adelaide - May 4th!

Candle light walks are held each month in Adelaide at Genocide Corner. (In 
front of Government House)

These walks are an expression of concern for those who wish for justice for 
indigenous peoples. There is an opportunity to listen to Ngarrindjeri, 
Arrabunna and Kaurna elders speak on issues affecting their people. The 
microphone remains open for anyone to offer their thoughts on current 
issues to sing a song or to share stories of struggle. Another Candlelit 
Walk has begun in Perth every month, and soon other states may follow.

Please feel free to attend.

P.S.If anyone is interested in other states - please give us an 
email/phonecall. There is a hope that we will soon have walks all over 
Australia on EVERY first Friday... Don't worry if it will just be a small 
group of you to start with "from little things big things come" as they 

Ngarrindjeri Land and Progress Association
Camp Coorong
P.O. Box 126
Meningie, S.A
Ph   08 8575 1557
Fax 08  8575 1448

Denise Tzumli
Mile End
South  Australia


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LL:URL: Peoplescape Nominations Close April 25

2001-04-09 Thread Denise Tzumli

Nomination forms are available at www.peoplescape.com.au or by
phoning 1300 555 190.

Peoplescape will see 5000 cutout figures of "significant"
Australians erected in the sloping lawn outside Parliament House,
Canberra, next November.

Could we all take responsibility to nominate at least 2 people so
that the figures are not just a motley crew of "public"
political, entertainment and sports figures but include the
outstanding working class men and women who if they did nothing
more made some significant impact on our own lives.
Denise Tzumli
Mile End
South  Australia


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LL:QUERY: Seeking Information

2001-01-28 Thread Denise Tzumli

Does anybody know of any Australian group(s) organising anything
around the Global Women's Strike this year?
Denise Tzumli
Mile End
South  Australia


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LL:DDS: International Whale Commission in Adelaide

2000-07-03 Thread Denise Tzumli

The International Whale Commission is meeting in Adelaide from 3-6 July. On 
Tuesday the vote will be taken on the establishment of the South Pacific 
Whale Sancturary.

Join activists outside Adelaide Convention Centre, North Tce from 7.30 am 
on Monday morning. We need to try to change some votes. Formerly pro whale 
voters such as:  Denmark, Ireland, Switzerland, Oman, Spain, South Africa 
and Russia will be abstaining instead of voting for the sanctuary.

We need placards and people, don't abstain vote yes.

And there are a whole raft of Caribbean nations whose no vote, financed by 
Japan, who need to be moved from their no vote to abstention.

 From the Greenpeace site "The International Whaling Commission (IWC) is 
meeting on the 3-6 July in Australia. Both Australia and New Zealand, with 
the full support of all South Pacific countries, are proposing that the 
South Pacific Ocean be declared a whale sanctuary by the IWC and be 
permanently off limits to commercial whaling.

Japan is working to resume large scale, commercial whaling worldwide and so 
is opposed to the South Pacific whale sanctuary. Japan is lobbying other 
countries, in particular Caribbean countries, to vote against this 
proposal. The vote takes place on 4 July and we are concerned that we may 
be two or three country votes short of creating the sanctuary.

Greenpeace have identified three countries who might be persuaded to vote 
the right way and help save the whale sanctuary. If you want to help save 
the whales, please send letters to the Prime Ministers of St Kitts and 
Nevis, Dominica and Ireland. [This can be done from the Greenpeace site 

When you enter your mailing address and email address below, e-mail and fax 
messages to these Prime Ministers will automatically be created and sent 
with your name and address added to the message."

See you Monday morning
Denise Tzumli


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LL:AA: BUY NOTHING DAY -November 26th

1999-11-02 Thread Denise Tzumli

Date: Sun, 31 Oct 1999 08:27:14 +1100

OUR CONSUMER CULTURE IS OUT OF CONTROL. Once, we shopped to buy what we 
needed, period. Now that we don't need much, we shop for other reasons: to 
impress each other, to fill a void, to kill time. A mere 20% of the earth's 
population uses 80% of its natural resources. Our overconsumption is 
killing the planet.

BUY NOTHING DAY is a simple idea with deep implications. It forces us to 
think about the "shop-till-you-drop" imperative and its effects on the rest 
of the world. When you buy nothing on November 26th, enjoy a break from the 
shopping frenzy. Relish your power as a consumer to change the economic 

Since its launch in the Pacific Northwest seven years ago, Buy Nothing Day 
has grown into a worldwide celebration of consumer awareness and simple 
living. Observed on the day after US Thanksgiving -- America's busiest 
shopping day of the year -- the campaign has sparked debate, radio talk 
shows, TV news items and newspaper headlines in 15 countries. Last year, an 
estimated one million people made a pact with themselves and joined the 
consumer fast for 24 hours. The ways in which people marked the event 
worldwide were as diverse as the participants themselves. Many played with 
the icons of our consumer landscape by taking off on mock shopping sprees, 
by hawking "hope" and "happiness," or simply by opening up shop and selling 

The daredevils of the Ruckus Society, a California-based direct action 
group, dropped a boxcar-sized banner ridiculing overconsumption smack in 
the middle of the Mall of America. Other more down-to-earth types created 
and distributed the Gift Exemption Voucher -- a polite way of saying, Let's 
not get each other anything this year, out of principle. In Seattle, 
helpful Buy Nothing Day celebrants offered a credit-card cut-up service 
outside a downtown mall.

In America, Buy Nothing Day played out in some of the nation's last 
remaining public spaces -- its malls. Costumed groups of revelers managed 
to slip in and stay long enough to set up tables and suggest alternatives 
to heavy holiday spending such as giving to charity. Spend time with loved 
ones rather than money on them, was the message. Ultimately, security 
guards grew wise to the nature of these non-consumer activities and most 
BND crews were asked to leave. Buy Nothing Day just wouldn't be the same if 
the networks didn't reject our opt-not-to-shop TV uncommercial. Every 
season, we approach ABC, CBS and NBC to air the spot, and every year they 
refuse us -- claiming our ad asking people not to buy anything threatens 
"the current economic policy in the United States." CNN Headline News, 
however, has taken our money and has aired the spot after their "Dollars 
and Sense" program since 1996.

Most constitutional-law experts aren't bothered by the networks' refusal of 
the spot, according to Robert Berner in The Wall Street Journal. Networks 
aren't under any legal obligation to air it. But as Harvard Law School 
Professor Laurence Tribe remarked, "At least the networks make it clear who 
butters their bread." Unlike the networks, public access TV stations are 
often happy to air the Buy Nothing Day uncommercial and many will do so for 
free. Culture Jammers who manage to secure airtime can contact us at 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and we'll send you a free broadcast-quality 
version of the spot. This turn-of-the-millennium finds our world poised 
between a sustainable rebirth and the final sale of its assets. Sensing the 
urgency of the moment, many have chosen to cast their vote against a 
"global economy" that's running us all out of our resources. Whatever your 
motivations for "buying nothing," joining the campaign is a gesture of 
consumer sovereignty that won't go unnoticed.

The shining hope for a revolution in human consciousness lies in the 
actions of everyday people. So go ahead -- take the plunge! Find out what 
it feels like to curb the shopping impulse for a day, and let others know 
what you discover. You may just see the world in a new way.

(from the adbuster website http://adbusters.org/campaigns/bnd/index.html )


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LL:AA: Expressions of interest/ help sought

1999-11-02 Thread Denise Tzumli

On Friday 29 October, as women all over Australia were taking part in 
Reclaim the Night Marches, a 25 year old woman collapsed in a city street 2 
blocks away from the Adelaide RTN march.

She later died of injuries sustained in a domestic violence incident. She 
had not sought medical attention for these.

Monday 1/11/99, another young woman died of head injuries inflicted on her 
by her spouse in an Adelaide suburb.

Enough is Enough.

A group of South Australian women is organising a National Day of "watching 
the court" putting the lawyers and judges on notice that all domestic 
violence trials are now political cases.

If you are able to help in any way, or are interested in taking part please 
contact me.

Thank you
Edith Pringle
08 8352 8586


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LL:DDS: correction WEL State conf

1999-09-09 Thread Denise Tzumli

Precedence: bulk

my apologies, the telephone no. was incorrect.

The Women's Electoral Lobby (SA) State conference will be held
from 8-11 October 99.

Rather than follow common conference formats of speakers handing
down their version of reality to the listeners, and/or difficulty
in choosing between simultaneous workshops
this particular conference is a consultative conference.

WEL wants to hear from as many South Australian women as possible
what they want their future to be, what they value, what they
want changed.
Contact the WEL office on 08 822 7504 for more details.
Conference costs are $50 and $20(conc).
EVEN if you CAN'T come along you STILL CAN particate by filling
in the conference consultative questionnaire.

The Sunday morning session is devoted to the issue of women and
Feedback we have been getting at WEL is that many women in
leading positions face quite large amounts of harassment and
WEL SA is particularly interested in left women attending this
session of the conference, since by the very
nature of our participation in this list we are all leaders. 
The leadership vacuum in South Australian left politics,
especially with so many talented and experienced women currently
sitting in parliament, is a matter that needs urgent analysis and
strategy development.

Denise Tzumli
State Co-ordinator


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DDS: WEL State Conference

1999-09-08 Thread Denise Tzumli

The Women's Electoral Lobby (SA) State conference will be held
from 8-11 October 99.

Rather than follow common conference formats of speakers handing
down their version of reality to the listeners, and/or difficulty
in choosing between simultaneous workshops
this particular conference is a consultative conference.
WEL wants to hear from as many South Australian women as possible
what they want their future to be, what they value, what they
want changed.
Contact the WEL office on 08 822 7504 for more details.
Conference costs are $50 and $20(conc).
EVEN if you CAN'T come along you STILL CAN particate by filling
in the conference consultative questionnaire.

Denise Tzumli
State Co-ordinator

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LL:REM: People's Summit

1999-04-07 Thread Denise Tzumli

From: "D.McRae-McMahon & A.Blogg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Socap: Re: People's Summit
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 1999 17:52:48 +0100

People's Summit "Reclaiming Democracy : The People Versus Global Finance"
9.15am Sunday 11 April (see Leaflet below)

Frances Milne, 14 Gallimore Ave, Balmain 2041. Phone/fax : 02-98107812

Panic Message and Appeal to all Readers

Please Help !!

Although we think we sent you an internet message and leaflet about the
visit of Hon Paul Hellyer to Australia,  we only have 50 registrations for
the 11 April Summit in Sydney. (Registration leaflet is below with some

Please help us by coming and bringing some-one else if you can. 

It's the lowest pre-conference registration we have ever had, and to bring
an ex-deputy Prime Minister out from Canada, for so few people is
disastrously disappointing. I assume Easter has put everyone on hold - and
few realised that the Summit is this Sunday !

Even if you have never come to conferences before, we appeal to you to
boost our numbers - and be really inspired by Hellyer who is a fiery
speaker. Please spread the message any way you can.

I shall try and get onto as much radio talk-back to advertise as possible,
and others are recontacting their organisations. 

If you can come - please ring David Cooper immediately  on Ph : 9411 5891
and let him know for catering purposes. You can pay for registration at the
Summit at 8.45am.

In desperation

Frances Milne
Summit Coordinator  Monday 5 April 

The People v. Global Finance
9.15am Sunday 11 April, 1999 

Gallery Function Centre, Level 6, University of Technology, Sydney,

Hon Paul Hellyer - former Deputy Prime Minister of Canada

 "Reclaiming Democracy : Dismantling the Structures of International Trade
and Finance"

Trevor Thomas, Jubilee 2000 Campaign 
"Debt Forgiveness : A Matter of Justice not Charity" 
A call to write-off the unpayable debts of the world's poorest countries. 
Frances Milne, Economic Reform Australia : Towards A Lasting Jubilee

Dr James Goodman, StopMAI NSW Coordinator, Update on the MAI.

Richard Sanders, National Coordinator of StopMAI (Multilateral Agreement on
Investment), Why We Need a Council of Australians.

Local Activists will present successful strategies for reclaiming

Supported by Economic Reform Australia (ERA), the People's Movement, Centre
for Peace and Conflict Studies (Syd. University), AID/WATCH, The Other
Economic Summit, Friends of the Earth,The Greens, UTS Institute for
Sustainable Futures,Australian Coalition for Economic Justice,Metal Workers
Union, StopMAI, Progressive Labor Party.

For information contact Coordinator, Frances Milne Phone/fax :  02 9810

--   Cut Here

Registration Slip for People's Summit, 11 April, 1999, UTS

Name :

...   Phone... Email.
Organisation or Network (if relevant)

Address :



Cost :  Full-time employed $45.  (Costs include a light lunch, morning
and afternoon tea .)
Part-time employed, retired, aged pensioner, other $30
Receiving unemployment benefits or Austudy  $10.
Subtract $7 if you BYO lunch.  Donations welcome.

I have enclosed a cheque/money order for  $ to
include/exclude lunch . Donation  $.

Please make cheques/money orders out to ERA and send to David Cooper, 24
Tindale Rd, Artarmon 2064.


Civil Circle Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, UTS.
Box 123 Broadway 2007


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LL:URL:Videoconf re IWD

1999-03-21 Thread Denise Tzumli

I have been monitoring the Unifem End Violence mailings for over 6
months but I ignored the video conference stuff because I thought it
would be just another feel good exercise which would not change

The following article certainly challenges that view. Looks as if I
could be wrong.

Denise Tzumli

Michele Landsberg on world context (UNIFEM Videoconference)

By Michele Landsberg
Toronto Star, March 20, 1999

We think we're wallowing in news, drowning in it, all news all the 
time --- yack radio, 24-hour TV, newspapers piling up, Internet 
information dividing and multiplying like cells. The verbiage is 
endless. But the share we get of the world's real news is equivalent 
to a single note of an entire Beethoven symphony, one tune-up squeak 
of the global orchestra.  

Every day, events take place that barely rate a paragraph in the 
paper, and yet will go on sounding and reverberating in millions of 
humans lives for decades to come.  

Just such a world-shaping event took place in the General Assembly of 
the United Nations on March 8, this century's last International 
Women's Day. UNIFEM and other U.N. agencies staged a dramatic and 
unprecedented live videoconference entitled "A World Free of Violence 
Against Women". It was a huge success, yet was barely acknowledged by 
North American media.  

For the first time in modern history, the attention of world leaders 
and international civil servants was seized and focused on what the 
conference speakers called "the pandemic" of sexual, physical and 
emotional violence against girls and women. That, my friends, is 
consciousness-raising on a global scale.  

Ambassadors from most of the United Nations member countries filled 
the vast and beautiful chamber of the General Assembly. Nelson 
Mandela and Jean Chretien both sent videotaped statements. The heads 
of all the major U.N. agencies jostled to get in line to send a 
message of support. Nearly 2000 audience members, including U.N. 
workers and New Yorkers, crowded the hall.  

The audience sat hushed and riveted as live video statements beamed 
in from every continent. A Rwandan woman spoke of the months of 
sexual torture she and her daughters endured; an Irish woman 
described her brave struggle to escape domestic violence; a shy young 
woman in New Delhi told how she fought back legally against the 
husband and in-laws who brutalized her (from the very moment she 
arrived in her wedding robes) because her dowry didn't include a car. 

As videotape rolled, and the spectators gazed into the sad eyes of 
little African girls who had been sexually mutilated, "traditional" 
practices like female genital mutilation (FGM) that might have seemed 
mere words on paper until that moment suddenly took on the air of 
intolerably cruel criminality.  

It's really impossible to over-estimate the significance of the 
videoconference. For the first time ever, women of the majority world 
(Asia, Africa, Latin America) spoke directly to the white minority of 
the industrialized north and described not just their own suffering 
but their own increasingly militant, organized and successful 

It's only a blink of time --- scarcely more than a decade --- since 
the subject of wife-battering caused Tory MPs in our own House of 
Commons to erupt with crude jokes and sneering laughter. So it 
shouldn't be hard to understand that most of the world's cultures 
simply expect girls and women to endure, silently, a fate that may 
include being sold into sexual slavery, being beaten and burned, 
traded as beasts of burden or treated as household slaves or spoils 
of war.  

Now, their male compatriots are paying attention. I like to imagine 
just how startled some of them might have been as women like Dr. 
Nahid Toubia, the first woman surgeon in the Sudan and a tough-
talking campaigner against female genital mutilation, strode to the 
podium and talked boldly of women's sexual rights.  

In cultural and social terms, this event was a stunning innovation. 
Imagine the audiences around the world for the satellite broadcast. 
At 40 sites across the former Soviet Union --- Yerevan, Baku, Tiblisi 
--- they gathered. At the Hong Kong Convention Centre, at Spain's 
University of Alicante, at the auditorium near the dental clinic in 
Zimbabwe's Parirenyatwa Hospital, at the Trinidad and Tobago Chamber 
of Commerce, on TV in Angola, Germany, France and Uganda, at hundreds 
of locations across North America --- they gathered and watched.  

For those women who feel battered and bruised by the right-wing media 
backlash against feminism, the videoconference offers a healing 
perspective. From the global vantage point, where figures like 
Secretary General Kofi Anan or World Bank chief James Wolfenson 
attended to the conference with great seriousness, the shrill and 
capering little backlash fig

LL:DDS: middle east forum

1999-02-19 Thread Denise Tzumli

From: "melanie sjoberg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: middle east forum
Date: Mon, 15 Feb 1999 22:49:27 PST

Peace in the Middle East - Who are the Real Terrorists?

Speakers Mike Khizam, GPAC will examine the latest incursions into Iraq 
and the impact of the long standing sanctions 

Melanie Sjoberg, DSP, will outline curretn developments in Palestine and 
problems in the peace process.

Wednesday 24 February
6.30pm meal available for 7pm start

Resistance Centre, upstairs 34 HIndley St, Adelaide, 8231 6982.

A Green Left Weekly Forum


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LL:Art: A Climate of Possibility

1999-02-13 Thread Denise Tzumli

A climate of possibility

In the twenty years between Don Dunstan's leaving State politics and 
his death last week a generation of babies have reached adulthood. 
They have not experienced the leadership and service of an 
exceptional man. But they have been benficiaries of his work. Since 
much has been written over this last week about Don Dunstan's legacy 
to the state of South Australia my account, with the benefit of 
hindsight, will only focus on one incident the anti-discrimination 

My surmising could be entirely wrong but I believe in the adage that 
people are known by their deeds. Why did Don take until 1974 to pass 
the antidiscrimination legislation? Because he had to build a level 
of acceptance in the community. What I find most admirable about his 
work is that he built consensus at every level, within the ALP and 
within the community. How did he do it with this legislation? I can't 
remember or don't know all the things he did, the talking, the 
education and so on but in this case he let part of the work be done 
by his opponent. 

In early 1973 women's issues were the flavour of the month. WEL had 
been involved in both a Federal and State election and the 
parliamentarians were beginning to realise that the women's vote was 
important. David Tonkin as the leader of the Liberal opposition 
introduced a private members bill, an anti sex discrimination bill, 
and a parliamentary select committee was set up to look at the 
issues. Together with other groups in the community WEL wrote a 
submission and on 16 November 1973 three of us gave WEL's verbal 
submission, additional to the written material, to the committee. And 
the bill was not passed! I could not understand how David Tonkin 
could be so nice about it all. When he spoke to me he said, not to 
worry about it; as a private member's bill it would not have had any 
money to back it. Don had promised him, he said, that the government 
would introduce a similar bill next session and it would have the 
necessary monetary appropriations too. And that was what happened. A 
well crafted antidiscrimination bill discrimination was duly passed.

 The passage of the bill seemed to me at the time to be boringly 
uncontentious. Once it was passed I was really surprised, it included 
all sorts of things such as race, religion, much more than my own 
particular focus of women. I was surprised, but it felt exactly 
right, and, I was conscious at the time, was widely accepted by my 
colleagues at work. 

Looking back I see that the Liberals had a vested interest in the 
legislation because they too had had their moment of glory. Many 
women worked hard on the aspects of sexism in society; on issues such 
as education, part time work, health care, crisis care and so on. We 
knew we had to prove our case, but we worked knowing that change was 
possible. If we could show it was necessary and it was what we wanted 
we could have it. It was our government serving us. 

Denise Tzumli  

in sisterhood and solidarnosc
Denise Tzumli
Mile End , South Australia
+  From the Preamble: +
+  "The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (is) a common   +
+  standard of achievement ... that every individual and  +
+  organ of society ... shall strive to secure their  +
+  universal & effective recognition & observance."   +
+  I ask you: Are not corporations "organs of society" and+
+  bound to uphold these rights?  +
+  UN Declaration of Human Rights, article 23, pt 3:  +
+  "Everyone who works has the right to just and favourable   +
+  renumeration ensuring for themselves and their family an   +
+  existence worthy of human dignity ... "+

LL:AA: Iraq Demo on Saturday morning

1998-12-17 Thread Denise Tzumli

In Adelaide after a quick ring around we ended up with quite good
numbers on
the steps of Parliament House late this afternoon.
This is just the beginning of the action.

The Gulf Peace Action Committee is organising a rally for
Saturday, 19 Dec, 11
am. Meet at Parliament House North Terrace. 
Bring your banners and placards.

in sisterhood and solidarnosc
Denise Tzumli
Mile End , South Australia
+  From the Preamble: +
+  "The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (is) a common   +
+  standard of achievement ... that every individual and  +
+  organ of society ... shall strive to secure their  +
+  universal & effective recognition & observance."   +
+  I ask you: Are not corporations "organs of society" and+
+  bound to uphold these rights?  +
+  UN Declaration of Human Rights, article 23, pt 3:  +
+  "Everyone who works has the right to just and favourable   +
+  renumeration ensuring for themselves and their family an   +
+  existence worthy of human dignity ... "+

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   As vilified, slandered and attacked by One Nation
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