[LegacyUG] Run Time Error

2008-04-04 Thread Yvonne Murgatroyd
 When I try and open Legacy 6 I am getting the following message:

Runtime Error 429  ActiveX component cannot create object

Could someone...anyone tell me what the problem is please??

And for those who would say Look in the Archives I have already looked  and
cannot find anything for this.

Lord keep Your Arm around my shoulder,
and Your Hand across my mouth.

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Re: [LegacyUG] Run Time Error

2008-04-04 Thread Yvonne Murgatroyd
 Well once again nasty remarks, so off I go!!! again.
Yvonne Murgatroyd
Lord keep Your Arm around my shoulder,
and Your Hand across my mouth.

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[LegacyUG] Problem

2008-04-03 Thread Yvonne Murgatroyd
 After the motherboard was replaced in my computer, I 'lost' the Legacy file
(not the data thank goodness) but the downloading would have taken 4 hours,
so did as someone suggested, and got a friend with fast Internet connection
to put Legacy 6 onto a CD for me
That arrived today, and all isA. O.K.

Except...when I generate a gedcom file, and save to desktop...it just doesn
t happen!!! (Doesn't appear on the desktop...or anywhere)

Anyone any ideas in this regard?? And how do I fix the problem
(remembering I am NOT a computer expert, so need it in baby steps please!!

Lord keep Your Arm around my shoulder,
and Your Hand across my mouth.

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[LegacyUG] Help downloading

2008-03-12 Thread Yvonne Murgatroyd
 Good Day All,

I have had loads of computer problems so will not bore everyone with details
 suffice to say I need to download Legacy yet again.

Last time I had a problem some kind soul told me how to do it the short way
 so that I am not on line for about 4 hours downloading.

Would same kind soul tell me again how to do it??


Lord keep Your Arm around my shoulder,
and Your Hand across my mouth.IMSTP9.gif

Re: [LegacyUG] Downloading

2007-10-31 Thread Yvonne Murgatroyd

The downloads are really huge.  If you're trying to use the Install from
the Web and since you're on dial-up, you're better off selecting the
Download Full Setup, saving that to your hard drive and then running the
install after you go off-line.

It's not really going backwards.  You'll find that the stall is at the
largest of the files, such as Legacy.exe and rg.dat (the Research Guidance
data file). - possibly even the Legacy6.chm (help file) and Legacy6.lng.

Thanks for all the help re my downloading problems.

I took your advice Sherry and am downloading the Full Setup.

Ron,  I tried to download the Star Downloader, but either I or the download 
itself has a problem, and it just wont download, so have forgotten about 

Hopefully I should be 'up  running' again very soon, as I have loads of 
data to enter.

Again thanks to everyone.


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[LegacyUG] Downloading

2007-10-30 Thread Yvonne Murgatroyd
I am downloading Legacy 6 onto my computer, and unfortunately I cannot stay 
online for the full 4 hours (still on dial up) so can only do it 'after 
hours' so to speak.
The download skips to where it left off last time, but from there goes 

Can someone tell me why this happens???

A woman is like a teabag,
you don't know how strong she is
until you put her in hot water 

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Re: [LegacyUG] Downloading

2007-10-30 Thread Yvonne Murgatroyd

What do you mean by goes backwards?  Is there a status bar that shows
percentage downloaded that starts out at - for example - 50% and then 
drops down to 20%?  Does it just drop down initially and then begin 
climbing after a while?

It starts off at 38% then goes down to about 25%, at which stage it simply 
stays there, and I dont know whether to leave it, and 'hope for the best' or 
what to do.


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Re: [LegacyUG] Is Anybody There?

2007-10-05 Thread Yvonne Murgatroyd
Calm before the storm??

  - Original Message - 
  From: Tom Element 
  To: LegacyUserGroup@legacyfamilytree.com 
  Sent: Friday, October 05, 2007 8:14 AM
  Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] Is Anybody There?



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Re: [LegacyUG] Is Anybody There?... same sex relationships

2007-10-05 Thread Yvonne Murgatroyd
Yes why can you not do both??  Whether it's geneology or not, it is still in 
YOUR FAMILY! Regardless of whether one approves or not.

Live  Let Live... Life is short enough already without making other 
people's lives a misery.


Why can you not do both?




Then I am a fourth group.

I do NOT believe same-sex relationships are an abomination but DO
believe that they should not be shown in a genealogical presentation (
as opposed to a family History presentation).

There is nothing wrong with doing family history, as long as you
realize that that is what you are doing and not deceiving yourself into
believing you are doing genealogy.

The reverse is also true.

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Re: [LegacyUG] Is Anybody There?... same sex relationships

2007-10-05 Thread Yvonne Murgatroyd

Such a helpful and informative response, Bert.

On 10/5/07, Bert van Kootwijk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
  and please drop this discussion.


Yes, some people are frankly rude, and completely self centred, and do 
believeYvonne that there are other people who think differently.


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Re: [LegacyUG] Download AGAIN?? Help please.......

2007-09-11 Thread Yvonne Murgatroyd

Hi to all who replied...thanks,

Ron you know me too well (lol)

We were on Windows '98 and have now gone to Windows XP home edition, which 
is taking me an age to get around.

I have backed up to a CD so have everything from Legacy, so at least have 
all that.

It looks as though I will have to download again (oh phooey...over an hour, 
as we are still on dial up hopefully going broadband within the next month)

Oh well. talk nicely to Significant other and hope he agrees


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Re: [LegacyUG] Download AGAIN?? Help please......./Classic Mode

2007-09-11 Thread Yvonne Murgatroyd
Thanks Gary, but have pity on a Senior Citizen...lol how do I go into 
Classic Mode (Other than on the radio)


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[LegacyUG] Download AGAIN?? Help please.......

2007-09-10 Thread Yvonne Murgatroyd

I have just upgraded my computer, and before this was done, everything was 
saved from the old one into various folders etc.

Now I cannot get Legacy to open etc., am I going to have to download the 
whole thing again and be online for over an hour??



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Re: [LegacyUG] Re: Complain OFF LIST - please!

2007-08-22 Thread Yvonne Murgatroyd
You know folks, I belong to many groups although will say mainly dog lists,
(Far Friendlier) and this is by far the most unforgiving group of the whole
If anything is Off Topic then everyone gets their tutu in a tangle (dare I
say knickers in a knot)  And woe betide ANYONE who dares to
contadict someone, then the fat really is in the fire!!!

Loosen Up! Life is far too short.

Never look for a worm
in the apple of your eye
Langston Hughes

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Re: [LegacyUG] OT but pertinent IMHO

2007-08-18 Thread Yvonne Murgatroyd
Cathy,  I agree wholeheartedly with you, so many people are extremely rude, and 
do not take into account that there are NEW people on the list, and they are 
NEW to Genealogy  all it's offshoots, I also do not post, for fear of people 
saying This Is Not Legacy Related etc etc.

But I WILL say this, that an email gets extremely long and unwieldy if not 
trimmed, especially the Legacy posts as they have such a lot on the end of 
their mail.

My favourite saying is Don't Get Your Tutu in a Tangle

Never look for a worm 
in the apple of your eye
Langston Hughes

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[LegacyUG] OT but pertinent IMHO

2007-08-18 Thread Yvonne Murgatroyd
Paul my mail IS set to plain textif it still appears as html then I
really dont know what else to do.

Yvonne Murgatroyd
Never look for a worm
in the apple of your eye
Langston Hughes

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Re: [LegacyUG] Not a Legacy question - BUT

2007-08-17 Thread Yvonne Murgatroyd
Thank you Jenny  Maureen, I have learned something new, let's face it you

Never look for a worm
in the apple of your eye
Langston Hughes

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Re: [LegacyUG] Fw: prayer for our Military/PLEASE trim replies

2007-07-04 Thread Yvonne Murgatroyd
IF you have to reply to a message, PLEASE. trim  the original message, 
especially if it has large photos embedded or attached, this is the second time 
these picture have clogged up my computer.

Thank you

Yvonne Murgatroyd
Never look for a worm 
in the apple of your eye
Langston Hughes

Have you unlocked the real power of Legacy? Legacy 6.0 Deluxe has 92 features 
not found in the Standard Edition. Learn more about these features at 

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[LegacyUG] Children not showing

2007-05-10 Thread Yvonne Murgatroyd
I hope someone can understand what I am trying to explain (It sounds crazy
even to myself!)

I added more information to my Family Tree, but, it all the children of one
set of parents do not show up any more.

BUT when attempting to link to an existing son it tells me that he is
already a child of another family!!

Can someone help?


Never look for a worm
in the apple of your eye
Langston Hughes

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Re: [LegacyUG] Learning how to create a web site for our data

2007-04-20 Thread Yvonne Murgatroyd
Hi Ron, 

Count me in as well.

Never look for a worm 
in the apple of your eye
Langston Hughes

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[LegacyUG] Question...

2006-12-28 Thread Yvonne Murgatroyd
I will also be castigated for this question I expect.

Why is it that so many people on this particular list are so touchy when
someone happens to 'stray off the subject'?, after all we are all human, and

We all realise that it is a Geneology List, but other subjects ARE related
to geneology.  I personally have a Database of some 10,000 names of my
chosen canine breed.

I could really get carried away with examples of people being nasty to
others, but is it really worth all the effort??

Its The Season Of Good Cheer!  BE CHEERFUL.

Yvonne Murgatroyd
The Mask Given Time, comes
to be the face itself
Marguerite Yourcenar.

*** Give the gift of Legacy for the holidays! Order online at 
http://legacyfamilytree.com/Redirect/Store-Legacy.asp or call 1-800-753-3453. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] How many users

2006-11-29 Thread Yvonne Murgatroyd
And there are some of us here in South Africa also.!!

The Mask Given Time, comes
to be the face itself
Marguerite Yourcenar.

*** Give the gift of Legacy for the holidays! Order online at 
http://legacyfamilytree.com/Redirect/Store-Legacy.asp or call 1-800-753-3453. 

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[LegacyUG] No Mail???

2006-11-13 Thread Yvonne Murgatroyd
I am beginning to wonder what has happened, I havent had any mail from the
group for two days.

Yvonne Murgatroyd
The Mask Given Time, comes
to be the face itself
Marguerite Yourcenar.

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[LegacyUG] Marriages in Chronological order

2006-11-03 Thread Yvonne Murgatroyd
Is there any way of putting the marriages of a particular
 individual in chronological order???

Yvonne Murgatroyd
There is no greater loan 
than a sympathetic ear
Frank Tyger

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[LegacyUG] Adopted Children

2006-10-26 Thread Yvonne Murgatroyd
How would one enter children who having been registered in their father's
surname, were then adopted by their mother's 2nd husband??

There is no greater loan
than a sympathetic ear
Frank Tyger

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Re: [LegacyUG] Adopted Children

2006-10-26 Thread Yvonne Murgatroyd
Thanks Ron, could I ask you to contact me off list please at


There is no greater loan
than a sympathetic ear
Frank Tyger

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[LegacyUG] Names in Different colours

2006-10-21 Thread Yvonne Murgatroyd

When I go into the "names" section of 
Legacy, some of the names are in black, and others in blue, is there a specific 
reson for this??

Yvonne Murgatroydwww.buxtonairedales.com"There is 
no greater loan than a sympathetic ear"Frank 

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Re: [LegacyUG] Paid Genealogy Search Sites

2006-10-19 Thread Yvonne Murgatroyd
Is there anyone in England who can point me in the direction of Free
Genology research sites IN England for England??

Thanks in advance, I am an English person living in South Africa for the

Yvonne Murgatroyd
There is no greater loan
than a sympathetic ear
Frank Tyger

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[LegacyUG] Publishing

2006-10-17 Thread Yvonne Murgatroyd

Please can anyone help with publishing 
myfamily tree,I have generated the web pages, and although I could 
previously link them to my personal website, for some unknown reason (to me 
anyway) I cannot get the link to work correctly.

All my computer knowledge is self taught 
so please no 'complicated' way of doing things, I need a nice asy 

Thanks in 

Yvonne Murgatroydwww.buxtonairedales.com"There is 
no greater loan than a sympathetic ear"Frank Tyger

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