Re: [LegacyUG] How to accomplish a working data base of one family?

2016-02-26 Thread Perk Bingham
Would it not work if one were to start a new file for her and then, when 
her data is more complete, "merge" her into your database? (having 
backed it up first)  (:>)


*_Family History - Without the Proofs & Sources, it's only Mythology_

Researching: Clawson, Ford, Rohrer, Jenkins, & Kibbey - in Ohio and beyond
And: Black, Nichol, Webb, Flynn, & Millar - in Canada, the UK and Ireland.
Wait! Wait ! There's still more - Also: Hallsberg, Lundberg, & Laine, in 
Sweden & Finland *

On 2/26/2016 12:01 PM, Boyd Miller wrote:

There is no reason why you can't have her as an unlinked individual, 
with all her own data, within your main database. She will show in the 
name list, and can be linked when you find a connection but will 
generally not show in any other lists or reports.

If you go to View > Trees > Refresh that you may find you already have 
some floating individuals.


On 27/02/2016 7:39 a.m., Jane Sarles wrote:
I have a prospect for the wife of an ancestor.  I am 95% sure that 
she is the right one,but not 100%.  I should like to have a mini-data 
base of just this couple and their ancestors and descendants to use 
for research purposes while I try to verify their relationship.

I don't want to add her to my main data base, since I don't have her 
documented, but I need her in my dummy data base so I can see the 
broader picture and how she fits in.

Alternatively, I could put her in the main db, but in some special 
way (color type, different font?) or some such designation.  Would 
that work better?  Then I wouldn't have to re-type all her facts in 
when I verify her.

Can anyone suggest how I might do this?

Jane S.

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Re: [LegacyUG] Entering a sibling without parents

2016-02-25 Thread Perk Bingham
I agree Tom, with the exception of the instance of where the child's 
surname is known, in that case I simply put it (the surname) in the 
appropriate place for the father and change it if I ever come upon the 
correct one.

I don't think there /has/ to be a marriage record at all.

It works well for me at least.

P. (:>).

*_Family History - Without the Proofs & Sources, it's only Mythology_

Researching: Clawson, Ford, Rohrer, Jenkins, & Kibbey - in Ohio and beyond
And: Black, Nichol, Webb, Flynn, & Millar - in Canada, the UK and Ireland.
Wait! Wait ! There's still more - Also: Hallsberg, Lundberg, & Laine, in 
Sweden & Finland *

On 2/25/2016 1:56 PM, Tom McCorkill wrote:
I am new to legacy but I have for sometime used the technique of 
entering an unknown female spouse as"LNAME". In other words, I place 
quotation marks around the known last name of the husband. If I later 
learn the correct maiden name I just replace it. For males where I do 
not know a first name I generally leave it blank and then later 
correct it when i get the information.

Hope this may help others.

On Thu, Feb 25, 2016 at 9:50 AM, R G Strong-genes>> wrote:

It does, however, create a marriage record for unknown and unknown.

-Original Message- From: MikeFry
Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2016 3:49 AM

Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Entering a sibling without parents

On 25 Feb 2016 3:13 AM, Ed Ladendorf via LegacyUserGroup wrote:

For a long time, because of several strong indications, I was
reasonably sure
that Susanna Schommer was a sister to my g-grandmother, Maria
Schommer. Now I
finally have proof of that. When I went to enter a sibling for
Maria, I
recieved a message saying that siblings cannot be entered
without first
having a parent.

I have no information whatsoever as to what their parents'
names were, so in
my mind, not entering a sibling would be a sin. She needs to
be there so
someone other than myself could have a shot of finding
something I couldn't
yet find. So I entered a mother with the given name of "Not",
and the surname
of "Known". The sibling was then added successfully. Has
anyone else had this
problem, and if so, how did you handle it?

In a past existence (Legacy 7.5) it was possible, with a
parent-less person on
show in the Family tab, to double-click on the empty parents and
have the
program 'create' blank parents. You could then add a sibling to
the original,
parent-less person. No parents were actually created. This no
longer seems to
work under version 8.0


Mike Fry (Jhb)

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Re: [LegacyUG] Entering a sibling without parents

2016-02-24 Thread Perk Bingham
I have had the same problem Ed and I elected only use only the 
children's (Schommer in this case) surname for their father and that 
seemed to be OK.

Perk  (:>)

*_Family History - Without the Proofs & Sources, it's only Mythology_

Researching: Clawson, Ford, Rohrer, Jenkins, & Kibbey - in Ohio and beyond
And: Black, Nichol, Webb, Flynn, & Millar - in Canada, the UK and Ireland.
Wait! Wait ! There's still more - Also: Hallsberg, Lundberg, & Laine, in 
Sweden & Finland *

On 2/24/2016 4:57 PM, Ed Ladendorf via LegacyUserGroup wrote:

The original message to the list is in the attachment.

This action is required because of the DMARC Reject/Quarantine Policy
imposed by your email provider. If you want to receive messages
without conversion to attachments please use a different email address
for your subscription.

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Re: [LegacyUG] Remove my name (DooDoo hapens to us all) (:>)

2016-02-23 Thread Perk Bingham

How about an option for a "Digest" type of email??

If people's feelings are hurt by too many emails they should think back 
to when there was none at all.

Keep on truckin (:>),

PB (:>)

*_Family History - Without the Proofs & Sources, it's only Mythology_

Researching: Clawson, Ford, Rohrer, Jenkins, & Kibbey - in Ohio and beyond
And: Black, Nichol, Webb, Flynn, & Millar - in Canada, the UK and Ireland.
Wait! Wait ! There's still more - Also: Hallsberg, Lundberg, & Laine, in 
Sweden & Finland *

On 2/23/2016 8:33 AM, Alan LaPearle GMAIL 56305 wrote:

I am truly sorry for the e-mails.  I have tried to locate the 
setting(s) in my e-mail client to find out why it is sending out these 
e-mails.  I will continue to try to find what the problem is.

I do know that it only sends to those that e-mail me and every time 
they e-mail me the mail client replies to the sender automatically for 
some reason.  If I can locate the e-mails I am receiving from you and 
it is an e-mail subscription of some kind I will surely unsubscribe 
from the subscription ..  Do you have some kind of e-mail 
subscription/newsletter that you send out?   If you do could you list 
the name of the newsletter so I can watch for it and unsubscribe?

Please accept my apologies.  I am working on finding why this happens 
and get it to stop.

Alan L.

[] *On Behalf Of *Donna 

*Sent:* Tuesday, February 23, 2016 8:30 AM
*Subject:* [LegacyUG] Remove my name

I have removed to many emails that have been sent by you. They do not 
make any sense to me. I would like to have my name removed from your 
email list that do not have information pertaining to Legacy 8.0 
Family Tree that I can understand. I have tried to remove my name from 
your really stupid emails  but I can not. Can you please take me OFF 
your list. I would call what you have been doing as a form of SPAM.  
Please, please remove my name from this list.

Thank you for your help in this matter.
Donna Jean Mason Customer # 83-827-539-49

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[LegacyUG] Not receiving emails & Civil War age search

2012-10-25 Thread Perk Bingham
Hi all,

I rejoined this group a couple of months ago but haven't been getting
any emails.  Hopefully this will reach you.

After the Civil War webinar yesterday I became interested in that
period.  Isn't there a way to search L.F.T. for persons that would be of
a given age range in a given time frame?   As an example perhaps, 18-40
in 1862.

Thanks very much,

Perk (:>)


Family History:  Where every little step backward means a little progress (:>)

Researching: Clawson, Kibby, Ford, Rohrer & Muma (in Ohio &  PA)

And: Black, Webb, Millar, & Nichol (in Ontario & UK)

(WAIT!, WAIT! there's still more) Also: Hallsberg, Lundberg & Laine (in Finland)

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[LegacyUG] Once again subscribed but still no action

2012-08-27 Thread Perk Bingham
I was subscribed to this list some time ago but was going on a trip so I
unsubscribed.   I remember this list as being the most active one I had
ever encountered but have heard nothing at all since I came back.

I may be opening up a "Pandora's Box" but is anyone getting this ???

Thanks much,

Perk (:>)

Family History:  Where every little step backward means a little progress (:>)

Clawson, Kibby, Ford, Starek (in Ohio),  Rohrer & Muma (in PA & Ohio)
Black, Webb, Millar, & Nichol (in Ontario & UK)
Hallsberg, Lundberg (in Finland)

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[LegacyUG] Wha hoppen? No mail

2011-11-09 Thread Perk Bingham
I re-joined the group a week or so ago but hven't had a single email so
I wanted to make sure I'm using the correct address.


Perk (:>)

Family History:  Where every little step backward means a little progress (:>)

Clawson, Kibby, Ford, Starek (in Ohio),  Rohrer&  Muma (in PA&  Ohio)
Black, Webb, Millar,&  Nichol (in Ontario&  UK)
Hallsberg, Lundberg (in Finland)

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Re: [LegacyUG] Legacy - Yvonne's "conflicted copy" warning

2011-07-24 Thread Perk Bingham

Just wondering what you mean by "Legacy Dropbox"?

Mozy & Dropbox are two different online backup services. Are you trying
to use both at the same time?

Perk (:>)

Family History:  Where every little step backward means a little progress (:>)

Clawson, Kibby, Ford, Starek (in Ohio),  Rohrer&  Muma (in PA&  Ohio)
Black, Webb, Millar,&  Nichol (in Ontario&  UK)
Hallsberg, Lundberg (in Finland)

On 7/23/2011 2:36 PM, Yvonne Morehouse wrote:
> I just lost a day and a half of intense data entry.  When I saw how much
> data was lost, I ran around the ceiling, yelled and screamed for a
> couple of hours but it did no good.  So, I'm appealing to Legacy users
> for more rational actions.
> I'm running Windows 7 and have plenty of space.  I have the latest
> Legacy update.  I checked the Legacy site for errors related to
> "conflicts" but didn't see an answer for my issue.
> Here's what's goofy.  Last night, 7/23/2011 at 2:23 PM, Mozy backed up
> my files. The file name at issue appears as Legacy Dropbox DB 3 9 08
> (Yvonne Morehouse's conflicted copy 2011-07-23).  Of course, I didn't
> know any "conflicts" existed until noon today when Legacy stopped
> working as I leave my computer running all of the time.
> Anyway, early this morning, I opened Legacy and went to work.  Legacy
> worked fine--as far as I knew.  About noon, an individual's window
> refused to open. I tried a few times to open go.  I closed
> Legacy and reopened it but all of yesterday and today's data is gone.
> If there were other data problems I haven't found them yet.
> I'm going to try to restore last night's Mozy Legacy file to another
> folder to see what's in it, but...what does the "conflicted message
> warning" mean, please?
> Any ideas of what to do?
> Thanks, Yvonne
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Re: [LegacyUG] connecting a couple together?

2011-05-15 Thread Perk Bingham
You are correct, this is genealogy, and adoptions, other than a notation
to that affect, ought not to be connected to any ancestors except their own.

My father was adopted but, while they were very fine people, I have no
interest whatever in their line, only that of my true ancestors . It
simply has no bearing on my personal genealogy.

Best to all,

Perk (:>)

Family History: Where every little step backward means progress (:>)

Clawson, Kibby, Ford, Starek&  Rohrer (in Ohio)
Black, Webb, Millar,&  Nichol (in Ontario&  UK)

On 5/15/2011 6:42 PM, Elizabeth Cunningham wrote:
> The problem is that this is genealogy.  I know at least 3 same-sex
> couples that have adopted children. Raised or are raising them very
> successfully too.
>   Elizabeth C
> Gene Young wrote:
>> On 5/15/2011 5:41 PM, CE Wood wrote:
>>> Geez!  Bigotry in control.
>>> CE
>> Nonsense.  Its genealogy.  Legacy is a genealogy program.  If you want a
>> family history program, get one.
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[LegacyUG] Re: scanning photographs

2011-05-11 Thread Perk Bingham
To muddy the water a bit, how about bitmap (.bmp)?

Perk (:>)

Family History: Where every little step backward means progress (:>)

Clawson, Kibby, Ford, Starek&  Rohrer (in Ohio)
Black, Webb, Millar,&  Nichol (in Ontario&  UK)

On 5/11/2011 2:15 PM, CE Wood wrote:
> What about PSD (Photoshop) files?  Lossless or lossy?
> CE
> From: Ron Ferguson []
> Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2011 1:10 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] scanning photographs
> Larry,
> The point is that a TIFF is lossless. What this means is that you can edit 
> the picture eg remove blemishes, alter colour balance etc. and then save 
> without any loss in picture quality. With other formats, including PNG, when 
> you save after editing then there is a quality reduction, and this is 
> accumulative, so the more times you do an edit and save then the greater the 
> loss in quality. With, say, a JPG the loss it not noticeable after only one 
> or two edit/saves but is often very obviously after more. The loss occurs on 
> saving, btw, not during the edit.
> Hence the recommendation to save the master as a TIFF and the files in use as 
> JPG, PNG GIF etc..
> Ron Ferguson
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Re: [LegacyUG] Error - Customer support tool A203

2011-05-08 Thread Perk Bingham
Thank you to all who responded.

I came to the same conclusion last evening.  I did a search with the
file manager (Explorer) and it came up with the same information.  The
only program in which it was associated was our Sharp electronic cash
register for our yarn shop.  I don't know why it would have become
associated with Legacy though.

It must have become corrupted in some fashion and I can deal with that.

Thanks again,

Perk (:>)

Family History: Where every little step backward means progress (:>)

Clawson, Kibby, Ford, Starek&  Rohrer (in Ohio)
Black, Webb, Millar,&  Nichol (in Ontario&  UK)

On 5/8/2011 6:31 AM, Wes wrote:
> On 5/7/2011 5:34 PM, Perk Bingham wrote:
>> Every time I load Legacy 7.5 (Windows7) I get an error box with a
>> slider, that tells me it's "Configuring" something called a "Customer
>> support tool A203".
>> After we have our little discussion and I finally press cancel, it
>> decides to go back to sleep and all seems to operate normally.
>> Wha hoppen ??  Would it help to reinstall LFT ??
>> Thanks for all your help,
>> Perk (:>)
>> --
>> Family History: Where every little step backward means progress (:>)
>> Researching:
>> Clawson, Kibby, Ford, Starek&  Rohrer (in Ohio)
>> And
>> Black, Webb, Millar,&  Nichol (in Ontario&  UK)
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>> Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
>> Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009:
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>> To unsubscribe:
> This appears to be a driver for the Sharp Electronic Cash Register.
> More info is available at
> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG -
> Version: 9.0.900 / Virus Database: 271.1.1/3623 - Release Date: 05/07/11 
> 11:34:00

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Re: [LegacyUG] Error - Customer support tool A203

2011-05-07 Thread Perk Bingham
Not sure why it would only effect Legacy Mike, nor what it's purpose
would be since it runs fine afterwords.

I'll run Ad-aware anyway.


Perk (:>)

Family History: Where every little step backward means progress (:>)

Clawson, Kibby, Ford, Starek&  Rohrer (in Ohio)
Black, Webb, Millar,&  Nichol (in Ontario&  UK)

On 5/7/2011 3:03 PM, Mike Fry wrote:
> On 2011/05/07 23:34, Perk Bingham wrote:
>> Every time I load Legacy 7.5 (Windows7) I get an error box with a slider, 
>> that
>> tells me it's "Configuring" something called a "Customer support tool A203".
>> After we have our little discussion and I finally press cancel, it decides 
>> to go
>> back to sleep and all seems to operate normally.
>> Wha hoppen ?? Would it help to reinstall LFT ??
> I don't think this is anything to do with Legacy. Judging by what I see on
> Google, it looks like you've been hacked :-(
> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG -
> Version: 9.0.900 / Virus Database: 271.1.1/3622 - Release Date: 05/06/11 
> 23:34:00

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Re: [LegacyUG] Error - Customer support tool A203

2011-05-07 Thread Perk Bingham
Sorry, it's

P. (:>)

Family History: Where every little step backward means progress (:>)

Clawson, Kibby, Ford, Starek&  Rohrer (in Ohio)
Black, Webb, Millar,&  Nichol (in Ontario&  UK)

On 5/7/2011 3:26 PM, Robert E. Carneal wrote:
> No, no... I meant to say: What version of LEGACY? You said 7.5, but I
> believe there are more numbers after that. Thanks.  Robert
> On Sat, May 7, 2011 at 5:17 PM, Robert  E. Carneal
>   wrote:
>> Which version of Windows? Thank you.  Robert
>> On Sat, May 7, 2011 at 5:03 PM, Mike Fry  wrote:
>>> On 2011/05/07 23:34, Perk Bingham wrote:
>>>> Every time I load Legacy 7.5 (Windows7) I get an error box with a slider, 
>>>> that
>>>> tells me it's "Configuring" something called a "Customer support tool 
>>>> A203".
>>>> After we have our little discussion and I finally press cancel, it decides 
>>>> to go
>>>> back to sleep and all seems to operate normally.
>>>> Wha hoppen ?? Would it help to reinstall LFT ??
>>> I don't think this is anything to do with Legacy. Judging by what I see on
>>> Google, it looks like you've been hacked :-(
>>> --
>>> Regards,
>>> Mike Fry
>>> Johannesburg
>> Legacy User Group guidelines:
>> Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
>> Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009:
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> No virus found in this incoming message.
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> Version: 9.0.900 / Virus Database: 271.1.1/3622 - Release Date: 05/06/11 
> 23:34:00

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[LegacyUG] Error - Customer support tool A203

2011-05-07 Thread Perk Bingham
Every time I load Legacy 7.5 (Windows7) I get an error box with a
slider, that tells me it's "Configuring" something called a "Customer
support tool A203".

After we have our little discussion and I finally press cancel, it
decides to go back to sleep and all seems to operate normally.

Wha hoppen ??  Would it help to reinstall LFT ??

Thanks for all your help,

Perk (:>)

Family History: Where every little step backward means progress (:>)

Clawson, Kibby, Ford, Starek&  Rohrer (in Ohio)
Black, Webb, Millar,&  Nichol (in Ontario&  UK)

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Re: [LegacyUG] Mini-webinar today - entering a death certificate

2011-05-06 Thread Perk Bingham
Great Geoff,

I won't be able to attend but will it be available online later on?

Thanks for all your help,

Perk  (:>)

Family History: Where every little step backward means progress (:>)

Clawson, Kibby, Ford, Starek&  Rohrer (in Ohio)
Black, Webb, Millar,&  Nichol (in Ontario&  UK)

On 5/6/2011 9:38 AM, Geoff Rasmussen wrote:
> You're invited to "watch Geoff" as I demonstrate via webinar how to
> enter a death certificate into Legacy. Visit
> to register. The
> mini-webinar will begin today at 4PM Eastern. More details at
> or
> .
> See you there,
> Geoff Rasmussen
> Millennia Corporation
> Legacy User Group guidelines:
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> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG -
> Version: 9.0.900 / Virus Database: 271.1.1/3618 - Release Date: 05/05/11 
> 11:34:00

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[LegacyUG] Slow loading of data

2011-03-22 Thread Perk Bingham
I don't know what's going on with my Legacy 7.5 (Deluxe) but when I load
the program there's a delay of about 15 seconds from the time I see the
"empty boxes" until they are filled in with the data.
The program loads normally but it's the data that has to wake up and get
to work.

Even entering the data is very slow. _I'm using Windows 7_.

Wha hoppen ???

Thanks very much,

Perk (:>)

Family History: Where every little step backward means progress (:>)

Clawson, Kibby, Ford, Starek&  Rohrer (in Ohio)
Black, Webb, Millar,&  Nichol (in Ontario&  UK)

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[LegacyUG] Ref: "Deep mess" message

2011-03-12 Thread Perk Bingham
Please _*DO NOT RESPOND*_ to the "deep mess" email.

This type of plaintive type of letter is completely phony, I've seen
several variations.   (Please check it out on

Someone has been able to "hack" into the Ron Goodwin's address book and
send this without his knowledge.

If anyone knows Ron personally you might want to contact him off list
and tell him to check with his ISP and change his security settings.

Regards to all,

Perk (:>)

Family History: Where every little step backward means progress (:>)

Clawson, Kibby, Ford, Starek&  Rohrer (in Ohio)
Black, Webb, Millar,&  Nichol (in Ontario&  UK)

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Re: [LegacyUG] Photos as Sources-----Sources for Photos

2011-02-25 Thread Perk Bingham
My "two cents worth" probably isn't worth that amount these days but
isn't this all just a matter of semantics?

Although they have certainly been known to have errors, isn't tombstone
the source?   The photo, to me, is only a means of recording that
source, so that I have a record of what's actually shown there.

Perk (:>)

Family History: Where every little step backward means progress (:of

Clawson, Kibby, Ford, Starek&  Rohrer (in Ohio)
Black, Webb, Millar,&  Nichol (in Ontario&  UK)

On 2/25/2011 9:11 AM, wrote:
> If I took the photo then I have seen the tombstone so my information is
> coming from the tombstone itself. I take a photograph to record for
> myself what I saw. If you take a photograph than I am actually getting
> the data from you through a photographic media. I would cite to you as
> the source. Likewise, if you wrote down your observations and posted it
> on the internet I would still cite to you.
> -Original Message-
> From: Larry McCumber
> To:
> Sent: Fri, Feb 25, 2011 8:33 am
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Photos as Sources-Sources for Photos
> What is the difference between a photo you took and a photo someone
> else took?
> On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 8:50 AM,  wrote:
>> Photos of tombstones that I take are not sources but merely my
> memorial
>> of the source. No different that the cemetery survey notes that I
> write
>> down while at the cemetery. It is the tombstone which is the source.
> On
>> the other hand, photographs of tombstones taken by others are the
>> source which I properly cite to the photographer using the Chicago
>> Manual's style.
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Re: [LegacyUG] Zotero and Legacy

2011-02-05 Thread Perk Bingham
Sorry Connie, my own use would be as you do, not mentioning Zotero at all.

Sort of as a storage place while one is browsing.

Thanks for clarifying,

Perk (:>)

Family History: Where every little step backward means progress (:>)

Clawson, Kibby, Ford, Starek&  Rohrer (in Ohio)
Black, Webb, Millar,&  Nichol (in Ontario&  UK)

On 2/5/2011 4:08 PM, Connie Sheets wrote:
> Perk,
> I'm not sure I understand your question. I've made some use of Zotero 
> (probably not enough) and it is a good place to store web pages/notes along 
> with their citations.
> But if I were citing those web pages in Legacy, I would cite the web page and 
> the date I accessed it, all of which I may have captured in Zotero, but I 
> would not include a reference to Zotero in my citation.
> Is that what you are asking?
> Connie
> --- On Sat, 2/5/11, Perk Bingham  wrote:
> Just curious. Has anyone
>tried to link (or use) information stored in a great
>  program called Zotero ( )  in conjunction
>  with web sources (or other notes etc.) in Legacy?
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[LegacyUG] Zotero and Legacy

2011-02-05 Thread Perk Bingham
Just curious. Has anyone tried to link (or use) information stored in a
great program called Zotero ( )  in conjunction
with web sources (or other notes etc.) in Legacy?

See also ( )


Perk (:>)

Family History: Where every little step backward means progress (:>)

Clawson, Kibby, Ford, Starek&  Rohrer (in Ohio)
Black, Webb, Millar,&  Nichol (in Ontario&  UK)

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Re: [LegacyUG] Timelines to download

2011-01-09 Thread Perk Bingham
Hello all who very kindly responded.  I was truly not aware of the
Timelines editor. And when I was told about it, went there with great
hopes for a timeline of the various composer's lives as well as the ones
I mentioned in my other posts.

OK so far, I've entered a Description for the file, but when I click on
"Save", the program just locks up and I have to kill it & reload it.
This has happened numerous times in the past day or so.Nothing seems
to have been effected or injured by the crash when I reload it and,
during the time it's locked up other programs seem to work normally.

For those who know about such things I have a small indicator of CPU
usage that sits in the System Tray (lower right of the screen) and
though I don't always pay attention to it, I have noticed that when the
"lock-up" occurs it jumps up to about 92 to 97% usage. It must be in a
loop or such.

Thanks again for all the help, I promise to try to be more observant in
the future,

Perk (:>)

Family History: Where every little step backward means progress (:>)

Clawson, Kibby, Ford, Starek&  Rohrer (in Ohio)
Black, Webb, Millar,&  Nichol (in Ontario&  UK)

On 1/9/2011 6:44 AM, Virginia Dunham wrote:
> Out of curiosity...have you clicked on the "Help" button and searched
> on "Timelines" explains about creating new timelines...
> Virginia
> On Sun, Jan 9, 2011 at 12:27 AM, Perk Bingham  wrote:
>> Thanks Ellen,
>> I guess what I'm looking for are additional timeline files, some that would
>> be a bit more specific such as the wars that Finland fought against the
>> Soviet Union (and lost all of them (:>)) and the various battles in our own
>> Revolutionary War.
>> As I see it the one in Finnish (Soumi) is only a listing of the leaders and
>> presidents. Failing finding a download, could one do the research as to the
>> dates and make and install their own?   I think it's only a text (.txt)
>> file.
>> Thanks again for the quick response,
>> Perk (:>)
>> Washington State, USA
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Re: [LegacyUG] Timelines to download

2011-01-08 Thread Perk Bingham
Thanks Ellen,

I guess what I'm looking for are additional timeline files, some that
would be a bit more specific such as the wars that Finland fought
against the Soviet Union (and lost all of them (:>)) and the various
battles in our own Revolutionary War.

As I see it the one in Finnish (Soumi) is only a listing of the leaders
and presidents. Failing finding a download, could one do the research as
to the dates and make and install their own?   I think it's only a text
(.txt) file.

Thanks again for the quick response,

Perk (:>)
Washington State, USA

Family History: Where every little step backward means progress (:>)

Clawson, Kibby, Ford, Starek&  Rohrer (in Ohio)
Black, Webb, Millar,&  Nichol (in Ontario&  UK)

On 1/8/2011 8:57 PM, wrote:
> Perk, go to the Chronology View, click on Options.  At the bottom of the 
> first menu, click on the box for Select Background Timelines.  You will 
> probably find more timelines than you could think of.
> God bless,
> Ellen
> - Original Message -
> From: "Perk Bingham"
> Sent: Saturday, January 8, 2011 11:38:55 PM
> Subject: [LegacyUG] Timelines to download
> Hello,
> Just curious as to whether it is possible to add more timelines to Legasy and 
> how it is done.
> Also wondering if anyone knows of a site that has more of them compiled for 
> downloading?
> I'm particularly interested in ones from Finnish, Swedish, (general&  war 
> history) and the various events in all of the UK and the American Revolution.
> Thanks,
> Perk (:>)
> --
> Family History: Where every little step backward means progress (:>)
> Researching:
> Clawson, Kibby, Ford, Starek&  Rohrer (in Ohio)
> And
> Black, Webb, Millar,&  Nichol (in Ontario&  UK)
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[LegacyUG] Timelines to download

2011-01-08 Thread Perk Bingham

Just curious as to whether it is possible to add moretimelinesto Legasy
and how it is done.

Also wondering if anyone knows of a site that hasmore of them compiled
for downloading?

I'm particularly interested in ones from Finnish, Swedish, (general &
war history) and the various events in all of the UK and the American


Perk (:>)

Family History: Where every little step backward means progress (:>)

Clawson, Kibby, Ford, Starek&  Rohrer (in Ohio)
Black, Webb, Millar,&  Nichol (in Ontario&  UK)

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Re: [LegacyUG] Problem with Legacy

2011-01-06 Thread Perk Bingham
How big is your LFT file and how much disk space is available?

Windows needs lots of free space on a disk in order to simply operate.

Perk (:>)

Family History: Where every little step backward means progress (:>)

Clawson, Kibby, Ford, Starek&  Rohrer (in Ohio)
Black, Webb, Millar,&  Nichol (in Ontario&  UK)

On 1/6/2011 8:41 AM, Jane Sarles wrote:
> It does not happen with any other program.  I am running Vista.  It
> happens when I click something  and it doesn't respond, then when I
> click again (double click) it greys out.  The family screen is still
> there, but dim, and I cannot take any action on it.  After 3 or 4
> minutes, it resumes and is OK.
> Jane
> On Thu, Jan 6, 2011 at 11:26 AM, Ron Ferguson
>   wrote:
>> Jane,
>>  From the information which you supply I see no reason to believe that this
>> has anything to do with Legacy - what is your Windows version? Could it be a
>> memory problem? Does it happen with other programs? Can you be more specific
>> in your description?
>> Ron Ferguson
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Jane Sarles
>> Sent: Thursday, January 06, 2011 4:09 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: [LegacyUG] Problem with Legacy
>> I have Legacy 7.4.  Often, when I click something and it seems slow, I
>> click again and the screen goes dim.  When that happens I an bit
>> allowed to quit or take any other action and I have to either wait for
>> a couple minutes till it clears up or end task in the Control Panel.
>> Is this something that every one puts up with, or am I the only lucky
>> one?  Is there a fix?
>> Jane Sarles
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Re: [LegacyUG]

2011-01-04 Thread Perk Bingham
Hi all,

I can't speak for anyone else but WVR is available online through our
local library web site, and it's free, all you need is a library card.

I have no idea if the database is the same as the pay one though, but I
have had some success with it.


Perk (:>)

Family History: Where every little step backward means progress (:>)

Clawson, Kibby, Ford, Starek & Rohrer (in Ohio)
Black, Webb, Millar, & Nichol (in Ontario & UK)

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Re: [LegacyUG] Entering Locations/Places

2010-11-17 Thread Perk Bingham
Hi all,

I'm a newbie on this list so I suppose I should be lurking for a while,
but I can't help commenting on Jerry's advice.

It was brilliant, as they say. It really makes sense to standardize data
entry so that we're all saying things in the same format.

Thanks Jerry, now I've probably got look over my source list and make
some changes.

Perk (:>)

Family History: Where each little step backward means progress (:>)

Researching : Clawson, Kibby, Ford, & Rohrer (in Ohio) and Black, Webb, Millar, 
& Nichol (in Ontario & UK)

Jerry wrote:
> Hi there.   You'll probably get some answers directly from the UK, but
> they might be in bed right now, so expect to get some answers
> tomorrow.   But, in general, as you said, consistency is the name of the
> game, plus some of the folks on here sort their places from left to
> right, others from right to left.   I use the standard city, county,
> state, country format from left to right, so in your UK example below,
> mine would be:
> Lincoln, Lincolnshire, , England
> Notice that I left a blank space to designate what would be the State or
> Province, but since there isn't one, it just becomes a blank space.
> Other examples:
> , Wayne Co, Michigan, USA
> , , Michigan, USA
> , , , USA
> Detroit, , Michigan, USA
> Windsor, Essex Co, Ontario, CANADA
> *So, in other words, any division that is missing will necessitate a
> blank space between commas in order to keep the integrity of the sort.*
> LONG VERSION:  Detroit, Wayne Co, Michigan, USA
> SHORT VERSION:  Detroit, Wayne, MI, USA
> LONG VERSION:  Windsor, Essex Co, Ontario, CANADA
> SHORT VERSION:  Windsor, Essex, ON, CAN
> You should also note that there is the option for a long form of the
> location and a short form for the location.   I like to put my country
> in all CAPS for readability and also so our Canadian branches won't feel
> overshadowed by having a USA and a Canada.   Although technically it
> could be United States and Canada, but most of the time most of us
> abbreviate United States as USA.  One caution, however, using all CAPS
> does not always go through the gedcom process the same way, when
> transferring files.
> But you will get some other opinions because of the differences with
> other parts of the world, I'm sure.   Plus, some people will put
> cemetery names in the location name fields.   I never do - instead using
> the NOTE fields adjacent to the location fields for that purpose.   My
> location list, therefore, is much shorter than most because I want to
> make sure I don't use a separate entity for identical places.
> Therefore, if a person was born in Massachusetts Bay Colony, to me that
> belongs in the adjacent note.I simply say Massachusetts the way it
> is today and the way the map systems will find it and add the
> explanatory note.  Hope this helps a bit.   --Jerry
> On 11/17/2010 11:29 PM, Chris Clifford wrote:
>> Hello:
>> I am a new user of Legacy 7.  I understand the importance of entering 
>> locations consistently; however, the instructions are for town, county, 
>> state, country.  The majority of my ancestors are from England and a few 
>> from Canada.  How do I enter these locations, i.e., Lincoln, Lincolnshire, 
>> England?  If so, isn't there a field missing as Lincolnshire is the county, 
>> but there isn't a state or province.  Also, what would be the correct entry 
>> for Canadian locations; can anyone give me an example?
>> Thanks for any help/suggestions.
>> Christine
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