RE: [LegacyUG] Children

2014-07-30 Thread blrrcn
I have several families where I know there were other children but don't have a 
name as they died young or I just don't know the name. Depending on the 
If i know the sex, I list them as Son, daughter (last name) or just Child (last 
name) if I don't know the sex.
If there's several children I would name them 3 children. I would also 
include estimated B  D dates.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone

div Original message /divdivFrom: Brett McL Robinson /divdivDate:07/30/2014  5:07 AM  (GMT-05:00) 
/divdivTo: /divdivSubject: [LegacyUG] 
Children /divdiv
/divI have been adding family details and have several families where my 
source (a descendant of one of the families) has merely noted the number of 
children, with no names. I am tempted to ignore the number, but realise that it 
would be useful to note it with the family to help as a check in the future. Is 
there any way to add a number to the family records that will show up in the 
children display?

I tried adding an unknown gender child named Given: 4 children (Colin+Karen) 
(for example), and wonder if anyone has tried this or something like it and can 
report on its success or limitations. This child would be over-written when 
the last child was added.

Cheers, Brett

B McL Robinson
Tel +64 7 856 6582, 0277 500 714, fax +64 7 856 6582, Skype AB1252
PO Box 1252, Hamilton 3240, New Zealand

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[LegacyUG] Extra app data folder?

2013-12-28 Thread blrrcn
   I've noticed that I have an _app data folder in x86 - Legacy8, and another 
_app data folder in Users - My Documents. I've been working on my database 
and the app data folder in My Documents has many more files and folders while 
the app data folder in legacy 8 seems to have the basic folders and appears to 
be duplicates of the one In My Documents.
   I'm wondering if the 2 app data folders are necessary or is one just a 
duplicate. if they are redundant where should the appropriate app data folder 
   Thank you for your advice, 

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone

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Re: [LegacyUG] Trial

2010-10-27 Thread blrrcn
I have been following this thread and haven't seen mention of my problem,hope 
you don't mind the hijack,I am using Optimum online for my email,and when I 
send messages in plain text,I get run on sentences. I'm sure that some of you 
have seen my posted emails...and have been annoyed reading them.Has anybody 
seen this problem before,can it be fixed?(SPACE)This message is actually typed 
in 5 sentences all properly spaced.Thanks for the advice,Brian Lehman

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[LegacyUG] Is there a preferred alternate name feature?

2010-09-09 Thread blrrcn
Hello everyone,On a persons family page for an individual,I customized the 
display to include A.K.A which displays one alternate name,trouble is,I have 
several alternate names for a person and I would like to display one particular 
alternate name,I haven't found a way to set a preferred alternate name,to 
display the one I want,like preferred spouse.Can anybody offer a suggestion 
on how to do this?Thank you for your help,Brian Lehman

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[LegacyUG] Is there a preferred alternate name feature?

2010-09-09 Thread blrrcn
I have many people that have 2 alternate names,(in the family page,where 
birth,death and places are displayed)most display the name I want,but some 
don't,I have reentered them in different orders,the names aren't listed 
alphabetically,so how does Legacy decide which alternate name gets listed?

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[LegacyUG] Is there a preferred alternate name feature?

2010-09-09 Thread blrrcn
Thanks for the replies guys,Jim,Appreciate this being reported and looking 
forward to a fix.Thanks again,Brian Lehman

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[LegacyUG] How should I record stories?

2010-08-27 Thread blrrcn
Hello everyone,I am finally ready to add stories to the dry facts in my family 
tree.Where is the best place to record those things that Grandma told you of 
her childhood,etc?To me,they really don't belong attached to a particular 
event,should I write them in the General notes,I haven't found a better place 
to write paragraphs.And I apologize for the way my messages appear,I send them 
in plain text and they turn out in one run on paragraph,haven't figured out how 
to fix this.Thanks for you advise,Brian

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[LegacyUG] How should I record stories?

2010-08-27 Thread blrrcn
Hi Ron,My stories are little paragraphs of memories I was told,not really 
biographies,stories of Thanksgiving 1935,personal descriptions of my Great 
Grandfather,etc.I have OpenOffice Writer,also,when I write a page,where and how 
do I attach it to a person?And thanks for asking about my email plain text 
problem,I am using the,mail page from cablevision,when I click 
plain text,I loose editing controls for proper paragraphs.I realize my Email 
problem is not a Legacy issue but I am trying to comply with the Legacy Group 
guidelines,anddon't want a ridicules looking Email,thanks for the help,Brian

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[LegacyUG] Finding who is connected to a document.

2010-07-03 Thread blrrcn
Hi,I Have tried all of you suggestions and they all find a list of People,which 
can link me to an events associated people,to enter data the way I want, But 
Jenny's way is closer to what I want,that is,having a list of people who are 
connected to a source scan, say a census record listing a family,so I can copy 
and past the new event data to all family members listed.Sorry its taken so 
many messages to explain what I mean,not wasted replies,you all taught me 

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[LegacyUG] Finding who is connected to a document.

2010-07-02 Thread blrrcn
Hello,I have been entering data in the Events Window for events such as 
Census,Immigration,Naturalization,all with scans of the documents attached.My 
problem is that the info I enter in the event Notes,for say a passenger list, I 
want to be a standard format for every person entered with a passenger 
list,instead my entries are mostly different and I need to go through all the 
events with a record attached.This I am doing by making a report of specific 
events and going through the check boxes to suite the report to my needs. 
Follow the individual's number to the person and make my alterations.   (Isn't 
Legacy great!)What I can't seem to find is a way to see what individuals are 
also Attached to a particular record.Is that feature available in Legacy,if so 
where is it?Thank you for the help,Brian Lehman

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[LegacyUG] Finding who is connected to a document.

2010-07-02 Thread blrrcn
Hello again,Thanks for the replies,I am able to create a report of a particular 
event,listing people an event is attached to,displaying a PDF.I guess I should 
have asked,is there a screen with links to the people that share an event.I can 
edit an individuals event details from the name list,but is there a way to link 
to, and edit others who share an event such as in a census or passenger 

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[LegacyUG] TEST,Problem with the LUG message page?

2010-06-25 Thread blrrcn
Jackie,My name isn't at the end of the URL I wrote,It is actually a space below 
the URL,that is another problem I have,when I write an email in plain text 
format,even though I write it with spaces and proper letter format it displays 
as all lines run together,don't know how to fix this,ant suggestions?(SPACE)By 
the way I am getting new messages on the message page,guess it was a slow few 

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[LegacyUG] TEST,Problem with the LUG message page?

2010-06-24 Thread blrrcn
Hello,I haven't gotten any new updated messages on theLUG message page list and 
I am wondering if there's a problem with the page not being updated or nobody 
posted any questions.The page I mean 

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[LegacyUG] Family search at the LDS and Legacy help

2010-06-10 Thread blrrcn
Hello all,Would someone please explain how familysearch works?I have read that 
you need to be a member of the church to do a search,I can search the site on 
my browser now.In Legacy when I hit the family search icon and open family 
search to the current personit opens a window displaying my list of 
people,after I select a name I get a family search log on,then hit register and 
it asks me to choose which account to create,as I am not a member I wont choose 
the LDS family search account for members,but the Family search account for 
the general public.My question is, will this general public account once 
joined,enter my selected persons data from Legacy to do a search the way it 
would normally be done when I search myself,getting results 
such as,Ancestral files, International Genealogical Index,Pedigree Resource 
Files and U.S. Social Security Death Index,etc.Thanks for the advise,Brian 

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[LegacyUG] What to do when a family is divided on two pages for a census record?

2010-06-03 Thread blrrcn
Hello all,Frequently,I find that a families census record is on two page.When 
the parents are listed on the last lines on one page and the children are 
continued on the next page.I would like to keep the family census record 
together in the same source without creating 2 master sources(Ex.1900 census 
page 1 and 1900 census page 2).Now,I have the two pages attached in the 
multimedia window but the second page seems lost unless I know its there.Is 
there a way to add the two pages,scan and source data, to one event(1900 
census).Thank you for your help,Brian Lehman

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[LegacyUG] What to do when a family is divided on two pages for a census record?

2010-06-03 Thread blrrcn
Hi,I don't create a source for each family,and I do edit the details 
appropriately,writing page 1 or page 2,my problem is that that you have to look 
for the second page of the family census,which is in the multimedia section and 
a person wont know that it is there,to look, so the first page that comes up 
wont list the children and it will look like a mistaken entry.For passenger 
lists,I have the scan and source data listed in an eventimmigration and I 
also have a second source attached to immigration with the picture of the 
ship. I was hoping to attach an additional  source with page 2 of the family 
census,so they are both visible in the individualssource list and not go 
hunting for the second page of the family census.Thanks again,Brian Lehman

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[LegacyUG] What to do when a family is divided on two pages for a census record?

2010-06-03 Thread blrrcn
Thanks everyone for the suggestion,I just did a edit on the census scan,adding 
the family on page 2,to the parents on page 1,it was a little bit of workbut it 
looks fine.Thanks again,Brian Lehman

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[LegacyUG] How to change a source citation

2010-05-31 Thread blrrcn
Hello,I made a mistake and miscited a group of passenger lists.I sited them all 
as New York Passenger Manifest 1820-1957under the event IMMIGRATIONwhen 
several of them should be New York Passenger Manifest 1897-1957under the 
event PASSENGER LISTS,that is already created,These are passenger lists of 
trips that people made after they were in the USA. I would like to reassign the 
Master Sources and additional source info for the event Passenger list but I 
haven't found a way to change the master source list name with citation 
info.Would someone offer advise to help me?Thank you,Brian Lehman

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[LegacyUG] How to change a source citation

2010-05-31 Thread blrrcn
Hello,I changed the source citations!Sort of an extension of 
Connie's suggestion,using the source clipboard also copied the source details 
and scan,which I didn't want to enter(maybe I didn't explain myself fully) I 
wanted to change what was entered in the edit master source definition 
window.What I did was,create a correct source that I wanted to enter in place 
of the wrong source.I then took all the names from the passenger list event 
list(that had the wrong source) and then went to the wrong source for the 
individual,cleared the source definition and entered XXX,so I had a source 
XXX and then combined it with the correct source,that accomplished what I 
wanted to do.I am truly amazed at the versatility of Legacy and what it can 
accomplish!Thank you for you input.Brian

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[LegacyUG] Where to put records?

2010-05-20 Thread blrrcn
I wanted to know how others entered their BMD records and I have my 
answer,thanks.And Jenny M.Benson said: Just position the cursor in the 
person's Birthdate orBirth Location field and click the Sources icon.  The 
Assigned Sourcesscreen opens with the first Birth Source highlighted.I never 
knew that,thanks for pointing it out,that solves my dilemma!Thanks again for 
all the replies.Brian Lehman 

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[LegacyUG] Can I use my backup to install my data to the free version?

2010-05-20 Thread blrrcn
Hello,I have a tree In Legacy that I wish to install to another computer for my 
cousin who is not really into genealogy but she wishes to have the info on her 
computer.I plan on installing the Legacy free version on her's and I was 
wondering in I can use the backup from my tree to install it to her Legacy 
file,will the media be installed also?Thank you for you advise,Brian Lehman

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[LegacyUG] Can I use my backup to install my data to the free version?

2010-05-20 Thread blrrcn
Thanks guys,So I can't install a tree in Legacy free version on another 
computer from my backup of my deluxe version.What if I install my tree from a 
Gedcom and copy the media folder(not the backup)to her computer,then direct 
Legacy to one file in the folder,will Legacy find all the items in the folder 
and place them where they belong,as it does with MY deluxe version I 
use?Or,does anybody have a suggestion as to how I can enter my data with all 
media on her computer without having to link over 300 media files 
individually?Thank you,Brian Lehman

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[LegacyUG] Where to put records?

2010-05-19 Thread blrrcn
Hello,I am adding birth,marriage and death certificates and wondering where to 
enter the source and document.Should I enter them on the individual persons 
page by clicking the source icon and adding it to the preloaded birth,marriage 
and death source or should I create and event and add the  source and document 
to the event ?What is the standard that others do?Thank you for the 
advise,Brian Lehman

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[LegacyUG] Where to put records?

2010-05-19 Thread blrrcn
Thanks for the replies everyone,So I guess its more common that people add 
BMD sources and records by clicking the source icon to the right of the persons 
last name and not creating an event to add to?My problem with that is to access 
a birth record you have to go through and look for it in the source list 
instead of easy access in the event list.but then the birth date and place 
would be recorded twice.Thank you for further opinions,Brian Lehman

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[LegacyUG] Where to put records?

2010-05-19 Thread blrrcn
My point was,To find a source document,if I create an event for birth,in the 
event field,I just click on the event birth and it opens the edit event 
screen then I click the source icon an it opens the assigned 
sources,highlighting the birth entry and birth cert.If I don't create an event 
birth, to find the record,I need to hit the source icon and scroll/look for 
the birth record,in a list of many sources this can be bothersome.Don't think 
it really matters in nano-seconds,but I was wondering how others enter their 
BMD records,If there's a standard way to do this.Thank you,Brian Lehman

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[LegacyUG] Hot Keys

2010-05-02 Thread blrrcn
I have seen many references to hot keys(keyboard controls),I couldn't find a 
listing of them anywhere,can someone tell me where they are found of provide a 
listing of them?Thank you,Brian Lehman

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Re: [LegacyUG] Hot Keys

2010-05-02 Thread blrrcn
Found them,Thanks for your help everyone.Brian

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[LegacyUG] Where to store my scans?

2010-04-27 Thread blrrcn
I am wondering where others store their scans of records,census,birth,photos 
etc.Now I store them in a I file I created myself,should they be stored in one 
of the Legacy created files,which one and is there an advantage?Thank you,Brian 

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[LegacyUG] Web page creation

2010-04-19 Thread blrrcn
I am looking for basic info on the web page creation feature.When I create a 
web page using Legacy and save it,do I then download to an online server or 
creation site.Don't know if I am explaining this right,does the Legacy web page 
creation feature automatically place your data on a web page or do I need 
something else to put it on the web?Thank you for the replies.Brian Lehman

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[LegacyUG] Source Detail

2010-04-11 Thread blrrcn
To see who is using a master source,go into the Master source list and 
highlight a source,the, to the right you'll see show lists click that and it 
will tell you all who are using that particular source.Brian Lehman

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[LegacyUG] Working between two computers-Thank you

2010-04-07 Thread blrrcn
I just wanted to thank everybody for the advise given .I am still working on 
figuring out which method would be best for me,and you all offered several 
ways.Thank You,Brian Lehman

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[LegacyUG] Working between two computers

2010-04-04 Thread blrrcn
Can someone please tell me how to keep my desktop and laptop computers 
synchronized,I work from each one in different places and can't keep the data 
on one and in the other up to date.thank you for your advise.Brian Lehman

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[LegacyUG] Working between two computers

2010-04-04 Thread blrrcn
Do you mean a back up file and restore it?Brian Lehman

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[LegacyUG] Working between two computers

2010-04-04 Thread blrrcn
I can't find the .fdb extension,can you tell me where it is?thanks for working 
with meBrian

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[LegacyUG] Working between two computers

2010-04-04 Thread blrrcn
Thanks for all the advise everyone,I'll be reading the help files Mike Fry 
suggested to figure this out.Gene Young,you mentioned  .fdb extension and 
After each work session copy your family file to a USB thumb drive andbefore 
starting a new session load the current one onto the computer you are using. 
Alternatively, you can work from the thumb drive and save a copy to the 
computer you are working on at the end of each session.Does that mean,take the 
.fdb extension file from the updated computer and just overwrite the .fdb file 
on the old copy?What about the pictures attached to sources?Can a back up and 
restore on a flash drive work just as well?Any further advise will be 
appreciated.Thank again,Brian Lehman 

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[LegacyUG] Working between two computers

2010-04-04 Thread blrrcn
Michael Fisher,Thanks for the suggestion,I have been reading about Live 
sync but havent found out if I need to install Legacy in the Live 
sync folder.Can you help further?Thanks again,Brian

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Re: [LegacyUG] Transfering data between computers

2010-03-07 Thread blrrcn
Thanks for the response Mike Fry,apparently it is pretty cold in Johannesburg 

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[LegacyUG] FOUND,advise writing sources-Thanks

2010-01-19 Thread blrrcn
Thanks for the examples and suggestions guys.I think I get the idea,keep it 
simple.I always read that a source should let someone find the exact record 
referred to,so I added all the numbers,addresses and credits to Ancestry I 
could find,I think I need to focus on the actual physical location of the 
document,National Archives etc.Any further guidance would be appreciated.Thanks 

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[LegacyUG] Need advise writing sources

2010-01-18 Thread blrrcn
Hello,I am hoping to get advise about writing sources. I have been entering 
sources,not using source writer, for all my records,but for now I am concerned 
about the records I get from When I enter source info for say a 
naturalization record,I enter all the info found on the Ancestry page,and my 
source winds up looking like this : (Master and Details)Petition for 
Naturalization from the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New 
York, 1897-1944;National Archives, Washington, D.C.; Selected U.S. 
Naturalization Records - Original Documents, 1790-1974 (World Archives Project) 
[database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2009; 
(National Archives Microfilm Publication M1972, 1457 rolls); Records of 
District Courts of the United States, Record Group 21; National Archives, 
Washington, D.C.Archive Roll: 1304(Roll 1144); Petition No.311001-311330; 
Naturalization Record Number: 372520; Lehman Ida;Petition for 
Naturalization;April 29,1938,Cert.No.372520My passenger lists and census 
sources are equally impressive. Trouble is,I have never seenwhat a good source 
should and shouldn't contain.Needless to say,I am using Legacy,could someone 
please advise as to what a source should look like,perhaps copy and paste one 
of your sources,for example?    Thank you ,    Brian

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2010-01-17 Thread blrrcn
Hello all.This post is a test to see if I can post a message on the LUG.So I am 
just writing a few opinions.I have tried in the past to post,went through all 
the procedures and still couldn't post.Hope this works.I bought Legacy about 3 
months ago,coming from FTM 2009 for 6 years.I have to say I am very pleased 
with Legacy,one of the reasons I prefer legacy is that,I had several 
questions(why I wanted to post previously)but eventually I figured it 
outmyself, Legacy is very easy to understand,easier to work with,manipulate 
data, just about everything I wanted in a genealogy program,I found in 
Legacy,and did I mention theName List its practically a program unto itself! 
Well,now to click SEND an see if I am subscribed and sending.Take careBrian

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