RE: [LegacyUG] Hand Held Devices for Legacy

2012-02-29 Thread Mark Lang

For future reference, the tblMR stands for “table Marriage Records”. In fact 
all tables in the database are pre-referenced with “tbl” or for more clarity 
–TBL. I use similar techniques when programming and also use CamelCase.

Kind Regards

Mark Lang

From: PM []
Sent: Wednesday, 29 February 2012 2:22 PM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Hand Held Devices for Legacy

I did go through the Legacy website.

Everything thing had been updated. Everything seemed to be going well. It was 
in the process of converting Legacy Files to Sqlite format and then when it got 
to :tblMR-1100 records  (note: not sure about the 3rd letter that "l" might be 
an I or a 1 or a /)

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Re: [LegacyUG] Hand Held Devices for Legacy

2012-02-28 Thread Sherry/Support
You'll need to contact TelGen for help with Families.

Their website is where there's a
link to a user forum or you can contact them by email to

Technical Support
Legacy Family Tree

On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 7:52 PM, PM  wrote:
> I did go through the Legacy website.
> Everything thing had been updated. Everything seemed to be going well. It
> was in the process of converting Legacy Files to Sqlite format and then when
> it got to :tblMR-1100 records  (note: not sure about the 3rd letter that "l"
> might be an I or a 1 or a /)
> and the following message came up:
> Operation aborted
> The provider couldn't determine the object value.
> For example. the row was just created, the default for the object column was
> not available, and the consumer had not yet set a new object value.
> We have no idea what this means. Can anyone help us get this completed?
> Thanks, Peggy

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Re: [LegacyUG] Hand Held Devices for Legacy

2012-02-28 Thread PM
I did go through the Legacy website.

Everything thing had been updated. Everything seemed to be going well. It was 
in the process of converting Legacy Files to Sqlite format and then when it got 
to :tblMR-1100 records  (note: not sure about the 3rd letter that "l" might be 
an I or a 1 or a /)
and the following message came up:
Operation aborted
The provider couldn't determine the object value.
For example. the row was just created, the default for the object column was 
not available, and the consumer had not yet set a new object value.

We have no idea what this means. Can anyone help us get this completed?

Thanks, Peggy
A day without art is like a day without sunshine...

**Remain Calm and Sparkle On**

 From: Sherry/Support 
Sent: Monday, February 27, 2012 12:31 AM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Hand Held Devices for Legacy

Please go through our website instead . That gives us a little
credit for the sale!

It costs you the same either way!

Technical Support
Legacy Family Tree

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Re: [LegacyUG] Hand Held Devices for Legacy

2012-02-27 Thread Paula Ryburn
With technology changes, I'm sure we could stand to re-visit this topic every 6
months or so. ;)  Thanks,

From: John Clifford 
Sent: Sun, February 26, 2012 4:28:10 AM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Hand Held Devices for Legacy

I am picking up an old thread here.

Can anyone advise me about the relative merits of Families and Gedstar for
use on Android phones as a Legacy add-on?

I have the impression that Millennia used to promote Gedstar but now
Families (there is still a page on the website about Gedstar but no links to
it as far as I can see)

On the other hand this thread contains a few messages from Sherry saying she
likes Gedstar.


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Re: [LegacyUG] Hand Held Devices for Legacy

2012-02-27 Thread Sherry/Support
Sources are available in Families, at least in the Android version
(I'm sure it would be in the iOS version as well). Tap on the
individual to bring up that person's page, tap on the Event and there
you'll find a source for that individual's event.

There is no "Master Source List", if that's what you're looking for.
It would be handy - I'd suggest going to their website and make a suggestion in the User

Technical Support
Legacy Family Tree

On Sun, Feb 26, 2012 at 10:31 PM, Debbie Freeman  wrote:
> Hi,
> From what little I could see the only problem with the Families App is that
> it does not seem to have a "source screen" shoot available. How does someone
> who uses the app check to see what sources are already in the app's family
> file if they are at a archives or library?
> Curious,
> Debbie Freeman

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RE: [LegacyUG] Hand Held Devices for Legacy

2012-02-27 Thread John Clifford
John and Sherry - thank you very much for your help.

I understand the limitations because I have used Pocket Genealogist for some
years on HTC Touch and Jam PDAs


-Original Message-
From: hwedhlor []
Sent: 27 February 2012 06:01
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Hand Held Devices for Legacy

Hi John,

Several years ago my mobile device of choice was a Sony Clie on which I ran
GedStar Pro, by GHCS Software, and I liked it GedStar Pro much.  When the
Clie was discontinued I changed over to an iPhone and iPad, and asked Doug
Gordon, the author of GedStar Pro, if he had any intention of porting the
program over to the Apple iOS devices.  Doug replied that he would have to
invest in some expensive Mac equipment to do so, and that he was intending
to retire after 40+ years writing software (this was in 2008), so I went
looking for alternative software.  I settled on Families, by Telgen
Software, and was fortunate to be involved in some testing of that software
both pre-release and subsequent to its introduction.  I have been very happy
with Families, and with Telgen's responsiveness to input from their user
I highly recommend Families, which syncs with Legacy and not only displays
your data and photos, but will allow input via your mobile device if you
choose to do that, after which the new data can be synced back to Legacy.
That capability can be very handy if you find yourself in the field without
your laptop.

Understand however that Families is not Legacy, and does not provide the
entire range of features that Legacy provides, which is not surprising
considering that Families is designed to run on a much lest robust platform
than is Legacy Family Tree.

All the best,


John Zimmerman
Mesa, Arizona

On 2/26/2012 3:28 AM, John Clifford wrote:
> I am picking up an old thread here.
> Can anyone advise me about the relative merits of Families and Gedstar
> for use on Android phones as a Legacy add-on?
> I have the impression that Millennia used to promote Gedstar but now
> Families (there is still a page on the website about Gedstar but no
> links to it as far as I can see)
> On the other hand this thread contains a few messages from Sherry
> saying she likes Gedstar.
> John
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Re: [LegacyUG] Hand Held Devices for Legacy

2012-02-26 Thread Debbie Freeman

>From what little I could see the only problem with the Families App is that
it does not seem to have a "source screen" shoot available. How does someone
who uses the app check to see what sources are already in the app's family
file if they are at a archives or library?

Debbie Freeman

hwedhlor wrote:

Hi John,

Several years ago my mobile device of choice was a Sony Clie on which I ran
GedStar Pro, by GHCS Software, and I liked it GedStar Pro much.  When the
Clie was discontinued I changed over to an iPhone and iPad, and asked Doug
Gordon, the author of GedStar Pro, if he had any intention of porting the
program over to the Apple iOS devices.  Doug replied that he would have to
invest in some expensive Mac equipment to do so, and that he was intending
to retire after 40+ years writing software (this was in 2008), so I went
looking for alternative software.  I settled on Families, by Telgen
Software, and was fortunate to be involved in some testing of that software
both pre-release and subsequent to its introduction.  I have been very happy
with Families, and with Telgen's responsiveness to input from their user
base.  I highly recommend Families, which syncs with Legacy and not only
displays your data and photos, but will allow input via your mobile device
if you choose to do that, after which the new data can be synced back to
Legacy.  That capability can be very handy if you find yourself in the field
without your laptop.

Understand however that Families is not Legacy, and does not provide the
entire range of features that Legacy provides, which is not surprising
considering that Families is designed to run on a much lest robust platform
than is Legacy Family Tree.

All the best,

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Re: [LegacyUG] Hand Held Devices for Legacy

2012-02-26 Thread hwedhlor
Hi John,

Several years ago my mobile device of choice was a Sony Clie
on which I ran GedStar Pro, by GHCS Software, and I liked it
GedStar Pro much.  When the Clie was discontinued I changed
over to an iPhone and iPad, and asked Doug Gordon, the
author of GedStar Pro, if he had any intention of porting
the program over to the Apple iOS devices.  Doug replied
that he would have to invest in some expensive Mac equipment
to do so, and that he was intending to retire after 40+
years writing software (this was in 2008), so I went looking
for alternative software.  I settled on Families, by Telgen
Software, and was fortunate to be involved in some testing
of that software both pre-release and subsequent to its
introduction.  I have been very happy with Families, and
with Telgen's responsiveness to input from their user base.
I highly recommend Families, which syncs with Legacy and not
only displays your data and photos, but will allow input via
your mobile device if you choose to do that, after which the
new data can be synced back to Legacy.  That capability can
be very handy if you find yourself in the field without your

Understand however that Families is not Legacy, and does not
provide the entire range of features that Legacy provides,
which is not surprising considering that Families is
designed to run on a much lest robust platform than is
Legacy Family Tree.

All the best,


John Zimmerman
Mesa, Arizona

On 2/26/2012 3:28 AM, John Clifford wrote:
> I am picking up an old thread here.
> Can anyone advise me about the relative merits of Families and Gedstar for
> use on Android phones as a Legacy add-on?
> I have the impression that Millennia used to promote Gedstar but now
> Families (there is still a page on the website about Gedstar but no links to
> it as far as I can see)
> On the other hand this thread contains a few messages from Sherry saying she
> likes Gedstar.
> John
> Legacy User Group guidelines:
> Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
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Re: [LegacyUG] Hand Held Devices for Legacy

2012-02-26 Thread Sherry/Support
Please go through our website instead . That gives us a little
credit for the sale!

It costs you the same either way!

Technical Support
Legacy Family Tree

On Sun, Feb 26, 2012 at 8:41 PM, Paul Brodsky
> Peggy,
> Actually, the direct link you would want to go to is
>   - you can also get more info from the
> Apple App Store at
> The program "Families" is an app that that you would purchase ($14.99) and
> install on your iPad. Once you have purchased and installed the app, there
> is  a process you go thorough to transfer files between your computer and
> ipad.  I use Families on an Android device so I'm not sure what the exact
> process is for Apple but Telgen's website has this:
> "On iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad Families requires access to a Wi-Fi network
> or use of iTunes via a USB connection in order to transfer family files
> between your device and your PC. USB transfer uses iTunes File Sharing which
> requires your device to be running iOS 3.2 or above"
> Rest assured it's a good app and the developer is responsive interested in
> keeping it a good app.
> cheers
> Paul

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Re: [LegacyUG] Hand Held Devices for Legacy

2012-02-26 Thread Paul Brodsky

Actually, the direct link you would want to go to is   - you can also get more info from the
Apple App Store at

The program "Families" is an app that that you would purchase ($14.99) and
install on your iPad. Once you have purchased and installed the app, there
is  a process you go thorough to transfer files between your computer and
ipad.  I use Families on an Android device so I'm not sure what the exact
process is for Apple but Telgen's website has this:

"On iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad Families requires access to a Wi-Fi network
or use of iTunes via a USB connection in order to transfer family files
between your device and your PC. USB transfer uses iTunes File Sharing
which requires your device to be running iOS 3.2 or above"

Rest assured it's a good app and the developer is responsive interested in
keeping it a good app.


On Sun, Feb 26, 2012 at 10:00 PM, PM  wrote:

> Thanks, Sherry!  I am not very tech savy so please excuse me if I ask some
> dumb questions.
> When I go to the legacy website - does it matter if I go on using my
> desktop pc or my iPad - to get the app?
> I don't understand how my files will get from my desktop pc to my iPad...??
> Hugs, Peggy
> A day without art is like a day without sunshine...
> Remain Calm and Sparkle On
>*From:* Sherry/Support 
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Sunday, February 26, 2012 10:46 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [LegacyUG] Hand Held Devices for Legacy
> On the Legacy website, click on Buy Now! >
> Mobile Apps for a link to Families 1.0 for iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch
> which will convert the Family File to the correct format..
> Sincerely,
> Sherry
> Technical Support
> Legacy Family Tree
> On Sun, Feb 26, 2012 at 6:53 PM, PM  wrote:
> > I haven't strarted researching again or even catching up on reading posts
> > (hubby had sugery and is keeping me busy) yet - but right now there is
> this
> > question on my mind..
> > I have an iPad and would like to know if I can get a copy of my Legacy
> > family files on to it and if so how is it done?
> >
> > I have Legacy Deluxe Edition  Version:
> > Build Date: 23 Feb 2012
> >
> > "Crossing My Fingers!"
> > Thank-you,  Peggy
> Legacy User Group guidelines:
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> Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
> Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009:
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Re: [LegacyUG] Hand Held Devices for Legacy

2012-02-26 Thread PM
Thanks, Sherry!  I am not very tech savy so please excuse me if I ask some dumb 
When I go to the legacy website - does it matter if I go on using my desktop pc 
or my iPad - to get the app?
I don't understand how my files will get from my desktop pc to my iPad...??

Hugs, Peggy
A day without art is like a day without sunshine...

**Remain Calm and Sparkle On**

 From: Sherry/Support 
Sent: Sunday, February 26, 2012 10:46 PM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Hand Held Devices for Legacy

On the Legacy website, click on Buy Now! >
Mobile Apps for a link to Families 1.0 for iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch
which will convert the Family File to the correct format..

Technical Support
Legacy Family Tree

On Sun, Feb 26, 2012 at 6:53 PM, PM  wrote:
> I haven't strarted researching again or even catching up on reading posts
> (hubby had sugery and is keeping me busy) yet - but right now there is this
> question on my mind..
> I have an iPad and would like to know if I can get a copy of my Legacy
> family files on to it and if so how is it done?
> I have Legacy Deluxe Edition  Version:
> Build Date: 23 Feb 2012
> "Crossing My Fingers!"
> Thank-you,  Peggy

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Re: [LegacyUG] Hand Held Devices for Legacy

2012-02-26 Thread Sherry/Support
On the Legacy website, click on Buy Now! >
Mobile Apps for a link to Families 1.0 for iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch
which will convert the Family File to the correct format..

Technical Support
Legacy Family Tree

On Sun, Feb 26, 2012 at 6:53 PM, PM  wrote:
> I haven't strarted researching again or even catching up on reading posts
> (hubby had sugery and is keeping me busy) yet - but right now there is this
> question on my mind..
> I have an iPad and would like to know if I can get a copy of my Legacy
> family files on to it and if so how is it done?
> I have Legacy Deluxe Edition  Version:
> Build Date: 23 Feb 2012
> "Crossing My Fingers!"
> Thank-you,  Peggy

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Re: [LegacyUG] Hand Held Devices for Legacy

2012-02-26 Thread PM
I haven't strarted researching again or even catching up on reading posts 
(hubby had sugery and is keeping me busy) yet - but right now there is this 
question on my mind..
I have an iPad and would like to know if I can get a copy of my Legacy family 
files on to it and if so how is it done?

I have Legacy Deluxe Edition  Version:
Build Date: 23 Feb 2012

"Crossing My Fingers!"
Thank-you,  Peggy
A day without art is like a day without sunshine...

**Remain Calm and Sparkle On**

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Re: [LegacyUG] Hand Held Devices for Legacy

2012-02-26 Thread Sherry/Support
I have both on my Motorola Atrix and my Kindle Fire.  I like Families
on the KF better for main reason that GedStar Pro has a light blue
background and I find it hard to read due to my vision difficulties.
The blue background seems more pronounced on the Kindle than on the
smaller screen of the Atrix.

I had GedStar Pro on my Palm PDA years ago, which is probably why I
wrote that I preferred that one -I was very comfortable with that

Families 1.0 works only with Legacy files and will allow you to edit
and transfer back to Legacy. I haven't done that yet.

GedStar will convert several genealogy file types (FDB, FTM, PAF, GED,
etc) and is read only.

Technical Support
Legacy Family Tree

On Sun, Feb 26, 2012 at 2:28 AM, John Clifford
> I am picking up an old thread here.
> Can anyone advise me about the relative merits of Families and Gedstar for
> use on Android phones as a Legacy add-on?
> I have the impression that Millennia used to promote Gedstar but now
> Families (there is still a page on the website about Gedstar but no links to
> it as far as I can see)
> On the other hand this thread contains a few messages from Sherry saying she
> likes Gedstar.
> John

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Re: [LegacyUG] Hand Held Devices for Legacy

2012-02-26 Thread John Clifford
I am picking up an old thread here.

Can anyone advise me about the relative merits of Families and Gedstar for
use on Android phones as a Legacy add-on?

I have the impression that Millennia used to promote Gedstar but now
Families (there is still a page on the website about Gedstar but no links to
it as far as I can see)

On the other hand this thread contains a few messages from Sherry saying she
likes Gedstar.


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Re: [LegacyUG] Hand Held Devices for Legacy

2011-08-13 Thread hwedhlor
  The next version of the operating system for the
iPad/iPhone devices, iOS 5 (due to be released on 7 October
of 2011) will also provide a "split" keyboard option to
divide the screen-based keyboard into two segments similar
to an ergonomic keyboard, which might make input via the
screen-based keyboard more comfortable.

Prior to purchasing my iPhone and iPad I used GEDStar Pro
for quite some time on a Sony Clie Palm device, and liked it
very much, but when I asked the manufacturer of that program
if he intended to write a version for the iPhone/iPad he
said he intended to retire, so that would not happen.  I
tried FamViewer for a while on the iPhone and iPad, but
switched to the Families app and have never looked back.

Some of the "photographic" apps for the iPad/iPhone devices
use the built-in camera on those devices to capture an image
of documents, but also can do Optical Character Reading
(OCR) processing, and will produce PDF files that are
searchable, and editable.

John Zimmerman
Mesa, AZ

On 8/13/2011 11:36 AM, Cheryl Rothwell wrote:
> I wouldn't be taking notes longer than a text message on
> the iPhone/iPod. I find the keyboard useful on the iPad -
> honest, when you have one you will understand - but I also
> have a wireless keyboard for my iPad. It's like any other
> keyboard. You could type a will. There are attorneys who
> do only iPads in court where they may draft pleadings on
> the fly. In fact that's how I learned about the keyboard.
> It changed my use of the iPad from a toy to a workhorse.
> Coincidentally, today I did a demo of using the iPad to
> access FamilySearch. People were pretty impressed with how
> the keyboard worked when they tried it. I didn't have the
> bluetooth with me but I mentioned it. An 84 year old woman
> wants to buy an iPad! She used the keyboard and thought
> she wouldn't need the bluetooth version.
> If you are considering an iPad I strongly suggest waiting
> for the new one due out in 4-6 weeks I think. It is more
> wireless which would be nice. Also, the next iOS, ver. 5,
> will have more interaction with the iCloud which may
> affect how genealogy programs will work on them. We
> discussed here last week using Sugar Sync [or other] to
> hold the Legacy data file so it is always available in the
> latest incarnation.
> On Sat, Aug 13, 2011 at 8:43 AM, Connie Sheets
>>> wrote:
> A "dumb question" here.  I can understand how an "app"
> like Families on an iPad, etc. can help with having
> your data handy on a research trip.  I can also
> understand how you could do some limited data entry.
>  What I don't understand is how one could reasonably
> do anything more than minimal data entry.  How in the
> world does one actually type on these things, i.e.
> write a paragraph or three (say transcribe a lengthy
> will) not just a tweet or text?  (I'm told by a
> 30-something niece that the virtual keyboard on an
> iPad isn't all that practical for real typing).
> And do source citations actually transfer back and
> forth seamlessly, without them becoming scrambled if
> they were written with SourceWriter?
> Connie
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RE: [LegacyUG] Hand Held Devices for Legacy

2011-08-13 Thread William S White

> -Original Message-
> From: Jan Wilson []
> Sent: Saturday, August 13, 2011 12:22 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Hand Held Devices for Legacy
> I puschased a hand-held a few years back, Palm One, never got the darn
> thing to work. So now it's just a fashion statment sitting next to my
> computer.
> Good luck with hand-held.

For the Palm OS you want My Roots:
I have used for years on my Zire 72...
Until upgrading to a netbook ;-))

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Re: [LegacyUG] Hand Held Devices for Legacy

2011-08-13 Thread Beth

Wanted to thank you all for your help.  Will take this to task and see what I 
come up with.


-Original Message-
From: Cheryl Rothwell 
To: LegacyUserGroup 
Sent: Sat, Aug 13, 2011 11:38 am
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Hand Held Devices for Legacy

Legacy can be uploaded to Families. It does its own conversion. GedStar Pro did 
that with TMG and Palm, have no idea how it works with Legacy.

On Sat, Aug 13, 2011 at 1:26 PM, Beth  wrote:

I joined this list and posted a question had no idea how many of you had 
suggestions for hand held thingys  I was hopping for one answer but see I 
am looking at learning a lot more before buying one.  Can anyone give me a 
simple answer as to which device would work by just downloading my Legacy 
family files into a pad without going through all these other software programs?


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Re: [LegacyUG] Hand Held Devices for Legacy

2011-08-13 Thread Cheryl Rothwell
Legacy can be uploaded to Families. It does its own conversion. GedStar Pro
did that with TMG and Palm, have no idea how it works with Legacy.

On Sat, Aug 13, 2011 at 1:26 PM, Beth  wrote:

> I joined this list and posted a question had no idea how many of you
> had suggestions for hand held thingys  I was hopping for one answer but
> see I am looking at learning a lot more before buying one.  Can anyone give
> me a simple answer as to which device would work by just downloading my
> Legacy family files into a pad without going through all these other
> software programs?
> Thanks,
> Beth

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Re: [LegacyUG] Hand Held Devices for Legacy

2011-08-13 Thread Cheryl Rothwell
I wouldn't be taking notes longer than a text message on the iPhone/iPod. I
find the keyboard useful on the iPad - honest, when you have one you will
understand - but I also have a wireless keyboard for my iPad. It's like any
other keyboard. You could type a will. There are attorneys who do only iPads
in court where they may draft pleadings on the fly. In fact that's how I
learned about the keyboard. It changed my use of the iPad from a toy to a

Coincidentally, today I did a demo of using the iPad to access FamilySearch.
People were pretty impressed with how the keyboard worked when they tried
it. I didn't have the bluetooth with me but I mentioned it. An 84 year old
woman wants to buy an iPad! She used the keyboard and thought she wouldn't
need the bluetooth version.

If you are considering an iPad I strongly suggest waiting for the new one
due out in 4-6 weeks I think. It is more wireless which would be nice. Also,
the next iOS, ver. 5, will have more interaction with the iCloud which may
affect how genealogy programs will work on them. We discussed here last week
using Sugar Sync [or other] to hold the Legacy data file so it is always
available in the latest incarnation.

On Sat, Aug 13, 2011 at 8:43 AM, Connie Sheets  wrote:

> A "dumb question" here.  I can understand how an "app" like Families on an
> iPad, etc. can help with having your data handy on a research trip.  I can
> also understand how you could do some limited data entry.  What I don't
> understand is how one could reasonably do anything more than minimal data
> entry.  How in the world does one actually type on these things, i.e. write
> a paragraph or three (say transcribe a lengthy will) not just a tweet or
> text?  (I'm told by a 30-something niece that the virtual keyboard on an
> iPad isn't all that practical for real typing).
> And do source citations actually transfer back and forth seamlessly,
> without them becoming scrambled if they were written with SourceWriter?
> Connie
> Legacy User Group guidelines:
> Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
> Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009:
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Re: [LegacyUG] Hand Held Devices for Legacy

2011-08-13 Thread Sherry/Support
You will need to have another applicaton to convert the Legacy files
to the proper format if you're talking about iPhone, iPad, iPod touch
or Android.

Families for iOS or Android or GedStar Android are excellent programs.

Those applications will also convert that format back to your Family
File, but most users have found it to be cumbersome to edit on a
mobile device and convert back to Legacy so they use it only for

Legacy will only run on Windows.

If you have a netbook which runs Windows, then you can install Legacy
on the netbook.  If you have a Mac laptop, you'll have to install
Parallels, Fusion, WINE or BootCamp along with a version of Windows
and install Legacy on the Windows side.

if you wish to use an iPad, then you will have to use Families.

A friend of mine has Nook Color, which runs Android, but it wouldn't
run Families for Android. He had to get GedStar for Android.

GedStar Android works marvelously on my Motorola Atrix 4G smartphone.

Technical Support
Legacy Family Tree

On Sat, Aug 13, 2011 at 11:26 AM, Beth  wrote:
> I joined this list and posted a question had no idea how many of you had
> suggestions for hand held thingys  I was hopping for one answer but see
> I am looking at learning a lot more before buying one.  Can anyone give me a
> simple answer as to which device would work by just downloading my Legacy
> family files into a pad without going through all these other software
> programs?
> Thanks,
> Beth

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Re: [LegacyUG] Hand Held Devices for Legacy

2011-08-13 Thread Beth

I joined this list and posted a question had no idea how many of you had 
suggestions for hand held thingys  I was hopping for one answer but see I 
am looking at learning a lot more before buying one.  Can anyone give me a 
simple answer as to which device would work by just downloading my Legacy 
family files into a pad without going through all these other software programs?

-Original Message-
From: Sherry/Support 
To: LegacyUserGroup 
Sent: Sat, Aug 13, 2011 9:40 am
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Hand Held Devices for Legacy

Families is available through our online store for iPhone, iPad and
Pod Touch as well as for Android. However, since these programs  have
o be purchased through the iPhone or Android market places, we can
nly link you to those site - we don't actually sell them.
Another program, which I really like is GedStar for Android. I used to
se GedStar on my Palm and the Android version is very much like the
alm version.
Pocket Genealogist is available for Windows Mobile, but from what I
nderstand, there are not any genealogy programs available for WIndows
hone 7 yet.
All of these programs can directly import Legacy files into the
orrect format for iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch and Android.
echnical Support
egacy Family Tree

On Sat, Aug 13, 2011 at 5:31 AM, Bob Rowe  wrote:
 It would be great to have Brian or Sherry chime in here. The whole world
 seems to be moving towards handheld devices. I am betting that Millennium
 has some of their developers working on this. My company’s developers have
 been working on this for a couple of years and have the first releases out
 now [not genealogy related].

 How about it Support people? Any news on this?

 Bob Rowe

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RE: [LegacyUG] Hand Held Devices for Legacy

2011-08-13 Thread Kirsten Bowman

I use Families on an iPad and agree that it isn't practical for much data entry 
but that's fairly easy to work around.  If I'm browsing the Internet away from 
home and find something of interest I just copy/paste the link and/or text, 
save it on the iPad and input it later.  With books or microfilm records I take 
pictures with a digital camera.  If the data is brief it can be entered on the 
iPad although I wouldn't put it directly into Legacy but would use one of the 
word processing-type apps.  In all of these cases you would just be gathering 
raw data and then entering it into Legacy on your primary system.  II don't 
think it's the best use of your time on a research trip to try and precisely 
source and enter data or transcribe a document on a hand-held device.

That said, the iPad with the Families app and Legacy database have become 
essential tools for me and I'd *hate* to give them up.


-Original Message-
From: Connie Sheets []
Sent: Saturday, August 13, 2011 6:44 AM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Hand Held Devices for Legacy

A "dumb question" here.  I can understand how an "app" like Families on an 
iPad, etc. can help with having your data handy on a research trip.  I can also 
understand how you could do some limited data entry.  What I don't understand 
is how one could reasonably do anything more than minimal data entry.  How in 
the world does one actually type on these things, i.e. write a paragraph or 
three (say transcribe a lengthy will) not just a tweet or text?  (I'm told by a 
30-something niece that the virtual keyboard on an iPad isn't all that 
practical for real typing).

And do source citations actually transfer back and forth seamlessly, without 
them becoming scrambled if they were written with SourceWriter?


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Re: [LegacyUG] Hand Held Devices for Legacy

2011-08-13 Thread Jan Wilson
I puschased a hand-held a few years back, Palm One, never got the darn thing to 
work. So now it's just a fashion statment sitting next to my computer.
Good luck with hand-held.

From: Tim Rosenlof 
Sent: Saturday, August 13, 2011 8:18 AM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Hand Held Devices for Legacy

I'm one that would hope Millennia would just stick to Legacy and let the
third parties continue to interface with such.


On 8/13/2011 6:31 AM, Bob Rowe wrote:
> It would be great to have Brian or Sherry chime in here. The whole world
> seems to be moving towards handheld devices. I am betting that
> Millennium has some of their developers working on this. My company’s
> developers have been working on this for a couple of years and have the
> first releases out now [not genealogy related].
> How about it Support people? Any news on this?
> Bob Rowe
> Into Genealogy?
> Legacy Family Tree is changing the world of genealogy! Download it today
> FREE at
> *From:*Beth []
> *Sent:* Friday, August 12, 2011 8:54 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* [LegacyUG] Hand Held Devices for Legacy
> I would like to use a hand held pad of some sort that could handle
> Legacy software. Not interested in the phone features. Any suggestions
> or is someone using one now?
> Thanks,
> Beth
> <>

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Re: [LegacyUG] Hand Held Devices for Legacy

2011-08-13 Thread Sherry/Support
Families is available through our online store for iPhone, iPad and
iPod Touch as well as for Android. However, since these programs  have
to be purchased through the iPhone or Android market places, we can
only link you to those site - we don't actually sell them.

Another program, which I really like is GedStar for Android. I used to
use GedStar on my Palm and the Android version is very much like the
Palm version.

Pocket Genealogist is available for Windows Mobile, but from what I
understand, there are not any genealogy programs available for WIndows
Phone 7 yet.

All of these programs can directly import Legacy files into the
correct format for iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch and Android.

Technical Support
Legacy Family Tree

On Sat, Aug 13, 2011 at 5:31 AM, Bob Rowe  wrote:
> It would be great to have Brian or Sherry chime in here. The whole world
> seems to be moving towards handheld devices. I am betting that Millennium
> has some of their developers working on this. My company’s developers have
> been working on this for a couple of years and have the first releases out
> now [not genealogy related].
> How about it Support people? Any news on this?
> Bob Rowe

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Re: [LegacyUG] Hand Held Devices for Legacy

2011-08-13 Thread Brian/Support
Any time you have to use a GEDCOM to interface to an external
application you are going to have sources that are Basic Style since the
GEDCOM standard does not allow for the detailed field specifications
that are needed for SourceWriter style sources. When the SourceWriter
was developed the programmers did not modify the GEDCOM export code to
create new custom tags for the SourceWriter sources. If the application
can open a Legacy Family file directly then it may preserve the
SourceWriter style sources. All the Legacy Add-on programs for mobile
appliances, Pocket Genealogist for pocket PC based devices, Families for
the Iphone, Ipad and Ipod touch and Families for Android read the Legacy
Family File directly.

I do not own any of those mobile devices so I have never used any of the
mobile apps in order to comment further.

Customer Support
Millennia Corporation

We are changing the world of genealogy!
When replying to this message, please include all previous correspondence.

On 13/08/2011 9:43 AM, Connie Sheets wrote:
> A "dumb question" here.  I can understand how an "app" like Families on an 
> iPad, etc. can help with having your data handy on a research trip.  I can 
> also understand how you could do some limited data entry.  What I don't 
> understand is how one could reasonably do anything more than minimal data 
> entry.  How in the world does one actually type on these things, i.e. write a 
> paragraph or three (say transcribe a lengthy will) not just a tweet or text?  
> (I'm told by a 30-something niece that the virtual keyboard on an iPad isn't 
> all that practical for real typing).
> And do source citations actually transfer back and forth seamlessly, without 
> them becoming scrambled if they were written with SourceWriter?
> Connie

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Re: [LegacyUG] Hand Held Devices for Legacy

2011-08-13 Thread Tim Rosenlof
I'm one that would hope Millennia would just stick to Legacy and let the
third parties continue to interface with such.


On 8/13/2011 6:31 AM, Bob Rowe wrote:
> It would be great to have Brian or Sherry chime in here. The whole world
> seems to be moving towards handheld devices. I am betting that
> Millennium has some of their developers working on this. My company’s
> developers have been working on this for a couple of years and have the
> first releases out now [not genealogy related].
> How about it Support people? Any news on this?
> Bob Rowe
> Into Genealogy?
> Legacy Family Tree is changing the world of genealogy! Download it today
> FREE at
> *From:*Beth []
> *Sent:* Friday, August 12, 2011 8:54 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* [LegacyUG] Hand Held Devices for Legacy
> I would like to use a hand held pad of some sort that could handle
> Legacy software. Not interested in the phone features. Any suggestions
> or is someone using one now?
> Thanks,
> Beth
> <>

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Re: [LegacyUG] Hand Held Devices for Legacy

2011-08-13 Thread Connie Sheets
A "dumb question" here.  I can understand how an "app" like Families on an 
iPad, etc. can help with having your data handy on a research trip.  I can also 
understand how you could do some limited data entry.  What I don't understand 
is how one could reasonably do anything more than minimal data entry.  How in 
the world does one actually type on these things, i.e. write a paragraph or 
three (say transcribe a lengthy will) not just a tweet or text?  (I'm told by a 
30-something niece that the virtual keyboard on an iPad isn't all that 
practical for real typing).

And do source citations actually transfer back and forth seamlessly, without 
them becoming scrambled if they were written with SourceWriter?


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Re: [LegacyUG] Hand Held Devices for Legacy

2011-08-13 Thread Cheryl Rothwell
I used GedStar Pro on my Palm with another genealogy program for many years.
It's an excellent program.

Now I have an iPod and an iPad. I use Legacy so I use Families. I tried
several programs including FamViewer and GedViewer on the iPad. GedViewer,
to my mind, is better than FamViewer. Quite a bit cheaper too.

I think it depends on what you want. Look at the features. Do you want to
enter data and have it transfer back to your program? Not all do that. Are
you okay with making a new GEDcom and transferring that? Is it critical to
you to have pictures and assorted other items or do you just want the basic
data at your fingertips? What is the most important thing for you?

I don't care much for the apps on the iPod. Might be age but the screen is
too small.

In 2001 it was a wow moment when I pulled up my data on my Palm at the
Clerk's office. Now I assume it is pretty mundane.


On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 11:41 PM, hwedhlor  wrote:

>  Sorry, I should have mentioned that the Families app is
> also available for Android-based devices.
> John Zimmerman
> Mesa, AZ
> On 8/12/2011 9:39 PM, hwedhlor wrote:
> >The Families app for iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad is capable of
> > displaying your Legacy databases in great detail, including
> > photos, family and pedigree formats, and searches by
> > surname, and can be used to enter data, then synced with
> > your Legacy database on your PC.  The Families app is
> > manufactured by TelGen and you may see screen shots, a
> > description and user reviews at at
> >, or
> > by Google search for "Families app".  I use Families on both
> > my iPhone and iPad 2, and like it very much.  It saves me
> > carrying a laptop on research trips.
> >
> > John Zimmerman
> > Mesa, AZ
> >
> > On 8/12/2011 6:54 PM, Beth wrote:
> >> I would like to use a hand held pad of some sort that
> >> could handle Legacy software.  Not interested in the phone
> >> features.  Any suggestions or is someone using one now?
> >> Thanks,
> >> Beth
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Legacy User Group guidelines:
> >>
> >> Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
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> >>
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> >>
> >
> > Legacy User Group guidelines:
> >
> > Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
> >
> > Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009:
> >
> > Online technical support:
> > Follow Legacy on Facebook ( and
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> > To unsubscribe:
> >
> >
> >
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Re: [LegacyUG] Hand Held Devices for Legacy

2011-08-12 Thread hwedhlor
  Sorry, I should have mentioned that the Families app is
also available for Android-based devices.

John Zimmerman
Mesa, AZ

On 8/12/2011 9:39 PM, hwedhlor wrote:
>The Families app for iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad is capable of
> displaying your Legacy databases in great detail, including
> photos, family and pedigree formats, and searches by
> surname, and can be used to enter data, then synced with
> your Legacy database on your PC.  The Families app is
> manufactured by TelGen and you may see screen shots, a
> description and user reviews at at
>, or
> by Google search for "Families app".  I use Families on both
> my iPhone and iPad 2, and like it very much.  It saves me
> carrying a laptop on research trips.
> John Zimmerman
> Mesa, AZ
> On 8/12/2011 6:54 PM, Beth wrote:
>> I would like to use a hand held pad of some sort that
>> could handle Legacy software.  Not interested in the phone
>> features.  Any suggestions or is someone using one now?
>> Thanks,
>> Beth
>> Legacy User Group guidelines:
>> Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
>> Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009:
>> Online technical support:
>> Follow Legacy on Facebook
>> ( and on our blog
>> (
>> To unsubscribe:
> Legacy User Group guidelines:
> Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
> Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009:
> Online technical support:
> Follow Legacy on Facebook ( and on 
> our blog (
> To unsubscribe:

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Re: [LegacyUG] Hand Held Devices for Legacy

2011-08-12 Thread Beth

 Our future is still moving.  I started genealogy as a hobby in 1956 so I have 
been through many stages of growing.  The tablets sounds very interesting but I 
haven't heard of Archos, will check that one out also.  So far do you like the 
GedStar Pro or the Family Bee better?  Do you think you are getting enough of 
the info on your screen like we do in Legacy?
Thanks for posting,

-Original Message-
From: Jerry 
To: LegacyUserGroup 
Sent: Fri, Aug 12, 2011 9:16 pm
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Hand Held Devices for Legacy

I'm using an Archos Internet tablet (10.1 inch) model (Android 2.2)
ecause it is about $200 cheaper than an IPAD and it works pretty
ell.   I'm trying a program called GedStar Pro and one called Family
ee that I transferred a gedcom to from Legacy, but I don't know if
here is one that uses a straight Legacy family file instead of having
o use a gedcom or not.   I think it is the wave of the future, though,
o it will be nice to see it fully supported as much as possible.  --Jerry
On 8/12/2011 10:19 PM, Eliz Hanebury wrote:
 There is an app for I-phone and Android that carries your tree with
 you, not to work on really just togive you the information at your
 finger tips.

 My Cruz reader cann't use it because it has no access to the Android
 market, heaven knows I tried <>G but the I pad, pod and phone have
 one. The Legacy family tree site has a link to it I believe and the
 developer is often on the list.


 On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 9:54 PM, Beth>> wrote:

 I would like to use a hand held pad of some sort that could handle
 Legacy software.  Not interested in the phone features.  Any
 suggestions or is someone using one now?
 Beth <>

 Legacy User Group guidelines:
 Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
 Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009:
 Online technical support:
 Follow Legacy on Facebook
 ( and on our blog
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 Legacy User Group guidelines:
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 Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009:
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 and on our blog (
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Re: [LegacyUG] Hand Held Devices for Legacy

2011-08-12 Thread hwedhlor
  The Families app for iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad is capable of
displaying your Legacy databases in great detail, including
photos, family and pedigree formats, and searches by
surname, and can be used to enter data, then synced with
your Legacy database on your PC.  The Families app is
manufactured by TelGen and you may see screen shots, a
description and user reviews at at, or
by Google search for "Families app".  I use Families on both
my iPhone and iPad 2, and like it very much.  It saves me
carrying a laptop on research trips.

John Zimmerman
Mesa, AZ

On 8/12/2011 6:54 PM, Beth wrote:
> I would like to use a hand held pad of some sort that
> could handle Legacy software.  Not interested in the phone
> features.  Any suggestions or is someone using one now?
> Thanks,
> Beth
> Legacy User Group guidelines:
> Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
> Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009:
> Online technical support:
> Follow Legacy on Facebook
> ( and on our blog
> (
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Re: [LegacyUG] Hand Held Devices for Legacy

2011-08-12 Thread Beth

Thanks Eliz,  I will give the Android a look.  Not sure what all these devices 
do but diffenetlly want to stay away from a phone type.

Went to check on google and looks like you hit it.  Will check this one out it 
does Legacy.
Thanks again, Beth

This is a major deal for the Google Android platform as there hasn’t been much 
in the way of genealogy software for Android – a couple of family tree/GEDCOM 
browsers called AGeneDB and Family Bee. GedStar will be the first 
fully-featured genealogy app for the Android platform. According to the press 
release below, everything from the Palm version has been ported to the Android 
There is a Windows/PC program that will allow you to take your genealogy data 
and information directly from The Master Genealogist or Legacy Family Tree (if 
you use either of those) and sync it up with GedStar Pro for Android.

-Original Message-
From: Eliz Hanebury 
To: LegacyUserGroup 
Sent: Fri, Aug 12, 2011 7:19 pm
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Hand Held Devices for Legacy

There is an app for I-phone and Android that carries your tree with you, not to 
work on really just togive you the information at your finger tips.

My Cruz reader cann't use it because it has no access to the Android market, 
heaven knows I tried <>G but the I pad, pod and phone have one. The Legacy 
family tree site has a link to it I believe and the developer is often on the 


On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 9:54 PM, Beth  wrote:

I would like to use a hand held pad of some sort that could handle Legacy 
software.  Not interested in the phone features.  Any suggestions or is someone 
using one now?


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Re: [LegacyUG] Hand Held Devices for Legacy

2011-08-12 Thread Jerry
I'm using an Archos Internet tablet (10.1 inch) model (Android 2.2)
because it is about $200 cheaper than an IPAD and it works pretty
well.   I'm trying a program called GedStar Pro and one called Family
Bee that I transferred a gedcom to from Legacy, but I don't know if
there is one that uses a straight Legacy family file instead of having
to use a gedcom or not.   I think it is the wave of the future, though,
so it will be nice to see it fully supported as much as possible.  --Jerry

On 8/12/2011 10:19 PM, Eliz Hanebury wrote:
> There is an app for I-phone and Android that carries your tree with
> you, not to work on really just togive you the information at your
> finger tips.
> My Cruz reader cann't use it because it has no access to the Android
> market, heaven knows I tried <>G but the I pad, pod and phone have
> one. The Legacy family tree site has a link to it I believe and the
> developer is often on the list.
> Eliz
> On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 9:54 PM, Beth  > wrote:
> I would like to use a hand held pad of some sort that could handle
> Legacy software.  Not interested in the phone features.  Any
> suggestions or is someone using one now?
> Thanks,
> Beth
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Re: [LegacyUG] Hand Held Devices for Legacy

2011-08-12 Thread Eliz Hanebury
There is an app for I-phone and Android that carries your tree with you, not
to work on really just togive you the information at your finger tips.

My Cruz reader cann't use it because it has no access to the Android market,
heaven knows I tried <>G but the I pad, pod and phone have one. The Legacy
family tree site has a link to it I believe and the developer is often on
the list.


On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 9:54 PM, Beth  wrote:

> **I would like to use a hand held pad of some sort that could handle
> Legacy software.  Not interested in the phone features.  Any suggestions or
> is someone using one now?
> Thanks,
> Beth
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> Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
> Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009:
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[LegacyUG] Hand Held Devices for Legacy

2011-08-12 Thread Beth

I would like to use a hand held pad of some sort that could handle Legacy 
software.  Not interested in the phone features.  Any suggestions or is someone 
using one now?


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Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009:
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