[L-I] [ISWoR-org] pt 3 - The RKRP, Pseudo-Communists and Antisemites

2001-01-16 Thread SMye5

Subj:   pt 3 - The RKRP, Pseudo-Communists and Antisemites  (final part)
Date:   12/01/01


The Bylevsky Komsomol

This organisation , named after its overage leader Pavel Bylevsky and also 
known as the Revolutionary Young Communist League (b) (Russian initials 
RKSM-b) , is intimately linked to the RKRP.  According to their website, "The 
majority of members RKSM-b are  members or supporters of the Russian 
Communist Workers Party" . (23)  Claiming to be  influenced by maoism, they 
admire the genocidal Pol Pot as a "great leader". 

The attitude of the Bylevsky Komsomol to racism and antisemitism can be 
easily be seen by a glance at the "List of Progressive resources" compiled by 
one of the party's webmasters . Apart from a comprehensive collection of 
Russian stalinist, maoist and trotskyist  groups, the list includes an entire 
section devoted to "national-patriots", listing the openly nazi National 
Bolshevik Party, the Arctogaia website of  the neo-nazi philosopher Dugin, 
and the racist Zavtra.

Following the public appearance of nazis of the National-Bolshevik Party on a 
Leningrad demo against the anti-worker Labour code on 1 December 2000, 
internationalists within the anti-Labour code campaign called for the 
drawing-up of a statement condemning their presence. Oleg Torbasow, RKSMb 
central Committee member and the RKSMb journal's "secretary for ideology" , 
spoke out publicly to defend the NBP, insisting that they should even be 
allowed onto the organising committee of the campaign. (24)


In a country where living standards are being turned back to the nineteenth 
century, there is no doubt that workers will rise up to fight back. Whether 
this fight can go forward to achieve social justice and an end to the misery 
created by the profit system, or whether it will be dissolve itself into a 
mass fascist movement , in the naïve belief that the enemy is "comprador 
capitalism", "the Jews" etc, rather than capitalism itself - remains to be 
seen. It will depend on the ideological make-up of those that are seen to be 
at the forefront of the resistance, the resources they can command, the 
international solidarity they can rely on, for there is no doubt that the US 
will respond massively to any threat of an anti-NATO political force 
re-emerging on the territory of the old Soviet Union, regardless of whether 
that force is a revolutionary left one or a fascist one.

It is extremely ominous that the largest opposition party in Russia today, 
the KPRF,  is led by a man inspired by tsarist terrorists and antisemitic 
conspiracy theories, and that the current regime of arch-exploiters can 
maintain itself in power by whipping up mass hatred of Chechens or by 
singling out only Jewish big businessmen for interrogation.

In a country ripe for fascism, the sole hope lies in those who put class 
first, and fight the ideas of race or nation. 1998 onward saw the awakening 
of militant resistance. Sadly, here too a reactionary, antisemitic party 
(although in "Marxist" clothes) has managed to position itself  - the RKRP. 
The party itself may never be able to complete the process it has embarked 
on, and convert itself into a fully-fledged fascist organisation. But as long 
as it is allowed to hegemonise so many of  the most militant arenas of 
workers struggle, poisoning them with its racist, homophobic and 
authoritarian ideology, workers will see that there is little to distinguish 
between what their (RKRP) leaders are saying and what the most reactionary 
parties of the nationalist extreme right say. 

Like the RKRP, Barkashov's unashamedly nazi RNE also speak of the 
"anti-national" forces and the need to oppose these with "patriotism". They 
too, speak of the need for nationalisation of the land and natural resources 
(let us recall that Hitler also used nationalisation to consolidate the Reich 
and to re-allocate assets in the interests of his most important capitalist 
backers). The Barkashovites, too speak of their goals of "improving the way 
of life" of workers, of "social security  of all citizens". They  promise to 
deliver "free health service and free education" (25). All this to be 
achieved, of course, when the masses adopt the black shirt and swastikas of 
the RNE, in a mass liberation movement to drive out the Jews and the 

Workers faced with such similarity of  the propaganda of openly fascist 
parties to that of the self-proclaimed workers' parties will inevitably be 
persuaded to put race and nation ahead of class. The way is paved for the 
most able fascist leader to take charge.

Certainly, there are some RKRP supporters who do not share the antisemitism 
of the party leadership, and who believe deeply in the "Marxist" rhetoric of 
the party. But their willingness to shut their eyes to official party 
antisemitism, to the appearance in the paper of material inciting violence 
against gay people, calling them a "fifth col

[L-I] Owen-the-Kid Panics Old Goats

2001-01-16 Thread SMye5

My previous post expressed deep admiration of Owen's concise post on the 
KPRF. Now let us stare at some of the timer-servers who responded and could 
not understand the genuine Marxist kernel within this important post.


In a message dated 15/01/01 23:12:20 GMT Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Louis Proyect writes:
About Owen's excellent analysis: 
> It is crude rants like
>  this, by the way, that are destroying this mailing list. Perhaps we should
>  think about pulling the plug on it, if it is only to provide a platform for
>  ideologically frenzied flame baits.
>  Louis Proyect


In a message dated 16/01/01 07:22:27 GMT Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Then to the question from Proyect:
>  >Why doesn't Owen ever supply citations?
Macdonald patronisingly states:
>  Because he doesn't know how yet, in all seriousness. Remember, the lad is 
>  He can  go the citation page at www.sfu.ca and check into it. That would 
help ...….
>  Macdonald


In a message dated 16/01/01 12:12:17 GMT Standard Time, 

> Owen Jones wrote:
>  >  The CPRF are, unfortunately, anything else other than funny and should 
>  >  regarded as even more reactionary and dangerous than the regime of 
> >   Vladimir Putin.
Mar Jones writes:
>there is no arguing that  this is all simply unsupported, unsubstantiated
>assertion, and not analysis, argument, or fact.
>  I do urge the moderators to take a view, and to inist that l-i serve the 
> purpose is
>  was set up for, ie, to be a locus of serious political theory, history and 
> analysis,
>  with high and real standards of *scholarship* and with appeals to reason, 
> argument
>  and empirical FACT and with the use of investigation. It SHOULD NOT BE a 
> site for
>  empty armchair opinionation and this kind of thing ought to be SEVERELY 
> discouraged,
>  otherwise the List has no purpose and would be better off closed down.
>  Mark


Owen presents a balanced analysis. Jones and Proyect start arguing that the 
list should be wound up, Is Owen somehow threatening civilisation as we know 
it? What left list-politics is really behind all this going on? Can someone 

Steve Myers.

Ps - Macdonald patronisingly refers to Owen as "the lad is 16". Well my mini 
dictionary refers to lad as meaning kid or male child. Then, just as I go to 
SEND this post, I read that Proyect is now saying the CPRF economic programme 
is just what Russia needs - when in fact their economic practice is to vote 
for every one of Yeltsin's or Putin's budgets, to back bosses against 
strikers and occupations consistently, to work with fascists in doing this, 
…… Proyect, are you doing this on purpose, are you really not as bright as 
you pretend, are you trying to disrupt this list … come on, which is it?

pps - And Proyect, yes Ruth Fischer did make antisemitic comments as did 
other leaders of the KPD in the 1920s - and they were not challenged by other 
communists - why do you think the hell Hitler found it so easy to scapegoat 
Jews, when the working class 'leadership' were antisemitic themselves!! They 
should have been using their press, educating their cadre and militant 
workers, as Lenin did in Russia, against antisemitism! The existing working 
class leadership in Russia is following the German road today - and you 
excuse this instead of railing against it!

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[L-I] [ISWoR-org] pt 2 - The RKRP, Pseudo-Communists and Antisemites

2001-01-16 Thread SMye5

Subj:   pt 2 - The RKRP, Pseudo-Communists and Antisemites
Date:   12/01/01


The RKRP after Anpilov

In the explanation of Anpilov's departure given on the  party's official 
website, there is not a word about racism. Instead, his expulsion in 1996 is 
described as necessary because he "had denied the leading role of the 
communist party and scientific Marxism and instead emphasised the vanguard 
role of non-party masses and organisations outside the party and called for 
popular struggle to be limited to primitive forms" A further explanation is 
that his group had "openly set upon the path of counteracting party 
decisions." (9)

The exit of Anpilov from the RKRP meant that the movement Trudovaya Rossiya 
which he had led had to split too. So today there are two movements using 
that name, though only Anpilov's is officially registered with the 
authorities. The chief newspaper of the RKRP today is also called Trudovaya 
Rossiya, and describes itself as the organ of the "RKRP, the Council of  
Workers and of the movement Trudovaya Rossiya."

Of course this last signifies the Trudovaya Rossiya founded after the split 
by the then RKRP deputy  Grigoriev, and not that of Anpilov. Nevertheless the 
paper considers itself the direct continuation of the Trudovaya Rossiya paper 
that existed all through the Anpilov years, and recently celebrated its 
anniversary glorying in its long history. (18)

On their website the RKRP boast proudly of the great "theoretical, practical 
and propaganda value" of a conference they organised in Leningrad in 
November, 1997. At this conference, they managed to get dozens of "communist 
parties" from several countries to sign a declaration which embodied, 
according to the RKRP, the "lessons of 80 years since the Great October 
socialist revolution". But what were these lessons encapsulated in this 

After a long glorification of the old Soviet system, in particular under the 
reign of Stalin, the document gets to the core of the problems to be tackled. 
Under the subheading of "To purge in view of consolidating the communist 
movement", we read:
"Financial oligarchy, transnational companies, whose assault troops are 
American imperialism and international Zionism, under the banners of deceit 
and "World Democracy" exert increasing pressure in order to impose a world 
order, striving to halt the objective historical process and to impose 
industrial slavery on humanity, based on unfair international division of 
labour and a system of indebtment.
Their ideology is neo-liberalism as well as the social-democratic theories of 
social partnership, civil peace and the liquidation of all revolutionary 
potential. This ideology is further developed through the revisionist and 
opportunist ideas spread by the bourgeoisie and acting as sources of 
infection amongst the communist international movement. And when these 
tactics fail, the military machines of the United States and Nato set forth" 

So here it is in a nutshell- the main cause of world suffering , alongside 
American imperialism, is "international zionism".

It is important to realise that although some of the signatories are from 
Arab countries, this document is in no way a document about the Middle East. 
It is a general document contrasting a glorified and sanitised version of 
life in the USSR under Stalin with the world misery caused by capitalism. 
There is no mention of  the giants of European capital, nor of Japan. The 
world financial oligarchy, according to the RKRP, operates basically through 
"American imperialism and international Zionism".

The phrase "international zionism" has nothing to do with traditional left 
critiques of zionism, or indeed with zionism at all. It is a code-word for 
Jews. The phrase, and indeed sometimes even the words "zionism" , "zion" , 
"zionisation" etc on their own , is used by thousands of antisemitic 
organisations today, from openly fascist parties like the RNE to Cossack 
nationalist movements, from the RKRP and the KPRF, to west European neo-nazis 
and the Ku Klux Klansman David Duke in exactly the same way that the tsarist 
authors of the forged "Protocols of the Elders of the Zion" used it - to 
derail class struggle, to deflect workers anger away from capitalism itself 
and onto a convenient scapegoat - the Jews.

The myth that there is a mighty force called "international zionism" 
controlling the global economy is the same Big Lie used by Hitler to create 
his popular nazi movement, and to pave the way for the eradication of all 
labour and trade union rights in Germany, in the service of German 
capitalists against British, French and American capital.

While the Hitlerian "international Jewish conspiracy" lie is common to nearly 
all Russian ultra-nationalist movements today, yet something else  is common 
to most of them too. 

All movements must have a practical programme to survive, even if it is a 
hidden one. To

[L-I] [ISWoR-org] pt 1 - The RKRP, Pseudo-Communists and Antisemites

2001-01-16 Thread SMye5

Subj:   pt 1 - The RKRP, Pseudo-Communists and Antisemites
Date:   12/01/01

The Russian Communist Workers Party: 
a Pseudo-Communist, Antisemitic Organisation

by Lisa Taylor


"We are socialists, enemies, deadly enemies of the present capitalist 
economic system with its exploitation of the economically weak, with its 
injustice in wages, with its immoral evaluation of people according to wealth 
and money instead of responsibility and achievement and we are determined to 
destroy this system!"

At first glance many may believe that the above words could have been written 
by Karl Marx or a modern day prominent socialist. In fact they are the words 
of the antisemite Gregor Strasser, written in 1926. After Hitler, Strasser 
was, up till 1933, the most influential figure in Hitler's nazi party, the 
NSDAP. His use of anti-capitalist rhetoric did not prevent him from 
maintaining a thriving relationship with industrial magnates.

The Russian Communist Workers Party, (Rossiskaya Kommunisticheskaya Rabochaya 
Partiya -RKRP) led by Viktor T'yulkin is a reactionary right-wing party, not 
a left party. For all its left rhetoric, it bases itself on Great Russian 
chauvinism and antisemitism, not class struggle. There are many aspects of 
the reactionary nature of this party that need to be illuminated. Their 
hatred of gay people, their connections with right-wing Slavic racist 
organisations who incite hatred against Islamic peoples of the ex-USSR, and 
their own covert relationship with big business - each of these deserves a 
study in its own right. Here I will undertake a short case study of just one 
aspect of their reactionary ideology - their antisemitism.

Before going any further, we should note that the RKRP are admirers of the 
murderous dictator Stalin, almost to the point of worship. Those who believe 
in the traditional Cold War propaganda of both the US and the USSR, which 
characterised the tyrannical Stalin as the man who fulfilled the communist 
dream of Marx and Lenin, may find it hard to grasp that a party that adores 
Stalin can simultaneously be pro-capitalist. They should perhaps take heed in 
this context of the views of Malyarov, top Komsomol leader, who has openly 
embraced the market and who sees no contradiction in his admiration for both 
Stalin and Putin at the same time. Perhaps it is no accident that Malyarov 
was one of the founding members of the RKRP'S popular movement Trudovaya 

The significance of the RKRP

The RKRP is tiny, its last election score minuscule, at one per-cent, its own 
supporters admit it has no significant membership except in  very few places. 
Why then, should we care about it at all, and how could it pose a danger to 

The answer lies in the skilful way in which they have woven themselves into 
the militant workers movement, their dominance of key positions there, 
combined with the vicious reactionary content of their ideology, even though 
this is disguised under a mantle of apparently passionate anti-capitalist 

Estimates of the size of the RKRP in recent years vary. What is certain, 
however, is that their forces have seriously declined in the last few years. 
So, while they were able to rally tens of thousands at the beginning of the 
nineties, by the late nineties, they were down to just 6000 (1) , and by 
summer last year reliable estimates put them at well below 2,000 members (2), 
in a country of over 150 million.

Yet despite their tiny size, they appear as if by magic almost every time an 
important workplace struggle breaks out. They often get their members elected 
in the local trade union committees or workplace councils, and then encourage 
the workers to vote for their party candidates in elections. Through their 
weekly paper, Trudovaya Rossiya, and their local and other publications, they 
are able to effect a penetration of the workers' movement with which other 
organisations of smaller financial means cannot compete. Their papers and 
leaflets are often the only alternative press readily available to militant 
workers. This does mean they have the ability to communicate with the most 
militant layer of the working class in a way that no other militant left 
organisations can.

One of the co-chairmen of the most active militant union, Zaschita, is a 
member of the Central Committee of the RKRP (3). This union has been at the 
centre of the overwhelming majority of militant actions and strikes in recent 
years. The RKRP also encourages its members to get involved in other unions 
such as Sotsprof and the FNPR.

In the year 2000, the calendar of militancy has been marked most of all by 
the fight against the draconian new Labour Code which the government has been 
trying to force through since it was first conceived under Primakov. The new 
Code institutes the 56-hour week, arbitrary firing at the whim of the 
employer, and in general emasculates the unions. To its credit, 

[L-I] Re: Russia: CPRF Leader Interviewed - Russia TV

2001-01-16 Thread SMye5

L-I Comrades,

The post below from Owen Jones 2 days ago is as excellent concise 
characterisation of the "official" Russian "communist" party, Zyuganov's 
KPRF, as exists anywhere. In particular Owen, your description of the KPRF as 
more of a reactionary danger to the Russian working class than even Putin's 
Kremlin, is very factual, considered and well thought out. I know you have 
been doing a lot of reading on this subject in the last 18 months or so.

I have only one little quibble with the piece Owen, your write of the KPRF:

> Its roots are clear - it emerged from the conservative wing of
the old bureaucracy, that wing with something to lose from the restoration
of capitalism and nothing to gain from it. <

What "conservative wing" are you talking of. This would assume a 
non-conservative wing, surely. This did not exist. There were no 'left' 
bureaucrats when the CPSU disbanded in Autumn of 1993 ... and then its 
Russian bureaucrats formed the KPRF. 

The internal divisions were not left-right, but between which sections of the 
bureaucracy immediately fused into becoming entrpreneurs, or outright 
capitalist or social democratic politicians - and those other right-wing 
bureaucrats who could not find such an opening and were left behind, due to 
Yeltsin following the US-sponsored fast-track of restoration - thus only 
allowing a small percentage of bureaucrats to prosper in this new world.

This reactionary bunch continued with its national form of "socialism", 
became increasingly red-brown, ie; strasserite (as you correctly point out) 
and so we have them as by far the largest party in Russia today - the one 
that will provide the ruling class with its largest base for their attempted 
nazi-rule, as the need arises. The parallels with nazi German strasserism are 
remarkable. This I will detail in an article I am doing research for 
currently - and put on this list. Russia is economically, socially and 
politically the weakest link, yet again, in world capitalism - and as the US 
economy now goes down, the weakest link will crack first - and this will be 
Russia. Currentley, reaction has the best chance of winning out when even 
more rapid and ravid class polarisation begins - but for those involved 
deeply in solidarity with the Russian militant workers movement, as I am 
daily, these comrades know that the situation can change around rapidly in 
our favour. Much in fact depends on the preparation work being carried out 

The more militant wing of this red-brown phenomenon is covered by the 
Anpilovites and T'yulkin's RKRP - who between them got just over one-per-cent 
in the last elections. I will post on this list a recetn excellent article on 
T'yulkin's RKRP.

One other little point. When you say Putin has taken on the KPRF mantle of 
trying to stabilise capitalism in Russia, we should also be aware of Putin's 
general accomodation to nazi's, red-browns, attack on Jewish oligarch's only, 
his increasing authoritarianism - all of which will play into the new 
Hitler's hands - whoever that may be.

Very good analysis comrade Owen  - 

your for communism - Steve Myers


Subj:[L-I] Re: Russia: CPRF Leader Interviewed - Russia TV
Date:   15/01/01 22:17:46 GMT Standard Time
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Owen Jones)

Reply to Macdonald Stainsby, at [EMAIL PROTECTED], who wrote on the 12/1/2001

> Why Nestor, you slyly provocative bugger. I was gathering the need to look
> elsewhere
> in the country for important change- the KPRF have become purely comical to 
> view.
> the line that had me howling for the humor of it all was this one:

 The CPRF are, unfortunately, anything else other than funny and should be
regarded as even more reactionary and dangerous than the regime of Vladimir

 This may appear to be a pretty wild assertion perhaps, but the future of
the Russian workers' movement hinges on the destruction of that
organisation. Its roots are clear - it emerged from the conservative wing of
the old bureaucracy, that wing with something to lose from the restoration
of capitalism and nothing to gain from it. However, as indeed many of them
did find themselves members of the Russian bourgeoisie - and millionaire
businessmen are at the very top of the CPRF hierarchy - the vaguely
anti-restoration rhetoric began to evaporate as they moved to the Right,
even as the condition of the working class deteriorated.

 In many areas in Russia, the CPRF are in coalition with open fascists.
Indeed, the CPRF drips with Red-Brownism, and blames the social disaster on
Zionist conspiracies rather than the more obvious restoration of capitalism.
One of the members of their Central Committee advocated the extermination of
the Russian Jewish population. It fans the most reactionary pan-Slavic
nationalism, its "solidarity" with Yugoslavia being on the basis that they
were their S

Re: [L-I] Re: Russia: CPRF Leader Interviewed - Russia TV

2001-01-16 Thread SMye5

In a message dated 16/01/01 16:07:46 GMT Standard Time, 

> The fact that 7 of the 8 'oligarchs' most associated with the plundering of
>  Russia are Jewish 

 Mr Jones, you say Johannes should get his facts correct. I my opinion you 
are an opologist for red-brownism, or you are a very silly person. The lies, 
you call "a fact" above is promoted by the KPRF you defend.

Now - Mr Jones - prove the fact. Indeed it is a KPRF lie that you propagate.


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Re: [L-I] Re: Russia: CPRF Leader Interviewed - Russia TV

2001-01-16 Thread SMye5

In a message dated 16/01/01 15:32:47 GMT Standard Time, 

> Alexander Domrin wrote:
>  > On Mon, 15 Jan 2001 22:18:31 +,
>  > Owen Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  >
>  > >One of the members of their [KPRF] Central Committee advocated the
>  > extermination of
>  > >the Russian Jewish population.
>  >
>  > Who? Where? When?
>  >
>  From:
>  http://www.adl.org/russia/russian_political_antisemitism_3.html
>  Begin quote:
>  Other outrageous pronouncements by General Makashov include an editorial by
>  him in the Russian newspaper Zavtra, printed in October 1998, which stated
>  that a "Yid," a derogatory term used in Russia to mean Jew, is "a
>  bloodsucker feeding on the misfortunes of other people. They drink the 
>  of the indigenous peoples of the state; they are destroying industry and
>  agriculture." He caused the greatest splash later in October when he led 
>  fiery rallies, in Moscow and Samara, commemorating the 81st anniversary of
>  the Bolshevik Revolution, which were repeatedly shown on Russian 
>  At these rallies Makashov angrily shouted "I will round up all the Yids and
>  send them to the next world!"
>  End quote
>  I do not know whether General Makashov was a CPRF CC member, but he was
>  elected on the CPRF slate to the Duma. Unfortunately it will be rather easy
>  to find more antisemitic quotes from leading CPRF members.
>  Johannes

Makahov is very famous for these quotes all the time as not just a CC member 
of the KPRF, but higher than this - he is also leader of the Movement for the 
Army (sinister officers' sister body to the KPRF), and his personal career 
aims are to build an even more overt nazi outfit out of the KPRF and the 
numerous red-brown fragments that exist. He regularly meets with David Duke 
each time this KKK leader visits Russia in the last years.


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[L-I] 2 sentences from .....

2001-01-13 Thread SMye5

In a message dated 13/01/01 09:54:22 GMT Standard Time, 

> >  >from a self-declared and unashamed centrist, but one who desperately 
> wants
>  >  >to break out of this morass -
>  >  >- Steve Myers.
>  Steve, I think it'll be much better for all concerned if you stay right 
> where you
>  are.
>  Mark

- - - - - - - - - - - - 

In a message dated 13/01/01 09:39:22 GMT Standard Time, 

> The list seems to have no direction at all
>  and there is a good deal of hopeless sectarianism and idiotic flaming. 
> has got to stop.

Question: By juxtaposing these two sentences from Mark, written within 
minutes of each other, am I proving my own centrist sectarianism and cheap 
point scoring? Which is going to then set off another round of short 
egotisitic quips. Whoever invented Marxist E-lists? Probably the God of Sect 
from Pebo-land.

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[L-I] On Centrism Today.

2001-01-12 Thread SMye5

In a message dated 12/01/01 15:02:40 GMT Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

> Johannes Schneider wrote:
>  >In recent postings other organisations have been referred to as being
>  >'centrist'. Though especially in Trotskyite circles this is a very popular
>  >attribute given to political (mostly other Trotskyites) adversaries, as a
>  >moderator I would like to point out, that this kind of lingo is not
>  >particularly encouraged on L-I. Rather than using just a shorthand, I 
>  >prefer to see an example and an explanation what is meant in detail and 
>  >the reader come to its own conclusion.

>  Louis Proyect
>  Trotsky called centrists, like the POUM allegedly, revolutionary in word
>  and reformist in deed. I personally identify with the centrist current and
>  think that Marxism can learn much from a group like the POUM. Basically the
>  POUM-ists broke with the FI because they felt it was a hindrance to being
>  rooted in the Spanish class struggle. Looking at the sorry record of the
>  official Trotskyist group in Spain, it looks like they hit the nail on the
>  head. Of course they adapted to the reformists, but affiliation with the FI
>  was no cure for that. Such affiliation would only guarantee the purism of a
>  church.
>  I also identify strongly with the forces in the world Communist movement
>  who questioned the wisdom of the 21 points of the Comintern. If Marxism had
>  heeded their advice, we wouldn't be in the mess we are in today.
>  Louis Proyect

Centrism is a concept that is immensely important, nay, absolutely essential, 
to  genuine Marxism today if we are to build a new revolutionary workers 
International. This International will probably be called the Fifth 

This chameleon phenomenon, centrism, must be understood in all its 
variations, by the leadership that eventually renews a genuine Marxism, in 
theory and practice, at the quality, or above, with which Lenin and Trotsky 
in general applied Marxism in their days.

Rosa Luxemburg was the first to use this term in any modern sense of the word 
at a time when Lenin failed in understanding what Kautsky was, before 1914. 
Revisionism was in fact an earlier term, much less scientific understanding 
of centrist wavering.

Of course Lenin, and later the Comintern before Lenin's death, took up the 
term in a much more scientific manner - and it appears in numerous documents 
of the early Comintern, that is, before it collapsed into centrism itself.

It was then left to Leon Trotsky to further develop this concept, as he 
historically traced the actual changes in the centrist phenomenon, of Kautsky 
centrism, bureaucratic centrism of a Stalinist origin, centrism of a mass 
reformist origin, the petrified centrism of small sectarian grouplets, etc. 

Use of this concept enabled Trotsky to know the point at which the Communist 
International had definitely gone over from centrism to counter-revolutionary 
reformism, with Hitler taking power in Germany in 1933. Likewise, today, we 
can see another type of centrism of a Stalinist origin has emerged, following 
the collapse of the Soviet Union - and indeed, added to the complexity of 
Trotskyist centrism today, the concept has become even more complex.

Unfortunately, as comrade Johannes points out, this term, now used mostly by 
a few Trotskyist groups, has become a swear word, a term normally of abuse, 
and it is better when labelling comrades or groups as 'centrist', to in fact 
detail which specific arena's of criticism, inadequacy, of sectarianism or 
opportunism, we are referring to.

You see comrades, none of the Trotskyist groups who use this term, use it in 
a scientific manner. Indeed for it to be used in this way, we have to 
understand the most basic, the most essential contradiction in its essence; 
that is, centrism wavers between reform and revolution. It means in fact, 
that when there is no relatively consistent, all-rounded genuine Marxist 
organisation - when there is no revolutionary pole of attraction to which all 
the best sincere revolutionaries would gravitate - then where is the material 
base of the revolutionary side of the wavering between reform and revolution. 
It exists not as a material force, but as an historically derived aspiration. 
And wishful thinking is not much of a material force.

To understand this a Marxist must grasp the one fundamental of Marxist 
philosophy; must understand Marx's 'Thesis on Feuerbach', or Lenin's 
'Materialism & Empirio Criticism'; must know deeply that deeds expose the 
truth behind words, as being determines consciousness; must know the Marxist 
theory of knowledge. 

For in fact, for any 'Trotskyist' or 'Stalinist' today to be correctly 
labelled 'left centrist' - if it came from a genuine Marxist (which I doubt 
exists) this would indeed be a compliment of the highest order. 

Though I would characterise myself as objectively 'centrist' today, and for 
the last 23 years as a subje

Re: [L-I] Steve Myers' mentioning my name

2000-12-13 Thread SMye5

In a message dated 13/12/00 17:23:48 GMT Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> Some of the documents written in Russian unfortunately
>  remain untranslated, above all, my letters "To Labor
>  Activists" and "To Comrades in Russia" which contain
>  the documented account of Steve Myers' and Lisa
>  Taylor's (the leaders of ISWOR) collaboration with the
>  agents of British imperialism and Nato in the campaign
>  against the war in Chechnya. 

Bilenkin knows ISWoR, International solidarity with Workers in Russia, fought 
tooth and nail supporting Russian workers actions against the war - and tooth 
and nail against those who back "humanitarian" western funded bodies against 
the war. We called on the Russian and Chechen masses to rise up against the 
war - and we gave practical solidarity to Russian workers opposed to the war. 
We are consistent against western imperialism and the Russian capitalist 
ruling class that conducted the murderous war! Bilenkin is a liar! 

Bilenkin supported his ruling class's war, and in a racist manner criticised 
the Chechens for provoking it. 

Steve Myers 

Leninist-International mailing list
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Re: [L-I] Re: Russia's Population To Decline

2000-12-12 Thread SMye5

In a message dated 12/12/00 12:05:43 GMT Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> If what A.B. writes is true the whole Bolshevic politics was a crime since 
> it 
>  caused starvation and bloodshed without any prospect of victory. In fact 
>  position is anti-Marxist because it is mechanical materialist and it is 
> defeatist 
>  since he says that no matter what policies would have been followed there 
> was no chance of any other outcome.In summ it is counterrevolutionary and 
therefore in fact essentially Stalinist(or the other way round).
>  A.Holberg

 Yes comrade, it works both ways round at the same time, dialectically. Anton 
Baumgarten (of left.ru) has, funnily enough, politics exactly the same the 
the nationalist Russian, Vladimir Bilenkin, living comfortably with his 
computers in north Carolina. He supported the murderous war against Chechnya, 
he blamed the Chechens for the Moscow bombings carried out by Putin's FSB; 
all of which was to get Putin elected, and save Yeltsin's skin. So isolated 
did Bilenkin become in the west, it is said, that he even created a 

Unfortunately other Russians fell for Putin's big lie too - and the racist 
hysterical witch-hunt that followed. But can you blame them, when there is 
not much of an internationalist left movement in Russia to challenge all 
this. The red-brown legacy of Stalinism  -Zyuganov, Tiul'kin, Anpilov - must 
be smashed in Russia - by the workers movement there!


Leninist-International mailing list
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Re: [L-I] Russia's Population To Decline

2000-12-11 Thread SMye5

In a message dated 11/12/00 21:56:28 GMT Standard Time, 

> Yes, whatever the system was, it did not seem to have the deadly effect of 
> whatever is going on now. The empirical evidence is mounting of this, and 
> basically there "must be" some kind of emergency transformation of the "
> system" to whatever, something different than the thing there now.
>  The Soviet and Russian peoples have suffered so much for humanity, for 
> trying to lead the way to a better world. 
>  Charles B.

Local soviets were being built in southern Russia a number of communities 
recently during a Gazprom workers strike that blockaded the highway for 
several days, during which their elected Deputy in the Duma camped on the 
picket line. The story of a beginning towards Charles' "emergency 
transformation" is below.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Victory of Astrakhan Workers!

On Friday, 7th September 2000 at 4pm, at the end of a 5-day long, round-the 
clock highway blockade conducted against a huge gas processing plant, over 
200 Zaschita trade union workers and several local communities celebrated 
their complete victory. The enterprise, employing 10,000 workers, belongs to 
the giant gas monopoly Gazprom, and is situated near Astrakhan, in southern 
Russia, by the Caspian Sea.

The victory represents yet another example of successful union militancy, and 
why Zaschita (Defence), the all-Russia trade union, is growing so much in 
recent years. 

In numerous small towns surrounding the Gazprom plant, which lies16 km to the 
north-east of Astrakhan city, hundreds of workers and their families who live 
in the worker-settlements and indigenous communities have over the years 
fallen victim to rampant industrial pollution, to cancer, lung diseases and 
sulphur poisoning.

After discussions with Oleg Shein, their parliamentary representative (the 
only Marxist in the Duma, who is also co-chair of the all-Russia Zaschita 
union), a hundred local workers accompanied by Shein blockaded the highway 
across which trucks of sulphur continually enter the plant. Their demand was 
simply that 300 homes be built in a safe area for workers living close to the 
plant - and that the settlements closest to the plant be evacuated. Before 
long, dozens of trucks loaded with sulphur were lined up at the blockade 
unable to pass.

Deputy Shein immediately made an international appeal for protest faxes and 
e-mails to Putin and the regional authorities. The Governor for the Astrakhan 
region, Guzhvin, refused to talk with the workers - which greatly angered 
many people in the Astrakhan region. Over the next three days the blockade 
grew with up to 200 Gazprom workers joining in the picket and many others. 
The workers stopped all transport of chemicals to the plant, but allowed food 
and other supplies through. The local Communist Party (CPRF) officer 
Vostretsov (who is also a manager of a small Gazprom business) turned up 
urging workers to go home. In quick return the workers voted unanimously to 
send him packing - and he was escorted away from the red flags flying over 
the workers barricades. But much more was happening behind the scenes too.

Last May, about the time of the first successful All-Russia Day of Action to 
Defend the Present Labour Code, organised by Zaschita, the first "people’s 
committee" was created in one local worker-settlement, which involved not 
just workers, but also conducted mass meetings of all the population of the 
settlement. Suddenly last week, new "Soviets" were being rapidly established 
in the company towns of Molodyozhny, SU-6, SMP-255 and UM-6. Then two 
villages joined in, Kuianly and Aisapai. They were joined on the blockades by 
people from other local towns and from Astrakhan itself, bringing food, 
clothing and comradeship to the workers barricades. 

One reason for this degree of community solidarity, was that under the old 
Soviet system, the plant was responsible for housing its workers, and for 
repairs. Low rents were maintained. But now Gazprom was hiving off the 
housing and selling to the local council; was increasingly refusing to employ 
people from the local settlements, as that was more expensive. Then last year 
under the worst housing conditions, rents were suddenly raised to levels 
twice as high as that of much better housing in Astrakhan city. The tenants 
protested, but despite promises, rents were not reduced. This provoked the 
formation of the first "people’s committee" last May. In Shein’s own words, 
"The structure of these new people’s committees are reminiscent of the 
Soviets earlier this century, chosen by the population, holding regular 
meetings on broad questions, including the question of power. .." Unlike the 
mockery that Stalin  later made of this early soviet system, the growth and 
spread of truly democratic fighting committees is what is needed.

In short, Gazprom was deeply abusing the local 

Re: [L-I] FW: "Anti-democratic 'anti-imperialism'"

2000-12-11 Thread SMye5

In a message dated 11/12/00 14:06:23 GMT Standard Time, 

> En relación a [L-I] FW: "Anti-democratic 'anti-imperialism'", 
>  el 7 Dec 00, a las 19:02, Owen Jones dijo:
>  Hi, Owen, did I miss your criticism or you never sent it to the list? The 
> kind 
>  of reply you got sounds a badge of honor. But, could you post (or e-mail 
>  privately) the origin of such a fit of rage?
>  Néstor Miguel Gorojovsky

   I am so many lists. Why on earth did you not send this privately to 
Owen? I send this to the whole list becuase I want to create on socialist 
lists an awaremess that others exist!

Leninist-International mailing list
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[L-I] HELP Russian Workers global e-mail attack!

2000-11-24 Thread SMye5

from International Solidarity with Workers in Russia - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ISWoR web-site  -http://members.aol.com/ISWoR/english/index.html


URGENT - please distribute this protest letter widely 

Support the All-Russia Workers' Day of Action
on December 1st against the Barbaric new Labour Code

Join the global e-mail protest NOW! 
The list of international signatures will be published 
 internationally, on and after December 1st.

The All-Russia Campaign in Defence of the Present Labour Code consider 
international solidarity from workers around the world, individually and 
through their unions or other progressive organisations, as very, very 
important. Please sign the following letter.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Dear President Putin,

As you know the second all-Russia Day of Action against your new draconian 
anti-union laws (Labour Code - KZot) takes place on December 1, 2000. The 
first protest on 17 May, brought out 300,000 workers across Russia.

Since the introduction of privatisation in Russia, workers and their families 
have suffered enormous hardship. They have seen the average male life 
expectancy plummet from western levels to just 56. Non-payment of wages has 
become normal, schoolchildren have had to stay home because their schools 
cannot afford heating, diseases of poverty like tuberculosis have become 
epidemic, and all over the country people have been forced to live off what 
they can grow in their back plot. Now, on top of all this suffering, your 
government intends to introduce a new Labour Code that will destroy basic 
rights held by workers for decades.

The new Labour Code, devised with the enthusiastic encouragement of the IMF, 
will impose a system of casual labour everywhere, removing from the trade 
unions all power to act. While at present workers cannot be legally fired if 
the union opposes it, the new Code will allow bosses to fire at will, as well 
as to spy on the private lives of workers, and blacklist any who have been 
active trade unionists. The length of the working day will be increased from 
8 to 12 hours, and employers will be able to impose a 56-hour week without 
overtime pay. Additionally the new Code legalises child labour and forces 
pregnant women to work night shifts.

We, as part of the world workers and pjrogressive movement protest against 
your barbaric new Code. We demand that the right of workers to organise in 
trade unions is maintained. We condemn your attempts to legally impose 
nineteenth century working conditions. We affirm our solidarity with the 
All-Russia Campaign Against the Labour Code, who have called for a mass Day 
of Action on 1 December 2000 against this disgraceful attack on working 


City ..


Union/Organisation .


Please send e-mail copies to the following FOUR addresses 


[EMAIL PROTECTED] -  Vladimir Putin, President of Russian Federation

[EMAIL PROTECTED]   -  The State Duma (lower house of Russian legislature)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] - Coordination Committee of the All Russia Action in Defence 
of the Present Labour Code via Oleg Shein, Duma Deputy, Co-Chairman of 
Zaschita "Defence" union

[EMAIL PROTECTED] - International Solidarity with Workers in Russia - (ISWoR-MCPP)

Supporters are also welcome to draft their own messages of protest and 
solidarity, with copies to the four e-mail addresses above.

Faxes can be sent to President Putin at FAX (+7-095) 206 02 66

with copy to campaign organiser Oleg Shein at FAX  (+7-095) 292 89 06  

Further information can be found on the ISWoR English-language website at:

or on the ISWoR French-language website at:

This e-mail has already been (or is being)  translated into Spanish, French, 
Russian, Italian, German and Finnish - if you can help with any other 
please contact   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   immediately.

puts out information and analysis from a wide range of sources.
If you have something you would like to distribute on Russia Info-List, or 
want to help in our practical solidarity work, contact:   >[EMAIL PROTECTED]<
Box R,  46 Denmark Hill, London, SE5 8RZ, England

Leninist-International mailing list
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[L-I] [Iskra] Labour Code - Appeal by Trade Union Leaders

2000-10-02 Thread SMye5

Subj:[Iskra] Fwd: Labour Code - Appeal by Trade Union Leaders
Date:   01/10/00 09:25:36 Greenwich Standard Time

If you appreciate receiving this mail please distribute it to your friends
and post it to internet forums; if not, send a "no more" message to:
International Solidarity with Workers in Russia - email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Moscow, Sept. 30, 2000

To All Workers and Comrades!

We representatives of work collectives and labor organizations in Russia
address you with a warning about the danger hanging over the heads of the
workers of our country. The government of Russia, carrying out the will of
big business, the multinational corporations, and the body of factory
directors in Russia, is preparing to push the new Labor Code through the
Duma [Russia’s parliament]. This body of law will mean the elimination of
all the basic rights of working people in Russia and the destruction of the
labor organizations now functioning in the workplaces of our country.

It is clear that in the Duma there are no factions that express the
interests of the workers. It is clear that the Russian parliament simply
serves the interests of the ruling class. But life has shown that our
solidarity actions are capable of stopping the capitalists. We have already
thwarted the plans for eliminating the existing Labor Code by the protest
campaigns we carried out from 1998 to 2000.

Of course the existing Labor Code is not a panacea. It means nothing without 
the activity of the workers themselves. But it is an additional weapon in our 
struggle, and a weapon of extreme importance. It is the use of existing labor 
legislation that allows us to carry out strikes without fear of reprisals by 
management. It forbids the firing of worker activists, and in the event of 
such firing, it enables us to win those jobs back through the courts. It 
allows workers to form and build their own organizations --- labor unions.

We call on you to wage the fiercest possible battle against the government’s
proposed Labor Code. Long live workers’ solidarity!

Signed by:

 - S.N. Kvashin –
chairman of the trade union committee at the joint-stock company Tutayev 
Motor Works, city of Tutayev
 - R.B. Pugacheva –
co-chair, interdistrict union of workers, city of Moscow
 - M.D. Chernigovsky –
member of the OAO trade union committee at the joint stock company 
"Sibelektroterm," city of Novosibirsk
 - A.N. Nikolaev –
chair, Zashchita trade union committee at the GNPTs "Zvezda-Strela," city of 
 - A.Yu. Zaikina –
chair, Zashchita trade union committee at the joint-stock company "Vyborg 
Paper Mill," Leningrad province
 - M.S. Marikyan –
chair, strike committee at the state-owned enterprise "Leningrad North 
Works," city of St. Petersburg
 - T.B. Vedernikova –
chair, trade union committee at the joint stock company "Color Printing 
Complex," city of St. Petersburg
 - T.P. Dudareva –
chair, People’s Committee, sanitary-protection zone, Astrakhan province
 - E.M. Menlibayeva –
chair, People’s Committee, hamlet of Molodyozhny, Astrakhan province
 O.L. Shamanina –
chair, trade union committee at the joint-stock company 
"Tyazhstankogidropress," city of Novosibirsk
 - V.A. Shomin –
chair, Zashchita trade union committee at the joint-stock company "Likinsky 
Bus Plant," Moscow province
 - O.I. Kasperovich –
chair, Zashchita trade union committee at the joint stock company "Sayan 
Aluminum Plant," city of Sayanogorsk
 - S.Ye. Sychev –
chair, Zashchita Center trade union committee at the joint stock company, 
"Moscow Ball Bearing (GPZ-1)," city of Moscow
 - O.B. Babich –
coordinator, interregional association of labor unions Zashchita Truda 
(Defense of Labor)
 - A.A. Denyakin –
chair, trade union committee, joint-stock company "Kuznetsk Metallurgical 
Concern," city of Novokuznetsk
 - V.A. Belin –
deputy chair of the trade union committee at the joint-stock company 
"Chernigovsky Coal Pit," Kemerovo province
 - L.K. Ryzhov –
chair of the Pravo (Right) free trade union of aerospace organizations, 
Voronezh province

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  - - - - - - - - -
 ISWoR thanks George Shriver for the translation
Messages here do not necessarily relfect the views of ISWoR supporters
who come from a wide range of opinions.
If you have something you would like to distribute on Russia Info-List, or 
want to help in our practical solidarity work, contact:  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Box R,  46 Denmark Hill, London, SE5 8RZ, England

web site  -   http://members.aol.com/ISWoR/english/index.html
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
- - - - - - -

[L-I] [Iskra] Victory of Astrakhan Workers!

2000-09-12 Thread SMye5

Subj:[Iskra] Victory of Astrakhan Workers!

from International Solidarity with Workers in Russia - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ISWoR web-site  -http://members.aol.com/ISWoR/english/index.html

Victory of Astrakhan Workers!

On Friday, 7th September 2000 at 4pm, at the end of a 5-day long, round-the 
clock highway blockade conducted against a huge gas processing plant, over 
200 Zaschita trade union workers and several local communities celebrated 
their complete victory. The enterprise, employing 10,000 workers, belongs to 
the giant gas monopoly Gazprom, and is situated near Astrakhan, in southern 
Russia, by the Caspian Sea.

The victory represents yet another example of successful union militancy, and 
why Zaschita (Defence), the all-Russia trade union, is growing so much in 
recent years. 

In numerous small towns surrounding the Gazprom plant, which lies16 km to the 
north-east of Astrakhan city, hundreds of workers and their families who live 
in the worker-settlements and indigenous communities have over the years 
fallen victim to rampant industrial pollution, to cancer, lung diseases and 
sulphur poisoning.

After discussions with Oleg Shein, their parliamentary representative (the 
only Marxist in the Duma, who is also co-chair of the all-Russia Zaschita 
union), a hundred local workers accompanied by Shein blockaded the highway 
across which trucks of sulphur continually enter the plant. Their demand was 
simply that 300 homes be built in a safe area for workers living close to the 
plant - and that the settlements closest to the plant be evacuated. Before 
long, dozens of trucks loaded with sulphur were lined up at the blockade 
unable to pass.

Deputy Shein immediately made an international appeal for protest faxes and 
e-mails to Putin and the regional authorities. The Governor for the Astrakhan 
region, Guzhvin, refused to talk with the workers - which greatly angered 
many people in the Astrakhan region. Over the next three days the blockade 
grew with up to 200 Gazprom workers joining in the picket and many others. 
The workers stopped all transport of chemicals to the plant, but allowed food 
and other supplies through. The local Communist Party (CPRF) officer 
Vostretsov (who is also a manager of a small Gazprom business) turned up 
urging workers to go home. In quick return the workers voted unanimously to 
send him packing - and he was escorted away from the red flags flying over 
the workers barricades. But much more was happening behind the scenes too.

Last May, about the time of the first successful All-Russia Day of Action to 
Defend the Present Labour Code, organised by Zaschita, the first "people’s 
committee" was created in one local worker-settlement, which involved not 
just workers, but also conducted mass meetings of all the population of the 
settlement. Suddenly last week, new "Soviets" were being rapidly established 
in the company towns of Molodyozhny, SU-6, SMP-255 and UM-6. Then two 
villages joined in, Kuianly and Aisapai. They were joined on the blockades by 
people from other local towns and from Astrakhan itself, bringing food, 
clothing and comradeship to the workers barricades. 

One reason for this degree of community solidarity, was that under the old 
Soviet system, the plant was responsible for housing its workers, and for 
repairs. Low rents were maintained. But now Gazprom was hiving off the 
housing and selling to the local council; was increasingly refusing to employ 
people from the local settlements, as that was more expensive. Then last year 
under the worst housing conditions, rents were suddenly raised to levels 
twice as high as that of much better housing in Astrakhan city. The tenants 
protested, but despite promises, rents were not reduced. This provoked the 
formation of the first "people’s committee" last May. In Shein’s own words, 
"The structure of these new people’s committees are reminiscent of the 
Soviets earlier this century, chosen by the population, holding regular 
meetings on broad questions, including the question of power. .." Unlike the 
mockery that Stalin  later made of this early soviet system, the growth and 
spread of truly democratic fighting committees is what is needed.

In short, Gazprom was deeply abusing the local population, employing more and 
more from Astrakhan city, and local unemployment was soaring. And now 
Gazprom, whilst claiming that re-settlement of the workers is the local 
council’s responsibility, is at the same time fighting to get the officially 
recognised contamination area reduced from its current radius of 8km from the 
plant, to 3km - which would eliminates the obligation to resettle most of the 
affected population. It is a question on which Oleg Shein had been fighting 
locally and in the Duma for some time now.

Back to the blockade. Wednesday night the police went away, and men (probably 
FSB agents) in wo

Re: [L-I] Re: Russia 2000 (3 of 10)

2000-07-27 Thread SMye5

In a message dated 20/07/00 05:45:09 W. Europe Daylight Time, 

> I had saved the 10 parter on Russia posted by Johannes awhile back, and was
>  just getting into it.
>  the following passage:
>  > Further, in the run-up to the Duma elections, a bitter conflict between
>  > different wings of the oligarchy erupted: Berezovsky (backed by the
>  Kremlin
>  > and Yeltsin) on one side, and Gusinsky (backed by Mayor of Moscow, 
>  > and ex-premier Primakov) on the other. The Kremlin arrived at a plan, in
>  > conjunction with the FSB secret services led by Putin, to destabilise
>  Moscow
>  > with a series of assassinations and "terrorist" bombings. Chaos in Moscow
>  > would then discredit its Mayor - who had built the Fatherland All-Russia
>  > (FAR) party, which was leading in all polls. The documents of these plans
>  > were published in a Russian newspaper as early as July 1999 - but the
>  media
>  > keep quiet about this nowadays.
>  ...is quite the charge indeed. Can anyone prove this? This would put the
>  Yeltsin/Putin era on a footing against the old regimes that not even a 
>  capper could say is somehow preferable to the USSR. I have heard this
>  speculation before, and must confess to toying with it myself. However, I
>  would find the documents they refer to absolutely neccessary before going
>  further into this. I am intrigued...
>  Macdonald

Comrade Macdonald, 
As the author of the Journal ISKRA, where the Russia 2000 document is 
publshed in 10 parts by Johannes, I will dig out the exact details and some 
further supportive articles relating to this question, which I have followed 
closely since I first wrote immediately after the bombings last September, 
that this was a likely scenario. The BBC Russia experts have told me on the 
phone that they 99% believe my accumulation of facts and conclusion to be 
correct, but that absolute 100% proof is needed, for them to publish the 

I have just driven Oleg Shein (the only Marxist Duma Deputy) back from Italy 
(after England, Scotland, France, Spain) to London, to catch his return 
flight from London to Moscow (he is due for meetings in Finland in Helsinki, 
Turku and Tampere in early August to complete the ISWoR tour of Europe) - and 
Shein too agree's with this scenario. 

This ruthlessness of Putin does mean that he is prepared to do anything to 
retain power and suppress the new workers movement in Russia.

I am knackered at present - but I will collect and put all the evidence and 
details I have on LI in a few days time on this question. I apologise to 
comrade Johannes Schneidder on this list that we did not reach the Munich 
meeting on the Tour (I know you have been working to build this with various 
left PDS comrades) - but Oleg Shein had to go back early to deal with certain 
events in Astrakhan and Moscow. However, we had a long discussion about a 
specifically German tour (perhaps Hamburg, Berlin Koln and Munich) in Spring 
next year - and perhaps you Munich comrades could help co-ordinate this. The 
tour has been very successful and a full report of the tour will be put on LI 
after the 3 Finnish cities have been visited.

comradely - Steve Myers

Leninist-International mailing list