Re: Website

2010-03-18 Thread Steve Prior
On 3/17/2010 2:14 PM, Jeremy Huntwork wrote:
 Here's the site:

 None of the links do anything, since it's just a mockup.

 -- JH

Looks nice, but I don't think I'd put up a website these days that wasn't using 
a content management system (Drupal, Joomla, ...).

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Re: Happy Birthday LFS

2008-02-23 Thread Steve Prior
Gerard Beekmans wrote:
 The LFS project is almost nine years old. LFS 1.0 was released on 
 December 16, 1999. That was the year I had moved to Canada, before my 
 immigration was even finalized. Earlier that year I started on the LFS 


I came across and built my first LFS system in early 2001 after having 
been a Unix (AIX) user and administrator since 1988.  In a very short 
time after getting my first LFS box running, things that would have been 
very intimidating before became child's play.  Early in 2002 I set up my 
third LFS box and it is still in continuous use today.  Aside from the 
education value, it is my favorite distro for server use.  I think that 
it would be great for some college to offer a class centered around LFS 
- start with a box full of parts and the LFS LiveCD at the beginning of 
the semester and end up with a LAMP server at the end, all built from 

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Re: Preparing for 6.3 Release

2007-06-09 Thread Steve Prior
Alexander E. Patrakov wrote:
 LiveCD. I simply have no possibility to fix all known bugs, so LFS 6.3 has 
 to be released without the CD and should not mention it at all.

I would see nothing wrong with using a LiveCD with is running an older 
version of LFS, but simply has the latest 6.3 sources from which to 
build the real LFS box.  While it's nice for the two to be in the same 
ballpark, there's nothing that says the LiveCD needs to be running 6.3, 
just that it should be sufficient to build 6.3.

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Re: LFS powering the Web...well in a manner of speaking

2007-04-28 Thread Steve Prior
Gerard Beekmans wrote:

 LFS will be ultimately in charge of powering this conference. Not many are
 actually aware of this fact. The ISP that is providing the Internet
 connection is powered by LFS routers, mail servers, etc. The local on-site
 router for this conference is an LFS one as well. The box is sitting next
 to me, waiting to be deployed in a few days.
 I always said, year ago, LFS will one day take over the world ;) This is
 how it's gonna start. Start with the WWW guys themselves and go from there.
 Anyways, thought you guys might like to hear about that bit of news.

Very cool news.  It's been hard to judge the popularity of LFS, everyone 
I know that's ever heard of it knows about it from me telling them. 
Though it does appear on the Linux Distro timeline at:


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Re: Perl security vulnerability

2006-01-20 Thread Steve Prior

Jeremy Huntwork wrote:

Dan Nicholson wrote:

It's in the errata

It's also been added to trunk. :)


For existing installations, is there a way to upgrade Perl using CPAN or
is it a manual install?  I'm just looking for the easiest approach, but
I can certainly do it manually.

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Re: Hand holding (Was: Re: Post LFS-6.1.1 plans)

2005-11-28 Thread Steve Prior

Bruce Dubbs wrote:

sash wrote:

imho, there are no stupid questions.

I used to think that.  Then I taught a few years in a Community College.  :)

  -- Bruce

About 10 years ago I taught a course in C++ at a local community college.
The class was meant for C programmers to learn C++ so C was a prerequisite.
Apparently a local contract agency had seen C++ course, ignored the
description, and signed up a few PL/1 programmers who needed C++ skills.
Other students were laughing with me later that I didn't hide my look of
shock well when on the second day I had a code fragment on the overhead
and a guy in the back raised his hand and asked what int stood for.

Because it was a non credit course and a significant percentage of the
class was from the same agency I stuck with it, threw out my class plan,
and figured they were my customers so as long as they were happy with
what they learned I did my job.  I got positive evaluations at the end.

People just totally ignore prereqs...

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Re: LFS 6.1.1 Release Date?

2005-10-31 Thread Steve Prior

Matthew Burgess wrote:

Jeremy Huntwork wrote:

Matt, we have a release date in mind?

Barring no further issues cropping up, I'd like to get a pre-release out 
some time this week (the sooner the better). 
shows two remaining bugs.

The Glibc 2.3.4 patch (which solves the ssh issue) doesn't seem to be listed 
the bugs - has it been included anyway?


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Re: glibc bug in LFS-6.1 and its nALFS profile

2005-10-06 Thread Steve Prior

Jeremy Huntwork wrote:

Alexander E. Patrakov wrote:

Tough question. The problem while Jeremy Huntwork was the project 
leader was that exactly the same versions of packages had to be used 
in the book and on the LiveCD (with the exception of ncurses because 
of xterm -lc compatibility needed for i18n purposes). I'd rather ask 
Justin to build the 6.1-4 CD with the following fixes:

I still feel very strongly that released versions of the LiveCD should 
follow as closely as possible the LFS book that they are based upon. 
Their first and main purpose is to successfully build *that* version of 
the LFS book. Any other use is secondary. The change to ncurses on those 
CDs was negligible as far as how it affected the rest of the system, so 
I OK'd that change.



I don't disagree with that philosophy JH.  What I think should be the issue
now is to determine how serious this GLIBC issue really is.  If it is a
serious security issue and therefore makes LFS 6.1 stable a defective release 
mean this as bad work against the LFS group, just that a bad apple got into
the pile), then I think it might be time for LFS 6.1.1 which the LiveCD could 
then track

Calling LFS 6.1 stable means that someone coming along and building it from
the book (or LiveCD) believes they have a reasonable platform to build from.
If they're going to run into trouble as soon as they try to put ssh on top of
it (which is about the first thing that anyone would/should want to do with
it or would you prefer telnet) they run into trouble, then I think that's worth
a point release.

It also sounds to me like there is still a problem in SSH in BLFS - from the
sound of things this is a matter of whether the sshd gets an error code or a
segfault for something it is doing incorrectly.  The error code lets it get by
and the segfault doesn't, but something is still not working as intended.

This doesn't mean that glibc should be segfaulting and apparently should be 
or patched because this affects multiple programs, but either there's a bug in
ssh or at least the BLFS instructions for ssh might need to change.

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Re: glibc bug in LFS-6.1 and its nALFS profile

2005-10-06 Thread Steve Prior

Jeremy Huntwork wrote:

Steve Prior wrote:

Yes, my point exactly. If the bug is in LFS then *that* should be fixed 
and released, and in turn, the LiveCD can follow suit.

Thanks for the detailed reply, Steve.


My concern at the moment is a practical one.  I have a machine I really want to
get installed and operational with.  Having a LiveCD with the fixed version
means the difference between the install taking a couple of hours vs taking
a whole weekend to do it manually.  I'd rather not have the different LFS 
all pointing fingers at each other saying that it should get fixed there first 
- I
get enough of that sort of thing at my day job.  LFS is a small enough 
that we should be able to deal with something like this without getting bogged 

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Re: glibc bug in LFS-6.1 and its nALFS profile

2005-10-06 Thread Steve Prior

Matthew Burgess wrote:
Sorry for not being explicit enough.  Basically, as you've already 
eluded to, LFS-6.1, the nALFS profiles that are based on it, and the 
LiveCD that is dependent on both LFS and nALFS all need to be fixed. 
LFS-6.1 obviously can't be fixed in situ, so an errata will be 
published.  nALFS would then implement the fix(es) specified by all the 
errata that apply to LFS-6.1, and the LiveCD would pick up the fixed 
nALFS profiles and also itself be built with the fixes mentioned in any 
applicable errata.

I believe that we shouldn't just have an errata section because then we
have a dumping ground for errors and no way to really state that these new
updates have been after those.

So we shouldn't have LFS 6.1 + errata, we should have a LFS 6.1.1 stable
release (because in a less perfect world there could even be a 6.1.2).  This
shouldn't require NEARLY as much testing/review as what is required to make
a new stable release out of what is in 6.1 DEV.

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