Replacing a beloved Libretto 70CT

2000-08-12 Thread Maya Rushing Walker

Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2000 22:33:49 +0300
From: "Maya Rushing Walker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Replacing a beloved Libretto 70CT

I'm new on this list, but have been very happy with my Libretto 70CT for
about two years now.  A little over a month ago, it just stopped working.
The power button would not power the machine.  We were literally running out
the door for a long business trip overseas (and we're still overseas, minus
the Libretto) so we couldn't do anything about it, but a local repair shop
told us that if the motherboard has suffered a short, the machine is
basically dead.
Now, this is a serious crisis for me.  I absolutely need a full computer
that is the size of the Libretto.  Not a Palm, not a slim laptop.  You are
all Libretto lovers, so I won't bore you with my reasons, but I simply
cannot use a full-sized notebook and I don't want a crippled Windows system
on a Palm (and I need a good keyboard).
So I went to see if I could buy another Libretto, and they seem to have
vanished from the Toshiba website.  Are they not making them anymore for the
U.S. market?
Is the only alternative a Japanese Libretto?  I don't know of another
notebook manufacturer that makes them this size.  I'm willing to spend the
money, but I just want to make sure that I'm not neglecting some other
And last, is it risky to buy a Libretto through a place like Ebay?  The
machines are all going to be "old" (in terms of shelf life) so is it more
likely that they will have problems within a year or two?  I don't know if I
can go through this heartache again!
Thanks so much for your help...I've already learned a lot here.  Maya

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RE: Replacing a beloved Libretto 70CT

2000-08-13 Thread Maya Rushing Walker

Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2000 14:50:49 +0300
From: "Maya Rushing Walker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: Replacing a beloved Libretto 70CT

Thanks for all the helpful tips!  This is just terrific.

I have seen a few Librettos on the Dynamism site for $1600 plus.  Is this an
unusual offering?  Should I be trying to grab one of those, quick?  These
are the ones with the digital camera attached.  I suppose I could find a use
for that. 

Ed mentioned the ff1100v units available in Hong Kong.  Is this the latest
model?  I wish I could ask you to pick one up for me, Ed.  But I am now
wondering if the tech we spoke to had considered the CMOS battery and
possible hard drive failure.  He seemed awfully eager to blame the problem
on a motherboard short.  He was not an authorized repair guy, BTW.  The
authorized repair place is at a CompUSA store and I just get the willies
when I'm there, plus it's far away.

We are not computer experts, but we have done some basic hardware
installation with desktop computers.  If we're careful, do you think we can
try replacing the CMOS battery on our own?  If it's a cheap possibility, we
might try that.  As to the hard drive failure possibility...I guess we'd
have to take the Libretto in to a repair place, because we'd need to try to
recover the data on the disk.

I may end up trying eBay after all.  I'm glad you all warned me to check on
the people selling.  I wouldn't have known about that!

Wish I weren't just selfishly taking advice from y'all...wish I had
something to offer to this list, because you are just about saving my life!
Thanks, Maya

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RE: Replacing a beloved Libretto 70CT

2000-08-14 Thread Maya Rushing Walker

Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2000 14:35:00 +0300
From: "Maya Rushing Walker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: Replacing a beloved Libretto 70CT

Dear David, So YOU are the brains behind the Libretto site!  
Very fine work!

You've convinced me that it is worth a shot at the CMOS battery.  I'll go to
the micsol website today and try to lay hands on a battery.  If I can't get
it there I'll go to Toshiba and ask.  I'm not in the U.S. right now so I
probably won't be able to give this a shot until late next week or early the
following week.

As to the precise description of what happens when I turn the Libretto
on...NOTHING happens.  No beeps, no display, nothing.  I went to turn on the
Libretto as usual first thing in the morning and it just wouldn't start.
The last time I had used it was the night before, and it behaved normally.
I tried plugging it in to the AC and still, nothing happened.  The local
computer technician that we spoke to said that it is most likely either a
motherboard short (in which case the thing is useless and not worth fixing)
or something specifically wrong with the power button, in which case he can
fix it.

If anyone has any bright ideas, please let me know!  Thanks for all the help
and supportive words.  I guess in the end I really don't want a Sony or NEC
or anything else.  I've liked the Libretto and it has served me beautifully.
I simply do not understand why Toshiba feels it is not worth selling in the


Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2000 19:29:04 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Chien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: Replacing a beloved Libretto 70CT

> I have seen a few Librettos on the Dynamism site for $1600 plus.  Is this
> unusual offering?  Should I be trying to grab one of those, quick?  These
> Ed mentioned the ff1100v units available in Hong Kong.  Is this the latest

  Same thing.  $1600 is a 'decent' price, although not stunning.  The
alternatives include the Sony Picturebook running at around the same price
range depending on model, so it's close.

> wondering if the tech we spoke to had considered the CMOS battery and
> possible hard drive failure.  He seemed awfully eager to blame the problem
> on a motherboard short.  He was not an authorized repair guy, BTW.  The
> authorized repair place is at a CompUSA store and I just get the willies

  Eeek! eep! Gag!*#

  (Er, sorry.  Nothing like CUSa techies to bring horror stories to mind.
bad there aren't signs outside that say 'ripping you off'.  The $50+/HR rate
just to do dumb things I could do in my sleep as an expert troubleshooter
PC repair guy is absolutely horrendous given that they can't even do the
complex things right most of the time (eg. drive imaging & partitioning, OS
migration, etc.).  The stuff I can fix in my sleep probably exceeds what
charge half-awake)

> We are not computer experts, but we have done some basic hardware
> installation with desktop computers.  If we're careful, do you think we
> try replacing the CMOS battery on our own?  If it's a cheap possibility,

  Well, let's look at it this way.  1. You don't bother trying to fix it and
you spend another $500+ on another Libretto.  2.  You spend two or three
trying to replace the CMOS battery, and if successful, back to life;
you'd have spend a few tens $ trying to get a new battery in there and a few
hours of your weekend.

  I'd say that if you can disassemble a computer or anything else, you can
replace the CMOS battery.  It'll probably take you 1 1/2 hours to complete
disassemble the Libretto to the point where you can get at it due to the
that this is your first time and that you don't have expert experience
things apart.  Both my site (overclocking article) and the Libretto exploded
parts picture on my site will help you figure out how to take the baby

  In any case, I'd give it a whirl.  A few bucks on a dead battery is far
easier and quicker than a two to three day reinstallation and
of a new Libretto to your needs, and that's w/o the Ebay buying hassle. for the battery.

> might try that.  As to the hard drive failure possibility...I guess we'd
> have to take the Libretto in to a repair place, because we'd need to try
> recover the data on the disk.

  Probably not a HD failure if the thing won't start up at all (ie. nothing
all displayed on the screen, no beeps, no disk light activity, no floppy
activity, etc.).

  If something is displayed on the screen, we'd better rethink what's wrong.
Best to give us a 'complete' description of every detail about your Libretto
you attempt to boot to better diagnose this online.

  d =)

Screen goes black in Lib 70

2000-10-17 Thread Maya Rushing Walker

Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 22:35:21 -0400
From: "Maya Rushing Walker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Screen goes black in Lib 70

Dear Libretto people,

I wrote to the list this past summer, thinking my beloved Libretto 70CT had
died...I was getting ready to order a CMOS battery, etc. when someone
suggested the "breath of life."   It worked!  Guess the battery
connections were dusty, because the Libretto is back to normal.  Phew, it
was a close call.  I had not realized that Librettos are not being made here
anymore, and that there is really nothing else comparable out there!  So
thank you very much, all of you, for your help during the summer.

Now for my question...does anyone know why my Libretto screen occasionally
goes black and cannot be made to "wake up" again?  The computer keeps
operating as normal, as far as I can tell, but the screen will not light up
again, even when I tap on the keyboard or wiggle the pointer button.  This
does not happen every time, but sometimes when it happens I end up having to
re-boot, which is annoying.  When it occurs, it at first appears to be going
into screen saver mode, but then it abruptly goes black.  Any clues?

Cheers, Maya in Dunbarton, NH

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upgrades to a 70CT

2001-01-02 Thread Maya Rushing Walker

Date: Tue, 2 Jan 2001 08:54:44 -0500
From: "Maya Rushing Walker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: upgrades to a 70CT

I love my Libretto, and I love this list, but I don't know much about
computer I want to add more RAM memory, a new battery,
and a bigger hard drive, are these all things that a careful novice can do?
I have not done anything more complicated than add RAM to my other laptop
and a CD-RW to my desktop.

I am going to check ebay for the battery, but do any of y'all have
suggestions on where to pick up suitable RAM and a hard drive?

My 70CT still runs the original Win95 system...I might upgrade to Win98, but
I am afraid that the performance will be awful.  Any comments?  I am content
to run Win95, but would like the system tools and infrared capabilities of
98...but don't want the system to "chug!"


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RE: upgrades to a 70CT

2001-01-03 Thread Maya Rushing Walker

Date: Wed, 3 Jan 2001 23:01:37 -0500
From: "Maya Rushing Walker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: upgrades to a 70CT

Dear Matthew,

Except for having a defective screen replaced (under warranty, thank
goodness!), my system is untouched.  It still runs the original Win95 and
has only the original 16 MB RAM.  I believe it is a 133 MHz, is it not?  I'm
not willing to try overclocking...I am very risk averse, and if I mess up my
Libretto, I will be VERY upset.  I depend on it heavily.

I am absolutely going to put in all the RAM it will handle, and then perhaps
if the gods are smiling on me, I will try out Win 98...this means I need to
buy a portable CD-ROM device first, groan...I do not use any fancy programs
on this particular machine, but I would like to get Norton Utilities and
AntiVirus onto it, at least.  I am terrified of adding a new hard
not know a thing about disk partitioning or hibernation or what-have-you

I have a great car power converter, too!  It's been a has the
Libretto.  Just shove the thing into my briefcase and take off.

Thanks so much...will report if I end up someplace I don't want to be!  Maya

-Original Message-
From: Matthew Hanson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tue, January 02, 2001 1:12 PM
To: Libretto
Subject: Re: upgrades to a 70CT

I've had Win98 installed on my 50CT for about a year now.  The system has
the full 32MB RAM it can handle, and I've not noticed any appreciable
difference in performance speeds at all.  I'm constantly adding and removing
programs, having to fix Windows messes and all, and I find the tools that
come along with Win98 to be quite handy.

The only area where I notice any real difference is in power consumption.  I
think I used to get around an 50 minutes to an hour's worth of power out of
Win95, and now I get around 45 minutes with Win98.  However I don't usually
do a whole lot of work on the unit where I don't have access to either
110VAC or 12VDC.  I bought a really nice DC to AC power converter that the
guys on this list recommended last summer, as I was getting a loud buzzing
when playing MP3s through the car stereo with the old converter.  So power
hasn't been a big issue for me at least.


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RE: upgrades to a 70CT

2001-01-04 Thread Maya Rushing Walker

Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2001 16:38:21 -0500
From: "Maya Rushing Walker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: upgrades to a 70CT

Thank you so much for all of the those links...I am going to go on the
search for RAM tonight.  I should have done it ages ago, but I've always
hesitated to spend money on old computers, given how cheap the new ones are.
But there are no more Librettos, so I will have to baby this one along.

I am considering buying a portable hard drive with both USB and PCMCIA
connections.  The box says "type II" PCMCIA card...will this work with my
Libretto?  I thought I had read that the 70CT had an "outdated" PC card
slot.  I'm sorry to ask such neophyte questions!  As you can see, I am
trying to escape a hard drive upgrade!

Thanks again, everyone!  Maya

-Original Message-
From: David Chien [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wed, January 03, 2001 5:11 PM
To: Libretto
Subject: Re: upgrades to a 70CT

Date: Wed, 3 Jan 2001 14:08:03 -0800 (PST)
From: David Chien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: upgrades to a 70CT

> I am going to check ebay for the battery, but do any of y'all have
> suggestions on where to pick up suitable RAM and a hard drive? or WEESCO for the HD (my site for his link). -> accessories for the RAM if you can't find it
(eg. by part #)

> My 70CT still runs the original Win95 system...I might upgrade to Win98,
> I am afraid that the performance will be awful.  Any comments?  I am
> to run Win95, but would like the system tools and infrared capabilities of
> 98...but don't want the system to "chug!"

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RE: upgrades to a 70CT

2001-01-04 Thread Maya Rushing Walker

Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2001 22:52:30 -0500
From: "Maya Rushing Walker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: upgrades to a 70CT

Yes, my name is for real!  :)  Complete coincidence...Rushing marries a

Still waffling on whether to switch to uses up S much space on
the drive.  I'll probably do it, but I need to get the CD device anyhow,
since I need to install Norton and Anti-Virus protection.  I guess I could
transfer it from my PC...all of this would be moot if I had W98, since then
I could connect through infrared with my other Toshiba.  I hope...?


-Original Message
Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2001 10:00:35 +0100
From: "Franklin Eekhout" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: upgrades to a 70CT

----- Original Message -
From: "Maya Rushing Walker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> not willing to try overclocking...I am very risk averse, and if I mess up
> Libretto, I will be VERY upset.  I depend on it heavily.

:-) & Don't we all!

> if the gods are smiling on me, I will try out Win 98...this means I need
> buy a portable CD-ROM device first, groan...I do not use any fancy

Mmm, not really. Use Direct Cable Connection in W95/98 with another pc with
a cd-rom, to copy the W98 directory to your L70. This has been detailed many
times on the list, do a search here or on the web. Run the install program
from the hard drive. Works every time, personally I try and copy the install
files before installing an OS if possible, it goes a little faster that way.



Cool name! Is it for real?

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RE: upgrades to a 70CT

2001-01-05 Thread Maya Rushing Walker

Date: Fri, 5 Jan 2001 10:43:09 -0500
From: "Maya Rushing Walker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: upgrades to a 70CT


>> Wouldn't it have been easier just to choose 'Runner' as your surname?

YES, if I had taken a minute to think about it...but then I think something
nice and sensible like "Barnes" would have been more practical. 

Why are you staying away from W98?  Because of reduced performance?
RAM-oinking?  Crashes?  What is your best recommendation?

Still very much on the fence, Maya

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RE: upgrades to a 70CT

2001-01-05 Thread Maya Rushing Walker

Date: Fri, 5 Jan 2001 10:53:39 -0500
From: "Maya Rushing Walker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: upgrades to a 70CT

Ken, you may have just solved one of my problems.  I spent hours and hours
with Toshiba tech support when my Libretto was still only a few months old,
trying to get it to "talk" to my Satellite via infrared.  They simply could
not make it work, and eventually blamed the fact that W98 and W95 use
different protocols for infrared (before I upgraded the Satellite to W98,
the two machines exchanged files beautifully).  They told me that to make
the two machines communicate, I needed to upgrade the Libretto to W98, which
I couldn't do without major hassle because I wasn't willing to buy the
CD-ROM device (and I did try the direct cable connection, but after several
hours I decided it was just WAY too slow).

After that, I decided to network all three of our currently functioning
machines, but when I saw how much money it would cost, I decided that I
didn't want to do it (I normally don't like to spend a lot on upgrading
older machines).  But your tip intrigued me, and I went to check out  What a great place!  Can I just buy two of those and stick
them into my Libretto and Satellite?  I'm so sorry to be so slow on the
uptake, but how do I know it will work on my machines?  And what is a good
way to select an inexpensive network card for my desktop?  Networking
intimidates me, but this is obviously the way to avoid upgrading the
Libretto to W98!  This would really make our entire household system run
much more smoothly!

Thanks so much for your input!  Maya
p.s. do I also need a hub, if I want to connect three machines?  I wonder if
I should just call axiontech and let them tell me what to buy?

-Original Message-
From: Ken Hansen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thu, January 04, 2001 11:22 PM
To: Libretto
Subject: Re: upgrades to a 70CT

Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2001 23:15:36 -0500
From: "Ken Hansen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: upgrades to a 70CT

Why can't Win95 talk to Win98 via IrDa?

I got some low-cost PCMCIA ethernet cards that I *love* - 3Com 3C589C 10
BaseT cards with "dongle cable" for about $15/each at . One of these and a low-cost PC network card with
crossover cable, and you could have a fantastic Desktop Area Network for
less than $40...



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RE: upgrades to a 70CT

2001-01-08 Thread Maya Rushing Walker

Date: Fri, 5 Jan 2001 19:48:43 -0500
From: "Maya Rushing Walker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: upgrades to a 70CT


Permission granted. 

We have contemplated using Linux, actually, and also doing the dual-boot
thing.  We like Corel products, and I understand they have Word Perfect,
etc. for Linux.  One of these days

I have an old Pentium system (133 MHz) that is kicking around here.  Any
suggestions as to what it would be good for?  Internet access?  We could
network it to the others

Sorry, getting off topic.


-Original Message-
From: neil barnes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Fri, January 05, 2001 3:32 PM
To: Libretto
Subject: RE: upgrades to a 70CT

Date: Fri, 05 Jan 2001 20:25:36
From: "neil barnes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: upgrades to a 70CT


Actually I'm quite jealous - I think you have a most amazingly distinctive
name. Permission to use it in a short story sometime? No-one ever publishes
them so you'll be quite safe!

Re W98: I'm avoiding it (and it's postdecessors (if that's the opposite to
predecessor)) because:

o I don't like MS business methods/ethics.
o I don't like systems that crash on a regular basis - and require
restarting after the most trivial change
o I don't want a system on a machine used by all the family that has no
protection between users, so daughter can download a virus and wipe us all
o It's resource hungry and slow (with the exception of the shutdown)
o I have no peripherals which require w98 exclusively
o I like to play...but I *don't* play computer games

So I mostly use linux - though I'm by no means an expert on the subject and
now the home setup is four computers:

1) linux only providing internet access and firewall for the others
2) lib dual booting w95 and Mandrake 7.1 (finally got that running this
3) dual boot pentium 300 with a bout 30g space - dual boot w95 and Mandrake
4) daughter's machine with spanish keyboard - pentium 233 dual boot
w98/office 2000 (to get the spanish wp) and Caldera 2.4e (with word perfect
8 spanish, uk, and us). She uses the linux about 90% of the time.

I just noticed I *do* have a w98 machine. But *I* don't use it :)

If you want to play linux, I'd recommend either Mandrake 7.1 or Caldera
eDesktop 2.4 - this has possibly the best install I've seen. But be warned -
there's a very steep learning curve for linux. I don't claim to be any kind
of expert and I've been trying to learn for a year. Plus you may have
difficulty finding apps that do what you need. But it's worth a try and at
least it gets you out from under Bill's thumb!


Neil 'crawling slowly' Barnes

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RE: upgrades to a 70CT

2001-01-08 Thread Maya Rushing Walker

Date: Mon, 8 Jan 2001 22:55:14 -0500
From: "Maya Rushing Walker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: upgrades to a 70CT

Ken, thanks so much for your help.  My new network "stuff" arrived today.  I
think I need to go pick up a cable, but otherwise I believe I am ready to
network our three machines.  Thanks again!  I had not realized that the
prices had dropped so much since I had last looked!

Cheers, Maya, the soon-to-be-networked

-Original Message-
From: Ken Hansen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Mon, January 08, 2001 5:52 PM
To: Libretto
Subject: Re: upgrades to a 70CT

Date: Sat, 6 Jan 2001 08:04:41 -0500
From: "Ken Hansen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: upgrades to a 70CT

You want two cards and a crossover cable. An example of the crossover cable
would be:

Or a hub would be good - you can get them quite cheaply - but the crossover
cable performs the same function as a hub. A low-cost hub ($27.95) would be:

or 10/100 support at $38.95:

These would be good investments for future upgrade plans - 8+ port hubs are
a bit more, but well under $100...

The 3Com cards come with everything you need, save the crossover cable above
($4.95) to hook two machines together. These cards come without drivers, but
both Win95 & Win98 have the required driers included in the distributions.
More current drivers can be downloaded over the internet if needed.



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what to do with an old PC

2001-01-10 Thread Maya Rushing Walker

Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2001 16:14:11 -0500
From: "Maya Rushing Walker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: what to do with an old PC

>I have an old Pentium system (133 MHz) that is kicking around here.  Any
>suggestions as to what it would be good for?  Internet access?  We could
>network it to the others

YES. Get a copy of Smoothwall (I'm assuming you have dial-up internet access
at present) and it does an automagic setup as a firewall and internet access
gateway and DHCP server (IP addresses). It works a treat and it's very
secure - your machines are *invisible* from the net so the hack attacks
don't work! All you need is 8M memory and 80M disc.

The bummer is that my old PC has a slow modem.  I believe it's 28,800.  I
wonder if it's worth adding an external 56k modem to do this firewall?  We
are on the internet a LOT; we have dial-up access, but it's pretty fast, and
we have a phone line dedicated to internet access.  I'd like to get some
sort of protection.

p.s. thanks for tolerating all these questions...everyone!

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RE: what to do with an old PC

2001-01-10 Thread Maya Rushing Walker

Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2001 16:44:57 -0500
From: "Maya Rushing Walker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: what to do with an old PC

>The bummer is that my old PC has a slow modem.  I believe it's 28,800.  I
>wonder if it's worth adding an external 56k modem to do this firewall?  We
>are on the internet a LOT; we have dial-up access, but it's pretty fast,
>we have a phone line dedicated to internet access.  I'd like to get some
>sort of protection.

I ran this way (same but different) for a while, using W98 on a PC, with
two net cards. (or a modem and a net card)  All home machines on the net
card, and connect to the net through the modem, or other net card.  Uses
connection sharing.  Less secure than the other method.

I've since changed to a linksys router between the home net and the cable
David, I am a networking dunce...where is the internet connection?  Your
router is between the cable modem and the network?
Any good resources for a networking dunce?  And yes, this is ultimately
related to my Libretto 70 because I am networking it in order to get it to
do more without upgrading it!


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RE: upgrades to a 70CT

2001-01-10 Thread Maya Rushing Walker

Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2001 16:55:10 -0500
From: "Maya Rushing Walker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: upgrades to a 70CT

Dear Franklin, every single one of your ideas intrigues me.  How do I go
about finding out what it all means???  And how to set them up???

What could I do with a web server?

What would an email server do for me?

Web camera server...well, our farm is interesting, but not THAT interesting.
  We get coyotes sometimes.  Does that qualify?  The bears prefer the
bird feeders at my neighbor's.


Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2001 00:26:45 +0100
From: "Franklin Eekhout" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: upgrades to a 70CT

> I have an old Pentium system (133 MHz) that is kicking around here.  Any
> suggestions as to what it would be good for?  Internet access?  We could
> network it to the others

I use a P150/64 MB RAM with W2K Pro to share internet, it has ICS built in.

Depends really how many people in your family and what type connection to
the net you have.

My current idea is to offer email addresses to all Eekhouts the world over,
when I get a persistent line.

Web-server with Linux & Apache?

Run a email server that routes traffic internally in your home.

Web camera server if you live in an interesting place.




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RE: what to do with an old PC

2001-01-10 Thread Maya Rushing Walker

Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2001 16:55:11 -0500
From: "Maya Rushing Walker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: what to do with an old PC

Franklin, our 56k modem gets us 45,333.  Hate the thought of going back to

I could buy an external 56k modem and stick it onto the old PC.

What is Wingate?  A proxy server?  What are the uses that you all would have
for a proxy server in the house?  Yes, we do have businesses with


Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2001 22:31:28 +0100
From: "Franklin Eekhout" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: what to do with an old PC

> From: Maya Rushing Walker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

> >I have an old Pentium system (133 MHz) that is kicking around here.  Any

> YES. Get a copy of Smoothwall (I'm assuming you have dial-up

> The bummer is that my old PC has a slow modem.  I believe it's 28,800.  I
> wonder if it's worth adding an external 56k modem to do this firewall?  We
> are on the internet a LOT; we have dial-up access, but it's
> pretty fast, and
> we have a phone line dedicated to internet access.  I'd like to get some
> sort of protection.

Doesn't matter really. I hear that the network gurus here use 5 surfing
users per ISDN channel as a rule-of-thumb. So your old modem should support
2-3 users ok.

A 56 K modem will give realistically about 44-46K.

How about a caching proxy server? This might speed up things. I'm a linux
fan, but not a user. So what about using Wingate? It supports 2-3 users in
'free' mode. Most other proxy servers just pass on requests; a caching
server can be set up so that it will keep the latest copy and pass that on.
Which may give a better/faster web page rendered. Also, if hubby has looked
at the LA Times it will be cached and might not require a new dail-up if you
wish to see the same page. There are Linux caching servers too; Squid comes
to mind. I rate Wingate as easy, Squid requires Linux installed...

Look around and so forth.

Search and ye will find; ask and ye will be answered.




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RE: what to do with an old PC

2001-01-10 Thread Maya Rushing Walker

Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2001 17:15:39 -0500
From: "Maya Rushing Walker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: what to do with an old PC

OH, I get it, you still need a hub...okay, I've just bought one of those.  I
will have to go research routers now.  Thank you!

-Original Message-
From: David VanHorn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wed, January 10, 2001 4:52 PM
To: Libretto
Subject: RE: what to do with an old PC

Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2001 16:44:38 -0500
From: David VanHorn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: what to do with an old PC

>David, I am a networking dunce...where is the internet connection?  Your
>router is between the cable modem and the network?
>Any good resources for a networking dunce?  And yes, this is ultimately
>related to my Libretto 70 because I am networking it in order to get it to
>do more without upgrading it!


I've got my '50, the kids computer, and two desktops running in this config.
Nothing can see inward past the router, yet everything (web, mail etc)
works fine.


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RE: Defrag

2001-02-16 Thread Maya Rushing Walker

Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2001 14:38:25 -0500
From: "Maya Rushing Walker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: Defrag

Ed, I have the same question...I have never been able to complete a defrag
operation on my Libretto 70.  Something keeps interrupting it and making it
start all over again.  I am such a non-technical person...can any of you
explain to me what is interrupting the defrag?  I do not have any
screensavers on, just the power-saver feature which darkens the screen after
a minute or two.  But even after the screen darkens (and it starts the
defrag again) it STILL gets interrupted, and it never finishes.  How can I
temporarily disable whatever it is so that I can finally (after 2.5 years!)
defrag the darn thing!

-Original Message-
From: Edward Capes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Fri, February 16, 2001 2:17 PM
To: Libretto
Subject: Defrag

Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2001 19:12:37 -
From: "Edward Capes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Defrag

Hi all

I tried a defrag on my Lib and after 3 hours it still had 0% complete so I
aborted it!!   Is this normal.  It did seem to run faster afterwards


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RE: Defrag

2001-02-18 Thread Maya Rushing Walker

Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2001 16:07:36 -0500
From: "Maya Rushing Walker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: Defrag

Neil, I've been using the W95 defrag...I have not had a chance to try the
safe mode suggestion yet, but DOS sounds like a good alternative, too.

I just networked the Libretto, HALLELUJAH!!!


-Original Message-
From: neil barnes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sun, February 18, 2001 3:52 PM
To: Libretto
Subject: RE: Defrag

Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2001 20:44:57
From: "neil barnes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: Defrag

Ed, Maya

You don't say whether you're using the dos or windows defrag - i'm assuming
from Maya's comments that it's the windows. I'd recommend using the *dos*
version...that way there's guaranteed to be nothing else running. Start the
machine in dos rather than using a dos window.

It will still take hours - never did find out why - but the archives will
show lots of complaints about the dos defrag taking hours, and how to kill
it...leave it overnight!


>From: "Maya Rushing Walker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: Libretto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: Libretto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: RE: Defrag
>Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2001 11:37:21 -0800
>Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2001 14:38:25 -0500
>From: "Maya Rushing Walker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: RE: Defrag
>Ed, I have the same question...I have never been able to complete a defrag
>operation on my Libretto 70.  Something keeps interrupting it and making it
>start all over again.  I am such a non-technical person...can any of you
>explain to me what is interrupting the defrag?  I do not have any
>screensavers on, just the power-saver feature which darkens the screen
>a minute or two.  But even after the screen darkens (and it starts the
>defrag again) it STILL gets interrupted, and it never finishes.  How can I
>temporarily disable whatever it is so that I can finally (after 2.5 years!)
>defrag the darn thing!
>-Original Message-
>From: Edward Capes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Fri, February 16, 2001 2:17 PM
>To: Libretto
>Subject: Defrag
>Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2001 19:12:37 -
>From: "Edward Capes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Defrag
>Hi all
>I tried a defrag on my Lib and after 3 hours it still had 0% complete so I
>aborted it!!   Is this normal.  It did seem to run faster afterwards

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My 70CT is networked!

2001-02-18 Thread Maya Rushing Walker

Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2001 16:17:58 -0500
From: "Maya Rushing Walker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: My 70CT is networked!

Everyone on the Libretto List,

I am probably not "supposed" to send thank-yous to the list...but you folks
are really terrific.  I owe all of you for all the help you passed my way
about a month ago when I began to consider networking my Libretto 70.  All
three of our current machines are now networked, and I cannot believe I
waited so long to do this.  I do not need to buy a CD-ROM device for the
Libretto now, and I can load Norton onto it or do whatever else I want.  It
was so very painless, I am astounded.  I failed to keep track of all the
names of the people who helped, but I wanted to shout a very loud THANK YOU!
from the snowy hills and fields of Dunbarton, New Hampshire.

But of course I am now having trouble trying to "export" my zillions of
email messages across the network!  Arrgh!  I normally archive email onto a
CD, and I was hoping to do the same with the 2.5 years' worth of email on
the Libretto, but the Outlook on my desktop does not want to import the
contents of the Outlook Express on my Libretto...if any of you have some
more sensible way of archiving email, I would love to hear about it!

Again, thank you...I don't even have to upgrade to W98, which means I don't
even necessarily need a new hard drive!  Euphoria!


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