Date: Wed, 3 Jan 2001 23:01:37 -0500
From: "Maya Rushing Walker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: upgrades to a 70CT

Dear Matthew,

Except for having a defective screen replaced (under warranty, thank
goodness!), my system is untouched.  It still runs the original Win95 and
has only the original 16 MB RAM.  I believe it is a 133 MHz, is it not?  I'm
not willing to try overclocking...I am very risk averse, and if I mess up my
Libretto, I will be VERY upset.  I depend on it heavily.

I am absolutely going to put in all the RAM it will handle, and then perhaps
if the gods are smiling on me, I will try out Win 98...this means I need to
buy a portable CD-ROM device first, groan...I do not use any fancy programs
on this particular machine, but I would like to get Norton Utilities and
AntiVirus onto it, at least.  I am terrified of adding a new hard
not know a thing about disk partitioning or hibernation or what-have-you....

I have a great car power converter, too!  It's been a has the
Libretto.  Just shove the thing into my briefcase and take off.

Thanks so much...will report if I end up someplace I don't want to be!  Maya

-----Original Message-----
From: Matthew Hanson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tue, January 02, 2001 1:12 PM
To: Libretto
Subject: Re: upgrades to a 70CT

I've had Win98 installed on my 50CT for about a year now.  The system has
the full 32MB RAM it can handle, and I've not noticed any appreciable
difference in performance speeds at all.  I'm constantly adding and removing
programs, having to fix Windows messes and all, and I find the tools that
come along with Win98 to be quite handy.

The only area where I notice any real difference is in power consumption.  I
think I used to get around an 50 minutes to an hour's worth of power out of
Win95, and now I get around 45 minutes with Win98.  However I don't usually
do a whole lot of work on the unit where I don't have access to either
110VAC or 12VDC.  I bought a really nice DC to AC power converter that the
guys on this list recommended last summer, as I was getting a loud buzzing
when playing MP3s through the car stereo with the old converter.  So power
hasn't been a big issue for me at least.


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