Re: [LIB] OT: Editing MS-DOS FAT?

2002-10-13 Thread Matthew Hanson

Date: Sun, 13 Oct 2002 21:03:57 +
From: "Matthew Hanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] OT: Editing MS-DOS FAT?

>From: Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Hey you could probably get a perl script (or a DOS batch file with some 
>extra stuff) to create a DOS batch file that will look at the files on the 
>microdrive/memory card, compare it with the current playlist on the host 
>PC, remove the files that aren't on the playlist and add the ones that 
>aren't on the card, then move the lot onto another directory on the 
>microdrive/card (which involves rewriting the FAT and not the actual files 
>and hence should be done pretty much instantly), then moves them back in 
>the right order, all in one operation!
>Would seem to be a lot easier than hacking the FAT ...

I was just realizing this myself...  I think three DOS commands could do 
most everything I'd like 'move', 'md' and 'rd'.  But I'm thinking that I 
really do want a GUI.   I'm hoping to encourage a couple guys in the NEX 
group who write in Visual Basic, to create an interface like MusicMatch.  
That's the type of interface I find the easiest to create playlists with.


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Re: [LIB] OT: Editing MS-DOS FAT?

2002-10-13 Thread Christian Gennerat

Date: Mon, 14 Oct 2002 09:45:46 +0200
From: Christian Gennerat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] OT: Editing MS-DOS FAT?

Matthew Hanson wrote:

> Date: Sun, 13 Oct 2002 21:03:57 +
> From: "Matthew Hanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [LIB] OT: Editing MS-DOS FAT?
> I was just realizing this myself...  I think three DOS commands could 
> do most everything I'd like 'move', 'md' and 'rd'.  But I'm 
> thinking that I really do want a GUI.  

do you know NC (Norton Commander)

> I'm hoping to encourage a couple guys in the NEX group who write in 
> Visual Basic, to create an interface like MusicMatch.  That's the type 
> of interface I find the easiest to create playlists with.
and a small extension for mp3

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Re: [LIB] OT: Editing MS-DOS FAT?

2002-10-19 Thread Matthew Hanson
Date: Sat, 19 Oct 2002 19:57:55 +
From: "Matthew Hanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] OT: Editing MS-DOS FAT?

Was cleaning out my mailbox/ I don't think I replied to this Christian:

From: Christian Gennerat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I was just realizing this myself...  I think three DOS commands could do 
most everything I'd like 'move', 'md' and 'rd'.  But I'm thinking that 
I really do want a GUI.

do you know NC (Norton Commander)

Ages ago on DOS v.5 I used it as I recall.  Would it allow for sorting of 
files in an order I pre-determine?


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Re: [LIB] OT: Editing MS-DOS FAT?

2002-10-20 Thread Matthew Hanson
Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2002 21:04:04 +
From: "Matthew Hanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] OT: Editing MS-DOS FAT?

From: Christian Gennerat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I don't remember. I have switched to Linux for a long time.
mc (Midnight Commander, the NC clone) can sort
by Name, Extension, Size, Date

Hmmm... but what I need to do it be able to sort them in an order I want 
them to play - which is the order they appear in the FAT  Unfortunately 
hat's outside of the Name, Extension, Size, Date parameters.

There are a few guys at the NEX group who are workingthese things out 



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Re: [LIB] OT: Editing MS-DOS FAT?

2002-10-20 Thread Christian Gennerat
Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2002 20:18:51 +0200
From: Christian Gennerat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] OT: Editing MS-DOS FAT?

Matthew Hanson wrote:

Date: Sat, 19 Oct 2002 19:57:55 +
From: "Matthew Hanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] OT: Editing MS-DOS FAT?

Was cleaning out my mailbox/ I don't think I replied to this Christian:

From: Christian Gennerat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I was just realizing this myself...  I think three DOS commands 
could do most everything I'd like 'move', 'md' and 'rd'.  But 
I'm thinking that I really do want a GUI.

do you know NC (Norton Commander)

Ages ago on DOS v.5 I used it as I recall.  Would it allow for sorting 
of files in an order I pre-determine?

I don't remember. I have switched to Linux for a long time.
mc (Midnight Commander, the NC clone) can sort
by Name, Extension, Size, Date

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Re: [LIB] OT: Editing MS-DOS FAT?

2002-10-21 Thread Matthew Hanson
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2002 07:13:32 +
From: "Matthew Hanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] OT: Editing MS-DOS FAT?

From: Christian Gennerat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hmmm... but what I need to do it be able to sort them in an order I want 
them to play -
which is the order they appear in the FAT

So, the option "no sort" will be good !

Heh... Are you serious?

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Re: [LIB] OT: Editing MS-DOS FAT?

2002-10-21 Thread Christian Gennerat
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2002 08:37:15 +0200
From: Christian Gennerat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] OT: Editing MS-DOS FAT?

Matthew Hanson wrote:

Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2002 21:04:04 +
From: "Matthew Hanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] OT: Editing MS-DOS FAT?

I don't remember. I have switched to Linux for a long time.
mc (Midnight Commander, the NC clone) can sort
by Name, Extension, Size, Date

Hmmm... but what I need to do it be able to sort them in an order I 
want them to play -

which is the order they appear in the FAT 

So, the option "no sort" will be good !

Unfortunately hat's outside of the Name, Extension, Size, Date parameters.

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Re: [LIB] OT: Editing MS-DOS FAT?

2002-10-21 Thread Raymond
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2002 19:37:45 +0800
From: Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] OT: Editing MS-DOS FAT?

At 11:43 PM 20/10/2002 -0700, you wrote:

Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2002 08:37:15 +0200
From: Christian Gennerat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] OT: Editing MS-DOS FAT?

Matthew Hanson wrote:

Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2002 21:04:04 +
From: "Matthew Hanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] OT: Editing MS-DOS FAT?

I don't remember. I have switched to Linux for a long time.
mc (Midnight Commander, the NC clone) can sort
by Name, Extension, Size, Date

Hmmm... but what I need to do it be able to sort them in an order I want 
them to play -

which is the order they appear in the FAT

So, the option "no sort" will be good !

The problem isn't the way it's viewed. The problem is the way it's stored. 
On FAT12/16/32 the file table is simply a flat file so files appear in the 
order in which they were added until you start deleting files in which case 
new file entries appear in the holes that are formed. Note that we're not 
talking about the actual data clusters here, we're talking about the table 
that contains indexes into where the actual data is.

Programs such as DOS's DIR, Windows Explorer, Norton Commander, Midnight 
Commander, ls and the like read this table and, by default, sort the 
entries before presenting them to you which is why 99.9% of the time you 
see a directory entry in some order (be it alphabetic, chronological, by 
size, etc.). The problem is though that very few, if any, of these programs 
are able to re-order that table on the disk (simply because on a normal 
computer, there isn't any point). The problem is Matthew's player plays the 
songs in the order as listed in that table.

I'm not saying you're getting these concepts confused but I can see this 
tread losing a few people ...

- Raymond


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Re: [LIB] OT: Editing MS-DOS FAT?

2002-10-12 Thread Matthew Hanson
Date: Sat, 12 Oct 2002 16:56:07 +
From: "Matthew Hanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] OT: Editing MS-DOS FAT?

From: David Chien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

You'd have to edit the FAT table entries to make sure they're in order.  
The FAT entries control everything.

However, maybe there's another way?  Maybe some disk defragmenter like 
Norton can do it for you w/o having to do all that..  Wasn't there an 
option in there to sort the directory?  That would work, too.  and 

I'll give it a try... I'm sure I must have it in my copy of Norton 
Utilities.  I just grabbed the DiskEdit file off the installation CD and ran 
it in DOS, so the defrag exe must be there too.

But I wonder if it just allows you to sort in pre-specified ways, date, 
name, etc.  I want to sort things manually in my own order.  I'll check it 


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Re: [LIB] OT: Editing MS-DOS FAT?

2002-10-12 Thread Matthew Hanson
Date: Sat, 12 Oct 2002 22:01:00 +
From: "Matthew Hanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] OT: Editing MS-DOS FAT?

From: David Chien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

However, maybe there's another way?  Maybe some disk defragmenter like 
Norton can do it for you w/o having to do all that..  Wasn't there an 
option in there to sort the directory?

Aacckkk  There are a >lot< of .exe files on the NU installation disk 
(see below).  I don't see anything that looks like a DOS defrag .exe.  I 
don't really want to install the whole NU v4.0 package just for this.

Do any of the files below look like a defragmenter to anyone?  I suppose if 
I'm going to switch this HDD to the new 100CT, I may as well install NU.  
And then I should really start with a fresh Windows installation on the new 


ADAPTER  EXE17,531  01-28-99  3:24a ADAPTER.EXE
BACKLOG  EXE29,184  01-28-99  4:00a BACKLOG.EXE
CPUIDEXE11,483  01-28-99  3:24a CPUID.EXE
CS   EXE61,025  01-28-99  3:24a CS.EXE
CSALLOC4 EXE28,152  01-28-99  3:24a CSALLOC4.EXE
CSALLOC5 EXE28,152  01-28-99  3:24a CSALLOC5.EXE
DEMO32   EXE   361,472  01-28-99  3:12a DEMO32.EXE
DISKEDIT EXE   669,680  01-28-99  4:00a DISKEDIT.EXE
DOCTOR   EXE   167,424  01-28-99  3:17a DOCTOR.EXE
DRIVELTR EXE11,778  01-28-99  3:24a DRIVELTR.EXE
IMAGE32  EXE   286,208  01-28-99  4:00a IMAGE32.EXE
IMGICON  EXE28,672  01-28-99  4:00a IMGICON.EXE
LOGGER   EXE36,352  01-28-99  3:19a LOGGER.EXE
LUSETUP  EXE   826,280  01-27-99  6:08p LUSETUP.EXE
NCOMPARE EXE   169,472  01-28-99  4:00a NCOMPARE.EXE
NDD  EXE   649,280  01-28-99  4:27a NDD.EXE
NDD32EXE   435,712  01-28-99  4:00a NDD32.EXE
NDIAGS   EXE   291,652  01-28-99  4:00a NDIAGS.EXE
NORTON   EXE 1,979,904  01-28-99  4:00a NORTON.EXE
NPROTECT EXE   145,408  01-28-99  4:00a NPROTECT.EXE
NREGEDIT EXE   578,048  01-28-99  4:00a NREGEDIT.EXE
NREGXPRT EXE48,128  01-28-99  4:00a NREGXPRT.EXE
NUCD EXE   432,640  01-28-99  4:00a NUCD.EXE
NULIVEUP EXE48,128  01-28-99  4:00a NULIVEUP.EXE
OPTWIZ   EXE   602,624  01-28-99  4:00a OPTWIZ.EXE
REGPATCH EXE   202,368  01-28-99  4:00a REGPATCH.EXE
REGSVR32 EXE37,136  01-28-99  3:19a REGSVR32.EXE
REGTRK   EXE   376,832  01-28-99  4:00a REGTRK.EXE
RESCUE   EXE   153,143  01-28-99  4:00a RESCUE.EXE
RESCUE32 EXE   322,048  01-28-99  4:00a RESCUE32.EXE
RESCUEDV EXE   278,772  01-28-99  4:00a RESCUEDV.EXE
RESCUEN  EXE   276,138  01-28-99  4:00a RESCUEN.EXE
RUNREGED EXE11,667  01-28-99  4:00a RUNREGED.EXE
SAGECMD  EXE 7,680  01-28-99  4:00a SAGECMD.EXE
SCSICFG  EXE36,461  01-28-99  3:24a SCSICFG.EXE
SD32 EXE   546,304  01-28-99  4:00a SD32.EXE
SEVINST  EXE   391,168  12-22-98 12:17a SEVINST.EXE
SI32 EXE 1,265,664  01-28-99  4:00a SI32.EXE
SIREGIST EXE   111,104  01-28-99  4:00a SIREGIST.EXE
SPDSTART EXE47,104  01-28-99  4:00a SPDSTART.EXE
SS365LP  EXE 7,002  01-28-99  3:24a SS365LP.EXE
SS365SL  EXE 6,894  01-28-99  3:24a SS365SL.EXE
SSCIRRUS EXE10,928  01-28-99  3:24a SSCIRRUS.EXE
SSDBOOK  EXE 8,420  01-28-99  3:24a SSDBOOK.EXE
SSO2MEXE 7,285  01-28-99  3:24a SSO2M.EXE
SSTOPIC  EXE 7,187  01-28-99  3:24a SSTOPIC.EXE
SSVADEM  EXE 7,601  01-28-99  3:24a SSVADEM.EXE
SW32 EXE   675,328  01-28-99  4:00a SW32.EXE
SWUNZIP  EXE45,568  01-28-99  4:00a SWUNZIP.EXE
SYMUNDO  EXE21,504  01-28-99  3:19a SYMUNDO.EXE
SYSCHECK EXE   657,408  01-28-99  4:00a SYSCHECK.EXE
SYSDOC32 EXE17,408  01-28-99  4:00a SYSDOC32.EXE
UE32 EXE   497,664  01-28-99  4:00a UE32.EXE
UNERASE  EXE   614,352  01-28-99  4:00a UNERASE.EXE
UNFORMAT EXE   453,824  01-28-99  4:00a UNFORMAT.EXE
WDSCAN   EXE78,336  01-28-99  4:00a WDSCAN.EXE
WINDOC   EXE   668,672  01-28-99  4:00a WINDOC.EXE
WINTDIST EXE   401,760  10-24-96  2:45p WINTDIST.EXE
WIPEINFO EXE   419,328  01-28-99  4:00a WIPEINFO.EXE
ZIPRECVR EXE   672,256  01-28-99  4:00a ZIPRECVR.EXE

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Re: [LIB] OT: Editing MS-DOS FAT?

2002-10-12 Thread Raymond
Date: Sun, 13 Oct 2002 08:27:30 +0800
From: Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] OT: Editing MS-DOS FAT?

At 03:06 PM 12/10/2002 -0700, you wrote:

Date: Sat, 12 Oct 2002 22:01:00 +
From: "Matthew Hanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] OT: Editing MS-DOS FAT?

From: David Chien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

However, maybe there's another way?  Maybe some disk defragmenter like 
Norton can do it for you w/o having to do all that..  Wasn't there an 
option in there to sort the directory?

Aacckkk  There are a >lot< of .exe files on the NU installation disk 
(see below).  I don't see anything that looks like a DOS defrag .exe.  I 
don't really want to install the whole NU v4.0 package just for this.

It's called SpeedDisk. It doesn't let you do arbitrary ordering however.

Remind me, what was your reason for not wanting to just move the files off 
the card then copy them back on in the right order? You mentioned it was 
tiresome before but why do you need to copy them on, then off then back on, 
why not copy them on in the right order in the first place (of course the 
first time you'll need to copy them off because they won't be!).

- Raymond


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RE: [LIB] OT: Editing MS-DOS FAT?

2002-10-12 Thread Mike Ward
Date: Sat, 12 Oct 2002 20:35:46 -0400
From: "Mike Ward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: [LIB] OT: Editing MS-DOS FAT?

Norton's dos-oriented defrag was called SPEEDISK. If you used the short
filenames when installing the dos utilities, it was named SD.EXE. I do not
see it or its equivalent in your listing. SD32.EXE is the closest thing, but
that seems like a Windows program.


-Original Message-
From: Matthew Hanson [mailto:taku_skan_skan@;]
Sent: Saturday, October 12, 2002 6:07 PM
To: Libretto
Subject: Re: [LIB] OT: Editing MS-DOS FAT?

Date: Sat, 12 Oct 2002 22:01:00 +
From: "Matthew Hanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] OT: Editing MS-DOS FAT?

>From: David Chien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>However, maybe there's another way?  Maybe some disk defragmenter like
>Norton can do it for you w/o having to do all that..  Wasn't there an
>option in there to sort the directory?

Aacckkk  There are a >lot< of .exe files on the NU installation disk
(see below).  I don't see anything that looks like a DOS defrag .exe.  I
don't really want to install the whole NU v4.0 package just for this.

Do any of the files below look like a defragmenter to anyone?  I suppose if
I'm going to switch this HDD to the new 100CT, I may as well install NU.
And then I should really start with a fresh Windows installation on the new


ADAPTER  EXE17,531  01-28-99  3:24a ADAPTER.EXE
BACKLOG  EXE29,184  01-28-99  4:00a BACKLOG.EXE
CPUIDEXE11,483  01-28-99  3:24a CPUID.EXE
CS   EXE61,025  01-28-99  3:24a CS.EXE
CSALLOC4 EXE28,152  01-28-99  3:24a CSALLOC4.EXE
CSALLOC5 EXE28,152  01-28-99  3:24a CSALLOC5.EXE
DEMO32   EXE   361,472  01-28-99  3:12a DEMO32.EXE
DISKEDIT EXE   669,680  01-28-99  4:00a DISKEDIT.EXE
DOCTOR   EXE   167,424  01-28-99  3:17a DOCTOR.EXE
DRIVELTR EXE11,778  01-28-99  3:24a DRIVELTR.EXE
IMAGE32  EXE   286,208  01-28-99  4:00a IMAGE32.EXE
IMGICON  EXE28,672  01-28-99  4:00a IMGICON.EXE
LOGGER   EXE36,352  01-28-99  3:19a LOGGER.EXE
LUSETUP  EXE   826,280  01-27-99  6:08p LUSETUP.EXE
NCOMPARE EXE   169,472  01-28-99  4:00a NCOMPARE.EXE
NDD  EXE   649,280  01-28-99  4:27a NDD.EXE
NDD32EXE   435,712  01-28-99  4:00a NDD32.EXE
NDIAGS   EXE   291,652  01-28-99  4:00a NDIAGS.EXE
NORTON   EXE 1,979,904  01-28-99  4:00a NORTON.EXE
NPROTECT EXE   145,408  01-28-99  4:00a NPROTECT.EXE
NREGEDIT EXE   578,048  01-28-99  4:00a NREGEDIT.EXE
NREGXPRT EXE48,128  01-28-99  4:00a NREGXPRT.EXE
NUCD EXE   432,640  01-28-99  4:00a NUCD.EXE
NULIVEUP EXE48,128  01-28-99  4:00a NULIVEUP.EXE
OPTWIZ   EXE   602,624  01-28-99  4:00a OPTWIZ.EXE
REGPATCH EXE   202,368  01-28-99  4:00a REGPATCH.EXE
REGSVR32 EXE37,136  01-28-99  3:19a REGSVR32.EXE
REGTRK   EXE   376,832  01-28-99  4:00a REGTRK.EXE
RESCUE   EXE   153,143  01-28-99  4:00a RESCUE.EXE
RESCUE32 EXE   322,048  01-28-99  4:00a RESCUE32.EXE
RESCUEDV EXE   278,772  01-28-99  4:00a RESCUEDV.EXE
RESCUEN  EXE   276,138  01-28-99  4:00a RESCUEN.EXE
RUNREGED EXE11,667  01-28-99  4:00a RUNREGED.EXE
SAGECMD  EXE 7,680  01-28-99  4:00a SAGECMD.EXE
SCSICFG  EXE36,461  01-28-99  3:24a SCSICFG.EXE
SD32 EXE   546,304  01-28-99  4:00a SD32.EXE
SEVINST  EXE   391,168  12-22-98 12:17a SEVINST.EXE
SI32 EXE 1,265,664  01-28-99  4:00a SI32.EXE
SIREGIST EXE   111,104  01-28-99  4:00a SIREGIST.EXE
SPDSTART EXE47,104  01-28-99  4:00a SPDSTART.EXE
SS365LP  EXE 7,002  01-28-99  3:24a SS365LP.EXE
SS365SL  EXE 6,894  01-28-99  3:24a SS365SL.EXE
SSCIRRUS EXE10,928  01-28-99  3:24a SSCIRRUS.EXE
SSDBOOK  EXE 8,420  01-28-99  3:24a SSDBOOK.EXE
SSO2MEXE 7,285  01-28-99  3:24a SSO2M.EXE
SSTOPIC  EXE 7,187  01-28-99  3:24a SSTOPIC.EXE
SSVADEM  EXE 7,601  01-28-99  3:24a SSVADEM.EXE
SW32 EXE   675,328  01-28-99  4:00a SW32.EXE
SWUNZIP  EXE45,568  01-28-99  4:00a SWUNZIP.EXE
SYMUNDO  EXE21,504  01-28-99  3:19a SYMUNDO.EXE
SYSCHECK EXE   657,408  01-28-99  4:00a SYSCHECK.EXE
SYSDOC32 EXE17,408  01-28-99  4:00a SYSDOC32.EXE
UE32 EXE   497,664  01-28-99  4:00a UE32.EXE
UNERASE  EXE   614,352  01-28-99  4:00a UNERASE.EXE
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Re: [LIB] OT: Editing MS-DOS FAT?

2002-10-13 Thread Matthew Hanson
Date: Sun, 13 Oct 2002 07:54:08 +
From: "Matthew Hanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] OT: Editing MS-DOS FAT?

From: Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Remind me, what was your reason for not wanting to just move the files off 
the card then copy them back on in the right order? You mentioned it was 
tiresome before but why do you need to copy them on, then off then back on, 
why not copy them on in the right order in the first place (of course the 
first time you'll need to copy them off because they won't be!).

I always end up wanting to rearrange titles so they flow from one to the 
next, and preserve the mood and meaning of the titles.  I can fit about 6 
CDs worth of MP3s on my MP3 player's microdrive, and as I listen to them I 
always end up wanting to hear a certain loaded title played after one I may 
be listening to, and another following that.

To accomplish this, I used to move them off the drive, and then back in the 
order I want.  Now I realize that I can just move them from one folder on 
the drive to another, and accomplish the same thing faster.  But I'd like to 
be able to write some code, or get help writing code in another forum, that 
would catalog all the files on any drive, say the microdrive, and display 
them like MusicMatch does from M3U tags.  Then be able to add titles one by 
one to a window where they could be re-arranged, and then moved from one 
place to another on the microdrive quickly.

For now, the process I discoved to merely more them around from folder to 
folder in Windows Explorer is a reasonable process for the time being.


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Re: [LIB] OT: Editing MS-DOS FAT?

2002-10-13 Thread Raymond
Date: Sun, 13 Oct 2002 16:48:00 +0800
From: Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] OT: Editing MS-DOS FAT?

At 01:00 AM 13/10/2002 -0700, you wrote:

Date: Sun, 13 Oct 2002 07:54:08 +
From: "Matthew Hanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] OT: Editing MS-DOS FAT?

From: Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Remind me, what was your reason for not wanting to just move the files 
off the card then copy them back on in the right order? You mentioned it 
was tiresome before but why do you need to copy them on, then off then 
back on, why not copy them on in the right order in the first place (of 
course the first time you'll need to copy them off because they won't be!).

I always end up wanting to rearrange titles so they flow from one to the 
next, and preserve the mood and meaning of the titles.  I can fit about 6 
CDs worth of MP3s on my MP3 player's microdrive, and as I listen to them I 
always end up wanting to hear a certain loaded title played after one I 
may be listening to, and another following that.

Hey you could probably get a perl script (or a DOS batch file with some 
extra stuff) to create a DOS batch file that will look at the files on the 
microdrive/memory card, compare it with the current playlist on the host 
PC, remove the files that aren't on the playlist and add the ones that 
aren't on the card, then move the lot onto another directory on the 
microdrive/card (which involves rewriting the FAT and not the actual files 
and hence should be done pretty much instantly), then moves them back in 
the right order, all in one operation!

Would seem to be a lot easier than hacking the FAT ...

- Raymond


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