Re: Invalid overrides in ly/

2009-01-31 Thread Juergen Reuter

Hi, all!

The horizontal placing of breathing signs in Gregorian Chant is anyway 
somewhat broken.  Looking e.g. at the Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus 
example in 2.8.4 Typesetting Gregorian chant, the distance for the 
second divisio minima (after the second Sanctus) is fine, while the 
distance for the other two divisiones minimae is too wide.

I suggest the following: If removing the extra-X-extent from does not increase the distance between the breathing 
sign and the preceding note (particularly the distance after the second 
Sanctus), then please remove it without replacement, since the minimum 
distance looks ok and the other bad distances can not be fixed by a 
constant extra extent anyway.  For double-checking, you should also ensure 
that removing the extra X extent has no visible impact on the Salve, 
Regina example at the beginning of chapter 2.8.

Many thanks  greetings,

On Sat, 31 Jan 2009, Patrick McCarty wrote:


After looking through source, I can't find a spot where
'extra-X-extent and 'extra-Y-extent are recognized, yet they are
documented in the grob interface and an 'extra-X-extent override is
used six times in ly/

If they are no longer functional, should a convert-ly rule be added for them?

Do 'minimum-X-extent and 'minimum-Y-extent replace these old
properties?  If not, which overrides should be used instead for
\virgula, \caesura, etc. in ly/


lilypond-devel mailing list

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Re: Mensural style

2009-01-04 Thread Juergen Reuter

On Sun, 4 Jan 2009, Trevor Daniels wrote:

BTW, the term accidental style appears twice in the documentation with a
completely different meaning:
- in 1.1.3, meaning the way how to display and reset accidentals

In the detailed explanation they are named rules so I propose to
always call them accidental rules and remove the word styles from
the whole section.

Hmm.  Unfortunately the function is called set-accidental-style,
so calling them rules might be just as confusing.

- in 2.8.3, meaning the graphical appearance of accidentals

If we do the latter, this can be kept as accidental styles or be
augmented with graphic accidental styles.

I think changing the description here to glyph might be
better, since the override here already uses glyph-name

So The style for accidentals and key signatures is ... would become
The glyphs used for accidentals and key signatures are ...

The Accidental property style has only recently been replaced by a new 
property glyph-name-alist.  Apart from that, Lily almost consistently 
uses the term style for choosing between different sets of related 

- a style property is available and documented at least for each of the 
grobs Notehead, Rest and TimeSignature;

- a property flag-style is available and documented for Stem grobs;

- clef styles for the \clef command are documented in Sect. 2.8.3 and 

I heavily vote for sticking to this naming convention as consistently as 

Best wishes,

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: NR 2.8 Ancient music ready for review

2008-10-01 Thread Juergen Reuter

Very nice, I like the structure and your explanatory add-ons!  Just a 
few nitpicking comments:

* 2.8.3 (Typesetting mensural music): There are no rests in Gregorian 
chant notation; instead, it uses Divisiones.  I would have expected this 
statement to appear somewhere in 2.8.4 (Typesetting Gregorian chant) 

* 2.8.4 (Typesetting Gregorian chant):

  * ... by placing one of the joining commands pes or flexa ... = ...
by placing one of the joining commands \pes or \flexa ...

  * ... by modifying the shape of a single-note neume with \auctus and
one of the direction markers \descendens or \ascendens, e.g.  \[
\auctus \descendens a \] ...: Replace \auctus = \auctum.  N.B.:
From an implementation point of view, I felt the need to minimize
redundancy in the input language and therefore only defined the
neutrum form auctum.  Maybe users prefer using the correctly
declined forms?

  * FYI: defines also the commands \versus, \responsum,
\ij, \iij, \IJ, and \IIJ that will produce the corresponding
characters (e.g. for use in lyrics).  However, since these commands
uses quite special unicode characters, they will only work with
properly installed unicode fonts that support these characters.
Unfortunately, to my knowledge there is no slashed A character
available in unicode.  (As far as I know, all of these commands
have not at all been documented so far.)

* 2.8.5 (Working with ancient music): When talking about incipits and 
Mensurstriche layout, maybe one could refer to Learning Manual A.5.1 
(Transcription of mensural music) for a more comprehensive example.


On Wed, 1 Oct 2008, =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Eyolf_=D8strem_ wrote:

The section on Ancient music is now ready for comments. It has been
completely rewritten and reorganized, so please have a look at it and
comment, correct, or criticize.

Here's a changelog:

- The main change is that the general organization has been revised into
 two main sections: Gregorian chant notation and Mensural music. There was
 fairly little overlap between the alternative signs, which were mostly
 ancient, and the additional, which mostly belonged to the Gregorian
- The two ligature tables in the Gregorian section have been merged into
- There are still a few TODOs left, as well as missing cross references
 here and there, the odd example of bad formatting, etc. This is
 particularly true about the last section, which has not yet been written.
 I focused on the main text for this first round; there will be another
 round for this kind of formalities later on.


lilypond-devel mailing list

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Three questions for ancient.itely

2008-09-26 Thread Juergen Reuter

On Wed, 24 Sep 2008, =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Eyolf_=D8strem_ wrote:

I'm working on the docs for ancient music,

Nice to hear!

3. The form Episem is used, both as a lilypond command and in the
documentation text. Since it's not really a medieval concept at all, but a
term invented by the Solesmes monks when plainchant was revised/-vived in
the late nineteenth century, it is not an established term in any language
other than french, where it is episeme (and it doesn't appear neither in
Merriam-Webster nor in the full OED). If anything, Episem is the german
form.  I would strongly recommend going with the latinized greek episema,
which is what the Vatican editions have.

Originally, I borrowed the term Episem from the OpusTeX implementation 
of Gregorian Chant.  Just a couple of minutes ago, I did a small search on 
Google and have to agree that the form Episema is obviously much more 
used than Episem, especially in non-German languages.

As you are working on the docs, there is another thing that comes into my 
mind:  Currently, \augmentum is introduced in Sect. (Gregorian 
square neumes ligatures).  This was motivated from an implementation 
point of view, which is special for \augmentum within ligatures. 
However, from a user's perspective, I think \augmentum should be 
introduced in Sect. (Ancient articulations), showing simply an 
augmented punctum note.  Then, in Sect., it should be stated that 
\augmentum is treated specially within ligatures (i.e. all dots 
vertically aligned after the ligature), showing \[ \augmentum a 
\flexa \augmentum g \] as an example.

And yet another thing: The Hufnagel style of Gregorian Chant is in 
English language obviously better known as Gothic style.  However, 
now that lily 2.12 is already in beta release stage, I would not recommend 
performing such a big rename at present.

Thanks  greetings,

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Episema not showing

2008-09-26 Thread Juergen Reuter

On Thu, 25 Sep 2008, =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Eyolf_=D8strem_ wrote:

It is mentioned as one of the known issues in the ancient section of the
documentation that The episema line is not displayed in many cases. That
in itself does not make it very useful, but it's doubly bad when it doesn't
even show up in the example that illustrates it.

Yes.  Over the last few years, the episema first worked, then broke, then 
worked again, then broke again, and so forth, probably because people were 
working on the text spanner implementation.  I still have the vision that 
with the next revision of the text spanner code, the episem will be 
(re-)fixed as if by a ghost's hand.  Hence, the documentation sounds 
currently odd, but I hope it can be left as is in prospect of future lily 
releases... ;-)


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Sad news

2008-08-26 Thread Juergen Reuter

To all,

also my condolences to all of Rune's family and friends.
I fully agree with at least dedicating a lily version to him!

Sad greetings,

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Incipits

2008-02-11 Thread Juergen Reuter

On Mon, 11 Feb 2008, Robert Memering wrote:

Am Montag, 11. Februar 2008 16:36 schrieb Juergen Reuter:

IIRC, the spacing engine maintains a variable that keeps track of shortest
available duration in a peace in computes the ideal distance of larger
note values in a logarithmic scale based on the shortest duration.  Maybe
this computation needs to be changed for the incipit (and only there!) to
get tighter spacing in the incipit.

IMO, horizontal spacing in incipits should be completely
turned off, i.e. uniform (and rather tight) spacing
regardless of note values, as seen in the renaissance


Yes, IIRC we once used to have a global boolean variable compact for 
exactly this purpose, but I think it never worked as expected due to the 
complex resolving of competetive spacing constraints.  Remember that you 
almost always need to stretch something somewhere to get your line of 
score filled; so you can not achieve solely uniform spacing unless in 
combination with ragged printing of systems.  I guess switching from 
uniform ragged spacing in the incipit to non-uniform spacing in the 
remaining score would require a major rewrite of the whole horizontal 
spacing engine.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Incipits

2008-02-11 Thread Juergen Reuter

Hi all,

as far as I understand, all problems with incipits boil down to the 
following two major issues:

  (1) horizontal spacing, and

  (2) the system start delimiter.

Karl's solution unfortunately leaves horizontal space between the incipit 
and the actual score; hence it does *not* solve issue (2).  Rather, the 
score lines should not stop inbetween.

IMHO, all other features have been quite well demonstrated in template 
A.5.1 for a while now.  Hence, you probably should concentrate on solving 
these two remaining issues.

Regarding issue (2), maybe the right solution is to extend the system 
start delimiter implementation in such a way, that

  (a) automatic printing at the system start may be suppressed for a
  specific range of the score with kind of
  \turnSystemStartDelimiterOff and \turnSystemStartDelimiterOn
  commands, and

  (b) a kind of \bar #'system-start-delimiter command prints an
  additional system start delimiter whereever you want.  (But if this
  bar should happen to appear at the system start, the delimiter
  should not be printed twice.)

Regarding issue (1), I am not sure what the right solution is.  Please 
note that the note durations in the incipit are typically much larger than 
in the actually score.  Karl and Nicolas, did you check what happens with 
the horizontal spacing in your incipit solutions, if you double or 
quadruple the note durations in the incipit (and only there)?  In your 
examples, in the incipts you are unfortunately using the same durations as 
in the actual score.  I may be wrong, but I suspect that your solutions do 
*not* solve issue (1).

IIRC, the spacing engine maintains a variable that keeps track of shortest 
available duration in a peace in computes the ideal distance of larger 
note values in a logarithmic scale based on the shortest duration.  Maybe 
this computation needs to be changed for the incipit (and only there!) to 
get tighter spacing in the incipit.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: [patch] first-clef property

2008-02-02 Thread Juergen Reuter

On Sat, 2 Feb 2008, Nicolas Sceaux wrote:

Anyway, wouldn't it be nicer to have some kind of scheme macro that expands 
to code that prints an incipit?  Your first clef could then be just part 
of the incipit that the macro creates.  And maybe the clef's name either 
could passed as argument to the scheme macro.  Or, alternatively, you set 
an, say, original-clef property that the macro recognizes and accordingly 
acts upon.

As I understand it, incipits are hackingly achieved using the
instrument name.

This is just one possible approach.  Template A.5.1 demonstrates a 
different approach.  Apparently, both approaches have limitations/flaws.

I want instrument names to be defined separately
from incipit (they are not the same thing, there is no serious
reason to bind them, beside purely technical ones):

\new Staff 
\set Staff . instrumentName = \markup { The instrument name }
\clef xyz %% automagically set the incipit clef
{ ... the notes ... }

How could you make the mix of the two?

Ok, I think I understand the problem.

Now, seeing the incipt examples, I realize that my patch is a hack
too, for it would be nice to have also the time and key signatures,
not only the ancient clef.

Maybe creating an incipit engraver, reading new context properties,
like incipitKeySignature, incipitTimeSignature, etc, and creating a
grob of the same nature as the instrument name.

Yes, this idea definitely sounds very reasonable!  Still, implementing 
such an engraver may turn out challenging...



lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Postponed Bugs #83 and #297: a Someone Else Problem

2008-01-27 Thread Juergen Reuter

On Sun, 27 Jan 2008, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:

Juergen (CC-d) is the person who wrote the ligature code, including
the one for the brackets.

Yepp, ages ago (around early 2002)...

I'm looking at the issues now, but there is something I don't 

The ligature events are implemented as 'command-event', like \bar and
\time, which fall in between the notes.This is inconsistent with
start/stop commands like [ ] , but I can't really judge if that is the
best way to do it.

Hmmh, I don't understand.  In Lily 2.7.x, in define-music-types.scm, 
LigatureEvent has (types . (general-music span-event ligature-event 
event)), i.e. it is a SpanEvent, or am I missing something?  In Lily 
2.11.x, it is implemented as StreamEvent, due to Erik's changes.  How is 
this related to command-event (which, btw, I could not find in the 

For issue 297, I can change the formatting to end exactly on the last
note; would that solve the problem?  Juergen?

Probably yes, at least in many cases, as far as I understand.

2008/1/27, Robert Memering wrote

If this is the case, is there any chance I might
sponsor fixing this bug?

Speaking for me personally, it's more a problem of time lacking rather 
than of sponsoring (I even did not yet get acquainted with the git 
versioning system)...  But there may be other people interested.

And, by the way, as I haven't been involved in
Lilypond development: Who is Juergen?

Me! :-)

(Oh, you are right, it's difficult to find me on the web, since my old 
home page unfortunately died a while ago; there is now a new one at


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: MIDI staffs or voices?

2007-10-28 Thread Juergen Reuter

On Sun, 28 Oct 2007, Paco Vila wrote:

El Sat, 20 de Oct de 2007, a las 11:45:28AM -0200, Han-Wen Nienhuys dijo:

IIRC the real problem is the limits that MIDI imposes (IIRC: you can
have only 15 channels/track);

They are 16, numbered from 1 to 16 (conventionally) but coded 0 to 15 in binary.

Yes, but according to the GM standard channel #10 is reserved for drums; 
hence only 15 are left.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Update to mf/README

2007-10-02 Thread Juergen Reuter


by the way, when creating the ancient font many years ago, I added 
documentation in a similar vein which is now at the top of the files and, but is also valid for the feta 
font.  I guess this docu could also be moved to the README file.  However, 
the docu is very old and possibly partially outdated; so it may have to be 
proof-read by someone more qualified/up-to-date than me.


On Tue, 2 Oct 2007, Maximilian Albert wrote:


long ago I promised to add some info to mf/README about how stem attachments 
work for lilypond glyphs. Here finally is a patch. Since the conclusions I 
drew were derived by trial and error, I may have misinterpreted or overlooked 
something. Thus I'd be grateful if one of the metafont experts could give it 
a quick review. Also, please feel free to modify the wording as you like - I 
keep realizing that in English I find it difficult to write clearly and 
concisely at the same.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: accidental changes: review

2007-09-26 Thread Juergen Reuter

On Tue, 25 Sep 2007, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:

2007/9/25, Rune Zedeler [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

+  int octave_;
+  int notename_;
+  Rational alteration_;

Why don't you use a Pitch object for this combination? You would get
Scale* for free.

Primarily because the two values octave_ and has_octave_ are very
closely related.
They really /should/ be joined to an int option - if such a thing did
exist in c++.

you might want to look into making octave optional for pitch; I'm not
sure if it is worth the trouble, but it would make key signatures more
logical to specify.

Otherwise, you could use an int*

I am just curious: Why not introducing a new class Octaveless_pitch 
or Octave_Pitch (i.e. pitch within an octave) that contains all of 
Pitch except for the octaves, and then making Pitch a subclass of 
Octaveless_pitch that just adds the octaves to its superclass?


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: GDP: documentation guidelines

2007-09-23 Thread Juergen Reuter

On Fri, 21 Sep 2007, Graham Percival wrote:

I've updated the README.txt with more guidelines about writing/maintaining 
documentation.  I'll be asking the GDP Helpers to fix any Section organiztion 
and Formatting issues, as well as any Readability or Technical writing issues 
they feel comfortable updating.

If I've forgotten anything from this list, please speak up so we can add them 

I would expect the contents of README.txt to be part of the online 
documentation and therefore available at:
However, obviously this file is not generated from README.txt or at least 
not put into the documentation out directory.  Or is it available under 
some different URL?

I also strongly suggest to put a link to this resource on some prominent 
page, maybe on:
Otherwise, I think this file is too well hidden to be found by occasional 
documentation writers.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Lilypond crash in 2.11.32

2007-09-20 Thread Juergen Reuter

On Wed, 19 Sep 2007, Till Rettig wrote:

Sounds great! I am really unhappy with the German translation for the binary 
(e.g. ligature is translated as Bindung (sic!)).


Ouch, I did not recognize that one yet!  (Maybe that's why/because the 
default language on my machine is set to English...) Yes, of course you 
are right, this should be Ligatur.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Lilypond crash in 2.11.32

2007-09-18 Thread Juergen Reuter

On Tue, 18 Sep 2007, Reinhold Kainhofer wrote:

Fortsetzung, die Finger kreuzen
Segmentation fault

By the way, I guess a proper translation of crossing fingers into 
German would be something like Daumen druecken...  Till, what do 
you think?


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: GDP: six

2007-09-14 Thread Juergen Reuter

Just for the record:

Ancient notation _could_ be split genre-wise into two separate chunks 
Gregorian Chant and Mensural Notation.  However, for a _reference_ 
manual, I think it is ok as it currently is (e.g. having a single section 
on ligatures rather than separate ones per genre).  For a _tutorial_, 
however, IMO you definitely would like to split it genre-wise.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Logo for Lilypond

2007-09-14 Thread Juergen Reuter

On Fri, 14 Sep 2007, Jonas Nystr�m wrote:

As I reviewed the website, I thought that perhaps something as simple as
replacing the photograph of the pond with a beautifully-engraved piece of
complex music might improve the first impression.

Carl Sorensen

Exactly! The site should communicate the unique qualities and possibilites
of the program.
Why not doing that the first seconds a new visitor reaches the site, using
nice and clarifying graphics?
Right now, you have to search to find examples that make that clear.

Well, I guess that I should stop talking and try to create something
Take a look at the attached pictur.

Regards / Jonas

Also very nice, but I suggest _not_ to chose the Jubilate snippet as 
traditional notation, since it may actually scare new users (e.g. 
observe that the Ju in the alto voice is vertically aligned with the 
soprano bi, although the Ju occurs one quarter note earlier than the 
bi, which may be considered even as a bug, just like the bar lines 
that are missing from this snippet...).

The Screech and boink snippet (see Sect. 1.5 in the manual) may be 
another interesting snippet.

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Logo for Lilypond

2007-09-13 Thread Juergen Reuter

OK. This is a first draft. (but we can just use the character, as Rune

Very nice!  It's IMO the best choice for a lily logo that I have seen so 


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: GDP: rearrangement

2007-09-11 Thread Juergen Reuter

2007/9/11, Till Rettig [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


For instance I could imagine
a chapter Ancient music, and one on educational subjects. At least I
don't see why Ancient is instrument specific, so why not put it in 7
from the current suggestion, right after educational and special noteheads.

Maybe genre specific instead of instrument specific is the correct 
term here.  Then, the vocal music can also stay in the chapter without 
singers complaining that the the human voice is not an instrument (btw. 
IMO the human voice _is_ an instrument, though a very special one).  But, 
of course, I am also happy if you think that ancient music deserves a 
chapter of its own. ;-)


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: GDP: length/page-splitting of subsections

2007-09-10 Thread Juergen Reuter

On Mon, 10 Sep 2007, Graham Percival wrote:

To summarize some discussions:

- Does anybody _like_ the current layout?  If so, speak up now or forever 
hold your peace.  :)

I am _fine_ with the current layout.  However, I agree that for 
global searching in the web browser, you need a big html page, as has 
already pointed out by various other people.  However, if you really _cry_ 
for global searching, this fact may indicate that the current index is 
(for whatever reason) unsufficient.

Regarding the current index, I wonder why the items of the command index 
also appear in the large index, thus making it unnecessarily long.  Lack 
of consistency is IMHO another major problem (btw. there is a typo in the 
index as of .32: \displayLilyMusc iso. \displayLilyMusic).  Another 
problem is that documentation writers often do not consider under which 
terms a reader of the manual may try to look up a feature; often only the 
most specific term is used; synonyms or categorizing terms are missing. 
One example (which is most likely my own fault ;-)) is ancient notation: 
if you are looking for ancient in alphabetical order, you will not find 
anything in the index.  Ancient only occurs in composed terms such as 
rests, ancient or as part of the associated section name.  At least in 
the printed version (i.e. without CTRL-F search available) you are lost. 
Similarly, you will find killCues only under k but not under cues 
(i.e. if you do not know the exact name, it will be hard for you to find 
it in the manual).

Furthermore, I would like to see entries like

  \displayLilyMusic: Displaying LilyPond notation
  \displayLilyMusic: Displaying music expressions

rather being structured as follows:

  Displaying LilyPond notation
  Displaying music expressions

Given the large size of the documentation, a single person probably can 
not care for documentation-wide consistency of these (important!) 
nitpicks.  Maybe a general good idea is to collect a couple of do and 
don't examples as guideline for documentation writers?


lilypond-devel mailing list

\markup placement (Was: Re: collision barline with accidental)

2007-08-21 Thread Juergen Reuter

Hi all,

while you are at it (I mean, the placement/spacing code, though I am not 
sure if this is anyhow related)...

I noticed that in Manual Sect. (Gregorian square neumes 
ligatures) the placement of the letters in the neumes table changes from 
almost each version of the lily 2.11.x series to the next release: 
sometimes, the letters appear above the glyph, sometimes below, sometimes 
they are stacked upon each other, sometimes they appear in a horizontal 
row, with these flavors mixing even within the same version of lily...  Is 
this intended behavior?  (N.B.: In lily 2.10.29, the letters are placed 
consistently above the glyphs and in horizontal rows.)

Btw., I do not mind where the letters actually appear, as long as the 
placement is somewhat consistent and it gets clear that each letter is 
associated with a glyph.  Maybe the letters should not be typeset with the 
\markup command, as it is currently done?


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: license of Lilypond

2007-08-17 Thread Juergen Reuter

On Fri, 17 Aug 2007, Elie Roux wrote:


I'm the developper of gregorio (, a software under
GPLv3. I would like to integrate the font parmesan in it, and redistribute the
font under GPLv3. But I can't find in the site or in the source if the files are
GPLv2 or GPLv2 or later. In debian they say in the copyright file GPLv2 or
later, but I'd like to know if it is official.

I guess somewhere it says GPLv2 or later, but I am not 100% sure. 
Anyway, regarding the parmesan font, if it says GPLv2 only, personally I 
am also fine with GPLv3.


Thank you in advance,

lilypond-devel mailing list

lilypond-devel mailing list

[PATCH] Bugfix: ancient accidentals mapping

2007-08-03 Thread Juergen Reuter
The attached patch (untested since I currently have no running copy of 
lily, but it's a trivial patch) should fix the wrong mapping of ancient 
accidentals to glyph names, that has recently be introduced.

JuergenFrom de6c6eab76592102d70b9406937b108e75b8bcf8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Juergen Reuter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, 2 Aug 2007 17:46:54 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] * Bugfix: correct order in accidentals glyph-name-alist

 scm/output-lib.scm |   16 
 1 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/scm/output-lib.scm b/scm/output-lib.scm
index bd3aa52..af454f2 100644
--- a/scm/output-lib.scm
+++ b/scm/output-lib.scm
@@ -398,24 +398,24 @@ centered, X==1 is at the right, X == -1 is at the left.
 (define-public alteration-hufnagel-glyph-name-alist
-   '((1/2 . accidentals.hufnagel-1)
+   '((-1/2 . accidentals.hufnagel-1)
  (0 . accidentals.vaticana0)
- (-1/2 . accidentals.mensural1)))
+ (1/2 . accidentals.mensural1)))
 (define-public alteration-medicaea-glyph-name-alist
-   '((1/2 . accidentals.medicaea-1)
+   '((-1/2 . accidentals.medicaea-1)
  (0 . accidentals.vaticana0)
- (-1/2 . accidentals.mensural1)))
+ (1/2 . accidentals.mensural1)))
 (define-public alteration-vaticana-glyph-name-alist
-   '((1/2 . accidentals.vaticana-1)
+   '((-1/2 . accidentals.vaticana-1)
  (0 . accidentals.vaticana0)
- (-1/2 . accidentals.mensural1)))
+ (1/2 . accidentals.mensural1)))
 (define-public alteration-mensural-glyph-name-alist
-   '((1/2 . accidentals.mensural-1)
+   '((-1/2 . accidentals.mensural-1)
  (0 . accidentals.vaticana0)
- (-1/2 . accidentals.mensural1)))
+ (1/2 . accidentals.mensural1)))

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: dot changes break Gregorian notation

2007-08-02 Thread Juergen Reuter

Sorry for this late answer, but I am still overloaded with work... :-(

On Wed, 11 Jul 2007, Joe Neeman wrote:

On Wednesday 11 July 2007 17:18, Werner LEMBERG wrote:


your latest changes break the \augmentum stuff in Gregorian notation.
(Do a search for `augmentum' and compare the example on the web page
created from the current git with the one in

Thanks for the heads-up; I'll have a look soon.

Thanks Werner for pointing that out and thanks Joe for looking into it!

I am also noticing that in the first table in manual Section 
(Gregorian square neumes ligatures) the alignment of both the neumes and 
the text is (again/still?) broken: the letters appear sometimes over the 
neumes (e.g. in the line 3. Apostropha vel Stropha), sometimes below the 
neumes (e.g. in the line 7. Pes Quassus).  Furthermore, few separate 
neumes collide (e.g. in the line 5. Clivis vel Flexa the neumes that 
are marked with letters l and m).  I do not know if these problems are 
related with your (otherwise excellent!) work; I just want to point out 
that these things broke lately, compared to e.g. lily v2.10.  (N.B.: These 
comments refer to the lily web site as of today, namely

There are some other spacing problems with the Gregorian stuff -- are
you in the mood to handle this too?

Always happy to fix bugs, particularly if I'm already working on that code.
But I'm not really familiar with pre-Baroque notation so I would need to be
told exactly what needs fixing. It would be good if I had a decent pile of
examples, too, because I'm unlikely to come up with useful ones myself.

Most often, there is too much space after ligatures.  A good example is 
the 2nd line of score in 7.7.12 Mensural contexts in the 2.11.27 manual 
(the San - - - - ctus).  The problem is that a ligature consists of 
multiple note heads that are collapsed into a single coherent set of 
glyphs, while lily still tries to distribute remaining space *between* 
these note heads, according to the rythmic duration of each note head.  As 
a result, behind each ligature, the spaces for multiple note heads are 

In fact, for computing the space between musical columns (and only for 
computing the space), all note heads of a ligature should be considered 
like a single note head with an unspecified duration (i.e. assume a 
duration of 0).  On the other hand, for assigning ligature glyphs to 
musical columns, durations do have to be considered, such that e.g. 
ligatures in different lines of the score that start at the same time are 
vertically aligned (this assignment to musical columns is already done by 
the ligature implementation with the help of the 
Coherent_ligature_engraver::move_related_items_to_column function).

There are surely more subtle spacing problems, but I think the above is 
the most outstanding and pressing one.  If that one could be solved, 
ancient music should hopefully look much better overall.

Hope that helps!

Greetings  thanks,


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Re: New bug priority: postponed

2007-03-29 Thread Juergen Reuter

FYI: There are vague chances, that in 2008 I will be able to schedule a 
little bit more of my time for lilypond again. ;-)


On Wed, 28 Mar 2007, Graham Percival wrote:

About six months ago, there was discussion about a priority level below 
low; at the time I argued against it.  I've now changed my mind and added a 
Priority-Postponed tag.

Here's my interpretation of the bug priorities:

High, Regression: fix within one or two releases
Medium: fix before next big
Low: might be fixed in one or two stable releases
Postponed: fix would be difficult without major restructuring of the lilypond 
internals, and/or there is no developer actively working in this area.  IMO, 
all ancient notation bugs qualify for this, as do esoteric collision bugs.

- Graham

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Re: Does the center of the staff need to be zero?

2007-03-19 Thread Juergen Reuter

On Mon, 19 Mar 2007, Kevin Dalley wrote:

The G clef is correct, if you change your interpretation a bit.  It
confused me for quite a while also.  The documentation needs to be
improved, but I haven't figured out exactly how.

The G-clef is centered around the G note.  The center of the staff at
B above middle C, however many lines there are.

So a 4-line G-clef leaves the G-clef centered around a space,
rather than around a bar.

If you typeset a G note, it will be in the same position on the G

You are right, but this is not the issue I was trying to point out.  The 
problem is neither of musical nor notational kind, but of typographical 
kind.  Maybe I should have chosen the bass clef as a more evident example:

If you reduce the number of stafflines to 4, the bass clef will always be 
set in such a way, that the two dots of the bass clef glyph collide with 
the stafflines.  The problem is, that the typograhical design of the bass 
clef assumes that the f pitch (the f which the bass clef references) is 
always typeset on a staffline, but not in the space between two 
stafflines, such that the bass clef's two dots are always printed between 
stafflines.  Similar typographical aspects hold for other clefs.

If the y origin of a staff would always be on, say, the lowest staffline 
rather than on the center of the staff, then the bass clef would be 
aligned correctly even on a staff with 4 stafflines.

\new Staff \with {
 middleCPosition = #-2
 clefGlyph = #clefs.G
 clefPosition = #2

No, unfortunately, the clefPosition property does not help here at all, 
since it shifts the clef by an integer multiple of staffline space, while, 
in the case of an even number of stafflines, it would need to be shifted 
by an odd integer multiple of half a staffline space.

In other words, a clef is typographical designed to be always aligned with 
a staffline, but not to be aligned with the space between two stafflines. 
The only exception that I know of is the drum clef, which is typically 
always centered, regardless of the number of stafflines.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Does the center of the staff need to be zero?

2007-03-17 Thread Juergen Reuter

Hi, all!

Just a few comments:

Actually, binding the origin to a staff line (e.g. the most lower staff 
line) rather than to the center of the origin (as we currently do) would 
solve the current problem that you have to design clefs explicitly either 
for staves with an even number of staff lines or for staves with an odd 
number of staff lines.  In this sense, I would really welcome such a 
change (even though some of the ancient clefs would then have to be 
shifted by 1/2 staff line in the metafont code)!

If you do not understand what I mean, then just try to apply the ordinary 
G clef to a score with 4 staff lines or 6 staff lines instead of the 
ordinary 5 staff lines.  You will see that the clef will always be off 1/2 
staff line (unless you do some y-offset trickery with backend properties).

However, the drum clef will suffer from such a change, since the drum clef 
is usually always centered on the staff, regardles of the number of staff 
lines.  I think, the drum clef is the only clef for which this problem 
will arise.  Also, I am not sure if there are some serious implications 
of such a change for the pitch squash engraver.


On Sat, 17 Mar 2007, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:

As far as I can see there is no strict need, fot it to be zero, so if
you have a sensible patch to change it, go ahead and post it.

BTW I know that you have an interesting patch for Lily to make line
configurations more flexible. I'll try to review it this week.



2007/3/15, Kevin Dalley [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

In LilyPond, using line-positions, the center is required to be at 0,
otherwise there are problems with the created score.  There are a
couple of possibilities.

One is to make the documentations more clear that staffs must be
centered at 0.

The other possibility is to modify LilyPond to take staffs which are
not centered at 0.

I notice 2 areas which need to be modified.  I have a small patch for, which otherwise draws the bar line of the correct size,
but centered around 0 rather than centered around the real center.

Ledger lines need some work as well, though there are problems even if
the staff is centered, particularly if the top and bottom lines are on
even positions.

Should I post my patch for bar lines for staffs which are not centered
at 0?

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Reorganizing the contents of the \paper block

2007-02-07 Thread Juergen Reuter

Hi, all!

What about unifying \paper and \layout into a single \layout 
directive, such that in the input language there is no syntactical 
difference any more between \paper and \layout block?  (Of course, in the 
implementation, the different scopes still could be kept.)  Then the place 
where the \layout occurs in the .ly file determines which properties can 
be changed (that is exactly what scopes are about).

Obviously, if someone operates in the wrong scope, i.e. if someone tries 
to change things on score level \layout block which only should be changed 
globally (such as paper margin), lily should emit a warning.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: valid html?

2007-02-01 Thread Juergen Reuter

Nope, not a bug.  The problem is that  characters in http references 
must be escaped (I think by amp;).


On Thu, 1 Feb 2007, Bertalan Fodor wrote:

I think that's a bug in the validator :-)


Korneel írta:

This little note, only to say that your current homepage does NOT validate
through this URL:

Best wishes and please continue developping this wonderful software!

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Re: medieval font design

2007-02-01 Thread Juergen Reuter

On Thu, 1 Feb 2007, Till Rettig wrote:


I am slowly evolving in my ideas and trials on the ancient fonts for 
lilypond. So far I have a couple of good scans from which I would like to 
take the shapes. But how is the best to get them into metafont? I found 
something about mfpic (probably not good in this case), fig2mf (sounds 
already better) and ps2mf (this might be the best?). But are they good, can 
they do the job? I am so far imaginating that I would take the scans as a 
picture and then kind of draw around them inside of a vector programm. This 
would give them at least a really handwritten lining. The other idea that 
somehow sounded logical to me was the way suggested in the fontforge 
tutorial: designing a glyph by setting points at the outline of the glyph 
until there are enough points to describe the form. But how is this done for 
instance in xfig? (As far as I understand fontforge doesn't export to fm).
I acknowleged the fact that I will have to learn something about metafont 
anyways, I thought I would go through the metafont tutorial by Christophe 
Grandsire, this is old but since the program seems to be the same... At the 
moment it just seems that I won't be able to draw the wanted forms 
nonvisually, that is in the way that I would just write a mf file.

Hi, Till!

My personal experience is that you have to fine tune the glyphs anyway; 
hence, determining just a few coordinates should suffice (this can be 
easily done manually if you have a really big printout of the scan).

Then about the single parts of the font (now for some white and black 
mensural notation): I will create noteheads and stems extra, but since the 
stems in some cases will have a form like the stem from the ! sign (bigger at 
top), they won't fit together with the flags. So should there be a separate 
flag + stem or rather a stem-flag combination?

For each glyph, a charbox must be specified, such that lily knows how 
wide/high the glyph is.  In practice, a glyph may stick out of the charbox 
(even though you probably should have a good reason to do so).  In this 
case, I think sticking out glyphs could be useful; see attached drawing 
(suppose that the blue curve represents the stem, the red curve the flag, 
and the dotted lines the corresponding (simplified) charboxes).

However, as far as I know, stems are currently drawn dynamically by 
just creating rectangles on the fly, rather than outputting a fixed 
glyph.  The reason for doing so is that the actual stem length in general 
depends on a lot of other things, and therefore there is no fixed stem 
glyph.  I guess the stem printing code in lily/ would need to be 
slightly revised to enable printing of stem glyphs.  Or, even better, if 
you could express the stem by a polygonal shape and, given a stem length, 
devise a method for determining this polygonal shape's coordinates, then 
polygonal stems could be drawn on the fly in lily/, analogous to 
the rectangular stems that we currently have.

And still the idea about introducing some variability to mimick the 
handscribe, that is to have about four or five slightly different glyphs that 
would be used in arbitrary order. Is something like this possible in 

Should be basically possible, if you modify lily/ accordingly. 
However, I guess the result would not look beautiful, since the 
arbitrariness of hand-writings actually comprehends a very complex 
process of balancing unevenness; I fear that simulating this process based 
on just some random numbers will not work well.


Ok, so far
attachment: IMG_0951_small.JPG
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Re: proposal: second style for quartertone accidentals

2007-01-31 Thread Juergen Reuter

On Mon, 29 Jan 2007, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:

. So it seems that the use of Accidental #'style is deprecated and one
should set the alteration-alist directly. (But changing the style
property still works in v2.11.13, even if I don't know why, given that I
couldn't find the code handling it). What is the reason for this? To me
the former notation seems much more intuitive and easy to use.

The recent microtone improvements needed a much more flexible way to map
pitches onto symbols, and it seems superfluous to have two mechanisms for
setting glyphname at the same time.  It would be possible  to have a
mechanism to set the alist based on the style property, but I thought it
would be overkill.

Maybe I should re-propose an idea that I posted maybe 5 years ago, but 
which was considered overkill at that time.

Styles could be defined in a cascaded way.  Say, there is an Accidental 
style default that just maps the standard non-microtonal accidentals to 
the modern accidental glyphs.  The style should be however undefined for 
microtonal accidentals.  Now, suppose that there is another style 
arrow-microtonals that only maps microtonal accidentals to arrow-style 
glyphs, but keeps silent on non-microtonal accidentals.  Then it would be 
nice for the lily user to compose a style by setting a list of such 
predefined styles:  \override Accidental #'style = #'(arrow-microtonals 
default).  That is, for each accidental, lily should first search in the 
arrow-microtonals mapping if the acciental is mapped to some glyph.  If 
no glyph is defined in this mapping, lily should look at the next mapping 
default.  That is, you get a combination of standard modern accidentals 
with arrowed microtonals.

There is one downside:  If the style default defines only the glyphs for 
non-microtonal accidentals, one always has to explicitly set a microtonal 
style, if microtonals are to be used.  In other ways, the value for the 
style property tends to become a long list.  In order to fix this 
downside, one may also allow a style to import further styles.  For 
example, suppose accidental style standard implicitly imports 
non-arrow-microtonals.  That is, if you set \override Accidental 
#'style = #'(default), you also implicitly get non-arrow-microtonal 
accidentals, just as if you would have said \override Accidental #'style 
= #'(default non-arrow-microtonals).  Note that you still can say 
\override Accidental #'style = #'(arrow-microtonals default).  This will 
effectively override the non-arrowed microtonals that are implicit in the 
default style with arrowed microtonals, because the arrowed microtonals 
mapping occurs earlier in the list.

Another downside of this approach could be performance, since each glyph 
lookup would result in iterating through nested scheme lists.  Maybe, a 
sophisticated caching or precomputing approach could alleviate any 
performance issues.

No, unfortunately I have currently no time to work on this :-(.  These are 
just generic thoughts...


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: proposal: second style for quartertone accidentals

2007-01-27 Thread Juergen Reuter

On Sun, 28 Jan 2007, Juergen Reuter wrote:

Unfortunately, the code for checking and handling the Accidental style 
property is still hardcoded in lily/ in method

Accidental_interface::get_fontcharname (string style, int alteration)

rather than being handled at runtime through scheme code, as is done with 
notehead style in the scheme function note-head::calc-glyph-name in file 


Ooops, I just recognized that accidental handling obviously has changed 
during the last two months.  Accidentals are now indeed handled via 
scheme; see scm/output-lib.scm for details.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Lilypond font design

2007-01-17 Thread Juergen Reuter

On Tue, 16 Jan 2007, Till Rettig wrote:


I was wondering if I could start some contribution to the medieval
notation support

That would be great!

via redesigning the fonts that in my opinion don't look
very good. Especially referring to the mensural notehead style (I think
the petrucci looks quite fine, but neomensural and mensural heads are
lot too small and also a bit boring, eg. too conform).

Agreed.  I have been mainly concentrating on Vaticana style and Petrucci 
style.  As Werner already indicated, the ancient font was written before 
Lily used fontforge et al.  Therefore, the glyphs do not follow all 
prerequisites that Lily glyphs are nowadays supposed to consider (in 
particular, there are some metafont constructs, that should not be used). 
Personally, I had so far no time to convert them.  So, if you design new 
glyphs, please follow the guidelines that Werner mentioned.

Also, you should be aware of some subtle optical pitfalls such as the fact 
that e.g. the slightly thickened lines on the lower left and upper right 
of the semibrevis head make the head look asymetrical, which you may want 
to compensate by its geometry (IIRC this is partially commented somewhere 
in the .mf files).

I know there are
thouthands of styles due to the fact that everybody wrote their own
style, but we might choose from them one  that would be really nice
looking (kind of the same as the feta font does). I am not yet quite
finished with my thinking how the heads really should look, but I think
a really nice overall look gives the Copenhagen chancionnier, Burgung,
late 15th century. Compare for example this page:

or others from this book.

For experimenting, maybe at first you want to introduce a new style 
(similarly to the Petrucci style)?  Later, if your glyphs are mature, you 
still can replace the mensural/neo-mensural glyphs with those from you.

So I would like to hear some opinions on this issue and also some hints
about how Lilypond's fonts work (fontforge doesn't show any glyphs on
the emental and I have no idea how to open svg fonts nor how they work).

Also other issues about the mensural notation support could be solved,
especially spacing (as in the picture), then those ligature issues. And

Most spacing problems in ancient notation are related with the spacing 
engine, rather than with the font (actually, the bounding boxes of the 
ancient glyphs should be fairly good).  You may find some further hints 
as comments in the lily/*ligature*.cc files as well as in 
ly/ and the ancient context definitions in 

A couple of months ago, I figured out three places in the spacing engine 
which have to be tweaked in order to get equally tight spacing (although 
these changes also affected spacing of clefs, accidentals, etc., which is 
not desirable).  However, many things have changed since then in the 
spacing engine.

it would probably be convenient to have also a kind of init file same as
for the gregorian notation style.

Agreed.  Especially, one may want move stuff from to a  On the other side, then the user will have to add a 
\include, which you currently do not need to do (as the 
definitions in are automatically imported).  I am not 
sure about this point (i.e. having clearly separated definitions that you 
manually have to import versus putting them into and friends 
versus having them clearly separated but automatically always importing 

On a later plane I would also like to have integration of other styles
of mensural notation, even starting from the modal notation of the 12th
century France.

Yes, sounds interesting.  Also, mannered notation would be nice.  However, 
be aware that you easily end up in a kind of bottomless pit.  I think the 
real challenge here is to make the associated mechanisms on the C++ level 
more flexible (spacing engine, glyph selection, ...), such that you have 
sufficient infrastructure in order to plug-and-play styles on the scheme 



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lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Re-write of documentation tree build process

2006-12-21 Thread Juergen Reuter

On Thu, 21 Dec 2006, John Mandereau wrote:

 doctype = '!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 
 s = doctype + s
Does the 'EN' means that the page language is English? If so, it should
be modified to handle pages of any language.

No.  The whole string is just the ID of the HTML DTD and thus does not 
change as long as you stick to HTML 4.01 Transitional).  See:

I am not sure about the exact meaning of the EN within the DTD ID 
string; you probably would have to look into ISO 8879; but that's not 
online available, as far as I know.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: replacement for pfx2ttf.fontforge

2006-12-15 Thread Juergen Reuter

I don't know, if this matters, but in ancient notation, there definitely 
is an ij ligature (as well as an IJ ligature) that is quite often 
used as a textual repetition directive in lyrics.  I hope the according 
definitions at the very beginning of ly/ will still work 
and handled as ligatures?


On Fri, 15 Dec 2006, Werner LEMBERG wrote:

Well, my tests have worked.  BTW, there are other ligatures also:

  I+J - IJ, i + j-ij

I think those two should be removed also (just think of

This is now in the git repository.


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lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: replacement for pfx2ttf.fontforge

2006-12-15 Thread Juergen Reuter

On Fri, 15 Dec 2006, Werner LEMBERG wrote:

I don't know, if this matters, but in ancient notation, there
definitely is an ij ligature (as well as an IJ ligature) that is
quite often used as a textual repetition directive in lyrics.  I
hope the according definitions at the very beginning of
ly/ will still work and handled as ligatures?

Ah, we use different terminology.  With *ligature* I mean the process
of mapping the input character sequence `I' + `J' to `IJ', not the
*ligature glyph* `IJ' -- this is still there, of course.

Ah, ok; then I am relieved! ;-)


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: dejavu kievan notation message

2006-12-08 Thread Juergen Reuter
Actually, as far as I can see, it was not a repeat, but a delay of one 
week.  Maybe you were not subscribed to this list when you sent it, and it 
was therefore sent to the list moderator for manual approval.

Anyway, it's nothing to worry about. ;-)


On Thu, 7 Dec 2006, Monk Panteleimon wrote:

Hi. Just got a lilypond-devel email with first message about kievan notes in 
it again. I'm not sure how that happened, but I'm sorry for the repeat.

Fr. P

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Re: There no ligatures in Kievan notation (was Re: Kievan hatchet notes for lilypond?)

2006-12-01 Thread Juergen Reuter

On Thu, 30 Nov 2006, Monk Panteleimon wrote:

On Thursday 30 November 2006 06:01, you wrote:

Hello, Panteleimon!

Hello, thank you for your response

I fear the task of fully implementing kievan chant notation is more than
just a question of adding thirteen glyphs.
recognize at least pes ligatures (those pairwise stacked rhombic glyphs)
and clivis ligatures (e.g. the third glyph in the last line of the long

Actually, those are not ligatures, and there are no ligatures at all in Kievan
notation. The two stacked diamond-shapes you refer to are simply a half note.
They refer to the space inbetween the two diamonds, in this case mi or
b-natural. If the diamonds where in spaces, they would refer to the line
in-between. The squiggly-with-stem and double-diamond-with-stem notes
that also seem to take up several spaces are not ligatures either, just 16th
notes. (By the way, the durations I cite are doubled by some transcribers in
order to have a whole-note as the longest duration, but this gives an
incorrect impression of the flow of the chant).

Ok, I understand.  This, of course, simplifies things a lot.  Then the 
main task really should be to incorporate these glyphs into lily.  Though 
I unfortunately have to confess that I currently have no time at all to 
care for it (I am currently working hard on a thesis, and my remaining 
time is running out soon).  Maybe Han-Wen/Jan would do it as a sponsored 

I am not sure what is the latest state of incorporating new glyphs into 
lily; so far, we used to have to design glyphs by manually writing 
Metafont code, which may result in high-quality glyphs, but is also an 
extremely time-consuming process.  But nowadays, lily supports a couple of 
font formats.  Maybe there is a simpler way of getting font characters 
into lily, e.g. by scanning + tracing them?

Han-Wen, Werner, what do you think?

In any case, I guess you would at least need to have high-resolution scans 
of hand-writings or printings (which should be sufficiently old in order 
to not violate copyright laws).

To me, the notation looks structurally quite similar to gothic
(also called hufnagel) chant notation, though the glyphs are somewhat

I would be interested to know what notation looked like in Poland in the
1600's, to see if it has  a parent for this style

Unfortunately, I am not familiar with Polish ancient notation.  Still, 
since (at least the northern and western part of) Poland is mostly 
Catholic rather than Orthodox, I strongly guess that they used gothic and 
Roman (i.e. square) neumes, as well as mensural notation.  I suspect, 
however, that it may be different for those parts of Poland near to the 
Ukrainian or Russsian border.

As I understand it, the only things necessary *besides* adding the glyphs
would be:

1. Spacing according text syllable. This is the only way notes are spaced in
this chant, as you can see. There is a small   even block of space between
each textual syllable, all the notes whereof are equidistant and very close.
%%%(This is part of what makes this notation better for Znamenny Chant, being
closer in this regard to the neumatic origins and taking up less space for
long, involved melismata. It looks ugly if you try to do it with round
My hope is that this can be accomplished simply making slurs invisible in the file |  Slur #'transparent = ##t  |
and then convincing lilypond to put an appropriate block of space between
syllables. At first I thought that this could be done with LyricSpace
#'minimum-distance , but that would only work for short syllables.

Right.  There are a tricks that will force lily to typeset notes rather 
densely, thus resulting in almost what you probably would like to get. 
Still, I do not know how you could achieve strictly equidistantly and 
densely spaced noteheads within melismas.

2. Right now we can set shaped noteheads in LP like this:
\set shapeNoteStyles = ##(fa # la fa # la mi)
(or something like that).  We'd have to do something similar but different in
the for kievan, since several symbols (the quarter and the eight)
have slightly different forms for lines and spaces. These differences are
very important to the overall look of the music. Note that they differ  not
to according scale-position (like shapenotes) but according to whether they
are on a line or space. That means that g,8 looks different from g8

There is currently support for line/space glyph distinction for custodes 
and mensural flags in the c++ backend.  It should not be too hard to also 
add it for noteheads, but I guess Han-Wen will not be too happy to add new 
program logic to the c++ backend.  Hence I guess, for the long term, this 
cries for migrating the whole logic to scheme.

Furthermore, the eigth note (block with long tail) has not two but *four*
slightly different forms: two for stem-up and two for stem-down.

Just like with the custos glyphs, I guess.

I think that 

Re: skyline vertical spacing

2006-11-14 Thread Juergen Reuter

Maybe the real point here is that for almost all glyphs we want to have a 
_convex_ outline (such that e.g. stems do not extend into glyphs) rather 
than a tight skyline?

On Tue, 14 Nov 2006, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:

Werner LEMBERG escreveu:

I'm not sure whether an automated process really gives satisfactory

The skyline could approximate the real outline with arbitrary
precision.  What's the problem?

It's the opposite.  A too-good approximation of the outline might be
too tight.

It should be easy to fatten an outline to get some extra padding. Making 
outlines by hand will be error prone, and time consuming, as they have to 
scale exactly with all the MF parameters.

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: skyline vertical spacing

2006-11-14 Thread Juergen Reuter

On Tue, 14 Nov 2006, Werner LEMBERG wrote:

I've already `converted' all symbols except the one for ancient
notation -- Jürgen, do you have time to work on improving the glyph
shapes of the ancient notation so that mf2pt1 produces sensible

Mmmh, looks currently really bad: during the next couple of months, I 
still have to work on my thesis, but I am severely behind schedule... 

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: warnings during `make web'

2006-11-08 Thread Juergen Reuter

On Mon, 6 Nov 2006, Juergen Reuter wrote:

On Mon, 6 Nov 2006, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:

Without knowing the details, I think it is easiest to define a 
LigatureNoteHead or XLigatureNoteHead, and a  XxxxLigature in 
define-grobs.scm.  (X = Gregorian, Vaticana, Coherent, Mensural)

By copying some definitions of the NoteHead grob, some C++ of Note_head can 
be shared.

A special XXX_Ligature engraver will create those heads, and arrange them 
correctly within the appropriate XxxxLigature. If the XLigature is an 
Item, then it will be on a single PaperColumn.  By putting the 
XxxxNoteHeads on the XLigature Item, the notes will also be on the same 
PaperColumn. The XxxxLigature knows all of the ligature contents, and 
hence, it can determine the final desired shape.

Ok, this may work provided that there is no code elsewhere in lily that 
receives grobs, looks into them and does some things if and only if this grob 
is a NoteHead.  Otherwise, this code would not apply to ligature heads, thus 
failing special treatment of note heads that should also apply on ligature 
heads.  I actually tried this approach a couple of years ago, and it did not 
work for this reason.  Of course, lily has changed dramatically since then; 
probably I should try again.

Actually, the above approach will not work without further modification:

Currently, listens for note events and creates 
NoteHead grobs; the ligature engraver takes over these note heads and 
manipulates them.  To follow the above approach, I would have to make the 
note heads engraver stop producing note head grobs (and instead let the 
ligature engraver produce LigatureHead grobs).  But how can I achieve 
this?  Removing the note heads engraver completetly from its context is no 
option, since both usual note heads as well as ligatures have to appear in 
the same context.

So, how can I signal the note heads engraver that a ligature is in process 
and that it should stop producing note heads?


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: warnings during `make web'

2006-11-06 Thread Juergen Reuter

On Mon, 6 Nov 2006, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:

Werner LEMBERG escreveu:

Consider the test file  During `make web', extended
debugging is active, and processing the file gives this warning:

  programming error: Grob `NoteHead' has no interface for property `text'
  continuing, cross fingers

Hanwen, do you have an answer to my original question?  Or is this
`ancient notation'?

There is no easy way. You have to write a bit of scheme code that adds to the 
list in the interfaces detail property in the  meta property.

There are many other warnings similar to this, and I think it
would be good to fix them all.

95% of these warnings come from the ancient notation code; that
needs to be fixed first IMO.

Please give an example, together with the `right' syntax.

this is not about syntax, but about the ancient notation code misusing the 
current structure in ways that it wasn't designed to do.

Ancient notation uses head prefixes like \virga, \quilisma, etc. that 
are kind of attributes of the note heads for their further 
characterization (in the source code, these note heads also called 
ligature primitives, if used in the context of ligatures).  These 
attributes further describe the heads, such as select a virga glyph for 
this note head.  Still, the actual note head glyph depends not only on 
the attribute(s) of the note head, but also on the attributes of the 
left and right neighbour note head.  Hence, it does not make sense to 
store these attributes e.g. as notehead style.  Additionally, some 
implicit attributes derive from the combination of attributes of two 
adjacent note heads (e.g. for deciding if a vertical line has to be 
drawn between two adjacent note heads).

When the music is processed by the parser, I somewhere have to store 
this information that refers to individual note heads.  Obviously, the 
note heads themselves are the best place.  However, one of the design 
requirements of adding ancient notation to lily was to separate the new 
code as far as possible from existing code; in particular, ancient 
notation code was required not to pollute existing code of lily, such as  As a result, ancient notation inofficially uses these 
attributes without officially declaring them in

One theoretical solution would be to introduce a new 
file instead of using the functionality.  However, it 
turned out that almost all of the functionality of would have 
to be cloned.  Even worse, some other parts of lily call methods in (at least in earlier versions of lily they did; I have not 
checked for recent versions).  That is, when introducing a I would have to add calls to methods in all around the existing code, which would also pollute 
the code; i.e. introducing a is not a solution. 
Subclassing did not work for some technical detail that I 
currently can not remember.

The easiest solution that I can see is to tolerate little polution of and just add the missing interface declaration at the end 
of this file.  However, that's not my decision...

Any comments to solve this problem are welcome; however, my time is 
currently extremely limited (still writing on my thesis and running out 
of time...), so I currently can contribute only cosmetic changes, if at 

By the way, the particular warning programming error: Grob `NoteHead' has 
no interface for property `text' does not origin from ancient notation, 
as far as I can see.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: draft release announcement

2006-10-31 Thread Juergen Reuter

elegant input format and hard for other programs to parse sounds 
somewhat like a contradiction.  Maybe sophisticated instead of 
elegant would be more appropriate?

I am not sure about capitalization in English language, but shouldn't

* all words in the headline except than start with a capital letter and

* the itemized texts start with small letters (except DocBook), since
  they continue an incomplete sentence?

Shouldn't there be a full-stop dot after the last item?


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: newweb ChangeLog site/news.ihtml

2006-10-24 Thread Juergen Reuter
By the way, to make site/news.ihtml result in valid HTML 4.01 again, I 
guess the unencoded  characters in the Bugfixes href attribute values 
should be replaced with amp; or %26 (untested)?


On Mon, 23 Oct 2006, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:

Module name:newweb
Changes by: Han-Wen Nienhuys hanwen 06/10/23 00:09:26

Modified files:
.  : ChangeLog
site   : news.ihtml

Log message:
(href): close parenthesis.
(Preferably): typo.


Index: ChangeLog
RCS file: /cvsroot/lilypond/newweb/ChangeLog,v
retrieving revision 1.498
retrieving revision 1.499
diff -u -b -r1.498 -r1.499
--- ChangeLog   23 Oct 2006 00:06:15 -  1.498
+++ ChangeLog   23 Oct 2006 00:09:25 -  1.499
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
2006-10-23  Han-Wen Nienhuys  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

* site/news.ihtml (href): close parenthesis.
+   (Preferably): typo.

2006-10-22  Han-Wen Nienhuys  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

@@ -155,7 +156,7 @@

* site/about/automated-engraving/scoring-esthetics.html,
site/about/automated-engraving/divide-and-conquer.html: add
-   Translation of CVS $Revision: 1.498 $ comment.
+   Translation of CVS $Revision: 1.499 $ comment.

2006-06-19  Han-Wen Nienhuys  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Index: site/news.ihtml
RCS file: /cvsroot/lilypond/newweb/site/news.ihtml,v
retrieving revision 1.158
retrieving revision 1.159
diff -u -b -r1.158 -r1.159
--- site/news.ihtml 23 Oct 2006 00:06:15 -  1.158
+++ site/news.ihtml 23 Oct 2006 00:09:26 -  1.159
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
!-- -*- html -*- --
-Translation of CVS $Revision: 1.158 $
+Translation of CVS $Revision: 1.159 $

Translators must leave this comment intact, but remove any dollar
signs ($) from the CVS Revision indicator.
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
The last months, Erik Sandberg has been overhauling the internals of
Lily. This change introduces a new intermediate format, Music Streams,
which will make it easier get music data out of LilyPond. A copy of
-the thesis is now avalaible from (a
+the thesis is now available from (a
href=@[EMAIL PROTECTED]download PDF 750k/a)


Lilypond-cvs mailing list

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: [bug] bad size of piano brace

2006-10-23 Thread Juergen Reuter

Right.  Though, afterwards I noticed that the bug obviously had already 
been fixed when I reported it; only the online Documentation is slightly 
outdated.  Sorry for the unnecessary uproar!


On Mon, 23 Oct 2006, Phillip Kirlin wrote:


Just thought I'd echo this sentiment on the piano brace, they all seem to be 
displaying too small in any document that uses a PianoStaff (including the 
2.9 documentation online).

Example: (straight from

\new PianoStaff 
  \new Staff { \time 2/4 c4 c g' g }
  \new Staff { \clef bass c,, c' e c }

--Phil Kirlin

lilypond-devel mailing list

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: [Bug?] Dotting notes by music function

2006-10-22 Thread Juergen Reuter
FYI: After looking once more through a couple of files in the scm 
directory, I finally found the shift-duration-log function that exactly 
does what I wanted.  For the moment, I take this one.

Thanks again,

On Wed, 18 Oct 2006, Juergen Reuter wrote:

On Sun, 15 Oct 2006, Nicolas Sceaux wrote:

Juergen Reuter [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

By the way, do we have a generic substitution function that you can
pass an event type and some replacement expression to?  Maybe
something like

  #(define-matching-expression (any-music-event-of-type 'NoteEvent))
(original-match) (... an expression in terms of original-match that
is used as replacement for original-match ...))),

There is some kind of music pattern matcher in scm/display-lily.scm: the
with-music-match macro, which is not exported from this module however.


Thanks, I will look into it!


lilypond-devel mailing list

Small doc updates

2006-10-22 Thread Juergen Reuter

Hi, Graham!

I had to make small updates to some of the ancient notation examples in 
the docs to make them better reflect the current implementation. 
Accordingly, I also updated tiny parts of the text refering to these 
examples.  I hope, that's ok?  Of course, feel free to change my changes!


lilypond-devel mailing list

[bug] bad size of piano brace

2006-10-19 Thread Juergen Reuter


in the online manual, Sect. 14.1 (An example of a musicological 
document), in the screech and boink example, the piano brace is too 
small.  At least, I can not see in the .ly source any reason why the brace 
should be printed smaller.



lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: [Bug?] Dotting notes by music function

2006-10-18 Thread Juergen Reuter

On Sun, 15 Oct 2006, Nicolas Sceaux wrote:

Juergen Reuter [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

By the way, do we have a generic substitution function that you can
pass an event type and some replacement expression to?  Maybe
something like

  #(define-matching-expression (any-music-event-of-type 'NoteEvent))
(original-match) (... an expression in terms of original-match that
is used as replacement for original-match ...))),

There is some kind of music pattern matcher in scm/display-lily.scm: the
with-music-match macro, which is not exported from this module however.


Thanks, I will look into it!


lilypond-devel mailing list

make web error (current cvs)

2006-10-14 Thread Juergen Reuter

IIRC, I have seen this error from the very beginning of the new ~ 
feature for lyrics.



Renaming input to: `'
Interpreting music... [2]
elapsed time: 0.00 seconds
Element count 10 (spanners 5)
Preprocessing graphical objects...
Grob count 14Backtrace:

 453: 12* [ly:parse-file lily-1431938706]
In unknown file:
   ?: 13* [#procedure #f # # #]
   3: 14* (if (not (eq? # #t)) (print-score-with-defaults p (scorify-music 
m p)))

   4: 15  [print-score-with-defaults # #]

 117: 16  [ly:score-process #Score #module b69af430 ...]
In unknown file:
   ?: 17* [ly:spacing-spanner::set-springs #Grob SpacingSpanner ]
   ?: 18* [ly:axis-group-interface::width #Grob PaperColumn ]
   ?: 19* [ly:self-alignment-interface::aligned-on-x-parent #Grob 
LyricText ]

   ?: 20* [ly:grob::stencil-width #Grob LyricText ]
   ?: 21* [lyric-text::print #Grob LyricText ]
 441: 22* (let* (# # # #) (ly:text-interface::interpret-markup layout 
props #))

 447: 23  [ly:text-interface::interpret-markup # Output_def (# # #) ...]
In unknown file:
   ?: 24* [tied-lyric-markup # Output_def ((# # # ...) (# # # ...) (# # 
#)) ...]

 292: 25* (if (string-contains str ~) (let* # #) ...)
 293: 26  (let* (# # # #) (interpret-markup layout # #))
 300: 27  [ly:text-interface::interpret-markup # Output_def (# # #) ...
 305: 28* [make-line-markup (bla ? bla ? ())]
In unknown file:
   ?: 29  (let ((sig #)) (make-markup line-markup make-line-markup sig 

  91: 30  [ly:error ...
  92: 31* [string-append make-line-markup :  ...]

In procedure string-append in expression (string-append make-name :  
Wrong type argument (expecting STRINGP): (1 list of markups (bla ? 
bla ? ()))
command failed: /home/reuter/project/lilypond-2.9/out/bin/lilypond 
--backend=eps --formats=ps,png,pdf -dinclude-eps-fonts -dgs-load-fonts 
--header=texidoc -I /home/reuter/project/lilypond-2.9/input/manual 
-dcheck-internal-types -ddump-signatures -danti-alias-factor=2 -I 
/home/reuter/project/lilypond-2.9/input/regression  -I 
/home/reuter/project/lilypond-2.9/input/regression  -I 
/home/reuter/project/lilypond-2.9/input/regression/out-www  -I 
/home/reuter/project/lilypond-2.9/input  -I 
/home/reuter/project/lilypond-2.9/input/regression  -I 
/home/reuter/project/lilypond-2.9/input/manual  -I 
/home/reuter/project/lilypond-2.9/input/tutorial  -I 
/home/reuter/project/lilypond-2.9/mf/out  -I 

Re: make web error (current cvs)

2006-10-14 Thread Juergen Reuter

On Sat, 14 Oct 2006, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:

Juergen Reuter schreef:

In procedure string-append in expression (string-append make-name :  
Wrong type argument (expecting STRINGP): (1 list of markups (bla ? 
bla ? ()))

I can't reproduce this, but it seems that your version of list-join doesn't 

Which version of GUILE do you have?

~/project/lilypond-2.9  guile --version
Guile 1.6.7
Copyright (c) 1995, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Free Software 
Guile may be distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public 

certain other uses are permitted as well.  For details, see the file
`COPYING', which is included in the Guile distribution.
There is no warranty, to the extent permitted by law.

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: make web error (current cvs)

2006-10-14 Thread Juergen Reuter

On Sat, 14 Oct 2006, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:

Juergen Reuter schreef:

On Sat, 14 Oct 2006, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:

Juergen Reuter schreef:

In procedure string-append in expression (string-append make-name :  
Wrong type argument (expecting STRINGP): (1 list of markups (bla ? 
bla ? ()))

I can't reproduce this, but it seems that your version of list-join 
doesn't work.

Which version of GUILE do you have?

~/project/lilypond-2.9  guile --version
Guile 1.6.7
Copyright (c) 1995, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Free Software 

Guile may be distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence;
certain other uses are permitted as well.  For details, see the file
`COPYING', which is included in the Guile distribution.
There is no warranty, to the extent permitted by law.

can you investigate whether the list-join function works for you, and 
if no, why not?

Yes, eventually (I have 3 deadlines next week, 2 papers and 1 
presentation :-(, so I may try to have a look next weekend into it, as I 
guess that may take some time...).

By the way, could it be related to a character encoding problem?  I have a 
couple of programs on my system (Fedora Core 5) that have severe problems 
regarding encoding, especially when data is passed between apps; my system 
seems to assume a default encoding of sometimes utf-8, sometimes 


lilypond-devel mailing list

[bug] line breaking

2006-10-14 Thread Juergen Reuter


in the following file:

\version 2.9.24
\context Voice \transpose c c'' {
  c8 c4
  c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c
  c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c
  c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c
  c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c
  c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c
  c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c

the leading c8 causes that never in this score a barline coincides with 
a note starting/ending.  As a result, no line break is found for this 
score, and the whole score is printed in a single line, thus exceeding the 
right margin of the paper.

I think, the score should, regardless of the missing coincidence, still be 
breakable at each of the barlines.  Or I am missing something?  (Btw., I 
found this example by investigating reasons for the often weird spacing in 
mensural notation.)


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: [bug] line breaking

2006-10-14 Thread Juergen Reuter

On Sun, 15 Oct 2006, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:

Juergen Reuter schreef:

\version 2.9.24
\context Voice \transpose c c'' {
  c8 c4
  c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c
  c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c
  c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c
  c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c
  c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c
  c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c

the leading c8 causes that never in this score a barline coincides with a 
note starting/ending.  As a result, no line break is found for this score, 
and the whole score is printed in a single line, thus exceeding the right 
margin of the paper.

I think, the score should, regardless of the missing coincidence, still be 
breakable at each of the barlines.  Or I am missing something? 

Yes; normally you'd use barchecks and figure this out immediately.

Not in (at least transciptions of) mensural music.  See, e.g. in the 
manual, Sect. D.5.1 the horrible mess of where you can and where you can 
not use barchecks.

Or remove 

Ah, ok, thanks!

Switching this off would mean that we print scores with messed up spacing in 
this case.

No, seems to work for me (I removed Forbid_line_break_engraver from Voice 
context).  At least, for the moment it works. ;-)


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: [Bug?] Dotting notes by music function

2006-10-13 Thread Juergen Reuter

Ah, thanks, now I understand!  But then, in the manual in Sect. 12.1.2 
(Simple substitution functions), in the

custosNote = #(define-music-function (parser location note)

example, note should better be renamed into event or something similar 
to avoid misunderstandings, right?

By the way, do we have a generic substitution function that you can pass 
an event type and some replacement expression to?  Maybe something like

  #(define-matching-expression (any-music-event-of-type 'NoteEvent))
(original-match) (... an expression in terms of original-match that
is used as replacement for original-match ...))),

where, in this example, the specified replace function is executed exactly 
once for each 'NoteEvent (i.e. the matching expression) in Music (with 
the note event passed as original-match argument to the replacement 
expression) in order to replace the original match by the result of the 
replacement expression?

(By the way, please note that I do not explicitly specify here the type of 
the matching expression, i.e. the return type of the 
any-msuic-event-of-type function.  In the most general case, it could be 
an attributed music expression subgraph in order to implement a graph 
rewriting system.  For now, I would be happy, if it would be just 
a music event type such as 'NoteEvent, in order to match all events of a 
given specific type.)

I guess, such a function would save lots of duplicated code used for 
navigating through music expressions, right?  Or do we already have such a 

Thanks  Greetings,

On Fri, 13 Oct 2006, Nicolas Sceaux wrote:

Juergen Reuter [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi, all!

I would expect the following lily file:

\version 2.9.22

dottedQuarter =
#(define-music-function (parser location note) (ly:music?)
'duration (ly:make-duration 2 1)
'pitch (ly:music-property note 'pitch)))

\new Voice \transpose c c' {
  f4 f \dottedQuarter f f f

to produce the notes:

f4 f4 f4. f4 f4

However, it produces:

f4 f4 c4. f4 f4

That is, the pitch changes from f to c, although I am trying to
copy it from the original note.  Is this a bug or am I doing something

Are you sure that the note argument as a pitch property? Try:

\displayMusic f4


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: lilypond COPYING ChangeLog

2006-10-13 Thread Juergen Reuter

On Fri, 13 Oct 2006, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:

If you modify this font, you may
+extend this exception to your version of the font, but you are not
+obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception
+statement from your version.

I.e., effectively, we change the licence for the font to BSD-style? 
(That's fine with me, but I would like to point out this explicitly.)


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: lilypond COPYING ChangeLog

2006-10-13 Thread Juergen Reuter

On Fri, 13 Oct 2006, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:

Juergen Reuter schreef:

On Fri, 13 Oct 2006, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:

If you modify this font, you may
+extend this exception to your version of the font, but you are not
+obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception
+statement from your version.

I.e., effectively, we change the licence for the font to BSD-style? (That's 
fine with me, but I would like to point out this explicitly.)

No, if you change the font, you're still obliged to put changes under GPL 
again. This exception means that PDF files don't fall under GPL.

Mmmh, I am not a lawyer, so I may be totally wrong, but ... sounds to me 
like LGPL is what are you looking for?


lilypond-devel mailing list

[Bug?] Dotting notes by music function

2006-10-12 Thread Juergen Reuter

Hi, all!

I would expect the following lily file:

\version 2.9.22

dottedQuarter =
#(define-music-function (parser location note) (ly:music?)
'duration (ly:make-duration 2 1)
'pitch (ly:music-property note 'pitch)))

\new Voice \transpose c c' {
  f4 f \dottedQuarter f f f

to produce the notes:

f4 f4 f4. f4 f4

However, it produces:

f4 f4 c4. f4 f4

That is, the pitch changes from f to c, although I am trying to copy 
it from the original note.  Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?

I just want to have a function that adds a dot to the next notehead, and 
just that one notehead, and preferably without needing surrounding {} 
around the (unary) music argument.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: dots grob

2006-10-11 Thread Juergen Reuter

On Wed, 11 Oct 2006, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:

why not simply do

 string style =
 if (scm_is_symbol (scm_style))
   style = ly_symbol2string (scm_style);
 string idx = + style;

Because, historically, there is no difference in lily's behaviour between 
setting style to #'default and #'().  However, if you do not mind, I am 
also happy with the simpler solution.

Attached is a revised version that issues a proper warning if style is set 
to #'default or some other unsupported value, such that the dot is not 

Should I apply it?

JuergenIndex: ChangeLog
RCS file: /cvsroot/lilypond/lilypond/ChangeLog,v
retrieving revision 1.5395
diff -u -r1.5395 ChangeLog
--- ChangeLog   10 Oct 2006 13:38:32 -  1.5395
+++ ChangeLog   11 Oct 2006 10:03:50 -
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+2006-10-10  Jürgen Reuter  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+   * mf/ (new), mf/,
+   ly/ Added vaticana-style augmentum dot glyph.
+   * lily/ Added style property for dots.
 2006-10-10  Han-Wen Nienhuys  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
* scm/output-lib.scm (fingering::calc-text): use origin
Index: lily/
RCS file: /cvsroot/lilypond/lilypond/lily/,v
retrieving revision 1.79
diff -u -r1.79
--- lily/dots.cc11 Feb 2006 11:35:18 -  1.79
+++ lily/dots.cc11 Oct 2006 10:03:50 -
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 #include lookup.hh
 #include staff-symbol-referencer.hh
 #include directional-element-interface.hh
+#include international.hh
 MAKE_SCHEME_CALLBACK (Dots, print, 1);
@@ -26,7 +27,17 @@
   if (scm_is_number (c))
-  Stencil d = Font_interface::get_default_font (sc)-find_by_name (string 
+  SCM scm_style = sc-get_property (style);
+  string style =;
+  if (scm_is_symbol (scm_style))
+   style = ly_symbol2string (scm_style);
+  string idx = + style;
+  Stencil d = Font_interface::get_default_font (sc)-find_by_name (idx);
+  if (d.is_empty ())
+   {
+ sc-warning (_f (dot `%s' not found, idx.c_str ()));
+ return SCM_EOL;
+   }
   Real dw = d.extent (X_AXIS).length ();
@@ -55,5 +66,6 @@
   /* properties */
-  dot-count);
+  dot-count 
+  style 
+  );
Index: mf/
RCS file: /cvsroot/lilypond/lilypond/mf/,v
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -u -r1.10
--- mf/  6 Jan 2006 09:13:23 -   1.10
+++ mf/  11 Oct 2006 10:03:50 -
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
input parmesan-flags;
input parmesan-timesig;
input parmesan-scripts;
+   input parmesan-dots;
Index: ly/
RCS file: /cvsroot/lilypond/lilypond/ly/,v
retrieving revision 1.309
diff -u -r1.309
--- ly/ 4 Oct 2006 10:32:26 -   1.309
+++ ly/ 11 Oct 2006 10:03:50 -
@@ -765,6 +765,7 @@
   \override Custos #'style = #'vaticana
   \override Custos #'neutral-position = #3
   \override Custos #'neutral-direction = #DOWN
+  \override Dots #'style = #'vaticana
 \context {
lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: dots grob

2006-10-11 Thread Juergen Reuter

On Wed, 11 Oct 2006, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:

Because, historically, there is no difference in lily's behaviour between 
setting style to #'default and #'().  However, if you do not 

that must have been a long time ago; I think I've tried to remove this 
feature for some time now.


+   input parmesan-dots;

I'm missing this file in the patch.

Sorry, it's still the same one as in the previously sent mail (cvs diff -u 
unfortunately only spits out cvs diff: mf/ is a new 
entry, no comparison available for new files).  It's attached to this 
mail once again.

Juergenfet_begingroup (dots);

save dot_diam;

3 dot_diam# = staff_space# - stafflinethickness#;
define_whole_blacker_pixels (dot_diam);

fet_beginchar (duration dot, dotvaticana);
pickup pencircle scaled dot_diam;

lft x0 = 0;
top y0 = vround (.5 dot_diam);

drawdot z0;

set_char_box (0, dot_diam#, .5 dot_diam#, .5 dot_diam#);

fet_endgroup (dots);
lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: dots grob

2006-10-11 Thread Juergen Reuter

On Wed, 11 Oct 2006, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:

Juergen Reuter schreef:

On Wed, 11 Oct 2006, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:

why not simply do

 string style =
 if (scm_is_symbol (scm_style))
   style = ly_symbol2string (scm_style);
 string idx = + style;

Because, historically, there is no difference in lily's behaviour between 
setting style to #'default and #'().  However, if you do not 

that must have been a long time ago; I think I've tried to remove this 
feature for some time now.

By the way, it has not completely been removed.  The code related to the 
longa note bug reported last week by Ralph Little for example still 
contains some reminiscences to the old #'default feature.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: FYI: Status of Ancient Notation Implementation

2006-10-11 Thread Juergen Reuter

On Sun, 8 Oct 2006, Juergen Reuter wrote:

* The longa notes bug (cp.
 has been tracked down to a general problem in output-lib.scm (see
 for details).  However, to fix it properly, note-head::calc-glyph-name
 should be completely rewritten (i.e. add test for empty style value in
 case statement and handle it identically as default style; also
 replace case statement by completely different way of dispatch to gain
 speed, e.g. with a hashtable or alist or...), which goes beyond my
 scheme skills.  Any help from scheme/guile gurus is appreciated!

Attached patch should fix this one and theoretically even *speed up* glyph 
name lookup, since it removes obsolete scheme code.  Instead of trying to 
fix the scheme code, I added a new longa note head to the feta font.  It 
looks exactly like a brevis head, but with a stem like quarter note. 
Maximae are not handled by this patch, but I actually have not ever seen a 
Maxima in modern font, so this is a generally open issue to be handled 

May I apply this patch?

JuergenIndex: ChangeLog
RCS file: /cvsroot/lilypond/lilypond/ChangeLog,v
retrieving revision 1.5397
diff -u -r1.5397 ChangeLog
--- ChangeLog   11 Oct 2006 19:54:32 -  1.5397
+++ ChangeLog   11 Oct 2006 20:12:37 -
@@ -7,6 +7,10 @@
* mf/ Fix typo in comment.
+   * mf/, scm/output-lib.scm: Fix longa notes bug by
+   adding longa head to feta font and removing obsolete default
+   mapping scheme code.
 2006-10-10  Han-Wen Nienhuys  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
* scm/output-lib.scm (fingering::calc-text): use origin
Index: mf/
RCS file: /cvsroot/lilypond/lilypond/mf/,v
retrieving revision 1.79
diff -u -r1.79
--- mf/feta-bolletjes.mf4 Oct 2006 16:00:19 -   1.79
+++ mf/feta-bolletjes.mf11 Oct 2006 20:12:37 -
@@ -148,6 +148,77 @@
 % dimensions aren't entirely right.
+def draw_longa (expr up) =
+   save stemthick, fudge;
+   stemthick# = 2 stafflinethickness#;
+   define_whole_blacker_pixels (stemthick);
+   fudge = hround (blot_diameter / 2);
+   draw_outside_ellipse (1.80, 0, 0.707, 0);
+   undraw_inside_ellipse (1.30, 125, 0.68, 2 stafflinethickness#);
+   pickup pencircle scaled stemthick;
+   if up:
+   bot y1 = -d;
+   y2 = h;
+   rt x1 - fudge = 0;
+   x1 = x2;
+   fudge + lft x3 = w;
+   x4 = x3;
+   top y4 = h + 3.0 staff_space;
+   y3 = y1;
+   else:
+   bot y1 = -d - 3.0 staff_space;
+   top y2 = h;
+   rt x1 - fudge = 0;
+   x1 = x2;
+   fudge + lft x3 = w;
+   x4 = x3;
+   y4 = y2;
+   bot y3 = -d;
+   fi;
+   draw_gridline (z1, z2, stemthick);
+   draw_gridline (z3, z4, stemthick);
+fet_beginchar (Longa notehead, u-2);
+   draw_longa (true);
+   draw_staff (-2, 2, 0);
+fet_beginchar (Longa notehead, d-2);
+   draw_longa (false);
+   draw_staff (-2, 2, 0);
+if test  0:
+   fet_beginchar (Longa notehead, u-2);
+   draw_longa (true);
+   draw_staff (-2, 2, 0.5);
+   fet_endchar;
+   fet_beginchar (Longa notehead, d-2);
+   draw_longa (false);
+   draw_staff (-2, 2, 0.5);
+   fet_endchar;
+% dimensions aren't entirely right.
 def draw_brevis =
save stemthick, fudge;
Index: scm/output-lib.scm
RCS file: /cvsroot/lilypond/lilypond/scm/output-lib.scm,v
retrieving revision 1.115
diff -u -r1.115 output-lib.scm
--- scm/output-lib.scm  10 Oct 2006 13:38:32 -  1.115
+++ scm/output-lib.scm  11 Oct 2006 20:12:37 -
@@ -119,6 +119,10 @@
(log (min 2 (ly:grob-property grob 'duration-log
 (case style
+  ;; default style is directly handled in as a
+  ;; special case (HW says, mainly for performance reasons).
+  ;; Therefore, style default does not appear in this case
+  ;; statement.  -- jr
   ((xcircle) 2xcircle)
   ((harmonic) 0harmonic)
@@ -137,16 +141,6 @@
   (string-append (number-string log) (symbol-string style
(string-append (number-string log) (symbol-string style)))
-  ((default)
-   ;; The default font in mf/ defines a brevis, but
-   ;; neither a longa nor a maxima.  Hence let us, for the moment,
-   ;; take

dots grob

2006-10-10 Thread Juergen Reuter


may I apply attached patch in order to fix the size/shape of dots for 
ancient notation?  This patch adds a style property to the Dots grob 
and a new glyph to the parmesan font.

JuergenIndex: ChangeLog
RCS file: /cvsroot/lilypond/lilypond/ChangeLog,v
retrieving revision 1.5395
diff -u -r1.5395 ChangeLog
--- ChangeLog   10 Oct 2006 13:38:32 -  1.5395
+++ ChangeLog   10 Oct 2006 17:29:40 -
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+2006-10-10  Jürgen Reuter  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+   * mf/ (new), mf/,
+   ly/ Added vaticana-style augmentum dot glyph.
+   * lily/ Added style property for dots.
 2006-10-10  Han-Wen Nienhuys  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
* scm/output-lib.scm (fingering::calc-text): use origin
Index: lily/
RCS file: /cvsroot/lilypond/lilypond/lily/,v
retrieving revision 1.79
diff -u -r1.79
--- lily/dots.cc11 Feb 2006 11:35:18 -  1.79
+++ lily/dots.cc10 Oct 2006 17:29:40 -
@@ -26,7 +26,16 @@
   if (scm_is_number (c))
-  Stencil d = Font_interface::get_default_font (sc)-find_by_name (string 
+  SCM scm_style = sc-get_property (style);
+  string style;
+  if (scm_is_symbol (scm_style))
+   style = ly_symbol2string (scm_style);
+  else
+   style = default;
+  string idx =
+   (style == default) ? dot : string (dot) + style;
+  Stencil d = Font_interface::get_default_font (sc)-find_by_name (dots. 
+ idx);
   Real dw = d.extent (X_AXIS).length ();
@@ -55,5 +64,6 @@
   /* properties */
-  dot-count);
+  dot-count 
+  style 
+  );
Index: mf/
RCS file: /cvsroot/lilypond/lilypond/mf/,v
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -u -r1.10
--- mf/  6 Jan 2006 09:13:23 -   1.10
+++ mf/  10 Oct 2006 17:29:40 -
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
input parmesan-flags;
input parmesan-timesig;
input parmesan-scripts;
+   input parmesan-dots;
Index: ly/
RCS file: /cvsroot/lilypond/lilypond/ly/,v
retrieving revision 1.309
diff -u -r1.309
--- ly/ 4 Oct 2006 10:32:26 -   1.309
+++ ly/ 10 Oct 2006 17:29:40 -
@@ -765,6 +765,7 @@
   \override Custos #'style = #'vaticana
   \override Custos #'neutral-position = #3
   \override Custos #'neutral-direction = #DOWN
+  \override Dots #'style = #'vaticana
 \context {
fet_begingroup (dots);

save dot_diam;

3 dot_diam# = staff_space# - stafflinethickness#;
define_whole_blacker_pixels (dot_diam);

fet_beginchar (duration dot, dotvaticana);
pickup pencircle scaled dot_diam;

lft x0 = 0;
top y0 = vround (.5 dot_diam);

drawdot z0;

set_char_box (0, dot_diam#, .5 dot_diam#, .5 dot_diam#);

fet_endgroup (dots);
lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: FYI: Status of Ancient Notation Implementation

2006-10-09 Thread Juergen Reuter

On Sun, 8 Oct 2006, Juergen Reuter wrote:

* Section 7.7.7: The episem articulation does not appear (there should
 be a horizontal line above the three last noteheads).  In 2.7.x, the
 right ending was badly placed; now the episem is completely invisible.
 Also, the text scripts are colliding (but that is not really an ancient
 notation issue); they did not collide in 2.7.x.

There are obviously multiple bugs behind this one, which are not easy to 
fix.  In particular, the TextSpanner under certain circumstances produces 
lines with strange end points.  If the line is (should be) quite short, it 
is not at all displayed.

For the moment, I have tuned the figure in Sect. 7.7.7 such that the 
episem is displayed (still with bad right ending) and added an appropriate 
comment to the @refbugs paragraph (patch attached).

Graham, what do you think, should this patch be applied?  Without this 
patch, the reader of the documentation immediately sees that there must be 
something wrong but is left alone, as the figure does not show what is 
explained in the text.   With the attached patch, the reader will 
(hopefully) see that episem to some extent works (to the same extent as in 
the lily 2.7.x series), but there is an explanation in the @refbugs 
paragraph that states that the episem feature is rather buggy.

Of course, I would like to get this bug fixed, but it looks like I would 
have to rewrite major parts of TextSpanner and LineSpanner.

JuergenIndex: ChangeLog
RCS file: /cvsroot/lilypond/lilypond/ChangeLog,v
retrieving revision 1.5391
diff -u -r1.5391 ChangeLog
--- ChangeLog   9 Oct 2006 14:14:42 -   1.5391
+++ ChangeLog   9 Oct 2006 15:52:03 -
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+2006-10-09  Jürgen Reuter  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+   * Documentation/user/instrument-notation.itely: Tune Ancient
+   Articulations figure, such that the episem actually shows.
 2006-10-09  Han-Wen Nienhuys  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
* ly/ update option name.
Index: Documentation/user/instrument-notation.itely
RCS file: 
retrieving revision 1.106
diff -u -r1.106 instrument-notation.itely
--- Documentation/user/instrument-notation.itely27 Aug 2006 06:54:06 
-  1.106
+++ Documentation/user/instrument-notation.itely9 Oct 2006 15:52:03 
@@ -2911,11 +2911,11 @@
 \override TextScript #'font-family = #'typewriter
 \override TextScript #'font-shape = #'upright
 \override Script #'padding = #-0.1
-a4\ictus_ictus s1
-a4\circulus_circulus s1
-a4\semicirculus_semicirculus s1 s
-a4\accentus_accentus s1
-\[ a4_episem \episemInitium \pes b \flexa a \episemFinis \]
+a\ictus_ictus \break
+a\circulus_circulus \break
+a\semicirculus_semicirculus \break
+a\accentus_accentus \break
+\[ a_episem \episemInitium \pes b \flexa a b \episemFinis \flexa a \]
 @end lilypond
@@ -2925,6 +2925,10 @@
 Some articulations are vertically placed too closely to the
 correpsonding note heads.
+The episem line is not displayed if its length is shorter than the
+width of roughly 4 note heads.  The right end of the episem line is
+often too far to the right.
 @node Custodes
 @subsection Custodes
lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: FYI: Status of Ancient Notation Implementation

2006-10-09 Thread Juergen Reuter

On Mon, 9 Oct 2006, Geoff Horton wrote:

FWIW, I'm not sure that the horizontal episema is best done with a
TextSpanner anyhow. In Solesmes notation, at least, it goes right over
the notes, not over the staff.


Right.  But I vaguely remember (I may be wrong) that a long time ago, 
spanner lines/brackets were able to follow into the staff directly over 
the notes.  Anyway, I currently have no time for fixing this bug in a 
serious way.  The question that I addressed to Graham is, should I just 
ignore this bug for now and do nothing about it at all, or should I try to 
apply minor tweaks to get it at least partially working in the 
documentation (with proper explanations in the @refbugs paragraph)?


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: FYI: Status of Ancient Notation Implementation

2006-10-08 Thread Juergen Reuter

On Sun, 8 Oct 2006, Juergen Reuter wrote:

* Section, second figure: Ligature brackets are not at all
 displayed anymore.  Same problem also in the introductionary Section

Should be fixed now in cvs.  The adaption to the new stream event code was 


lilypond-devel mailing list

FYI: Status of Ancient Notation Implementation

2006-10-07 Thread Juergen Reuter

Hi all,

just for the record in expectation of lily 2.10, here is a summary report 
of known _NEW_ bugs in ancient notation that were newly introduced in the 
2.9.x series.  I list them here as a collective todo list, for myself 
remembering them easier, but also for anybody else interested in the 
status of ancient notation implementation.  I would like to see these bugs 
fixed, such that ancient notation at least does not get worse with each 
new release of lilypond, but my time is currently extremely limited; 
nevertheless, I will try having a look at one or another bug in the next 
couple of weeks/months.  Of course, any help is highly appreciated!

Mainly looking at the manual at the website (stamped as lily 2.9.21) and 
also considering the longa notes thread (cp., 
I currently see the following bugs that were introduced in 2.9.x:

* Section 7.7.7: The episem articulation does not appear (there should
  be a horizontal line above the three last noteheads).  In 2.7.x, the
  right ending was badly placed; now the episem is completely invisible.
  Also, the text scripts are colliding (but that is not really an ancient
  notation issue); they did not collide in 2.7.x.

* Section 7.7.9: The text scripts in the figure are unnecessarily widely
  spaced; the whole thing could be placed more tightly.  However, in lily
  2.7.x, it was placed too tightly, such that the text scripts were
  colliding.  So I am not sure, if the situation now is to be seen as an
  improvement or worsening.  Anyway, this issue is a general script
  placing issue rather than an ancient notation specific issue.

* Section, first figure: In HTML, the figure does not show at all
  (in PDF, it does; probably some arithmetic problem in spacing
  calculation that lets the bounding box of the figure horizontally
  collapse; cp.
  Actually, I am not sure, if this problem was not already introduced in
  the 2.7.x series.

* Section, second figure: Ligature brackets are not at all
  displayed anymore.  Same problem also in the introductionary Section

* Appendix D.5.2: Horizontal padding around divisio maior (the vertical
  bar-like line) is far too narrow.  Note, that the horizontal spacing
  looked (almost) ok, when Geoff Horton rewrote this template, cp.,
  even though, at that time I already warned about possible problems...

* The longa notes bug (cp.
  has been tracked down to a general problem in output-lib.scm (see
  for details).  However, to fix it properly, note-head::calc-glyph-name
  should be completely rewritten (i.e. add test for empty style value in
  case statement and handle it identically as default style; also
  replace case statement by completely different way of dispatch to gain
  speed, e.g. with a hashtable or alist or...), which goes beyond my
  scheme skills.  Any help from scheme/guile gurus is appreciated!

Finally, the good news: Meanwhile, I could partially solve the 
separation-item problems reported in,
so I hope to eventually correct placement of augmentum dots for 
vaticana-style ligatures.

That's all for now...


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Longa notes

2006-10-06 Thread Juergen Reuter

Hi all,

the longa notes problem reduces to this piece of code in method 
internal_print (Grob *me, string *font_char) in file lily/

  if (!scm_is_symbol (style))
style = ly_symbol2scm (default);

  [... snip ...]

  if (style != ly_symbol2scm (default))
   SCM gn = me-get_property (glyph-name);
   if (scm_is_string (gn))
   suffix = ly_scm2string (gn);

The problem here is that 'me-get_property (glyph-name)' is called only 
if 'style != ly_symbol2scm (default)'.  That is, the code in 
output-lib.scm for default style is dead.  That is, why longa notes are 
not working for default style.

If I remove the 'if (style != ly_symbol2scm (default))' condition _and_
if I explicitly say: \override NoteHead #'style = #'default
then the longa notes show correctly.  However, without explicitly setting 
#'style to #'default, I get:

In procedure symbol-string in expression (symbol-string style):
Wrong type argument in position 1 (expecting SYMBOLP): ()

Hence, obviously, the above 'if' condition was introduced to suppress this 
error, but this fix is bad, since it makes the code for the default style 
in output-lib.scm dead.

The real problem is the case style switch statement in line 114 of 
output-lib.  If style is not set, it erroneously selects the else case 
(rather than the default case) and dies when trying to execute 
symbol-string on the undefined style.

Does some scm guru know how to test _before_ the case style switch, if 
style is undefined, and if so, set it to default?  This would be 
the real fix, I guess.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Longa notes

2006-10-04 Thread Juergen Reuter

On Wed, 4 Oct 2006, Mats Bengtsson wrote:

If I remember correctly, it's not included when you have the default note 
style, simply since there is not real established standard for the layout of 
a longa

note in modern typesetting. However, if you use
\override NoteHead #'style = #'mensural
you can see what \longa note looked like in the old times when it was 


Not really.  Citing scm/output-lib.scm:

   (case style
   ;; The default font in mf/ defines a brevis, but
   ;; neither a longa nor a maxima.  Hence let us, for the moment,
   ;; take these from the neo-mensural font.  TODO: mf/feta-bolletjes
   ;; should define at least a longa for the default font.  The longa
   ;; should look exactly like the brevis of the default font, but
   ;; with a stem exactly like that of the quarter note. -- jr
   (if ( log -1)
   (string-append (number-string log) neomensural)
   (number-string log)))

That is, lily should take a longa from neo-mensural font.  The real 
problem is the 'u' in 'noteheads.u-2': The parmesan font defines a 
symmetric 'noteheads.s-2neomensural', but neither up/down specific heads.
I wonder why an upwards head is at all requested for the default note head 
font.  Maybe something has changed in the noteheads engraver which causes 
this problem?


Ralph Little wrote:

Running 2.9.17-1 on Windows, I get the following error for c\longa:

warning: note head  'noteheads.u-2' not found.

I don't really know anything about longas, but I was just experimenting 

different aspects of lily and this popped up...

c\breve works fine though.


lilypond-devel mailing list

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Another patch (this one is important) to abc2ly

2006-10-04 Thread Juergen Reuter

On Mon, 2 Oct 2006, Laura Conrad wrote:

I just tested it and in actual code, yours seems to do the same thing
mine does,

N.B.: There should be a minor difference in the handling of white space 
before/after the hyphen, which however is not essential, I guess.

except I find it harder to read.  What do you think is the
advantage of yours over mine?

Your approach

 a = re.sub ( '-', '- ', a)# split words with -

applies a rule which holds for most cases, but not all cases. 
Therefore, you introduce another rule

+a = re.sub ( ' - - ', ' -- ', a)  # unless was originally  -- 

to compensate for the error in the first rule.  Why not fixing the 
original rule rather than adding another rule for compensation? 
Compensation usually increases the oevrall complexity and thereby makes 
the code difficult to understand.

As far as readability is concerned, well, this probably depends on the 
point of view.  Looking at your compensation rule, I find it difficult to 
understand, as it is not immediately clear to me, what happens if e.g. you 
have --- or similar.  My suggested rule simply says: replace - by -  
if and only if there is not another - immediately before or after the 
-, and no further compensation is needed (hopefully).  This is quite 
clear to understand, isn't it? ;-)

The code I tested on was:

  The normal way to type multiple syllables in ABC:

  a = mul- ti- ple syl- la- bles

Where your version produces:

a = re.sub ( '([^-])-([^-])', '\\1- \\2', a)
print a

mul-  ti-  ple-  syl-  la-  bles


There shouldn't be a hyphen after ple.  I hope, that's just a typo?


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Longa notes

2006-10-04 Thread Juergen Reuter

On Wed, 4 Oct 2006, Juergen Reuter wrote:

That is, lily should take a longa from neo-mensural font.  The real problem 
is the 'u' in 'noteheads.u-2': The parmesan font defines a symmetric 
'noteheads.s-2neomensural', but neither up/down specific heads.

On a second thought, not the u is a problem, but the error message is
wrong.  The attached patch fixes the wrong error message (but not the 
original problem; that's a different issue).  Should I apply the patch?

JuergenIndex: ChangeLog
RCS file: /cvsroot/lilypond/lilypond/ChangeLog,v
retrieving revision 1.5374
diff -u -r1.5374 ChangeLog
--- ChangeLog   4 Oct 2006 19:53:54 -   1.5374
+++ ChangeLog   4 Oct 2006 20:37:25 -
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+2006-10-04  Jürgen Reuter  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+   * lily/ Fixed programming_error message.
 2006-10-04  Graham Percival  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
* Documentation/user/advanced-notation.itely: added
Index: lily/
RCS file: /cvsroot/lilypond/lilypond/lily/,v
retrieving revision 1.167
diff -u -r1.167
--- lily/   5 May 2006 11:26:06 -   1.167
+++ lily/   4 Oct 2006 20:37:25 -
@@ -43,8 +43,9 @@
   Font_metric *fm = Font_interface::get_default_font (me);
-  string idx = noteheads.s + suffix;
-  Stencil out = fm-find_by_name (idx);
+  string idx_symmetric, idx_directed, idx_either;
+  idx_symmetric = idx_either = noteheads.s + suffix;
+  Stencil out = fm-find_by_name (idx_symmetric);
   if (out.is_empty ())
   string prefix = noteheads.;
@@ -55,18 +56,20 @@
   if (stem_dir == CENTER)
programming_error (must have stem dir for note head);
-  idx = prefix + ((stem_dir == UP) ? u : d) + suffix;
-  out = fm-find_by_name (idx);
+  idx_directed = idx_either =
+   prefix + ((stem_dir == UP) ? u : d) + suffix;
+  out = fm-find_by_name (idx_directed);
   if (out.is_empty ())
-  me-warning (_f (note head `%s' not found, idx.c_str ()));
+  me-warning (_f (none of note heads `%s' or `%s' found,
+  idx_symmetric.c_str (), idx_directed.c_str ()));
   out = Stencil (Box (Interval (0, 0), Interval (0, 0)), SCM_EOL);
-*font_char = idx;
+*font_char = idx_either;
   return out;
lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Another patch (this one is important) to abc2ly

2006-10-01 Thread Juergen Reuter

 a = re.sub ( '-', '- ', a)# split words with -
+a = re.sub ( ' - - ', ' -- ', a)  # unless was originally  -- 

Just being curious:

Maybe I am totally wrong (since I do not know the abc format in detail), 
but shouldn't this be rather something like

a = re.sub ( '([^-])-([^-])', '\\1- \\2', a)# split words with - unless was 
originally --

or similar (untested)?


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: petrucci-f3 clef

2006-09-27 Thread Juergen Reuter

Hi, Pal!

Nice to see you back on this list!  Mmmh, do you know when Petrucci 
engraved this piece of music?  Petrucci is known to have started with 
beautiful printings around 1600.  At that time, he demonstrated what is 
possible with printing as compared to manual writing, because he wanted to 
compete with manual writings and had to convince musicians and 
publishers/copyers of what is technical possible.

However later, due to lack of money of his customers, he had to simplify 
his process of printing.  Maybe this simplification also affected the 
choice of clefs?  I do not see any other reason why Petrucci should have 
perfectly balanced all clefs, but not the f3/f4 clef, other than maybe he 
was lacking a sufficient number of printing types.  As far as I know, many 
pages of a book were printed in parallel (rather than one page after the 
next one), for whatever reason, such that a huge number of identical types 
had to be used at the same time.  So, maybe he just run out of a 
particular printing type such as the f4 clef and chose the f3 clef 
instead (or the other way around)?

In doubt, we should decide in favour of the beauty of printing.  What do 
you think, does the overall appearance of a piece of music improve with 
the change that you propose?


On Wed, 27 Sep 2006, Pal Benko wrote:

2006-09-26  Pal Benko  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  * scm/parser-clef.scm: add petrucci-f3 and -f4 clefs
  (the latter is the same as petrucci-f which is kept for compatibility)

Petrucci uses the exact same drawing for the f3 clef as for f4, just a
line lower
(at least in the Missae Obrecht).


Index: parser-clef.scm
RCS file: /sources/lilypond/lilypond/scm/parser-clef.scm,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2 parser-clef.scm
--- parser-clef.scm 6 Jan 2006 09:13:22 -   1.2
+++ parser-clef.scm 26 Sep 2006 18:39:15 -
@@ -60,6 +60,8 @@
(petrucci-c3 . (clefs.petrucci.c3 0 0))
(petrucci-c4 . (clefs.petrucci.c4 2 0))
(petrucci-c5 . (clefs.petrucci.c5 4 0))
+(petrucci-f3 . (clefs.petrucci.f 0 0))
+(petrucci-f4 . (clefs.petrucci.f 2 0))
(petrucci-f . (clefs.petrucci.f 2 0))
(petrucci-g . (clefs.petrucci.g -2 0

lilypond-devel mailing list

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: petrucci-f3 clef

2006-09-27 Thread Juergen Reuter

Oh, sorry!

Please forget about my last mail; it's nonsense; I looked wrong at the 
patch and thought you wanted to change c clefs, rather than adding 2 f 
clefs.  Your patch looks perfect!  Maybe I have slept too little...


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: changing the midi instrument; broken

2006-08-27 Thread Juergen Reuter

On Sun, 27 Aug 2006, Mats Bengtsson wrote:

Some further clarifications below.
However, as Erik says below, if you want to store the lyrics into a variable, 
you have to do

mylyrics = \lyricmode { Here is my ly -- rics }
and then \lyricsto ... \mylyrics

Still remains the question why at all you would want to store the lyrics 
into a variable.

Possible answer: Because you want to reuse the same lyrics at multiple 
places in the score.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: lilypond ChangeLog lily/instrument-name-engrave...

2006-07-26 Thread Juergen Reuter

On Wed, 26 Jul 2006, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:

Index: lily/
RCS file: /cvsroot/lilypond/lilypond/lily/,v
retrieving revision 1.86
retrieving revision 1.87
diff -u -b -r1.86 -r1.87
--- lily/instrument-name-engraver.cc26 Jul 2006 11:40:14 -  1.86
+++ lily/instrument-name-engraver.cc26 Jul 2006 11:57:22 -  1.87
@@ -41,13 +41,13 @@
  if (!text_spanner_)
  SCM long_text = get_property (instrument);

Shouldn't this be instrumentName?


@@ -115,9 +115,9 @@

/* read */
-   instr 
-   instrument 
-   vocNam 
+   shortInstrumentName 
+   instrumentName 
+   shortVocalName 

lilypond-devel mailing list

RE: Problem with partial

2006-07-10 Thread Juergen Reuter

Oh, true.  Yes, I remember having seen these double bar-like lines in the 
middle of a bar, now that you are mentioning it.

So, summarizing, we actually have two totally different types of bar 

* Pseudo bar lines, which are actually sectioning marks (||,
  repeat signs).  Virtually, they may appear anywhere in a bar; and they
  should not affect the bar number.

* True bar lines, which indicate where the heavy beat is.  The bar number
  should increase only after a true bar line (unless manually tweaked).

I am not sure, if line breaks by default should be allowed only on true 
bar lines or also on pseudo bar lines.


On Mon, 10 Jul 2006, Anthony Youngman wrote:

The repeat sign probably should include a double bar line ...

In my type of music (concert, brass band) it is quite normal to put a
double bar line in the middle of a bar when there is a major section
change, eg at the Trio. I've never come across a repeat in the middle of
a bar, though...


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Juergen Reuter
Sent: 07 July 2006 17:31
To: Mats Bengtsson
Cc:; Juergen Reuter
Subject: Re: Problem with partial

Ah, ok; I understand.  Still, I think that using \partial in this
situation is kind of abuse that accidentally works.  I guess the real
problem here is that lily models repeat signs as bar lines; but I am
wondering how a repeat sign should actually look like, if it does not
coincide with the bound of a bar (it probably should not consist of a
vertical line)...


On Thu, 6 Jul 2006, Mats Bengtsson wrote:

One common example where people today use it in the middle of a score


repeats, where the repeat sign is in the middle of a bar
(especially in combination with prima/secunda volta). Currently,


doesn't automatically take this into account. Of course, the best

solution in

this situation would be if LilyPond treated the measure position


for repeats.


Quoting Juergen Reuter [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Hi all,

please note that \partial or \upbeat, whatever you call it, has
musicologically a special meaning: the first, incomplete bar, and the


bar of a piece or of a major section of a piece (typically the bar


the next || bar glyph) should sum up to a complete bar.

For example, if a song with 4/4 meter starts with \partial 4 f4,

the last

bar should, by convention, have a total length of 3 quarter notes.


said that, you never should use \partial or \upbeat somewhere

within a

piece.  If lily nevertheless accepts it within a piece without

issuing an

error or warning, I consider this a bug.

Having a bar within a piece that differs in length from the


meter is a different concept.


On Thu, 6 Jul 2006, Graham Percival wrote:

Erik Sandberg wrote:

On Wednesday 05 July 2006 17:54, Graham Percival wrote:

IMO, \partial is just fine.  If there's some confusion, by all

means we

can clarify the docs.  As always, I gratefully accept any specific
recommendations for doc changes.

IMHO using \partial in the middle of a bar is confusing; I think


should be some other command that sets the length of an individual


Do you think it would make sense to invent such a command?

I'd rather keep the behavior of \partial -- ie add an extra X

duration to

this bar, rather than this bar should have X duration.  That

said, I

suppose we could rename \partial to \addTime or something like that.


don't think that \upbeat is appropriate, but we could find some



- Graham

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lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Problem with \partial

2006-07-07 Thread Juergen Reuter

On Fri, 7 Jul 2006, Graham Percival wrote:

In my example, I _did_ state

c4 c c c | d d d d \partial 4 d | c c c c

... and some contemporary music may want to change the number of beats in a 
bar without changing the notated time signature.  Whatever we think of that 
practice (and I dislike it too :) , I don't think we should explicitly 
disallow it inside lilypond.

- Graham

... want to change the number of beats just in a single bar or in many 
bars?  When bars are frequently changing in length, you probably want to 
completely forget about the meter and do something like this:

\version 2.9.0
sep = \bar |
\score {
  \transpose c c' {
c4 d \sep
e f g \sep
f e d c \bar |.
  \layout {
\context {
  \remove Time_signature_engraver
\context {
  timing = ##f

If you just want to change the meter for a single or very few bars, you 
really should do it with the \time command (because that is what \time is 
for).  If you do not like the time signature change to be printed, you 
still can remove the time signature engraver or set it to transparent.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Problem with partial

2006-07-07 Thread Juergen Reuter

Ah, ok; I understand.  Still, I think that using \partial in this 
situation is kind of abuse that accidentally works.  I guess the real 
problem here is that lily models repeat signs as bar lines; but I am also 
wondering how a repeat sign should actually look like, if it does not 
coincide with the bound of a bar (it probably should not consist of a 
vertical line)...


On Thu, 6 Jul 2006, Mats Bengtsson wrote:

One common example where people today use it in the middle of a score is 
repeats, where the repeat sign is in the middle of a bar
(especially in combination with prima/secunda volta). Currently, LilyPond 
doesn't automatically take this into account. Of course, the best solution in 
this situation would be if LilyPond treated the measure position correctly 
for repeats.


Quoting Juergen Reuter [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Hi all,

please note that \partial or \upbeat, whatever you call it, has 
musicologically a special meaning: the first, incomplete bar, and the last 
bar of a piece or of a major section of a piece (typically the bar before 
the next || bar glyph) should sum up to a complete bar.

For example, if a song with 4/4 meter starts with \partial 4 f4, the last 
bar should, by convention, have a total length of 3 quarter notes. Having 
said that, you never should use \partial or \upbeat somewhere within a 
piece.  If lily nevertheless accepts it within a piece without issuing an 
error or warning, I consider this a bug.

Having a bar within a piece that differs in length from the foreassigned 
meter is a different concept.


On Thu, 6 Jul 2006, Graham Percival wrote:

Erik Sandberg wrote:

On Wednesday 05 July 2006 17:54, Graham Percival wrote:

IMO, \partial is just fine.  If there's some confusion, by all means we
can clarify the docs.  As always, I gratefully accept any specific
recommendations for doc changes.

IMHO using \partial in the middle of a bar is confusing; I think there 
should be some other command that sets the length of an individual bar. 
Do you think it would make sense to invent such a command?

I'd rather keep the behavior of \partial -- ie add an extra X duration to 
this bar, rather than this bar should have X duration.  That said, I 
suppose we could rename \partial to \addTime or something like that. I 
don't think that \upbeat is appropriate, but we could find some other 

- Graham

lilypond-devel mailing list

lilypond-devel mailing list

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Problem with \partial

2006-07-06 Thread Juergen Reuter

Hi all,

please note that \partial or \upbeat, whatever you call it, has 
musicologically a special meaning: the first, incomplete bar, and the last 
bar of a piece or of a major section of a piece (typically the bar before 
the next || bar glyph) should sum up to a complete bar.

For example, if a song with 4/4 meter starts with \partial 4 f4, the 
last bar should, by convention, have a total length of 3 quarter notes. 
Having said that, you never should use \partial or \upbeat somewhere 
within a piece.  If lily nevertheless accepts it within a piece without 
issuing an error or warning, I consider this a bug.

Having a bar within a piece that differs in length from the foreassigned 
meter is a different concept.


On Thu, 6 Jul 2006, Graham Percival wrote:

Erik Sandberg wrote:

On Wednesday 05 July 2006 17:54, Graham Percival wrote:

IMO, \partial is just fine.  If there's some confusion, by all means we
can clarify the docs.  As always, I gratefully accept any specific
recommendations for doc changes.

IMHO using \partial in the middle of a bar is confusing; I think there 
should be some other command that sets the length of an individual bar. Do 
you think it would make sense to invent such a command?

I'd rather keep the behavior of \partial -- ie add an extra X duration to 
this bar, rather than this bar should have X duration.  That said, I 
suppose we could rename \partial to \addTime or something like that. I don't 
think that \upbeat is appropriate, but we could find some other name.

- Graham

lilypond-devel mailing list

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: user manual

2006-07-06 Thread Juergen Reuter

On Thu, 6 Jul 2006, Mark Van den Borre wrote:


General improvements to working on lilypond files, focusing on
teaching users how to write files that are easier to update.  Not that
it will do any good, since nobody reads the manual anyway.

I was not aware that you underestimate the relevance of your work so
much. It is a splendid piece of work and very important to the
Lilypond user experience.


100% agreed!  At least, I *do* read now and then in the manual, and it's 
now _extremely_ better than, say, 2 or 3 years ago!


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: test results available!

2006-06-06 Thread Juergen Reuter

On Wed, 7 Jun 2006, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:


I changed this a bit. Now, you need to use

Maybe you should correct the broken link on ?


lilypond-devel mailing list

[bug?] eps versus pdf problem?

2006-06-06 Thread Juergen Reuter


the white mensural ligature example in Sect. 
collapses in the HTML manual to a width of a few pixels (see the _first_ 
(almost invisible) png image in

However, in the PDF manual, the same example shows up perfectly.

Hence, I guess this behaviour is probably an eps versus pdf problem rather 
than a problem of the ligature implementation, right?


P.S.: I can eliminate the symptom in the manual by slightly modifying the 
example, but I guess finding the bug would be more satisfactory... ;-)

lilypond-devel mailing list

Scripts Manual Sect. 6.6.1 (Articulations)

2006-06-02 Thread Juergen Reuter


just a comment to Sect. 6.6.1 (Articulations):

IMHO, the signum congruentiae, all fermatas, the segno sign and the coda 
signs are no articulation signs.  Historically, they were put together 
with the articulation signs into the same manual section, because their 
implementation was based on the same piece of C++ code.  Musicologically, 
I think they should go into a separate section, maybe called Rehearsal 
directives or similar.  Or maybe they should be just merged into Sect. 
8.2.3 (Rehearsal marks)?

However, I am not sure what you would do about the Commonly tweaked 
properties paragraph in 6.6.1 when splitting this section (Duplicate it? 
Add a See also?).


lilypond-devel mailing list

[Bug?] Concatening syllables

2006-06-02 Thread Juergen Reuter


Sect. 7.3.2 (Entering lyrics) of the manual says:

In order to assign more than one syllable to a single note, you must 
surround them with quotes or use a _ character between the syllables.

This works fine e.g. for:
\addlyrics { gran- de_a- mi- go }

However, neither
\addlyrics { gran- \lyricmode { de }_a- mi- go }

\addlyrics { gran- \lyricmode { de_ }a- mi- go }

\addlyrics { gran- \lyricmode {de}_a- mi- go }

works as expected (the _ just shows no effect at all).  I need this 
problem get fixed in order to get \versus, \responsum commands of ancient 
notation properly working, such that you can e.g. say:

\addlyrics { \versus_Here comes the text. }
(where \versus constructs a special char, see ly/

Any ideas?


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Problems with spanish update (Re: My patch to music glossary)

2006-05-30 Thread Juergen Reuter

On Tue, 30 May 2006, Francisco Vila wrote:

Also, after a '$ cvs co' my local copy has strange ''- and
''-filled lines surrounding some of my changes, don't know if
they have been applied or not. So I really don't know how to obtain a
second patch from this.


However, this should not happen with cvs co.  At least in the HEAD of 
the 2.9 branch, I can not see an unresolved conflict.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Autotester: FAIL make BRANCH=HEAD darwin-ppc

2006-05-26 Thread Juergen Reuter


just being curious: is it intended that these Autotester messages are sent 
to lilypond-cvs rather than just to the author/committer of the changes?


P.S.: By the way, what is the Autotester?  Is it run upon every cvs 
commit?  Is a commit rejected, if the test fails?

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: gregorian chant improvement

2006-04-17 Thread Juergen Reuter

By the way, you may also be interested in the following related work from
a workshop on Braille Notation of Psalmodia and Gregorian Chant, held in 
Marburg, Germany, on October 2-3, 2002:

In order to make Gregorian chant notation readable for blind people, the
authors define how to decompose complex neumes into primitives, which
in turn are mapped to braille.  In fact, their breaking-down approach is 
very similar to what lily does, such that it should not be too complicated 
to implement their specification as an extension to LilyPond (which would 
probably be a nice student project).


On Tue, 21 Mar 2006, Elie Roux wrote:


But in my work with the monk we discovered that the most simple was to
decompose neumes in simpler elements. We are able to list all the simple
elements, and so we can make all possible neumes. It would be much
simpler I think, than listing all possible neumes. It would also permit
to put quilismas everywhere, not only in pes (they can be at any place
in most of neumes).  If you want more details about these simple
elements tell me, I will translate a document I made about a XML schema
for gregorian chant (in french on


lilypond-devel mailing list

Separation_item problem

2006-04-17 Thread Juergen Reuter


I have been trying to fix the misplaced dot bug in Gregorian chant 
notation -- without sucess:

Vaticana_ligature_engraver::add_mora_column (Grob *parent)
  if (!parent) // empty ligature
  if (augmented_primitives_.size () == 0) // no dot for column
  Item *dotcol = make_item (DotColumn, SCM_EOL);
  for (vsize i = 0; i  augmented_primitives_.size (); i++)
  Item *dot = make_item (Dots, augmented_primitives_[i]-self_scm ());
  dot-set_parent (augmented_primitives_[i], X_AXIS);
  dot-set_parent (parent, Y_AXIS);
  dot-set_property (Y-offset, Grob::x_parent_positioning_proc);
  augmented_primitives_[i]-set_object (dot, dot-self_scm ());
  Axis_group_interface::add_element (dotcol, dot);
  Side_position_interface::add_support (dot, augmented_primitives_[i]);
  Pointer_group_interface::add_grob (dot, ly_symbol2scm (note-heads),
  Dot_column::add_head (dotcol, augmented_primitives_[i]);

The above code should create a dot column, which should be horizontally 
placed immediately behind Grob *parent.  The dot column should consist of 
a number of dots, one for each notehead grob held in the

vectorItem * augmented_primitives_

The only thing that this code produces is a Separation_item:  I've been 
drinking too much error, and no dot is printed.

Once, when writing the porrectus engraver, I had similar problems, and as 
the cause, I suspected the discrepancy between the column of the music 
cause and the column of where to print the outcome.  This discrepancy is 
also true in the above code: the notehead, which is the cause of the dot, 
may arise earlier in time than the column where the dots are collected.

Has someone an idea how I can fix this problem?


lilypond-devel mailing list

[bug?] lily chokes on unavailable unicode char

2006-04-15 Thread Juergen Reuter


lyrics with non-latin characters, such as in input/, 
basically compile fine on my machine without any error message, and the 
output looks fine.

If, however, I replace one of the non-latin characters with an obviously 
unavailable utf-8 code (at least with the fonts currently installed on my 
machine) such as the character with the code (hexadecimal) 211F or 2123, 
lily spits out the following messages:

warning: no PostScript font name for font 
warning: FreeType face has no PostScript font name
programming error: Improbable offset for stencil: -inf staff space
Setting to zero.
continuing, cross fingers

That is, lily does not even consider that a unicode character may not be 

By the way, do you know of any freely available fonts that include 
characters 211F and 2123?  It would be nice to have them for Gregorian 
chant notation.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: feature request: Hairpin.hairpinFullLength

2006-04-12 Thread Juergen Reuter

On Tue, 11 Apr 2006, Graham Percival wrote:

(this'll probably get lost while HWN is away, but anyway...)

From the docs,
A hairpin starts at the left edge of the beginning note and ends on the 
right edge of the ending note.

tupletFullLength (boolean)
   If set, the tuplet is printed up to the start of the next note.

Could we have a feature, similar to tupletFullLength, which places the end of 
a hairpin just before the start of the next note?

And a similar thing for TextSpanner would probably fix the \episem, which 
broke at some time during the 2.7 series (see manual Sect. 7.7.7).  It 
seems that, for TextSpanners, the FullLength behavior is now always 
true, while it must be false for the \episem.  Or do I miss something?


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Some code for polygons

2006-04-12 Thread Juergen Reuter


maybe I should also comment on this topic, since I originally contributed 
the whole polygon stuff in order to implement clusters, and thus still 
feel (very) little responsible for it. ;-)

As for the triangle, yes, I also think it _is_ abuse to use the 
blot-diameter in order to control the line thickness of an unfilled 
polygon.  In fact, an unfilled polygon should ideally have two separate 
parameters for controlling line thickness and blot-diameter.  However, 
implementing such a drawing routine for unfilled polygons appears quite 
complicated to me.  At least, you could re-use the polygon shrinking 
algorithm in in order to calculate the edges of the inner path 
of the polygon outline.  However, the restrictions mentioned in 
would unfortunately also apply.

BTW, I just noticed, that in define-markup-command.scm, markup commands 
draw-cricle and beam have an explicit thickness parameter, while all other 
markup commands retrieve the thickness value from the props parameter. 
Maybe this could be made more consistent.


On Wed, 12 Apr 2006, David Feuer wrote:

On 4/12/06, Jan Nieuwenhuizen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Indeed; no need for an assert.  But in that case ... found it

(define-markup-command (triangle layout props filled) (boolean?)
  A triangle, filled or not

we use it to draw `white' triangles for chords...

Yuck.  This makes a great argument for my proposal to get the
arbitrary Scheme code out of stencils (so there's only -one- place in
the source that produces output code).  The easiest way to keep this
working the same as it does now is to name my new functions
filled-polygon and retain the old (really simple) polygon drawers in
the backends.  The polygon procedure in can still go away.
I'm a bit curious, though, why the triangles are done that way, which
lets the blot exceed the normal bounds.  If that behavior is a bug,
then something else will need to be done.  One option might be to make
triangle-shrinking code, which would be a bit icky, but not as icky as
general polygon-shrinking code, because triangles have some pretty
nice geometric properties.  I have another couple ideas, but I'm still
working those out.


lilypond-devel mailing list

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: State of the docs, April 2006

2006-04-12 Thread Juergen Reuter

On Tue, 11 Apr 2006, Graham Percival wrote:

Lilypond knowledge required: moderate
Estimated time: 5 hours

Do all the templates in chapter 3 work?  I know that the Jazz ensemble one 
is very old, and is generally icky.  If nobody updates it, I think we should 
just delete it.  I don't know what the status is on the other templates.  In 
addition, all the templates should follow the same general style.

Attached is a diff that makes the template working again, with a minimal 
set of changes.  Still, the general style of the template is rather 
peculiar, such that the comments immediately before the template still 
hold.  I do not know if this patch is of any value for user reading the 
manual, but at least it fixes the appearance of the example.

JuergenIndex: examples.itely
RCS file: /cvsroot/lilypond/lilypond/Documentation/user/examples.itely,v
retrieving revision 1.60
diff -u -r1.60 examples.itely
--- examples.itely  28 Mar 2006 20:47:21 -  1.60
+++ examples.itely  12 Apr 2006 21:52:52 -
@@ -1033,8 +1033,12 @@
   composer = Me
   meter = moderato
   piece = Swing
-  tagline = LilyPond example file by Amelie Zapf,
- Berlin 07/07/2003
+  tagline = \markup {
+\column {
+  LilyPond example file by Amelie Zapf,
+  Berlin 07/07/2003
+  }
   texidoc = Jazz tune for combo
  (horns, guitar, piano, bass, drums).
@@ -1082,7 +1086,7 @@
   \set Staff.instrument = #Trumpet
   \clef treble
-  \new Staff 
@@ -1099,7 +1103,7 @@
   \set Staff.instrument = #Alto Sax
   \clef treble
-  \new Staff 
@@ -1116,7 +1120,7 @@
   \set Staff.instrument = #Bari Sax
   \clef treble
-  \new Staff 
@@ -1133,7 +1137,7 @@
   \set Staff.instrument = #Trombone
   \clef bass
-  \new Staff 
@@ -1153,7 +1157,7 @@
   \set Staff.instrument = #Guitar
   \clef treble
-  \new Staff 
@@ -1185,7 +1189,7 @@
   \clef treble
   \set Staff.midiInstrument = acoustic grand
-  \new Staff 
 \new Voice = one \rhUpper
 \new Voice = two \rhLower
@@ -1194,14 +1198,14 @@
   \clef bass
   \set Staff.midiInstrument = acoustic grand
-  \new Staff 
 \new Voice = one \lhUpper
 \new Voice = two \lhLower
 piano = {
-  \new PianoStaff 
 \set PianoStaff.instrument = #Piano
 \new Staff = upper \PianoRH
 \new Staff = lower \PianoLH
@@ -1217,7 +1221,7 @@
   \set Staff.instrument = #Bass
   \clef bass
-  \new Staff 
lilypond-devel mailing list

Docu Sect. 3.5.2

2006-04-12 Thread Juergen Reuter

The introduction for the Gregorian transcription template currently says:

This example demonstrates how to do modern transcriptions of Gregorian 
music. Gregorian music has no measure, no stems; it uses only half and 
quarter notes, and two types of barlines, a short one indicating a rest, 
and a second one indicating a breath mark.

The template has been recently updated, such that the text is now somewhat 
outdated.  I would like to propose a slightly modified text, maybe 
something like:

This example demonstrates how to do modern transcription of Gregorian
music. Gregorian music has no measure, no stems; it uses only half and 
quarter noteheads, and special marks, indicating rests of different 


lilypond-devel mailing list

Docu Sect.

2006-04-12 Thread Juergen Reuter


considering the recent misreading of lily's Gregorian chant capabilities 
that could be seen on this list, I would like to propose a minor update 
with clarifications to Sect.  See attachment.

JuergenIndex: Documentation/user/instrument-notation.itely
RCS file: 
retrieving revision 1.80
diff -u -r1.80 instrument-notation.itely
--- Documentation/user/instrument-notation.itely5 Apr 2006 00:01:18 
-   1.80
+++ Documentation/user/instrument-notation.itely12 Apr 2006 23:37:30 
@@ -3881,6 +3881,20 @@
 @code{\[ \stropha b \stropha b \stropha a \]}
 @end multitable
+The ligatures listed above mainly serve as a limited, but still
+representative pool of Gregorian ligature examples.  Virtually, within
+the ligature delimiters @code{\[} and @code{\]}, any number of heads
+may be accumulated to form a single ligature, and head prefixes like
[EMAIL PROTECTED], @code{\flexa}, @code{\virga}, @code{\inclinatum},
+etc. may be mixed in as desired.  The use of the set of rules that
+underlies the construction of the ligatures in the above table is
+accordingly extrapolated.  This way, infinitely many different
+ligatures can be created.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] TODO: create a regression or tips  tricks example document 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] even more Gregorian ligatures, and add a link to this document
 The following head prefixes are supported
@@ -3902,7 +3916,11 @@
 @cindex @code{\quilisma}
 @cindex @code{\deminutum}
[EMAIL PROTECTED] @code{\cavum}
[EMAIL PROTECTED] @code{\linea}
 Head prefixes can be accumulated, though restrictions apply.  For
 example, either @code{\descendens} or @code{\ascendens} can be applied
lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Page and line penalties

2006-04-07 Thread Juergen Reuter

On Fri, 7 Apr 2006, Joe Neeman wrote:

OK, so the solution will always have a certain level of instability. Just to
put some idea of scale on my previous example graphs, it's possible that
LilyPond will be tossing up between using 5 systems and using 10 systems. 5
systems provides much better spacing but 10 systems has less penalties. The
total badness is _slightly_ less for 5 systems so Lily goes with that.

Then the user inserts an extra bar and the number of systems doubles. I think
that instability shouldn't occur on this scale.

Now, I haven't been playing around with any line penalties, but I have done
experiments with page turn penalties and I have seen scores go from 5 to 8
pages with only small changes.

Maybe I am totally wrong, but this discussion reminds me of an issue that 
I raised on Nov 18, last year; see the thread starting here:

I am mentioning this thread just in case that you are looking for 
interesting test examples.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Style

2006-04-04 Thread Juergen Reuter


indeed, this topic has been brought up at least in early 2003 (maybe even 
earlier) and also went into Han-Wen's and Jan's XIV CIM 2003 paper (see 
right column of page 4 in this paper).  There _is_ already an implicit way 
of writing style sheets (although somewhat limited), but let me explain in 
detail, using ancient notation as an example.

Lily's ancient notation has been designed from its very beginning with 
having in mind the principle of separating musical content from notational 
style.  A convincing argument for doing so is, for example, the task of 
generating both, old (i.e. original) and new (i.e. transcibed) notation of 
an ancient piece from a single source.  This is done by controlling a 
bunch of grob and context properties, such as TimeSignature #'style.

Nowadays, in Lily you could achieve the goal of creating old and new 
notation from the same source with the \tag command, but it is still handy 
to collect control of style at a central spot in the source, rather than 
scattering tagged \set or \override commands all over the source.  The 
point here is, that you may want to change whatever aspect of the 
notational style at a central place rather than having to scan through the 
whole source and maybe need to introduce a new tag name.

In Lily, the notational style is currently unfotunately not 
explicitly factored out into a separate style file like .css or .sty. 
Still, it is in most cases possible and usually good practice to set such 
properties only once per staff (or score) at the beginning of the piece.

Following this thought a little bit further, there actually _is_ a 
(limited) way of separating style into a different file.  For example, the 
context definitions of VaticanaVoice and VaticanaStaff in 
ly/ in combination with the definitions in 
ly/ initialize a bunch of properties, such that you will 
get ancient notation.  If you replace all occurrences of \VaticanaStaff 
and \VaticanaVoice with \GregorianTranscriptionVoice and 
\GregorianTranscriptionStaff, you should (at least in theory) get the same 
music, but in contemporary notation.

This way, the context definitions in ly/ serve as 
predefined style sheets for a selected number of styles (at least for 
ancient notation).  You can add new styles by overriding these context 

That is, writing a style sheet in Lily currently reduces to the matter of 
redefining context definitions.


On Tue, 4 Apr 2006, David Feuer wrote:

I'm sure someone has brought this up before, but I've been thinking a
bit about the way users tweak output in Lilypond.  As it is, tweaks
are generally interspersed with actual music information.  This seems
to make things difficult when someone tries to maintain a part that
has to be transposed a couple different ways, or printed on different
paper sizes, or whatever.  The web deals with this problem through
CSS, and I would suggest that Lilypond might do something similar: let
users name timesteps, timestep edges, measures, and categories of
such, and format them according to a separate program.  Obviously this
would be loads of work, and I don't even know if it would be feasible,
but that's what I'm thinking.

David Feuer

lilypond-devel mailing list

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Tremolo positioning

2006-03-29 Thread Juergen Reuter

Please note that the property name style currently (hopefully) 
consistently denotes _font_ style.  It is defined with this meaning for 
noteheads, rests, accidentals, time signatures, flags, and custos.

Nowadays, that Lily supports subproperties (cp. manual Sect. 9.1.4 or 
9.2.1), maybe, on the long term, the property style should be split into 
subproperties font and shape or similar?  Then you could use 
subproperty shape of property style for stem tremolos.  I _really_ 
would prefer to keep the naming of properties as consistent as possible.


On Wed, 29 Mar 2006, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:

Joe Neeman wrote:

On Tue, 28 Mar 2006 20:20, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:

Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:

Can you resend the patch using more idiomatic code? Thanks!

Also, can you include a small regression test sample, so it's obvious
when we break something?

I'm not quite sure if we reached a conclusion on the default behaviour of 
tremolos and I'm also not quite sure what the protocol is for adding things 
to interfaces (I added style to stem-tremolo-interface. It can be 
'rectangle or 'default) but here is another try anyway. I also enclose a 

looks good, although default is usually signaled with '()

regression test and an image of the output.

thanks. I've added your changes to 2.9 ; I'll probably backport the diff of 
2.9.0 to 2.8.1 as a whole. Can you look at the regtests and (your file), and refactor them so they don't have 

thanks for your patch!

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: gregorian chant improvement

2006-03-27 Thread Juergen Reuter

On Tue, 21 Mar 2006, Elie Roux wrote:


I'm working on gregorian chant reprensentation for a project student in
a graduate ingeneering school in France, and I have had a lot of
discussion with a monk on it. My aim is to improve gregorian chant
representation in free softwares for monk to use it.


that sounds good.  You are very welcome to help improving Lily's Gregorian 
chant implementation!

I read the latest version of the documentation and I saw a lot of
changes since the previous one, this makes me hope that people are
working on gregorian chant and it is I think a very good thing, because
there is still a lot to do.

Lily's implementation of Gregorian chant unfortunately has been somewhat 
stagnating for the last three years.  In particular, I have currently 
effectively no time to contribute (I hope this will change in a year or 

The first thing I would like to say is that taking the table of neumes
of Solesmes is good... for Solesmes books, but there are a lot of neumes
used in a lot of books that do not appear in this table. I do not think
it is a good idea to list them : I have a swiss book where 188 different
neumes are listed (without figurae). So it seems very hard to count all

Exactly.  The graphical Solesmes table in the documentation mainly serves 
as an example for a limited number, but still representative set of 
Gregorian ligatures.  The textual table below the graphical table explains 
how to construct these examples by mapping the Gregorian ligatures to 
Lily's low-level Gregorian syntax.

A higher-level syntax (very similar to that one in OpusTeX, but with a 
variable number of arguments) was planned, but never implemented (except 
for the (undocumented) \ligature command), mostly due to my lack of time 
to dive into the details on writing Scheme-based Lilypond macros.  For a 
Lily/Scheme expert, it should be rather trivial to implement, just 
following the mapping of the textual table (but extending it to support 
variable number of arguments).

But in my work with the monk we discovered that the most simple was to
decompose neumes in simpler elements.

This is exactly, what Lily's Gregorian chant implementation is based on.

We are able to list all the simple
elements, and so we can make all possible neumes.

Lily does this already (unless there are bugs in the implementation).  For 
the Solesmes neumes, the textual table in Sect. shows how this is 

It would be much
simpler I think, than listing all possible neumes.

As just said, the table just lists examples, rather than all possible 
neumes.  Maybe, this should be stated more clearly in the documentation.

It would also permit
to put quilismas everywhere, not only in pes (they can be at any place
in most of neumes).

This can already be done with the current implementation.

If you want more details about these simple
elements tell me, I will translate a document I made about a XML schema
for gregorian chant (in french on

I just had a look at the neumes that appear in your document.  Most of 
these neumes appear in the Solesmes table in Sect. of Lily's 
manual.  For those that do not appear there, here are some comments:

punctum-cavum (page 5): this is done with Lily as follows:
\[ \cavum g \]

linea-punctum (page 5): this is done with Lily as follows:
\[ \linea g \]

linea-punctum-cavum (page 5): this is done with Lily as follows:
\[ \linea \cavum g \]

(Ok, looks like \linea and \cavum are not mentioned in the current 

left-virga (page 5): there is no real left virga in Gregorian chant; it 
is a pure typographical result from connecting adjacent notes e.g. in a 
pes or flexa, which accidentally looks like a reverse virga.  It has no 
musical meaning and therefore should not appear in the input syntax.  In 
Lily, such connections are drawn automatically where appropriate, such 
there is no need for special input syntax.

pes-quadratum (page 8): this is done with Lily as follows:
\[ f \pes \virga b \]

torculus-resupinus (page 8): this is done with Lily as follows:
\[ f \pes a \flexa f \pes g \]

porrectus-flexus (page 8): this is done with Lily as follows:
\[ b \flexa a \pes b \flexa g \]

torculus-resupinus-flexus (page 8): this is done with Lily as follow:
\[ g \pes b \flexa g \pes a \flexa f \]

right-pes (page 8): ok, this is currently not supported in Lily. 
Personally, I have not yet seen such a ligature.  Can you please cite a 
source where this ligature appears?  Thanks!  Implementing it would be 
rather simple; the alignment looks identical to that of a virga, so the 
virga alignment code could be just reused for punctum heads that are 
marked with a special head prefix (e.g. \right).  However, I wonder if 
this construct is really needed/useful/meaningful.

right-porrectus (page 8): same as right-pes

torculus-et-pes (page 8): this is done with Lily as follows:
\[ g \pes b 

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