Re: problem modifying articulation mark

2007-09-26 Thread Mats Bengtsson

The accent symbol, just as the note heads, clefs, other articulations
and many other things, are typeset using a special font that's included
with LilyPond (see appendix The Feta font in the user manual). This 
font does not include any bold face versions of the symbols, so that's 
why you don't see any difference if you change the font-series

or font-shape, for example.


Quoting Adam James Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

I want to make the \accent articulation bold, and change its font
size, while still being able to attach it to a note using ^ and _.

I gather from the documentation that the function below should do.
However, only the font-size change seems to display any effect.  I can
even specify nonesense for font-family - put in 'blurk or 'gunk or
something - and no error is produced.

I believe (make-music 'ArticulationEvent 'articulation-type
accent) produces a Script object, and I am operating under the
assumtion that I can tweak any of the properties listed under Script
and its associated interfaces.  Is there another way to do this?

myAccent =
#(let ((m (make-music 'ArticulationEvent 'articulation-type accent)))
   (set! (ly:music-property m 'tweaks)
   (acons 'font-family 'sans (ly:music-property m 'tweaks)))
   (set! (ly:music-property m 'tweaks)
   (acons 'font-name 'helevitica (ly:music-property m 'tweaks)))
   (set! (ly:music-property m 'tweaks)
   (acons 'font-series 'bold (ly:music-property m 'tweaks)))
   (set! (ly:music-property m 'tweaks)
   (acons 'font-size '12 (ly:music-property m 'tweaks)))

Best regards,

lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Multimeasure rests with chordnames context .. possible bug?

2007-09-26 Thread Mats Bengtsson

Quoting Jack Cooper [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

I've been having a problem generating multimeasure rests within
leadsheets, and until recently I made no serious attempt to figure
out what was going on.  What I finally noticed is that lilypond
doesn't generate multimeasure rests when I use the chordnames context.
If I comment out the chordnames part of the score, lilypond correctly
generates multimeasure rests.

I haven't seen anything in the archives addressing this issue, so
I wonder if I've been missing something obvious.  I am currently
using version 2.11.27 under windows, although I noticed this problem
with version 2.10.x as well.  I've attached a copy of one of the
leadsheet files that exhibits this behaviour..

If you temporarily replace your \context ChordNames = mychords {
\context Staff = mychords {
you might get a clue on what the problem is.

In order for the \set Score.skipBars = ##t setting to work here, you 
need to use multimeasure rests also in the ChordNames context. For 
example, you should replace

harmonies = \chordmode {c1 r1 r r r r r


harmonies = \chordmode {c1 R1*6


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: very fast image output

2007-09-26 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/9/25, anonman0 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Could lilypond be used for this?  Or could it at least be sped-up
 considerably (perhaps with a tradeoffs)?--faster than the 1 or 2 seconds it
 currently takes to generate an image.

The main problem is that each time you compile a score, it builds it
from scratch: the longer your score, the longer it takes to produce an
image. (You say 1 or 2 seconds, but with longer scores, it can take
several minutes each time).

There could be some way to implement an incremental processing
(which could recalculate only the part of the code that has changed
since the last compilation), but currently this is not possible
(unless you have a few thousands euros to spend in it, then I guess
lots of things could become possible ;)

 If not, what are alternatives?
 Doesn't rosegarden use lilypond fonts in its notation editor?  is it using
 some lilypond library to do this?

Yes, but RoseGarden is a MIDI sequencer, not a score editing software.
It can produce scores, but the output quality (layout, typo, printing
etc) can't be compared to LilyPond.

You can try Canorus, the evolution of NoteEdit. It's a WYSIWYG
notation software like NoteEdit, but under the hood it uses an
interesting XML-based notation code, with Contexts and Objects like in
LilyPond; besides, I heard it can easily export native LilyPond code.
I haven't really given it a try yet but it's still under active


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: 3 Sided Box?

2007-09-26 Thread Mats Bengtsson

Quoting fedge [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


I'm new to using Lilypond, and Finale for that matter.  I'm trying to decide
which is better.
So far, what I like about Lilypond is that I seem to be able to do just
about anything I want ... except this: I like the \box option around a text
markup, but I would really like it if it only had three sides (LEFT, TOP and

Is there anyway to customize this?  Or maybe I have to write some function
that draws three lines, but will bound itself around some text?

Right, there's no such function in LilyPond by default, but it's very
easy to add one. I just added an example in our snippet repository, 
LSR, see


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: moving objects

2007-09-26 Thread Mats Bengtsson

As others have pointed out, it's much easier to provide a relevant
answer if you include some .ly code that you tried yourself.

Using the example in the manual (section Text marks) as a starting 
point, you can certainly move around the D.S using padding, for example:

\version 2.10.0
\relative c''{
\override Score.RehearsalMark
  #'break-visibility = #begin-of-line-invisible
c1 c c c4 c c c
\once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #right
\once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'padding = #3.0
\mark D.S. al Fine 

See also Section 5, Tweaking output in the manual.


Quoting Frederick Dennis [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

So far, as a total beginnner, I've produced several different pdf's of
single stave notes with title, composer, tempo and multirests. However, my
segno touches the next note. Can I shift it? No. Neither up or sideways. Not
using padding, \once \override, #'extra-offset or musicglyph, mark or markup
or spaces in quotes. My D.S. al Coda remains firmly fixed, nestling
obstinately among the notes and my Coda sign and text will not go where I
want them to. With Sibelius, I just pick the **@(** up with the mouse and
deposit it but with lilypond this will not do. Surely, something as simple
as positioning the segno would be self-evident? Wouldn't it?
Frederick Dennis.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: 3 Sided Box?

2007-09-26 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/9/26, Mats Bengtsson [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Right, there's no such function in LilyPond by default, but it's very
 easy to add one. I just added an example in our snippet repository,
 LSR, see

Great! Approved!

(I put it in the Educational directory to match some related snippets).


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: tuplets

2007-09-26 Thread cm8032
I've heard/used tuplets since the mid 1980s when I first started learning
music. However, I've always understood it to specifically mean 'two in the
time of x', probably as a mispronounciation of 'duplets' by confusing it
with 'two' (two-plets - I grew up in Norfolk!).

This specific usage is why I raised this issue in the first place - it
seemed wrong to me to use it as a generic term. I don't actually know of a
generic term for 'x in the time of y' groups. The only common feature I've
come across for teaching such concepts is the 'in the time of'
construction, which isn't exactly catchy but at least fits with the LP
syntax of \times!

I don't particularly like the idea of creating a neologism just for the LP
manual, whatever Finale may have done. As we've already seen, it's going
to cause problems for translating the manual into other languages and
won't necessarily even be clear to native English-speakers.

In what context do we actually need to use this generic term? Surely we
can avoid it? I'd be happy to try to re-draft the relevant paragraph(s) if


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: tuplets

2007-09-26 Thread Valentin Villenave

Hi Charlotte,

 In what context do we actually need to use this generic term? Surely we
 can avoid it? I'd be happy to try to re-draft the relevant paragraph(s) if

Can you propose anything else for ?

(I'd be interested in seeing what you can propose, since the French
translation is currently relying on hideous neologisms ;)


lilypond-user mailing list

GDP - Learning Manuall Songs section

2007-09-26 Thread Trevor Daniels

As one of the GDP helpers I'm having a first look at the
Songs section which is to go into the new Learning Manual.
It will be based on the Tutorial Songs section (section 2.4)
in the present User Manual.  This is rather short at
present, and I would like to extend it.  The question is, by
how much.  I'd welcome your views on the suggestions below.
In particular, is this too long?  Does this cover too
many/too few topics?  How many examples should be included?
Are these good examples?  Is the division into subsections
optimal?  Are the subsection headings right?

IMO some of the explanations of lyrics in the vocal section
of the present manual (section 7.3) are written in a
tutorial style, and the easier parts of these could be moved
with advantage into the Learning Manual.  I am thinking in
particular of sections 7.3.1 Setting simple songs and the
easier parts of some other sections.

Most of the _concepts_ associated with lyrics need to be
introduced in the Learning Manual, as they are pretty well
all needed whenever lyrics need to be set.  But only the
minimum number of technicalities should be covered; all
alternative methods and all tweaks should remain in the new
Notation Reference and simply referenced.

Here's an outline of my thoughts on a possible new
structure.  It actually covers little more than the present
Tutorial section, but includes more examples and splits the
material up into subsections.  The interpersing text could
be quite brief.

Lyrics (rather than Songs?)

* Setting simple songs
 - introduce \addlyrics
 - take part of text from section 7.3.1
 - example: Girls and boys come out to play and/or
 - example: Thus saith the Lord (Handel's Messiah) (hardly
a song!)
* Aligning lyrics to a melody
  - introduce \lyricmode, melismata, extenders, hyphens, use
of slurs
  - example: Away in a manger First 4 bars  and/or
  - example: first 3 bars of Purcell's Dido's Lament
* Setting duets
  - two voices, introduce \lyricsto
  - example of divisi on single staff: taken from Handel's
O Lovely Peace (Let fleecy flocks ..)
* Multiple syllables on a single note
  - use of quotes, tilde and underscore
  - example of Italian: Rossini's Largo al factotem and/or
  - example of recit: Gilbert  Sullivan's Hold monsters
(Pirates or Penzance) and/or
  - example of a chant: versicle O Lord, show thy mercy
upon us
* Lyrics to multiple staves
  - how to write lyrics for SATB
  - example: three bars of Behold the Lamb of God
(Handel's Messiah)
* Languages other than English
  - use of unicode
  - example: ? .. (Onégin's Aria)
* Lyrics separate from the music
  - example: a hymn with verses below the music
* A lead sheet
  - introduce \chordmode and \chords
  - examples from popular music (but what about copyright?
use nursery rhymes?)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: GDP - Learning Manuall Songs section

2007-09-26 Thread Mats Bengtsson

Quoting Trevor Daniels [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Most of the _concepts_ associated with lyrics need to be
introduced in the Learning Manual, as they are pretty well
all needed whenever lyrics need to be set.  But only the
minimum number of technicalities should be covered; all
alternative methods and all tweaks should remain in the new
Notation Reference and simply referenced.

What I would like to see somewhere in the documentation, perhaps
in the learning manual, perhaps in the reference, is an overview
of the different basic options, to help readers get the big picture
before going into any detail. For the particular case of lyrics, I 
would like to see the following hierarchy of options shown

- Attach the lyrics to some line of music
 * \addlyrics (point out that it's only useful in very simple
 * \lyricsto
- Explicitly specify the duration of each syllable

For each of these options, such an overview would contain one simple
example and references to other sections that contain more details.

Before the discussion about GDP, my idea was that such an overview
would perhaps be most suited as an introductory subsection to the 
section on lyrics in the reference manual, but following Graham's

intentions with GDP, it might fit better into the learning manual.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: tuplets

2007-09-26 Thread Brett Duncan


I've heard/used tuplets since the mid 1980s when I first started learning
music. However, I've always understood it to specifically mean 'two in the
time of x', probably as a mispronounciation of 'duplets' by confusing it
with 'two' (two-plets - I grew up in Norfolk!).

I think you may be right about the mispronunciation. I learned about 
duplets as a student nearly 30 years ago (from music theory texts that 
were old even then). But the word tuplet was not one I came across until 
much later.

I don't particularly like the idea of creating a neologism just for the LP
manual, whatever Finale may have done. As we've already seen, it's going
to cause problems for translating the manual into other languages and
won't necessarily even be clear to native English-speakers.

The neologism seems to have become well established in any case (e.g. 
Google returns over 58000 results for the term). And for English 
speakers, at least, it's an obvious back-formation from quintuplet, 
sextuplet, etc.

In what context do we actually need to use this generic term? Surely we
can avoid it?

I have at hand a Schubert piano piece which includes a grouping of 23 
demisemiquavers in the time of 24, and a grouping of 13 
hemidemisemiquavers in the time of 8 - what would I call these? It's in 
cases like this that I think a generic term is useful.

My $0.02


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: tuplets (was: GDP for kids :)

2007-09-26 Thread Till Rettig

2007/9/24, Henning Hraban Ramm [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 As Mark Knoop wrote, (indeed das) Tupel is normally a vector and
 as a musical term seems to be as common as tuplet.
 For the German tuplets named Duole, Triole, Quartole, Quintole/Pentole
 etc. the neologism would have to be die Tupole, but I guess that's

In French, no generic term exist; when we translated the documentation
we had to create a rather ugly mathematical word:
since the terms we use are
triolet == meaning triplet

We created the
which is a neologism I haven't seen anywhere in French.

But when I'll translate the comic into French, I think I'll just use
triolet since it's by far the most common word.


In order to also participate in this discussion, which also seems to confer to me ;-). 
The German translator, being me, has decided to use as well the N-tole construct which I 
remember having heard from my music theacher in high school. On other places in the 
manual I used rhythmische Konstruktionen, because the N-tole seemed to be so 
mathematical to me. Actually it wasn't hard guessing the tuplet meaning, probably being 
used to it from the Finale manual some years ago... but I hadn't heard of the word Tuplet 


lilypond-user mailing list

GDP: regrouping and plan

2007-09-26 Thread Graham Percival

I've updated GDP stuff at:

There you can find rewritten/expanded instructions for GDP Formatters 
and Rewriters (formally known as trivial/easy/ and medium -- I 
always felt bad about typing trivial) and the most recent version of 
the docs.

Helpers: please download your source file (if you're not using git), 
make one or two small changes, then send me the result.  If you already 
did this, please do so again.  :)

In case you're wondering why I'm so obsessed about this, in the past I 
_have_ had to reject hours of documentation work that other people had 
done, which causes bad feelings in everybody.

Timeframe: next Wed evening (pacific time), I'll finalize instructions 
and freeze the doc sources.  Then you guys edit away, and send me 
whatever you have before next Tues.  I'll put everything together again, 
 build new output, and then we start again.  If you're not using git, 
then I need to know what version of the file you start editing.  So make 
sure you get your file from opihi.

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list

Windows install/run error

2007-09-26 Thread Chad Etzel
Hi all,

I just installed Lilypond 2.11.33 on Windows XP, and I get the following
error when I try to run:

C:\Program Files\LilyPond\usr\binlilypond c:\lilypond\
GNU LilyPond 2.11.33
programming error: cannot find absolute argv0
continuing, cross fingers
ERROR: In procedure primitive-load-path:
ERROR: Unable to find file ice-9/boot-9.scm in load path

I have used Lilypond on 2 other linux machines without issue and have never
seen this error before.

I see I have this folder:
C:\Program Files\LilyPond\usr\share\guile\1.8\ice-9

Am I supposed to modify the windows $PATH somehow so that lilypond can find
this file?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: tuplets (was: GDP for kids :)

2007-09-26 Thread michał poręba
It seems to be a big problem for all of as. I am wanna-be polish translator
and I have to admit that in my mother language people use tuplet, but only
those who know Finale. None of encyclopedias, none of dictionaries I have
mention that word. So what should I do? What should we do? Shell we use the
Finale word? Use rhytmische Konstruktionen orkonstrukcje rytmiczne?
rhythmic group, figure?

Should we find out a new LP name for that thing?

Or anyone of us should make the decision alone?

Best regards
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: tuplets

2007-09-26 Thread Till Rettig

Cześć Michał,
fajnie, że ktoś chce tłumaczyć LP na język polski, bardzo się cieszę.

michał poręba wrote:

It seems to be a big problem for all of as. I am wanna-be polish translator
and I have to admit that in my mother language people use tuplet, but only
those who know Finale. None of encyclopedias, none of dictionaries I have
mention that word. So what should I do? What should we do? Shell we use the
Finale word? Use rhytmische Konstruktionen orkonstrukcje rytmiczne?
rhythmic group, figure?
I think, every translator can really think about what is the best 
possibility for their language.
I don't see a problem that these translations differ from each other. 
This is also the case for
other parts of the manual. I don't speak Polish so well, but 
konstrukcje rytmiczne sounds

good to me... Or you might go the way in creating a new word...

Should we find out a new LP name for that thing?
I am fine with the English name of the thing, as it is intuitiv (at 
least to me) and somewhat spread

among English speakers.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: tuplets

2007-09-26 Thread Jan Nieuwenhuizen
michał poręba writes:

 So what should I do?

Ask google, or ask an expert.  Make sure you are consistent, then
changing it later is easier.  Possibly you can discuss on the mailing
list for your Polish team [EMAIL PROTECTED],


Jan Nieuwenhuizen [EMAIL PROTECTED] | GNU LilyPond - The music typesetter   |

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: tuplets

2007-09-26 Thread Diosnel Herrnsdorf
Doesn't anybody use the term irregular values/figures? That's the general 
term I learned waay back (actually, it was figuras irregulares).


- Original Message - 
From: Valentin Villenave [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2007 10:23
Subject: Re: tuplets


Hi Charlotte,

In what context do we actually need to use this generic term? Surely we
can avoid it? I'd be happy to try to re-draft the relevant paragraph(s) 


Can you propose anything else for ?

(I'd be interested in seeing what you can propose, since the French
translation is currently relying on hideous neologisms ;)


lilypond-user mailing list 

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: tuplets

2007-09-26 Thread Francisco Vila
2007/9/26, Diosnel Herrnsdorf [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Doesn't anybody use the term irregular values/figures? That's the
 term I learned waay back (actually, it was figuras irregulares).

I'd not recommend that term because these note values can, in fact, be
perfectly regular, i.e. evenly spaced.
Being widely used, I think it's incorrect.

Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Multimeasure rests with chordnames context .. possible bug?

2007-09-26 Thread Jack Cooper

--- Mats Bengtsson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Quoting Jack Cooper [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  I've been having a problem generating multimeasure rests within
  leadsheets, and until recently I made no serious attempt to figure
  out what was going on.  What I finally noticed is that lilypond
  doesn't generate multimeasure rests when I use the chordnames context.
  If I comment out the chordnames part of the score, lilypond correctly
  generates multimeasure rests.
  I haven't seen anything in the archives addressing this issue, so
  I wonder if I've been missing something obvious.  I am currently
  using version 2.11.27 under windows, although I noticed this problem
  with version 2.10.x as well.  I've attached a copy of one of the
  leadsheet files that exhibits this behaviour..
 If you temporarily replace your \context ChordNames = mychords {
 \context Staff = mychords {
 you might get a clue on what the problem is.
 In order for the \set Score.skipBars = ##t setting to work here, you 
 need to use multimeasure rests also in the ChordNames context. For 
 example, you should replace
 harmonies = \chordmode {c1 r1 r r r r r
 harmonies = \chordmode {c1 R1*6

Ah, yes.. makes much more sense now.. thanks, Mats!


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: tuplets

2007-09-26 Thread Kieren MacMillan

Hello all,

It's not nearly as slick as tuplet... but how about rhythmic ratios?
The phrase sums up almost precisely what it represents, and would be  
(I imagine) VERY easily translated.

Just my 2 cents Canadian (which is about the same as 2 cents American  


lilypond-user mailing list

end of tuplet debate

2007-09-26 Thread Graham Percival
(sorry, I haven't really been paying attention to -user, so I didn't 
realize that this debate had gone on for so long.)

The word in the English docs is tuplet.  That is not going to change. 
 Let's discuss something a bit more interesting.

Translator Teams may translate this however they want.  If you're the 
only translator for your language, you have complete control over what 
word (or phrase) you use.  I'm not going to second-guess your knowledge 
about your own language.

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: tuplets

2007-09-26 Thread Trevor Bača
On 9/26/07, Kieren MacMillan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello all,

 It's not nearly as slick as tuplet... but how about rhythmic ratios?
 The phrase sums up almost precisely what it represents, and would be
 (I imagine) VERY easily translated.

 Just my 2 cents Canadian (which is about the same as 2 cents American

Yes, it is, isn't? And paying for hotel rooms (and beers) in Europe is
getting downright prohibitive ...

There's another (English) term out there that I don't like but that
will translate directly into FR, ES and the other Romance languages:
irrational rhythm. I've avoided bringing it into this thread before
because I personally disagree with it. But it is now used regularly in
English. See, for example, the (English) wikipedia articles for each
that suggests that perhaps the entry for tuplet and irrational
rhythm should merge.

You can find examples of Ferneyhough using the term (I can google if
anyone cares). And there's also a passage in one of Balint Andras
Varga's interviews with Xenakis where the two of them discuss the
term. Xenakis has 9:5 type stuff all over his music, of course, and in
one of the interviews in Varga's book, Varga asks Xenakis where these
rhythms come from. And Xenakis's first response is Why do people call
those rhythms irrational? They're actually very rational. By which I
think Xenakis is pointing to the fact that these rhythms are
inherently made of *ratios* (whatever in the time of whatever) and so
belong to the set Q of rational numbers; these rhythms definitely do
*not* belong to the set *irrational* numbers. My objection is on the
same basis: a good term for these rhythms *would have* been rational
rhythms ... but, for better or for worse, the term irrational
rhythm seems to be sticking (in English at least).

(My hunch here -- which is only that -- is that the term sticks
because players sometimes find the rhythms hard ... and so
irrational points to difficulty more than to the mathematical set
of numbers to which the rhythms belong. But who knows.)

So, there's that. It's available. And although I don't personally like
it because I think it's counter-descriptive, it will at least
translate readily to those languages that simply cannot backform
something like tuplet.

FWIW, I would *much* prefer tuplet in our English docs; I would only
propose irrational rhythm where the translators are coming up empty
in the other languages.

Trevor Bača
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Windows install/run error

2007-09-26 Thread Gilles THIBAULT

  I just installed Lilypond 2.11.33 on Windows XP, and I get the following 
error when I try to run:

  C:\Program Files\LilyPond\usr\binlilypond c:\lilypond\
  GNU LilyPond 2.11.33
  programming error: cannot find absolute argv0 
  continuing, cross fingers
  ERROR: In procedure primitive-load-path:
  ERROR: Unable to find file ice-9/boot-9.scm in load path

I just installed this version also on XP : no such problem.

But i think, looking for your 2 path: 
  exe path :  C:\Program Files\LilyPond
  file path : c:\lilypond
that guile searches the directory ice-9 in the second path instead of the 
first one.
Try to compile from another directory (c:\testfiles\ for 
example) and see if you get the same message.

For me, this message has always occured when i tried to use guile alone (to 
learn scheme for exemple).I must first change directory to 
  C:\Program Files\LilyPond\usr and guile then don't complain anymore.


lilypond-user mailing list

Numering for exercises

2007-09-26 Thread Charles Gran
I'm looking for a way to number short rhythms and melodies on 
practice sheets for an ear training class I'm teaching.  The example 
below looks how I want it, but I am wondering if there is some way to 
have the exercises numbered automatically.

\version 2.10.33

#(set-default-paper-size letter)

\score {
\new RhythmicStaff {
\time 4/4
\set Staff.instrumentName = 1 
b'2 b
r4 b r b
b r b r
b2 r4 b
\bar |.

\score {
\new RhythmicStaff {
\time 4/4
\set Staff.instrumentName = 2 
b'2. b4
r4 b8 b r4 b
b r b r
b2 r4 b
\bar |.

The above is what I want, but it would be great if there was some way 
to have the exercises numbered automatically.  Is there?


p.s. For anyone who's interested, these are the relevant threads I 
found for making exercises in lilpond:


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: tuplets

2007-09-26 Thread Eyolf Østrem
 On 9/26/07, Kieren MacMillan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hello all,
  It's not nearly as slick as tuplet... but how about rhythmic ratios?
  The phrase sums up almost precisely what it represents, and would be
  (I imagine) VERY easily translated.

I think it's good -- only reservation is whether it is also
intuitive, in both directions: will people know what it means when
they see it, and will they consider looking under that heading for
answers about sextuplets?

On 26.09.2007 (15:20), Trevor Bača wrote (about irrational rhythm):
 So, there's that. It's available. And although I don't personally like
 it because I think it's counter-descriptive, it will at least
 translate readily to those languages that simply cannot backform
 something like tuplet.

I don't like it either. In any way. It may be that musicians would
find 17/11 an irrational rhythm, but what about a triplet, which would
also be an irrational rhythm? 
But thanks for bringing it up :-)
 FWIW, I would *much* prefer tuplet in our English docs; I would only
 propose irrational rhythm where the translators are coming up empty
 in the other languages.

FWIW (2), neither Grove nor Merriam-Webster have an entry on tuplet
at all. Nor do any of the other dictionaries or lexica I've checked. That, if
anything, for me is the strongest and perhaps only argument against
it: it doesn't seem to be an established term, other than in the
fairly small group of people who have once used Finale; and even there
it (a) invites a certain confusion with duplets, and (b) carries
connotations by assonance with the mathematical term tuple.

My gut reaction is that I dislike the term, even though I acknowledge
that it may be useful. has the heading:
Triplets and other tuplets, and quotes the Concise Oxford dict. of
music, which uses the term irregular combinations [of notes]. Hm


Ahead warp factor one, Mr. Sulu.

lilypond-user mailing list

GDP: display Known issues instead of Bugs

2007-09-26 Thread Graham Percival

Anybody object to this change?  I'm looking at Micro tones right now:


There are no generally accepted standards for denoting three-quarter 
flats, so LilyPond's symbol does not conform to any standard.

IMO this isn't really a _bug_, so I propose using the more general term 
known issues.

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list

GDP: Pitches

2007-09-26 Thread Graham Percival

(Michael: this discussion doesn't greatly influence your own formatting
work on Pitches -- whatever we decide here, those changes still need to
be made.  Other than moving the sections.)

Ok, let's start the other half of real GDP work (two halves: formatting
and rewriting) by examining Pitches.  As always, please examine the docs

- inspirational headword will be reinstated on 1 Jan 2008.
- tables in Note names in other lanuages are messed up.  That's a
  formatting change that will be completed soon.
- HTML split.  This is a technical problem that I'm looking for help,
  but that discusion takes place elsewhere.
- need links to LSR; that's on the list for Formatters.

- move Cautionary accidentals into Accidentals.
- move Micro tones into Accidentals.
- do note names in other lanuages need anything more than cleaning up
  the tables?  I never use non-Dutch stuff (even though I'm Canadian),
  so I'm not the best judge of this.
- need a @refbugs above the final paragraph of Relative octaves.
- Relative octaves: should we omit the discussion about the default
  value of c' ?  (ie \relative {} )   I believe that this construct is
disliked by some developers and might disappear in the future, so should
we start preparing newbies by never mentioning it?  Or should we simply
list this in the @refbugs section?
- I'm not too happy with Octave check, but I can't think of any specific
  change right now.  Simply add to the list of rewrite whole
- ditto for Transpose: rewrite whole subsection.
- Key signature: should we move the warning (accidentals and key
  signatures often confuse new users... to the top of the page?  Or
omit it entirely, since users are supposed to have read the Learning
Manual?   for that matter, should the warnings in the Tutorial be
beefed up?
- Instrument transposition: might need more explanation about \transpose
  vs. \transposition.

- anything else not in this list.  :)

Pitches is one of the most straightforward sections, so there's
relatively little in this list.  That said, if you don't like anything
in the new Pitches section, please speak up now or forever hold your

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: GDP - Learning Manuall Songs section

2007-09-26 Thread Graham Percival

Trevor Daniels wrote:

This is rather short at
present, and I would like to extend it.  The question is, by
how much.  I'd welcome your views on the suggestions below.
In particular, is this too long?  Does this cover too
many/too few topics?

I've been thinking about the Tutorial vs. the rest of the Learning 
Manual, and I think I finally have a good answer: the Tutorial should 
cover just enough material to allow people to write simple pieces using 
the Templates.  The current tutorial is already 22 pages in the PDF, so 
I don't think we should be trying to stuff much more material in there.

Modifying the templates is covered later on (in Putting it all 
together), or perhaps in Fundamental concepts.  The exact division of 
the rest of the LM is still a bit in flux.  Now that I finally have the 
Formatting and Rewriting jobs organized, I hope to spend more time 
thinking about the LM.  I should have a better answer for you in a few days.

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: GDP - Learning Manuall Songs section

2007-09-26 Thread Eyolf Østrem
On 26.09.2007 (17:41), Graham Percival wrote:
 Trevor Daniels wrote:
 This is rather short at
 present, and I would like to extend it.  The question is, by
 how much.  I'd welcome your views on the suggestions below.
 In particular, is this too long?  Does this cover too
 many/too few topics?

 I've been thinking about the Tutorial vs. the rest of the Learning Manual, 
 and I think I finally have a good answer: the Tutorial should cover just 
 enough material to allow people to write simple pieces using the 

Can I come in here with a small request? I agree that the Tutorial
should be limited to what you say, but concerning the templates, I
don't think it should be limited to just being able to copy a template
and filling in the dotted lines. It  would be much more useful if the
templates were lavishly commented (following the principle give a man
a fish vs. teach him to steal cattle). I know this is a question of
time, but I also know that I would have progressed more quickly from
quite confused, making lots of mistakes, to having a vague idea
why this works and finally heureka! if every non-trivial step had
been explained. I've actually started on something like that, and I'll
be happy to contribute eventually.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: GDP - Learning Manuall Songs section

2007-09-26 Thread Graham Percival

Eyolf Østrem wrote:
I've been thinking about the Tutorial vs. the rest of the Learning Manual, 
and I think I finally have a good answer: the Tutorial should cover just 
enough material to allow people to write simple pieces using the 

Can I come in here with a small request? I agree that the Tutorial
should be limited to what you say, but concerning the templates, I
don't think it should be limited to just being able to copy a template
and filling in the dotted lines. It  would be much more useful if the
templates were lavishly commented (following the principle give a man
a fish vs. teach him to steal cattle).

The problem with lavish comments in the templates is that after users 
have used the template once, they'll want to delete the comments every 
time after that.  IMO it's better to explain how to modify the templates 
in the docs, so that the templates are easier to use.

I'm completely open to expanding the Learning Manual 4.1 Extending the 
templates, though.  Was that section around when you were first using 
lilypond?  If not, please take a look at it now.  We could either 
explain that example more, or give a completely new example or two.

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond imbedded in text

2007-09-26 Thread Kieran Coulter
Hi,I am planning on starting a method book series for lilypond.I am curious what the general format is for mixing various fonts and styles, pictures, and lilypond exercises and pieces to play.I'll have a look at what is in the documentation in the meantime, but I plan to write it very quickly! (it's one of the targets for my thesis work)Kieran Coulter___
lilypond-user mailing list

GDP: perl programmer needed for creating HTML docs

2007-09-26 Thread Graham Percival

We currently use `makeinfo --html' to build the online documentation.
Makeinfo is the normal way to create texinfo docs, but it lacks many
useful features.  Most importantly, it can't create HTML pages split
into subsections; it only creates split output based on nodes.

texi2html has many more abilities, but it currently doesn't compile the
docs.  The lilypond documentation uses a lot of advanced texinfo stuff,
so this isn't surprising... but we can't use it until it's fixed.

I've sent one bug report to the texi2html list already, but we can't
really expect them to spend hours and hours fixing bugs just for us.
I'm therefore looking for a volunteer to work on texi2html so that we
can use it for our docs.  Both bug fixes and new features.

texi2html is written in perl, so in theory it shouldn't be too hard, but
I confess that I've only spent a few seconds glancing through the
source.  My very rough estimate is that this would take about 10 hours
-- maybe 1 or 2 hours for this bug fix, plus whatever other bugs or new
features we need.

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list