distances between staff lines

2007-12-27 Thread Stefan Thomas
Is it possible to change the distances between the lines of a single
staff? I am thinking of a special percussion staff. I'm using version

lilypond-user mailing list

invisible barlines

2007-12-27 Thread Stefan Thomas
Dear Lilypond-users,
I have a problem with the barlines with the below quoted music.
Why are the so short?
What can I do to have it longer?
Thanks for Your support,

schlagzwo =
\relative c' { \override Staff.StaffSymbol #'line-count = 1
\clef percussion
c\mf c16- [ c c32 c] r16
r4 r8 c8~\ppp \startTrillSpan   %schlagzwo 3
c2.~ c16~ c8~\ c16\mp \stopTrillSpan   %schlagzwo 4
r4 r8 c~\ppp\startTrillSpan  %schlagzwo 5
c8~\   %schlagzwo 6
c16\f \stopTrillSpan r16 r8 r4 r2%schlagzwo 7


\new Staff = Schlagzeug 2
 \set Staff.instrumentName = Perc. 2
\set Staff.shortInstrumentName = Perc. 2
Stefan Thomas
Siebengebirgsallee 9
50939 Köln

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: invisible barlines

2007-12-27 Thread Stefan Thomas
Dear Luc,
thanks, it worked. But I did'nt choose this option, because the
percussion-player has to change the instrument, sometimes. For
example he shall also play 4 Toms, an for this reason I would like to
change the staff type. I think it should be possible. But I don't kno

Luc Saffre schrieb am 27.12.2007:
why don't you use a \new RhythmicStaff instead of \override
Staff.StaffSymbol #'line-count = 1 and a default Staff?

I read this on


schlagzwo =
\relative c' {
\clef percussion
c\mf c16- [ c c32 c] r16  
r4 r8 c8~\ppp \startTrillSpan  %schlagzwo 3
c2.~ c16~ c8~\ c16\mp \stopTrillSpan  %schlagzwo 4
r4 r8 c~\ppp\startTrillSpan %schlagzwo 5
c8~\  %schlagzwo 6
c16\f \stopTrillSpan r16 r8 r4 r2   %schlagzwo 7


\new RhythmicStaff = Schlagzeug 2
\set Staff.instrumentName = Perc. 2
   \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = Perc. 2

On 27.12.2007 11:09, Stefan Thomas wrote:
 Dear Lilypond-users,
 I have a problem with the barlines with the below quoted music.
 Why are the so short?
 What can I do to have it longer?
 Thanks for Your support,
 schlagzwo = 
 \relative c' { \override Staff.StaffSymbol #'line-count = 1 
 \clef percussion  
 c\mf c16- [ c c32 c] r16
 r4 r8 c8~\ppp \startTrillSpan%schlagzwo 3
 c2.~ c16~ c8~\ c16\mp \stopTrillSpan%schlagzwo 4
 r4 r8 c~\ppp\startTrillSpan   %schlagzwo 5
 c8~\%schlagzwo 6 
 c16\f \stopTrillSpan r16 r8 r4 r2 %schlagzwo 7
 \new Staff = Schlagzeug 2 
   \set Staff.instrumentName = Perc. 2
  \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = Perc. 2 
 Stefan Thomas
 Siebengebirgsallee 9
 50939 Köln
 lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: invisible barlines

2007-12-27 Thread Stefan Thomas
For all, who are interested in, I found a solution to solve the

\relative c' 
{ \override Staff.BarLine #'bar-size  = #3
\override Staff.StaffSymbol #'line-count = 1
c d e f g f e d c1 }
{ e f g a b a g f e1 } 

This works!
Luc Saffre schrieb am 27.12.2007:
why don't you use a \new RhythmicStaff instead of \override
Staff.StaffSymbol #'line-count = 1 and a default Staff?

I read this on


schlagzwo =
\relative c' {
\clef percussion
c\mf c16- [ c c32 c] r16
r4 r8 c8~\ppp \startTrillSpan  %schlagzwo 3
c2.~ c16~ c8~\ c16\mp \stopTrillSpan  %schlagzwo 4
r4 r8 c~\ppp\startTrillSpan %schlagzwo 5
c8~\  %schlagzwo 6
c16\f \stopTrillSpan r16 r8 r4 r2   %schlagzwo 7


\new RhythmicStaff = Schlagzeug 2
\set Staff.instrumentName = Perc. 2
   \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = Perc. 2

On 27.12.2007 11:09, Stefan Thomas wrote:
 Dear Lilypond-users,
 I have a problem with the barlines with the below quoted music.
 Why are the so short?
 What can I do to have it longer?
 Thanks for Your support,

 schlagzwo =
 \relative c' { \override Staff.StaffSymbol #'line-count = 1
 \clef percussion
 c\mf c16- [ c c32 c] r16
 r4 r8 c8~\ppp \startTrillSpan%schlagzwo 3
 c2.~ c16~ c8~\ c16\mp \stopTrillSpan%schlagzwo 4
 r4 r8 c~\ppp\startTrillSpan   %schlagzwo 5
 c8~\%schlagzwo 6
 c16\f \stopTrillSpan r16 r8 r4 r2 %schlagzwo 7


 \new Staff = Schlagzeug 2
   \set Staff.instrumentName = Perc. 2
  \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = Perc. 2
 Stefan Thomas
 Siebengebirgsallee 9
 50939 Köln

 lilypond-user mailing list

Stefan Thomas
Siebengebirgsallee 9
50939 Köln

lilypond-user mailing list

Change vertical Lyric spacing for some words

2007-12-27 Thread Michael Käppler

Hi all,
is it possible to change the minimum-Y-extent on-the-fly only for some 
lines or even words?

Example, which doesn't work:

test = \lyricmode {
\override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-3.75 . 2.0)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: jEdit and Lilypond installation

2007-12-27 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/12/26, Bertalan Fodor [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 To use LilyPondTool you must set paths and so in the Plugin options.

...Or (if you're running Windows) you can use the bundled and
pre-configured Easy LilyPond :)
The last version is almost ready for standard usage.


lilypond-user mailing list

RE: Staff and voice definitions

2007-12-27 Thread Trevor Daniels


I take your points about the maths analogies.  They
clearly only serve to confuse anyone not familiar
with maths.  Thanks for this, and your other comments
on the Learning Manual.  I'll certainly bear them in 
mind when I next edit that section and try to clarify
the words there.

Perhaps the hardest LilyPond concept to understand 
is the use of double angle brackets - ...  

Things contained within a brace {..} are sequential;  
things contained within double angle brackets 
.. are concurrent (for historical reasons 
LilyPond uses the term 'simultaneous' to mean
'concurrent'.)  So to stack Staves into a system they
must be placed within .. as they music they contain
must be played concurrently; to stack Voices within
a Staff they must be within .. for the same reason.

Multiple voices are only needed if there are notes
within the same staff which need to sound concurrently
but which start and/or end at different times; otherwise
using single angle brackets .. to indicate chords is

I'm not familiar with your specific example, but I
understand your difficulty.  A similar situation
arises in CPE Bach's Solfeggettio with a single
melody running through both hands and staves.  Below
I show how to write the first two bars of this piece in
two different ways.  Try compiling both of them to see 
what they look like.

1) Splitting the melody into the two staves and
using skips to step over the periods when the
melody is in the opposite hand:

\score {
  \new PianoStaff 
\new Staff = RH 
  \key c \minor
  \relative c' {
s4 c16 ees d c s4 g'16 f ees d |
\stemDown ees16 c ees g
\stemUp c16 ees d c d c b a g f ees d |

\new Staff = LH 
  \clef bass
  \key c \minor
  \relative c {
ees16 c ees g s4 b16 g b d s4 |


2) Coding a single melody line and using \change
to switch this between staves.  I've never used
this before and I found this quite tricky to do,
for the reasons I've placed below the example.  If
Mats or anyone else can improve on how to use
\change for this example or correct any misconceptions
in the comments below I'm sure we'd both be grateful.  
First the same example coded this way:

\score {
  \new PianoStaff 
\new Staff = RH 
  \key c \minor
  \skip 1*2

\new Staff = LH 
  \clef bass
  \key c \minor
  \relative c {
ees16 c ees g
\change Staff = RH c ees d c
\change Staff = LH b g b d
\change Staff = RH g f ees d |
\stemDown ees c ees g
\stemUp c ees d c d c b a g f ees d |


and now some comments.  The melody -must- be placed
in the lowest staff, because the references in the
\change statement can refer only to staves which
have already been defined earlier.  This also means 
the music cannot be placed in a variable, as that
has be be defined before it is used, and both
cannot be satified simultaneously.  Also the
\skip in the first staff is -required- if there is
no other music on that staff, otherwise
the staff no longer exists when it is needed as the
melody switches to it.  The skip has to be as long 
as the music, here just 2 bars. 

HTH a bit

Trevor D

 -Original Message-
 From: David Fedoruk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 25 December 2007 07:16
 Cc: Lilypond mailing list
 Subject: Re: Staff and voice definitions
  You don't say which version of LilyPond you are 
 using, but I'm sure the answers to your questions 
 are contained in the documentation which came with it.
 I am using 2.11.35
   Alternatively, you may find the answers in the 
 documentation being
 prepared for release 2.12, which can currently be 
 found under the 2.11
 development pages.  To be more specific, look at 
 chapters 2 and 3 in
 the Learning Manual at
  These explain the concepts of Staff and Voice.  
 I'd be interested to
 hear if they help.
 Yes, I had read that documentation and that was 
 what prompted my
 questions as well as the project I am currently 
 working on.
 2.3.1 Musical Expressions Explained.
 The illustration of { {  a4 g }  fg} as rendered 
 in sequence is
 understandable, but the minute you used a 
 mathematical analogy, you
 lost me completely. It only complicated things for me.
 Am I correct in assuming that it is  that 
 tells lilypond that it
 is polyphonic? Although I know how they are used, 
 I have never known
 exactly what they mean.
 In my mind, polyphony and the number of staves 
 are not linked
 concepts. One does not depend or imply the other. 
 The number of staves
 (to me) is merely for the convenience of the 
 performers. So before
 using lilypond, I didn't consider that piano 
 music was mostly 4 part
 polyphonic writing. I saw it as two handed -- two 
 part. I then
 considered the possibility of single voiced 

Re: EasyLilyPond: A Tribute To LilyPond And LilyPondTool

2007-12-27 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/12/23, Bertalan Fodor [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Wow! Now that should definitely go to the main page, shouldn't it?
 Your server is a bit slow at least for such demand you surely get with
 this :-) You may want to create a sourceforge project for it, or join
 the lily4jedit project. There you can commit your icon as well, if you
 send me your sourceforge user name - privately - I can grant you write
 access to the repository, and will also help finding the right place in
 the project structure, or at least - if you don't want to play with SVN
 - just let you release the binary and the .gz sources.

Hi Bert,
I've just opened a SourceForge account:

I'd be happy to join the lily4jedit devel team. I've just released a
third pre-alpha version of EasyLilyPond, with a lot of bugs corrected.
I'm a bit sad that it's only Windows-oriented, but I'd be happy to
learn another language and write a portable version of the
EasyLauncher (I think wxwidget, for instance, could be an interesting
framework to try).

How do you see my EasyLilypond project's future? Could it be
integrated to yours, as a standalone version? Should I open a new sf

As for lilyPondTool itself, I'd be happy to make a few suggestions,
mainly about the interface (icons, localization etc), but also about
some components (for example, we've already talked about forking
JPedal for good and get rid of some of its limitations).

A few months ago, I talked about making the JPedal preview dockable,
this would make a nice Perspective possible for lilyponders.

I have a few more ideas. It would be just great if we can help each other :)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: jEdit and Lilypond installation

2007-12-27 Thread Martin Nopola
On Wednesday 26 December 2007 17:27, you wrote:
 To use LilyPondTool you must set paths and so in the
 Plugin options.

Thanks, I found the default path to be for Windows. My 
computer is linux only, Suse 10.0
I can start learning how to use it now.


 Martin Nopola írta:
  I have been using Lilypond for a year with vim and
  would like to use LilyPondTool with jEdit.
  I downloaded both along with the required Java jre in
  my home folder.
  jEdit works fine with .ly files and LilyPondTool
  appears in the plugin and the jEdit menu,
  Lilypond appears in the menu but not in the plugin
  list. When I run Lilypond from the menu it does
  The instructions say to install the jar file in the jar
  subdirectory but Lilypond has no jar file.
  Do I have to download Lilypond again from the plugin
  lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: macro for instrument changes

2007-12-27 Thread Nicolas Sceaux

Le 27 déc. 07 à 17:13, Nicolas Sceaux a écrit :

Le 27 déc. 07 à 16:40, Stefan Thomas a écrit :

Dear Lilypond-users,
I am sure there is an easy way to create a macro for the layout of
the two markup-commands in the below quoted example:

\relative c' {
c1^\markup {\bold \box Englischhorn }
c1^\markup {\bold \box Heckelphon } }

I would like to write something like
{ c1\change Englischhorn c1 \change Heckelphon }
How can I do it?

You want to define a new markup command, see:

oops, this answer is not complete.
Defining a markup command will make it possible to write eg:

  c1^\markup \change Englischhorn

which may be still too verbose.

Less verbose would be a music command expanding from:
  \changeInstrument Englischhorn c1
   c1 s4*0^\markup \bold \box Englischhorn 



lilypond-user mailing list

macro for instrument changes

2007-12-27 Thread Stefan Thomas
Dear Lilypond-users,
I am sure there is an easy way to create a macro for the layout of
the two markup-commands in the below quoted example:

\relative c' {
c1^\markup {\bold \box Englischhorn }
c1^\markup {\bold \box Heckelphon } }

I would like to write something like
{ c1\change Englischhorn c1 \change Heckelphon }
How can I do it?
Thanks for Your support.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: macro for instrument changes

2007-12-27 Thread Eyolf Østrem
On 27.12.2007 (16:40), Stefan Thomas wrote:
 Dear Lilypond-users,
 I am sure there is an easy way to create a macro for the layout of
 the two markup-commands in the below quoted example:
 \relative c' {
 c1^\markup {\bold \box Englischhorn }
 c1^\markup {\bold \box Heckelphon } }
 I would like to write something like
 { c1\change Englischhorn c1 \change Heckelphon }
 How can I do it?
 Thanks for Your support.

Something like this?

EH = \markup {\bold \box Englischhorn }
HP = \markup {\bold \box Heckelphon }

\relative c' {
c1^\EH c1^\HP 

What do Holy Accidents teach?  Be resilient.  Be strong.
Be ready for change, for the new.  Gather many experiences
and judge them by the steadfast nature of our faith.

  -- Tleilaxu Doctrine

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: macro for instrument changes

2007-12-27 Thread Nicolas Sceaux

Le 27 déc. 07 à 16:40, Stefan Thomas a écrit :

Dear Lilypond-users,
I am sure there is an easy way to create a macro for the layout of
the two markup-commands in the below quoted example:

\relative c' {
c1^\markup {\bold \box Englischhorn }
c1^\markup {\bold \box Heckelphon } }

I would like to write something like
{ c1\change Englischhorn c1 \change Heckelphon }
How can I do it?

You want to define a new markup command, see:


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: EasyLilyPond: A Tribute To LilyPond And LilyPondTool

2007-12-27 Thread Valentin Villenave
2007/12/27, Simon Dahlbacka [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Nice work!

 - recommanded should be spelled recommended

Ooops! corrected, thanks :)

 - the progress text area/scroll bar ( in the installer flickers (probably
 due to scrolling?)

Yes, I can't really help it, this is due to the skinning system I use
(which basically redraws the standard Windows elements every now and
then). there's also a bug with the next button on the license page.

 - EasyLauncher seem to be in french!?! (I do speak a little bit of french so
 I can just about use it, but I would have liked to have the english version,
 my normal locale is sv-FI if that matters)

this is weird. I'll look into it. Could you please tell me if the file
that opens when you click on écrivez votre première partition (the
second button in the launcher) is in French or in English?

 but overall, I'm impressed with the good work!

Thanks. However, please do me a favor: just keep in mind that it a
very dirty, non-professional work :)

I hope the next version will address those bugs (and that the
uninstaller will perform better; feel free to ask for help if have a
hard time when you uninstall it).


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: EasyLilyPond: A Tribute To LilyPond And LilyPondTool

2007-12-27 Thread Simon Dahlbacka
Nice work!

I have a few bug reports though

- recommanded should be spelled recommended
- the progress text area/scroll bar ( in the installer flickers (probably
due to scrolling?)
- EasyLauncher seem to be in french!?! (I do speak a little bit of french so
I can just about use it, but I would have liked to have the english version,
my normal locale is sv-FI if that matters)

but overall, I'm impressed with the good work!

2007/12/23, Valentin Villenave [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Hello everybody, Hi Bertalan,

 I just wanted to let you know about a recent project of mine: I called
 it EasyLilyPond, as it is meant for people who are not familiar with
 using computers and installing programs.

 A few weeks ago, Bertalan made the suggestion to regroup in a single
 bundle all that's needed to work with LilyPond and LilypondTool. He
 suggested using NSIS to put it all together; I noticed it and then
 stopped thinking about it.

 About a month ago, since my laptop went down again and I found myself
 forced to use an old 600 MHz Windows box, I started using msysGit and,
 just out of curiosity, downloaded the whole GUB sources. I discovered
 that the current LilyPond MinGW installer itself was written using
 NSIS; this made me realize that it would be great to take it as a base
 for an extended new LilyPond installation, that would not only install
 LilyPond but jEdit and LilyPondTool as well.

 After having spent a few weeks working on it, I feel like I have a
 made a first step. It is still very buggy, but here are a few ideas I

 - Installs LilyPond using the authentic GUB procedure (slightly
 updated); everything is preserved, the PATH integration, the use
 bundled python option etc.

 - Installs jEdit editor, absolutely unmodified, just like in a
 standard installation. LilyPondTool can also be installed, with a few
 additional configuration files and examples. The user can choose to
 use the bundled (1.6) Java Environment; if he chooses not to, the
 setup checks for a decent JRE available, and if there isn't, another
 choice is proposed: use the bundled JRE anyway, or download and
 install Java for real.

 - Installs Sumatra PDF reader, that is both lightweight and free as in
 freedom. LilyPondTool is preconfigured to use it.

 - Installs the EasyLauncher: a small application that is meant to give
 newbies an initial familiar feeling: a smooth transparent splash
 screen, a nice startup sound of piano music (the Free Software Song as
 recorded by Markus Haist, used with his permission). The Launcher
 provides an easy and quick way to launch LilyPondTool, open an
 examples folder, open the online Learning Manual, LSR, etc.

 - Installs (optionally) some skins: I have completely reskinned the
 jEdit interface, with transparent/blur effects, new splash screen and
 icons, customized colors and backgrounds to make it look a bit like
 the EasyLauncher. Those who do not like the green color, or my happy
 little note drawing, probably do not want to select this option :)

 - the whole thing (setup+Launcher) is fully localized (English/French
 only for now, but it's easy to add more languages). Besides, if a
 French user launches the application for the first time, he will see a
 translated version of the Congratulations etc. ly file (with French
 explanations, \include italiano.ly and so on).

 - there are currently three predefined installation types: Full,
 Standard, and LilyPond Only.

 - Finally, there's an option called Offshore installation that
 allows users to install EasyLilyPond on a USB drive, a bit like the
 PortableApps you may know. Unfortunately I'm having a pretty hard time
 trying to implement it, so hopefully this will be ready for a future

 That's about all.
 It is still a pre-pre-pre-alpha-beta-whatever version, plus it's the
 first time I code anything (besides LilyPond scores, of course). It
 was more about demonstrating some concepts than anything else.

 If you're interested in having a look at it, please visit the page on
 All suggestions are welcome -- and that includes the design ;-)

 Thank you very much, and a merry Christmas to all LilyPonders!


 lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

RE: Re-printing instrument names

2007-12-27 Thread Trevor Daniels

Hi Johnathan

Resetting shortInstrumentName at the appropriate points
in the music should do what you want.  The trick is that
the \set shortInstrumentName command has to be placed in
the music for each staff at least one note, skip or rest
-before- the end of the previous system.  Then reset them
all back to .

Here's an example:

\paper {
  raggedright = ##f
\score {
\new Staff {
  \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = 
  \relative c'' {
\override Score.VerticalAxisGroup #'remove-first =
c c c c c c c c c c c
\set Staff.shortInstrumentName = 
c \break
c c c c c c c c c c c
\set Staff.shortInstrumentName = A
c \break
c c c c c c c c c c c c
\new Staff {
  \relative c'' {
R1 R1
\set Staff.shortInstrumentName = B
R1 \break
c4 c c c c c c c c c c c
  \layout {
\context { \RemoveEmptyStaffContext }

Trevor D

 -Original Message-
 Sent: 27 December 2007 03:07
 To: lilypond-user@gnu.org
 Subject: Re-printing instrument names

 I am writing a vocal score that starts with 4
 parts (staves), then adds a 5th
 part later. I believe I've gotten Lilypond to do
 what I want in terms of hiding
 staves, but I can't figure out how to do what I
 want with instrument names.

 I would like the 4 names to be printed before the
 first measure, which is not a
 problem. Then, after several systems of 4 staves
 (the other one is hidden
 because it contains only rests), with no
 instrument names printed before them
 (shortInstrumentName is ), the 5th staff is
 introduced. On the system where
 that new staff first becomes visible, I would
 like to reprint all 5 instrument
 names in front of the staves. The rest of the
 systems until the end of the piece
 should show 5 staves with no instrument names in
 front of them.

 Is there any way to accomplish this? Thanks in advance.

 lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Unicode characters

2007-12-27 Thread Zbyněk Burget

I'm new in lilypond and testing it.
Seems to be very nice SW.
But... I'm from Czech (sorry for my English) and I've problem with 
non-english characters in texts.

I'm Using MS WinXP, for editting .ly files I'm using Notepad (or LilyPad).
When I write some czech-specific character, eg. ěščřžýáíé, I got no 
character in output .pdf file. Only in .log file are error messages:

programming error: FT_Get_Glyph_Name returns error
continuing, cross fingers
programming error: Glyph has no name, but font supports glyph naming.
Skipping glyph U+, file C:/Program 

continuing, cross fingers

...LilyPond 2.10.33 - blank instalation via lilypond-2.10.33-1.mingw.exe 
downloaded from www.lilypond.org

Thanks for any help with this problem


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: alto stems up, tenor stems down

2007-12-27 Thread Luc Saffre
On 27.12.2007 20:26, Trevor Daniels wrote:
 There is no 'proper' way of doing this, unfortunately.
 The recent discussion on \partcombine which you can
 see in the archives points out the problems with this.
 Of course, you can always simply insert \stemUp and
 \stemDown commands in the alto line.  These will give
 the appearance you want, but will generate lots of
 'clashing note column' error messages.

Thanks for your answer, Trevor. I just tried with \stemUp and
\stemDown commands, and this indeed works for the example I gave.
But the trick fails if there are 1/8 notes. I join a slightly modified
example which shows the problem (the first line is using \stemUp in the
alto voice and doesn't look well, the second line looks well but uses my
cheating trick).

I'll now try to understand the partcombine discussion (I am a beginner,
you know)

\version 2.10.25

\context StaffGroup

  \context Staff = upper 
  \clef treble
  \context Voice = soprano \relative g' {
 \key c \major
 \voiceOne g8( f) e4 e2 | f4 d d2 | }
  \context Voice = alto \relative c' {
 \voiceTwo \stemUp e8( c) c4 c2 | \stemDown b8( c) d( c) b2 | }

  \lyricsto soprano \new Lyrics { 
\lyricmode { Häns- chen klein ging al- lein } } 

  \context Staff = lower 
  \clef bass 
  \context Voice = tenor \relative c' {
\key c \major
\voiceThree \stemDown c4 c c2 | g4 g g2 | }
  \context Voice = bass \relative c {
\voiceFour c4 c c2 | g4 g g2 | }



\context StaffGroup
  \context Staff = upper 
  \clef treble
  \context Voice = soprano \relative g' {
 \key c \major
 \voiceOne g e8( f c) e c4 e c2 | f4 d d b2 | }
  \context Voice = alto \relative c' {
 \voiceTwo s4 s s2 | b8( c) d( c) s2 | }

  \lyricsto soprano \new Lyrics { 
\lyricmode { Häns- chen klein ging al- lein } } 

  \context Staff = lower 
  \clef bass 
  \context Voice = tenor \relative c' {
\key c \major
\voiceThree s4 s s2 | s4 s s2 | }
  \context Voice = bass \relative c {
\voiceFour c c'4 c c' c c'2 | g g'4 g g' g g'2 | }


Description: Adobe PDF document
lilypond-user mailing list

RE: alto stems up, tenor stems down

2007-12-27 Thread Trevor Daniels


You can get round this particular problem by making the
alto beam transparent by inserting the following override
immediately before the note that starts the beam:

\once \override Beam #'transparent = ##t

However, all this is really cludgy, needing manual tweaking
for every occurrence, and there are likely to be other 
problems later.  It might be easier to write the two parts
together, using chords where only one voice is needed and
introducing the second voice only when it is needed, like 

\context Staff = upper 
  \clef treble
  \context Voice = upper \relative g' {
\key c \major
g e8 f c e c4 e c2 |
 { f4 d d2 } \\ { b8( c) d( c) b2 }   |

although this doesn't meet your objective of keeping the
parts distinct.

 -Original Message-
 Luc Saffre
 Sent: 27 December 2007 18:59
 To: lilypond-user@gnu.org
 Subject: Re: alto stems up, tenor stems down
 On 27.12.2007 20:26, Trevor Daniels wrote:
  There is no 'proper' way of doing this, unfortunately.
  The recent discussion on \partcombine which you can
  see in the archives points out the problems with this.
  Of course, you can always simply insert \stemUp and
  \stemDown commands in the alto line.  These will give
  the appearance you want, but will generate lots of
  'clashing note column' error messages.
 Thanks for your answer, Trevor. I just tried with 
 \stemUp and
 \stemDown commands, and this indeed works for the 
 example I gave.
 But the trick fails if there are 1/8 notes. I 
 join a slightly modified
 example which shows the problem (the first line 
 is using \stemUp in the
 alto voice and doesn't look well, the second line 
 looks well but uses my
 cheating trick).
 I'll now try to understand the partcombine 
 discussion (I am a beginner,
 you know)

lilypond-user mailing list

Problems with automatic beaming when autoBeamOff in 3/8 time

2007-12-27 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
I have a score in 3/8 time with \autoBeamOff. Now, some measures have one 
eight and then four 16th (all connected by one beam), while others have a 
dotted eight and then three 16th (again, all connected by one beam).

However, while in the first case all the 16th are connected by a second beam, 
in the other measure (with the dotted eight) the first 16th uses a second 
flag to the left, while the last two 16th are connected by a beam. What I 
want is that the three 16th are also connected by a second beam.

Attached is an example of this behaviour. The second measure shows the 
problem, where the first 16th should be connected with the other two.

I tried playing around with beatLength and subdivideBeams, but no setting 
seems to produce what I need... (Unfortunately, such measures appear so often 
that manually changing settings for each staff separatly is not an option).
Basically, I want lilypond not to make any subdivisions on the beams and 
connect as many notes as possible.

So, how can I force the sub-beaming when I set \autoBeamOff?

Reinhold Kainhofer, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://reinhold.kainhofer.com/
 * Financial and Actuarial Mathematics, TU Wien, http://www.fam.tuwien.ac.at/
 * K Desktop Environment, http://www.kde.org, KOrganizer maintainer
 * Chorvereinigung Jung-Wien, http://www.jung-wien.at/
\version 2.11.36 
\relative c'' { \autoBeamOff
  \time 3/8 \key g \major
  d8[ c16( b a g)] | g8.[ fis16( e d)] | 
  % Two measures later:
  b'16.([ c32) d16] g[( d b])

Description: Adobe PDF document
lilypond-user mailing list

RE: Problems with automatic beaming when autoBeamOff in 3/8 time

2007-12-27 Thread Trevor Daniels

Hi Reinhold

As the two types of bar have different sub-beats there is
no way to do this automatically with just a single setting,
AFAIK - every time the sub-beating changes the new
beatLength will have to be indicated - just as if you were
changing the time signature.  You already know the
overrides to do this:

\set Score.beatLength = #(ly:make-moment 2 16)
\set Score.beatLength = #(ly:make-moment 3 16)

The commands can be set as short-name variables, and they
apply score-wide, so only need to be placed in one staff,
like this:

Two =   \set Score.beatLength = #(ly:make-moment 2 16)
Three = \set Score.beatLength = #(ly:make-moment 3 16)

\relative c'' {
  \time 3/8
  \key g \major
  d8[ c16( b a g)] |
  \Three g8.[ fis16( e d)] |
  \Two d8[ c16( b a g)] |
  % Two measures later:
  b'16.([ c32) d16] g[( d b])

although personally I would have a separate timing variable
in parallel with the music to hold these changes and
else to do with timing.

Trevor D

 -Original Message-
 Reinhold Kainhofer
 Sent: 27 December 2007 19:46
 To: LILYPOND Mailinglist
 Subject: Problems with automatic beaming when
 autoBeamOff in 3/8 time

 I have a score in 3/8 time with \autoBeamOff.
 Now, some measures have one
 eight and then four 16th (all connected by one
 beam), while others have a
 dotted eight and then three 16th (again, all
 connected by one beam).

 However, while in the first case all the 16th are
 connected by a second beam,
 in the other measure (with the dotted eight) the
 first 16th uses a second
 flag to the left, while the last two 16th are
 connected by a beam. What I
 want is that the three 16th are also connected by
 a second beam.

 Attached is an example of this behaviour. The
 second measure shows the
 problem, where the first 16th should be connected
 with the other two.

 I tried playing around with beatLength and
 subdivideBeams, but no setting
 seems to produce what I need... (Unfortunately,
 such measures appear so often
 that manually changing settings for each staff
 separatly is not an option).
 Basically, I want lilypond not to make any
 subdivisions on the beams and
 connect as many notes as possible.

 So, how can I force the sub-beaming when I set

 Reinhold Kainhofer, Vienna University of
 Technology, Austria
 * Financial and Actuarial Mathematics, TU Wien,
 * K Desktop Environment, http://www.kde.org, KOrganizer
 * Chorvereinigung Jung-Wien, http://www.jung-wien.at/

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: lp with korean/utf8 lambda dvipdfmx

2007-12-27 Thread Minsu
Closing this thread:

Already several weeks ago, I corrected the lyrics' syntax like this:

\addlyrics { 
  \override Lyrics . LyricText #'font-name = HYPillGi-Light
아 -- 리 -- 랑, _ 아 -- 리 -- 랑, _ 아 -- 라 -- _ 리 -- _ 요 __ 
아 -- 리 -- 랑 _ 고 -- _ 개 -- _ 로 _ 넘 -- 어 -- 간 -- 다. 
나 -- 를 버 -- 리 -- 고 가 -- 시 -- 는 님 -- _ 은 __
십 -- 리 -- 도 _ 못 _ 가 -- _ 서 _ 발 -- 병 -- 난 -- 다.  

Then because lilypond handles these fonts I chose an appropriate ttf and 
compiled it. Though lilypond doesn't cooperate with lambda, the generated 
snippet could then be embeddeded as an eps into the main document.

I intend to do the following things now:

* sending a bug report concerning lambda to lilypond.org

* getting to know more about that xelatex-stuff; this and other font-related 
things won't be discussed here then.

Thanks to all so far


lilypond-user mailing list

Positions of notes in chords

2007-12-27 Thread Alasdair McAndrew
I'm typesetting some music, and in order to stay as close as possible to the
original 17th century manuscript, I'm typesetting my chords as voices: top
note stem up, other notes stem down as a separate voice.  However, I have a
chord {d4}\\ {g, c4} in which the top d ends up to the left of the
lower chord.  But I want it typeset to the *right*.  How can I achieve this?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: macro for instrument changes

2007-12-27 Thread Kieren MacMillan

Hi all,

Less verbose would be a music command expanding from:
  \changeInstrument Englischhorn c1
   c1 s4*0^\markup \bold \box Englischhorn 


Some time ago, I sponsored an improvement to InstrumentName (etc.);
Han-Wen was going to have just such a macro pre-defined;
I never confirmed what the outcome was -- HW?


lilypond-user mailing list

Two midi questions

2007-12-27 Thread Alasdair McAndrew
   1. I have used

   \set Staff.midiInstrument = viola

   but the midi output still seems to contain a piano sound in it.  It's
   as though I can add an instrument sound to the midi file, but not turn off
   the default piano sound.  What's going on, and how can I fix it?
   2. To change the midi tempo, I used

   \tempo 4=80 \once \override Score.MetronomeMark #'transparent = ##t

   which seems unnecessarily clumsy.   Wouldn't it be easier to have a
   midiTempo command, so that

   \midiTempo 4=80

   would have the same effect as the line above?

lilypond-user mailing list

RE: Positions of notes in chords

2007-12-27 Thread Trevor Daniels

You can move the note column to the right with the command
\once \override NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #1.5 placed
before the d.  Change the 1.5 to control the position

Trevor D

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Alasdair McAndrew
Sent: 27 December 2007 22:39
To: lilypond-user@gnu.org
Subject: Positions of notes in chords

I'm typesetting some music, and in order to stay as close as
possible to the original 17th century manuscript, I'm
typesetting my chords as voices: top note stem up, other
notes stem down as a separate voice.  However, I have a
chord {d4}\\ {g, c4} in which the top d ends up to the
left of the lower chord.  But I want it typeset to the
right.  How can I achieve this?


lilypond-user mailing list

Problem starting multiple voices

2007-12-27 Thread Ed Keith
I'm new to lilypond. I'm trying to engrave a simple song with four voices on 
two staffs (saprano and alto on the treble staff and tenor and bass on the 
bass staff).

The problem is the the two voices on a staff do not come in on the same 
note, but lilypond will not seem to work right unless they do. I have 
worked around the problem by putting in a leading rest, but this seems like 
a crufty hack, and to screws up the lyrics.

What is the correct way to do this?

Thank you very much,


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: lp with korean/utf8 lambda dvipdfmx

2007-12-27 Thread Minsu

 Then because lilypond handles these fonts I chose an appropriate ttf and 
 compiled it. 
== while it means a seperate .tex-document including \usepackage{cjk} which 
could be compiled with latex as usual; lilypond was then easily capable to 
work out the correct snippet.


 Though lilypond doesn't cooperate with lambda, the generated 
 snippet could then be embeddeded as an eps into the main document.
== while this main .tex-document still uses hlatex (or say 
\usepackage{hangul}) which can only be compiled with lambda on [EMAIL 

민수 드림  *^^*

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Organ pedal marks and substitution

2007-12-27 Thread Kieren MacMillan


Does anyone have a suggestion as how to show substitution of feet  
in an
organ pedal voice? It could be when shifting from right toe to  
right heel on
the same note, or it could be substituting the left toe with the  
right toe,

still on the same note.

How about something like

\version 2.11.33

\layout { ragged-right = ##t }

	{ a^\markup { \concat { \musicglyph #scripts.upedaltoe –  
\translate #'(0.4 . 0.5) \musicglyph #scripts.upedalheel } } }


Hope this helps!

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Instrumental Group Names in Score

2007-12-27 Thread Kieren MacMillan

Hi Jeremiah,

Thank you for your advice (and ALL your many helpful comments in  
the Lilypond archive).

My pleasure!

I have been able to Start my systems exactly the way I want to


How do I name InnerStaffGroup s?

Hopefully the example code (below) will help.

Best wishes,

\version 2.11.33
\layout { ragged-right = ##t }

notes = \new Voice \relative c'' { c1 }

\new StaffGroup

\new InnerStaffGroup 
\set InnerStaffGroup.systemStartDelimiterHierarchy =  
#'( SystemStartSquare )
\set InnerStaffGroup.instrumentName = \markup {  Violin   
\hspace #1 }

\new Staff  \set Staff.instrumentName =  I  
\new Staff  \set Staff.instrumentName =  II  

		\new Staff  \set Staff.instrumentName =  Viola  \clef alto  
\transpose c c, \notes 
		\new Staff  \set Staff.instrumentName =  Cello  \clef bass  
\transpose c c, \notes 
		\new Staff  \set Staff.instrumentName =  Bass  \clef bass  
\transpose c c,, \notes 

\consists Instrument_name_engraver

lilypond-user mailing list

building, where to get libfontconfig-dev and libfreetype6-dev

2007-12-27 Thread Bob

Am trying to build lilypond 2.11.36 on mac osx
10.4.11 (on an intel mac).  I only want to use midi2ly (and 
intended to feed that output into an pre-built lilypond binary)
 but it appears I have to build the whole kit 
and caboodle to use midi2ly.  I have managed to get to the
 point where running ./configure only 
complains that it needs
   libfontconfig-dev or fontconfig-devel = 2.2.0
   libfreetype6-dev or freetype?-devel = 2.1.10

I am unable to find these.  Using darwinports mostly, I
 loaded everything else that ./config earlier said it 
needed, and as part of doing that I have fontconfig and
 freetype already.  The above packages seem to be 
variants of these, but darwinports doesn't seem to know
 about them, and ./configure thinks they are 
lacking (I guess).  Where can I find them?

Bob H

P.S.  I also tried using finkcommander to install lilypond
 source on different mac (same OS, but a powerpc 
mac).  It failed after a couple minutes so I gave
 up on that avenue.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: building, where to get libfontconfig-dev and libfreetype6-dev

2007-12-27 Thread Graham Percival
On Fri, 28 Dec 2007 03:46:49 + (UTC)

 Am trying to build lilypond 2.11.36 on mac osx
 10.4.11 (on an intel mac).  I only want to use midi2ly (and 
 intended to feed that output into an pre-built lilypond binary)
  but it appears I have to build the whole kit 
 and caboodle to use midi2ly.

False.  Read the documentation, particularly macosx command-line

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: building, where to get libfontconfig-dev and libfreetype6-dev

2007-12-27 Thread Bob
Graham Percival gpermus at gmail.com writes:

 On Fri, 28 Dec 2007 03:46:49 + (UTC)
 Bob me13013 at gmail.com wrote:
  Am trying to build lilypond 2.11.36 on mac osx
  10.4.11 (on an intel mac).  I only want to use midi2ly (and 
  intended to feed that output into an pre-built lilypond binary)
   but it appears I have to build the whole kit 
  and caboodle to use midi2ly.
 False.  Read the documentation, particularly macosx command-line
 - Graham

If you are right, that would save me a lot of time.  However, I
am unable to locate macosx command-line setup in the documentation.
I have looked in lilypond.pdf (for version 2.8.8; this doc just now
downloaded), and in the README.txt and in the INSTALL.txt.  Where
is it?

Bob H

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: building, where to get libfontconfig-dev and libfreetype6-dev

2007-12-27 Thread Bob
Graham Percival gpermus at gmail.com writes:

 On Fri, 28 Dec 2007 03:46:49 + (UTC)
 Bob me13013 at gmail.com wrote:
  Am trying to build lilypond 2.11.36 on mac osx
  10.4.11 (on an intel mac).  I only want to use midi2ly (and 
  intended to feed that output into an pre-built lilypond binary)
   but it appears I have to build the whole kit 
  and caboodle to use midi2ly.
 False.  Read the documentation, particularly macosx command-line
 - Graham

If you are right, that would save me a lot of time.  However, I
am unable to locate macosx command-line setup in the documentation.
I have looked in lilypond.pdf (for version 2.8.8; this doc just now
downloaded), and in the README.txt and in the INSTALL.txt.  Where
is it?

Bob H

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: building, where to get libfontconfig-dev and libfreetype6-dev

2007-12-27 Thread Graham Percival
On Fri, 28 Dec 2007 04:12:56 + (UTC)

 Graham Percival gpermus at gmail.com writes:
   Am trying to build lilypond 2.11.36 on mac osx
   10.4.11 (on an intel mac).  I only want to use midi2ly (and 
   intended to feed that output into an pre-built lilypond binary)
but it appears I have to build the whole kit 
   and caboodle to use midi2ly.
  False.  Read the documentation, particularly macosx command-line
  - Graham
 If you are right, that would save me a lot of time.

I'm right.

  However, I
 am unable to locate macosx command-line setup in the documentation.
 I have looked in lilypond.pdf (for version 2.8.8; this doc just now
 downloaded), and in the README.txt and in the INSTALL.txt.  Where
 is it?

Look at the docs for 2.11.36 if that's what you're using.
Application Usage, 2.1.1 I believe.

In the docs for 2.10, I think it's something like section 15.3.
Just look for OS X in the table of contents.

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list