Re: Leopard?

2008-02-13 Thread Andrea Valle

Thanks to all,

Ah, so no problem for me.
Trevor, you know, I never write a line of lily code  directly...:)



On 13 Feb 2008, at 06:39, Trevor Bača wrote:

Hey Andrea,

Note that you may have to download the PPC (ie, G3 / G4 / G5)  
rather than the Intel binary. This proves to be the case on my  
MacBook (though I haven't tested on any other 10.5 boxes)!


On Feb 12, 2008 10:31 PM, Benedict Singer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Yes. If you have Lilypond in /Applications then you can run / 
and then open the result in Preview. Preview in Leopard will also  
pick up file changes without having to close and reopen the file,  
so you can just leave it open.


On Feb 12, 2008, at 14:49, Andrea Valle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Sorry for the late reply.
This means that lily program from terminal works fine and it's the  
Lily GUI App that does not work?



On 11 Feb 2008, at 19:32, James E. Bailey wrote:

you can use an external editor (Textmate, TeXShop) to edit and  
compile lilypond files in osx 10.5

Am 11.02.2008 um 14:52 schrieb Roberto:

Dear Geniuses,

There isn't a OSX 10.5 version available yet, right?

Any idea when is there going to be on?

All the best,


lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Andrea Valle
Università degli Studi di Torino

Think of it as seasoning
. noise [salt] is boring
. F(blah) [food without salt] can be boring
. F(noise, blah) can be really tasty

(Ken Perlin on noise)

lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Trevor Bača

Andrea Valle
Università degli Studi di Torino

Think of it as seasoning
. noise [salt] is boring
. F(blah) [food without salt] can be boring
. F(noise, blah) can be really tasty

(Ken Perlin on noise)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: suggestion for LM 5.1.3

2008-02-13 Thread Mats Bengtsson

Andrew Hawryluk wrote:

*** start draft text ***

In large projects, you can combine several reusable variables to make
a single staff of music. For example, if three trumpet lines have the
same dynamics we could create a single variable that holds only the
dynamic indications separated by skips. Likewise, if rehearsal marks
are needed, they will be the same for all instruments.

trumpetdynamics = { s1\f s1*10 s1\mp }
rehearsalmarks = {s8 \mark \default }
\score { 
\new Staff {  \firsttrumpetnotes \trumpetdynamics \rehearsalmarks  }
\new Staff {  \secondtrumpetnotes \trumpetdynamics \rehearsalmarks  }


A couple of comments:
- The rehearsal marks are only printed on top of each score line and not
 above each separate stave, so there's no reason to include it in more 

 one of the Staff contexts. However, keeping them in a separate variable is
 still an excellent idea, when you typeset instrumental parts corresponding
 to the score.
- One fine detail: You might want to make sure that at least the dynamics
 indications end up not only in the same Staff but also in the same Voice
 context. Otherwise, I seem to recall that the alignment isn't perfect.
 In other words, you should use \new Staff \new Voice   
- There's no need for the curly braces around the  ...  (of course it
 doesn't hurt either).


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: file structure (hierarchy)

2008-02-13 Thread Mats Bengtsson

Andrew Black wrote:

What is the status of the GDP manual - does it contain the whole
documentation, some of which has been rewritten?

Yes, as far as I know.

The following sentence from this section is helpful :

Some people put some of those commands outside the \score block – for
example, \header is often placed above the \score command. That's
just another shorthand that LilyPond accepts.
Unfortunately, this sentence isn't completely true. Try for example to 
the title of the piece in a \header block within the \score block. The 
reason that
this doesn't work is that the title/composer/... is printed once for the 
full file
(or rather for the full \book, to be precise) before each score is 

so settings specific to one the scores are ignored.

But I have questions -
 - does the same apply to \layouts (can come before/after/inside score)


 - is there any difference in putting the \header  \layout etc inside or
   outside \score
Yes! If it's inside the \score block then it only applies to that 
particular score,
whereas if it's outside the \score block, then it applies to all \score 
in the file. Also, if you have several header/layout blocks at the top 
level, then
the settings is accumulated from all of these blocks (the last one in 
the file

is used if the same variable is set several times) and the resulting set of
settings is applied to all the score blocks.

I hope I have brought you to a new level of confusion. ;-)


lilypond-user mailing list

RE: suggestion for LM 5.1.3

2008-02-13 Thread Trevor Daniels

OK, thanks, Andrew.  I've noted this for the next revision
of that section (and Mats' later amendment).

Trevor D

 -Original Message-
 Andrew Hawryluk
 Sent: 13 February 2008 05:40
 To: lilypond-user Mailinglist
 Subject: suggestion for LM 5.1.3

 Under LM 5.1.3 Large projects could we include
 something like this?
 It might also fit under 5.1.4 Saving typing with
 variables and
 functions. Either way, I didn't discover this
 simple idea until I was
 browsing through the mailing list, and it would
 have saved me some
 trouble. (I was adding rehearsal marks to each
 instrument's music
 variable. How embarrassing!)


 *** start draft text ***

 In large projects, you can combine several
 reusable variables to make
 a single staff of music. For example, if three
 trumpet lines have the
 same dynamics we could create a single variable
 that holds only the
 dynamic indications separated by skips. Likewise,
 if rehearsal marks
 are needed, they will be the same for all instruments.

 trumpetdynamics = { s1\f s1*10 s1\mp }
 rehearsalmarks = {s8 \mark \default }
 \score { 
 \new Staff {  \firsttrumpetnotes
 \trumpetdynamics \rehearsalmarks  }
 \new Staff {  \secondtrumpetnotes
 \trumpetdynamics \rehearsalmarks  }

 *** end draft text ***

 lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: file structure (hierarchy)

2008-02-13 Thread Mats Bengtsson
We've had this discussion before. I'm not entire opposed to the idea of 

 \new Staff {
   \new Voice \relative c'{ c d e f }
in the examples in the manual. Making LilyPond too forgiving and helpful in
terms of input syntax is sometimes a pedagogical problem, as soon as you get
past the initial simple examples. On the other hand, keeping the initial 

as low as possible for new users, is also a good goal.


Bertalan Fodor (LilyPondTool) wrote:
I think certain conventions could ease learning and using the syntax, 
understanding snippets and so on. Do we have such conventions defined?
Because while it seems to be a good thing that you can write { c d e f 
} and it will compile and generate score, but if you want to create 
some polyphonic piano music you would never use constructs like this. 
And with more complicated scores users of LilyPond usually end up with 
completely different styles, which makes learning LilyPond harder. If 
we had recommended conventions, perhaps it helped people, for example 
always use the context when overriding Grob properties. That may not 
be true but may be clearer.


Mats Bengtsson
Signal Processing
Signals, Sensors and Systems
Royal Institute of Technology
Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 
   Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Divisi lyrics

2008-02-13 Thread Peter Siepmann

Thank you very much for your reply, Mats.

I'm using 2.10.25 and, as you say, the fragment I sent before compiles 
fine on its own.  The troubles arise when I put (single voice) notes 
either side of it, such as :

R1 r4 fis2 eis4 dis2 cis4. cis8 b'4 b2 ais4 gis2. cis,4
 { \voiceOne dis2( eis8 fis gis4) fis2 fis4. fis8 fis4 fis2 ~ fis4 
gis2 ais4 r4} \\
 \new Voice = vII { \voiceTwo dis,2 (eis8 dis cis b) ais2 b4. 
dis8 cisis4 dis2( ais4) cis2 fis4 r4}

 \lyricsto vII \new Lyrics {
   mun -- di, mi -- se -- re -- re no -- bis.
cis8. cis16 cis2 cis4 b2 cis4 r8 cis8 cis4 cis cis8 cis4 cis8 b2 cis4 r4

You see, this is part of a much larger score, and the lyrics to most of 
the music is held in a separate \lyricmode { } block.  But there are one 
or two occasions when a single line splits into two parts; at these 
points, the main lyrics seem to disappear, and so I tried coding them in 
alongside the music as in the example above...

Your continued assistance is most gratefully appreciated!


Peter Siepmann BSc (Hons), LRSM, ARCO
Director of Music, St Peter's  All Saints', Nottingham
Chief Conductor, University of Nottingham Sinfonia

* See also this term's parish music list at

This message has been checked for viruses but the contents of an attachment
may still contain software viruses, which could damage your computer system:
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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Leopard?

2008-02-13 Thread Hans Aberg

On 13 Feb 2008, at 05:31, Benedict Singer wrote:

Yes. If you have Lilypond in /Applications then you can run / 
and then open the result in Preview. Preview in Leopard will also  
pick up file changes without having to close and reopen the file,  
so you can just leave it open.

Here is a crash course (not OS X 10.5 specific) on how to run  
LilyPond from the Terminal:

* Might get the System Preferences 
Then set .ly files to open with your favorite editor (also Xcode is  
fine) -perhs possible by the Finder Get Info window. This makes it  
possible to open .ly files from Terminal using

One can also open files using -a
  open -a 'QuickTime Player' foo.midi
The -t option opens to the preferred editor:
  open -t
  man open
for more information (quit with q - see 'man less').

* One might create a file named .profile for search paths (for X11,  
which does not create a login shell, it should be in .bashrc). For  
example, if you do not already have one, it might be made by (don't  
include the Fink, MacPorts, and MacTeX parts if you do not use them,  
don't include the lines , and finish the 'cat' part using  

cat  .profile
# Add to end of searchpath:
  if ! eval test -z \\${$1##*:$2:*}\ -o -z \\${$1%%*:$2}\ -o  
-z \\${$1##$2:*}\ -o -z \\${$1##$2}\ ; then

eval $1=\$$1:$2

# Add to beginning of searchpath:
  if ! eval test -z \\${$1##*:$2:*}\ -o -z \\${$1%%*:$2}\ -o  
-z \\${$1##$2:*}\ -o -z \\${$1##$2}\ ; then

eval $1=$2:\$$1

# Set system searchpaths:

# In the case a directory may exist (depending on the program) both  
with and without
# parent directory 'share/' (like in the cae of MANPATH and  
INFOPATH), the 'share/'
# version is put first, as it is what is used in /usr on Mac OS X  
# The idea is that if a program is somehow adapted to this platform,  
the the stuff will
# be moved to the 'share/' variation, and should thus be ovverride  
the unadapted versions.


# Prepend Fink searchpaths:
test -r /sw/bin/  . /sw/bin/

# Prepend MacPorts (former DarwinPorts) searchpaths:
prepend_path PATH /opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin
prepend_path MANPATH /opt/local/share/man:/opt/local/man
prepend_path INFOPATH /opt/local/share/info:/opt/local/info
prepend_path LIBPATH /opt/local/lib

# Prepend MacTeX paths
prepend_path PATH /usr/texbin
prepend_path MANPATH /usr/local/texlive/2007/texmf/doc/man
prepend_path INFOPATH /usr/local/texlive/2007/texmf/doc/info

# Prepend /usr/local/ searchpaths:
prepend_path PATH /usr/local/bin:/usr/local/X11R6/bin
prepend_path MANPATH /usr/local/share/man:/usr/local/man
prepend_path INFOPATH /usr/local/share/info:/usr/local/info
prepend_path LIBPATH /usr/local/lib

Then create a new Terminal window, to make sure this file is read.

* Create a script for running lilypond by
mkdir -p local/bin
cd local/bin
cat  lilypond
exec /Applications/ $@

(Finish by the 'cat' part with control-D, then do)
chmod u+x lilypond

After this, you may run lilypond on a file named say from any  
directory by typing

Open the PDF by
  open foo.pdf

* Use the tab key frequently, to get the file completions. To get  
the file path, one can also drop the file from Finder onto Terminal.

  Hans Åberg

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: file structure (hierarchy)

2008-02-13 Thread Bertalan Fodor (LilyPondTool)
I think certain conventions could ease learning and using the syntax, 
understanding snippets and so on. Do we have such conventions defined?
Because while it seems to be a good thing that you can write { c d e f } 
and it will compile and generate score, but if you want to create some 
polyphonic piano music you would never use constructs like this. And 
with more complicated scores users of LilyPond usually end up with 
completely different styles, which makes learning LilyPond harder. If we 
had recommended conventions, perhaps it helped people, for example 
always use the context when overriding Grob properties. That may not 
be true but may be clearer.


LilyPondTool is the editor for LilyPond files.

lilypond-user mailing list

RE: file structure (hierarchy)

2008-02-13 Thread Trevor Daniels

Section 3.1 in the LM recognises this problem and attempts
to tackle it.  Like everything else in the manuals I'm sure
this could be improved.  Suggestions welcome.

Maybe this would be a good place to introduce the idea of
conventions or, better, best practice in laying out a score.
I would also recommend using a simultaneous contruct after
\new Staff as another useful habit to cultivate.

Trevor D

 -Original Message-
 Mats Bengtsson
 Sent: 13 February 2008 10:21
 To: Bertalan Fodor (LilyPondTool)
 Subject: Re: file structure (hierarchy)

 We've had this discussion before. I'm not entire
 opposed to the idea of
   \new Staff {
 \new Voice \relative c'{ c d e f }
 in the examples in the manual. Making LilyPond
 too forgiving and helpful in
 terms of input syntax is sometimes a pedagogical
 problem, as soon as you get
 past the initial simple examples. On the other
 hand, keeping the initial
 as low as possible for new users, is also a good goal.


 Bertalan Fodor (LilyPondTool) wrote:
  I think certain conventions could ease learning
 and using the syntax,
  understanding snippets and so on. Do we have
 such conventions defined?
  Because while it seems to be a good thing that
 you can write { c d e f
  } and it will compile and generate score, but
 if you want to create
  some polyphonic piano music you would never use
 constructs like this.
  And with more complicated scores users of
 LilyPond usually end up with
  completely different styles, which makes
 learning LilyPond harder. If
  we had recommended conventions, perhaps it
 helped people, for example
  always use the context when overriding Grob
 properties. That may not
  be true but may be clearer.

   Mats Bengtsson
   Signal Processing
   Signals, Sensors and Systems
   Royal Institute of Technology
   SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
   Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463
 Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260

 lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

pitched skips

2008-02-13 Thread M.v.Strien

Hi list,

I'm working on a lilytracker, which is basically a tracker like it's 
described here:  but then without 
playback, samples etc. It's for me the best of 2 worlds: drag/drop until 
eternity in visual tools and low-level programming in lilypond, and it's 
really fast! This tracker is actually nearly done already. To make sure I 
can put articulations, dynamics etc. on each step without having to do an 
extreme load o' intelli-code and other scary stuff, I'll be needing the 
skip command so that stuff can be placed everywhere. The dynamics command 
in the user tutorial was my starting point regarding that method. The code 
below works:

\relative c

 {f4 a8 bes c d e f}
{ s16 s s s  s\ s s s\!  s\ s\pp s s\!  s\ s s\! s\ff  } 


However, the skips aren't pitched and so whatever's alligned to that pitch 
will be on the same heights everywhere, and in this case it'll pinch just 
through all the notes on that channel. Is it somehow possible to have 
pitched skips (I would be doubling the notes in my skips section, kinda 
lika having f16 f f f a a bes bes c d e f) so that any alligned stuff would 
be at the correct height?

gr. Maarten van Strien

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: pitched skips

2008-02-13 Thread Mats Bengtsson

M.v.Strien wrote:

Hi list,

I'm working on a lilytracker, which is basically a tracker like it's 
described here:  but then without 
playback, samples etc. It's for me the best of 2 worlds: drag/drop 
until eternity in visual tools and low-level programming in lilypond, 
and it's really fast! This tracker is actually nearly done already. To 
make sure I can put articulations, dynamics etc. on each step without 
having to do an extreme load o' intelli-code and other scary stuff, 
I'll be needing the skip command so that stuff can be placed 
everywhere. The dynamics command in the user tutorial was my starting 
point regarding that method. The code below works:

\relative c

 {f4 a8 bes c d e f}
{ s16 s s s  s\ s s s\!  s\ s\pp s s\!  s\ s s\! s\ff  } 


However, the skips aren't pitched and so whatever's alligned to that 
pitch will be on the same heights everywhere, and in this case it'll 
pinch just through all the notes on that channel. Is it somehow 
possible to have pitched skips (I would be doubling the notes in my 
skips section, kinda lika having f16 f f f a a bes bes c d e f) so 
that any alligned stuff would be at the correct height?
Even better, there's no need for pitched skips, just make sure that the 
notes and

the dynamics end up in the same Voice context, like

\new Voice {
\relative c
 {f4 a8 bes c d e f}
{ s16 s s s  s\ s s s\!  s\ s\pp s s\!  s\ s s\! s\ff  } 


\relative c
\new Voice  {f4 a8 bes c d e f}
{ s16 s s s  s\ s s s\!  s\ s\pp s s\!  s\ s s\! s\ff  } 

Please also make sure that you understand the difference between {...} 
\\ {...} 

and {...} {...}.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Divisi lyrics

2008-02-13 Thread Mats Bengtsson
As you might know, the documentation is going through a major revision 
for the

moment. Could you please try to read Section Voices contain music in  - GDP Docs - Learning Manual
and comment on if you can figure out the answer to your question there.
(Since I know the answer, I know that it's explained there, even though 

particular question isn't explicitly covered).


Peter Siepmann wrote:

Thank you very much for your reply, Mats.

I'm using 2.10.25 and, as you say, the fragment I sent before compiles 
fine on its own.  The troubles arise when I put (single voice) notes 
either side of it, such as :

R1 r4 fis2 eis4 dis2 cis4. cis8 b'4 b2 ais4 gis2. cis,4
 { \voiceOne dis2( eis8 fis gis4) fis2 fis4. fis8 fis4 fis2 ~ fis4 
gis2 ais4 r4} \\
 \new Voice = vII { \voiceTwo dis,2 (eis8 dis cis b) ais2 b4. 
dis8 cisis4 dis2( ais4) cis2 fis4 r4}

 \lyricsto vII \new Lyrics {
   mun -- di, mi -- se -- re -- re no -- bis.
cis8. cis16 cis2 cis4 b2 cis4 r8 cis8 cis4 cis cis8 cis4 cis8 b2 cis4 r4

You see, this is part of a much larger score, and the lyrics to most 
of the music is held in a separate \lyricmode { } block.  But there 
are one or two occasions when a single line splits into two parts; at 
these points, the main lyrics seem to disappear, and so I tried coding 
them in alongside the music as in the example above...

Your continued assistance is most gratefully appreciated!


Mats Bengtsson
Signal Processing
Signals, Sensors and Systems
Royal Institute of Technology
Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 
   Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: file structure (hierarchy)

2008-02-13 Thread Werner
Trevor Daniels t.daniels at writes:

 Section 3.1 in the LM recognises this problem and attempts
 to tackle it.  Like everything else in the manuals I'm sure
 this could be improved.  Suggestions welcome.

There could/should be mentioned, beside that a score must start with a
music expression and that it cannot contain more than one music expression
(which can be complex compound ({...} ...)), what a music expression
is, at least that \set is one (and has to be put inside a complex mus.
expr.) and that \layout (which can follow that musical expression) is not.

There is a link to „Music expressions explained“, where there isn't
explained at all a \set (or ovverride) command!

It's also there (LM 3.1.2) where you find the following example:

 \relative c'' {
   c2 c e
{ e f } { c b d } 

Shouldn't this be

 \relative c'' {
   c2 c e
{ e f } { c b d } 


Just add one sentence and one \set command to one example.

Maybe something like:

% lilypond-version
\version 2.10.33

% A4-paper, smaller top marge
\paper {
#(set-paper-size a4)
top-margin = -0.5\cm
% nice height of staves
#(set-global-staff-size 21)
% starts with and includes just one musical expression
\context Staff = bla
% at same time  ... 

\context Voice = blu {
\relative g' {
\time 2/2
f2 a | g1 | R1*4 | a4 g f2 |
% condensing longer parts of tacet
\set Score.skipBars = ##t

% output settings
\layout {
  % no indent of first line (stave(s))
indent = #0
  % no bar numbering
\context { \Score \remove Bar_number_engraver }
% end of the score

In the LM is an example for this setting in 5.3 which unfortunately doesn't 
show the whole code.

(The differences between \layout and especially \header in- or outside the
score-block already mentioned here, should be explained in the LM too, of 

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: font errors but still output both on XP and Leonard (Macosx 10.5.1)

2008-02-13 Thread Marcus Käppi

Lilypond is a fantastic program! When it works...

I have identical problems on my Mac (10.5.1,PPC G4) as previously reported
on XP. 

(process:272): Pango-CRITICAL **: pango_coverage_get: assertion `index = 0'

programming error: FT_Get_Glyph_Name returns error
continuing, cross fingers
programming error: Glyph has no name, but font supports glyph naming.
Skipping glyph U+, file
continuing, cross fingers

The original remaining problem is that the menu-system on lilypond does no
longer work for me,
so I tried to use the terminal interface.
~/Desktop/ --pdf
which produces a pdf file with the characters å,ä,ö etc. removed just
displaying blanks. However
other characters a-z is printed.

The problem remains after reboot and reinstall of previous lilypond versions
such as 2.10.33

So for now, the lyrics has to be constrained to english only

I hope and pray someone will solve this problem soon, since we can't all be
linux users...

/Marcus Käppi

View this message in context:
Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User mailing list archive at

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: file structure (hierarchy)

2008-02-13 Thread Mats Bengtsson

Trevor Daniels wrote:

Maybe this would be a good place to introduce the idea of
conventions or, better, best practice in laying out a score.
I would also recommend using a simultaneous contruct after
\new Staff as another useful habit to cultivate.
Why specifically for Staff? For StaffGroup/GrandStaff/PianoStaff, 
but at least for most orchestral instruments it's not very common to 
have more

than a single voice per stave. On the other hand, it might be a good habit
for the top-level music expression of the \score block, i.e.
 { ... } 


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: font errors but still output both on XP and Leonard (Macosx 10.5.1)

2008-02-13 Thread Mats Bengtsson

I hope you have managed to convince your text editor to save the file
using UTF8 encoding, otherwise you will see exactly the problems
you describe.


Marcus Käppi wrote:

Lilypond is a fantastic program! When it works...

I have identical problems on my Mac (10.5.1,PPC G4) as previously reported
on XP. 

(process:272): Pango-CRITICAL **: pango_coverage_get: assertion `index = 0'

programming error: FT_Get_Glyph_Name returns error
continuing, cross fingers
programming error: Glyph has no name, but font supports glyph naming.
Skipping glyph U+, file
continuing, cross fingers

The original remaining problem is that the menu-system on lilypond does no
longer work for me,
so I tried to use the terminal interface.
~/Desktop/ --pdf
which produces a pdf file with the characters å,ä,ö etc. removed just
displaying blanks. However
other characters a-z is printed.

The problem remains after reboot and reinstall of previous lilypond versions
such as 2.10.33

So for now, the lyrics has to be constrained to english only

I hope and pray someone will solve this problem soon, since we can't all be
linux users...

/Marcus Käppi


Mats Bengtsson
Signal Processing
Signals, Sensors and Systems
Royal Institute of Technology
Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 
   Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260

lilypond-user mailing list

Doing \score { ...... } and \context Staff .... in scheme?

2008-02-13 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
Hi all,

In the large vocal and orchestral piece that I'm currently typesetting, I have 
lots of score and staff definitions, which look exactly the same, except for 
the variable names. Thus it would make tremendous sense to not hard-code 
them, but generate them on the fly by some scheme function. Unfortunately, 
all my attempts so far have failed...

In particular, what is the scheme equivalent, producing the same as the 
following lilypond code?

IChorObIScore = \score {
  \header { piece = \IChorPieceName }

I simply want a scheme function generate-intrument-score piece instr, which 
I would then call as 
\generate-instrument-score #IChor #ObI

Tha scheme function would then use 
   (string-symbol (string-concat piece instr #Staff))
to generate \IChorObIStaff and (eval (string-symbol)) to insert the 
definition of \IChorObIStaff. So, basically, all I need is how to generate 
the \score { ... } in scheme.

I tried 
generate-score = #(define-music-function (parser location piece instr) 
(string string)
\score {
   #(eval (string-symbol (string-append piece instr #Staff))) 
  \header { piece = #(eval (string-symbol (string-append piece 
#PieceName))) }

But that does not work and results in an error message, which is not helpful 
at all: Unknown # object: #\ Fehler: syntax error, unexpected '-', expecting '='
scr = #(define-music-function (parser location piece instr) (string string) )

Attached is my current attempt.

The other lilypond code that I want to auto-generate by scheme is

IChorFlIIStaff = \context Staff = IChorFlIISt 
\context Voice = IChorFlIIVoice { \IChorSettings\IChorKey\IChorFlII }
\set Staff.instrumentName = \instrumentFlII
\set Staff.shortInstrumentName = \shortInstrumentFlII

Again, the \IChorFlII will be generated from the passed strings, and the same 
for the instrument names.

Thanks a lot,
Reinhold Kainhofer, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
 * Financial and Actuarial Mathematics, TU Wien,
 * K Desktop Environment,, KOrganizer maintainer
 * Chorvereinigung Jung-Wien,
\version 2.11.39

IChorSettings = \notemode { \time 3/4 }
IChorPieceName = Nr. 1 TEST
IChorPieceNameTacet = Nr. 1 tacet

IChorFlI = \relative c' { c e g4 r2 g' a8 r8 r4\bar|. }

clefFl = \clef tenor
IChorKey = \notemode { \key g \major }

IChorFlIStaff = \context Staff = IChorFlISt 
\context Voice = IChorFlIVoice { \IChorSettings\IChorKey\IChorFlI }
\set Staff.instrumentName = Flauto I
\set Staff.shortInstrumentName = Fl. I

IChorFlIScore = \score {
  \header { piece = \IChorPieceName }

% This is the lilypond code, which I want to generate in scheme:
\score {
  \header { piece = \IChorPieceName }

% My attempts of a scheme function to generate the score:
scr = #(define-music-function (parser location piece instr) (string string)
\score {
   #(eval (string-symbol (string-append piece instr #Staff))) 
  \header { piece = #(eval (string-symbol (string-append piece #PieceName))) }
% Call to that function:
\scr #IChor #FlI
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: file structure (hierarchy)

2008-02-13 Thread Graham Percival
On Wed, 13 Feb 2008 05:36:19 +
Andrew Black [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What is the status of the GDP manual - does it contain the whole
 documentation, some of which has been rewritten?

Basically, yes.  We took the current docs, and began working on
it.  My preferred method is to focus on one section and move
everything else out of the way -- you can see this clearly in NR

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list

\applyOutput and conditional expression

2008-02-13 Thread Damian leGassick

hi all

i'm trying to modify the example from LM 7.5.2

quote: \applyOutput context proc
where proc is a Scheme function, taking three arguments

using the example given in LM, the following is apparently not the  
correct format as it throws an error  wherever i stick it, whether or  
not i include Staff or \Staff:

\applyOutput \Staff (define (blanker grob grob-origin context)
(if (and (memq (ly:grob-property grob 'interfaces)
(eq? (ly:grob-property grob 'staff-position) 0))
(set! (ly:grob-property grob 'transparent) #t)))

what am i doing wrong?

also, the modification i'm after is

for(pitches = {aes, b, d})
transparent = true

anyone throw me a bone?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: file structure (hierarchy)

2008-02-13 Thread Graham Percival
I, however, *am* entirely opposed to that idea.  :)

LM 3.1.1 - 3.1.3 address the issue of overall file structure.
Best practices are introduced in LM 2.1.3 and LM 5.  We have a
whole (as-yet unworked) chapter devoted to best practices!
I certainly don't think we need to complicate every single example
in the manual just so that people don't need to read LM 3.1.3.

Of course, it may be that these sections aren't perfect; you
already found one problem, which Trevor will address.  I'd
forgotten about the \header issues, and I'm sure that Trevor never
knew about them.

- Graham

On Wed, 13 Feb 2008 11:20:54 +0100
Mats Bengtsson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 We've had this discussion before. I'm not entire opposed to the idea
 of always
   \new Staff {
 \new Voice \relative c'{ c d e f }
 in the examples in the manual. Making LilyPond too forgiving and
 helpful in terms of input syntax is sometimes a pedagogical problem,
 as soon as you get past the initial simple examples. On the other
 hand, keeping the initial threshold
 as low as possible for new users, is also a good goal.
 Bertalan Fodor (LilyPondTool) wrote:
  I think certain conventions could ease learning and using the
  syntax, understanding snippets and so on. Do we have such
  conventions defined? Because while it seems to be a good thing that
  you can write { c d e f } and it will compile and generate score,
  but if you want to create some polyphonic piano music you would
  never use constructs like this. And with more complicated scores
  users of LilyPond usually end up with completely different styles,
  which makes learning LilyPond harder. If we had recommended
  conventions, perhaps it helped people, for example always use the
  context when overriding Grob properties. That may not be true but
  may be clearer.
   Mats Bengtsson
   Signal Processing
   Signals, Sensors and Systems
   Royal Institute of Technology
   SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
   Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 
 Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
 lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Divisi lyrics

2008-02-13 Thread Mats Bengtsson

If I'm not mistaken, the simple solution is to remove the \\
in your code.


Peter Siepmann wrote:
Thanks, Mats.  Though I'm afraid - due probably to my relative 
inexperience (I'm quite a recent convert to Lilypond!) - the solution 
to my problem doesn't jump out at me...


Mats Bengtsson wrote:

As you might know, the documentation is going through a major 
revision for the

moment. Could you please try to read Section Voices contain music in  - GDP Docs - Learning Manual
and comment on if you can figure out the answer to your question there.
(Since I know the answer, I know that it's explained there, even 
though your

particular question isn't explicitly covered).


Peter Siepmann wrote:

Thank you very much for your reply, Mats.

I'm using 2.10.25 and, as you say, the fragment I sent before 
compiles fine on its own.  The troubles arise when I put (single 
voice) notes either side of it, such as :

R1 r4 fis2 eis4 dis2 cis4. cis8 b'4 b2 ais4 gis2. cis,4
 { \voiceOne dis2( eis8 fis gis4) fis2 fis4. fis8 fis4 fis2 ~ fis4 
gis2 ais4 r4} \\
 \new Voice = vII { \voiceTwo dis,2 (eis8 dis cis b) ais2 b4. 
dis8 cisis4 dis2( ais4) cis2 fis4 r4}

 \lyricsto vII \new Lyrics {
   mun -- di, mi -- se -- re -- re no -- bis.
cis8. cis16 cis2 cis4 b2 cis4 r8 cis8 cis4 cis cis8 cis4 cis8 b2 
cis4 r4

You see, this is part of a much larger score, and the lyrics to most 
of the music is held in a separate \lyricmode { } block.  But there 
are one or two occasions when a single line splits into two parts; 
at these points, the main lyrics seem to disappear, and so I tried 
coding them in alongside the music as in the example above...

Your continued assistance is most gratefully appreciated!


Mats Bengtsson
Signal Processing
Signals, Sensors and Systems
Royal Institute of Technology
Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 
   Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Divisi lyrics

2008-02-13 Thread Peter Siepmann
Thanks, Mats.  Though I'm afraid - due probably to my relative 
inexperience (I'm quite a recent convert to Lilypond!) - the solution to 
my problem doesn't jump out at me...


Mats Bengtsson wrote:

As you might know, the documentation is going through a major revision 
for the

moment. Could you please try to read Section Voices contain music in  - GDP Docs - Learning Manual
and comment on if you can figure out the answer to your question there.
(Since I know the answer, I know that it's explained there, even though 

particular question isn't explicitly covered).


Peter Siepmann wrote:

Thank you very much for your reply, Mats.

I'm using 2.10.25 and, as you say, the fragment I sent before compiles 
fine on its own.  The troubles arise when I put (single voice) notes 
either side of it, such as :

R1 r4 fis2 eis4 dis2 cis4. cis8 b'4 b2 ais4 gis2. cis,4
 { \voiceOne dis2( eis8 fis gis4) fis2 fis4. fis8 fis4 fis2 ~ fis4 
gis2 ais4 r4} \\
 \new Voice = vII { \voiceTwo dis,2 (eis8 dis cis b) ais2 b4. 
dis8 cisis4 dis2( ais4) cis2 fis4 r4}

 \lyricsto vII \new Lyrics {
   mun -- di, mi -- se -- re -- re no -- bis.
cis8. cis16 cis2 cis4 b2 cis4 r8 cis8 cis4 cis cis8 cis4 cis8 b2 cis4 r4

You see, this is part of a much larger score, and the lyrics to most 
of the music is held in a separate \lyricmode { } block.  But there 
are one or two occasions when a single line splits into two parts; at 
these points, the main lyrics seem to disappear, and so I tried coding 
them in alongside the music as in the example above...

Your continued assistance is most gratefully appreciated!


Peter Siepmann BSc (Hons), LRSM, ARCO
Director of Music, St Peter's  All Saints', Nottingham
Chief Conductor, University of Nottingham Sinfonia

* See also this term's parish music list at

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Trills too far left?

2008-02-13 Thread Trevor Bača
On Feb 9, 2008 2:34 PM, Kieren MacMillan [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hi Trevor,

  You ever have the tr. parts of your trill spanners start showing
  up too far to the left?
  [...] Ever seen this one before?


 Unfortunately, like your case, mine were in the middle of a large
 score -- the chamber opera I wrote last year -- and so I never got
 around to isolating a minimal bug-snippet-example.

I've found it: strick trill spanners on to some notes in staff 1; then add a
second staff within a grand staff or piano staff or staff group or some
other containing structure so that staves 1  2 are now contained together;
trill spanners will be fine at this point; BUT THEN add some fat dynamics to
notes *in staff 2* (yes, this is utterly bizarre); and guess what? The trill
spanners in the staff will move to the left to align with the dynamics
sitting on notes in staff 2!

I'll post a minimal snippet and request an ID from Valentin after lunch.

(This is truly bizarre -- first one I've seen with what might be called

Kieren, if you have a copy of the chamber opera handy, could you check and
see if your too-far-left trill spanners are, in fact, sitting inside a staff
group and adjusting relative to dynamics in remote staves within that group?
Just a quick visual check?

Trevor Bača
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Trills too far left?

2008-02-13 Thread Trevor Bača
On Feb 13, 2008 12:09 PM, Kieren MacMillan [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hi Trevor,

  Kieren, if you have a copy of the chamber opera handy,
  could you check and see [...]

 Nice catch..

OK, much appreciated.

This one's quite general, alas: *any* type of spanner (text, trill,
whatever) will erroneously displace according to *any* type of bound markup
(dynamic, text) in another context-bound staff.

Writing to Valentin now in a separate mail ...

Trevor Bača
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: ANN: LilyKDE, tool to work with LilyPond in KDE

2008-02-13 Thread stefaan.himpe

I just released version 0.3 of my shiny new lil' pet project: LilyKDE.
It combines the power of KDE, Kate and KPDF to make editing LilyPond files in 
KDE easier. If you use KDE you might like it:

Looks very promising!


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: file structure (hierarchy)

2008-02-13 Thread Nicholas WASTELL
On Wed, 13 Feb 2008 14:06:26 -
Trevor Daniels [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I guess my comment arises from my
 background, which is piano and vocal rather than orchestral,
 where multiple voices are the norm.  Perhaps we need to made
 any suggestions for 'best practice' dependent on the nature
 of the music being considered.

Best practice is always best practice and should be determined by lilypond, 
rather than the style of the music.  Sometimes the syntax might be more precise 
than is necessary for a given piece, but it will Always Work.

As a newcomer to lilypond, I would have preferred to see 'worst case' sample 
code in the Learning Manual, right from the beginning.  It wouldn't make it any 
more difficult to understand and it would introduce the new reader to the 
correct (if not always necessary) syntax.  It's much easier to skip that extra 
pair of curly brackets (or whatever) when experience says that you can, rather 
than trying to work out why apparently good code just throws up errors.

I should add, that the current iteration of the Learning Manual is much better 
than just a couple of months ago, when I first ploughed through it. ;-)

Nicholas WASTELL

lilypond-user mailing list

Beaming question

2008-02-13 Thread Steve Dunlop
4/4 time.  Lilypond 2.11.33.

I'm trying to get the autobeaming behavior to match an existing style

* Up to four eighth notes can be beamed together (subject to the usual
limitations on ending beat)
* But, when sixteen notes share the beam with eighth notes, beams may
not cross beats.  Another way of saying this is that a beam can only
have one eighth note and two sixteenth notes.

Perhaps an example will make it clear.  I want the autobeamer to make

{ a8 a a a  a a a a16 a }

to look like this:

{ a8 [a a a] a [a] a a16 a }

Can someone help me out?



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: NN: LilyKDE, tool to work with LilyPond in KDE

2008-02-13 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
Am Mittwoch, 13. Februar 2008 schrieb Stefan Thomas:
 Dear Wilbert,
 sounds interesting.
 Is Your software available for Linux too?

It's a plugin for Kate, which is KDE's text editor. So, yes, it is available 
for Linux (remember, KDE is one of the two big Linux desktop environment).


Reinhold Kainhofer, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
 * Financial and Actuarial Mathematics, TU Wien,
 * K Desktop Environment (KDE),, KOrganizer maintainer
 * Chorvereinigung Jung-Wien,

lilypond-user mailing list


2008-02-13 Thread Philip

I have a problem with polyphonic notation.
I tried to enter multiple voices using

\new Voice {
 % top voice
\new Voice {
 % bottom voice

but the bottom voice was notated as though it were an extension of the 
staff instead of under the top voice. How can this be fixed?

lilypond-user mailing list

RE: ANN: LilyKDE, tool to work with LilyPond in KDE

2008-02-13 Thread Larry Kent

  KDE easier. If you use KDE you might like it:

The site says if you want to preview pdf files, you need KPDF, but there's no 
button (that I can see) for downloading that.  What am I missing? -LK

Larry Kent
Tampa FL

Shed those extra pounds with MSN and The Biggest Loser!
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Polyphony

2008-02-13 Thread Andrew Hawryluk
I think your problem would be resolved by enclosing the entire
expression in double angle brackets:  ... 
The new Learning Manual covers this very well, and is a noticeable
improvement over the existing documentation. For example, here's the
section on polyphony:
Be aware that some parts of the new docs may be specific to version
2.11. Also, let us know if you come across anything in the Learning
Manual that is unclear to a newcomer. The documentation folks are
looking for feedback before they declare the current rewrite


On Feb 13, 2008 5:10 PM, Philip [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a problem with polyphonic notation.
 I tried to enter multiple voices using

 \new Voice {
   % top voice
 \new Voice {
   % bottom voice

 but the bottom voice was notated as though it were an extension of the
 staff instead of under the top voice. How can this be fixed?

 lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Polyphony Problem Hopefully Solved

2008-02-13 Thread Kieren MacMillan

Hi Philip,

But then what is
\new Voice
used for?


Hope this helps!

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: ANN: LilyKDE, tool to work with LilyPond in KDE

2008-02-13 Thread Wilbert Berendsen
Op donderdag 14 februari 2008, schreef Larry Kent:
 The site says if you want to preview pdf files, you need KPDF, but there's
 no button (that I can see) for downloading that.  What am I missing? -LK

KPDF is part of KDE (kdegraphics). When you have KDE you almost sure also have 
KPDF ;-)

best regards,
Wilbert Berendsen

You must be the change you wish to see in the world.
-- Mahatma Gandi

lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond include scripts

2008-02-13 Thread David Fedoruk

I have some music in which the number of repeated commands
dramatically dwarfs the number of notes. For exacple, this is one bar:

\override Beam #'auto-knee-gap = #6
r2 r4 \mf d''16[  d' \change Staff = lh \override Beam
#'auto-knee-gap = #6 \override Stem #'direction = #UP  c'
bf  ]   |   % bar 11
fs16[ \change Staff = rh \override Stem #'direction = #DOWN
ef' \change Staff = lh  \override Stem #'direction = #UP c' a ]
fs16[ \change Staff = rh \override Stem #'direction = #DOWN c'
\change Staff = lh \override Stem #'direction = #UP  bf g ]
g16[ bf g ef] \change Staff = rh \override Stem #'direction =
#DOWN a'[ ef' \change Staff = lh \override Stem #'direction = #UP d'
c' ] |
% bar 12

I don't think I can put the ovrrides and change Staff commands into a
variable. However it must be possible to build a function for some of
these commands which would reduce the amount of typing and make the
code clearer. I can guess at how to do this but I don't yet know where
to look for all the ingrediants.

each of the commands which changes staff to upper or in this case
rh also has a stem direction change. So it should be possilbe to
combine both of those commands into something like

set! chRHDn to ( \change Staff = rh \override Stem #'direction = #DOWN)
set! chLHUp to ( \change Sraff = lh \override Stem #'direction = #UP)

and save it to  and  add \include in my main
code. I  just don't know how to construct such a script.

Am I on the right or the wrong track here?


David Fedoruk
B.Mus. UBC,1986
Certificate in Internet Systems Administration, UBC, 2003
Music is enough for one's life time, but one life time is not enough
for music Sergei Rachmaninov

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: lilypond include scripts

2008-02-13 Thread Wilbert Berendsen
Op donderdag 14 februari 2008, schreef David Fedoruk:
 I don't think I can put the ovrrides and change Staff commands into a

You can! I often use:

bakg = \override Beam #'auto-knee-gap = #6
rh = \change Staff = rh
lh = \change Staff = lh

etc. Fot stem direction LilyPond already knows \stemUp and \stemDown (and 
\stemNeutral to let LilyPond decide).

So your example would become:

\bakg r2 r4\mf d''16[ d' \lh \bakg \stemUp c' bf] | %bar 11
fs16[ \rh \stemDown ef' \lh \stemUp c' a] fs16[ \rh \stemDown c' \lh \stemUp 
bf g]


Met vriendelijke groet,
Wilbert Berendsen

You must be the change you wish to see in the world.
-- Mahatma Gandi

lilypond-user mailing list