Re: New question - Threepenny Opera. Urgent, please help!

2012-07-29 Thread David Kastrup
Rosel Labone  writes:

> Hello oh helpful, lovely people of LilyPond Land!
> I just purchased two Kurt Weill pieces but they are in the wrong key.
> I need them transposed before next Saturday, or I need someone who
> already has them in the correct key??
> The pieces are:
> Pirate Jenny - needs to be transposed from A minor a tone lower, to G
> minor
> Solomon Song - need to be transposed to F# major
> I can forward you the PDFs if you can help me out...
> This is a matter of some urgency and anyone who can help will have my
> undying devotion!

One would need to type them off.  Once you have them available as
LilyPond source, transposing is trivial.

It is unlikely that you have a problem with getting the singing voice
transposed, so the amount of material that needs to get typed in depends
on the version.  Probably a piano voice.

If this is a one-time performance, it might make sense to check for the
availability of a good-quality electronic piano: those can usually be
made to transpose on the fly.

Actually retyping music is quite a bit of work, and since Weill most
certainly is still copyrighted, the result can only be legally used by
somebody already having purchased the original score from which the
transcription has been made.

So since the benefits would be to you alone, you would have to expect to
pay a reasonable price for getting somebody to invest this kind of grunt
work.  It is unlikely that you could learn enough LilyPond to get this
job done yourself until next Saturday, but it could make sense to learn
how to use this tool in order to be able to work with it in future.

David Kastrup

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: forced bream overridden by acciatura?

2012-07-29 Thread David Kastrup
Helge Kruse  writes:

> I am typesetting a modern piece with a lot of meter
> changes. Additionally I want to keep the original layout while I am
> editing the score. Therefor I defined a timeline and a breaks block. I
> got a mystic warning that puzzled me:
> warning: forced break was overridden by some other event, should you
> be using bar checks?
> Bar checks did not gave any help. I experimented with block comments
> to identify the line(s) that caused the warning. Finally I found that
> this warning vanishes when I don't use the \acciatura after the
> \break.
> - Can I keep my concept of manual breaks and avoid this warning? The
> acciatura is part of the music and should not be removed.
> - Is there a way to isolate this without try and error?
> Regards,
> Helge
> \version "2.15.38"
> timeline = {
>   %49
>   \time 12/8s8*12 | \bar "||"
>   %50
>   \time 9/8s8*9 | s8*9 | s8*9 |
> }
> breaks = {
>   %49
>   s8*12 |
>   s8*9 | \break
> }
> up = \relative c' {
>   %49
>   dis4. e fis g |
>   %50 9/8
>   a! g fis |
>   \acciaccatura{b8}a4. g fis8 g a |
> % without  \acciaccatura there is no warning:
> %  a4. g fis8 g a |
> }
> \score {
>   \new Staff=up { << \timeline \breaks \up >> }
> }

breaks = {
  s8*12 |
  s8*9 | \break \grace{s8}

David Kastrup

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: LilyPond developer&user meeting in Waltrop, August 24th to 28th

2012-07-29 Thread David Kastrup
Rodolfo Zitellini  writes:

> Hi All!
> is the meeting open to all users?

Yes.  We need to keep track of the head count and have to cater for
accommodation/food accordingly, but that does not seem like much of a
problem right now.

> I would be very interested in coming, as I would love to learn a bit
> more of the program's internals and how to interact with scheme. I can
> also help a bit for the releases (my c++ is a bit rusty, but well...)

At the current point of time, making releases would not appear to
require more than patience and problem solving skills in the area of
scripting.  And a lot of horse power.

> and I have no fear of the build system (well, mostly, but I had to
> compile stuff much more involved than Lilypond) Another thing I would
> like to talk about is using Lilypond in a professional print
> environment. In my University we are starting a new series of printed
> music books ("Musik aus Schweizer Klöstern") and Lily will be the tool
> for engraving all the music (well, "will be" at 90%, you never know
> what can happen in environments like this, but we are already making
> the layout of the next three books in Lily) - so discussions on long
> term archival of the music sources, how to setup a workflow with other
> people and like are all interesting to me.

I think that brainstorming around where we want LilyPond to go and how
to take along the work that has already been done on and with it is
certainly something worth doing.

David Kastrup

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: number-pitch printed on top / below of staff

2012-07-29 Thread Thomas Morley
2012/7/29 MING TSANG :
> 1.  How do I put the number-pitch above the staff?
> 2.  How to make the font size smaller?
> 3.  How to align all number-pitch horizontally?

Easiest: use the common commands for TextScript in `sopranonotes'.
\override Staff.TextScript #'direction = #UP
\override Staff.TextScript #'font-size = #-3
\override Staff.TextScript #'staff-padding = #2


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lilypond syntax

2012-07-29 Thread David Rogers

Tim McNamara  writes:

Some weeks back there was some discussion of the Lilypond 
syntax, I made some suggestions and was asked to write up a 
sample .ly file with the ideas I had in mind.  Basically my 
notion was to separate content (notes and chords) from form 
(number of bars, repeats, codas, rehearsal marks, etc.) in how 
things are coded into .ly files.  I've been playing around with 
that some and here is a sample .ly file with some of those 
ideas.  They may be terrible ideas, they may be impractical, 
they might require a total rewrite of Lilypond to implement, 
etc.  I think like a musician, not a programmer, after all.  To 
me the form is the container of the music and it makes sense to 
specify the form first and then place the music within it. 
Others may see this very differently. 

The file is four bars of "Interplay" by Bill Evans with four 

Hi Tim

Thanks for doing this work.

I think I like some of the concepts you have here - just some 
added questions and ideas.

\version "2.17.1" 

\paper { 
#(set-paper-size "letter") indent = 0.0 ragged-last = ##f 


\header { 
  title = "Interplay" subtitle = "" composer = "Bill Evans" 
  meter = "Medium Blues" copyright = "Copyright TRO 1963, 1956 
  Folkways Music Publishers, Inc"  

% The idea is to separate musical content from the structure of 
the form of % the song, thinking of the structure as a container 
for the music expressions. 

% This is the first four bars of "Interplay" by Bill Evans 

\form  { 
  \number-of-bars = 4  % should barchecking be the default 
  behavior?  \bars-per-line = 4   % default would be to let 
  Lilypond calculate this \StaffGroup { \number-of-voices = 5 { 
  % voices rendered in numeric order 
   \Voice.1 = "harmony"  \Voice.2 = "trumpet"  \set 
   Staff.instrumentName = #"T" \Voice.3 = "alto"  \set 
   Staff.instrumentName = #"A" \Voice.4 = "guitar" \set 
   Staff.instrumentName = #"G"  \Voice.5 = "bass"  \set 
   Staff.instrumentName = #"B" } \print-full-score = ##t 
   \print-separate-scores = ##f 
  \time 4/4

What about situations where different voices have different time 
signatures? It's not seen every day, but even Bach did it.

  \bar "|:" = 1 \bar ":|" = 4  

My main comment here is about the notation of repeats. Instead of 
the users dictating which signs to print, I think it would make 
more sense for us to dictate which sections of the music to repeat 
and how many times, and let Lilypond fill in the appropriate signs 
in the appropriate places. Composers can sometimes be neglectful 
regarding which sign ought to go where. However, they don't 
usually forget if it's the verse or the chorus that needs 
repeating. :) This is the same logic by which we type e'2 instead 
of typing "treble clef 4th space white-in-the-middle-with-a-stem" 
- Lilypond's usual "expectation" is for the user to provide the 
musical meaning, and for Lilypond to provide the signs. (I would 
even go further on my little "logic kick", and replace \bar "|." 
with \endPiece, \bar "|:" with \beginRepeat (or with 
\beginRepeat542x if playing multiple times), replace \bar "||" 
with \endSection, and so on.)

Here's a fake syntax for nested repeat, and nested repeat with 1st 
and 2nd endings; my default is to not repeat more than once, but 
the 4x tacked onto one command means play four times. The 
NestedZero and NestedOne are showing how many levels of repeats 
deep we currently are, so that the nesting doesn't get mixed 
up. When writing short simple pieces this would be easy enough for 
a person to keep track of - but in something with a lot of pages 
and/or a more complicated structure, maybe the user would get 
mixed up about which level of nesting they're at - so maybe this 
little idea is no good anyway. (Note: I guess NestedZero should be 
a default, just to save typing.)


a4 a a a e'1 f4 f e d e1 \beginRepeatedSectionNestedZero a4 c b2 
c4 d e2 \beginRepeatedSectionNestedOne4x e2 d c1 
\endRepeatedSectionNestedOne a4 a e'2 f4 e d2 c1 b a 

a4 a a a e'1 f4 f e d e1 \beginRepeatedSectionNestedZero a4 c b2 
c4 d e2 \beginRepeatedSectionNestedOne4x e2 d c1 
\endRepeatedSectionNestedOne a4 a e'2 f4 e d2 c1 b 
\1stEndingNestedZero e1 \2ndEndingNestedZero a1 
\endRepeatedSectionNestedZero e'1 e a~a \endPiece 


In general, I think it's looking like pretty hard work finding 
enough things to abstract out of the music and put into a \form 

How often is a pre-printed form for a particular piece superior, 
for the pencil-pushing composer, to some blank staff paper? I can 
see convenience in keeping blank scores for some strictly limited 
forms, such as 12-bar blues - but who really needs a template for 
12-bar blues? [answering my own question - perhaps a student who's 
learning it]. And at the other end of the size spectru

Re: Lilypond syntax

2012-07-29 Thread David Kastrup
David Rogers  writes:

> a4 a a a e'1 f4 f e d e1 \beginRepeatedSectionNestedZero a4 c b2 c4 d
> e2 \beginRepeatedSectionNestedOne4x e2 d c1
> \endRepeatedSectionNestedOne a4 a e'2 f4 e d2 c1 b a
> \endRepeatedSectionNestedZero
> a4 a a a e'1 f4 f e d e1 \beginRepeatedSectionNestedZero a4 c b2 c4 d
> e2 \beginRepeatedSectionNestedOne4x e2 d c1
> \endRepeatedSectionNestedOne a4 a e'2 f4 e d2 c1 b
> \1stEndingNestedZero e1 \2ndEndingNestedZero a1
> \endRepeatedSectionNestedZero e'1 e a~a \endPiece 

If people were able to take this in at a glance, our input language
rather than our extension language would be Scheme.

>> % It seems like Lilypond should be able to be smart enough to
>> understand that something % like c1^"D.C. al Coda" is a written text
>> instruction without needing \markup; % likewise \mark \markup seems
>> inelegant and even redundant.
> In a way, I agree with you. But mainly I think this should be a
> command instead of a markup - that a D.C. should be part of the logic
> of Lilypond's repeat system and that the user should be supplying the
> musical plan rather than the string of text to print.

Are we talking about the same LilyPond?

\relative c' { \mark "X" c1^"D.C. al Coda" }

compiles quite fine for me.

David Kastrup

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lilypond syntax

2012-07-29 Thread David Kastrup
David Kastrup  writes:

> David Rogers  writes:
>>> % It seems like Lilypond should be able to be smart enough to
>>> understand that something % like c1^"D.C. al Coda" is a written text
>>> instruction without needing \markup; % likewise \mark \markup seems
>>> inelegant and even redundant.
>> In a way, I agree with you. But mainly I think this should be a
>> command instead of a markup - that a D.C. should be part of the logic
>> of Lilypond's repeat system and that the user should be supplying the
>> musical plan rather than the string of text to print.
> Are we talking about the same LilyPond?
> \relative c' { \mark "X" c1^"D.C. al Coda" }
> compiles quite fine for me.

Sorry: the above is not really a comment on your "D.C. should be part of
the logic" (which I actually agree with), but about the original
"LilyPond should be smart enough" statement.

David Kastrup

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: forced bream overridden by acciatura?

2012-07-29 Thread Helge Kruse

Am 29.07.2012 09:28, schrieb David Kastrup:

warning: forced break was overridden by some other event, should you
be using bar checks?


breaks = {
   s8*12 |
   s8*9 | \break \grace{s8}

Thanks! I got it, the \break command is a staff notation and therefore 
this known issue applies:


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Enc2ly: converter from Encore to Lilypond (GPLv3+)

2012-07-29 Thread Ramana Kumar
I don't personally have much use for this program, but I am very glad you
wrote it. Well done.

I think Encore exports MusiXML, but of course that is useless if you only
have .enc files and anyway don't want to use Encore.

On Sat, Jul 28, 2012 at 11:35 PM, Felipe Castro  wrote:

> Hello people,
> I have written a little program to convert from that infamous format,
> Encore, so
> that I may use many scores available on the web, without much effort to
> retype
> everything in lilypond.
> Here it is:
> Hope it may be useful for some of you.
> Regards,
> Felipe Castro.
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list
lilypond-user mailing list

Current Documentation (Was Re: Vertical spacing: Was between-system-space deprecated?)

2012-07-29 Thread ivan . k . kuznetsov

"Trevor Daniels"  writes:
> wrote Saturday, July 28, 2012 9:27 PM
> > I started looking at the 2.14 documentation (the most
> > recent I could find at 
> Please use the documentation for 2.15.41:

Thank you for directing me to the 2.15 documentation.
When when goes to and clicks on the
"Manuals" link, one is directed to "Manuals for LilyPond 2.14.2".

Could the maintainers of the page put a link to the
most current documentation here?


lilypond-user mailing list

Dealing with Deprecation (Was Re: Vertical spacing: Was between-system-space deprecated?)

2012-07-29 Thread ivan . k . kuznetsov

"Trevor Daniels"  writes:
> You'll find the documentation for 2.15 to the right of the
> home page, under Quick links.
> Vertical spacing in 2.14 and 2.15 is completely different from
> 2.12.  You'll need to read section 4.1.4 rather than 4.4.2 in
> the Notation Reference.

Does such a large revision of syntax where keywords are deprecated
happen often?  How do people who have large collections of lilypond
scores deal with this?

wjm  writes:
> Did you use to 'upgrade' your lilypond score?

And I was not aware of this option, thank you for
bringing it to my attention.  Still, I would guess
that converting old versions of lilypond scores to the latest
version with a script would not be flawless.

How has this been working for others?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Dealing with Deprecation (Was Re: Vertical spacing: Was between-system-space deprecated?)

2012-07-29 Thread -Eluze

ivan.k.kuznetsov wrote:
> "Trevor Daniels"  writes:
>> Did you use to 'upgrade' your lilypond score?
> And I was not aware of this option, thank you for
> bringing it to my attention.  Still, I would guess
> that converting old versions of lilypond scores to the latest
> version with a script would not be flawless.
> How has this been working for others?
I always had good experiences with it!

please try it and report your results!

View this message in context:
Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User mailing list archive at

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Current Documentation (Was Re: Vertical spacing: Was between-system-space deprecated?)

2012-07-29 Thread Federico Bruni

Il 29/07/2012 23:25, ha scritto:

"Trevor Daniels"  writes: wrote Saturday, July 28, 2012 9:27 PM

I started looking at the 2.14 documentation (the most
recent I could find at

Please use the documentation for 2.15.41:

Thank you for directing me to the 2.15 documentation.
When when goes to and clicks on the
"Manuals" link, one is directed to "Manuals for LilyPond 2.14.2".

Could the maintainers of the page put a link to the
most current documentation here?

This is made on purpose: lilypond developers encourage users to use the 
stable version.

Unfortunately, currently the stable release cycle of lilypond is not fast.
Recently the policy for the release of 2.16 has been changed to make it 
faster (hopefully):


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Automatic beam problem

2012-07-29 Thread Daniel Raufison

Hi Trevor,

\set Timing.beamExceptions = #'()

didn't help (maybe a bug?). But I solved it with manual beams now as you 
advised since it's just in 2 bars in the whole score.

so thanks anyway


Am 28.07.2012 22:18, schrieb Trevor Daniels:

Daniel Raufison wrote Saturday, July 28, 2012 8:16 PM

Shouldn't the following two statements do what I want? Unforunatley, it
does not work.

\set Timing.baseMoment = #(ly:make-moment 1 4)
\set Timing.beatStructure = #'(1 1 1 1)

You need to reset beamExceptions:

\set Timing.beamExceptions = #'()

These take priority over beatStructure.

Alternatively just insert manual beams if only a couple of bars
are affected.

This part of the manual is in need of a rewrite to avoid
this common error.


lilypond-user mailing list