segmentation fault

2006-01-24 Thread Arthur Dyck
I have installed 2.7.28 on Fedora Core 4.  When I try to process a file,
I get the following:

error: can't open for write: praise.midi: Permission denied
/usr/local/bin/lilypond: line 3:  2647 Segmentation fault
/usr/local//lilypond/usr/bin/lilypond $@

I saw the Permissioned denied and tried running lilypond as a
superuser.  It worked fine.

Does anyone know how I can fix this?  I don't want to keep using


lilypond-user mailing list

uninstalling lilypond

2006-01-13 Thread Arthur Dyck
I have installed the lilypond-2.7.19 package but have had segmentation fault 
errors that haven't been cleaned up on Mandrake 10.1.  Is there a way to 
uninstall the lilypond but leave the ghostscript?  I would like to try to 
install from source to see if I can get this working.  It seems the package 
removal program takes out both.


lilypond-user mailing list

Segmentation fault

2006-01-07 Thread Arthur Dyck
I have tried installing both lilypond- and 
lilypond-2.7.19.x86.package on Mandrake 10.1.  Both installs went smoothly 
once I figured out that I had to change the permissions to make the file 
executable.  However, when I try to process a file I get a segmentation fault 
error.  I've looked around but can't seem to find a specific fix.  I did 
reinstall guile.  

Any help would be appreciated.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Segmentation fault

2006-01-07 Thread Arthur Dyck
On Saturday 07 January 2006 02:52 pm, Graham Percival wrote:
 On 7-Jan-06, at 10:08 AM, Arthur Dyck wrote:
  I have tried installing both lilypond- and
  lilypond-2.7.19.x86.package on Mandrake 10.1.  Both installs went
  once I figured out that I had to change the permissions to make the
  executable.  However, when I try to process a file I get a
  segmentation fault
  error.  I've looked around but can't seem to find a specific fix.  I
  reinstall guile.

 Did this happen with a particular file, or just *any* file?  Like,
 { c'4 }

 If it's anything, try running lilypond -V  (where is
 that small snippet above) and send the result to bug-lilypond.

 - Graham

No, it failed on the snippet also with the following:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Desktop]$ lilypond -V
GNU LilyPond 2.7.19


Effective prefix: /opt/autopackage/share/lilypond/2.7.19
Segmentation fault


lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond install on Fedora Core 4

2006-01-02 Thread Arthur Dyck
I am having difficulty installing the lilypond binary on a new
installation of FC4 due to the ghostscript 8.15 dependency.  This is the
case with both 2.6 and 2.7.  I have tried installing ghostscript as per
the Install page in documentation.  My terminal program does not
recognize rpmbuild as a valid command so I just downloaded the rpm and
installed it.  I have also tried installing gs from source.  Lilypond
does not seem to be able to find this newer version.  Could someone who
is running lilypond on FC4 check and see where their ghostscript is
installed?  Or does someone have another suggestion as to what the issue
might be?  

Happy New Year.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: 2.7.26 installation

2005-12-31 Thread Arthur Dyck
No, I didn't.  I tried that now, and rpmbuild doesn't seem to be a valid
command.  I'll try to work around it and see what happens. Thanks.

On Sat, 2005-12-31 at 14:37 -0800, David Rogers wrote:
 On 31-Dec-2005, at 1:37 PM, Arthur Dyck wrote:
  One of my New Year's resolutions is to be happy with what I have.
  Unfortunately, it's not 2006 yet and so I decided to try FC4 on my pc
  and am now having difficultly installing 2.7.26.  The issue is
  ghostscript.  I have installed 8.15 but the lilypond rpm is not  
  it and so it says I have an unresolved dependency.  Is the issue where
  gs installed itself?  If so, where should it have been installed in
  order for lp to find it?
 Did you install your new ghostscript by the method at the bottom of  
 Lilypond's download page?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: 2.7.26 installation

2005-12-31 Thread Arthur Dyck
Okay, so I downloaded the gs8.15 rpm and it installed
into /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES.  Lilypond still can't find it.


On Sat, 2005-12-31 at 14:37 -0800, David Rogers wrote:
 On 31-Dec-2005, at 1:37 PM, Arthur Dyck wrote:
  One of my New Year's resolutions is to be happy with what I have.
  Unfortunately, it's not 2006 yet and so I decided to try FC4 on my pc
  and am now having difficultly installing 2.7.26.  The issue is
  ghostscript.  I have installed 8.15 but the lilypond rpm is not  
  it and so it says I have an unresolved dependency.  Is the issue where
  gs installed itself?  If so, where should it have been installed in
  order for lp to find it?
 Did you install your new ghostscript by the method at the bottom of  
 Lilypond's download page?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: left-Align lyrics under notes

2005-12-30 Thread Arthur Dyck
You might find this attachment useful as it lays out how to do the


On Fri, 2005-12-30 at 21:10 +, fr.Basile wrote:
 I am trying to align long text (example : Le Seigneur est ma lumière et mon
 salut) under one note (duration = \breve). It is a sort of paslmody. No 
 with long text, but by default, Lilypond (v2.6) centers the note which is sung
 onto the text, rather than writing it at the beginning of the text, i.e.
 left-alignment. I did not find the solution : I suppose that there is an 
 Thanks for your help !
 J'essaie d'aligner à gauche un texte long (exemple : Le Seigneur est ma 
 et mon salut) sous une note (durée = \breve). Il s'agit d'un genre de
 psalmodie. Pas de problème avec le texte long, mais par défaut, Lilypond 
 centre la note qui est chantée au-dessus du texte, plutôt que de l'écrire au
 début du texte, c'est-à-dire alignée à gauche. Je n'ai pas trouvé la solution 
 je suppose pourtant qu'il doit y avoir quelque part un paramètre modifiable...
 Merci de votre aide.
 fr. Basile
 Fraternité Monastique de Jérusalem
 lilypond-user mailing list
\version 2.6.4
global = 
\key f \major
\set Staff.autoBeaming = ##f


\header {   
title = Holy God
subtitle = 
tagline =
poet = 
composer = Feofanovskoye  

#(set-global-staff-size 15)
#(set-default-paper-size a5)

upperOne = 
\relative c'{
\set Timing.timing = ##f
\key g \major
g'8 g2 \bar ||
g4 g8 fis8( g a g4.) \bar |
b4 b8 a( b c) b4. \bar |
d4( b8) a4 a8 b a g fis g^\markup { ritard } a g4. \bar :|
g8 \bar  \break g g4. fis \bar |
fis8 fis g4 g8 g g4. \bar |
d'4( b8) a4 a8 b a g fis g^\markup { ritard } a g4. \bar ||


upperTwo =  
\relative c'{
\set Timing.timing = ##f
e8 e2
e4 e8 dis( e f e4.)
g4 g8 fis( g a) g4.
b4( g8) fis4 fis8 g fis e dis! e fis e4.
e8 e e4. dis!
dis!8 dis e4 e8 e e4.
b'4( g8) fis4 fis8 g fis e dis! e fis e4.

lowerOne =  
\relative c' {
\set Timing.timing = ##f
\key g \major
b8 b2
b4 b8 b4.~ b4.
d4 d8 d4. d
d4.~ d4 d8 d d b b b b b4.
b8 b b4. b
b8 b b4 b8 b b4.
d4. d4 d8 d d b b b b b4.

lowerTwo =   
\relative c {
\set Timing.timing = ##f
e8 e2
e4 e8 b4.( e)
g4 g8 d4. g
g4. d4 d8 g d e b b b_\markup { repeat three times } e4.
e8 e e4. b
b8 b e4 e8 e e4.
g4. d4 d8 g d e b b_\markup { repeat original melody } b e4.

firstverse = \lyricmode {
 A -- men.
 Ho -- ly God,
 Ho -- ly Might -- y,
 Ho -- ly, Im -- mor -- tal have mer -- cy on us
 \once \override LyricText #'self-alignment-X = #-1 Glory to the 
Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spi -- rit,
 \once \override LyricText #'self-alignment-X = #-1 now and ever and 
unto ages of a -- ges.  A -- men.
 Ho -- ly, Im -- mor -- tal have mer -- cy on us.


\context ChoirStaff
\context Staff = upper 

\clef treble
\context Voice = one \upperOne
\context Voice = two \upperTwo 

\lyricsto one \new Lyrics {

\context Staff = lower 
\clef bass
\context Voice = one \lowerOne
\context Voice = two \lowerTwo

\layout {
\remove Time_signature_engraver

\midi { \tempo 4=66 }   

\paper {
topmargin = .0\in
leftmargin = .1\in
linewidth = 4.5\in 
indent = 0
printpagenumber = ##f

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Footnotes Symbols

2005-12-10 Thread Arthur Dyck
Scribus will allow you to layer text or graphics on top of pdf or other image 


On Saturday 10 December 2005 07:14 am, Gilles wrote:
  I work with compositions and I loved the whole idea of Lilypond
  I'm thinking in start using it, but first I need to know if it's
  possible to add footnotes or any kind of text in any place in the

 This is probably what you are looking for:

  Other question: Can I add images and symbols to a Lilypond score?
  See, I work with modern notation, so I need a lot of resources that
  normaly are not used in traditional notation.

 If lilypond-book isn't enough for your purpose, maybe you'll have to
 include the output of lilypond into other softwares for further
 processing.  I think that scribus and inkscape were mentioned on
 this ML.


 lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

vertical spacing of dynamics

2005-12-07 Thread Arthur Dyck
I am trying to increase the vertical distance between the top of the staff and 
my dynamic markings, i.e. crescendo and descrescendo, due to interference 
with slurs.  I know it's there somewhere in the manual but I can't find it.  
Can anyone help me out?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Print last page of score problem.

2005-11-26 Thread Arthur Dyck
It's kind of hard to tell without seeing your .ly file.  But make sure that 
you have your paper size set correctly.


On Friday 25 November 2005 08:37 pm, alanvw wrote:
 Dell 2400 + 512 RAM
 Windows XP Home
 HP3550 Printer
 Version 2.6.4-3

 I cant get the last page of the score to print at the correct spacing and
 as a result the print overshoots the page at the bottom however the other
 pages print correctly. Does anyone have a suggestion?

 Alan Albury-Ward

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: line constraint problems

2005-11-22 Thread Arthur Dyck
On Tuesday 22 November 2005 11:03 am, you wrote:
 On Nov 21, 2005, at 20:20, Arthur Dyck wrote:
  I'm having some line constraint problems with the third line in
  this piece.
  Lilypond won't let me put the whole measure on one line, although
  it looks
  like there should be room.  In order for me not to get line
  constraint error
  messages, I have to put the break where it is or I can't create a
  break, and
  it's really ugly.  Does anyone have any ideas?
  I'm using 2.6.4 on Mandrake 10.1.

 Arthur - in your third measure, I think the upper parts have one more
 eighth in the measure than the lower parts do. Could that be
 confusing things?

Sorry, but I don't see the extra eighths anywhere.


  \version 2.6.4
  global =
  \key f \major
  \set Staff.autoBeaming = ##f
  \header {
  title = Holy God
  subtitle = 
  tagline = 
  poet = 
  composer = Feofanovskoye
  #(set-global-staff-size 15)
  #(set-default-paper-size a5)
  upperOne =
  \relative c'{
  \set Timing.timing = ##f
  \key g \major
  g'8 g2 \bar ||
  g4 g8 fis8( g a g4.) \bar |
  b4 b8 a( b c) b4. \bar |
  d4( b8) a4 a8 b a g fis g^\markup { ritard } a g4. \bar :|
  g8 \bar  \break g g4. fis \bar |
  fis8 fis g4 g8 g g4. \bar |
  d'4( b8) a4 a8 b a g fis g^\markup { ritard } a g4. \bar ||
  upperTwo =
  \relative c'{
  \set Timing.timing = ##f
  e8 e2
  e4 e8 dis( e f e4.)
  g4 g8 fis( g a) g4.
  b4( g8) fis4 fis8 g fis e dis! e fis e4.
  e8 e e4. dis!
  dis!8 dis e4 e8 e e4.
  b'4( g8) fis4 fis8 g fis e dis! e fis e4.
  lowerOne =
  \relative c' {
   \set Timing.timing = ##f
  \key g \major
  b8 b2
  b4 b8 b4.~ b4.
  d4 d8 d4. d
  d4.~ d4 d8 d d b b b b b4.
  b8 b b4. b
  b8 b b4 b8 b b4.
  d4. d4 d8 d d b b b b b4.
  lowerTwo =
  \relative c {
  \set Timing.timing = ##f
  e8 e2
  e4 e8 b4.( e)
  g4 g8 d4. g
  g4. d4 d8 g d e b b b_\markup { repeat three times } e4.
  e8 e e4. b
  b8 b e4 e8 e e4.
  g4. d4 d8 g d e b b_\markup { repeat original melody } b e4.
  firstverse = \lyricmode {
   A -- men.
   Ho -- ly God,
   Ho -- ly Might -- y,
   Ho -- ly, Im -- mor -- tal have mer -- cy on us
   \once \override LyricText #'self-alignment-X = #-1 Glory to
  the Father and
  to the Son and to the Holy Spi -- rit,
   \once \override LyricText #'self-alignment-X = #-1 now and
  ever and unto
  ages of a -- ges.  A -- men.
   Ho -- ly, Im -- mor -- tal have mer -- cy on us.
  \context ChoirStaff
  \context Staff = upper
  \clef treble
  \context Voice = one \upperOne
  \context Voice = two \upperTwo
   \lyricsto one \new Lyrics {
  \context Staff = lower 
  \clef bass
  \context Voice = one \lowerOne
  \context Voice = two \lowerTwo
  \layout {
  \remove Time_signature_engraver
  \midi { \tempo 4=66 }
  \paper {
  topmargin = .0\in
  leftmargin = .1\in
  linewidth = 4.5\in
  indent = 0
  printpagenumber = ##f
  lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

line constraint problems

2005-11-21 Thread Arthur Dyck
I'm having some line constraint problems with the third line in this piece.  
Lilypond won't let me put the whole measure on one line, although it looks 
like there should be room.  In order for me not to get line constraint error 
messages, I have to put the break where it is or I can't create a break, and 
it's really ugly.  Does anyone have any ideas?
I'm using 2.6.4 on Mandrake 10.1.


\version 2.6.4
global = 
\key f \major
\set Staff.autoBeaming = ##f


\header {   
title = Holy God
subtitle = 
tagline =
poet = 
composer = Feofanovskoye  

#(set-global-staff-size 15)
#(set-default-paper-size a5)

upperOne = 
\relative c'{
\set Timing.timing = ##f
\key g \major
g'8 g2 \bar ||
g4 g8 fis8( g a g4.) \bar |
b4 b8 a( b c) b4. \bar |
d4( b8) a4 a8 b a g fis g^\markup { ritard } a g4. \bar :|
g8 \bar  \break g g4. fis \bar |
fis8 fis g4 g8 g g4. \bar |
d'4( b8) a4 a8 b a g fis g^\markup { ritard } a g4. \bar ||


upperTwo =  
\relative c'{
\set Timing.timing = ##f
e8 e2
e4 e8 dis( e f e4.)
g4 g8 fis( g a) g4.
b4( g8) fis4 fis8 g fis e dis! e fis e4.
e8 e e4. dis!
dis!8 dis e4 e8 e e4.
b'4( g8) fis4 fis8 g fis e dis! e fis e4.

lowerOne =  
\relative c' {
\set Timing.timing = ##f
\key g \major
b8 b2
b4 b8 b4.~ b4.
d4 d8 d4. d
d4.~ d4 d8 d d b b b b b4.
b8 b b4. b
b8 b b4 b8 b b4.
d4. d4 d8 d d b b b b b4.

lowerTwo =   
\relative c {
\set Timing.timing = ##f
e8 e2
e4 e8 b4.( e)
g4 g8 d4. g
g4. d4 d8 g d e b b b_\markup { repeat three times } e4.
e8 e e4. b
b8 b e4 e8 e e4.
g4. d4 d8 g d e b b_\markup { repeat original melody } b e4.

firstverse = \lyricmode {
 A -- men.
 Ho -- ly God,
 Ho -- ly Might -- y,
 Ho -- ly, Im -- mor -- tal have mer -- cy on us
 \once \override LyricText #'self-alignment-X = #-1 Glory to the 
Father and 
to the Son and to the Holy Spi -- rit,
 \once \override LyricText #'self-alignment-X = #-1 now and ever and 
ages of a -- ges.  A -- men.
 Ho -- ly, Im -- mor -- tal have mer -- cy on us.


\context ChoirStaff
\context Staff = upper 

\clef treble
\context Voice = one \upperOne
\context Voice = two \upperTwo 

\lyricsto one \new Lyrics {

\context Staff = lower 
\clef bass
\context Voice = one \lowerOne
\context Voice = two \lowerTwo

\layout {
\remove Time_signature_engraver

\midi { \tempo 4=66 }   

\paper {
topmargin = .0\in
leftmargin = .1\in
linewidth = 4.5\in 
indent = 0
printpagenumber = ##f


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lyrics: many syllables - one note?

2005-11-16 Thread Arthur Dyck
On Tuesday 15 November 2005 12:54 pm, David Rogers wrote:
 I have searched the documentation as well as I can, and find nothing
 on this topic. I want to write ordinary notation, but to have a
 pseudo-chant section where there are many syllables to one note. How
 do I format my lyrics to make this happen?


Joining your syllables or words with an underscore will place them all under 
one note. e.g. one_two_three.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lilypond from DOS prompt

2005-11-12 Thread Arthur Dyck
On linux that is a guile issue and solveable by reinstalling guile after the 
Lilypond package.  I'm not sure how that applies to Windows, though.


On Saturday 12 November 2005 08:47 pm, Jennifer Clark wrote:
 I'm using the native Windows version of Lilypond, version 2.6.3, and
 wish to produce PNG output for inclusion in other documents. I can make
 PDFs no problem by double clicking on the relevant lilypond file, but
 when I try to run lilypond from the DOS prompt (to use the PNG option) I
 get the following error;

 GNU LilyPond 2.6.3
 ERROR: In procedure primitive-load-path:
 ERROR: Unable to find file ice-9/boot-9.scm in load path

 However, typing lilypond -h or lilypond -v does not produce this error?

 Does anyone have any advice on this? I tried using the cygwin version of
 lilypond to produce the PNG output, but something is wrong with the
 fonts, so that doesn't work either.

 Thanks in advance,

 lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Hello! Complicated newbie questions!

2005-11-04 Thread Arthur Dyck
I'm on a steep learning curve also, and the list has been great.  There are a 
couple of other things you can do.  Download the manual onto your machine and 
then do word searches for what you are trying to do.  For example, if you do 
a search for transparent, you 'll find ways to make bars, notes and stems 
transparent, among other things.

Another thing I have been doing is finding templates wherever I can and then 
using or adapting them.  People will often send you a template if you tell 
them what you are trying to do.  Another good place to look is  There you'll find lots of different styles of music 
with both the pdf and .ly files.

Finally, don't forget about Google.  It will often take you straight to list 
archives regarding your search.

You sound really excited about Lilypond, as are we all.  But you might get 
more responses if you split up your questions into separate emails with their 
own subject line.  



On Friday 04 November 2005 03:12 pm, Markian Hlynka wrote:
 Hi everyone!

 I just discovered lilypond the other day, and I can't stop playing
 with it. I have all sorts of questions, and I'm hoping maybe some
 people here might be able to point me in the right direction.

 First, here are the simple questions:

 1. how can I make a small note? like, sometimes in a bass part
 (vocal) there's an additional note an octave down, sometimes small,
 sometimes in brackets, indicating that you can sing it if you're
 able. I see in the manual an incredibly complex way to change the
 notehead size in a chord. That's too much effort. I managed to do it
 like this:

  \relative c
  \new Staff {
  \clef bass
  {c4 c c c f f e2
 d4 d c c b g c2 \\ \tiny c,}

 That's not too bad, trouble is the note has a seperate stem, which
 might not be what you want. Is there any other way to do this?

 2. Similarly, can I print a notehead with NO stem?

 3. What about putting parentheses around a note in the score ie (o)

 4. One other simple one. I'm sure I saw somewhere in the
 documentation a way to extend lines, something like
  composer = Mozart  \\
  \line the child prodigy

 or something like that. But, now I can't find it any more!

 OK, now, here are the tough questions.

 5. I'm inputting cyrillic text. I've noticed that if cyrillic and
 latin text coincide, they collide in a mess. Is this a known problem?
 I'll send an example, but I don't know if this list will take
 attachments. Basically if I write cyrillic latin cyrillic in, say,
   title = cyrillic latin cyrillic

 the result on the score will be cyriic where ## indicates
 overlapped text.

 6. I'm trying to understand how to format a choral score. Of
 particular interest is how the words get attached etc.I looked at the
 examples in section 3 of the manual, but that's not quite what I
 want. So far, I've settled on this:

  \context ChoirStaff
  \context Staff = bari
  \clef bass

  \context Lyrics = bari \mainwords

  \context Staff = bass
  \clef bass


 Am I doing this right? Among the things I don't understand are how/
 when the names apply (bari), and where the lyrics get stuck. In my
 example, if I move my \context Lyrics line below the second staff,
 the words print there as well. Yet, in the manual clearly the words
 are tied to the staff explicitly?

 7. Finally (for now), I'm having trouble aligning lyrics to music. I
 have this:
 mainvoice = \relative c
  \key a \minor

  \repeat volta 2
  \partial 8*3
  e8 a8.  [ b16] c2~c8 b16 a gis8. a16 b2 r8

 mainwords = \lyricmode{ one -- two -- three -- four five six }

 So, the end of sylable four should align with c2~c8.. It does, but
 five is also under the c2, not under the subsequent b16 where it
 belongs. I've tried adding _ and __ and even _ __, but there doesn't
 seem to be any effect. Am I doing something wrong? Same problem in
 English and Cyrillic.

 Greatly appreciate any help people can give me. This is a very cool
 program, and I'd very much like to use it more!



 PS: System: Mac OS X 10.4.2, Lilypond version 2.6.4-1, also using
 lilypad preview 2-1

 When arguing with an idiot, be sure they aren't doing the same.

 lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Scribus - alternative to lilybook?

2005-11-03 Thread Arthur Dyck
On Thursday 03 November 2005 02:35 pm, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
 Arthur Dyck wrote:
  I'm not sure I understand what it is you want to do with this plugin.  If
  it is just a matter of updating the pdf once you have edited the .ly
  file, Scribus has a feature where you can select your pdf image and there
  is an Update feature.  I haven't tried it yet, but I suspect you could
  just do your editing, create your pdf, go over to Scribus and Update your

 Yes, but you have to work with multiple files, and multiple
 applications. That gets tiresome and errorprone if you have many (over
 40) fragments.

Maybe I'm living in blissful ignorance of the problems that are ahead of me.  
The project I'm working on will have well over a hundred fragments.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: extra bar

2005-11-02 Thread Arthur Dyck
Thank you both for your suggestions.  They are very helpful.


On Wednesday 02 November 2005 04:36 am, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
 Actually, \cadenzaOn is just a shorthand for
 \set Timing.timing = ##f
 Arthur's code would probably work as expected if changed
 score.timing into Score.timing or Timing.Timing (the latter
 is recommended) or the shorthand \cadenzaOn.
 Note that LilyPond is sensitive about uppercase/lowercase!


 Edward Neeman wrote:
 If you don't want barlines (except where you specify
 them explicitly) add /cadenzaOn to any of the parts.
 Otherwise it will add bars in 4/4 (default) time.
 Edward Neeman
 --- Arthur Dyck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Can anyone tell me why I have an extra bar before
 the double bar?  I don't
 want it.
 \version 2.6.0
 global =
 \key g \major
 \set score.timing = ##f
 \set Staff.autoBeaming = ##f
 \layout {
 raggedright = ##t
 \header {
 title = 
 subtitle = 
 tagline = 
 poet = 
 composer = 
 #(set-global-staff-size 15)
 upperOne =
 \relative c''{
 \key g \major
 a2 b1 \bar |.
 upperTwo =
 \relative c'{
 fis2 g1
 lowerOne =
 \relative c' {
 \key g \major
 d2 d1
 lowerTwo =
 \relative c {
 d2 g1
 firstverse = \lyricmode {
 A -- men
 \context StaffGroup
 \context Staff = upper
 \clef treble
 \context Voice = one
 \context Voice = two
 \lyricsto one \new Lyrics {
 \context Staff = lower 
 \clef bass
 Voice = one \lowerOne
 Voice = two \lowerTwo
 \layout {
 barNumberVisibility = #all-invisible
 \midi { }
 \paper {
 topmargin = .0\in
 leftmargin = .1\in
 linewidth = 5\in
 indent = 0
 pagenumber = no
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Scribus - alternative to lilybook?

2005-11-02 Thread Arthur Dyck
I haven't seen anything on this list about Scribus, a linux-based desktop 
publishing program.  I have been playing with it and it has some interesting 
features.  Basically, you define your page size with borders and then create 
text or image boxes for your input.  You can import lilypond pdf images 
directly into your image box.  You can then put transparent text boxes on top 
of your image allowing you to do anykind of markup anywhere.  I wouldn't 
recommend it for a an ordinary sheet of music, but I think it adds some 
interesting possibilites.  I am trying to learn how to use it and how to use 
Lilypond at the same time as I'm working on a liturgy, so it's making for 
some long -- but fun -- days.


lilypond-user mailing list

installation issue

2005-11-01 Thread Arthur Dyck
I have just installed the package of 2.7.12 on Mandrake 10.1.  When I attempt 
to invoke lilypond from my terminal window I get the following error:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Desktop]$ lilypond
GNU LilyPond 2.7.12
ERROR: In procedure primitive-load-path:
ERROR: Unable to find file ice-9/boot-9.scm in load path

I'm not great at Linux so any help would be appreciated.


lilypond-user mailing list

transparent stem

2005-10-31 Thread Arthur Dyck
I've just started using lilypond and I think I'm over my head with the music 
I'm working on.  I'm trying to get transparent stems by using \once \override 
Stem #'transparent = ##t a4.  This isn't working for me.  What am I doing 



lilypond-user mailing list

lyric placement

2005-07-11 Thread Arthur Dyck
I'm just starting to play with lp by working on a hymn.  The format  is upper 
and lower piano staves with the verses in the middle.  I was using chords for 
the upper and lower until I came to a place where I had two 8th notes in the 
soprano over a 1/4 in the alto.  I don't know if it's the best way, but I 
found a way to do it.  The problem is that I can't get a lyric to print under 
those notes.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.


\version 2.6.0
     upper = \relative c' {
        \clef treble
        \key bes \major
        \time 4/4
        d f4 d bes' d bes' d bes' ees bes' ees a ees a2 |
ees a4 ees g ees a ees g d g4. d f8 d f2
d f4 d bes' d bes' d bes' f bes f a f a2
f c'4 e a d f  { c'8 bes } \\ { g4 }  f a4 e g f2
g d4 g d c g bes f bes f4. a f8 a f2 
bes d,4 bes d, d f, c g bes ees,4. a ees8 a ees2

     lower = \relative c {
        \clef bass
        \key bes \major
        \time 4/4
        f bes,4 f bes, f bes, f bes, f c f c f c2
c' f,4 bes f c f, bes f bes bes,4. bes bes,8 bes bes,2
bes bes,4 f bes, f bes, f bes, f c c' c, c c,2
c a,4 c c, a d, d bes, c c, bes c, a f2
     text = \lyricmode {
        Can a lit -- tle child like me
Thank the Fa -- ther fit -- ting -- ly?
Yes, O yes! be good and true,
Pa -- tient, kind in _ all you do;
Love the Lord, and do your part;
Learn to say with all your heart,
     \score {
       \context GrandStaff 
         \context Staff = upper {
             \context Voice = singer \upper }
         \lyricsto singer \new Lyrics \text
         \context Staff = lower 
           \clef bass
       \layout {
         \context { \GrandStaff \accepts Lyrics }
         \context { \Lyrics \consists Bar_engraver }
       \midi { \tempo 4=60 }

lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond errors

2005-06-21 Thread Arthur Dyck
I have installed Lilypond and its requirements on my system running Mandrake 
10.0.   The files were installed using Web Urpmi.   I have used KWrite to 
create the in your tutorial.  When I try to run lilypond, I 
get the following error.  Can you please tell me how to fix this?

lilypond (GNU LilyPond) 2.0.1
Running usr...ERROR: In procedure dynamic-link:
ERROR: file: libguile-srfi-srfi-13-14-v-1, message: cannot open shared object file: No such 
file or directory

lilypond: error: LilyPond failed on input file test (exit status 2)
lilypond: warning: Running LilyPond failed. Rerun with --verbose for a trace.


Arthur Dyck

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