Re: Lilypond SVG output in 2.12.1

2009-02-03 Thread Benjamin Esham

Vivian Barty-Taylor wrote:

I've had a look at making this correction using a sed script, but  
can't find anything in the documentation relating to the handling of  
hexadecimal numbers. Does anyone have any ideas, before I write a  
script manually correcting each grob? Does anyone know where the SVG  
output is generated and in what language? I might be able to fiddle  
with the source code too, as it seems to be quite a straightforward  

Hi Vivian,

I'm not sure about sed, but this would probably be trivial in (g)awk.   
Are you familiar with that language at all?

Benjamin D. Esham   |   |   bdesham128 (AIM)
“Given that sooner or later we're all just going to die, what's
the point of learning about integers?”  — Calvin

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lilypond on Leopard - who has it working?

2007-12-16 Thread Benjamin Esham
Sven Axelsson wrote:

 OK, I know. The standard reply to the Lilypond vs. Lopard question is
 compile it yourself. I could do that, but I believe it is a bit more
 complicated than just
 sudo make install
 so it wold be easier if someone who has done this already could make an
 unofficial build available. Anyone? Please, pretty please? Just the
 command line stuff is fine, no need for any GUI crud.

If you happen to have Fink installed, you can install Lilypond through Fink.
The current versions supported are 2.10.29 and 2.11.31, although I've heard
that you can get the latest versions if you tweak Fink's .info files.

I realize this isn't exactly what you asked for, but if you have Fink
installed it is probably the easiest way.  It probably isn't worth it to
install Fink just for this purpose unless you're really having trouble
getting Lilypond working any other way.  I guess I could just send you my
binaries, but I don't have a very good idea of exactly which files you would
need, and there would probably be library issues at some point.

Benjamin D. Esham
E-mail/Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | AIM bdesham128 | PGP D676BB9A
L'APOSTROPHE:  Let our battle's begin!
BOB THE ANGRY FLOWER:  God, you even _say_ it wrong!

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lilypond SVG output

2007-10-23 Thread Benjamin Esham
Benjamin Esham wrote:

 [getting usable SVG output from LilyPond]

FWIW, this how-to is now available from the LSR at

Benjamin D. Esham
E-mail/Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | AIM bdesham128 | PGP D676BB9A
Science is a differential equation.  Religion is a boundary
condition.— Alan Turing

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lilypond SVG output

2007-10-23 Thread Benjamin Esham
Graham Percival wrote:

 Benjamin Esham wrote:
   [getting usable SVG output from LilyPond]
  FWIW, this how-to is now available from the LSR at
 Great!  I'm very interested in this.  Is there any way to automate the
 inkscape step?  inkscape -T  does export text to path, but presumably
 this doesn't handle the grouping/ungrouping stuff.

I have no way to automate the Inkscape step.  Inkscape has a semi-native
Python interface, so it might be possible to write a script to iterate
through all of the objects in the file and ungroup/convert them as

(In fact, that might not be too bad at all for someone sufficiently familiar
with Inkscape's Python interface... specifically, one would ungroup the
first couple of document-wide groups, which correspond to the output page.
Then, the document will consist of a bunch of one-element groups; for each
of these that contains a svg:text element, ungroup and convert the text
element to a path.  All of the others should be svg:rect or :line and should
be safe to leave as-is.)

Needless to say, it would be more beneficial overall for someone to simply
fix LilyPond's SVG output in the first place ;-)

Benjamin D. Esham
E-mail/Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | AIM bdesham128 | PGP D676BB9A
My friend, you would not tell with such high zest 
  To children ardent for some desperate glory, 
The old Lie: Dulce et decorum est 
  Pro patria mori.— Wilfred Owen

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lilypond SVG output

2007-09-03 Thread Benjamin Esham

[cc'ing to the list]

Vivian Barty-Taylor wrote:

Dear Benjamin and Nick,

This was just to let you know that I've got fixing the Lilypond SVG  
output down to three replace operations in EMacs.

Editing the SVG file you replace:

1: all occurrences of feta-alphabet20 with Emmentaler
2: all occurrences of font-family:Century with font- 
family:Century Schoolbook L
3: all occurrences of font-family:L with font-family:Century  
Schoolbook L

The only output which remains incorrect is italic font type, which  
I haven't found any way of fixing - the SVG file seems to be  
correct, the font file is there, as far as I can see, but it always  
shows as Roman.

It would be perfectly feasible (I suppose) just to make a parser  
which was triggered by the writing of the SVG file by Lilypond  
which corrected these mistakes.

I'm not fluent enough in any language to write this, but maybe one  
of you is?

Hi Vivian,

Thanks for the info!  I wrote the following file to be used with the  
sed tool:

s/font-family:Century/font-family:Century Schoolbook L/g
s/font-family:L/font-family:Century Schoolbook L/g

Call this with sed -Ef lilyfix.sed lilyfile.svg  lilyfile_fixed.svg.

I did have to make one change, which was to generalize the expression  
for feta-alphabet to work with other sizes.  This sed script has to  
be run manually from the command line after each time you call  
lilypond; I found that to be a pain, so I wrote a shell script called  
lilysvg, which looks mostly like this (full paths are omitted for  

.../lilypond -bsvg -o /tmp/lilysvg $  sed -Ef .../fix.sed /tmp/ 
lilysvg.svg  $1.svg

Call it with lilysvg lilyfile, being sure to leave off the .ly of  
the filename.

Thanks again for the information on this!  I've now used LilyPond to  
create SVG files of some music snippets for Wikipedia—you can see a  
small gallery at 

Benjamin D. Esham
E-mail/Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | AIM bdesham128 | PGP D676BB9A
Esperanto, the international language  ☆

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lilypond SVG output

2007-09-03 Thread Benjamin Esham
Benjamin Esham wrote:

 [how to get usable SVG output from LilyPond]

I neglected to mention two things...

First, there are still some symbols (such as the piano-staff brace) that do
not show up in Inkscape.  I'm not sure whether this is a LilyPond issue, a
font issue, or an Inkscape issue (although I did try playing around with the
font on the brace's text object and that did not help).

The second is a larger issue.  In order for anyone else to be able to make
use of a LilyPond SVG file, it is necessary to convert all of the text to
paths.  (In Inkscape, this is accomplished with the Convert to Path
command.)   Due to the way LilyPond exports its SVG stuff, every single
object is placed in its own group.  Usually, you'd be able to Select All,
Ungroup, and Convert to Path in order to get the text out of groups and
to convert it into paths.

However, when you actually do that, there's a curious effect: all of the
staff lines disappear!  It turns out that each of those groups actually
contained some style information that transformed or scaled its contents in
some way.  For example, the staff lines are initially very, very thin; only
after the transformation is applied do they become visible at all.

The result here is that while doing an Ungroup on the note heads,
accidentals, etc. has no apparent effect, there are serious effects if you
try to do it to staff lines, beams, and possibly some other simple shapes
like those.  The end result is that in order to make LilyPond's SVG output
usable by anyone else, you must select each note head and accidental in the
piece and perform an Ungroup and a Convert to Path.  Needless to say,
this is nigh-unthinkable for any music longer than a snippet.

I think that the best solution to this issue would be to apply the
transformation information to the objects directly instead of wrapping them
with groups.  That way, a simple Select All and Convert to Path would
make a LilyPond SVG file readable by anyone.

Any workarounds would be greatly appreciated!  Any patches to LilyPond would
be *tremendously* appreciated ;-)

Cheers and HTH,
Benjamin D. Esham
E-mail/Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | AIM bdesham128 | PGP D676BB9A
The silent h is very flexible.  When I'm talking, I'll toss in a
silent h every third syllable, and no one seems to mind.  I'm not
trying to show off by doing it.  I just like the way it doesn't
sound.— Scott Adams

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: SVG output sponsorship

2007-08-15 Thread Benjamin Esham
Vivian Barty-Taylor wrote:

 While I'm a committed Lilyponder, and much prefer the output to other
 programs, [fixing Lilypond's SVG output] would seem to be a valuable
 investment in terms of user-friendliness. Could you give me an estimate of
 what this would cost, Han-Wen? Are there others who would be willing to
 co-sponsor this?

I wouldn't be able to contribute much (maybe $35/€25), but would be willing
to contribute if someone were to take on this fix.  Any others?

Benjamin D. Esham
E-mail/Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | AIM bdesham128 | PGP D676BB9A
Conservative, n.  A statesman enamored of existing evils, as
opposed to a Liberal, who wants to replace them with new ones.
  — Ambrose Bierce, /The Devil's Dictionary/

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: LilyPond extension/plugin for MediaWiki software

2007-07-26 Thread Benjamin Esham
Mark Dewey wrote:

 I've heard tell that there is a LilyPond extension or plugin for MediaWiki
 (that's the software they use with Wikipedia).  I have a wiki
 ( that uses LilyPond files quite a bit . . . so, I'm
 interested in finding out what the plugin is for, what it is called, and
 where I can get it.  Do any of you know?

Try these (probably in this order):

If you need further information, your best bet is probably to post to

 I've heard that it requires LilyPond to be installed on the server.  Is
 this true?

Undoubtedly.  It doesn't really make sense otherwise :-)

Benjamin D. Esham
E-mail/Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | AIM bdesham128 | PGP D676BB9A
When I hear of Schrödinger's cat, I reach for my gun.
   — Stephen Hawking

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Fonts in SVG output

2007-07-07 Thread Benjamin Esham
Benjamin Esham wrote:

 I'm having some issues with Lilypond 2.10.x's SVG export.

I seem to have fixed most (all?) of my font problems.  I now have another
problem, however.

In order to submit one of LilyPond's SVGs to e.g. the Wikimedia Commons, it
is necessary to convert all of its text into paths; that way, users need not
have LilyPond's fonts in order to view the image correctly.  Before
converting text into paths in Inkscape, you must make sure that none of the
text is contained within a group.  Therefore, I started to process my file
by selecting everything and issuing an Ungroup command.

When I did so, the staff lines disappeared!  Apparently every object in the
file is in a one-element group.  For some reason, ungrouping the staff lines
made them disappear—they were still present, just not visible.  I think
there may be an Inkscape bug at play here too, since Select All couldn't
find the lines, but on the LilyPond end... how can I get Lily to create a
sane, usable SVG file?  

Any help is greatly appreciated here.
Benjamin D. Esham
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  AIM: bdesham128  |  Jabber: same as e-mail
All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men
do nothing.— attributed to Edmund Burke

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Fonts in SVG output

2007-07-07 Thread Benjamin Esham
Graham Percival wrote:

 I strongly urge anybody who is interested in SVG support to consider
 contributing resources (either source code or offering a bounty) to this
 end.  If you are involved in a project that uses SVG (like this Wikimedia
 Commons thing), then perhaps you could encourage one of their programmers
 (who is familiar with SVG) to work on lilypond's output.

I have posted a call for help to that effect to the Wikimedia Commons
mailing list; hopefully someone there will be able to contribute, or will
know someone who can.  (There should be a number of SVG experts on that
list, and a bunch of coders as well.)  I would help myself, but know very
little about SVG's internals, and nothing whatsoever about Scheme.  Maybe if
I get some free time I can learn...

Benjamin D. Esham
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  AIM: bdesham128  |  Jabber: same as e-mail
As Gregor Samsa woke one morning from uneasy dreams he found
himself transformed in his bed into a monstrous vermin.
— Kafka, /The Metamorphosis/

lilypond-user mailing list

Hard-to-engrave bits involving polyphony

2007-06-21 Thread Benjamin Esham
Hello all,

I'm engraving one of Chopin's nocturnes for Mutopia and I've run into a
couple of limitations that I don't know how to get around.

First off, I have a situation like this:

\relative c'' {
 { f8 e ~ c e c e } \\
   { c4 s4 } 

where I need the c4 tied to the c in the first c e—in other words, I have
a chord where one note needs to be tied to a note in the same voice and the
other note is tied to a note from a different voice!  What's more, I need an
arpeggio to the left of the first notes (the c and the f).  How can I
accomplish this?

Secondly, I have a similar situation involving polyphony:

\relative c'' {
 { a8 d } \\
   { e,8 a } 

where the first a8 needs to be tied to the second a.

Finally, I have a grace note situation like this:

\relative c' {
 { c4 e g r } \\ { s2 s4 s8 \acciaccatura b8 s8 } 
\acciaccatura b8 c1

where I need both grace notes tied to the c1.

Can anyone help with any of these annoying little problems?  Thanks a ton in

Benjamin D. Esham
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  AIM: bdesham128  |  Jabber: same as e-mail
I cannot and will not cut my conscience to fit this year's
fashions. — Lillian Hellman

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Fonts in SVG output

2007-06-01 Thread Benjamin Esham

John Mandereau wrote:

Currently, it's not a good idea to include SVG files generated by
LilyPond in web pages on the Internet, because you have to make  
sure OTF

fonts -- from the LilyPond version used to generate the SVG -- are
installed on the (e.g. in ~/.fonts).  SVG files generated by LilyPond
are rather to be processed on a server or a machine building a web  

where SVGs are cnoverted to PNGs -- that's what we do on
for language-dependent pictures, see for example.

I use Inkscape's convert text to paths feature to ensure that the  
end-user need not have the LilyPond fonts installed.  (That will work  
like I think it does, right?)

Benjamin D. Esham
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  AIM: bdesham128  |  Jabber: same as e-mail

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Fonts in SVG output

2007-05-31 Thread Benjamin Esham

Krokyn wrote:

and the piano-staff brace showed up as a small box.

I think there is problem with font, not in Inkscape. Preview of svg  
file is
with bad fonts in Gnome Nautilus too. It is not possible choose  
Aubabtu from
font list in Text Editors (I tried it in OpenOffice in Ubuntu). And  
I have
bad note heads shown with other font in Inkscape too and changed  
the clefs


Please compare:

My output is the same as yours.  What should I do to file this as an  
official bug?  Wikipedia has some music samples that were made with  
Sibelius and which are quite ugly.  I'm trying to replace them with  
SVG, the preferred format, from LilyPond, but obviously the output is  
useless right now.

Benjamin D. Esham
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  AIM: bdesham128  |  Jabber: same as e-mail
Esperanto, the international language  ☆

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
lilypond-user mailing list

Fonts in SVG output

2007-05-27 Thread Benjamin Esham

Hello all,

I'm having some issues with Lilypond 2.10.x's SVG export.   I tried  
to open an exported file in Inkscape 0.44.1, and most of the music  
showed up fine, but the time signature was in a wrong font, and the  
piano-staff brace showed up as a small box.  I've already copied the  
fonts from .../share/lilypond/fonts/otf into ~/.fonts; is there  
anything else I need to do to get exported SVG files to appear  

Thanks for any help,
Benjamin D. Esham
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  AIM: bdesham128  |  Jabber: same as e-mail
“It is the unknown we fear when we look upon death and darkness,
nothing more.” — Albus Dumbledore in HBP

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Markup for cadenza rest

2007-03-22 Thread Benjamin Esham

Mats Bengtsson wrote:

I am typesetting a horn part from a piano concerto, and I'm  
having  difficulty with the Cadenza rests in the piece.  What I  
would like  is a rest in the staff—it can be a 4-beat rest, like  
r1, a full- measure rest, like R1, or a long multi-measure rest,  
with the  horizontal bar; I don't really care which kind.  Above  
that, center- aligned, should be a fermata, and aligned above  
that, the word  Cadenza.

You should definitely use R1^\markup{...}
One method to get the horizontal size the way you want it
is to manually specify the width, such as
\override MultiMeasureRest  #'minimum-length = #10

I couldn't find any method to let LilyPond figure out the width

Thanks a lot, Mats!  This worked great for me:

cadenzaTwoBeats = {
\once \override MultiMeasureRest #'minimum-length = #9
R2^\markup{ \override #'(baseline-skip . 2) \center-align 
{ \italic Cadenza \musicglyph #scripts.ufermata } }

cadenzaFourBeats = {
\once \override MultiMeasureRest #'minimum-length = #9
R1^\markup{ \override #'(baseline-skip . 2) \center-align 
{ \italic Cadenza \musicglyph #scripts.ufermata } }


Benjamin D. Esham
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  AIM: bdesham128  |  Jabber: same as e-mail
“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the
illusion of knowledge.”— Stephen Hawking

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lilypond-user mailing list

Markup for cadenza rest

2007-03-21 Thread Benjamin Esham

Hello all,

I am typesetting a horn part from a piano concerto, and I'm having  
difficulty with the Cadenza rests in the piece.  What I would like  
is a rest in the staff—it can be a 4-beat rest, like r1, a full- 
measure rest, like R1, or a long multi-measure rest, with the  
horizontal bar; I don't really care which kind.  Above that, center- 
aligned, should be a fermata, and aligned above that, the word  

I haven't found any way to get an acceptable result.  I'm using  
LilyPond 2.10.15.  If I use r1^\markup{...}, I get the text fine, but  
the rest is not center-aligned in the measure.  If I use R1^\markup 
{...}, the measure is condensed to just the horizontal size of the  
rest, and the text sticks out of the measure.  (Using \fatText had no  
effect on this.)  Can anyone tell me how to get the output I  
described above?  Thanks!

Benjamin D. Esham
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  AIM: bdesham128  |  Jabber: same as e-mail
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia•

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lilypond-user mailing list

RSS/Atom feed for new releases?

2007-02-02 Thread Benjamin Esham

Hello all,

Is there any RSS (or Atom) feed currently set up to track new  
releases?  I try to keep up with the latest stable release of  
LilyPond, but in order to do so I have to visit the website  
periodically, which I can never remember to do.  I took a look at the  
git page, and there seems to be feeds on most of the pages, but I'm  
not sure which one I would need to subscribe to in order to be  
notified of new releases.

Is there any feed set up currently, or is there any possibility that  
one could be created?

Thanks a lot!
Benjamin D. Esham
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  AIM: bdesham128  |  Jabber: same as e-mail
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia•

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: how to invoke lilypond from vim

2006-11-16 Thread Benjamin Esham
[Sorry about that… I replied to the sender and forgot to include the  

Allan Spagnol Comar wrote:

Good night to all, I was wondering how can I invoke lilypond from  
vim ? I
tried with :make but it invokes gnu make. I looked at  
lilypond.vim on
compilers folder of vim plugin and it seams to me that what I  
should do

was just run make  what did i miss ?

Here's what I've got in my .vimrc for Lilypond:

 process and view PDF of a ly file
nmap Leaderl :call LilyPondCompileOpen()CR

 open this file's corresponding pdf
nmap Leaderp :call Open_PDF()CR

 :: change a file's extension
function! ChangeExt(name, ext)
let name = substitute(a:name, \.[a-zA-Z0-9_]*$, \..a:ext, )
return name

 :: compile and open a LilyPond file
function! LilyPondCompileOpen()

let pdfname = ChangeExt(expand(%), pdf)

	exe !/Applications/ - 
dno-point-and-click --pdf '%'  open ' . pdfname . '


 :: open the PDF associated with this file (used for ly, tex)
function! Open_PDF()
silent exe :!open '.ChangeExt(expand(%), pdf')

Benjamin D. Esham
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  AIM: bdesham128  |  Jabber: same as e-mail
It is the unknown we fear when we look upon death and darkness,
nothing more. — Albus Dumbledore in HBP

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Syntax questions

2006-09-26 Thread Benjamin Esham

Markus Schneider wrote:

Hi Benjamin,

Lilypond and I are disagreeing about some syntax in 2.8,
hopefully someone can help...
hn = { \markup{Hn.} }

hn = \markup{Hn.}

Also, I'm having difficulty understanding the syntax of the
\column command.

cText = \markup { \column { 1st 2nd 3rd } }

These worked fine, thanks!  Another question: is there a way to use  
\fatText with rests?  I'm trying to do

  R1^\markup{ \column{ Vc. cadenza \musicglyph  
#scripts.ufermata } }

but calling \fatText beforehand doesn't do anything.  The problem is  
that the text is too wide for the horizontal space given to the rest;  
I'd like the rest's measure to expand to fit this text.  Is this  

Benjamin D. Esham
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  AIM: bdesham128  |  Jabber: same as e-mail
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia•

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lilypond-user mailing list

Syntax questions

2006-09-25 Thread Benjamin Esham

Hello all,

Lilypond and I are disagreeing about some syntax in 2.8, hopefully  
someone can help...

I have a statement like

  hn = { \markup{Hn.} }

in the body of my .ly file; it's not inside any blocks or anything,  
it's just out by itself.  Lilypond claims that the above statement is  
a syntax error, but I have a line directly above it like

  bigBar = { \bar || \mark \default }

Is there something special about the \markup command that prevents it  
from being used in shortcuts like that?

Also, I'm having difficulty understanding the syntax of the \column  
command.  The manual tells me I should give it a list of args, but  
gives no idea as to what delimiters such a list would use.  (A single  
example would go a long way here.)  Can someone provide a simple  
example of \column?

Thanks a lot for any help!

Benjamin D. Esham
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  AIM: bdesham128  |  Jabber: same as e-mail
“It is the unknown we fear when we look upon death and darkness,
nothing more.” — Albus Dumbledore in HBP

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Half-sheet music

2006-09-12 Thread Benjamin Esham

Rick Hansen (aka RickH) wrote:

Mattl wrote:

I am trying to re-write a hard-to-read half sheet of music for my  
band.  It needs to take up a half sheet, and i can't figure out  
how to do
this.  The dimensions I need are 8.5 by 5.5 inches, and i need  
them ASAP.

Thanks in advance for any help!

P.S. I have tried everything i can think of.  Nothing worked.  I have
spent about 2 hours trying to figure it out.

I dont know what platform you are on, but I use custom paper sizes  
all the

time on WindowsXP, here are the steps to follow: [...]

I had to do this same thing recently, except that my paper was even  
smaller than a half-sheet.  I've tried to use non-standard paper  
sizes with LilyPond before, and it never worked, so here's what I  
did.  These instructions will only work directly in OS X, but are  
probably adaptable to anything.  (I'm not actually printing on  
smaller paper, I'm just cutting pieces out of a US Letter page.)

1. Typeset your piece in LilyPond as usual.  Use a larger staff size  
than you normally would; use no headers and set tagline= so that  
nothing but the music is output.

2. Use pdfcrop on the output PDF.

3. In OmniGraffle (or another vector-based drawing program), make a  
rectangle of the size of your paper.

4. Drag the cropped PDF into the OmniGraffle document and resize it  
to fit the paper.  Add the piece title or whatever.

5. Print and cut out your music.

Hope this helps someone somewhere!

Benjamin D. Esham
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  AIM: bdesham128  |  Jabber: same as e-mail

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lilypond-user mailing list

Benefits of OS X binary vs. Fink version?

2006-08-29 Thread Benjamin Esham

Hello all,

I use Mac OS X, and have Lilypond installed with Fink.  Recently,  
however, with the transition to Intel hardware, the latest version of  
Lilypond available there is 2.6.3.  (2.8.2 is listed, but does not  
compile for me.)  What are the advantages and disadvantages of  
downloading the “official” pre-built version and running that from  
the command line?  Will that version recognize the relevant parts of  
the Fink installation, or does it provide all of its own stuff?   
Thanks for any guidance here.

Benjamin D. Esham
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  AIM: bdesham128  |  Jabber: same as e-mail
• Still using Internet Explorer?  Firefox is newer, more secure,
and has better support for standards.

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Re: LilyPond 2.8 for OS X with Fink?

2006-05-16 Thread Benjamin Esham

Matthias Neeracher wrote:

Benjamin Esham wrote:

Does anyone (Matthias?) have any idea when LilyPond 2.8 and/or 2.9  
become available for Mac OS X through Fink?  I have the latest  
descriptions from CVS, and the latest versions available are 2.6.4  

stable) and 2.7.28 (for testing).

2.8.2 and 2.9.4 are now in fink CVS. There were protracted problems  
the sourceforge CVS infrastructure, so submitting updates was  
difficult for
several months, plus I had a new baby to take care of, so I was a  
bit behind

in updating.

OK, this is great news!  Thanks a lot!  Have fun with fatherhood :-)

Benjamin D. Esham
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  AIM: bdesham128  |  Jabber: same as e-mail
You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
lilypond-user mailing list

LilyPond 2.8 for OS X with Fink?

2006-05-13 Thread Benjamin Esham

Hello all,

Does anyone (Matthias?) have any idea when LilyPond 2.8 and/or 2.9 will
become available for Mac OS X through Fink?  I have the latest package
descriptions from CVS, and the latest versions available are 2.6.4 (for
stable) and 2.7.28 (for testing).

Benjamin D. Esham
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  AIM: bdesham128  |  Jabber: same as e-mail
“Given that sooner or later we're all just going to die, what's
the point of learning about integers?”  — Calvin

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: LilyPond and OpenDocument

2006-05-04 Thread Benjamin Esham

Jay Hamilton, Sound and Silence wrote:

There is a notice in the sponsoring section of the website that  
lists something about OOorg.  I wrote and asked Han-Wen about it  
and was told that there was a bridge that made the project possible  
but that it would be expensive

You might want to take a look at the source code of OOoLaTeX (http://  It's an extension that  
lets you add LaTeX expressions to your documents; it converts them on- 
the-fly to EMF (or another appropriate format) and lets you play with  
some of the settings.  It supports EPS, I think, so it might not be  
impossible to hack it to do something similar for LilyPond.

Benjamin D. Esham
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  PGP key ID: 0xD676BB9A  |  AIM: bdesham128
Jabber ID: same as e-mail address  |  encrypted e-mail preferred
“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the
illusion of knowledge.”— Stephen Hawking

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
lilypond-user mailing list

Auto beaming question

2006-02-06 Thread Benjamin Esham

Hello all,

I'm trying to typeset a piece (it's the Allemanda from Bach's second  
violin partita, BWV 1004, in case you care).  I'm having a little bit  
of trouble configuring the auto beaming to do exactly what I want.   
There are basically three rhythmic units present in the piece (which  
is in 4/4 time):

- groups of sixteenth notes.  These should be beamed per beat, i.e.  
in groups of four.
- groups of sixteenth and thirty-second notes.  These should also be  
beamed per beat, e.g. three sixteenths and two thirty-seconds.
- sixteenth note triplets.  These should be beamed one per half beat,  
i.e. three notes beamed together.

I'm currently using the following commands:

#(override-auto-beam-setting '(end 1 24 * *) 21 24)
#(override-auto-beam-setting '(end 1 24 * *) 9 24)

#(override-auto-beam-setting '(end 1 32 * *) 1 4)
#(override-auto-beam-setting '(end 1 32 * *) 2 4)
#(override-auto-beam-setting '(end 1 32 * *) 3 4)

The sixteenth note triplets are beamed correctly, but the groups with  
thirty-second notes are beamed incorrectly.  Can anyone tell me which  
auto-beaming commands to use?  Thanks!

Benjamin D. Esham
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  |  AIM: bdesham128
Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia  •

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Auto beaming question

2006-02-06 Thread Benjamin Esham

On Feb 6, 2006, at 8:44 PM, Joe Neeman wrote:

Benjamin Esham wrote:

- groups of sixteenth and thirty-second notes.  These should also  
be  beamed per beat, e.g. three sixteenths and two thirty-seconds.

#(override-auto-beam-setting '(end 1 32 * *) 1 4)
#(override-auto-beam-setting '(end 1 32 * *) 2 4)
#(override-auto-beam-setting '(end 1 32 * *) 3 4)

The sixteenth note triplets are beamed correctly, but the groups  
with  thirty-second notes are beamed incorrectly.  Can anyone tell  
me which  auto-beaming commands to use?  Thanks!

[...] So in order to get the behaviour you want, you need to  
_remove_ rules, not add them:

#(revert-auto-beam-settings '(end 1 32 4 4) 1 8)
#(revert-auto-beam-settings '(end 1 32 4 4) 3 8)
.. and so on

This worked like a charm.  Thanks! :-)

Benjamin D. Esham
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  |  AIM: bdesham128
Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia  •

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Why not a forum?

2005-11-14 Thread Benjamin Esham

Johann Petrak wrote:

I am pretty new to lilypond and this list, but I wonder if it would be
possible to create a discussion forum on the lilypond website?  My
experience is that forums are much more convenient to discuss  
One of the advantages is that one can make different forums for  
areas of discussion. One can also make certain frequently occuring  

sticky or easily provide links to manuals and other documentation.

An alternative, the anachronistic version of a forum would be a USENET
group ...

I think people generally prefer mailing lists because they allow  
users to

view content the way they want to view it; people have much more control
over their mail clients than over web-based fora.  If you want to view
LilyPond lists as USENET groups, check out

For me, GMANE is great because mailing lists are often much easier to  
with when they're presented as USENET groups; the threading, for  

Benjamin D. Esham
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   |   AIM: bdesham128
People who boast about their I.Q. are losers.
   — Stephen Hawking

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Favorite editor

2005-10-04 Thread Benjamin Esham

Hash: SHA1

Hans wrote:

I am new to the list, but I have been using Lilypond for the last  
year or

so, currently version 2.4.5 on Debian Sarge.

Right now I edit ly-files with Midnight Commander, have a terminal  
for making output and a file-manager to open the pdf or ps. Working  
this means constant switching between windows (edit, save, run  
lilypond in the terminal, chech the pdf). Is there an editor for  
like Bluefish for html? Or is there a smarter way to work. I would  
love to

hear your experience. Thank you.

I use Vim (, and I have some commands in my ~/.vimrc to help
with LilyPond editing:

nmap Leaderl :call LilyPondCompileOpen()CR

function! ChangeExt(name, ext)
let name = substitute(a:name, \.[a-zA-Z0-9_]*$, \..a:ext, )
return name

function! LilyPondCompileOpen()

let pdfname = ChangeExt(expand(%), pdf)
let path = /sw/bin:/sw/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin
let fontconfig = /sw/share/fontconfig-path/fontconfig-path.conf
let setenv_command = env PATH=.path.  

exe ! . setenv_command . /sw/bin/lilypond -dno-point-and- 
click --pdf

  '%'  open ' . pdfname . '

Obviously, these commands are specific to my system―I use fink with  
Mac OS
X, so the /sw paths would be different, and I'm not sure whether  
other OSes

have an open command.  The idea is clear, however; when editing, I can
type \l and the current file will be processed with LilyPond and its
output displayed.  I'm really happy with this system; it's pretty much
perfectly integrated into my editor, so the only program switching I  
have to

do is between Vim and my PDF viewer.

- --
Benjamin D. Esham
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   |   AIM: bdesham128
A witty saying proves nothing.― Voltaire

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lilypond-user mailing list

Changing the font for all text in a document

2005-07-28 Thread Benjamin Esham
In LilyPond 2.6.x, is it possible to select a certain font to be used  
for all text?  I looked at the font selection section of the  
manual, but didn't really see a way to change the font for everything  
in the document.  Can someone tell me how to do this?  Thanks!

Benjamin D. Esham
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   |   AIM: bdesham128
* Still using Internet Explorer?  Firefox is newer, more secure,
and has features like tabbed browsing.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: LilyPond uses sans-serif font after 2.6 upgrade

2005-07-25 Thread Benjamin Esham

On Jul 25, 2005, at 6:55 PM, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:

Benjamin Esham wrote:

I'm using LilyPond 2.6.1 with fink 0.24.7 on Mac OS X 10.4.2.   
After  I updated from Lily 2.4.x to 2.6.1, LilyPond started to use  
an ugly  sans-serif font (Verdana, specifically) for all text in  
my score--  titles, bar numbers, text markups, etc.  This happens  
even in files  with no special font-related commands whatsoever.   
I'm not sure where  to begin to fix this-- can anyone give me some  
pointers?  Thanks a ton!

can you file this problem with Matthias?  I think he forgot to ship  
the New Century Schoolbook fonts.

OK, I'll do this (though doesn't he read this list anyway?).

You could also try running the native macos version.

What's the difference between that and the fink version?  I don't  
need anything other than the command-line version, and I like the  
relatively-automated update process that fink provides.  (I looked  
for stuff about the Mac OS X version on the website, but couldn't  
find anything.)

Benjamin D. Esham
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   |   AIM: bdesham128
* Still using Internet Explorer?  Firefox is newer, more secure,
and has features like tabbed browsing.

lilypond-user mailing list

LilyPond uses sans-serif font after 2.6 upgrade

2005-07-24 Thread Benjamin Esham
I'm using LilyPond 2.6.1 with fink 0.24.7 on Mac OS X 10.4.2.  After  
I updated from Lily 2.4.x to 2.6.1, LilyPond started to use an ugly  
sans-serif font (Verdana, specifically) for all text in my score--  
titles, bar numbers, text markups, etc.  This happens even in files  
with no special font-related commands whatsoever.  I'm not sure where  
to begin to fix this-- can anyone give me some pointers?  Thanks a ton!

Benjamin D. Esham
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   |   AIM: bdesham128
* Still using Internet Explorer?  Firefox is newer, more secure,
and has features like tabbed browsing.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: More than one measure repeat in a row

2005-07-21 Thread Benjamin Esham

Hash: SHA1

On Jul 21, 2005, at 12:40 AM, Paul Scott wrote:

Benjamin Esham wrote:

I'm trying to typeset music that has three one-measure repeats in  
a  row-- i.e., the measure before them is to be played a total of  
four  times.  Is there a way to get this using LilyPond?  I  
couldn't find  anything in the manual or the mailing list archives.

I'm using LilyPond 2.4.5, though I'm planning to upgrade to 2.6.1  

\repeat percent  4 { music }

Look up repeats in the doc's.  I didn't see a complete description  
in my quick look right now but the above works.

This worked great-- thanks!  I was under the impression that using  
4 produces single-beat repeats, but it made three measure repeats  
in this case.

- --
Benjamin D. Esham
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   |   AIM: bdesham128
* Still using Internet Explorer?  Firefox is newer, more secure,
and has features like tabbed browsing.

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: More than one measure repeat in a row

2005-07-21 Thread Benjamin Esham

Hash: SHA1

On Jul 21, 2005, at 11:43 AM, David Raleigh Arnold wrote:

On Wed, 2005-07-20 at 21:40 -0700, Paul Scott wrote:

Benjamin Esham wrote:

I'm trying to typeset music that has three one-measure repeats in a
row-- i.e., the measure before them is to be played a total of four
times.  Is there a way to get this using LilyPond?  I couldn't find
anything in the manual or the mailing list archives.

I'm using LilyPond 2.4.5, though I'm planning to upgrade to 2.6.1  

I think the OP means something repeated four times so four endings
(voltas) are required.  See volta  daveA

Actually, I meant measure repeats-- the music should look like this:

note note | % | % | % |

where % is the measure repeat sign.  Paul's solution seemed to work.

- --
Benjamin D. Esham
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   |   AIM: bdesham128
* Still using Internet Explorer?  Firefox is newer, more secure,
and has features like tabbed browsing.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.0 (Darwin)


lilypond-user mailing list

More than one measure repeat in a row

2005-07-20 Thread Benjamin Esham

Hash: SHA1

I'm trying to typeset music that has three one-measure repeats in a  
row-- i.e., the measure before them is to be played a total of four  
times.  Is there a way to get this using LilyPond?  I couldn't find  
anything in the manual or the mailing list archives.

I'm using LilyPond 2.4.5, though I'm planning to upgrade to 2.6.1 soon.

- --
Benjamin D. Esham
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   |   AIM: bdesham128
* Still using Internet Explorer?  Firefox is newer, more secure,
and has features like tabbed browsing.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.0 (Darwin)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: New glyph, (from: notation for pitch bends and drops)

2005-02-09 Thread Benjamin Esham
Hash: SHA1
On Feb 9, 2005, at 11:43 AM, David Raleigh Arnold wrote:
Is there any objection to my having my own  [...] I don't
like to hack like that without permission, especially if I'm the only
one doing the thing in question.
Go right ahead-- there's nothing stopping you from doing whatever you 
with LilyPond.  The only potential issue is that if you distribute your
.ly files, you'll have to either change them to one of the standard
language formats or include your own along with the file.

After all, a flat *is* a letter b.
Er... a flat *looks* like a letter b.  Otherwise, they are not related
at all.
- -- 
Benjamin D. Esham
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  |  AIM: bdesham128
Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia ---
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (Darwin)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: arpeggio in polyphony

2005-01-17 Thread Benjamin Esham
On Jan 17, 2005, at 6:28 PM, Albert Einstein wrote:
Do someone know what changes must be set to connect arpeggio' brackets 
in one?
I attach files: ly (2.4.2) and gif illustrate problem -- on picture 
thera are two
brackets not one as I want; I need one bracket for barre (fret 
indication) in guitar.
(This is not a solution, but maybe it'll help someone to think of one.)
Perhaps you could do something like (warning: bad syntax ahead):
   f2 \\ { a' f,4\arpeggio } 
where the f, in the chord is made invisible so that the stem and the 
head do not
show, but the bracket extends down far enough anyway.  I could probably 
how to do this in the manual, but I don't have time right now.  Anyone 
have any

Benjamin D. Esham{
[EMAIL PROTECTED]}AIM: bdesham 1 2 8
Six Gmail invites -- e-mail me if you're interested.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Extra bar at the end.

2005-01-17 Thread Benjamin Esham
On Jan 17, 2005, at 9:29 PM, Gordon Gilbert wrote:
What am I missing here?  Using 2.2.2, the PDF output has an extra bar 
the very end of the bass clef (but not in the treble clef).  I've 
checked all
my notes and words, and everything seems correct, but there is that 
extra empty bar.
Take a look at the tenor part, line 125:
123:  c'2 c'4
124:  c' g a |
125:  c' b g8 f | % this bar
126:  e2. ~ e
That f should be an f4, I think (right now it's an eighth note, but a 
and three eights is not a complete measure).  I just skimmed the rest 
of the
file, but I think this might be your problem.

Also, a semi-related tip: one thing I find helpful is to put an 
explicit duration
on the first note of every new line (which is also every new measure, 
if you
write one measure per line). Trying to remember which duration a note 
be is just too error-prone, IMO.

Benjamin D. Esham{
[EMAIL PROTECTED]}AIM: bdesham 1 2 8
Six Gmail invites -- e-mail me if you're interested.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: reminder accidentals

2004-12-24 Thread Benjamin Esham
On Dec 24, 2004, at 1:50 PM, Ridwan Sami wrote:
i have this habit of forgetting to play certain notes
as sharp of flat when a peice has a key signature
other than c major.
i would manually put in the ! for accidental
reminders but there are well over ten-thousand such
notes in the peices that i am trying to play.
does anyone know of a way to put the ! at the end of
notes in an lengthy .ly file quickly so that there are
no syntax errors?
What text editor are you using?  You (or someone else) could probably 
a regular expression to add ! to all notes with accidentals.  OTOH, 
it might be
easier just to get used to key signatures other than C major :-)

Benjamin D. Esham {
[EMAIL PROTECTED] } AIM: bdesham 1 2 8

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: reminder accidentals

2004-12-24 Thread Benjamin Esham
On Dec 24, 2004, at 2:55 PM, Ridwan Sami wrote:
Benjamin Esham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
does anyone know of a way to put the ! at the end of notes in an
lengthy .ly file quickly so that there are no syntax errors?
What text editor are you using?  You (or someone else) could probably
write a regular expression to add ! to all notes with accidentals.
the notes in the .ly were exported by rosegarden 4 so they have varying
numbers of apostrophes and commas and if i don't figure out how to use
wilcards, i will be stuck with about 50 replacement operations, highly
subject to error.
did you have a specific text editor in mind that can do this
Any text editor that supports regular expressions should work.  Make a
backup of your file, and then try playing around with this (you'll
probably have to change the syntax somewhat):
Benjamin D. Esham {
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  } AIM: bdesham 1 2 8
cd jdk   /   rm -r *.*   /   garbage collection
-- a Java haiku

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: forte subite under the pitch

2004-12-21 Thread Benjamin Esham
On Dec 21, 2004, at 7:00 AM, Albert Einstein wrote:
I need two words under one pitch: \f subito
When I use a''\f_\markup{subito} then subito covers forte sign.
What is the solution?
One possible solution (untested):
  a''\markup{\dynamic f subito}
Benjamin D. Esham{
[EMAIL PROTECTED] }AIM: bdesham 1 2 8
Rincewind tried to force the memory out of his mind,
 but it was rather enjoying itself there, terrorising
 the other occupants and kicking over the furniture.

lilypond-user mailing list

PianoStaff label moving downwards

2004-12-11 Thread Benjamin Esham
Hello all,
I'm typesetting some piano music with LilyPond 2.4.2, and I'd like the 
staff to be labeled 19.  Using the code below, it was working fine, 
but all of
a sudden the label moved downwards.  I can't figure out what I changed 
cause this; does anyone have any ideas?  Thanks!

\context PianoStaff 
   \set PianoStaff.instrument = 19. %\markup{\fontsize #4 {19.} 
\hspace #1.0 }
   \new Staff 
   \new Staff 
 \set Staff.printPartCombineTexts = ##f

Benjamin D. Esham  {
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  }  AIM: bdesham 1 2 8
Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

lilypond-user mailing list

Slurs and polyphony

2004-11-20 Thread Benjamin Esham
Hash: SHA1
Is there any clean-looking way to use slurs that do the following--
- - start in the default (i.e. monophonic) voice and end in a polyphonic 
- - start in a polyphonic voice and end in the default voice?
- - start in one polyphonic voice and end in another?  (This actually 
happens in
  a Chopin piece I'm typesetting.)

I looked through the mailing list archives, but didn't find a way short 
of creating
a third voice full of spacer notes for each one of these cases, and 
that seems like
an ugly solution to me.  Does anyone have suggestions?  Thanks!

- -- 
Benjamin D. Esham  {
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  }  AIM: bdesham 1 2 8
Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (Darwin)


lilypond-user mailing list

Custom paper sizes?

2004-11-14 Thread Benjamin Esham
Hash: SHA1
How do I manually set the height and width of the paper I'm printing/
outputting to?  I tried to set [hv]size in the \layout block, but 
seemed to change.  I also tried to manually edit paper.scm by adding
another line like

  (handheld . (cons (* 4.4 in) (* 4.4 in)))
[I'm trying to output to a size suitable for viewing on a PDA screen.]  
then used #(set-default-paper-size handheld), but the paper size 
recognized.  How can I manually set the paper size?  (I think it must be
obvious, but I've missed it anyway.)  Thanks!

- -- 
Benjamin D. Esham  {
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  }  AIM: bdesham 1 2 8
Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (Darwin)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Custom paper sizes?

2004-11-14 Thread Benjamin Esham
Hash: SHA1
On Nov 14, 2004, at 1:53 PM, Paul Scott wrote:
Benjamin Esham wrote:
How do I manually set the height and width of the paper I'm printing/
outputting to?  I tried to set [hv]size in the \layout block, but 
seemed to change.
What version?  In 2.4 those go in the \paper block.
You're right... I thought that \paper was simply renamed to \layout, 
but I
guess it's more complicated than that.  Anyway, I tried this:

\paper {
  hsize = 4.4\in
  vsize = 4.4\in
and the paper size (as displayed by Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.0 on Mac OS
X) is still 8.26 x 11.69 in, but the formatting is messed up.  The 
staves are
shifted to the left about 2 (maybe 2.2?) inchesthere's a big gap at 
the right
side, and the lines are cut off at the left.  Also, only 23 staves are 
on each page, compared to 46 previously.

Any ideas what's going on, and how I can set a custom paper size?  (Are 
other variables that need to be set in \paper?)

- -- 
Benjamin D. Esham  {
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  }  AIM: bdesham 1 2 8
Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (Darwin)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Custom paper sizes?

2004-11-14 Thread Benjamin Esham
Hash: SHA1
On Nov 14, 2004, at 8:27 PM, Paul Scott wrote:
Any ideas what's going on, and how I can set a custom paper size?  
(Are there
other variables that need to be set in \paper?)
I think you will have to set all relevant variables:  linewidth, 
textheight, and
maybe margins.  I think these are set when you set papersize or 
paper-size a4).  Also set Paper Scaling in Acrobat Reader to None.
OK, I tried
\paper {
topmargin = 0.5\in
bottommargin = 0.5\in
leftmargin = 0.5\in
linewidth = 3.4\in
headsep = 0\in
footsep = 0\in
hsize = 4.4\in
vsize = 4.4\in
and the formatting seems to be OK (except for the tagline)i.e., 
everything is, as
far as I can tell, within a 4.4x4.4-inch squarebut the paper size 
remains the same.
I tried to open the PDF in Acrobat Reader, Preview, and 
GraphicConverter, and the
PS file in Preview, but the paper size was the same (letter-ish) in all 
of them.

- -- 
Benjamin D. Esham  {
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  }  AIM: bdesham 1 2 8
Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (Darwin)

lilypond-user mailing list

Full-sized clefs for clef changes?

2004-11-10 Thread Benjamin Esham
I'm engraving a simple piece-- it's a demonstration of middle C with
various clefs, and it looks like this:
\clef treblec'1
\clef alto  c'
\clef tenor c'
\clef bass  c'
After each whole note, there is a small clef, a bar line, and then the
next note.  Is there a way to a) make the clef full-sized, and b) put
the clef after the bar line?  (I looked at the Clef entry in the manual
and in the developer docs but I didn't find anything.)  Thanks!
Benjamin D. Esham  {
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  }  AIM: bdesham 1 2 8
Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Making a fake half note

2004-11-08 Thread Benjamin Esham
On Nov 8, 2004, at 5:05 AM, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
This feature is now described in a subsection of the manual called
Scaling durations. Can you propose some change to the documentation
that makes it easier to find this useful trick? (Of course, there
are hundreds of different small tricks that may be just as useful in
other occasions and also deserve a nice place in the manual).
To be honest, I didn't really look at the documentation-- I saw a file 
on Mutopia
(Chopin's Prelude No. 15) which had a fake half note, and looked at 
the source
for that file.  (I couldn't just steal that code because I wanted the 
half note near
the end of the measure.)

Anyway, the best thing I can think of is to insert a reference to this 
trick in the
Tips and Tricks section of the docs.  That's where I'd be most likely 
to look if
I didn't already have an example.

Benjamin D. Esham  {
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  }  AIM: bdesham 1 2 8
Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

lilypond-user mailing list

Making a fake half note

2004-11-06 Thread Benjamin Esham
Hash: SHA1
I'm trying to engrave a quarter note with a half note (i.e., empty) 
head.  I'm
guessing I have to play with the style property of NoteHead; however, 
manual doesn't give any indication of what kinds of values this 
property can
be changed to.  What do I need to set style to in order to obtain a 
half note head?

- -- 
Benjamin D. Esham  {
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  }  AIM: bdesham 1 2 8
Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (Darwin)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Making a fake half note

2004-11-06 Thread Benjamin Esham
On Nov 6, 2004, at 8:25 PM, D Josiah Boothby wrote:
Benjamin Esham wrote:
I'm trying to engrave a quarter note with a half note (i.e., empty) 
head.  I'm
guessing I have to play with the style property of NoteHead; however, 
manual doesn't give any indication of what kinds of values this 
property can
be changed to.  What do I need to set style to in order to obtain a 
half note head?
I'm sure you can do it that way, it might be easier to do something 
like this:

which draws a half note, but gives it the metric value of a quarter 
That worked great-- I never would have thought of it.  Thanks!
Benjamin D. Esham  {
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  }  AIM: bdesham 1 2 8
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lilypond-user mailing list

Changing spacing-increment under 2.3.25?

2004-10-31 Thread Benjamin Esham
Hash: SHA1
I'm using LilyPond 2.3.25 under Mac OS X, and I'm trying to change the 
of spacing-increment.  With previous versions, I could do, e.g.,

\paper {
\context { \Score \override SpacingSpanner #'spacing-increment = 
#3.0 }

but in the latest version, this doesn't work anymore.  How can I do 
this under
2.3.25?  Thanks (and happy Halloween, if you celebrate it)!

- -- 
Benjamin D. Esham  {
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  }  AIM: bdesham 1 2 8
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Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (Darwin)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: two questions

2004-10-11 Thread Benjamin Esham
Hash: SHA1
On Oct 11, 2004, at 8:10 PM, Michiel Lange wrote:
when I create a part like this [...] The music shifts up one octave 
(quite logically)
I fixed it so far with \octave c'' wherever it would go wrong...

Is there a way to prevent this (as \octave c'' will give warnings, and 
is not the best
solution) ? I was thinking about an invisible, unheard note that would 
octave shifting... or is there a better way?
I'm sure there is a better way, but this should work (untested):
fooFirst = \notes
   c4 d e f g a b c r4
foo = \notes
   c,4 d e f g a b c r4
bar = \notes
   e4 b c d a g
\relative c''
- -- 
Benjamin D. Esham  {
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  }  AIM: bdesham 1 2 8
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Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (Darwin)


lilypond-user mailing list

Problems with titling in 2.3.16

2004-09-18 Thread Benjamin Esham
Hash: SHA1
I'm running Lilypond 2.3.16 through Fink, and I'm having trouble with 
(i.e. the header).  My title line looks like this

  title = Star-Spangled Banner
When I run Lilypond on the file, the title is Star   Spangled 
the hyphen should be, there's only blank space approximately the width 
of an
em dash.

My other issue is getting a copyright sign (, if my e-mail client 
works :-))
to appear in the copyright text.  I currently have this:

  copyright = \markup { \char #169 My Organization, inc. }
This displays  My Organization, inc.the space after the copyright 
sign is
printed, but the sign itself is not.  I've also tried a literal  in 
the \markup
command, but with the same effect.  As far as I can tell, my editor is 
saving in
the latin1 encoding, and I've added an '\encoding latin1' at the top 
of the file.
Does anyone know how I can fix these problems?

- -- 
Benjamin D. Esham  {
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  }  AIM: bdesham 1 2 8
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Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (Darwin)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Code check for a measure error, please

2004-09-03 Thread Benjamin Esham
Hash: SHA1
On Sep 3, 2004, at 10:55 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Anyway, I'm working on a score and cannot find what cause of a measure
check error is. I've pasted the code below, with the results of running
lilypond on the file.

  r16 f16.[ ef16] d8--[ bf,--]

  r16 d16.[ ef16] f8--[ d--]
The rhythms in these measures look rather odd.  I'm not sure what 
they're supposed
to be, but in any event, these are not complete bars in 2/4 time.  (Or 
maybe it's just
too late for me to... uh... be coherent.  Yeah-- I think I'll go to bed 

- -- 
Benjamin D. Esham  {
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  }  AIM: bdesham 1 2 8
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Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (Darwin)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Natural signs in accidentals

2004-08-13 Thread Benjamin Esham
On Aug 13, 2004, at 4:17 AM, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
It is actually in the documentation. At the bottom of the section on
Accidentals, you can find links to the Program reference of the
Accidental_engraver. In the list of properties, you can find a
property called extraNatural that handles exactly this issue.
So, just add
  \set Staff.extraNatural = ##f ges1
As usual, Mats, your solution worked beautifully.  I guess my only  
for not finding that in the documentation is that 

gives a 404 :-)
Benjamin D. Esham  {
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  }  AIM: bdesham 1 2 8
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lilypond-user mailing list

Natural signs in accidentals

2004-08-12 Thread Benjamin Esham
Maybe this is addressed in the documentation, but I didn't see it 
so I'm asking here.Anyway, consider this music snippet:

  \key a \major% three sharps: F#, C#, G#
The G-flat is displayed with two accidentals: a natural (which I assume 
supposed to cancel the sharp in the key signature), and then the flat.  
wondering if there's any way to prevent the first natural from 

I realize that American concert band music may not be the pinnacle of
beautifully-engraved music :-P, but I'd still like to get rid of that 
Is there any way to do that?  Thanks.

Benjamin D. Esham  {
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  }  AIM: bdesham 1 2 8
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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Some random lilypond questions

2004-08-11 Thread Benjamin Esham
On Aug 11, 2004, at 4:20 AM, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
 - Can a \sffz dynamic command be added?  One can make this using text
 markups, but it seems like the real dynamic markings are more
 horizontally centered on the notes than the markups.
This is unfortunately not answered in the documentation, but if you
take a look at the file
you can see how the currently available dynamic markings are defined.
OK, I took a look at the file, and was able to add a \sffz command.  
it be useful if I wrote something about this for the manual?

As far as I understand, better support for multiple scores in a single
.ly file is one of the main improvements in the experimental 2.3.x
versions, which seems to be what Benjamin is already using.
Yep, I'm using 2.3.11-- sorry I forgot to mention that.
Benjamin D. Esham  {
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  }  AIM: bdesham 1 2 8
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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Some random lilypond questions

2004-08-11 Thread Benjamin Esham
On Aug 11, 2004, at 4:04 AM, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
To see what I'm talking about, take a look at the first example image 
in the
Multi measure rests section of the user manual.  The 17-measure 
rest is as
I described it above, while the 4-measure rest is displayed 
differently.  I'm
trying to get all of the multi-measure rests to be displayed like the 
measure example (as I said, this seems to be the standard in every 
band piece I've seen).
If you look at the section on Multimeasure rests in the on-line manual
and look at the end of the page, you will find a link to the detailed
program reference for the MultiMeasureRest object. In the list of
properties that can be set, you can find one called expand-limit,
which you can set to a lower value, for example
\override MultiMeasureRest #'expand-limit = #1
A hint about this property can also be found in the example in the Regression Tests document (which
is an invaluable source of examples and information, together
with the Tips and Tricks document).
I looked at the documentation for the MultiMeasureRest object, as well 
as, but the only thing I found was what you gave me:
  \override MultiMeasureRest #'expand-limit = #1
and that didn't seem to work (I tried values of #2 and #3).  There 
seem to be any difference-- the 10 measure rests were printed as church
rests, and the smaller ones were printed as breve rests.

Benjamin D. Esham  {
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  }  AIM: bdesham 1 2 8
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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Some random lilypond questions

2004-08-11 Thread Benjamin Esham
On Aug 11, 2004, at 12:43 AM, David Rogers wrote:
As a temporary fix, is it possible to let it print the old-style signs 
but add your
own number over top? The players would probably not be too disturbed...
I'm not exactly sure what you want, but maybe something like this?
\time 4/4
R1*2^\markup{\number 7}
Not tested, but it should print a breve rest that says 7 above it.  
Of course, this
will screw up the bar numbering.

Benjamin D. Esham  {
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  }  AIM: bdesham 1 2 8
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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Swing indications in text markup?

2004-08-10 Thread Benjamin Esham
On Aug 6, 2004, at 5:12 PM, Paul Scott wrote:
David Raleigh Arnold wrote:
On Friday 06 August 2004 03:43 pm, Benjamin Esham wrote:
I am typesetting a piece which has some swing sections.  In these
sections, two eighth notes should be played as a tripletted quarter
note and eighth note.
A swing or jazz 8th is far less different from an 8th
than a triplet, or even than a quintuplet 3:2.  Experiment
with very small time values now, it will save you time.
Yes but Benjamin's choice is already well established as a printing
convention for a style indication (at least in concert band music) 
it's technically correct or not.  Most of us reading it get the point.
Thanks all for your responses.  In this specific case, I wrote a piece
that, while not really jazz, has a section in which two eighths should 
played as a tripletted quarter note and eighth note.  (Conventions be
damned-- I wrote it that way! ;-))

Anyway, I'm still looking for a way to typeset the swing indication.  I
played around a little with nesting a \score in a \markup, but even 
a bunch of tweaking, the result looked... well, like crap.  Are there 
easier/cleaner methods, or should I just keep playing around with it?

Benjamin D. Esham  {
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  }  AIM: bdesham 1 2 8
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lilypond-user mailing list

Some random lilypond questions

2004-08-10 Thread Benjamin Esham
I have a bunch of mostly unrelated questions about lilypond.  Any
responses to any of these items would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!
- In concert band music, multi-measure rests always appear as a thick
horizontal bar with vertical flares at each end-- for an example of 
see the 17-measure rest in the Multi measure rests section in the
documentation.  Is it possible to force lilypond to always use this kind
of rest, regardless of the length of the rest?

- Are there any plans to make text markups smarter with regards to
collisions?  In a score I typeset recently, about half of the text 
collided with something or other.  Will these just have to be tweaked by
hand, or will markups eventually get smarter?

- Can a \sffz dynamic command be added?  One can make this using text
markups, but it seems like the real dynamic markings are more
horizontally centered on the notes than the markups.
- What is the preferred way to organize a .ly file containing more 
one \score (e.g., multiple movements)?  I'm using this right now, but I
wanted to see if there was some kind of preferred way of doing it.

\header {...}
\book {
\score {
\header {...} % stuff specific to this movement
\new Staff {
% notes go here
% more \scores go here
\bookpaper {...}
\paper {...}
Benjamin D. Esham  {
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  }  AIM: bdesham 1 2 8
Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Some random lilypond questions

2004-08-10 Thread Benjamin Esham
On Aug 10, 2004, at 11:28 PM, Graham Percival wrote:
On 10-Aug-04, at 7:39 PM, Benjamin Esham wrote:
- In concert band music, multi-measure rests always appear as a thick
horizontal bar with vertical flares at each end-- for an example of 
see the 17-measure rest in the Multi measure rests section in the
documentation.  Is it possible to force lilypond to always use this 
of rest, regardless of the length of the rest?
AFAIK, Lilypond automatically does this if you're using R rests 
(instead of
r rests).  Or did you want to display partial-measure rests like this?

I don't quite understand what you want.
To see what I'm talking about, take a look at the first example image 
in the
Multi measure rests section of the user manual.  The 17-measure rest 
is as
I described it above, while the 4-measure rest is displayed 
differently.  I'm
trying to get all of the multi-measure rests to be displayed like the 
measure example (as I said, this seems to be the standard in every 
band piece I've seen).

Benjamin D. Esham  {
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  }  AIM: bdesham 1 2 8
Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: metronome mark

2004-08-06 Thread Benjamin Esham
On Aug 6, 2004, at 7:19 AM, Libero Mureddu wrote:
Il giorno 06/ago/04, alle 11:21, Mats Bengtsson ha scritto:
Unfortunately, you have found a bug that was introduced in version
2.2.5. If you have the possibility to install version 2.2.4 the
metronome markings should work correctly. I will send a bug report.
Unfortunately, it seems that via fink is not possible to install the 
version, fink doesn't find the 2.2.4. Do you think that the unstable 
is stable enough at the moment? I'm not so expert to valuate this.
If you had the 2.2.4 package installed at one point, then there is a 
very good
chance that you can still install it.  Run the following commands in 
the terminal:

  cd /sw/fink/10.3/unstable/main/binary-darwin-powerpc/text
  sudo dpkg --install lilypond_2.2.4-1_darwin-powerpc.deb
Assuming that you had the 2.2.4 package installed before, this should 
restore it.

Benjamin D. Esham  {
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  }  AIM: bdesham 1 2 8
Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

lilypond-user mailing list

Swing indications in text markup?

2004-08-06 Thread Benjamin Esham
I am typesetting a piece which has some swing sections.  In these
sections, two eighth notes should be played as a tripletted quarter note
and eighth note.  I'm trying to typeset an indication of this; usually, 
appears as two beamed eighth notes, an equals sign, and then a quarter 
an eighth with a 3 and a bracket under them.

After the swing sections are over, I'd like to show that eighths should 
played straight by showing two eighths, an equals sign, and another 
eighths.  The tricky part here is that the equals sign should appear
directly above the bar line between the swing and non-swing measures.

I suppose the first item is possible by including a \score{} in a
\markup{}, but it seems to me that that would require a *lot* of code
(removing most of the engravers, for example) and it seems like there
should be an easier way.  Can anyone tell me how to do either or both of
these two things?  Thanks!
Benjamin D. Esham  {
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  }  AIM: bdesham 1 2 8
Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

lilypond-user mailing list

Lilypond can't find its fonts

2004-08-01 Thread Benjamin Esham
(This is being cross-posted to both lilypond-user and fink-users.  
reply to only one of these lists.)

I'm using LilyPond 2.3.8 (package lilypond-unstable 2.3.8-1) with fink
0.20.6 and the latest package descriptions, and my OS is Mac OS X.3.4.
I'm having all kinds of trouble with Lily.  For starters, whenever I try
to process a file I get this:
| paper output to `'...
| warning: lily-guile: Can't find PFA font ecbx10
| warning: lily-guile: Can't find PFA font ecbx12
| warning: lily-guile: Can't find PFA font eccc10
| warning: lily-guile: Can't find PFA font ecrm10
| warning: lily-guile: Can't find PFA font ecti7
There are some oddities in the output.  First, the fonts used for the
header all appear as some monospaced font (Courier?).  I guess this is
expected, since Lily couldn't find the font files.
The next oddity is the kerning of the fonts in the PDF output.  All of 
text in the header, as well as textual dynamic markings, is squished
together and is mostly unreadable.  Oddly, a space character still seems
to produce the same amount of white space; it's just the letters within 
word that are compacted together.

I think one or more of fink's TeX-related packages may be at fault for
this next part (and hence the cross-posting).  The PDF is only squished
like this when the PostScript output is run through ps2pdf (either
automatically by Lily or manually).  If I open the PostScript file in
Preview (and the system converts it to PDF), the letter spacing is 

I then tried to install lilypond-unstable-2.3.9-2, and when I tried to
process a file I got this:
| error: parse error, expecting `DOUBLE_ANGLE_OPEN' or
| brass = \notes \relativ
|e c' {
I assumed that this was just a change in syntax causing problems, but
there was also this line at the end:
| Interpreting music... error: can't find `feta20.afm'
| Music font has not been installed properly.  Aborting
So it looks like the fonts aren't properly installed by the new package
Can anyone shed any light on these problems?  Many thanks!
Benjamin D. Esham  {
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  }  AIM: bdesham 1 2 8
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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: help

2004-07-31 Thread Benjamin Esham
On Jul 31, 2004, at 12:29 AM, Graham Percival wrote:
If Rosegarden/Noteedit/MusE/ any those graphical score editing 
programs (that
also export lily code) run on windows and osx in addition to Linux, it 
be better to point newbies at those programs.  Lilypond could focus its
speciality (making beautiful sheet music), and those programs can do 
thing (providing an easy-to-learn environment for creating sheet 
I realize this is a bit off-topic, but... is there a Lily-compatible 
graphical score
editor that's compatible with OS X?  I use Myriad's Melody Assistant to 
scores, but it doesn't export in .ly-- it exports MIDI, ABC, and a 
couple of other
formats, so it's possible to export indirectly, but I find it's easier 
just to type the
whole score into Lilypond manually.

Benjamin D. Esham  {
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  }  AIM: bdesham 1 2 8
Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: sharing our .ly

2004-07-09 Thread Benjamin Esham
On Jul 9, 2004, at 9:33 AM, Erik Sandberg wrote:
On Friday 09 July 2004 13.12, Jean-marc LEGRAND wrote:
I think it would be profitable for all of us that   we share our .ly  
:  to
my mind, full examples could be a good help for all of us.
What do you think of creating a your .ly list in the lilypond site, 
clue words that describe the form,  the different tricks used , and 
so on ?
Mutopia ( works quite well for this purpose, 
though it focuses on music, not lilypond tricks. Apart from that, you 
look at regression tests  the Tips and Tricks section.

Do you think that anything more is needed?
Perhaps we could do something like the Vim project tips section [1]-- 
it's quite
helpful for finding little tips and tricks that other people have 
posted.  I think it
would most likely be just as helpful if we set up one for Lilypond 

(Something just occured to me: don't we have a wiki set up?  Would it 
make more
sense just to use that for little snippets of code, since it's already 
set up?)

Benjamin D. Esham  {
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  }  AIM: bdesham 1 2 8
Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

lilypond-user mailing list

Positioning of absolute dynamics

2004-05-01 Thread Benjamin Esham
I am using lilypond 2.1.37, and am trying to typeset some absolute 
markings so that they are not strictly below the note in question, but 
off to the
left (and therefore above where they would normally be).  I looked in 
manual, but couldn't seem to find anything.  How is it possible to do 

Benjamin D. Esham  {
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  }  AIM: bdesham 1 2 8
Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: 2 Questions: spacing-increment and bar numbers

2004-03-27 Thread Benjamin Esham
On Mar 24, 2004, at 8:52 AM, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:


I am using Lilypond 2.1.28 on Mac OS X 10.3.2.  I can't manually set
the horizontal spacing of my music.  The example given in the
reference manual,
   \paper { \translator  {
   \ScoreContext SpacingSpanner \override #'spacing-increment = 
   } }

does not work for me.  I also tried putting a \set before
SpacingSpanner and removing the \override, but neither of these
seemed to work.

Can you try printing your piece with raggedright, to check if the
natural space is made bigger?
I'm not sure what you're asking.  Do you want me to use the code 
I provided, /and/ set raggedright?  That wouldn't work, because 
Lilypond dies
once it encounters the code I gave above.

Benjamin D. Esham  {
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  }  AIM: bdesham 1 2 8
Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

Lilypond-user mailing list

2 Questions: spacing-increment and bar numbers

2004-03-12 Thread Benjamin Esham
(I'm sorry if I sent this twice; I didn't receive a copy of the message
even though I am set to receive copies of my own messages, so I
thought that maybe it hadn't been delivered.)

I am using Lilypond 2.1.28 on Mac OS X 10.3.2.  I can't manually set
the horizontal spacing of my music.  The example given in the
reference manual,
  \paper { \translator  {
  \ScoreContext SpacingSpanner \override #'spacing-increment = #3.0
  } }
does not work for me.  I also tried putting a \set before
SpacingSpanner and removing the \override, but neither of these
seemed to work.
Also I would like to display bar numbers for every bar in my piece,
and I'd like some of them (rehearsal numbers) to be larger and have
boxes around them.  These latter have no pattern.  What is the easiest
way to do this?  I came up with the following solution:
  bigBarA = \override Score.BarNumber #'print-function =
  #(make-stencil-boxer 0.1 0.25 0.25 Text_item::print)
  bigBarB = \override Score.BarNumber #'font-size = #2
  resetBarsA = \revert Score.BarNumber #'print-function
  resetBarsB = \revert Score.BarNumber #'font-size
and then:

  \bar ||
  \bigBarA \bigBarB
  c1   % this is the bar with the large number before it
  \resetBarsA \resetBarsB
I was hoping that someone here would be able to think of a better way.

Thanks for any responses to these questions!

Benjamin D. Esham  {
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  }  AIM: bdesham 1 2 8
Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

Lilypond-user mailing list

2 Questions: spacing-increment and bar numbers

2004-03-10 Thread Benjamin Esham

I am using Lilypond 2.1.28 on Mac OS X 10.3.2.  I can't manually set
the horizontal spacing of my music.  The example given in the
reference manual,
  \paper { \translator  {
  \ScoreContext SpacingSpanner \override #'spacing-increment = #3.0
  } }
does not work for me.  I also tried putting a \set before
SpacingSpanner and removing the \override, but neither of these
seemed to work.
Also I would like to display bar numbers for every bar in my piece,
and I'd like some of them (rehearsal numbers) to be larger and have
boxes around them.  These latter have no pattern.  What is the easiest
way to do this?  I came up with the following solution:
  bigBarA = \override Score.BarNumber #'print-function =
  #(make-stencil-boxer 0.1 0.25 0.25 Text_item::print)
  bigBarB = \override Score.BarNumber #'font-size = #2
  resetBarsA = \revert Score.BarNumber #'print-function
  resetBarsB = \revert Score.BarNumber #'font-size
and then:

  \bar ||
  \bigBarA \bigBarB
  c1   % this is the bar with the large number before it
  \resetBarsA \resetBarsB
I was hoping that someone here would be able to think of a better way.

Thanks for any responses to these questions!

Benjamin D. Esham  {
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  }  AIM: bdesham 1 2 8
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Lilypond-user mailing list