Re: What's with WebLily? Registration working

2010-10-07 Thread Chip Wiegand

 On 10/7/2010 2:24 AM, weblily wrote:

Hi Gordon,

thanks for your sending me the requested information. I was able to
reproduce the problem. The registration for new users was broken. I did not
notice that because it has been working fine for registered users.

Now registration is working again. Looking forward to your feedback.


I just discovered weblily also, because of this thread. It looks great. 
I registered successfully and entered a lily file and it compiled the 
song without error. But is the point-n-click not working yet? It doesn't 
work from the code side or the pdf side. Maybe it's not enabled yet?

Chip W

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: lyrics first word starts on second note of piece

2010-10-06 Thread Chip Wiegand
 Thanks Vicente, that was indeed the problem. Seems that I may have 
encountered that in the past and didn't notice it in this piece, thanks 
for pointing it out. I gotta remember to take that out of the template.


On 10/6/2010 1:20 PM, Vicente Solsona wrote:
On Wed, 06 Oct 2010 21:06:39 +0200, Chip Wiegand  
  I am having an issue with getting a lyric to align the first word 
to the first note of the piece. I have even commented out all the 
lyrics except the first two words of the two stanzas, but only the 
first word of each stanza appears and it is under the second note of 
the piece. I have included the code for the song below.

Chip W

Chip, please read this before posting code examples:

I think your problem comes from applying \global to the \lyrics 
context. It looks like the autobeaming settings in \global are 
interfering with the lyrics.

this tiny example works as expected:

\version "2.12.3"

global = {
  #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end * * * *) 1 4 'Staff)
  #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end * * * *) 2 4 'Staff)
  #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end * * * *) 3 4 'Staff)

staffMelody = \relative c'' {
\global % OK, it sets your desired autobeaming
g8 g g a16 b

theChords = \chordmode { g2 }

verseI = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = #"1. "
  Are you just my im

\score {
\context ChordNames { \theChords }
\new Staff {
  \context Voice = "voiceMelody" { \staffMelody }
\new Lyrics = "lyricsI" {

  \lyricsto "voiceMelody" \verseI



lilypond-user mailing list

lyrics first word starts on second note of piece

2010-10-06 Thread Chip Wiegand
 I am having an issue with getting a lyric to align the first word to 
the first note of the piece. I have even commented out all the lyrics 
except the first two words of the two stanzas, but only the first word 
of each stanza appears and it is under the second note of the piece. I 
have included the code for the song below.

Chip W

code for the song so far -

% LilyPond
\include ""
\version "2.12.3"
title = "Chatroom Girl"
composer = "Music and Lyrics by Chip Wiegand"

global = {
  #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end 1 8 * *) 1 4 'Staff)
  #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end 1 8 * *) 2 4 'Staff)
  #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end 1 8 * *) 3 4 'Staff)
  \override MultiMeasureRest #'expand-limit = 1
  \set Score.skipBars = ##t

tagline = \markup {
  \simple #(strftime "%b %d, %Y" (localtime (current-time)))
   \with-url #"";
      { Engraved with LilyPond \simple #(lilypond-version) 
( Copyright 2010 Chip Wiegand}


\paper {
top-margin = 1.00\cm
page-top-space = 1.00\cm
ragged-bottom = ##t
left-margin = 25\mm
line-width = 170\mm

staffMelody =
\relative c'' {
\clef treble
\key g \major
\time 4/4
\tempo 4 = 120

g8 g  %{g a16 b c8 c d e
d4 c b a
g8 g a b c c d e
d8 d c4 b a
g8 g16 g a8 b c c d e
d4 c b8 b a4
g8 g  g a16 b c8 c d e
d4 c8 c b4 a~
a2. r4 \bar "||"

c4^"Chorus" c16 c c c~ c4 b8 c
d8 e~ e d~ d4 r8 c
b8 b b4 b8 a b a
c8 c d c~ c4 r
c4 c16 c c c~ c4 b8 c
d8 e~ e d~ d4 r8 c
b8 b b4 b8 a b a
c8 c d c~ c4 r
c4 c16 c c c~ c4 b8 c
d8 e~ e d~ d4 r
\times 2/3 {b4 b b b a b}
c2. c4
d4 d2.
g,2. r4

g8 g  g a16 b c8 c d e
d4 c b a
g8 g a b c c d e
d8 d c4 b a
g8 g16 g a8 b c c d e
d4 c b8 b a4
g8 g  g a16 b c8 c d e
d4 c8 c b4 a~
a2. r4 \bar "||" %}

  theChords = \chordmode { g2 %{c2 d1
 g2 c2 d1
 g2 c2 d1
 g2 c2 d1 d1
 c1 d1 g1 c1
 c1 d1 g1 c1
 c1 d1 g1 c1
 c1 d1
 g2 c2 d2 g2

 g2 c2 d1
 g2 c2 d1
 g2 c2 d1
 g2 c2 d1 d1
 c1 d1 g1 c1 c1
 c1 d1 g1 c1 c1 %}

verseI = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = #"1. "
  Are you %{just my im -- ag -- in -- a -- tion?
  Or are you real?
  I want to be -- lieve and trust you,
  What does my heart feel?

  We've ne -- ver met ex -- cept in chat -- ting,
  Time keeps slip -- ping by.
  Can we meet face to face and eye to
  eye want to say hi!

  I've fal -- len in love with a
  chat -- room girl.
  She says she lives on the oth -- er
  side of the world.
  I've fal -- len in love with a
  chat -- room girl.
  She says she wants to be part of
  my lit -- tle world.
  I've fal -- len  in love with a
  chat -- room girl.
  think -- ing and dream -- ing of
  her, my
  dream, chat -- room girl.

verseII = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = #"2. "
  We meet %{on -- line and we chat all night,
  hard to con -- cen -- trate.
  My job and school are going down the drain
  I hope she is real.

  I have got to fig -- ure this out soon
  Must get my mind straight.
  And she has sto -- len my heart from me,
  I think only "we." %}
\score {
\context ChordNames { \theChords }
\new Staff { \global
  \context Voice = "voiceMelody" { \staffMelody }
\new Lyrics = "lyricsI" { \global
  \lyricsto "voiceMelody" \verseI
\new Lyrics = "lyricsII" { \global
  \lyricsto "voiceMelody" \verseII

  \layout { }

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: guitar chord: add9 - how?

2010-10-04 Thread Chip Wiegand

 On 10/4/2010 6:48 PM, Jan Kohnert wrote:

Chip Wiegand schrieb:

Got it - I noticed you put a carot between the 9 and 7, so I did that
and nothing else, and now the chord names displays as I would expect it
to - Aadd9

That was what I suggested from the beginning. ;)
Without wanting to start on online argument on the list, look at your 
original message - there is no carot symbol in your reply, as seen below.


add9 would be 9 without the seventh (the 9 includes the 7, as you surely
know), so it would write:


-- MfG Jan

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: guitar chord: add9 - how?

2010-10-04 Thread Chip Wiegand

 On 10/4/2010 6:23 PM, Jack Cooper wrote:

There's a snippet for this, but here's a rebroadcast:

chExceptionMusic =  {
1-\markup { \super "add9" }

chExceptions = #(append
(sequential-music-to-chord-exceptions chExceptionMusic #t)
Chords =
\chordmode {
\set chordNameExceptions = #chExceptions
Got it - I noticed you put a carot between the 9 and 7, so I did that 
and nothing else, and now the chord names displays as I would expect it 
to - Aadd9


The exceptions you define applies to any chord of that voicing, 
regardless of the key.  I do

all of my exceptions in the key of C, for clarity.

Jack Cooper, BerLen Music <>

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: guitar chord: add9 - how?

2010-10-04 Thread Chip Wiegand

 On 10/4/2010 5:50 PM, Jan Kohnert wrote:

Plase keep the discussion on list.

Chip Wiegand schrieb:

   On 10/4/2010 5:13 PM, Jan Kohnert wrote:

Chip Wiegand schrieb:

I get this error -

G:/Lilypond Files/Love Of My error: syntax error,
unexpected STRING

a1:m7 a1:m7 a1:m7 e4:m7 a4:add9 e4:m7 a4:

add9 would be 9 without the seventh (the 9 includes the 7, as you surely
know), so it would write:


That is all true, but I must say I have never seen it written like that
in any book with guitar chords or chord diagrams. Is it possible to make
is actually say Aadd9?

Lilypond sets add9, if you use the code I mentioned. I use \semiGermanChords
in the \chordmode, I don't know, if that makes any difference...

Thanks for the tip, but it still isn't correct - when I use this
I get the chord displayed as
lilypond-user mailing list

guitar chord: add9 - how?

2010-10-04 Thread Chip Wiegand

 I get this error -

G:/Lilypond Files/Love Of My error: syntax error, 
unexpected STRING

 a1:m7 a1:m7 a1:m7 e4:m7 a4:add9 e4:m7 a4:

how do I rectify this?
This also applies to suspended chords as well.

lilypond-user mailing list

push beginning of second verse 8 measures into the song

2010-09-18 Thread Chip Wiegand
 I am working on a song that has the second verse starting midway thru 
the first verse, on a DS al Fine. I tried to place a \skip xx where xx 
is the number of notes to skip but only skipped a couple notes. What is 
the correct way to push the lyrics further into the melody skipping the 
first 8 bars of music?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: lyrics insists on starting on second note, not the first note of the piece

2010-09-18 Thread Chip Wiegand

 On 9/18/2010 10:07 AM, -Eluze wrote:

i think the \global  has nothing to do in the Lyrics context - try to remove
Thanks, that took care of it. I hadn't noticed that, it hasn't caused 
any problems in the other pieces I have written.


lilypond-user mailing list

lyrics insists on starting on second note, not the first note of the piece

2010-09-18 Thread Chip Wiegand
 I am working on a lead sheet - lyrics, notes, chordnames - but the 
lyrics insist

on starting on the second note of the piece. I have done 4 other lead sheets
like this, using the same template, and they all work fine. The only 
I can see is this piece has the lyrics starting on the first note which 
is also

on the first count of the measure, the other 3 pieces all had the first word
starting on the first note but not on the first beat, rather on beat 2.
I am sure this is something obvious to a more experienced lily user, and
probably a pretty simple error, but I am not seeing it.

Oh, one more question - are A9 and A add9 both the same chord on the guitar?

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide,
Chip W

Below is the code:

% LilyPond
\include ""
\version "2.12.3"
title = "Do You Believe in Destiny"
composer = "Music and Lyrics by Chip Wiegand"

global = {
  #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end 1 8 * *) 1 4 'Staff)
  #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end 1 8 * *) 2 4 'Staff)
  #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end 1 8 * *) 3 4 'Staff)
  \override MultiMeasureRest #'expand-limit = 1
  \set Score.skipBars = ##t

tagline = \markup {
  \simple #(strftime "%b %d, %Y" (localtime (current-time)))
   \with-url #"";
  { Engraved with LilyPond \simple #(lilypond-version)
( Copyright 2010 Chip Wiegand}

\paper {
top-margin = 1.00\cm
page-top-space = 1.00\cm
ragged-bottom = ##t
left-margin = 25\mm
line-width = 170\mm

staffMelody =
  \relative c' {
\clef treble
\key e \major
\time 4/4
e4 r2 \times 2/3 {g8 a g}
a8 e~ e4 r2
e4 e r g16 a a g
e4 r r2
e4 e r \times 2/3 {g8 a g}
a8 e e4 r2
e'2. \times 2/3 {e8 d b}
b4 b2 r4

theChords = \chordmode { e4 g4:6 a4:9 g4:6
 e4 g4:6 a4:9 g4:6
 e4 g4:6 a4:9 g4:6
 e4 g4:6 a4:9 g4:6

 e4 g4:6 a4:9 g4:6
 e4 g4:6 a4:9 g4:6
 e4 g4:6 a4:9 g4:6
 e4 g4:6 a4:9 g4:6


verseI = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = #"1."
  You al -- ways sur --
  prise me.
  Plus you nev -- er let me
  I feel quite o -- bli --
  ga -- ted.
  You al -- ways sur -- prise me!

verseII = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = #"2."


\score {
\context ChordNames { \theChords }
\new Staff { \global
  \context Voice = "voiceMelody" { \staffMelody }
\new Lyrics = "lyricsI" { \global
  \lyricsto "voiceMelody" \verseI
\new Lyrics = "lyricsII" { \global
  \lyricsto "voiceMelody" \verseII

  \layout { }

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: off-topic somewhat: installing jedit/lilypondtool with no internet connection?

2009-12-18 Thread chip

Excellent, that's what I hoping for.

Aaron Dalton wrote:

On 18/12/2009 5:31 PM, chip wrote:

Francisco Vila wrote:

2009/12/18 chip :

Is it possible to just download everything needed to make an install
that includes jedit/lilypondtool/other plugins (I have 17 plugins
installed)? I want to get a computer that has no internet connection
set up
for working on music and lily.

Windows or Linux?


Java can be installed from a file. Jedit can be installed from a file
upon Java.  On a computer with internet connection, install the jedit
plugins and copy the settings folder where they live, I think this
could trick to an existing jedit install making it to behave just as
if the plugins were installed from the online plugin repo.

I don't see a settings folder, did find a settings-backup folder buried
under Documents and Settings etc etc etc.
Can I just copy the entire .jedit folder from that directory and paste
into a new install of jedit on the other computer? That would be the
easiest thing to do, if it'll actually work afterwards.

You could install it while online, then pull off the ethernet cable,
uninstall, and try to install again from the files while offline.

Can't install it offline, the computer I need it installed on is in a
location with no internet access.

The settings folder is in your "home" folder
(c:\windows\DaS\Username\.jedit) if I'm not mistaken.  You can copy the
main jedit folder (c:\program files\jedit) to a usb stick or something,
and then manually copy the files in your home folder's "jars" directory
to the "jars" directory in the main jars folder.  I'm not sure about all
the other folders in the .jedit folder or how they work.  I carry on my
usb drive a copy of the jedit installer and the few indispensable
plugins I use.  I just quickly install jedit, copy over the jars into
the main jars folder, and I'm off.  Yes, I have to redo my encoding and
other global settings, but I'm quite used to it now.

Hope that helps.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: off-topic somewhat: installing jedit/lilypondtool with no internet connection?

2009-12-18 Thread chip

Francisco Vila wrote:

2009/12/18 chip :

Is it possible to just download everything needed to make an install disk
that includes jedit/lilypondtool/other plugins (I have 17 plugins
installed)? I want to get a computer that has no internet connection set up
for working on music and lily.

Windows or Linux?


Java can be installed from a file. Jedit can be installed from a file
upon Java.  On a computer with internet connection, install the jedit
plugins and copy the settings folder where they live, I think this
could trick to an existing jedit install making it to behave just as
if the plugins were installed from the online plugin repo.
I don't see a settings folder, did find a settings-backup folder buried 
under Documents and Settings etc etc etc.
Can I just copy the entire .jedit folder from that directory and paste 
into a new install of jedit on the other computer? That would be the 
easiest thing to do, if it'll actually work afterwards.

You could install it while online, then pull off the ethernet cable,
uninstall, and try to install again from the files while offline.

Can't install it offline, the computer I need it installed on is in a 
location with no internet access.

lilypond-user mailing list

off-topic somewhat: installing jedit/lilypondtool with no internet connection?

2009-12-18 Thread chip
Is it possible to just download everything needed to make an install 
disk that includes jedit/lilypondtool/other plugins (I have 17 plugins 
installed)? I want to get a computer that has no internet connection set 
up for working on music and lily.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: cadenza causes barcheck failure?

2009-11-10 Thread chip
Thankyou for the reply - why is it that when I remove the " c1 | " from 
the beginning and end of your corrected example I then get bar lines 
throughout the cadenza? I don't want those c1's, they're not part of the 
piece. Do I have to do some override to make the bar lines invisible? 
Isn't that part of what \cadenza does (more or less)?
I don't understand why a \cadenza section, a completely free-form 
unmetered cadenza, is causing problems with the other parts. My piece is 
made up of 7 instrument parts. I've added the entire piece at the bottom 
of this message.
(Oh, btw, there are no forced bar checks anywhere in my piece, so I 
don't understand why I would get the failure.)

Thanks again,

Mats Bengtsson wrote:

chip wrote:

why would a

c16^"Solo Free Time" d ef f g2. as4 gs g32 gs g8~ g1 g4 f16 ef d 
f d ef c4 ef8 c16 d g,1 \bar "" c16 d ef f g2 g \glissando g' g16 f 
ef d c b a g f e d c4 b2 e b16 e b1 \bar "||"


cause a bar check failure?
It doesn't, at least not by itself! You can only get bar check 
failures if you have bar checks, i.e. if you have inserted a | where 
you expect the bar line to happen. I tried to turn your incomplete 
example into something that can be ran directly in LilyPond, like

\version "2.12.0"
\include ""
\relative c'{
c1 |
   c16^"Solo Free Time" d ef f g2. as4 gs g32 gs g8~ g1 g4 f16 ef d f 
d ef c4 ef8 c16 d g,1 \bar "" c16 d ef f g2 g \glissando g' g16 f ef d 
c b a g f e d c4 b2 e b16 e b1 \bar "||"

c1 |
and I don't see any bar check failures. It's much much easier to 
provide relevant answers to a question like this if you include a 
complete (but small) example of an .ly file that illustrates your 


% LilyPond
\include ""
\version "2.12.2"

   title = "Como"
   composer = ""
   arranger = ""
global = { \time 4/4
 #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end 1 8 * *) 1 4 'Staff)
 #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end 1 8 * *) 2 4 'Staff)
 #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end 1 8 * *) 3 4 'Staff)
 %\override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = #'#(#t #t #t)
 %\override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = #end-of-line-invisible
 %\override Score.BarNumber #'self-alignment-X = #-1
 \override Glissando #'thickness = #3
 \override Glissando #'style = #'zigzag
 \override Glissando #'minimum-length = #6
 \override Glissando #'springs-and-rods = #ly:spanner::set-spacing-rods
 \override MultiMeasureRest #'expand-limit = 1
 \set Score.skipBars = ##t
% This setup should give me the maximum usable staffs per page %
\paper {
top-margin = 0.1\cm
page-top-space = 0.1\cm
ragged-bottom = ##t
left-margin = 20\mm
line-width = 175\mm

% This script sets the 'footer' of the last page to show the current 
date %

tagline = \markup {
 \simple #(strftime "%b %d, %Y" (localtime (current-time)))
  \with-url #"";
 { LilyPond \simple #(lilypond-version) ( }

Baritone = \transpose d b
   \relative c' {
\clef treble \global \key d \major
   s1*8_\markup { \halign #-0 "Alto Sax Intro" } s2. \bar "||"
   \cadenzaOff}{r1 \fermata}>>
e8 d r4 r8 b e d
e d r4 r e8 d
d2 cs
a16 g a b cs b cs d e2
d8 cs r4 r8 cs d cs
d cs r d e4 d
b2 c
cs a \bar "||"
r4 e'8 d r2
r4 e8 d r8 d cs b
d4. d8 cs2
a16 g a b cs b cs d e2
r4 d8 cs r2
r4 d8 cs r2
b2 c
cs a
r4 e'8 d r2
r4 e8 d r2
d4. d8 cs2
a16 g a b cs b cs d e2
r4 d8 cs r2
r4 d8 cs r2
e4. d8 cs4. d8
e4 g fs e
R1 \bar "||"
r4 e8 d r2
r4 e8 d r2
d4. d8 cs2
a16 g a b cs b cs d e2
r4 d8 cs r2
r4 d8 cs r2
R1*2 \bar "||"
e8 d r4 r8 b e d
e d r4 r e8 d
d2 cs
a16 g a b cs b cs d e2
d8 cs r4 r8 cs d cs
d cs r d e4 d
b2 c
cs a \bar "||"
e'4. d8 cs4. d8
e4 g fs e
R1 \bar "||"
r4 e8 d r2
r4 e8 d r2
d4. d8 cs2
a16 g a b cs b cs d e2
r4 d8 cs r2
r4 d8 cs r2
b2 c
cs a \bar "|."

Trombone = \relative c {
\clef bass \global \key d \major
   s1*8_\markup { \halign #-0 "Alto Sax Intro" } s2. \bar "||"
   \cadenzaOff}{r1 \fermata}>>
b'8 as r4 r8 fs b as
b as r4 r b8 as
as2 gs
e16 d e fs g fs g a b2
as8 gs r4 r8 gs as gs
as gs r gs b4 as
fs2 fs
gs e \bar "||"
r4 b'8 as r2
r4 b8 as r8 as gs fs
as4. a8 gs2
e16 ds e fs gs fs gs a as2
r4 as8 gs r2
r4 as8 gs r2
fs2 g
gs e
r4 b'8 as r2
r4 b8 as r2
as4. a8 gs2
e16 ds e fs gs fs gs a as2
r4 as8 gs r2
r4 as8 gs r2
gs4. fs8 e4. fs8
gs4 b a gs
R1 \bar &qu

cadenza causes barcheck failure?

2009-11-09 Thread chip

why would a

   c16^"Solo Free Time" d ef f g2. as4 gs g32 gs g8~ g1 g4 f16 ef d f d 
ef c4 ef8 c16 d g,1 \bar "" c16 d ef f g2 g \glissando g' g16 f ef d c b 
a g f e d c4 b2 e b16 e b1 \bar "||"


cause a bar check failure?

I've removed the \bar "" bits, but then the long line is placed on one 
staff and is cut off the page, and still causes a bar check failure.

I've also replace the \bar "" with \break, but that doesn't work at all.

From the manual -

   Unmetered music

   Bar lines and bar numbers are calculated automatically. For
   unmetered music (some cadenzas, for example), this is not
   desirable. To turn off automatic calculation of bar lines and
   bar numbers, use the command |\cadenzaOn|, and use |\cadenzaOff|
   to turn them on again. 

Apparently this doesn't work as described? This is causing me a big 
hassle. Surely there is a fix for this?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: cadenza at beginning of song

2009-10-16 Thread chip
got it to work, now one more issue that I haven't found the answer to in 
the docs - I cannot get the empy measure's wider than the default 
(whatever that may be). I can add all the spacer notes I want, but the 
measure never gets any wider. What do I have to do to make an empty 
measure wider? Where did I miss this in the docs?


Got it to work like this -

TrumpetOne = %\transpose d e
   \relative c'' {
   s1*10^"Alto Cadenza" s2. \bar "||"
f8 e r4 r8 cs f e
f e r4 r f8 e
e2 d
b16 as b cs d cs d e f2
e8 d r4 r8 d e d
e d r e f4 e
c2 cs
d b

Alto = %\transpose d b
   \relative c'' {
   c16^"Alto Cadenza" d ef f g2. bf4 af g2. f16[ ef d f] d ef
   c2 d8 bf16 c g1 c16 d ef f g2 c8 b
   a16 g \times 4/5 { f16[ e d c d] } e2 b c1~ c1  \bar "||"
a8 g r4 r8 f a g
a g r4 r a8 g
g2 f
b16 as b c d c d e f2
g,8 f r4 r8 e a g
a g r g a4 g
e2 e
f g

Neil Puttock wrote:

2009/10/16 chip :

I am working on a song that has a free time cadenza at the beginning, but am
having a problem with the other instruments rests for the duration of the

Put the cadenza in a separate identifier (i.e., cadenza = \relative
c'' { ... } ), then you can use mmrest-of-length to create a full-bar
rest with the same length:


Also, the notes of the cadenza run to the right edge of the page
and disappear, the notes don't wrap down to create another staff.

Automatic line breaking relies on barlines, so you'll have to insert
invisible barlines (\bar "") where you're happy for a break to occur
(or force with \break).

lilypond-user mailing list

cadenza at beginning of song

2009-10-16 Thread chip
I am working on a song that has a free time cadenza at the beginning, 
but am having a problem with the other instruments rests for the 
duration of the cadenza. Also, the notes of the cadenza run to the right 
edge of the page and disappear, the notes don't wrap down to create 
another staff.

thanks -

Below is a fragment of the piece -

TrumpetOne = %\transpose d e
   \relative c'' {
f8 e r4 r8 c f e
f e r4 r f8 e
e2 d
b16 as b c d c d e f2
e8 d r4 r8 d e d
e d r e f4 e
c2 cs
d b

Alto = %\transpose d b
   \relative c'' {
   c16 d ef f g2. bf4 af g2. f16[ ef d f] d ef c2 d8 bf16 c g1 c16 d ef 
f g2 c8 b a16 g f e d c d e2 b c1~ c1  \bar "||"

a8 g r4 r8 f a g
a g r4 r a8 g
g2 f
b16 as b c d c d e f2
g,8 f r4 r8 e a g
a g r g a4 g
e2 e
f g

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: website draft 4, help wanted

2009-07-04 Thread chip

Tim McNamara wrote:

On Jul 4, 2009, at 3:49 AM, Mark Polesky wrote:

chip wrote:

Generally speaking, when it comes to Windows documentation - it
is almost always dummy proof. Showing every step one might come
across during the process. It applies to XP as that is what I
use, should apply equally to NT and 2000. Never seen ME, does
anyone actually use it? Vista has the same steps but a different
control panel. I don't have a Vista machine to get the exact

I'm with Chip here. Explicit, unambiguous, fool-proof.

The question is whether these need to be on the Web page or in the 
readme that accompanies the file when the user downloads it.
Putting them on the web page makes sure that the person downloading will 
see and read the instructions. Putting them in a readme gives no 
assurance that it will be read. Besides, does it really take up much 
space on the page? No harm in having it on the web page, IMO.

I don't know if there is a difference between using the application 
uninstall or the control panel uninstall, though from what I've seen the 
general consensus is to preferably use the application uninstall, but 
I've never seen any reason given as to why.


lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: website draft 4, help wanted

2009-07-03 Thread chip

I posted my previous message before you posted yours.

Generally speaking, when it comes to Windows documentation - it is 
almost always dummy proof. Showing every step one might come across 
during the process. It applies to XP as that is what I use, should apply 
equally to NT and 2000. Never seen ME, does anyone actually use it? 
Vista has the same steps but a different control panel. I don't have a 
Vista machine to get the exact steps.


Graham Percival wrote:


I added this to the page, but are you certain you need all those
steps, and/or are you certain the explanation needs to be as
verbose as it is?  I would expect most windows users to be
familiar with things like accepting a license agreement or
clicking the Next button.

Also, is the first step true for all of ME, NT, 2000, XP, and

- Graham

On Fri, Jul 03, 2009 at 04:48:21PM -0700, chip wrote:
I noticed on the new site that the section Windows/Packages/Install and  
Uninstall needs to be written, so I did that. I uninstalled my Lily and  
downloaded and installed the latest version. The text file is attached.

Hope this helps,

Graham Percival wrote:

Here it is:

- would somebody volunteer to do the Examples already?!?!  all you
  need to do is play with lilypond files.  No texinfo, html, or
  git required.  Guidelines on the Examples page.
... Mao, I expected that I'd need to arbitrate fights amongst you
guys as to who got to do this...

- I'd also like somebody to do the Features page, but I admit this
  would be better done by somebody with a small amount of texinfo
  knowledge.  That said, there weren't be much formatting on the
  page, so if somebody sends me a plaintext file with a few
  images, I'll be happy.

- anybody know python and/or perl?  We have some scripting /
  script modifying tasks.

These are also listed on the "Help us" page.

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list



- Installing Lilypond -

- Download the latest package of Lilypond at

- Locate the downloaded file and double-click on it to start the installer. You will be 
presented a window titled "Open File - Security Warning", click on Run to 

- You will be presented the License Agreement, read if desired, and click on 
the Next button.

- Preferably leave the destination folder to the default, else browse to choose 
a different location, and click on the Next button.

- Next is the Installation Options window, leave the three options checked, as 
you will want to have all of these installed. Click on the Next button.

- Installation now commences, wait a minute or less for installation to 
complete. There is a Show Details button that when clicked on will show all the 
files installed and where, nothing you necessarily need to look at. Click on 
the Finish button. Lilypond is now installed.

- Optional -

Install a good editor with Lilypond support built in - JEdit is a fine 
application, is free (open source) and has very good Lilypond integration.

- Uninstalling Lilypond -

There are two uninstallation routes -

1. Choose Uninstall from the Lilypond menu from the start menu
2. Open your Install/Uninstall Applications on the Control Panel, scroll down 
to Lilypond and click on the Uninstall buttom.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: website draft 4, help wanted

2009-07-03 Thread chip
Wow, that was quick, glad to see it was acceptable. Oh, I'm talking 
about the Windows installation instructions.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: website draft 4, help wanted

2009-07-03 Thread chip
I noticed on the new site that the section Windows/Packages/Install and 
Uninstall needs to be written, so I did that. I uninstalled my Lily and 
downloaded and installed the latest version. The text file is attached.

Hope this helps,

Graham Percival wrote:

Here it is:

- would somebody volunteer to do the Examples already?!?!  all you
  need to do is play with lilypond files.  No texinfo, html, or
  git required.  Guidelines on the Examples page.
... Mao, I expected that I'd need to arbitrate fights amongst you
guys as to who got to do this...

- I'd also like somebody to do the Features page, but I admit this
  would be better done by somebody with a small amount of texinfo
  knowledge.  That said, there weren't be much formatting on the
  page, so if somebody sends me a plaintext file with a few
  images, I'll be happy.

- anybody know python and/or perl?  We have some scripting /
  script modifying tasks.

These are also listed on the "Help us" page.

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list


- Installing Lilypond -

- Download the latest package of Lilypond at

- Locate the downloaded file and double-click on it to start the installer. You 
will be presented a window titled "Open File - Security Warning", click on Run 
to continue.

- You will be presented the License Agreement, read if desired, and click on 
the Next button.

- Preferably leave the destination folder to the default, else browse to choose 
a different location, and click on the Next button.

- Next is the Installation Options window, leave the three options checked, as 
you will want to have all of these installed. Click on the Next button.

- Installation now commences, wait a minute or less for installation to 
complete. There is a Show Details button that when clicked on will show all the 
files installed and where, nothing you necessarily need to look at. Click on 
the Finish button. Lilypond is now installed.

- Optional -

Install a good editor with Lilypond support built in - JEdit is a fine 
application, is free (open source) and has very good Lilypond integration.

- Uninstalling Lilypond -

There are two uninstallation routes -

1. Choose Uninstall from the Lilypond menu from the start menu
2. Open your Install/Uninstall Applications on the Control Panel, scroll down 
to Lilypond and click on the Uninstall buttom.___
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: new website: draft 3

2009-06-30 Thread chip

Alberto Simões wrote:


Kieren MacMillan wrote:

Hi Anthony (et al.),

DON'T assume web browsers are full screen!



Just because more and more people have big screens.


+1 more.
BTW, I like the way the new site is progressing, the pages are starting 
to have a single coherent theme throughout.

Looks good.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: new website: draft 3

2009-06-29 Thread chip

Graham Percival wrote:

On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 11:35:16PM -0700, Patrick McCarty wrote:

On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 11:16 PM, chip wrote:

Here is an example of what I meant -

Thanks so much!  I didn't know what you were talking about, so
this example was very useful.  Yes, that *does* look nice.


I like it!  Anything looks better than those navigation tables.  Plus,
I cannot figure out what to do with them (style-wise).

Graham, do you think we should hide more of the navigation tables
(@menu...@end menu), and replace them with these new columns?

I'm beginning to think so... although this would be one point
*against* a uniform layout:
- the home page is special
My thoughts are that the home page is just fine the way it is. But the 
other top level pages - Advertising, Download, Manuals and Community - 
could all benefit from a uniform style - the colored boxes like on the 
Manuals page. The the sub pages Contact, Development and News all look 
nice - minimal yet still have a hint of the parent page style. It's 
gives a coherent look and 'feel' to the site as a whole. IMO, the style 
of the pages MacOSX and Source should be carried out through all the 
sub-pages - header followed by the colored box basic description 
followed by the body text.


Let's see where we are in 24-36 hours; at the very least I want to
finish the things that are currently in my mind.  After that, we
might end up with neat ideas that get dropped due to lack of
resources... unfortunate, but that's life in open source.  :|

- Graham


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: new website: draft 3

2009-06-28 Thread chip

Graham Percival wrote:

|Contact   | |
   News |   |
Minimal Examples  |
|.   Bug Reports| |   
Press |   |___|
|Help Wanted   | |  
Thanks   |
|Developement |


This makes no sense to me.  Please remember that 80-character
terminals are the polite assumption to make when sending emails.

- Graham
Here is an example of what I meant -

Hope that helps,
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: new website: draft 3

2009-06-28 Thread chip

Graham Percival wrote:

|Contact   | |
   News |   |
Minimal Examples  |
|.   Bug Reports| |   
Press |   |___|
|Help Wanted   | |  
Thanks   |
|Developement |


This makes no sense to me.  Please remember that 80-character
terminals are the polite assumption to make when sending emails.

- Graham
Here is an example of what I meant -
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: new website: draft 3

2009-06-28 Thread chip

Tim McNamara wrote:

On Jun 28, 2009, at 2:55 AM, chip wrote:

I think there is obviously far too much white space, also the same on 
the Downloads page.

I disagree and find that most web pages have too much stuff crammed 
into them, usually so much that it's hard to find the information one 
is looking for.  I like the simplicity of the page and I don't even 
think the separator lines are necessary.  If you want to see the 
mother of layout nightmares, look at the pages.  Jeebus, 
those suck.
I agree with you, but, there is a happy medium. I think the Manuals page 
is it.

I thing it's also important to minimize the use of Javascript (unless 
you're doing Ajax), drop-down menus, etc.  Most of that stuff can be 
done with HTML which loads faster and works with more browsers more 
predictably.  Avoid cute for the sake of cute.  Usability is the thing 
of key importance and not how nifty people will think the code is.
Again, I agree. There are ways to get drop-down menus without 
javascript, which I think should be, and can be, avoided for the entire 
site. Usability is the number 1 priority indeed, but appearance has to 
be up there as well. A simple site that looks attractive and contains a 
well balanced design can still be a very usable site. Lilypond is a very 
impressive program, and an overly simplistic web site would do it no 
justice whatsoever. IMHO.


As for the "Advertizing" (sic) tab, how about "Is LilyPond for you?"  
Or is that too long?  If it is, how about "Using LilyPond"?  Or even 
somethng bland like "Overview"?

lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: new website: draft 3

2009-06-28 Thread chip

Graham Percival wrote:

On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 11:51:04AM -0700, chip wrote:

Patrick McCarty wrote:
On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 12:55 AM, chip wrote:
I think there is obviously far too much white space, also the same on 
Downloads page.

Does this mean "not enough content on the page", or "the margins,
padding, etc. are too tall/wide"?  If it's the latter, at what
resolution are you viewing the site (1024x768, 1280x1024, etc.)?

My screen is an old 17" crt set to 1024x768. I think there is not enough
content on the page.

Please don't say "not enough content on the page" when we're
asking you what that means!
hmm, I just answered Patricks question with his own the 
quotes in his own quoted remarks. Content of course refers to text and 
images that make up the visual representation of the web page, what the 
visitor see's on his/her own screen..

The Manuals, Advertising and Home pages are all
well-balanced in content-to-space. Maybe something like the Manuals page -
multiple colored boxes -

Hmm... are you trying to say that you prefer two-column pages to
one-column pages?  I agree that the two-column pages work quite
well, so perhaps we should make all (or almost all) pages use

Was that what you meant?
Yeah, I really like the look of the Manuals page. I think that should be 
carried out to the other pages as well. But then I like that have a 
single 'look' or layout theme, carried out through all of their pages, 
makes reading the site much easier. Leaves the visitor with one visual, 
coherent memory of the site if all the pages are designed with the same 
theme. Personally, I think sites that have a different look to each page 
as messy, careless in their design work, not well thought out. But of 
course that's just my opinion.

|Contact   | |
   News |   |
Minimal Examples  |
|.   Bug Reports| |   
Press |   |___|
|Help Wanted   | |  
Thanks   |
|Developement |


This makes no sense to me.  Please remember that 80-character
terminals are the polite assumption to make when sending emails.
heheh, sorry. Obviously my attempt at showing 3 boxes was a big mistake. 
Oh well, you get the idea anyway.


- Graham


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: new website: draft 3

2009-06-28 Thread chip

Patrick McCarty wrote:

On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 12:55 AM, chip wrote:

- Community is still a work in progress, although at the moment
 I'm not planning on changing the sections.  If you think
 something's missing, let me know.


I think there is obviously far too much white space, also the same on the
Downloads page.

Does this mean "not enough content on the page", or "the margins,
padding, etc. are too tall/wide"?  If it's the latter, at what
resolution are you viewing the site (1024x768, 1280x1024, etc.)?
My screen is an old 17" crt set to 1024x768. I think there is not enough 
content on the page. The Manuals, Advertising and Home pages are all 
well-balanced in content-to-space. Maybe something like the Manuals page 
- multiple colored boxes -

|Contact   | 
|   News |   
| Minimal Examples  |
|.   Bug Reports| | 
  Press |   
|Help Wanted   | 
|   Thanks   |
|Developement | 


Something like that to spread the menu items across the page, grouped, 
loosely, on some relationship to each other.



The menu doesn't do anything for me, it seems very plain, maybe that's the
way you want it?

I assume you are talking about the top navigation bar.  It *is* very
plain, but I'm not sure how I would make it flashier, or if that's
even a good idea.

The site is using a "liquid layout", where the the top navigation bar
stretches to fill the width of browser window, so there are limited
options for using gradients and other techniques you find in
fixed-width sites (like

But there are options.  I'll look into it.  We're also planning on
replacing "Home" with a miniature LilyPond icon, so that will help.



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: new website: draft 3

2009-06-28 Thread chip

Graham Percival wrote:


- no, I don't think that "Advertizing" is a good name.
  Suggestions are desired.  This chapter (or "tab") is aimed at
  people who don't know if they want to use lilypond or not.
  We stick enticements (and some warnings) in here.  What should
  we call it?

Throwing out a few suggestions -

General Info
What is Lilypond?

- there is no search-box functionality yet.

- what do you think of the new Manuals page?  Personally, I like
  having color-coded backgrounds (in addition the title bars), but
  let's see what people think.
I like the color coding of the sections. Will the individual pages 
contain the actual manual or a link to the manual? I think it should 
contain the actual manual with a link to a downloadable version of it.

- Community is still a work in progress, although at the moment
  I'm not planning on changing the sections.  If you think
  something's missing, let me know.
I think there is obviously far too much white space, also the same on 
the Downloads page.
The menu doesn't do anything for me, it seems very plain, maybe that's 
the way you want it? Is there a reason for not using drop-down menus on 
a mouse rollover?

Otherwise I like the way the new site is progressing.

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: thanks to whomever put this in the LSR...

2009-06-09 Thread chip

Ian Hulin wrote:

Hi Reinhold,
I'm having a look at seeing if I can pick up the work Marek Klein did 
on -devel.  It covered amending the coded generating output file 
suffixes to allow users to code user-specified names as the suffix.  
It changes the function print-with-book in file lily-library.scm so 
one of the internal variables uses a Scheme alist.

How much more work would it be to implement Patrick's suggestion below?

But it would be nice to have an option to override the file-name for
any arbitrary book.  Something like

\book {
  \paper {
output-file-name = "Blah"
  \score {

As I understand it, the above would allow allow you to have a file 
called something like "" and use

\paper {
to generated SinfoniaK550.pdf, .png, .mid, .midi or whatever.
I am a user very interested in the outcome of this as I use multiple 
\book in all my songs. Being able to have the naming scheme work out 
like this would be great -

filename - Beseme
output names of separate \books -   Beseme Mucho.pdf .midi etc (the full 
Mucho-Tenor.pdf .midi etc
Mucho-Alto.pdf .midi etc
Mucho-Trumpet1.pdf .midi etc

  etc etc
Basically what the system currently does except dropping the -n from the 
name and replacing it with the variable the user wants added. I don't 
use \bookpart anywhere, just \book. I don't know anything about scheme, 
so I won't be able to help there, but I can help with testing if need be.

Anyway, that's just my input, whatever help it may be.
Chip W

If you were using a file with multiple \bookparts or \score blocks,
1.  should output-file-name in these blocks replace the definition in 
the \book \paper block (if present) to produce Allegro.pdf, .midi

2.  should it act like #(define output-suffix "Allegro") so you 
produce a file SinfoniaK550-Allegro.pdf, .midi etc?  Or
3.  should we have a separate output-file-suffix property to do this 
trick, which would be for use only in \bookpart blocks?

I'm trying to get a clear idea of what would be clearest for users 
before I send myself cross-eyed looking at the code.

Any opinions/pointers to set this Frog off in the right direction are 


Ian Hulin

Reinhold Kainhofer wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Am Donnerstag, 4. Juni 2009 01:01:24 schrieb Mats Bengtsson:

and followups for the previous discussion on the topic. As far as I can
see, an implementation proposal is already available, just to commit.

Hmm, it seems that this has been completely forgotten... Does anyone 
have the time to put the finishing touches on the patch? In 
particular, get rid of the global var and properly use the variable 
from the parser-lookup, also the comment is no longer valid.

- -- - 
Reinhold Kainhofer,,

 * Financial & Actuarial Math., Vienna Univ. of Technology, Austria
 *, DVR: 0005886
 * LilyPond, Music typesetting,
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: scoop before note

2009-06-08 Thread chip
In all my years of playing jazz I've never seen a scoop placed above a 
note. I was messing about with using a

\relative c {
\once \override Slur #'positions = #'(-7 . -7)
c'2 \hideNotes \grace c8( \unHideNotes f4) g8 a

but no matter what numbers I put in the positions parameters the slur 
does not move. Obviously -7 is way off, but doesn't matter, they have no 
effect. I wanted to see how such a thing would look, it anything like a 
scoop - the gracenote would be hidden but the slur would be left 
visible. The move the slur slightly left so the right end is just to the 
left of the notehead.


Robin Bannister wrote:

Lewis Overton wrote:
I'm curious about what others are doing to print a "scoop" 

I have an occasional need for this when transposing saxophone parts, 
and then I use brackettips as you do/did [1].
I first did such bends in a clumsy beginners way and had to put the 
brackettips in a dedicated auxiliary voice.It was cumbersome to 
set up but obediently predictable, which was in contrast to my 
frustrating attempts trying to tame \bendAfter.I never perservered 
with bendAfter; there was no corresponding bendBefore, and it is 
important to have the same style for all bends.
But my lowlevel Lilypond has improved, and I recently had another go, 
which turned out a lot simpler, especially the scoop:
 2.12 #(define (scoop-stencil grob)  
 (ly:stencil-combine-at-edge (ly:note-head::print grob) 0 -1   
(grob-interpret-markup grob (markup #:with-dimensions '(0 . 0) '(0 . 0)

#:translate '( -2 . -2) #:musicglyph "brackettips.up" )) 0 0 ))
scoop = \once \override NoteHead #'stencil = #scoop-stencil 

The key to this approach is the zero with-dimensions.   It is of 
course a trick which lets notehead and stem stay together.  And since 
it invites collisions, it may well be condemned by layout purists.
But IMO it works well for the saxophone parts. It leaves the 
notecolumn spacing undisturbed; this is in keeping with my perception 
of these bends as articulations, i.e. lightweight qualifications.   
Collisions are fairly rare, mainly because the sax doesn't do chords, 
but also because these bends occur mostly on quarter and half notes;  
for beamed eighths I have a fixed override for widening the preceding 
stem.   And the scoops are more or less below any accidentals.  



lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: scoop before note

2009-06-07 Thread chip

Kieren MacMillan wrote:

Hi Lewy,

I'm curious about what others are doing to print a "scoop"

I'm not using them at all... but have you tried directly manipulating 
a BendAfter grob?

\version "2.12"
scoopMusic = \relative
\override BendAfter #'rotation = #'(-45 -4 3)
\override Score.SpacingSpanner #'shortest-duration-space = #4.0 
c-\bendAfter #8

\score { \scoopMusic }

Hope this helps!
That works in a rather kludgy way. I've been playing with the numbers 
trying to get it to look just right. Takes a lot of trial and error to 
get it close, but not 'right'. Adding a note before the tweak requires 
refiguring the numbers, lots of trial and error involved in getting it 
in the correct position. That is an articulation that I would like to 
see work correctly and added to lilypond, wouldn't it be just the 
opposite of the \bendafter articulation? But my guess is it's not going 
to be that simple.


lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: adding to LSR the thumbnail image is not correct

2009-06-03 Thread chip

Neil Puttock wrote:

2009/6/3 Jonathan Kulp :


Did you ever sort this out, Chip?  If not please attach a source file and
I'll give it a go.

If it's `Template for multiple instruments, prints a score and parts'
in the list of pending snippets there are too many \book blocks.  I
suggest commenting out the section following `% comment all these
\book lines if no score is needed %%'.


Thanks Neil, That fixed it.

lilypond-user mailing list

thanks to whomever put this in the LSR...

2009-06-02 Thread chip
I was just browsing around in the LSR and found this very useful bit 
that is just fantastic, I hadn't come across it in any docs - LM, NR, or 
IR (I did a browser Edit/Find for output-suffix on all of those) -

#(define output-suffix "you-put-something-here")

It's for use in a multi-bookpart .ly file that generates multiple .pdf 
files. Typically the file names are appended with -1, -2, -3, etc which 
isn't very helpful. That little bit of code lets you append any bit of 
text to the file name, so instead of


you get


Here's where it's located to save someone the time to dig it up -

I don't know who added this to the LSR, but Thankyou very much, you just 
saved me much extra work as I have had to manually edit many, many file 
names to include the instrument name for that particular part.


lilypond-user mailing list

adding to LSR the thumbnail image is not correct

2009-06-01 Thread chip
I have added my template to the LSR but the thumbnail image that appears 
is not correct. I have tried as both Standalone Snippet and as Large 
Snippet. Is there something I can do to fix this so the thumbnail 
appears as it should?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: looking for examples

2009-05-23 Thread chip

Lewis Overton wrote:
... It's more the assembly that has me stumbling around looking for 


Below I've pasted in my template I use for a horn section that includes 
2 trumpets, 3 saxes and 2 'bones. It creates a full score and the 
individual parts. Another user, Bill, says this template was just what 
he was looking for just the other day. Look for the thread titled 
"transposing, etc" in the mailing list archives to see the entire 
message. Load it up and take a look at it, I think you will find it will 
do pretty much what you need.


% LilyPond
\include ""
\version "2.13.0"
   title = ""
   composer = "As Recorded By: "
   arranger = "Transcribed by: Chip Wiegand"
global = { \time 4/4 \key c \major
 #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end 1 8 * *) 1 4 'Staff)
 #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end 1 8 * *) 2 4 'Staff)
 #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end 1 8 * *) 3 4 'Staff)
 %\override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = #'#(#t #t #t)
 %\override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = #end-of-line-invisible
 %\override Score.BarNumber #'self-alignment-X = #-1
 \override Glissando #'thickness = #3
 \override Glissando #'style = #'zigzag
 \override Glissando #'minimum-length = #6
 \override Glissando #'springs-and-rods = #ly:spanner::set-spacing-rods
 \override MultiMeasureRest #'expand-limit = 1
 \set Score.skipBars = ##t
% This setup should give me the maximum usable staffs per page %
\paper {
top-margin = 0.1\cm
page-top-space = 0.1\cm
ragged-bottom = ##t
left-margin = 20\mm
line-width = 175\mm

% This script sets the 'footer' of the last page to show the current 
date %

tagline = \markup {
 \simple #(strftime "%b %d, %Y" (localtime (current-time)))
  \with-url #"";
 { LilyPond \simple #(lilypond-version) ( }

% -- Trumpet 1--
trpta = {
a b c d
trumpeta = %{\transpose c d%} \relative c'' {
 \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Trumpet 1"
 \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"Trpt 1"
 \clef treble
 << \trpta >>

% -- Trumpet 2--
trptb = {
   a b c d
trumpetb = %{\transpose c d%} \relative c'' {
 \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Trumpet 2"
 \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"Trpt 2"
 \clef treble
 << \trptb >>

% -- Alto Sax 1 --
altoa = {a b c d
altosaxa = %{\transpose c a%} \relative c'' {
 \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Alto Sax"
 \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"Alto"
 \clef treble
 << \altoa >>

% -- Tenor--
tenor = {a b c d
tenorsax = %{\transpose c d%} \relative c'' {
 \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Tenor Sax"
 \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"Tenor"
 \clef treble
 << \tenor >>

% -- Bari--
bari = {a b c d
barisax = %{\transpose c a%} \relative c''{
 \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Bari Sax"
 \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"Bari"
 \clef treble
 << \bari >>

% -- Trombone 1--
tbonea = {a b c d
trombonea = \relative c {
 \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Trombone 1"
 \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"Tbn 1"
 \clef bass
 << \tbonea >>

% -- Bass Trombone--
tboneb= {a b c d
tromboneb = \relative c {
 \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Bass Trombone"
 \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"Tbn 2"
 \clef bass
 << \tboneb >>
% This section creates the seperate pdf files for each horn %
\book { \score {
   \new StaffGroup = "trumpets" <<
\new Staff = "trpta" \trumpeta
\new Staff = "trptb" \trumpetb >>
   \new StaffGroup = "saxes" <<
\new Staff = "altoa" \altosaxa
\new Staff = "tenor" \tenorsax
\new Staff = "bari" \barisax >>
   \new StaffGroup = "trombones" <<
\new Staff = "tbonea" \trombonea
\new Staff = "tboneb" \tromboneb>>
 >> } }
% comment all these \book lines if no score is needed %%
\book { \score { << \new Staff = "trumpeta" \with { \remove 
Instrument_name_engraver } \trumpeta >> \header {piece="Trumpet 1"} 
\layout { indent = 0\mm} } }
\book { \score { << \new Staff = "trumpetb" \with { \remove 
Instrument_name_engraver } \trumpetb >> \header {piece="Trumpet 2"} 
\layout { indent = 0\mm} } }
\book { \score { << \new Staff = "altosaxa" \with { \remove 

Re: transposing etc

2009-05-21 Thread Chip

Bill Mooney wrote:

As an aside - could readers comment on how they arrange their workflow 
when transcribing scores from hand written originals (which is what I 
am cureently doing) - do you enter all the notes first to check the 
accuracy of note entry, then add articulations, markups etc later, or 
do you enter each note with its ties, slurs, markups, etc as you 
proceed through the piece? Any comments would be gratefully received.

Many thanks

I transcribe tejano/texmex songs, the horn parts, or the 
keyboard/accordian parts into horn parts for a 7 piece horn section. I 
made a template for my lilypond files which I've included below, just 
copy/paste into your text editor and take a look at it. As for the 
transpositions - I put the \key \major stuff in the \global section and 
the \transpose in the notes section, initially commented out, you'll see 
in the code below.
My template includes parts for 7 horns, prints out the individual 
parts and a full score. Or just comment out the bottom section to not 
print the full score.
My method of transcribing is to listen to the song to get familiar 
with the various parts I will be transcribing, write down on staff paper 
the lead horn part, usually trumpet, for the entire piece. Then I go 
back and do the harmony parts and counter parts if any. I usually write 
the articulations etc as I write the rough draft. Once I have the rough 
draft finished I then enter the notes into lily and work from there, 
adding articulations, slurs, etc. There is a lot of compiling/viewing 
the pdf as I go through this process. But I can do a complete song in as 
little as a few hours for one of not too much difficulty. I'm not a 
keyboardist, so I use a guitar and write all my parts in concert key, 
whatever the recording key is. After I have all the parts completed in 
lily and I see, in the score, all the harmonies are correct, I then 
uncomment the transpose commands, and test the parts by playing my tenor 
sax on the trumpet and tenor parts. I play my alto sax to test the alto 
and trombone parts.

Hope this helps,

% LilyPond
\include ""
\version "2.12.1"
   title = ""
   composer = "As Recorded By: "
   arranger = "Transcribed by: Chip Wiegand"
global = { \time 4/4 \key c \major
 #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end 1 8 * *) 1 4 'Staff)
 #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end 1 8 * *) 2 4 'Staff)
 #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end 1 8 * *) 3 4 'Staff)
 %\override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = #'#(#t #t #t)
 %\override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = #end-of-line-invisible
 %\override Score.BarNumber #'self-alignment-X = #-1
 \override Glissando #'thickness = #3
 \override Glissando #'style = #'zigzag
 \override Glissando #'minimum-length = #6
 \override Glissando #'springs-and-rods = #ly:spanner::set-spacing-rods
 \override MultiMeasureRest #'expand-limit = 1
 \set Score.skipBars = ##t
% This setup should give me the maximum usable staffs per page %
\paper {
top-margin = 0.1\cm
page-top-space = 0.1\cm
ragged-bottom = ##t
left-margin = 20\mm
line-width = 175\mm

% This script sets the 'footer' of the last page to show the current 
date and lily info %

tagline = \markup {
 \simple #(strftime "%b %d, %Y" (localtime (current-time)))
  \with-url #"";
 { LilyPond \simple #(lilypond-version) ( }

% -- Trumpet 1--
trpta = {
a b c d
trumpeta = %{\transpose c d%} \relative c'' {
 \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Trumpet 1"
 \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"Trpt 1"
 \clef treble
 << \trpta >>

% -- Trumpet 2--
trptb = {
   a b c d
trumpetb = %{\transpose c d%} \relative c'' {
 \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Trumpet 2"
 \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"Trpt 2"
 \clef treble
 << \trptb >>

% -- Alto Sax --
altoa = {a b c d
altosaxa = %{\transpose c a%} \relative c'' {
 \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Alto Sax"
 \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"Alto"
 \clef treble
 << \altoa >>

% -- Tenor Sax--
tenor = {a b c d
tenorsax = %{\transpose c d%} \relative c'' {
 \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Tenor Sax"
 \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"Tenor"
 \clef treble
 << \tenor >>

% -- Bari Sax--
bari = {a b c d
barisax = %{\transpose c a%} \relative c''{
 \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Bari Sax"
 \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"Bari"
 \clef treble
 << \bari >>

% -- Trombone --
tbonea = {a b 

Re: jEdit changes file unexpectedly

2009-05-16 Thread Chip

Bertalan Fodor wrote:
It might be opened not in UTF-8. See in the lower right corner. You 
can make sure it is loaded in the correct encoding, by using File > 
Open with encoding...
I've had the same problem with one file as well - the title of a song is 
Cariño Nuevo. The ñ gets changed to n everytime. I finally gave up on 
changing it and just leave it as a regular n. BTW, my files are all 
opened/saved as UTF-8, everytime, so I thought. After all, in the bottom 
corner it showed UTF-8. I then went to File/Open/Commands/Encoding, and 
it always defaulted to Auto and cP1252. I'd change it, but found that I 
had to do that every time I opened a file. I finally found in 
Utilities/Global Options/Encodings that that is what the default was set 
to. I changed it to UTF-8 and now it opens the files correctly.

Helge, maybe that is your issue as well?



Helge Kruse írta:


I have found a problem with jEdit (probably LilypondTool). I just 
write a .ly source that contains the word "Pincé". I saved the file 
yesterday. Today I wanted to continue and see that this word has been 
changed to "Pincé". That's a bit annoying. The "Pincé" is a playing 
instruction and should be a markup.

Do you know a way to save the spelling of it? Since it appears at 
several places, it's not easy to fix it every time I re-open the file.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: relative mode occasionally gets forgotten?

2009-05-15 Thread Chip

Tim McNamara wrote:
I'm not sure that the relative mode "gets forgotten" but that LilyPond 
follows its own internal rules.  I find that LilyPond behaves the way 
that the manual says it does: it picks the closest pitch.  If I write 
{ c2 a2 } it picks the A below that C rather than the A above that C.  
If I want the A above the C, I write { c2 a'2 } and all is well.  
Sometimes when I first compile the song there are pitches wildly out 
of their intended octave; then it's a matter of finding the proper 
places to change the pitch octaves with ' or , and the problem is 
usually solved with two or three of these.  Pretty quick and simple 
without needing to resort to sticking \relative commands into the  
middle of the music information- something I hate doing because it 
makes it hard to "debug" the song.

Here is an example of the issue I came across -
r4 r8 ef~ ef d c bf
a4. g8~ g2~
g2-- r
In any mode the tied notes are the same octave, of course. But for 
whatever reason, with the \transpose and the \relative split as 
originally described, they were in different octaves, which obviously, 
broke the ties. Putting the \transpose ef f \relative c' together fixed 
the problem. With the \transpose and \relative split there were quite a 
few random instances of such odd octave issues, some would be just a 
single note or two, others 3 or 4 measures of music where almost every 
other note jumped octaves up and down. It's really a weird thing to see.

In my template I typically use \transpose x x \relative x but for 
whatever reason I don't even recall now I moved the \transpose up to the 
notes section of the code. I think what I did was entered the notes of 
the tenor sax part in their actual tenor sax key (and all other 
instruments in concert key), then \transposed them, the tenor sax notes, 
down to concert key for the purpose viewing the score entirely in 
concert key. Thus the tenor sax part had the really wicked octave issue.


I used the following template for all my transcriptions of texmex and 
tejano music (for a 7 piece horn section)-

% LilyPond
\include ""
\version "2.12.2"
   title = " "
   composer = "As Recorded By: "
   arranger = "Transcribed by: Chip Wiegand"
global = { \time 4/4 \key bf  \major
 #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end 1 8 * *) 1 4 'Staff)
 #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end 1 8 * *) 2 4 'Staff)
 #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end 1 8 * *) 3 4 'Staff)
 \override Glissando #'thickness = #3
 \override Glissando #'style = #'zigzag
 \override Glissando #'minimum-length = #6
 \override Glissando #'springs-and-rods = #ly:spanner::set-spacing-rods
 \override MultiMeasureRest #'expand-limit = 1
 \set Score.skipBars = ##t
\paper {
top-margin = 0.1\cm
page-top-space = 0.1\cm
ragged-bottom = ##t
left-margin = 20\mm
line-width = 175\mm

tagline = \markup {
 \simple #(strftime "%b %d, %Y" (localtime (current-time)))
  \with-url #"";
 { LilyPond \simple #(lilypond-version) ( }

% -- Trumpet 1--
trpta = {}
trumpeta = \transpose bf c \relative c'' {
 \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Trumpet 1"
 \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"Trpt 1"
 \clef treble
 << \trpta >>

% -- Trumpet 2--
trptb = {}
trumpetb = \transpose bf c \relative c'' {
 \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Trumpet 2"
 \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"Trpt 2"
 \clef treble
 << \trptb >>

% -- Alto Sax 1 --
altoa = {}
altosaxa = \transpose bf g \relative c'' {
 \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Alto Sax"
 \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"Alto"
 \clef treble
 << \altoa >>

% -- Tenor--
tenor = {}
tenorsax = \transpose bf c \relative c'' {
 \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Tenor Sax"
 \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"Tenor"
 \clef treble
 << \tenor >>

% -- Bari--
bari = {}
barisax = \transpose bf g \relative c''{
 \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Bari Sax"
 \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"Bari"
 \clef treble
 << \bari >>

% -- Trombone 1--
tbonea = {}
trombonea = \relative c {
 \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Trombone 1"
 \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"Tbn 1"
 \clef bass
 << \tbonea >>

% -- Trombone 2--
tboneb= {}
tromboneb = \relative c {
 \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Trombone 2"
 \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"Tbn 2"
 \clef bass
 << \tboneb >>

\book { \score {
   \new StaffGroup = "trumpets" <&

Re: relative mode occasionally gets forgotten?

2009-05-14 Thread Chip

Patrick McCarty wrote:

On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 8:05 PM, Chip  wrote:

Chip wrote:

I've come across this a couple times - when I am inputting a song it all
works fine in \relative mode. I do some editing, some copy/paste from one
part to another, view the resulting pdf and see the octaves are all messed
up. The only way to fix them is to use absolute octave marks in small
sections, usually only a few measures, to get the song to print correctly.
Then for whatever reason, after those few measures the rest of the song is
just fine. This seems to be completely random, has happened in a couple
different songs, in different versions of lilypond.
Has anyone seen this kind of behavior? Just seems rather odd.

I found the problem - I had the \relative c and the \transpose ef f bits
seperated like this -

bari = \transpose f ef {
e4-- e8-- e8-- e4-. r
... stuff
barisax = \relative c' {
 \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Bari Sax"
 \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"Bari"
 \clef treble
 << \bari >>   %I've been told I don't need the << >> here in this usage
but without them I get errors

After I moved the \relative c' up to the same line as the \transpose the
octave problems were fixed. It appears that the two have to be together, not
seperated like I had them.

I think this is the issue mentioned in the Known Issues for Chapter
1.1.2 "Transpose" in the Notation Reference.  However, the two
sentences included there are very confusing and should be rewritten to
make the issue more clear.


Yes, I see what you mean. Not sure I understand it myself.
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: relative mode occasionally gets forgotten?

2009-05-14 Thread Chip

Chip wrote:
I've come across this a couple times - when I am inputting a song it 
all works fine in \relative mode. I do some editing, some copy/paste 
from one part to another, view the resulting pdf and see the octaves 
are all messed up. The only way to fix them is to use absolute octave 
marks in small sections, usually only a few measures, to get the song 
to print correctly. Then for whatever reason, after those few measures 
the rest of the song is just fine. This seems to be completely random, 
has happened in a couple different songs, in different versions of 

Has anyone seen this kind of behavior? Just seems rather odd.
I found the problem - I had the \relative c and the \transpose ef f bits 
seperated like this -

bari = \transpose f ef {
e4-- e8-- e8-- e4-. r
... stuff
barisax = \relative c' {
 \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Bari Sax"
 \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"Bari"
 \clef treble
 << \bari >>   %I've been told I don't need the << >> here in this 
usage but without them I get errors


After I moved the \relative c' up to the same line as the \transpose the 
octave problems were fixed. It appears that the two have to be together, 
not seperated like I had them.


lilypond-user mailing list

relative mode occasionally gets forgotten?

2009-05-14 Thread Chip
I've come across this a couple times - when I am inputting a song it all 
works fine in \relative mode. I do some editing, some copy/paste from 
one part to another, view the resulting pdf and see the octaves are all 
messed up. The only way to fix them is to use absolute octave marks in 
small sections, usually only a few measures, to get the song to print 
correctly. Then for whatever reason, after those few measures the rest 
of the song is just fine. This seems to be completely random, has 
happened in a couple different songs, in different versions of lilypond.

Has anyone seen this kind of behavior? Just seems rather odd.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: bug causing this barcheck failure?

2009-05-08 Thread Chip

Chip wrote:

Jan Kohnert wrote:

Chip schrieb:

In 4/4 time this code results in a barcheck failure -

g,4. fs2.
f4. e2.

yet this code, the same output, does not cause a barcheck failure -

g,4~ g8 fs8~ fs2
f4~ f8 e8~ e2

You know, that the examples are NOT equal?

Equal to the second one would be:
g,4. fs8 ~ fs2
f4. e8 ~ e2

There is no 4/4 timing possible in the first example as it is 9/8 in each 
After looking at it some more I see what you mean, a double-dotted 
half note should be the correct notation, but it also doesn't work. 
I'll just stick with the way it is working now.

No, I'm still wrong, it appears it would have to be a half-dot which 
doesn't exist. heheh.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: bug causing this barcheck failure?

2009-05-08 Thread Chip

Jan Kohnert wrote:

Chip schrieb:

In 4/4 time this code results in a barcheck failure -

g,4. fs2.
f4. e2.

yet this code, the same output, does not cause a barcheck failure -

g,4~ g8 fs8~ fs2
f4~ f8 e8~ e2

You know, that the examples are NOT equal?

Equal to the second one would be:
g,4. fs8 ~ fs2
f4. e8 ~ e2

There is no 4/4 timing possible in the first example as it is 9/8 in each 
After looking at it some more I see what you mean, a double-dotted half 
note should be the correct notation, but it also doesn't work. I'll just 
stick with the way it is working now.

lilypond-user mailing list

bug causing this barcheck failure?

2009-05-08 Thread Chip

In 4/4 time this code results in a barcheck failure -

g,4. fs2.
f4. e2.

yet this code, the same output, does not cause a barcheck failure -

g,4~ g8 fs8~ fs2
f4~ f8 e8~ e2

I'm guessing this is a bug?
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: adding to the LSR

2009-04-29 Thread Chip

Carl D. Sorensen wrote:

On 4/28/09 4:42 PM, "Jonathan Kulp"  wrote:


Carl D. Sorensen wrote:

Thanks for the offer, Chip.  I've just finished a preliminary run
through all of the snippets.  I downloaded the tarball of the entire
repo and ran them through the convert-ly script, then did a looping
script that ran lilypond on each updated snippet using 2.12.2 and saved
the terminal output for each in a text file.

Cool -- I didn't know you were up enough on scripting to do that kind of
work!  I think such a script should be added to scripts/auxiliar so that we
have it to use the next time we want to do an update.  (And you just
demonstrated that you have two of Larry Wall's attributes of a good
programmer: laziness and hubris.  Good for you!)


This was a very simple script.  I learned a good bit of scripting with
the help of Patrick Horgan a while back when I was writing my lily2image
script.  Here's the script for any interested folks (first I did
"convert-ly -e *.ly" on the whole directory):


# Run Lilypond on a lot of files and save #
# the terminal output in text files   #

for LILYFILE in *.ly
   STEM=$(basename "$LILYFILE" .ly)
   echo "running $LILYFILE..."
   lilypond --format=png "$LILYFILE" >& "$STEM".txt
   rm "$STEM".ps


I chose png format b/c the ristretto image viewer on xubuntu allows for
very quick paging through all of the images in a directory, much quicker
than going through a bunch of pdfs.

After running the script on the directory with all the snippets in it, I
run this command to find snippets that didn't compile:

   grep failed *.txt

It reads the terminal output from all the files and brings back the ones
  that failed.

Cool!  I still think that you ought to put it all (including the grep part)
into a single script and store it in the source tree.  And it ought to be
added to the CG so that we have it tracked for the next time we release a
stable version (I assume it will happen quickly, once Graham gets home from
Singapore -- although maybe going to Scotland doesn't qualify as "home").


The results were pretty good, really.  About 95% of the snippets
compiled and look the same as they did in 2.10.  Two snippets didn't
compile at all, but I've already taken care of one of them
(adding-octaves-automatically) because I've had to fix that one on some
of my own files before.  The convert-ly script took the \octaves command
as if it were an octave check instead of a user-defined macro.  I've
changed the \octaves command in the original LSR code to \makeOctaves,
which will survive the convert-ly update intact.

This probably also indicates a need to change the convert-ly rule for
\octave.  If it doesn't work for \octaves, it also wouldn't work for
\octaveAdjustFunction, or some other user-defined variable that starts with
\octave.  This should be either fixed or added to the issue tracker to get


Yes, I was thinking the same thing but I don't know how to change the
convert-ly rules.  It was easier for me just to change \octaves to

Any Frog willing to take on this convert-ly rule fix?  You have a file that
you can use to see if you have fixed the rule.


There are also some snippets that work but should be changed to reflect
changes in 2.12.  I know of two snippets that have to do with lead sheets
(Chords, Fret Diagrams, melody, and lyrics) that should be changed to use
\predefinedFretboards and a FretBoards context, instead of using \markup

I'm not sure if there are others.  There may be one related to auto-beaming.
I'm not sure what a good process on this is, but I think at a minimum, we
should look at NEWS for 2.12 and see if there are any NEWS items related to
each of the snippets.

That's why I estimated 15 minutes per snippet (I wasn't thinking of
automation, which I should have).  We should check each of the snippets and
see if the snippet is made obsolete or should be changed to reflect new
features added, not just check to see if the syntax is right.


Yes, to do it properly we'll need to examine each one more carefully.
My idea with this is simply to find out which snippets are broken in
2.12 and get them at least to compile, so that the LSR could be switched
  to 2.12 and then the snippets can be checked out more carefully after
that.  Is that a good strategy?

No, it's a *great* strategy.  Get the easy work done quickly, so there's
nothing us keeping from moving the LSR, then do the careful work at our

Thanks for taking the lead on this.

Chip, are you still willing to do some work reviewing the converted


Re: adding to the LSR

2009-04-27 Thread Chip

Jonathan Kulp wrote:

Chip wrote:


Thanks for the info.
Just out of curiosity - why isn't the LSR kept up-to-date with the 
latest release? The lastest stable release is 2.12.2 according to the 
lily homepage, yet the LSR Contributing page says it is running 
2.10.12 and at the same time says it always runs the latest stable 


There are plans to upgrade it to 2.12 but it hasn't happened yet.  I 
don't understand all of the technical issues but one of the problems 
was discussed on a recent thread, which is that someone has to check 
all the snippets to make sure they compile under 2.12.  I might be 
doing some of this soon but haven't started in earnest.

If you need some assistance let me know, I have some time available as 
I'm not working right now (yep, I'm one of the bazillions of unemployed).


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: adding to the LSR

2009-04-27 Thread Chip

Jonathan Kulp wrote:

Chip wrote:

It normally means your snippet is incompatible with the version of
LilyPond being run on LSR (2.10.12) or needs either `Standalone
snippet' or `Large snippet' ticked.  If you still can't get it
working, please post it here and I'll give it the once over.


Thanks Neil,
I have tried with just plain text in the description and selected 
Standalone and again selected Large and again selected neither of 
those two options, I've tried with html and plain text, with and 
without a code sample in the description, choose a directory or no 
directory, just can't get it to go through.


Chip, just FYI, I figured out why your original code wouldn't compile 
on LSR.  It was the \numericTimeSignature command.  This is a command 
Graham came up with for version number 2.11.43 or somewhere around 
there, IIRC.  LSR runs 2.10.  For numericTimeSignature on 2.10 you 
need this instead:

  \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'()


Thanks for the info.
Just out of curiosity - why isn't the LSR kept up-to-date with the 
latest release? The lastest stable release is 2.12.2 according to the 
lily homepage, yet the LSR Contributing page says it is running 2.10.12 
and at the same time says it always runs the latest stable release.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: adding to the LSR

2009-04-26 Thread Chip

Jonathan Kulp wrote:

Chip wrote:

Thanks Jon,
I got those parameters from a Linus manpage and tested all of them 
and more, and the ones listed below work as expected. There were 
several others that did not work on the Lilypond output. That is why 
I think these should be listed, so someone doesn't try one of the 
others that didn't work, then have to do the troubleshooting testing 
to find out which ones do/don't work. I already did that. Below is 
the list of tested/usable parameters -

Got it.  I didn't realize some of the parameters wouldn't work.  I've 
put your code into the snippet so I guess it's done now.  I'm not sure 
if you can edit it yourself or not.  If you can't, and you decide you 
want something changed, let me know and I'll change it for you.

BTW for future reference you can probably get snippets to work 
yourself if they contain only the minimal code necessary to prove your 
point.  In this case it compiled after I replaced all your music code 
with the old standby:

  \relative c' { c d e f }

Your original file compiled fine on my machine but wouldn't compile on 
the LSR.  Anyway thanks for working on this.  :)


Thanks Jon,
You're right, I can't edit the snippet in the LSR, but that should be fine.
thanks for your help.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: adding to the LSR

2009-04-26 Thread Chip

Kieren MacMillan wrote:

Hi Chip,

One more option is to place the date in the footer, or as it is 
called in Lilypond - the tagline.

This is not accurate: the tagline and the footer are two different 
things. (Check the docs to see what each of them are.)
Please correct the LSR snippet accordingly, so we don't have 
inaccurate information in there.


Thanks for the tip.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: adding to the LSR

2009-04-26 Thread Chip

Jonathan Kulp wrote:

Chip wrote:

Neil Puttock wrote:

2009/4/26 Chip :

Hmm, did run into an apparent error - after I click on the Save 
button I get
a pop-up box that says "No output from Lilypond", did I do 
something wrong?

Probably not. :)

It normally means your snippet is incompatible with the version of
LilyPond being run on LSR (2.10.12) or needs either `Standalone
snippet' or `Large snippet' ticked.  If you still can't get it
working, please post it here and I'll give it the once over.


Thanks Neil,
I have tried with just plain text in the description and selected 
Standalone and again selected Large and again selected neither of 
those two options, I've tried with html and plain text, with and 
without a code sample in the description, choose a directory or no 
directory, just can't get it to go through.


Below is what I am trying to add to the LSR -

Hi Chip,

I've added your snippet to the repo but had to modify it to get it to 
work, since I had the same troubles you had.  I simplified the musical 
part drastically, and that's what finally made it compile.

I also left off all of the stuff about changing the parameters of the 
date format, because it came out as a big jumbled mess.  If you'd like 
to send that part of your description with some html formatting 
commands I'll be happy to add it back in there.  For now I just said 
the format of the date can be changed according to the parameters 
found in the date manpage on Linux/Unix systems.  I did add  
markup to the first three paragraphs of your description but didn't 
have time to do that to all of the lines in the date formatting.

Thanks Jon,
I got those parameters from a Linus manpage and tested all of them and 
more, and the ones listed below work as expected. There were several 
others that did not work on the Lilypond output. That is why I think 
these should be listed, so someone doesn't try one of the others that 
didn't work, then have to do the troubleshooting testing to find out 
which ones do/don't work. I already did that. Below is the list of 
tested/usable parameters -

The format of the date can be changed according to these parameters:

%a - is replaced by the locale's abbreviated weekday name.
%A - is replaced by the locale's full weekday name.
%b - is replaced by the locale's abbreviated month name.
%B - is replaced by the locale's full month name.
%c - is replaced by the locale's appropriate date and time 
%d - is replaced by the day of the month as a decimal number 
%I - is replaced by the hour (12-hour clock) as a decimal number 
%j - is replaced by the day of the year as a decimal number 

%m - is replaced by the month as a decimal number [01,12].
%M - is replaced by the minute as a decimal number [00,59].
%p - is replaced by the locale's equivalent of either a.m. or p.m.
%U - is replaced by the week number of the year (Sunday as the first 
day of the week) as a decimal number [00,53].
%w - is replaced by the weekday as a decimal number [0,6], with 0 
representing Sunday.
%W - is replaced by the week number of the year (Monday as the first 
day of the week) as a decimal number [00,53]. All days in a new year 
preceding the first Monday are considered to be in week 0.

%x - is replaced by the locale's appropriate date representation.
%X - is replaced by the locale's appropriate time representation.
%y - is replaced by the year without century as a decimal number 

%Y - is replaced by the year with century as a decimal number.
%Z - is replaced by the timezone name or abbreviation, or by no 
bytes if no timezone information exists.


You can find the snippet once you're in the database by typing 
"current" in the title field and clicking "enable filter."  The 
snippet is called "adding the current date to a footer or tagline."



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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: adding to the LSR

2009-04-26 Thread Chip

Neil Puttock wrote:

2009/4/26 Chip :


Hmm, did run into an apparent error - after I click on the Save button I get
a pop-up box that says "No output from Lilypond", did I do something wrong?

Probably not. :)

It normally means your snippet is incompatible with the version of
LilyPond being run on LSR (2.10.12) or needs either `Standalone
snippet' or `Large snippet' ticked.  If you still can't get it
working, please post it here and I'll give it the once over.


Thanks Neil,
I have tried with just plain text in the description and selected 
Standalone and again selected Large and again selected neither of those 
two options, I've tried with html and plain text, with and without a 
code sample in the description, choose a directory or no directory, just 
can't get it to go through.


Below is what I am trying to add to the LSR -

*Title:* Adding the date to the tagline (footer)
*Directory:* blank
*Tag 0:* Text
*Tag 1:* Titles
*Tag 2:* Tweaks and Overrides
*Text Type:* Pure Unicode
There are a couple ways to get the current date in your score - using 
scheme and a header that suits you (as found in LSR "Titles Adding the 
current date to a score"), or placing the same scheme code in a 
\markup block.

One more option is to place the date in the footer, or as it is called 
in Lilypond - the tagline. This places the date at the very bottom of 
the page and appears like this -

Engraved on April 26, 2009 with Lilypond 2.12.2 (

The format of the date can be changed according to these parameters:

   is replaced by the locale's abbreviated weekday name.
   is replaced by the locale's full weekday name.
   is replaced by the locale's abbreviated month name.
   is replaced by the locale's full month name.
   is replaced by the locale's appropriate date and time representation. 

   is replaced by the day of the month as a decimal number [01,31].
   is replaced by the hour (12-hour clock) as a decimal number [01,12].
   is replaced by the day of the year as a decimal number [001,366].
   is replaced by the month as a decimal number [01,12].
   is replaced by the minute as a decimal number [00,59].
   is replaced by the locale's equivalent of either a.m. or p.m.
   is replaced by the week number of the year (Sunday as the first day 
of the week) as a decimal number [00,53].

   is replaced by the weekday as a decimal number [0,6], with 0 
representing Sunday.

   is replaced by the week number of the year (Monday as the first day 
of the week) as a decimal number [00,53]. All days in a new year 
preceding the first Monday are considered to be in week 0.

   is replaced by the locale's appropriate date representation.
   is replaced by the locale's appropriate time representation.
   is replaced by the year without century as a decimal number [00,99].
   is replaced by the year with century as a decimal number.
   is replaced by the timezone name or abbreviation, or by no bytes if 
no timezone information exists.
*The Lilypond source code snippet (it must compile!)*: (btw, it does 
compile even without the version 2.12.2 number) -

\include ""

   title = "Title"
   composer = "Composer"
   arranger = "Arranger"
global = { \time 2/4
\paper {

tagline = \markup {
 Engraved on
 \simple #(strftime "%x at %X" (localtime (current-time)))
 with \with-url #"";
 { LilyPond \simple #(lilypond-version) ( }

% -- Trumpet--
trpt = \relative c'' {
a4 b c d
trumpet = {
 \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Trumpet"
 \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"Trpt"
 \clef treble

% -- Alto Sax--
alto = \relative c'' {
a4 b c d
altosax = {
 \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Alto Sax"
 \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"Alto"
 \clef treble

% -- Tenor Sax--
tenor = \relative c'' {
a4 b c d
tenorsax = {
 \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Tenor Sax"
 \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"Tenor"
 \clef treble

\book { \score {
\new Staff = "trpt" \trumpet
\new Staff = "alto" \altosax
\new Staff = "tenor" \tenorsax
} }
\book { \score { << \new Staff = "trumpet" \with { \remove 
Instrument_name_engraver } \trumpet >> \header {piece="Trumpet"} \layout 
{ indent = 0\mm} } }
\book { \score { << \new Staff = "altosax" \with { \remove 
Instrument_name_engraver } \altosax >> \header {piece="Alto Sax"} 
\layout { indent = 0\mm} } }
\book { \score { << \new Staff = "tenorsax" \with { \remove 
Instrument_name_engraver } \tenorsax >> \header {piece="Tenor Sax"} 
\layout { indent = 0\mm} } }

\layout { \context { \Score } }
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: adding to the LSR

2009-04-26 Thread Chip

Neil Puttock wrote:

2009/4/26 Chip :

When I conclude my addition to the LSR, do I click on the Save button or the
OK button? Does it make a difference? I just want to make sure I don't loose
my work, but that it gets properly inserted into the LSR.

The only difference between the two options is that `OK' takes you
back to the main menu, whereas `Save' stays with the snippet.

Hmm, did run into an apparent error - after I click on the Save button I 
get a pop-up box that says "No output from Lilypond", did I do something 

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: adding to the LSR

2009-04-26 Thread Chip

Neil Puttock wrote:

2009/4/26 Chip :

When I conclude my addition to the LSR, do I click on the Save button or the
OK button? Does it make a difference? I just want to make sure I don't loose
my work, but that it gets properly inserted into the LSR.

The only difference between the two options is that `OK' takes you
back to the main menu, whereas `Save' stays with the snippet.


Excellent, thanks, much appreciated.
lilypond-user mailing list

adding to the LSR

2009-04-26 Thread Chip
When I conclude my addition to the LSR, do I click on the Save button or 
the OK button? Does it make a difference? I just want to make sure I 
don't loose my work, but that it gets properly inserted into the LSR.


lilypond-user mailing list

table of contents page numbers are all question marks

2009-04-25 Thread Chip
In using the sample code from NR 3.2.4 Table Of Contents I get all my 
page numbers as question marks. Even the example shows all the page 
numbers are page 1. There is no info on how to get the page numbers to 
increment, or how to manually insert the page numbers. (I did search the 
archives and used google but found no answer.) My code is provided below.



\version "2.12.2"
\header { tagline = ##f }
\paper {
 tocTitleMarkup = \markup \huge \column {
   \fill-line { \null "Song List" \null }
   \hspace #1
 %% use larger font size
 tocItemMarkup = \markup \large \fill-line {
   \fromproperty #'toc:text \fromproperty #'toc:page

\book {
 \markuplines \table-of-contents
 \tocItem \markup { Algun Dia (Rudy Palacios) }
 \tocItem \markup { Carino Nuevo (Royal Jesters) }
 \tocItem \markup { De Que Te Quejas Mi Amor (David Lee Garza) }
 \tocItem \markup { El Reganado (Sunny & the Sunliners) }
 \tocItem \markup { Intro (Street Player) (Chicago) }
 \tocItem \markup { La Que Se Fue (Jimmy Edward) }
 \tocItem \markup { Malos Enganos (Rudy Palacios) }
 \tocItem \markup { Mi Cumbia, Mi Salsa (Ram Herrera) }
 \tocItem \markup { Mi Lupita (Bob Gallarza) }
 \tocItem \markup { Mi Qui Quito Mantecon (Rudy Palacios) }
 \tocItem \markup { Muchachita Color Canela (Ram Herrera) }
 \tocItem \markup { Por Esa Es Calle Vive (Roger Valazquez}
 \tocItem \markup { Que Bien Te Miras (Rudy Palacios) }
 \tocItem \markup { Que Vivan Los Tejanos (Rudy Palacios) }
 \tocItem \markup { Te Regalo El Corazon (Rudy Palacios) }
 \tocItem \markup { Todo Dicen (Jimmy Edward) }
 \tocItem \markup { Vuela La Paloma (Latin Express) }

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: date in footer?

2009-04-24 Thread Chip

Graham Percival wrote:

On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 05:10:11PM -0700, Chip wrote:

I didn't want to print something in the titles, I wanted to
print something in the footer. Am I being nitpicky here? To me
those are two different sections of a page.

\markup is \markup.  Look at the first example on

See all those \markups ?  ... in fact, see the version number in
the output?

... for that matter, did you see the "Note that you may use any
Formatting text, commands in the header." ?  Including a link to
the \markup explanation in NR 1.8 ?!

I still think this is a PEBKAC.
What's a PEBKAC? I've never seen that before. Anyway, I still find it 
hard to relate the footer to titles and headers, it just doesn't make 
sense to me to include it with those. In my way of thinking the footer 
is a separate entity and should be treated as such. Irregardless, in 
this entire thread I found only one example that did what I was looking 
for and I posted that reference long ago. It's not in any of the 
documentation, and that's the problem. I couldn't find the info on 
putting the date in the footer in the docs but did find it in a referred 
to sample code. Why can't such sample be in the docs? It would certainly 
simplify things for us learning lilypond. And maybe we wouldn't ask so 
many questions on a list that is meant for asking questions where we 
just get arguments and references to stuff that really doesn't help 
much. If it weren't for the fact that the other notation apps suck so 
bad I be using one of 'em just to avoid this list. It's nothing but 
negative attitudes here. Rather than helping people right from the 
beginning it's 'look at NRsuch-n-such' or 'look at LMsuch-n-such'. Fine, 
give us the reference, but also give us some real help and examples 
because that is what's sorely missing from the docs. As far as I'm 
concerned this is the end of this thread, reply if you want, but I am 
finished with it.


- Graham

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: date in footer?

2009-04-23 Thread Chip

Graham Percival wrote:

On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 01:50:04PM +0200, Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote:

Op donderdag 23-04-2009 om 19:45 uur [tijdzone +0800], schreef Graham

Maybe this should be added to the docs somewhere?

Maybe you should learn to read the docs?  It's already in there.

I did, see my original post.

As Chip didn't find it: Maybe someone should fix the docs?

I did find it, see my original post.

1.  Hmm, I want to do something special.  I'd better look in the

2.  Hmm, I want to print something special in the titles (i.e. the
date and version number).  I'd better look in Titles.

I didn't want to print something in the titles, I wanted to print 
something in the footer. Am I being nitpicky here? To me those are two 
different sections of a page.

3.  Great gallumphing gargantum giraffes!  The VERY FIRST MAOING
ITEM is "adding the current date to a score".  Well, clearly those
lilypond documentation people are utterly incompetent.

Not wanting to start a fight, but I did mention in my original post that 
I did find that code and it doesn't do what I was asking for. That puts 
the date in a text block, my request was for it to be in the footer. 
Putting the date in a text block puts it directly below and to the left 
edge of the last staff and looks ugly there. And I'm sure there is a way 
to move that text block anywhere one wants it, but putting it in the 
footer makes the most sense. To me anyway (and at least one other person 
who replied as well).


I will admit that "outputting the version number" appears in the
Text list, rather than the titles.  In fact, both snippets should
appear in both Text and Titles, but currently they're only in one
list.  "Somebody" should fix this.

Now, remember all those times I asked for volunteers for LSR, and
all those times that you all said "yeah, it would be nice if
somebody did that", and deleted those emails?  Yeah, that's what
I'm talking about.

The current person responsible for LSR also happens to be the most
active patch-reviewer.  Do you *really* want me to ask him to stop
working on patches (i.e. new features, bug fixes, etc) and waste
his time playing web-2.0 games that anybody with TWO BLOODY WEEKS

As I was saying yesterday, anything can be done if there's enough
interest.  The readers of lilypond-user have spoken (by not
volunteering for this job) -- there is not sufficient interest in
having better-organized snippets.

Frankly, organizing snippets is one of the easiest, most fun ways
to get involved.  That was actually my first job in this project,
and I'm utterly flabbergasted (and royally pissed) that nobody is
interested in doing it.

- Graham

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: date in footer?

2009-04-22 Thread Chip

Thanks for the link, I got this bit of code from his work -
tagline = \markup {
 Engraved on
 \simple #(strftime "%b %d, %Y" (localtime (current-time)))
 with \with-url #"";
 { LilyPond \simple #(lilypond-version) ( }
Which results in a tagline that looks like this -

Engraved on Apr 22, 2009 with Lilypond 2.12.2 (

Maybe this should be added to the docs somewhere?

Nick Payne wrote:

Have a look at the engraving of Reubke's organ sonata done by Wilbert
Berendsen. It does exactly what you are asking for.




-Original Message-
[] On
Behalf Of Chip
Sent: Thursday, 23 April 2009 07:26
To: lilypond
Subject: date in footer?

I found the part in the snippets for adding a /text block with the date
in it, but can I add the date to the existing footer? So it shows the
Lilypond info/website and also the date? Wouldn't a simple addition of
some code to the .ly file that handles that footer do the trick? If so,
what would said code be?

lilypond-user mailing list
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lilypond-user mailing list

date in footer?

2009-04-22 Thread Chip
I found the part in the snippets for adding a /text block with the date 
in it, but can I add the date to the existing footer? So it shows the 
Lilypond info/website and also the date? Wouldn't a simple addition of 
some code to the .ly file that handles that footer do the trick? If so, 
what would said code be?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: I don't remember how to do this ...

2009-04-10 Thread Chip

Thanks Carl,
That's what I needed. Has this been simplified in the last year or two? 
Seems I recall there was a need to use two /transposes in the past.


Carl D. Sorensen wrote:

On 4/10/09 9:28 AM, "Chip"  wrote:


I have two trombone parts written in concert key - F Maj - and just
realized that the notes are one step too high. I don't recall how to
transpose a part without changing the key signature. If I recall
correctly it involved two /transposes, is that right? Can someone help
me? Here's how I lay out my code -

It's quite simple.  Just keep the transpose command after the key signature.

I'd suggest that you replace << \tboneb>> with

\transpose d c \tboneb

(You don't need the << >>, because you aren't setting parallel music, and I
think it's best not to have it, as it's not needed).



% -- Trombone 1--
tbonea = { all the notes of the piece }
trombonea = \relative c {
  \key f \major
  \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Trombone 1"
  \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"Tbn 1"
  \clef bass
  << \tbonea >>

% -- Trombone 2--
tboneb= { all the notes of the piece }
tromboneb = \relative c {
  \key f \major
  \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Trombone 2"
  \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"Tbn 2"
  \clef bass
  << \tboneb >>



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lilypond-user mailing list

I don't remember how to do this ...

2009-04-10 Thread Chip
I have two trombone parts written in concert key - F Maj - and just 
realized that the notes are one step too high. I don't recall how to 
transpose a part without changing the key signature. If I recall 
correctly it involved two /transposes, is that right? Can someone help 
me? Here's how I lay out my code -

% -- Trombone 1--
tbonea = { all the notes of the piece }
trombonea = \relative c {
 \key f \major
 \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Trombone 1"
 \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"Tbn 1"
 \clef bass
 << \tbonea >>

% -- Trombone 2--
tboneb= { all the notes of the piece }
tromboneb = \relative c {
 \key f \major
 \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Trombone 2"
 \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"Tbn 2"
 \clef bass
 << \tboneb >>


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: is this markup no longer applicable?

2009-04-04 Thread Chip
Got it working, the order of the whole thing was wrong. Here's how it 
should be -

R2*31 \bar "||"
\once \override Voice.MultiMeasureRestText #'extra-offset = #'(-7 . 1) 

Leave out the \property, move \override before the Voice. Now I have the 
Fine centered over the double bar.

Thanks for the tips.

Kieren MacMillan wrote:


The word Fine just stays put over the rest, no matter what numbers I 
put in there.

I think you're looking for MultiMeasureRestText, not TextScript.


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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: is this markup no longer applicable?

2009-04-04 Thread Chip

Kieren MacMillan wrote:


The word Fine just stays put over the rest, no matter what numbers I 
put in there.

I think you're looking for MultiMeasureRestText, not TextScript.

Thanks for the reply. Doesn't matter what I put in there - when I run it 
I get an error that it doesn't like '\property'

G:/Lilypond Files/ error: unknown escaped string: 

 \property Voice.TextScript \override #'extra-offset = #'(2 . -5) 

Same error if I replace TextScript with MultiMeasureRestText.

(I've done this before, maybe a year or more back, um, no, it's been 
even longer than that, but don't have those files anymore to refer to.)


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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: is this markup no longer applicable?

2009-04-04 Thread Chip

Nick Payne wrote:

You can use tweak:

R2-\tweak #'extra-offset #'(2 . 0)^\markup { Fine }

Thanks for the suggestion, unfortunately it is not working. The word 
Fine just stays put over the rest, no matter what numbers I put in there.


-Original Message-
[] On
Behalf Of Chip
Sent: Sunday, 5 April 2009 09:32
To: lilypond
Subject: is this markup no longer applicable?

I am trying to move 'Fine' just a bit to the left and am using this
markup -

\once \property Voice.TextScript \override #'extra-offset = #'(2 . -5)

What I want is the 'Fine' over the double bar -

R2*31 \bar "||"
\once \property Voice.TextScript \override #'extra-offset = #'(2 . -5)

but it throughs up an error. Is it no longer supported? (I'm sure I've
missed the relevant section in the docs, as usual).


lilypond-user mailing list
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lilypond-user mailing list

is this markup no longer applicable?

2009-04-04 Thread Chip

I am trying to move 'Fine' just a bit to the left and am using this markup -

\once \property Voice.TextScript \override #'extra-offset = #'(2 . -5)

What I want is the 'Fine' over the double bar -

R2*31 \bar "||"
\once \property Voice.TextScript \override #'extra-offset = #'(2 . -5)

but it throughs up an error. Is it no longer supported? (I'm sure I've 
missed the relevant section in the docs, as usual).


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: whole rest in 5/4 bar?

2009-03-12 Thread Chip

Kieren MacMillan wrote:
How do I designate a whole rest in a 5/4 measure? I am getting 
barcheck failures with R1 and also with R1 r4

I'm sure it's something simple I'm missing here.


Thanks, I expected it would be something simple.


lilypond-user mailing list

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lilypond-user mailing list

whole rest in 5/4 bar?

2009-03-12 Thread Chip
How do I designate a whole rest in a 5/4 measure? I am getting barcheck 
failures with R1 and also with R1 r4

I'm sure it's something simple I'm missing here.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: glissando up from no note to a note

2009-03-10 Thread Chip
Thanks for the suggestions, I was sent the following code which does the 
job beautifully -

r2*1/2 \hideNotes d8\glissando \unHideNotes a'8 fs d b
Seems a bit overly complicated for adding something so simple don't ya 
think? I'll have to look for some info in the docs on the time 
distortion, I haven't come across it previously. Sounds like something 
from a sci-fi movie. ;)


Mats Bengtsson wrote:
Why not use an invisible grace note to start the glissando? Then, 
there's no need to fiddle with the timing:

\transpose c c'{
\grace{ \hideNotes g,8\glissando \unHideNotes} c'4  c'4 c'4 r4 |
\grace{\hideNotes c''8\glissando \unHideNotes} c'4  c'4 c'4 r4 |
a1\fermata \grace{\hideNotes d'4\glissando \unHideNotes }|
ees8->[ c8]-> r4 r2 |

Well, to answer my own question, the hidden grace note will be so 
close to the following note, that the resulting glissando might look 
too short. One possible workaround is to include more hidden notes (or 
spacer notes) in the \grace{...}:

\grace{ \hideNotes g,8\glissando s s \unHideNotes} c'4  c'4 c'4 r4 |


Robin Bannister wrote:

Chip wrote:

it just resulted in messed up measures

A judicious use of time distortion may help you here.

\transpose c c'{
 \hideNotes g,32\glissando \unHideNotes c'4*7/8  c'4 c'4 r4 |
 \hideNotes c''32\glissando \unHideNotes c'4*7/8  c'4 c'4 r4 |
 a1*3/4\fermata \hideNotes d'4\glissando \unHideNotes |
 ees8->[ c8]-> r4 r2 |

And then patiently adjust padding and minimum-length ...


lilypond-user mailing list

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Version: 8.5.278 / Virus Database: 270.11.9/1992 - Release Date: 03/09/09 19:20:00


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: glissando up from no note to a note

2009-03-09 Thread Chip

Robin Bannister wrote:

Chip wrote:

it just resulted in messed up measures

A judicious use of time distortion may help you here.

\transpose c c'{
 \hideNotes g,32\glissando \unHideNotes c'4*7/8  c'4 c'4 r4 |
 \hideNotes c''32\glissando \unHideNotes c'4*7/8  c'4 c'4 r4 |
 a1*3/4\fermata \hideNotes d'4\glissando \unHideNotes |
 ees8->[ c8]-> r4 r2 |

It appears the problem I am having has to do with the durations of the 
notes - your example uses quarter notes, I am using eighth notes. The 
7/8 fraction doesn't work, and I don't know how you came up with that 
fraction. Here is my error -

G:/Lilypond Files/Te Regalo el warning: barcheck failed 
at: 31/32



And then patiently adjust padding and minimum-length ...


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Checked by AVG - 
Version: 8.5.278 / Virus Database: 270.11.9/1991 - Release Date: 03/09/09 07:14:00


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: glissando up from no note to a note

2009-03-09 Thread Chip
And this is relevant to the subject? How? Any suggestions on fixing the 
real problem I'm having with the glissando?


Here is the fixed version, without the irrelevant <<>> -
% LilyPond
\include ""
\version "2.12.1"
   title = "Te Regalo el Corazon"
   composer = "As Recorded By: Rudy Palacios"
   arranger = "Transcribed by: Chip Wiegand"
global = { \time 4/4
 #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end 1 8 * *) 1 4 'Staff)
 #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end 1 8 * *) 2 4 'Staff)
 #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end 1 8 * *) 3 4 'Staff)
 %\override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = #'#(#t #t #t)
 %\override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = #end-of-line-invisible
 %\override Score.BarNumber #'self-alignment-X = #-1
 \override Glissando #'thickness = #3
 \override Glissando #'style = #'zigzag
 \override Glissando #'minimum-length = #6
 \override Glissando #'springs-and-rods = #ly:spanner::set-spacing-rods
 \override MultiMeasureRest #'expand-limit = 1
 \set Score.skipBars = ##t

\paper {
top-margin = 0.1\cm
page-top-space = 0.1\cm
ragged-bottom = ##t
left-margin = 20\mm
line-width = 175\mm

% -- Trumpet 1--
trpta = {
r2 r8 d d b
e d c-. b16 a-. r8 c c c
d c b8.-. a16 gs2
r2 r8 d' d b
e d c-. b16 a-. r8 c c c
d c b8.-. a16 gs2
r8 b d-. fs~ fs d b g
c16 c r c r c d8~ d2 \bar "||"
r2 a'8 fs d b
c2 r8 e~ e4
r2 r8 gs~ gs4
r2 r8 d d b
e d c-. b16 a-. r8 c c c
d c b8.-. a16 gs2
r2 r8 d' d d
e d c-. b16 a-. r8 c c c
d c b8.-. a16 gs2
r8 b d-. fs~ fs d b g
c16 c r c r c d8~ d2 \bar "||"
r2 a'8 fs d b
c2 r8 e~ e4
r2 r8 gs~ gs4
r2 r8 gs~ gs4
r8 b, d-. fs~ fs d b g
c16 c r c r c d8~ d4 d16 e f fs
g8 \bar "|."
trumpeta = \relative c'' {
 \key g \major
 \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Trumpet 1"
 \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"Trpt 1"
 \clef treble
 << \trpta >>

% -- Trumpet 2--
trptb = {
r2 r8 b b g
e' d c-. b16 a-. r8 a a a
d c b8.-. a16 gs2
r2 r8 b b g
e' d c-. b16 a-. r8 a a a
d c b8.-. a16 gs2
r8 b d-. fs~ fs d b g
g16 g r g r g a8~ a2 \bar "||"
trumpetb = \relative c'' {
 \key g \major
 \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Trumpet 2"
 \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"Trpt 2"
 \clef treble
 << \trptb >>

% -- Alto Sax 1 --
altoa = {
r2 r8 gs' gs e
e d c-. b16 a-. r8 e' e e
d c b8.-. a16 gs2
r2 r8 gs' gs e
e d c-. b16 a-. r8 e' e e
d c b8.-. a16 gs2
r8 b d-. fs~ fs d b g
e'16 e r e r e fs8~ fs2 \bar "||"
altosaxa = \relative c'' {
 \key d \major
 \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Alto Sax"
 \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"Alto"
 \clef treble
 << \altoa >>

% -- Alto Sax 2 -
altob = {
% Notes here -
a b c d
altosaxb = \transpose c a \relative c'' {
 \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Alto Sax 2"
 \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"Alto 2"
 \clef treble
 << \altob >>
% -- Tenor--
tenor = {
r2 r8 d d b
e d c-. b16 a-. r8 c c c
d c b8.-. a16 gs2
r2 r8 d' d b
e d c-. b16 a-. r8 c c c
d c b8.-. a16 gs2
r8 b d-. fs~ fs d b g
c16 c r c r c d8~ d2 \bar "||"
tenorsax = \relative c'' {
 \key g \major
 \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Tenor Sax"
 \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"Tnr Sax"
 \clef treble
 << \tenor >>

% -- Bari--
bari = {
r2 r8 b b g
e' d c-. b16 a-. r8 a a a
d c b8.-. a16 gs2
r2 r8 b b g
e' d c-. b16 a-. r8 a a a
d c b8.-. a16 gs2
r8 b d-. fs~ fs d b g
g16 g r g r g a8~ a2 \bar "||"
barisax = \relative c''{
 \key d \major
 \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Bari Sax"
 \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"Btn Sax"
 \clef treble
 << \bari >>

% -- Trombone 1--
tbonea = {
r2 r8 d d b
e d c-. b16 a-. r8 c c c
d c b8.-. a16 gs2
r2 r8 d' d b
e d c-. b16 a-. r8 c c c
d c b8.-. a16 gs2
r8 b d-. fs~ fs d b g
c16 c r c r c d8~ d2 \bar "||"
trombonea = \relative c {
 \key f \major
 \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Trombone 1"
 \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"Tbn 1"
 \clef bass
 << \tbonea >>

% -- Trombone 2--
tboneb= {
r2 r8 gs' gs e
e d c-. b16 a-. r8 e' e e
d c b8.-. a16 gs2
r2 r8 gs' gs e
e d c-. b16 a-. r8 e' e e
d c b8.-. a16 gs2
r8 b d-. fs~ fs d b g
e16 e r e r e fs8~ fs2 \bar "||"
tromboneb = \relati

Re: glissando up from no note to a note

2009-03-09 Thread Chip

Robin Bannister wrote:

Chip wrote:

it just resulted in messed up measures

A judicious use of time distortion may help you here.

\transpose c c'{
 \hideNotes g,32\glissando \unHideNotes c'4*7/8  c'4 c'4 r4 |
 \hideNotes c''32\glissando \unHideNotes c'4*7/8  c'4 c'4 r4 |
 a1*3/4\fermata \hideNotes d'4\glissando \unHideNotes |
 ees8->[ c8]-> r4 r2 |

And then patiently adjust padding and minimum-length ...

Been experimenting with the code found in the snippets library and seems 
that where ever I put the \cadenzaOff I get different, incorrect 
results. Sometimes the first eight note turns into a quarter note, 
sometimes it's an eight note, but always the measure and the one that 
follows are all one measure. I've pasted the code to the work in 
progress below.

% LilyPond
\include ""
\version "2.12.1"
   title = "Te Regalo el Corazon"
   composer = "As Recorded By: Rudy Palacios"
   arranger = "Transcribed by: Chip Wiegand"
global = { \time 4/4
 #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end 1 8 * *) 1 4 'Staff)
 #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end 1 8 * *) 2 4 'Staff)
 #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end 1 8 * *) 3 4 'Staff)
 %\override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = #'#(#t #t #t)
 %\override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = #end-of-line-invisible
 %\override Score.BarNumber #'self-alignment-X = #-1
 \override Glissando #'thickness = #3
 \override Glissando #'style = #'zigzag
 \override Glissando #'minimum-length = #6
 \override Glissando #'springs-and-rods = #ly:spanner::set-spacing-rods
 \override MultiMeasureRest #'expand-limit = 1
 \set Score.skipBars = ##t
\paper {
top-margin = 0.1\cm
page-top-space = 0.1\cm
ragged-bottom = ##t
left-margin = 20\mm
line-width = 175\mm

% -- Trumpet 1--
trpta = {
r2 r8 d d b
e d c-. b16 a-. r8 c c c
d c b8.-. a16 gs2
r2 r8 d' d b
e d c-. b16 a-. r8 c c c
d c b8.-. a16 gs2
r8 b d-. fs~ fs d b g
c16 c r c r c d8~ d2 \bar "||"
r2 \cadenzaOn \hideNotes a8\glissando \unHideNotes a'8 fs d b\cadenzaOff
c2 r8 e~ e4
r2 r8 gs~ gs4
r2 r8 d d b
e d c-. b16 a-. r8 c c c
d c b8.-. a16 gs2
r2 r8 d' d d
e d c-. b16 a-. r8 c c c
d c b8.-. a16 gs2
r8 b d-. fs~ fs d b g
c16 c r c r c d8~ d2 \bar "||"
r2 a'8 fs d b
c2 r8 e~ e4
r2 r8 gs~ gs4
r2 r8 gs~ gs4
r8 b, d-. fs~ fs d b g
c16 c r c r c d8~ d4 d16 e f fs
g8 \bar "|."
trumpeta = \relative c'' {
 \key g \major
 \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Trumpet 1"
 \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"Trpt 1"
 \clef treble
 << \trpta >>

% -- Trumpet 2--
trptb = {
r2 r8 b b g
e' d c-. b16 a-. r8 a a a
d c b8.-. a16 gs2
r2 r8 b b g
e' d c-. b16 a-. r8 a a a
d c b8.-. a16 gs2
r8 b d-. fs~ fs d b g
g16 g r g r g a8~ a2 \bar "||"
trumpetb = \relative c'' {
 \key g \major
 \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Trumpet 2"
 \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"Trpt 2"
 \clef treble
 << \trptb >>

% -- Alto Sax 1 --
altoa = {
r2 r8 gs' gs e
e d c-. b16 a-. r8 e' e e
d c b8.-. a16 gs2
r2 r8 gs' gs e
e d c-. b16 a-. r8 e' e e
d c b8.-. a16 gs2
r8 b d-. fs~ fs d b g
e'16 e r e r e fs8~ fs2 \bar "||"
altosaxa = \relative c'' {
 \key d \major
 \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Alto Sax"
 \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"Alto"
 \clef treble
 << \altoa >>

% -- Alto Sax 2 -
altob = {
% Notes here -
a b c d
altosaxb = \transpose c a \relative c'' {
 \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Alto Sax 2"
 \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"Alto 2"
 \clef treble
 << \altob >>
% -- Tenor--
tenor = {
r2 r8 d d b
e d c-. b16 a-. r8 c c c
d c b8.-. a16 gs2
r2 r8 d' d b
e d c-. b16 a-. r8 c c c
d c b8.-. a16 gs2
r8 b d-. fs~ fs d b g
c16 c r c r c d8~ d2 \bar "||"
tenorsax = \relative c'' {
 \key g \major
 \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Tenor Sax"
 \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"Tnr Sax"
 \clef treble
 << \tenor >>

% -- Bari--
bari = {
r2 r8 b b g
e' d c-. b16 a-. r8 a a a
d c b8.-. a16 gs2
r2 r8 b b g
e' d c-. b16 a-. r8 a a a
d c b8.-. a16 gs2
r8 b d-. fs~ fs d b g
g16 g r g r g a8~ a2 \bar "||"
barisax = \relative c''{
 \key d \major
 \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Bari Sax"
 \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"Btn Sax"
 \clef treble
 << \bari &

glissando up from no note to a note

2009-03-09 Thread Chip
I want to make a glissando go up from no note to a note. I tried using a 
spacer note, it didn't work. I tried using hideNote and unHideNote 
(basically reversed the sample in the snippets list) but it just 
resulted in messed up measures. There is no example in the documentation 
on how to do this.

Any suggestions?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: NR one big page is messed up

2009-02-26 Thread Chip

Tim McNamara wrote:

On Feb 25, 2009, at 10:50 PM, Chip wrote:

The most recent attempt to load the web page docs - - 
throws up this error message -

Content Encoding Error
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an 
invalid or unsupported form of compression.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an 
invalid or unsupported form of compression.

* Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.

Strange.  It loads fine for me and it has loaded fine for the other 
posters to this thread.

I am using Camino (based on Mozilla) and Safari 3.2.1 on Mac OS X 
10.4.11.  Could there be a problem with your computer or your 
connection to the Internet (e.g., a proxy server, overzealous firewall 
or other security software, etc.)?
After many many forced refreshes it appears Ad-Watch Live! (part of 
Adaware) is the problem, but not everytime, now that I've forced refresh 
many times.


lilypond-user mailing list

__ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus 
signature database 3890 (20090226) __

The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: NR one big page is messed up

2009-02-25 Thread Chip
The most recent attempt to load the web page docs - - 
throws up this error message -

Content Encoding Error
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an 
invalid or unsupported form of compression.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an 
invalid or unsupported form of compression.

* Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.


Patrick McCarty wrote:

On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 08:37:22PM -0700, Chip wrote:

Doesn't load correctly, sometimes not at all.

also does not load correctly.

These two pages load correctly for me.  Have you tried deleting your
browser's history and cache, or doing a forced refresh?


__ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature 
database 3890 (20090226) __

The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: NR one big page is messed up

2009-02-25 Thread Chip

Chip wrote:

Patrick McCarty wrote:

On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 08:37:22PM -0700, Chip wrote:

Doesn't load correctly, sometimes not at all.

also does not load correctly.

These two pages load correctly for me.  Have you tried deleting your
browser's history and cache, or doing a forced refresh?

Nope, a forced refresh doesn't do it, neither does using a browser 
that I've never used for visiting the lily web site - IE. In fact, it 
won't load the pages at all, throwing up an error like this -

  Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage


  Most likely causes:

* You are not connected to the Internet.
* The website is encountering problems.
* There might be a typing error in the address.

What you can try:

Diagnose Connection Problems <#>

<#>   More information

In firefox some of the docs load okay, others don't, they load 
partially, then suddenly blow up. Clearing browser history didn't fix 
anything either.

I'm downloading the docs .tar file right now.

I've downloaded the docs twice now and get this both times -
!   C:\Documents and Settings\Chip\Local 
Settings\Temp\lilypond-2.12.2-1.documentation.tar.bz2-1.tar: CRC failed 
in C:\Documents and Settings\Chip\Local 
Settings\Temp\lilypond-2.12.2-1.documentation.tar.bz2-1.tar. The file is 

Don't know what to do next to view the docs.

__ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature 
database 3890 (20090226) __

The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.



__ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus 
signature database 3890 (20090226) __

The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: NR one big page is messed up

2009-02-25 Thread Chip

Patrick McCarty wrote:

On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 08:37:22PM -0700, Chip wrote:

Doesn't load correctly, sometimes not at all.

also does not load correctly.

These two pages load correctly for me.  Have you tried deleting your
browser's history and cache, or doing a forced refresh?

Nope, a forced refresh doesn't do it, neither does using a browser that 
I've never used for visiting the lily web site - IE. In fact, it won't 
load the pages at all, throwing up an error like this -

 Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage

 Most likely causes:

   * You are not connected to the Internet.
   * The website is encountering problems.
   * There might be a typing error in the address.

   What you can try:

Diagnose Connection Problems <#>

   <#>More information 

In firefox some of the docs load okay, others don't, they load 
partially, then suddenly blow up. Clearing browser history didn't fix 
anything either.

I'm downloading the docs .tar file right now.

__ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature 
database 3890 (20090226) __

The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: 6/8 time triplets problem

2009-02-25 Thread Chip

Jonathan Kulp wrote:

Chip wrote:
In 6/8 time, as mentioned in the subject so no inferring necessary, I 
want triplet quarter notes, 3 quarters over 2 counts, per bar. A 
total of 6 quarter notes, triplets, in two bars. What is wrong with 
coding it the way I have it?

In 6/8 time if you have three quarters they fit perfectly in the bar 
without making them triplets. Just put the quarter notes in there 
three to a bar and you're done. If you put three quarters in the space 
of two using a triplet, then you still lack one quarter-note value to 
fill up the bar.

You're right. I am notating a handwritten transcription and that is how 
the arranger wrote out his notes. I should've thought of that, guess the 
arranger should've as well.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: 6/8 time triplets problem

2009-02-25 Thread Chip
In 6/8 time, as mentioned in the subject so no inferring necessary, I 
want triplet quarter notes, 3 quarters over 2 counts, per bar. A total 
of 6 quarter notes, triplets, in two bars. What is wrong with coding it 
the way I have it?


Kieren MacMillan wrote:

Hi Chip,

In the following code the triplets do not work properly

1. If you are going to post code, post everything needed to make it 
compile correctly --- in this case, you omitted the time signature 
(6/8, I'm inferring) and the \include "".

there are two measures of quarter note triplets followed by
a dotted half note - they all end up in one measure together.

That's because Lilypond is doing exactly what you've asked it to do, 
in light of the \times 2/3 command.

What are you hoping to see in those bars?


__ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus 
signature database 3890 (20090226) __

The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

lilypond-user mailing list

NR one big page is messed up

2009-02-25 Thread Chip

Doesn't load correctly, sometimes not at all.

also does not load correctly.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: 6/8 time triplets problem

2009-02-25 Thread Chip
In 6/8 time, as mentioned in the subject so no inferring necessary, I 
want triplet quarter notes, 3 quarters over 2 counts, per bar. A total 
of 6 quarter notes, triplets, in two bars. What is wrong with coding it 
the way I have it?


Kieren MacMillan wrote:

Hi Chip,

In the following code the triplets do not work properly

1. If you are going to post code, post everything needed to make it 
compile correctly — in this case, you omitted the time signature (6/8, 
I'm inferring) and the \include "".

there are two measures of quarter note triplets followed by
a dotted half note - they all end up in one measure together.

That's because Lilypond is doing exactly what you've asked it to do, 
in light of the \times 2/3 command.

What are you hoping to see in those bars?


__ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus 
signature database 3890 (20090226) __

The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

lilypond-user mailing list

6/8 time triplets problem

2009-02-25 Thread Chip
In the following code the triplets do not work properly - there are two 
measures of quarter note triplets followed  by a dotted half note - they 
all end up in one measure together.

\partial 8*1 e8-.
e4 d8 c4 d8
e4 e8-. r r e
e4 d8 c4 d8
e4 e8 r r fs
g4 fs8 g4 e8
d2 d8 e
\times 2/3 {f4 fs b}
\times 2/3 {d4 c b}
g2.\fermata \bar "||"
e,2 e8 g
r4 r c8 d
e4 d c8 b
g4. a
b c
e,2 d8 g
r4 r4 r8 fs,
b2 c8 d
d4. c4 d8
r4 r b8 d
fs4 d8~ d[ b g] \bar "||" \key af \major
ef'4 ef8 ef4 ef8
ef8 r r4 r
r4 r r8 c
df4 df8 bf4 af8
bf4 bf8 r bf c
df4 c8 bf4 af8
bf4 r8 ef[ g bf]
c4 c bf8 af
af4. r8 r g \bar "||" \key g \major
e2 fs8 g
e,2 e8 g
r4 r c8 d
e4 d c8 b
g4. a4.
b4. c4.
e,2 d8 g
r4 r4 r8 fs,
b2 c8 d
d4. c4 d8
r4 r b8 c
d4 d d8 c
b4. c4.
d4. f4.
r4 r b8 d
a4 f d8 bf
ef2 bf8 ef
g4. bf4.
a2.\fermata \bar "|."

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: why does this simple notation fail a barcheck?

2009-02-24 Thread Chip

Gilles Sadowski wrote:

trpta = {
\partial 8*1 e8-. |
e4 d8 c4 d8 |
e4 e8-. r r e |
e4 d8 c4 d8 |
e4 e8 r r fs |
g4 fs8 g4 e8 |
d2 d8 e |
\times 2/3 {f4 fs b} |
\times 2/3 {d c b} |
g2.\fermata \bar "||" |

There errors are this -

Interpreting music... [8]
F:/Lilypond Files/Score warning: barcheck failed at: 1/2
\times 2/3 {f4 fs b}

Probably because this bar contains the value of a half-note (or 2 quarter
notes) while a complete bar is a dotted half-note (or 3 quarter notes or 2
dotted quarter notes or ...).

\times 2/3 {f4 fs b}

looks like 3 quarter notes to me.


lilypond-user mailing list


lilypond-user mailing list

why does this simple notation fail a barcheck?

2009-02-24 Thread Chip

trpta = {
\partial 8*1 e8-. |
e4 d8 c4 d8 |
e4 e8-. r r e |
e4 d8 c4 d8 |
e4 e8 r r fs |
g4 fs8 g4 e8 |
d2 d8 e |
\times 2/3 {f4 fs b} |
\times 2/3 {d c b} |
g2.\fermata \bar "||" |

There errors are this -

Interpreting music... [8]
F:/Lilypond Files/Score warning: barcheck failed at: 1/2
\times 2/3 {f4 fs b}
F:/Lilypond Files/Score warning: barcheck failed at: 1/4
\times 2/3 {d c b}
Preprocessing graphical objects...

The piece is in 6/8 time.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: lilypondtool toolbar in jedit and can't find file error

2009-02-20 Thread Chip

Chip wrote:
Just installed the latest devel version of jedit (4.3pre16), got 
lilypondtool (2.12r2) and other plugins installed. The toolbar for 
lilypondtool shows 'null' when I curser over each icon. Any fix for this?

Also, when I try to run lilypond on a file from within jedit I get 
this error -

Nevermind, I reinstalled lilypond and now everything is working fine.

1:27:50 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [notice] String: running command 
%lilypond %args "F:\Lilypond Files\Algun Dia -"

1:27:50 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [notice] AWT-EventQueue-0: '%args'
1:27:50 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [notice] AWT-EventQueue-0: 'F:\Lilypond 
Files\Algun Dia -'
1:27:50 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [notice] AWT-EventQueue-0: command: 
lilypond [Ljava.lang.String;@6d70fc
1:27:50 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [error] AWT-EventQueue-0: Cannot run program "c:\Program 
Files\LilyPond\usr\bin\lilypond" (in directory "F:\Lilypond Files"): 
CreateProcess error=3, The system cannot find the path specified

It claims it can't find the file that it is editing?


lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

lilypondtool toolbar in jedit and can't find file error

2009-02-20 Thread Chip
Just installed the latest devel version of jedit (4.3pre16), got 
lilypondtool (2.12r2) and other plugins installed. The toolbar for 
lilypondtool shows 'null' when I curser over each icon. Any fix for this?

Also, when I try to run lilypond on a file from within jedit I get this 
error -

1:27:50 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [notice] String: running command %lilypond 
%args "F:\Lilypond Files\Algun Dia -"

1:27:50 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [notice] AWT-EventQueue-0: '%args'
1:27:50 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [notice] AWT-EventQueue-0: 'F:\Lilypond 
Files\Algun Dia -'
1:27:50 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [notice] AWT-EventQueue-0: command: 
lilypond [Ljava.lang.String;@6d70fc
1:27:50 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [error] AWT-EventQueue-0: Cannot run program "c:\Program 
Files\LilyPond\usr\bin\lilypond" (in directory "F:\Lilypond Files"): 
CreateProcess error=3, The system cannot find the path specified

It claims it can't find the file that it is editing?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: LilyPondTool; jEdit plugin options

2009-02-18 Thread chip

Bertalan Fodor (LilyPondTool) wrote:

Yes, it is.
I think it is because of localization. I hate jEdit.
I'm also having problems with the latest jedit version. What do you use 
in place of it? What has the integration with a pdf viewer like jedit?


Thomas Scharkowski wrote:

Hello all,

I have just noticed that some descriptions e.g. for the checkboxes 
and the path fields are not shown here (any more?) in jEdits Plugin 
Options > LilyPondTool windows.



Enable LilyTool bar (missing)
Which lilypond to use (present)
Path field descriptions (e.g. external PDF viewer) are all missing
Descriptions for the following checkboxes and logging level - present



All descriptions missing!

Isn't this strange?

Thank you,

Windows XP SP3
jEdit 4.3pre16
LilyPondTool 2.12-r2 

lilypond-user mailing list


lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: decrescendo ends too early

2009-02-17 Thread chip
Disregard, I found the override Hairpin property and it's working as it 
should now.


No one have replied to my other thread about a error in jedit/lilytool.

chip wrote:

I have a decrescendo coded like this, in 2/4 time, 2 measures -


problem is the decrescendo ends at the end of the first measure, not 
the end of the second measure as it appears it should. What do I do to 
get the decrescendo to end at the end of the second measure?


lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

decrescendo ends too early

2009-02-17 Thread chip

I have a decrescendo coded like this, in 2/4 time, 2 measures -


problem is the decrescendo ends at the end of the first measure, not the 
end of the second measure as it appears it should. What do I do to get 
the decrescendo to end at the end of the second measure?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: reinstalled lily on reinstalled xp, now get path error message

2009-02-16 Thread chip

chip wrote:

Error message -

"Error running external command.
See the activity log about the problem.
Cannot run program "c:\Program Files\LilyPond\user\bin\lilypond" (in 
directory "D:\Lilypond Files"): CreateProcess error=3, The system 
cannot find the path specified."

Just an additional note: The problem only occurs within 
Jedit/LilypondTool. I can double-click on the .ly file name in explorer 
and it will run in the interpretor and create the .pdf. It's just much 
more convenient to run it from within Jedit like it should work.
Below is all the stuff from the activity log after pressing the run 
lilypond button -

4:45:13 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [debug] EditBus: 
4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [notice] String: working directory: 
D:\Lilypond Files\
4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [debug] EditBus: 

4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [notice] String: running command 
%lilypond %args "D:\Lilypond Files\Que Vivan Los"

4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [notice] AWT-EventQueue-0: '%args'
4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [notice] AWT-EventQueue-0: 'D:\Lilypond 
Files\Que Vivan Los'
4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [notice] AWT-EventQueue-0: command: 
lilypond [Ljava.lang.String;@c0bc3a
4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [error] AWT-EventQueue-0: Cannot run program "c:\Program 
Files\LilyPond\usr\bin\lilypond" (in directory "D:\Lilypond Files"): 
CreateProcess error=3, The system cannot find the path specified
4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [error] AWT-EventQueue-0:  at 
java.lang.ProcessBuilder.start(Unknown Source)
4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [error] AWT-EventQueue-0:  at 
java.lang.Runtime.exec(Unknown Source)
4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [error] AWT-EventQueue-0:  at 
4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [error] AWT-EventQueue-0:  at 
4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [error] AWT-EventQueue-0:  at 
4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [error] AWT-EventQueue-0:  at
4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [error] AWT-EventQueue-0:  at
4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [error] AWT-EventQueue-0:  at
4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [error] AWT-EventQueue-0:  at 
4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [error] AWT-EventQueue-0:  at 
4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [error] AWT-EventQueue-0:  at 
4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [error] AWT-EventQueue-0:  at 
sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [error] AWT-EventQueue-0:  at 
sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [error] AWT-EventQueue-0:  at 
sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [error] AWT-EventQueue-0:  at 
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [error] AWT-EventQueue-0:  at 
4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [error] AWT-EventQueue-0:  at 
4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [error] AWT-EventQueue-0:  at 
4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [error] AWT-EventQueue-0:  at 

4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [error] AWT-EventQueue-0:  at 

4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [error] AWT-EventQueue-0:  at 

4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [error] AWT-EventQueue-0:  at 
4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [error] AWT-EventQueue-0:  at 
4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [error] AWT-EventQueue-0:  at 
4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [error] AWT-EventQueue-0:  at 
4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [error] AWT-EventQueue-0:  at 
4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [error] AWT-Ev

reinstalled lily on reinstalled xp, now get path error message

2009-02-16 Thread chip

Error message -

"Error running external command.
See the activity log about the problem.
Cannot run program "c:\Program Files\LilyPond\user\bin\lilypond" (in 
directory "D:\Lilypond Files"): CreateProcess error=3, The system cannot 
find the path specified."

Below is all the stuff from the activity log after pressing the run 
lilypond button -

4:45:13 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [debug] EditBus: 
4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [notice] String: working directory: 
D:\Lilypond Files\
4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [debug] EditBus: 
4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [notice] String: running command %lilypond 
%args "D:\Lilypond Files\Que Vivan Los"

4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [notice] AWT-EventQueue-0: '%args'
4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [notice] AWT-EventQueue-0: 'D:\Lilypond 
Files\Que Vivan Los'
4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [notice] AWT-EventQueue-0: command: 
lilypond [Ljava.lang.String;@c0bc3a
4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [error] AWT-EventQueue-0: Cannot run program "c:\Program 
Files\LilyPond\usr\bin\lilypond" (in directory "D:\Lilypond Files"): 
CreateProcess error=3, The system cannot find the path specified
4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [error] AWT-EventQueue-0:  at 
java.lang.ProcessBuilder.start(Unknown Source)
4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [error] AWT-EventQueue-0:  at 
java.lang.Runtime.exec(Unknown Source)
4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [error] AWT-EventQueue-0:  at 
4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [error] AWT-EventQueue-0:  at 
4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [error] AWT-EventQueue-0:  at 
4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [error] AWT-EventQueue-0:  at
4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [error] AWT-EventQueue-0:  at
4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [error] AWT-EventQueue-0:  at
4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [error] AWT-EventQueue-0:  at 
4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [error] AWT-EventQueue-0:  at 
4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [error] AWT-EventQueue-0:  at 
4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [error] AWT-EventQueue-0:  at 
sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [error] AWT-EventQueue-0:  at 
sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [error] AWT-EventQueue-0:  at 
sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [error] AWT-EventQueue-0:  at 
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [error] AWT-EventQueue-0:  at 
4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [error] AWT-EventQueue-0:  at 
4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [error] AWT-EventQueue-0:  at 
4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [error] AWT-EventQueue-0:  at 
4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [error] AWT-EventQueue-0:  at 
4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [error] AWT-EventQueue-0:  at 
4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [error] AWT-EventQueue-0:  at 
4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [error] AWT-EventQueue-0:  at 
4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [error] AWT-EventQueue-0:  at 
4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [error] AWT-EventQueue-0:  at 
4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [error] AWT-EventQueue-0:  at 
4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [error] AWT-EventQueue-0:  at 
4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [error] AWT-EventQueue-0:  at 
4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [error] AWT-EventQueue-0:  at 
4:45:18 PM [AWT-EventQueue-0] [err

Re: sample from snippets library doesn't seem to work correctly?

2009-02-11 Thread Chip

Mats Bengtsson wrote:

Chip wrote:
One thing I find odd, probably because I don't fully understand, is 
this: I have a .ly file that has 10 \score blocks. I place 
print-all-headers = ##t in the \paper block so I can define sub pages 
headers seperately from the top level \book headers. I first define: 
title, subtitle and instrument headers at the top level \book, then 
do a page break, that gives me a cover page. On the subsequent pages 
of music I define title and subsubtitle. I also define a blank 
subtitle = "" which blanks out the subtitle from the \book top level. 
And I define instrument = "" but it does not blank out the instrument 
from the top level \book headers. Seems odd that one will override 
the top level header and one will not. I am guessing there is 
probably an override that I can use to have the instrument header not 
appear on the subsequent pages?

It's not so odd if you realize what is handled at the book level and 
what is handled at the score level. When you set 
print-all-headers=##t, you tell LilyPond to typeset the full title at 
the score level, i.e. for each single score. However, the page heading 
and foot is still handled at the book level, so it only takes into 
account the settings that are done at the book level, not the ones 
that are done within each score block (which I guess is what you do 
when you set instrument = "").

I found a workaround - by changing the \book header 'instrument' to 
'subsubtitle' the instrument name is now not appearing on the subsequent 
pages because the \score level headers are taking their place.


__ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus 
signature database 3844 (20090211) __

The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: sample from snippets library doesn't seem to work correctly?

2009-02-11 Thread Chip

Mats Bengtsson wrote:

Chip wrote:
One thing I find odd, probably because I don't fully understand, is 
this: I have a .ly file that has 10 \score blocks. I place 
print-all-headers = ##t in the \paper block so I can define sub pages 
headers seperately from the top level \book headers. I first define: 
title, subtitle and instrument headers at the top level \book, then 
do a page break, that gives me a cover page. On the subsequent pages 
of music I define title and subsubtitle. I also define a blank 
subtitle = "" which blanks out the subtitle from the \book top level. 
And I define instrument = "" but it does not blank out the instrument 
from the top level \book headers. Seems odd that one will override 
the top level header and one will not. I am guessing there is 
probably an override that I can use to have the instrument header not 
appear on the subsequent pages?

It's not so odd if you realize what is handled at the book level and 
what is handled at the score level. When you set 
print-all-headers=##t, you tell LilyPond to typeset the full title at 
the score level, i.e. for each single score. However, the page heading 
and foot is still handled at the book level, so it only takes into 
account the settings that are done at the book level, not the ones 
that are done within each score block (which I guess is what you do 
when you set instrument = "").


This is something I am currently struggling with - my title page has -
\book {
\header {
title =
subtitle =
instrument = }

Then in my score blocks -
\score {
... notes...
\header {
title = "Hooked"
subtitle = ##f
subsubtitle = "(EMaj - F#m)"
instrument = ##f }.

On the resulting .pdf's the title page is fine, the subsequent pages all 
have the instrument name (which is set to false so it shouldn't appear 
on the subsequent pages) at the top of the page, then below that is the 
title "Hooked" in the example above, then below that the subsubtitle 
stuff. Notice the subtitle is correctly turned off but the instrument is 
not turned off. Am I missing something obvious here?


The source code is included below -

\version "2.12.1"
\layout {  indent = #0
 line-width = #175
 ragged-last = ##t
\include ""
#(set-default-paper-size "letter")

global = {
 #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end 1 8 * *) 1 4 'Staff)
 #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end 1 8 * *) 2 4 'Staff)
 #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end 1 8 * *) 3 4 'Staff)
 \override MultiMeasureRest #'expand-limit = 1
 \set Score.skipBars = ##t
 #(set-global-staff-size 18)
 \override MultiMeasureRestNumber #'stencil = ##f
\paper {
#(define page-breaking ly:minimal-breaking)
 between-system-space = 0.5\cm
 between-system-padding = #0.1
 left-margin = 20\mm
 page-limit-inter-system-space = ##t
 page-limit-inter-system-space-factor = 1.5
 print-all-headers = ##t
\book {
 \header {
   title = \markup \center-column { " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " 
\fontsize #7.5 "Ras Jammie" " " " " " "}
   subtitle = \markup \bold \italic \center-column { \fontsize #6.5 
"Thin Line" " " " "}
   instrument = \markup \center-column { \fontsize #3.5 \italic "Tenor 
Sax" } }

\score {
\relative c'' { \time 4/4 \global
\include ""
   \header {title = "Hooked"
   subtitle = ##f
   subsubtitle = "(EMaj - F#m)"
   instrument = ##f}
 \score {
\relative c'' { \time 4/4 \global
\include ""
   \header {title = "Daddy Won't Mind"
   subtitle = ##f
subsubtitle = "FMaj - Gm"
instrument = ##f}
 \score {
\relative c'' { \time 4/4 \global
\include ""
   \header {title = "Sometimey People"
   subtitle = ##f
subsubtitle = "(Cm - Fm)"
instrument = ##f}
\score {
\relative c'' { \time 4/4 \global
\include ""
   \header {title = "Black Day"
   subtitle = ##f
subsubtitle = "(Em - GMaj)"
instrument = ##f}
\score {
\relative c'' { \time 4/4 \global
\include ""
   \header {title = "Jah Son"
   subtitle = ##f
subsubtitle = "(Em - F#m)"
instrument = ##f}
\score {
\relative c'' { \time 4/4 \global
\include ""
   \header {title = "Runaway Slave"
   subtitle = ##f

Re: sample from snippets library doesn't seem to work correctly?

2009-02-11 Thread Chip

Mats Bengtsson wrote:

Chip wrote:
One thing I find odd, probably because I don't fully understand, is 
this: I have a .ly file that has 10 \score blocks. I place 
print-all-headers = ##t in the \paper block so I can define sub pages 
headers seperately from the top level \book headers. I first define: 
title, subtitle and instrument headers at the top level \book, then 
do a page break, that gives me a cover page. On the subsequent pages 
of music I define title and subsubtitle. I also define a blank 
subtitle = "" which blanks out the subtitle from the \book top level. 
And I define instrument = "" but it does not blank out the instrument 
from the top level \book headers. Seems odd that one will override 
the top level header and one will not. I am guessing there is 
probably an override that I can use to have the instrument header not 
appear on the subsequent pages?

It's not so odd if you realize what is handled at the book level and 
what is handled at the score level. When you set 
print-all-headers=##t, you tell LilyPond to typeset the full title at 
the score level, i.e. for each single score. However, the page heading 
and foot is still handled at the book level, so it only takes into 
account the settings that are done at the book level, not the ones 
that are done within each score block (which I guess is what you do 
when you set instrument = "").

Very good then, I didn't know headers were split between book level and 
score level. Thanks, that helps me understand them a bit more.


__ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus 
signature database 3844 (20090211) __

The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: sample from snippets library doesn't seem to work correctly?

2009-02-11 Thread Chip

Mats Bengtsson wrote:

Chip wrote:

Thanks Mats,
Maybe that section of the LSR should be re-titled to "Demonstrating 
most headers" ;)


No, it clearly demonstrates what happens to all headers.
In particular, it highlights the fact that not all headers are
typeset at the score level. From a pedagogical point of view,
I like the current example.

One thing I find odd, probably because I don't fully understand, is 
this: I have a .ly file that has 10 \score blocks. I place 
print-all-headers = ##t in the \paper block so I can define sub pages 
headers seperately from the top level \book headers. I first define: 
title, subtitle and instrument headers at the top level \book, then do a 
page break, that gives me a cover page. On the subsequent pages of music 
I define title and subsubtitle. I also define a blank subtitle = "" 
which blanks out the subtitle from the \book top level. And I define 
instrument = "" but it does not blank out the instrument from the top 
level \book headers. Seems odd that one will override the top level 
header and one will not. I am guessing there is probably an override 
that I can use to have the instrument header not appear on the 
subsequent pages?


As a casual user of lilypond with modest needs from the program I would 
expect a section called Demonstrating all headers to do just that, 
demonstrate all headers. I do recall seeing such an example somewhere 
else in the docs. That could be followed by a section demonstrating and 
explaing how some headers don't appear on certain pages when typeset 
from the \score level.


Mats Bengtsson wrote:

"If you define the |\header| inside the |\score| block, then 
normally only the |piece| and |opus| headers will be printed."

If you read on in that section of the manual, you will also learn
how to get all header fields printed for every \score block.

See also


Chip wrote:
In the LSR is "Demonstrating all headers" 
The example code shows more headers than the example graphic. And 
when I copy/paste the sections from the code into jedit I am 
missing many of the headers. All of the headers for the second 
staff in the example, except two headers, are not shown in the 
.pdf. Is this correct and expected from the snippet? It'd be great 
if all the headers worked correctly for the second, and subsequent, 
\score blocks, same as for the first \score block.


lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

NR 4.3.6 Explicit Breaks

2009-02-10 Thread Chip
"When |line-break-permission| is overridden to false, Lily will insert 
line breaks at explicit |\break| commands and nowhere else."

I can't get this to work as quoted from the NR. Lily still breaks lines 
where it wants to.

My problem is this: I have many short snippets of music - horn (trumpet, 
trombone, sax) riffs. Some are as short as 2 measures, others might be 
as many as 20 measures or so. When the .pdf is created the staffs are of 
various lengths, and have huge space between them, sometimes just 3 
staves are spread out over the full height of the page. Very weird 
looking. I've been messing around with the various ragged-... settings 
trying to get the staffs all the same length with the last staff to end 
at it natural length. And all printed in a nice looking block from the 
top of the page and ending, in my cases, in the middle of the page at 
the lowest. I just haven't found the magic combination to get this to 
work. Pasted below is the .ly file I am working on. Can someone help me?


\version "2.12.1"
\layout {
ragged-right = ##t }
\include ""
%#(set-default-paper-size "letter")

global = {
 #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end 1 8 * *) 1 4 'Staff)
 #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end 1 8 * *) 2 4 'Staff)
 #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end 1 8 * *) 3 4 'Staff)
 \override MultiMeasureRest #'expand-limit = 1
 \set Score.skipBars = ##t
 \override MultiMeasureRestNumber #'stencil = ##f
 \override NonMusicalPaperColumn #'line-break-permission = ##f
\paper {
left-margin = 30\mm
print-all-headers = ##t
 indent = #0
 %ragged-right = ##t
 ragged-bottom = ##t
 %line-width = 175\mm - 2.0 * 0.4\in

\score {
\relative c'' { \time 4/4 \global
r2 r4 r8 fs
f?2 cs
ds8 ds ds ds ds r r fs
f?2 cs
ds8 ds ds ds ds r r fs \break
f?2 cs
ds8 ds ds ds ds r r fs
f?2 cs
ds8 ds ds ds ds r r4 \bar "||"
R1*2 \break
r4 r8 fs f? r r4
   \header {title = "Hooked (EMaj - F#m)"}
\score {
\relative c'' { \time 4/4 \global
r4 r b8 b b b(
d8) r r d r4 r
   \header {title = "Daddy Won't Mind (FMaj - Gm)"}
\score {
\relative c'' { \time 4/4 \global
f2 d4 c
d4. c8 a2~
a2. g4
a2 \times 2/3 {a4 bf c}
a1 \bar "||" \break
r8 bf a r r2
   \header {title = "Sometimey People (Cm - Fm)"}
\score {
\relative c'' { \time 4/4 \global
r4 a16 b a b \times 2/3 {a8 b cs } r4
r4 a16 b a b \times 2/3 {a8 b cs } r4
r4 a16 b a b \times 2/3 {a8 b cs } r4 \break
r4 a16 b a b a fs fs fs r4 \bar "|:"
r2 r4 r16 fs fs fs
fs r r8 r4 r2
s1 \bar ":|"
   \header {title = "Black Day (Em - GMaj)"}
\score {
\relative c'' { \time 4/4 \global
r4 r ef2~
ef2~ ef4. cs8
b4 gs-^ gs2~
gs1 \bar "|:"
r4 r ef'2~
ef2~ ef4. cs8 \break
b4 gs-^ gs4. fs8
gs b gs2 r4 \bar ":|"
R1*3 \bar "|:"
r2 r4 r8 ef'
cs r r4 r2
R1*2 \bar ":|"
   \header {title = "Jah Son (Em - F#m)"}
\score {
\relative c'' { \time 4/4 \global
r4 fs8 e fs e cs e
fs r r4 r2
r4 fs8 e fs e cs e
cs r r4 r2
r4 fs8 e fs e cs e
fs r r4 r2
r4 fs8 e fs e cs e
cs8 r r cs r2
   \header {title = "Runaway Slave"}
\score {
\relative c'' { \time 4/4 \global
d2~ d8. d16 c bf a8
bf2. d8 d
bf1 \bar "||"
d2~ d8. d16 c16 bf a8
bf2. d8 d
bf r r4 r2 \break
d2~ d8. d16 c16 bf a8
bf2. d8 d
bf r r4 r2
d2~ d8. d16 c16 bf a8
bf2. d8 d
bf r r4 r2
d2~ d8. d16 c16 bf a8
bf2. d8 d
bf r r4 r2
d2~ d8. d16 c16 bf a8
bf2. d8 d
bf r r4 r2
d2~ d8. d16 c16 bf a8
bf2. d8 d
bf r r4 r2
   \header {title = "Anxiety Attack"}
\score {
\relative c'' { \time 4/4 \global
r4 e-^ e-^ r8 e
g-. g-. g-. g-. g4-- fs-^
r4 e-^ e-^ r8 e
g8-. g-. g-. g-. g4-- fs-^
r4 e-^ e-^ r8 e
g8-. g-. g-. g-. g4-- fs-^ \break
r4 e-^ e-^ r8 e-^
e b b b b4-- cs-.
s1 \bar ":|:"
r2 r8 e e fs
g4 r4 r2 \break
s1 \bar ":|"
s1 \bar "|:"
e4-^ r8 e-^ r4 e
g8-. g-. g-. g-. g4-- fs-^
e4-^ r8 e-^ r4 e
g8-. g-. g-. g-. g4-- fs-^ \break
e4-^ r8 e-^ r4 e
g8-. g-. g-. g-. g4-- fs-^ \bar ":|"
e4-^ r8 e-^ r4 e
e8 b b b b4-- cs-.
   \header {title = "Froggy"}
\score {
\relative c'' { \time 4/4 \global
b4 d2.
c8 c r c r c e4--
d-^ r r2
b4 d2.
g,8 g r g r g b4--
a-^ r r2
s1 \bar ":|"
   \header {title = "More"}
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: sample from snippets library doesn't seem to work correctly?

2009-02-10 Thread Chip

Thanks Mats,
Maybe that section of the LSR should be re-titled to "Demonstrating most 
headers" ;)


Mats Bengtsson wrote:

"If you define the |\header| inside the |\score| block, then normally 
only the |piece| and |opus| headers will be printed."

If you read on in that section of the manual, you will also learn
how to get all header fields printed for every \score block.

See also


Chip wrote:
In the LSR is "Demonstrating all headers" 
The example code shows more headers than the example graphic. And 
when I copy/paste the sections from the code into jedit I am missing 
many of the headers. All of the headers for the second staff in the 
example, except two headers, are not shown in the .pdf. Is this 
correct and expected from the snippet? It'd be great if all the 
headers worked correctly for the second, and subsequent, \score 
blocks, same as for the first \score block.


lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

sample from snippets library doesn't seem to work correctly?

2009-02-10 Thread Chip
In the LSR is "Demonstrating all headers" 
The example code shows more headers than the example graphic. And when I 
copy/paste the sections from the code into jedit I am missing many of 
the headers. All of the headers for the second staff in the example, 
except two headers, are not shown in the .pdf. Is this correct and 
expected from the snippet? It'd be great if all the headers worked 
correctly for the second, and subsequent, \score blocks, same as for the 
first \score block.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: multimeasure rest with no number of measures?

2009-02-07 Thread Chip

Robin Bannister wrote:

 I want a multi-measure rest with no number on it. 

This gets rid of the number:
  mmrNoNum = \once \override MultiMeasureRestNumber #'stencil = ##f
as in:
  \mmrNoNum R1*16

Thanks, that's one I haven't seen in the NR or LM or Snippets. I placed 
this in my global overrides so it effects the entire page, which 
contains horn parts for 10 raggae songs (they're short parts).


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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: printed page does not match the .pdf file

2009-02-07 Thread Chip

Anthony W. Youngman wrote:
In message , 
James E. Bailey  writes

So how do you get it to print properly if you DON'T want it to 
"shrink to fit"? (ime, it then prints the page, full size, but 
offset down and left by the printer margin!)

I've found it IMPOSSIBLE to get the pdf to print cleanly on a sheet 
of paper, full size, properly centred.


In Adobe Acrobat, I use no printer scaling, and automatically center. 
That gets it how it's supposed to be. At least for me.

That works for me as well. I did have to install Acrobat since I only 
used jpedal previously. Oh well, at least it prints correctly now.


I'll have to try. But iirc this is exactly where I get the behaviour 
"this page is to big to fit in the printable area. Place the top left 
corner of the pdf in the top left corner of the printable area and 
don't scale". So everything is off by the printer margin.

It's probably not helped by the fact that I have an A4 document, 
printing on an A4 printer, and Acrobat (the ONLY application to do it) 
insists the printer has American Letter paper.


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