Re: multi-instrument parts

2013-01-18 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi Jay,

This doesn't Do The Right Thing™ when the key signatures are abstracted, e.g.,

\version 2.17.10

#(define (adjust-note mus key currkey)
(cond ((or
 (eq? (ly:music-property mus 'name) 'NoteEvent)
 (eq? (ly:music-property mus 'name) 'KeyChangeEvent))
(ly:music-transpose mus (car currkey)))
 (eq? (ly:music-property mus 'name) 'PropertySet)
 (eq? (ly:music-property mus 'symbol) 'instrumentTransposition))
(set-car! currkey (ly:pitch-negate (ly:music-property mus 'value)))
(ly:music-set-property! mus 'value (ly:make-pitch 0 0 0))
  (else mus)))

normalizeTransposition =
#(define-music-function (parser location key music) (ly:pitch? ly:music?)
  (let ((currkey (list (ly:make-pitch 0 0 0
(music-map (lambda (x) (adjust-note x key currkey)) music))
  (ly:pitch-negate key)))

global = {
  \time 4/4
  \key c \major
  \key d \major
  \key e \major

music = \relative c' {
  \transposition f
  c4 e g c |
  \transposition ees
  c, e g c |
  \transposition g
  c, e g c |

\score {
\new Staff  \global \music 
\new Staff \normalizeTransposition c'  \global \music 

Any way to easily fix that? If so, this would be a killer solution to my 
multi-instrumentalist problem.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: multi-instrument parts

2013-01-16 Thread Jan-Peter Voigt

Hi Kieren,

just stumbled across this thread. I once was trying to create an 
engraver, that recognizes transposition/instrument changes and inserts a 
time signature there. (IIRC it was a piece with a change between oboe 
and english horn)
In the end I inserted tagged key-sigs, whenever I inserted an 
instrumentSwitch. But perhaps now is the time to look at this again?

Cheers, Jan-Peter

Am 16.01.2013 06:43, schrieb Kieren MacMillan:

Hi Jay,

There's this: which is useful
when the transposition changes mid-piece (like for clarinets, horns,
and trumpets). Also you don't have to think about the 'from' pitch.
You only need the 'to' pitch.

That doesn't seem to handle key signatures very well — is there a workaround?

lilypond-user mailing list

\version 2.16.0

% tonic is equal - octave is not checked!
#(define (ly:tonic=? p1 p2)
(and (ly:pitch? p1) (ly:pitch? p2)
 (= (ly:pitch-notename p1) (ly:pitch-notename p2))
 (= (ly:pitch-alteration p1) (ly:pitch-alteration p2))
(and (eq? #f p1) (eq? #f p2))

%%% don't watch this hack ... just to display real notenames here ...
% pitch-notename
#(define (nona pp)
   (if (ly:pitch? pp)
   (let ((str ?))
 (define (search pl pp)
   (if (pair? pl)
   (let* ((pr (car pl))
  (pq (cdr pr)))
 (if (ly:tonic=? pq pp)
 (set! str (car pr))
 (search (cdr pl) pp))
 (search pitchnames pp)

% engraver to ...
% recognize every change of instrument transposition
#(define-public keyT
   (lambda (context)
 (let ((tonic (ly:make-pitch 0 0 0))
   (sig '())
   (last-pitch (ly:make-pitch 0 0 0))) ; no transp assumed

  . ,(lambda (trans)
   (let ((current-pitch (ly:context-property context 'instrumentTransposition)))
 ; if pitch (instrument transposition) has changed, create new time signature
 (if (and (not (ly:tonic=? last-pitch current-pitch))
  (ly:pitch? current-pitch))
  ; how to create a time signature grob?
  ; how to create the needed properties 
  ; - concert pitch = bes maj, instr transp bes
  ; = should give c maj key sig with key cancelation
  (let ((time-sig (ly:engraver-make-grob trans 'KeySignature '(
(ly:message What to do here?)
  (let ((time-sig (ly:engraver-make-grob trans 'TextScript '(
(set! tonic (ly:context-property context 'tonic))
(set! sig (ly:context-property context 'keySignature))
(ly:grob-set-property! time-sig 'text (format ~A~A (nona last-pitch) (nona current-pitch)))
(set! last-pitch current-pitch)
  ) ; if #t
 ; if #f not set
 ) ; fi

  . ,(lambda (trans)
   (set! tonic (ly:make-pitch 0 0 0)

% use this engraver
\layout {
  \context {
\consists #keyT

% a test score
\score {
  \relative c'' {
\key bes \major
bes2 a \transposition bes c^we should get a c maj with key cancel. b
  \layout { }
  \midi { }

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: multi-instrument parts

2013-01-16 Thread Jay Anderson
On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 10:43 PM, Kieren MacMillan wrote:
 There's this: which is useful
 when the transposition changes mid-piece (like for clarinets, horns,
 and trumpets). Also you don't have to think about the 'from' pitch.
 You only need the 'to' pitch.

 That doesn't seem to handle key signatures very well — is there a workaround?

It was a simple change to make it take into account the key
signatures. I updated it for the latest version as well (functions
should take in pitches directly). I'm used to horn music devoid of key
signatures :).

\version 2.17.10

#(define (adjust-note mus key currkey)
 (cond ((or
  (eq? (ly:music-property mus 'name) 'NoteEvent)
  (eq? (ly:music-property mus 'name) 'KeyChangeEvent))
 (ly:music-transpose mus (car currkey)))
  (eq? (ly:music-property mus 'name) 'PropertySet)
  (eq? (ly:music-property mus 'symbol) 'instrumentTransposition))
 (set-car! currkey (ly:pitch-negate (ly:music-property mus 'value)))
 (ly:music-set-property! mus 'value (ly:make-pitch 0 0 0))
   (else mus)))

normalizeTransposition =
#(define-music-function (parser location key music) (ly:pitch? ly:music?)
   (let ((currkey (list (ly:make-pitch 0 0 0
 (music-map (lambda (x) (adjust-note x key currkey)) music))
   (ly:pitch-negate key)))

music = \relative c' {
 \time 4/4
 \transposition f
 \key c \major
 c e g c |
 \transposition ees
 \key c \major
 c, e g c |
 \transposition g
 \key c \major
 c, e g c |

\score {
   \new Staff {
   \new Staff {
 \normalizeTransposition c' \music
 \layout {}
 \midi {}

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: multi-instrument parts

2013-01-15 Thread Keith OHara
Kieren MacMillan kieren_macmillan at writes:

 Has anyone successfully written multi-instrument player parts [...]
 using \addInstrumentDefinition and \switchInstrument [...] ?

Almost certainly not.  \addInstrumentDefinition is inconvenient.
Google says: No results found for instrumentSwitch

 \addInstrumentDefinition #clarinet_bf
   #`((instrumentTransposition . ,(ly:make-pitch 0 0 -200))

The third argument to make-pitch is in equal-tempered whole-tones,
so you would think you want (ly:make-pitch -1 6 -1/2) for B-flat 
if instrumentTransposition works like \transposition

However, from trial-and-error, it seems instrumentTransposition needs
the pitch written for the instrument that /sounds/ concert C, so D for
a soprano clarinet (instrumentTransposition . ,(ly:make-pitch 0 1 0))

 global = {
   \key d \major
   %% flute
   %% clarinet

Setting the transposition in LilyPond tells her that the music sounds
at a different pitch than written, for purposes of quoting, cue-ing, and 
MIDI.  Only \transpose changes the pitches that are printed. 

 \score {
   \new Staff  \global \windMusic 

The instrumentSwitch applies to the whole Staff, and the instumentCueName
is printed for each Voice, in your case it is printed once for \windMusic
and once for \global.  You could say 
\new Staff \new Voice  \global windMusic 

Printing for each Voice is silly, so a bug is tracked as issue 2835,
but I don't see any way to fix that bug without breaking Reinhold's 
OrchestraLily system, which explicitly sets the name on a single voice
  \set Voice.instrumentCueName = Violin

So the best I can do is below.  The manual method is easier.
\version 2.16.0
\addInstrumentDefinition #flute
  #`((instrumentTransposition . ,(ly:make-pitch 0 0 0))
 (shortInstrumentName . Fl.)
 (clefGlyph . clefs.G)
 (middleCPosition . -6)
 (clefPosition . -2)
 (instrumentCueName . ,(make-bold-markup fl.))
 (midiInstrument . flute))

\addInstrumentDefinition #clarinet_bf
  #`((instrumentTransposition . ,(ly:make-pitch 0 1 0))
 (shortInstrumentName . Cl.)
 (clefGlyph . clefs.G)
 (middleCPosition . -6)
 (clefPosition . -2)
 (instrumentCueName . ,(make-bold-markup cl.))
 (midiInstrument . clarinet))

windMusic = {
  \instrumentSwitch flute
  \key d \major
  \relative d' {
d8 e fis g a b cis d }
  \instrumentSwitch clarinet_bf
  \transpose bes c' \relative d' { 
\key d\major
d e fis g a b cis d 
\bar || 
\key f \major
d, e fis g a b cis d  }
  \instrumentSwitch flute
  \key f \major
  \relative d' {
d e fis g a b cis d } }

\score {
  \new Staff \windMusic
  \layout {}
  \midi {} }

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: multi-instrument parts

2013-01-15 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi Keith,

Thank you so much for the detailed and considered response.

Boo. I really wish Lily would Do The Right Thing™ with regard to transposing 
parts. I want to be able to say \switchInstrument at any time, and easily 
generate C and transposed scores/parts (with all key signatures automatically 
included, etc.) without breaking the music into multiple variables, using tags, 

After my current engraving madnesses wind down, perhaps I'll put together an 
official feature request…

Thanks again!
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: multi-instrument parts

2013-01-15 Thread Kieren MacMillan
p.s. It would help immensely if I could at least say

   \tag #'part { \transpose c d }
   c4 d e f

and then use the tag filter to leave the transposition out of the C-score. 
However, this doesn't seem to work — any ideas how I can accomplish such a 
thing (or very similar)?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: multi-instrument parts

2013-01-15 Thread Keith OHara

On Tue, 15 Jan 2013 19:41:00 -0800, Kieren MacMillan wrote:

Boo. I really wish Lily would Do The Right Thing™ with regard to transposing 
parts. I want [...]
 perhaps I'll put together an official feature request…

Almost certainly, \instrumentSwitch was written in response to a similar 
The basic Lilypond structures can do quite a lot by themselves, see below.

It would help immensely if I could at least say
   \tag #'part { \transpose c d }
   c4 d e f
and then use the tag filter to leave the transposition out of the C-score

In LilyPond \transpose c d {...}  is an action, acting immediately on the music 
in {...}
LilyPond does not store the name of the action separately from the music it is 
acting upon, so it does not provide a way to remove the action and leave the 

But you can store the music in a variable, and perform the action of 
transposing only where you need it.

music = \relative c' {
  \transposition c
  \key bes \major
  bes4 c d es }

clar = \music
flute = \music  % A bit silly, but everything is clear if they play in unison

\new Staff { \flute } % Flute part
\new Staff { \transpose bes c' { \clar } } % Clarinet part, transpose for 

\score {  % Score in Concert Pitch
 \new Staff \flute
   \new Staff \clar  }

You might see that people often define their variables to store the music in 
pitches as-written for the different instruments.  The manuals encourage 
storing music in concert pitch, though, which is probably less confusing, at 
least until you have used LilyPond for a while.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: multi-instrument parts

2013-01-15 Thread Jay Anderson
On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 10:21 PM, Keith OHara wrote:
 On Tue, 15 Jan 2013 19:41:00 -0800, Kieren MacMillan wrote:
 Boo. I really wish Lily would Do The Right Thing™ with regard to
 transposing parts. I want [...]
  perhaps I'll put together an official feature request…

There's this: which is useful
when the transposition changes mid-piece (like for clarinets, horns,
and trumpets). Also you don't have to think about the 'from' pitch.
You only need the 'to' pitch.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: multi-instrument parts

2013-01-15 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi Keith,

 Almost certainly, \instrumentSwitch was written in response to a similar 

If I remember correctly, Han-Wen wrote it and I paid him a bounty for it…  =)

 you can store the music in a variable, and perform the action of transposing 
 only where you need it.

Yes, of course, that's what I've been doing — but I consider it hacky, so I was 
hoping someone had a more elegant solution.

 You might see that people often define their variables to store the music in 
 pitches as-written for the different instruments.  The manuals encourage 
 storing music in concert pitch, though, which is probably less confusing, at 
 least until you have used LilyPond for a while.

I've been using it for 10 years now.

This piece (Robin Hood: The Legendary Musical Comedy) is simply taxing 
Lilypond's abilities more than other works I've engraved in the past: 2.5 hours 
of music theatre for 8 instruments (including 2 multi-instrumentalists), 9 
vocal soloists, and a chorus of up to three independent two-part lines.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: multi-instrument parts

2013-01-15 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi Jay,

 There's this: which is useful
 when the transposition changes mid-piece (like for clarinets, horns,
 and trumpets). Also you don't have to think about the 'from' pitch.
 You only need the 'to' pitch.

That doesn't seem to handle key signatures very well — is there a workaround?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: multi-instrument parts

2013-01-15 Thread Keith OHara

On Tue, 15 Jan 2013 21:43:04 -0800, Kieren MacMillan wrote:

I've been using it for 10 years now.

Sorry, I've seen so many names they are all a jumble in my head.  In that case, 
for the part where the player switches instruments, you'd probably like to 
store the as-written pitches along with the transpositions.  Then you can use 
LilyPond's quoting system to get the music in concert pitch for the C-score.

windMusic = {
   ^\markup\bold Flute
   \transposition c'
   \key d \major
   \relative d' {
 d8( e fis g a b cis d) }
   ^\markup\bold\concat{ Clarinet in B \flat}
   \transposition bes
   \transpose bes c' \relative d' {
 \tag#'part \key d\major
 d( e fis g a b cis d)
 \bar ||  %% This gets lost, maybe due to a bug
 \key f \major
 d,( e fis g a b cis d) }
   ^\markup\bold Flute
   \transposition c'
   \tag#'part \key f \major
   \relative d' {
 d( e fis g a b cis d) } }

\addQuote wind \keepWithTag#'score \windMusic

windMusicInC = \quoteDuring wind #(skip-of-length windMusic )

\new Staff \keepWithTag#'part \windMusic % Part

\score { \new Voice \windMusicInC }

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: multi-instrument parts

2013-01-15 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi Keith,

 for the part where the player switches instruments, you'd probably like to 
 store the as-written pitches along with the transpositions.  Then you can use 
 LilyPond's quoting system to get the music in concert pitch for the C-score.

Now we're getting somewhere! Thanks!
I will test this technique with more abstracted setups (e.g., the key 
signatures in a global variable, shared across multiple 
multi-instrumentalists), and see how it works.

All the best,

 windMusic = {
   ^\markup\bold Flute
   \transposition c'
   \key d \major
   \relative d' {
 d8( e fis g a b cis d) }
   ^\markup\bold\concat{ Clarinet in B \flat}
   \transposition bes
   \transpose bes c' \relative d' {
 \tag#'part \key d\major
 d( e fis g a b cis d)
 \bar ||  %% This gets lost, maybe due to a bug
 \key f \major
 d,( e fis g a b cis d) }
   ^\markup\bold Flute
   \transposition c'
   \tag#'part \key f \major
   \relative d' {
 d( e fis g a b cis d) } }
 \addQuote wind \keepWithTag#'score \windMusic
 windMusicInC = \quoteDuring wind #(skip-of-length windMusic )
 \new Staff \keepWithTag#'part \windMusic % Part
 \score { \new Voice \windMusicInC }

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: multi-instrument parts

2013-01-15 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi Keith,

 for the part where the player switches instruments, you'd probably like to 
 store the as-written pitches along with the transpositions.  Then you can use 
 LilyPond's quoting system to get the music in concert pitch for the C-score.

Now we're getting somewhere! Thanks!
I will test this technique with more abstracted setups (e.g., the key 
signatures in a global variable, shared across multiple 
multi-instrumentalists), and see how it works.

All the best,

 windMusic = {
  ^\markup\bold Flute
  \transposition c'
  \key d \major
  \relative d' {
d8( e fis g a b cis d) }
  ^\markup\bold\concat{ Clarinet in B \flat}
  \transposition bes
  \transpose bes c' \relative d' {
\tag#'part \key d\major
d( e fis g a b cis d)
\bar ||  %% This gets lost, maybe due to a bug
\key f \major
d,( e fis g a b cis d) }
  ^\markup\bold Flute
  \transposition c'
  \tag#'part \key f \major
  \relative d' {
d( e fis g a b cis d) } }
 \addQuote wind \keepWithTag#'score \windMusic
 windMusicInC = \quoteDuring wind #(skip-of-length windMusic )
 \new Staff \keepWithTag#'part \windMusic % Part
 \score { \new Voice \windMusicInC }

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: multi-instrument parts

2013-01-15 Thread David Kastrup
Keith OHara writes:

 On Tue, 15 Jan 2013 21:43:04 -0800, Kieren MacMillan wrote:

 I've been using it for 10 years now.

 Sorry, I've seen so many names they are all a jumble in my head.

And you are not even likely to keep confusing Keith with Kieren.

David Kastrup

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: multi-instrument parts

2013-01-15 Thread Paul Scott
On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 01:48:21AM -0500, Kieren MacMillan wrote:
 Hi Keith,
  for the part where the player switches instruments, you'd probably 
  like to store the as-written pitches along with the transpositions.  
  Then you can use LilyPond's quoting system to get the music in concert 
  pitch for the C-score.
 Now we're getting somewhere! Thanks!
 I will test this technique with more abstracted setups (e.g., the key 
 signatures in a global variable, shared across 
 multiple multi-instrumentalists), and see how it works.

I can't prove it but I believe had conflicts between quoting and tags in a 
large score.  I didn't have time to diagnose it so I just removed a lot of 
useful cues which would have cluttered the score without tags to remove them 
from the score.

Paul Scott

 All the best,
  windMusic = {
^\markup\bold Flute
\transposition c'
\key d \major
\relative d' {
  d8( e fis g a b cis d) }
^\markup\bold\concat{ Clarinet in B \flat}
\transposition bes
\transpose bes c' \relative d' {
  \tag#'part \key d\major
  d( e fis g a b cis d)
  \bar ||  %% This gets lost, maybe due to a bug
  \key f \major
  d,( e fis g a b cis d) }
^\markup\bold Flute
\transposition c'
\tag#'part \key f \major
\relative d' {
  d( e fis g a b cis d) } }
  \addQuote wind \keepWithTag#'score \windMusic
  windMusicInC = \quoteDuring wind #(skip-of-length windMusic )
  \new Staff \keepWithTag#'part \windMusic % Part
  \score { \new Voice \windMusicInC }
 lilypond-user mailing list

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