Re: producing archival scores

2007-04-17 Thread Bart Kummel

Hi List,

I just read this very interesting discussion. I don't think this is a
problem that will easily be solved. In fact, this is not a Lilypond- or even
music notation-specific problem. Similar cases exist for all other file
formats. (For example: how future proof is Microsoft's .doc format?)

However, I just want to add another possible direction for a solution. I
recently came across a project called XSugar ( It's a
tool that gives the possibility to transform between XML and non-XML formats
in two directions. (Unlike XSLT, which can do a transformation from XML to
non-XML, but not the other way around.) I think it should be possible to
write a XSugar grammar for converting Lilypond format to MusicXML and back.
Unfortunately I don't have the time to investigate this, but perhaps someone
else has...

Best regards,
Bart Kummel, Hilversum, The Netherlands

On 4/12/07, Valentin Villenave [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

2007/4/12, Stuart Pullinger [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 In conclusion: SVG provide an alternative to PDF which may be more
 future-proof provided that you are prepared for patchy support in
 current browsers.

...and provided that multi-pages SVG support is not yet really
available, which makes it rather unsuitable for musical purposes (as
you may know it, most of scores tend to make more than one page ;-)
...though it would indeed be a very good idea to design some special
music-oriented SVG-like vector graphics format.

(PS. Thank you so much Cameron for the link: I didn't knew about this
interview but it's been a pleasure to discover it; I perfectly agree
with Jan and Han-Wen about all of it, particularly their vision of
MusicXML weakness and superficiality.)

Valentin Villenave.

lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: producing archival scores

2007-04-17 Thread Anthony W. Youngman
In message 
Kummel [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes

Hi List,

I just read this very interesting discussion. I don't think this is a 
problem that will easily be solved. In fact, this is not a Lilypond- or 
even music notation-specific problem. Similar cases exist for all other 
file formats. (For example: how future proof is Microsoft's .doc format?)

However, I just want to add another possible direction for a solution. 
I recently came across a project called XSugar ( ). 
It's a tool that gives the possibility to transform between XML and 
non-XML formats in two directions. (Unlike XSLT, which can do a 
transformation from XML to non-XML, but not the other way around.) I 
think it should be possible to write a XSugar grammar for converting 
Lilypond format to MusicXML and back. Unfortunately I don't have the 
time to investigate this, but perhaps someone else has...

There's lots of options like this ...

Is it Erik? who has done an Antlr grammar for lilypond? Antlr's great at 
transforming stuff, and it's my personal opinion convert-ly should be 
rewritten to use Antlr to convert between pretty much any form of input. 
That could then convert to and from XML, .ly, Sibelius, Finale, 
whatever, just by adding extra grammars.

I'm not volunteering, though!!!

There's also the possibility the Music Streams work will make a lot of 
this conversion stuff easier - I think that is in part the aim of doing 
the music stream stuff.

Anthony W. Youngman - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

lilypond-user mailing list

Suggestion for producing archival scores

2007-04-16 Thread Stephen Martin
I just tried something out which may fill this requirement
as discussed recently. It presently involves using additional
software to Lilypond.

The PDF specification allows for file attachments within
PDF files from version 1.3 onwards. The original .ly file
can be attached within the LP pdf output, and extracted later
if required.

The PDF toolkit (google PDFTK) command line utility is one way
to add the .ly file to the pdf. I do this on Mac OSX in the
Terminal by entering on one line..

/usr/local/bin/pdftk tchavolo_swing_chords.pdf
 output attached.pdf

The attachment can then be viewed or saved from
'attached.pdf' in Acrobat Reader using
View-Navigation Panels-Attachments

The attachment does not appear in normal viewing or
printing of the pdf score.

If worthwhile, it should be possible to make a Lily option 
somehow to do the attaching (with a bit of development).

Any suggestions for making it clear the file contains a score
attachment? e.g. different file extension?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: producing archival scores

2007-04-12 Thread Stuart Pullinger
On Sat, 7 Apr 2007 16:40:01 -0400
Jason Merrill [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 So far, the best option was suggested by Tom: a tool called PDFtoMusic
 Pro that converts PDF scores into MusicXML.  The pros are that it is
 available right now, and that it presumably works.  Downsides are that
 it is proprietary and not free, and takes what seems to me a rather
 indirect route towards solving my particular problem.
 Any other suggestions?  Any comments on the likelihood of being able
 to compile lilypond into a music interchange format at some point in
 the future?

One possibiltiy that has not been mentioned yet is to use lilypond's
SVG output instead of PDF. SVG is an open standard developed at the w3c:

The pros: since SVG is an open standard and not reliant on one
company to support it, it is, in a sense, more future-proof than PDF.
SVG is an xml dialect and therefore it will be possible to use XSLT to
transform the SVG files into future file formats (although I accept
that this could be time-consuming).

The cons: SVG is not music-aware - it is merely a graphics file. The
files can be edited in a graphics program such as Inkscape
( but this is only in a
moving-blobs-and-lines-around-a-screen sense not in a notation editor.
It would be possible to make lilypond's SVG output more music-aware
(and this is an area that I am interested in) but, as far as I know,
there is no svg-based music-aware file format that you could use. You
would therefore still have to archive the .ly files or their MusicXML

SVG are supported in Firefox and Konqueror (in GNU/Linux) but I
understand that support in IE is is poor.

In conclusion: SVG provide an alternative to PDF which may be more
future-proof provided that you are prepared for patchy support in
current browsers.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: producing archival scores

2007-04-11 Thread Cameron Horsburgh
On Mon, Apr 09, 2007 at 11:29:28PM -0400, Jason Merrill wrote:


 There is not now, nor ever will be, some universal music language.
 MusicXML is an option, but not one everybody will choose.  One could ask
 the exact same question by replacing 'lilypond' with 'MusicXML'.  The
 issue with archival (it seems to me) is a format whose source will
 always be readable and whose output will always be viewable.  Seems
 to me Lilypond and MusicXML are the only ones that provide both of
 these.  They also seem to me to be the only two options that are
 non-proprietary so others will not have purchase anything to access your
 work.  Whether you prefer MusicXML or Lilypond is a matter of taste,
 methinks.  Obviously the people on this list are going to have a marked
 bias towards Lilypond, but that is indeed another question.
 I could argue that Finale is also a music interchange format that is
 widely supported.  MusicXML is just one more way of encoding music.
 Any format that uses plain text as source and a non-proprietary compiler
 I think is a perfectly decent archival option.
 There's an important distinction to be drawn here.  MusicXML vs
 Lilypond is not just a matter of taste because the two clearly have
 different goals.  MusicXML is objectively a terrible format for
 inputting music from a computer keyboard.  However, according to
 Wikipedia, MusicXML is supported to varying degrees by over 75
 different notation programs, including the two leading scorewriting
 programs, Finale and Sibelius.  Because it is supported by many
 different programs of all types (graphical and ascii, free and
 non-free, etc.), and because it is open so that any project can add
 support for it, MusicXML is currently a viable interchange format.
 Lilypond is not readable by such a large array of programs, and so is
 currently a less viable interchange format.  Now, it is possible (but
 seemingly not likely) that in the future all these and other programs
 will adopt support for lilypond, which would make it a viable
 interchange format.  Barring that, though, and in it's current state,
 lilypond is something of a black hole.  You can turn anything else
 into lilypond via MusicXML, but once you've worked on it in lilypond,
 there's no obvious way to get it back into a different editable
 format.  Luckily, this problem could be entirely addressed on
 Lilypond's end if it could be compiled to a suitable interchange
 format.  Figuring out if there was already a way to do this was the
 intent of my original question.  In my opinion, being able to get a
 file into an interchange format as I've described here is one property
 (certainly not the only property) that helps make it archival.


 I should say that I make no claims about MusicXML being in some way
 ideal for interchange.  It may or may not have inherent features that
 make it better than lilypond or other formats for interchange.  The
 only things it has going for it that I know or care about are that it
 is open, and that it has done a good enough job marketing itself that
 it is already widely supported.  The latter is, I suspect, no small
 task, which is why one might satisfy themselves with using MusicXML
 for interchange rather than trying to make their favorite format into
 an interchange format by convincing everyone else in the world to
 support it.

A few years ago Chris Cannam interviewed Jan and Han-Wen about the
LilyPond project, and there was some discussion about the
shortcomings of MusicXML and how it differs from LilyPond. I'm not
sure if it adds much to this discussion, but it might be relevant.

The interview itself has disappeared, but it was Slashdotted and some
kind soul posted the text of the article (and was promptly modded -1
Troll, but there you go.)

If you want to have a look, go to 

If you can get past the GNAA trolls there were a few interesting
comments made, too. Have a look at 


Cameron Horsburgh


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: producing archival scores

2007-04-10 Thread David Rogers
On Sat, 7 Apr 2007 16:40:01 -0400, Jason Merrill wrote:

 Thanks for the interesting comments so far.  I want to refocus the
 discussion slightly.  I didn't mean to get into a discussion about the
 relative merits of lilypond as an entry tool, exactly, so take as a
 temporary supposition that I want to enter music in lilypond right
 now, but that at some future time, someone else wants to modify that
 music in a program other than lilypond.  How can I do something now to
 make that easiest?

Anything software-based is (in practical terms, whatever anybody says) going to 
require maintenance and constant updates in order to keep it usable. It will 
not just be there in the future for anyone to use, unless you keep working on 
it in the mean time. Systems will change, standards will change, unexpected 
things will happen. So: either keep working on it, or print it on paper and 
keep it on a bookshelf. THAT's how to really save trouble.

Once you ask But which software might be slightly better to have in the 
future?, nobody can give a good answer, because too many assumptions are 
required. All of the software choices carry huge risks, when you compare them 
to keeping a physical human-readable archive.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: producing archival scores

2007-04-10 Thread Graham Percival

David Rogers wrote:

Once you ask But which software might be slightly better to have in
the future?, nobody can give a good answer, because too many
assumptions are required. All of the software choices carry huge
risks, when you compare them to keeping a physical human-readable

I agree that physical human-readable archives are the best choice, but 
we _can_ make reasonable assumptions about software-based solutions. 
Open-source software will never have any legal barriers to use (as 
opposed to a copy of Sibelius should that company go bankrupt).  Popular 
projects/formats are more likely to receive the necessary tweaking to 
ensure that they are still usable.

As much as I hate to admit it, by this point it seems that musicXML is a 
better long-term (10+ years) storage format than lilypond.  You might 
need to write a special program that translates the 2006 musicXML into 
the popular freely-documented music format of 2020, but such programs 
will probably exist already or will be relatively easy to write.

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: producing archival scores

2007-04-10 Thread Kieren MacMillan

Hi, all:

Long answer: we would welcome any patches and developers interested  
in building *and maintaining* musicXML output (and input).

I'm happy to work on MusicXML stuff when I'm available... that just  
doesn't happen to be very often, given my commission schedule.  =\

a much better solution would be for an interested user to step  
forward and start coding.

musicXML - lilypond   is currently done as a python script; python  
is a very nice language and is quite easy to learn.

Why is it not in XSLT?
Even if the performance is worse, it would seem to make more sense  
from an industry perspective...

lilypond - musicXML   is currently done in scheme; scheme isn't as  
easy as python, but I don't think you need to learn a lot of it in  
order to do this.

Are music streams completely implemented in the current version of  
From the discussions I saw, I was under the impression that streams  
would significantly enhance the interchange-ability of Lilypond code.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: producing archival scores

2007-04-10 Thread Anthony W. Youngman
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Kieren 
MacMillan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes
musicXML - lilypond   is currently done as a python script; python 
is a very nice language and is quite easy to learn.

Why is it not in XSLT?
Even if the performance is worse, it would seem to make more sense from 
an industry perspective...

As I understand XSLT it is designed to convert from one valid XML 
representation to another valid XML representation.

As such, XSLT is probably useless. Can you write a DTD for lilypond? 
Without it, I don't think you can use XSLT.

Anthony W. Youngman - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: producing archival scores

2007-04-10 Thread Simon Dahlbacka

On 4/10/07, Anthony W. Youngman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Kieren
MacMillan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes
 musicXML - lilypond   is currently done as a python script; python
is a very nice language and is quite easy to learn.

Why is it not in XSLT?
Even if the performance is worse, it would seem to make more sense from
an industry perspective...

As I understand XSLT it is designed to convert from one valid XML
representation to another valid XML representation.

yes, that's the most common usage, it is however possible to transform into
something non-xml

However, developing (*and* supporting) a working xslt solution is a *major*
PITA. Secondly, xslt is essentially stateless leading to more pain...

So... stay clear of xslt :)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: producing archival scores

2007-04-09 Thread Tim Reeves
Roland asked: I wonder what the typical  note-entry-time/layout-tweak-time 
ratio is amongst LilyPond users.

For me, lilypond works quite well out of the box and my ratio is 
probably about 90/10.
Then again, I'm mostly working on just horn parts for myself - not piano 
or choir or orchestral scores.

Tim Reeves

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: producing archival scores

2007-04-08 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Tom,

You wrote:

  . . . if convert-ly doesn't work, most of the note-entry should be
  straightforward to reuse, leaving organization and tweaking to be done
  (for me, that usually takes about half of the time of preparing a
  score, so that's not so bad).

 [ ... ]
 I spend 80 to 90% of my time on fixing the layout.  So for me,
 preservation of layout is the prime requirement as regards archiving.
 I wonder what the typical   note-entry-time/layout-tweak-time   ratio is
 amongst LilyPond users.

 10% /  90%

Though I've made lots of own definitions in an extra file,
for me tweaking is taking most of the time ...

Best Regards   Roland

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: producing archival scores

2007-04-08 Thread Arvid Grøtting
 stk at writes:

 I wonder what the typical   note-entry-time/layout-tweak-time   ratio is
 amongst LilyPond users.

I'm probably not average (who is?), but I guess I spend about 40% of the time
spent on a score on initial note entry, 30% on layout tweaking, 20% on
proofreading and 10% on other stuff.  But that's just a wild guess; I haven't
timed much of it.

Of course, I spend another bunch of time on improving my template and include
files, checking or posting to the mailing lists, narrowing down and reporting
bugs that I've stumbled upon, playing around with guile to make LilyPond produce
e.g. covers and once even improving functionality.

To return to the subject: I think .ly is a good format for archival purposes,
combined with the PDF.  You can probably find even quite old versions of
Lilypond -- and of an old enough OS environment if you need that -- many years
ahead, but if you really need the exact output you got from a version you used,
use the PDF.  When I re-use a lilypond file, it's usually either because I want
to correct a typo or ten, or because I want to take advantage of the improved
typesetting in a newer version.  Or both.

convert-ly does most of the conversion work, and most of what it doesn't convert
is either straightforward to retype in a newer version or redundant because of
improvements in the newer version.

Also, .ly files work brilliantly with revision control systems; I use CVS on all
my typesetting work, and while I could do that with an XML-based or a binary
format, a text format like .ly lets me view changes etc much more easily. 
(Plus, it takes up significantly less disk space.)

On another note, it looks to me like the base .ly format itself has stabilized a
lot recently, to the extent that I don't expect a 3.0 version under the current
version numbering regime /ever/.  But that's just my impression.  B-)




lilypond-user mailing list

Re: producing archival scores

2007-04-07 Thread Josiah Boothby

On 4/5/07, Valentin Villenave [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hello everybody, hello Jason,

I would like to add my 2 cents here: though LilyPond syntax evolves
indeed very quickly, you'll always be able to find the version of
LilyPond which was in use when you first typed your score, on or

This is why open-Source gives some guarantees (well, relatively at
least) you won't be able to find with any other proprietary software:

Just to clarify one small thing: I think that it would be nearly
impossible -- or at least extraordinarily difficult -- to compile on a
modern distribution of Linux a sufficiently old version of Lilypond so
that ancient .ly files can be used directly. The nice thing about the
old ly files is that the syntax is usually similar enough that if
convert-ly doesn't work, most of the note-entry should be
straightforward to reuse, leaving organization and tweaking to be done
(for me, that usually takes about half of the time of preparing a
score, so that's not so bad).


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: producing archival scores

2007-04-07 Thread Aaron Dalton
Josiah Boothby wrote:
 On 4/5/07, Valentin Villenave [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello everybody, hello Jason,

 I would like to add my 2 cents here: though LilyPond syntax evolves
 indeed very quickly, you'll always be able to find the version of
 LilyPond which was in use when you first typed your score, on or

 This is why open-Source gives some guarantees (well, relatively at
 least) you won't be able to find with any other proprietary software:
 Just to clarify one small thing: I think that it would be nearly
 impossible -- or at least extraordinarily difficult -- to compile on a
 modern distribution of Linux a sufficiently old version of Lilypond so
 that ancient .ly files can be used directly. The nice thing about the
 old ly files is that the syntax is usually similar enough that if
 convert-ly doesn't work, most of the note-entry should be
 straightforward to reuse, leaving organization and tweaking to be done
 (for me, that usually takes about half of the time of preparing a
 score, so that's not so bad).

Don't the new distributions *include* all the dependencies?  The FreeBSD
and Windows packages seem to.  I don't have an extra box to experiment
with though.  In any case, I agree that the note entry syntax doesn't
change and that represents (for me anyway) 90% of the work.  I will
still rely on Lilypond for archival scores.  Proprietary software won't
cut it (as explained earlier) and MusicXML seems insanely verbose to me.
 The snippet at is way too long
just to get a clef, time signature, and middle C.

Aaron Dalton   |   Super Duper Games

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: producing archival scores

2007-04-07 Thread Jason Merrill

Thanks for the interesting comments so far.  I want to refocus the
discussion slightly.  I didn't mean to get into a discussion about the
relative merits of lilypond as an entry tool, exactly, so take as a
temporary supposition that I want to enter music in lilypond right
now, but that at some future time, someone else wants to modify that
music in a program other than lilypond.  How can I do something now to
make that easiest?

Josiah makes the point that MusicXML is too verbose.  I agree;
however, it succeeds at it's stated goal of being a music interchange
format in that it is widely supported.  Is there another, better music
interchange format either available or in development?

So far, the best option was suggested by Tom: a tool called PDFtoMusic
Pro that converts PDF scores into MusicXML.  The pros are that it is
available right now, and that it presumably works.  Downsides are that
it is proprietary and not free, and takes what seems to me a rather
indirect route towards solving my particular problem.

Any other suggestions?  Any comments on the likelihood of being able
to compile lilypond into a music interchange format at some point in
the future?


Jason Merrill

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: producing archival scores

2007-04-07 Thread Aaron Dalton
Jason Merrill wrote:
 Thanks for the interesting comments so far.  I want to refocus the
 discussion slightly.  I didn't mean to get into a discussion about the
 relative merits of lilypond as an entry tool, exactly, so take as a
 temporary supposition that I want to enter music in lilypond right
 now, but that at some future time, someone else wants to modify that
 music in a program other than lilypond.  How can I do something now to
 make that easiest?

There is not now, nor ever will be, some universal music language.
MusicXML is an option, but not one everybody will choose.  One could ask
the exact same question by replacing 'lilypond' with 'MusicXML'.  The
issue with archival (it seems to me) is a format whose source will
always be readable and whose output will always be viewable.  Seems
to me Lilypond and MusicXML are the only ones that provide both of
these.  They also seem to me to be the only two options that are
non-proprietary so others will not have purchase anything to access your
work.  Whether you prefer MusicXML or Lilypond is a matter of taste,
methinks.  Obviously the people on this list are going to have a marked
bias towards Lilypond, but that is indeed another question.

 Josiah makes the point that MusicXML is too verbose.  I agree;
 however, it succeeds at it's stated goal of being a music interchange
 format in that it is widely supported.  Is there another, better music
 interchange format either available or in development?

I could argue that Finale is also a music interchange format that is
widely supported.  MusicXML is just one more way of encoding music.
Any format that uses plain text as source and a non-proprietary compiler
I think is a perfectly decent archival option.

 So far, the best option was suggested by Tom: a tool called PDFtoMusic
 Pro that converts PDF scores into MusicXML.  The pros are that it is
 available right now, and that it presumably works.  Downsides are that
 it is proprietary and not free, and takes what seems to me a rather
 indirect route towards solving my particular problem.

1) I have strong reservations about the claims made by this product.  I
would be very interested in hearing what people's results have been.  I
cannot imagine that they can do what they say with the accuracy they imply.

2) The fact that it's proprietary to me is more than a downside, but
actually kills the option as one for long-term archival.  I guess it
depends on your goals.  It sounds like you're more interested in
exchange rather than archival.

 Any other suggestions?  Any comments on the likelihood of being able
 to compile lilypond into a music interchange format at some point in
 the future?

I see no reason why a ly2musicxml utility could not be done, but I don't
know enough about the guts of Lilypond personally.  It's an interesting
question to be sure.

Aaron Dalton   |   Super Duper Games

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: producing archival scores

2007-04-07 Thread stk

 . . . if convert-ly doesn't work, most of the note-entry should be
 straightforward to reuse, leaving organization and tweaking to be done
 (for me, that usually takes about half of the time of preparing a
 score, so that's not so bad).

I use LilyPond for cases that have intractable layout problems, either
because of complicated text requirements or because of the the necessity
of squeezing a score into 3 pages.  Note entry goes extremely fast, and I
spend 80 to 90% of my time on fixing the layout.  So for me, preservation
of layout is the prime requirement as regards archiving.

I wonder what the typical   note-entry-time/layout-tweak-time   ratio is
amongst LilyPond users.

-- Tom


Josiah Boothby wrote:

Just to clarify one small thing: I think that it would be nearly
impossible -- or at least extraordinarily difficult -- to compile on a
modern distribution of Linux a sufficiently old version of Lilypond so
that ancient .ly files can be used directly. The nice thing about the
old ly files is that the syntax is usually similar enough that if
convert-ly doesn't work, most of the note-entry should be
straightforward to reuse, leaving organization and tweaking to be done
(for me, that usually takes about half of the time of preparing a
score, so that's not so bad).


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: producing archival scores

2007-04-05 Thread Tim Reeves
I love lilypond, and would like to encourage others to use it also, and 
the answer to Jason's question would help me as well. I hope someone can 
answer it well.

Night before last, I was playing off a part that someone had generated 
using Finale Print Music (?), and it wasn't very good (way too much white 
space on the page, tempo marks on top of chord symbols, etc.), and a copy 
of another part (from a music publisher!) had such thin staff lines and 
bar lines that I could hardly read the thing. 
Lilypond rules, others drool, as my seven year old son might say.

Tim Reeves
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: producing archival scores

2007-04-05 Thread stk

Hi --

I think you're right that LilyPond (.ly) files aren't good for long-term
archival, since LilyPond syntax changes so rapidly.

Myriad (in France) has released a program called   PDFtoMusic Pro   that
purportedly will convert a PDF file to MusicXML or to MIDI. Presumably the
PDF file cannot be a scanned image; I think it has to be laid out in a
music font.  You can read about it at

-- It's very expensive (U.S. $199).
-- Does it really work?
-- It is probable that in extracting the musical information, it might not
   extract the note-spacing information, in which case you would not
   really be extracting the *layout*, which I am sure is what you want
   to do.

So this program is probably not what you want, but I mention it because
you may not have heard of it and you still might want to look at all
available options.

Probably there are other LilyPond users that will have better suggestions.

-- Tom


Jason Merrill wrote:

I'm wondering to what extent lilypond files can be considered
archival, and if there is a good workflow for producing archival
documents using lilypond.  By this, I mean that now that I've taken
the effort of copying a score into the computer, I'd like to save
everyone in the future from making the same effort, and also allow
them easiest access to a form of the score that provides them the
greatest possible utility.

PDF files are certainly good for looking at and printing, and
practically everyone is set up to use them.  However, you can't really
edit them directly.  Providing access to the .ly file also seems
pretty good.  It's easy to edit, and open source so there's no
vendor lock in and all that.  The problem is that I'm not sure I could
convince some of my less technically oriented friends to use lilypond.
 Even after I tell them how much faster it is for me to type stuff in
than it is to mess around with a mouse and finale, and how it's free
and how I love it, I have a feeling the first time they see a compiler
error because of a misplaced comma they are going to give up.  This
isn't a criticism of lilypond exactly--lilypond is aimed at a
particular group of users and I think it serves them extremely well.
Nonetheless, its steep learning curve makes me wary of considering it

So what other choices are there?  Proprietary formats are out of the
question because they're, well, proprietary.  That pretty much leaves
MusicXML, as far as I know, which benefits from being readable by any
program my less technically oriented friends are likely to use.  As
far as I can tell, however, there's no way to get lilypond files into
MusicXML format.

Say in a few years some program that is vastly superior to lilypond
comes along, and it's so good that no one wants to use lilypond
anymore.  Unless I can get my lilypond files into that new program,
they're not so useful anymore.  It seems more likely that this
hypothetical new system will allow me to import MusicXML than to
import .ly files.  Is there any work being done on a system that
allows lilypond to compile to MusicXML (or some other good technology
I don't know about) instead of PDF ?  From what I understand, the
makers of Lilypond don't think very highly of MusicXML.

I'd appreciate any thoughts on this problem.  Am I wrong in thinking
that lilypond files aren't really archival?  Is there some solution I
haven't thought of?


Jason Merrill

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: producing archival scores

2007-04-05 Thread Valentin Villenave

Hello everybody, hello Jason,

I would like to add my 2 cents here: though LilyPond syntax evolves
indeed very quickly, you'll always be able to find the version of
LilyPond which was in use when you first typed your score, on or

This is why open-Source gives some guarantees (well, relatively at
least) you won't be able to find with any other proprietary software:
even if, say, Han-Wen, Jan and a few other couldn't take it anymore
someday, or if the site was taken down and not
recoverable, or the worst situation you could imagine, you'll probably
be able to find some repository somewhere with the version you need,
since anybody is (and will always be) granted to redistribute it.

Just try to find Encore v2.0 by Passport Design, for example: I
would be surprised if you managed to find it (by legal ways, that is

--and I'm not sure Myriad will live longer than Passport, by the
way... though I hope it will, of course.

Even Adobe modifies its PDF standard, so there are probably more risks
to use PDF for archival purposes than LilyPond (try to find Acrobat
Reader 2.0 nowadays, and then try to imagine how easy it will be to
find Adobe Reader 8.0 in 10 years...) The truth is: Companies _die_;
Libre Software doesn't. And when a company dies, its entire
Intellectual Property dies with it, or is sold to some other
Corporation which is probably going to let it die anyway (look at

Now, the learning curve question. Well, though LilyPond may not seem
that user-friendly to someone who's already used to Finale or
Sibelius, I can tell you, as a teacher, that for somebody who hasn't
used any notation software before, LilyPond is always a tremendous
discovery. It is not _that_ hard to use, and I can't agree with you
when you say that it is aimed at a particular group of users (even
my grandmother, which had never used a computer before last year, now
uses LilyPond under Linux!)
I would say, on the contrary, that there is a particular group of
users that LilyPond is NOT aimed at; that is the Finale and Sibelius
addicts --and I used to be one of those myself. But do not take their
reluctance for a feeling everyone tends to share.

One last thing: you were talking about archival scores. The fact is,
an archival score _does_ need to be read, but does not necessary need
to be modified by anyone. To read a LilyPond file : that is, for the
standard Windows user, to double-click on the right .ly file, and to
open the given PDF. Where is the learning curve? On the other hand, if
some corrections are needed, the right person, e.g. you or anybody
qualified enough, will be able to handle it effortless.

This is why, to give you a short answer: yes, LilyPond files can, and
should be considered archival. And by the way, this is why the
rather ambitious Mutopia Project ( )
doesn't accept anything else than LilyPond scores.
This is why so many talented --and patient-- persons such as , , , or (by L.Conrad)
have chosen to use our favorite software for their archival resources.

I hope this might convince you to share my --and their-- faith in LilyPond :)

Valentin Villenave.

lilypond-user mailing list

producing archival scores

2007-04-04 Thread Jason Merrill

I'm wondering to what extent lilypond files can be considered
archival, and if there is a good workflow for producing archival
documents using lilypond.  By this, I mean that now that I've taken
the effort of copying a score into the computer, I'd like to save
everyone in the future from making the same effort, and also allow
them easiest access to a form of the score that provides them the
greatest possible utility.

PDF files are certainly good for looking at and printing, and
practically everyone is set up to use them.  However, you can't really
edit them directly.  Providing access to the .ly file also seems
pretty good.  It's easy to edit, and open source so there's no
vendor lock in and all that.  The problem is that I'm not sure I could
convince some of my less technically oriented friends to use lilypond.
Even after I tell them how much faster it is for me to type stuff in
than it is to mess around with a mouse and finale, and how it's free
and how I love it, I have a feeling the first time they see a compiler
error because of a misplaced comma they are going to give up.  This
isn't a criticism of lilypond exactly--lilypond is aimed at a
particular group of users and I think it serves them extremely well.
Nonetheless, its steep learning curve makes me wary of considering it

So what other choices are there?  Proprietary formats are out of the
question because they're, well, proprietary.  That pretty much leaves
MusicXML, as far as I know, which benefits from being readable by any
program my less technically oriented friends are likely to use.  As
far as I can tell, however, there's no way to get lilypond files into
MusicXML format.

Say in a few years some program that is vastly superior to lilypond
comes along, and it's so good that no one wants to use lilypond
anymore.  Unless I can get my lilypond files into that new program,
they're not so useful anymore.  It seems more likely that this
hypothetical new system will allow me to import MusicXML than to
import .ly files.  Is there any work being done on a system that
allows lilypond to compile to MusicXML (or some other good technology
I don't know about) instead of PDF ?  From what I understand, the
makers of Lilypond don't think very highly of MusicXML.

I'd appreciate any thoughts on this problem.  Am I wrong in thinking
that lilypond files aren't really archival?  Is there some solution I
haven't thought of?


Jason Merrill

lilypond-user mailing list