Re: Emacs for Windows lilypond mode

2017-10-24 Thread

- Original Message -
> From: "Garrett Fitzgerald" 
> To: "Lillypond Users Mailing List" 
> Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2017 7:31:27 PM
> Subject: Emacs for Windows lilypond mode

> I'm sorry, but I'm having the darnedest time following the directions for how 
> to
> install Lilypond-mode on Windows. I installed the latest release of GNU Emacs
> at c:\emacs and tried to follow the directions at [
> |
> ] . Either I'm looking at the wrong
> .emacs, or I have the files in the wrong directory, or I don't know what. Can
> someone give me pointers on this? Thanks.
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list

For what it's worth, my lilypond.el files are located in:


...and it loads and works as advertised.

Hope this helps,


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Emacs for Windows lilypond mode

2017-10-24 Thread Ben

On 10/24/2017 3:31 PM, Garrett Fitzgerald wrote:
I'm sorry, but I'm having the darnedest time following the directions 
for how to install Lilypond-mode on Windows. I installed the latest 
release of GNU Emacs at c:\emacs and tried to follow the directions at Either I'm looking at the 
wrong .emacs, or I have the files in the wrong directory, or I don't 
know what. Can someone give me pointers on this? Thanks.

Hi Garrett,

Although I haven't used Emacs with LilyPond for quite some time now, I 
still have it installed on my old Windows system. Hope this helps you.
I can't promise it's 100% current or complete but it should get you 
started. :)  Going by my memory...

1) First I copied files from LilyPond to where Emacs can "see it".
(see attached)
2) Then, after opening Emacs for the first time on Windows, I believe it 
will create an INIT file / location (that's where you add the code from 
the lilymacs website

(see attached)

Does this get you going?
Are you seeing a *specific *error, if so, what is it?

lilypond-user mailing list

Emacs for Windows lilypond mode

2017-10-24 Thread Garrett Fitzgerald
I'm sorry, but I'm having the darnedest time following the directions for
how to install Lilypond-mode on Windows. I installed the latest release of
GNU Emacs at c:\emacs and tried to follow the directions at Either I'm looking at the wrong
.emacs, or I have the files in the wrong directory, or I don't know what.
Can someone give me pointers on this? Thanks.
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Staff.VerticalAxisGroup #'Y-extent no longer working in Windows Lilypond 2.1

2007-01-08 Thread Trent J

From: "Joe Neeman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Staff.VerticalAxisGroup #'Y-extent no longer working in Windows 
Lilypond 2.1

Date: Tue, 9 Jan 2007 08:05:37 +0200

On 1/9/07, Trent J <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thanks for your help. I'd had gotten good page fill and SCORE like output
being able to manually fix the staff distances. I might stick with the
earlier version for now.

With the vertical-manual-setting - can this be set once for the entire
piece? At the moment you have to set it for every system break. Setting
once for the entire piece or until a different setting is specified would

You can set it in the layout block:
\version "2.10.0"

\layout {
 \context {
   \override NonMusicalPaperColumn
   #'line-break-system-details = #'((alignment-offsets . (#f #f

If you want to change it mid-piece, you can use \override instead of
\overrideProperty, but I think you have to do the \override one timestep
before you want it to take effect.

Thanks Joe this works perfectly. I'll have to download the lastest version 
now and play with all the new features.

Thanks for your help and the excellent features you've added to Lilypond.


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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Staff.VerticalAxisGroup #'Y-extent no longer working in Windows Lilypond 2.1

2007-01-08 Thread Joe Neeman

On 1/9/07, Trent J <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thanks for your help. I'd had gotten good page fill and SCORE like output
being able to manually fix the staff distances. I might stick with the
earlier version for now.

With the vertical-manual-setting - can this be set once for the entire
piece? At the moment you have to set it for every system break. Setting
once for the entire piece or until a different setting is specified would

You can set it in the layout block:
\version "2.10.0"

\layout {
 \context {
   \override NonMusicalPaperColumn
   #'line-break-system-details = #'((alignment-offsets . (#f #f

If you want to change it mid-piece, you can use \override instead of
\overrideProperty, but I think you have to do the \override one timestep
before you want it to take effect.
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Staff.VerticalAxisGroup #'Y-extent no longer working in Windows Lilypond 2.1

2007-01-08 Thread Trent J

From: "Joe Neeman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Trent Johnston" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Staff.VerticalAxisGroup #'Y-extent no longer working in Windows 
Lilypond 2.11.9??

Date: Sun, 7 Jan 2007 11:47:07 +0200

On 1/7/07, Trent Johnston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Everyone,

I've been working with Lilypond 2.11.0 for a while and recently tried

When running the new version the following statements are ignored

\override Staff.VerticalAxisGroup #'Y-extent = #'(0 . 10).

We no longer look at VerticalAxisGroup #'Y-extent when it comes to
vertically aligning systems (this is so that we can take the outline of the
system into account, not just its maximum size). You can still use
minimum-Y-extent, though.

I've been playing around with getting more even output from Lilypond same

of systems per page and the same space between staves.

I've even managed in a Concerto Grosso score to have a seperate different
between the concertino groups and ripieno groups all the way through the

Staff.VerticalAxisGroup #'Y-extent is probably not the best way to do this.
If you just want to have fixed distances between all the systems throughout
the piece, have a look at the<>regression

Thanks for your help. I'd had gotten good page fill and SCORE like output by 
being able to manually fix the staff distances. I might stick with the 
earlier version for now.

With the vertical-manual-setting - can this be set once for the entire 
piece? At the moment you have to set it for every system break. Setting this 
once for the entire piece or until a different setting is specified would be 


Trent Johnston

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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Staff.VerticalAxisGroup #'Y-extent no longer working in Windows Lilypond 2.11.9??

2007-01-07 Thread Joe Neeman

On 1/7/07, Trent Johnston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Everyone,

I've been working with Lilypond 2.11.0 for a while and recently tried

When running the new version the following statements are ignored

\override Staff.VerticalAxisGroup #'Y-extent = #'(0 . 10).

We no longer look at VerticalAxisGroup #'Y-extent when it comes to
vertically aligning systems (this is so that we can take the outline of the
system into account, not just its maximum size). You can still use
minimum-Y-extent, though.

I've been playing around with getting more even output from Lilypond same

of systems per page and the same space between staves.

I've even managed in a Concerto Grosso score to have a seperate different
between the concertino groups and ripieno groups all the way through the

Staff.VerticalAxisGroup #'Y-extent is probably not the best way to do this.
If you just want to have fixed distances between all the systems throughout
the piece, have a look at the
lilypond-user mailing list

Staff.VerticalAxisGroup #'Y-extent no longer working in Windows Lilypond 2.11.9??

2007-01-06 Thread Trent Johnston
Hi Everyone,

I've been working with Lilypond 2.11.0 for a while and recently tried 

When running the new version the following statements are ignored

 \override Staff.VerticalAxisGroup #'Y-extent = #'(0 . 10).

I've been playing around with getting more even output from Lilypond same 
of systems per page and the same space between staves.

I've even managed in a Concerto Grosso score to have a seperate different 
between the concertino groups and ripieno groups all the way through the 

But as stated earlier Staff.VerticalAxisGroup #'Y-extent no longer works.

I've included an example below.


Trent Johnston

\version "2.11.0"

#(set-global-staff-size 16)

\header {

\include ""

staffViolin = \new Staff  {
 \time 4/4
 \set Staff.midiInstrument="violin"
 \key c \major
 \clef treble
 \relative c'' {
%bar 1
c4 d8. c32 d e8 f g4~
%bar 2
g8 e16 c a'8 f16 d d4 r \break
%bar 3
g4 c8 g16( e) a4. g8

staffCello = \new Staff = cont  {
 \set Staff.midiInstrument="cello"
 \key c \major
 \clef bass
 \relative c {
\override Staff.VerticalAxisGroup #'Y-extent = #'(0 . 20)
%bar 1
c4 g c c8 d
%bar 2
e4 f g g8 f
%bar 3
e2 f4 f8 g

bc = \figuremode  {
%bar 1
%bar 2
<6>4 s2.
%bar 3
<6>2 s2

\score {
\new StaffGroup <<
\context Staff = "cont" \bc
\layout  { }
\paper { } 

lilypond-user mailing list

Windows Lilypond 2.11.1

2006-12-07 Thread Trent Johnston
Hi Everyone,

The latest Lilypond 2.11.1 on my work laptop and home computer is extremely 
slow.. to the point of going in what seems to be an infinite loop.

I've monitored the process with task manager and noticed that Lilypond 
(gauging from the memory usage of this version and the previous version 
2.11.0-1) that lilypond seems to continuly runs itself over and over again. 
The memory useage peaks at 240, 000K for a score then declines very slowly 
back down to around 6,000K only to start up again moving back up to 
240,000K. I noticed that lilypond did this 10 times before I stopped the 
process (I also noticed that CPU percentage never got above 20). I 
uninstalled 2.11.1 and reinstalled 2.11.0-1 and ran the file again .. no 
problems Lilypond ran the memory usage peaked around 260,000K this time (all 
while CPU percentage was at about 49 for most of the time) and memory useage 
decline until the application terminated after producing the PDF output at 
about 3 minutes to the well over 15 minutes on 2.11.1 before I stopped it.

Has anyone else had similar problems?


lilypond-user mailing list

windows lilypond

2004-05-02 Thread Anna and Ken
I wrote you yesterday about missing dll files.  I have solved most of that, but I 
still have many problems.

I think that lilypond may well be the best music writing program to date, at any 
price.  I just wish we could get it working.

I have downloaded from your site and installed/reinstalled about 7 times now, so I 
know that's not the problem.

All files are on your site except the doc file right? I checked them against the list 
in the website.  And the doc file is not needed to make the program run?

On completion of cygwin installation I got a missing cygintl-1.dll error message.  I 
have no idea if, once this file is supplied, other missing dll errors will then be 

When I run lilypond-bin.exe, I get a quickly closing window that just gives a quick 
intro. But it includes options like the ones listed on the gatting-started page in the 

When I run a cygwin bash shell, it fails to recognize either "lilypond", or "help" as 
a valid command.

When I double click the "" file, or the file I made through the denemo front 
end, I get a little window that says "python not found".  Since python is in there, 
and running, I wonder if they mean something contained in the python folder within the 
lilypond folder.  This folder is empty.  Could the problem be as simple as a packaging 

If it is a packaging error, I'd appreciate it if I could just get the missing file, or 
if you'd let me know when the package is fixed.  I'm saving all the files downloaded 
so far.  I really hope this this thing can be gotten to work.

As I said in my previous message, there can be no test.log file in the floder that 
holds the file, since that is not a folder, but a document.  If you mean that 
the file should be generated as the program is run, it never has been.

Thanks for whatever you can do.

Ken Behrens
lilypond-user mailing list