3D Othello

2004-06-03 Thread Per-Erik Bergman
Hi, I'm almost done with a game and thought it was time to get some opinions
about it. It's the classic board game Othello/reverse 

You can find it at my site http://uncle.nu/  

Direct link: http://uncle.nu/index.php?folder=05_Games&page=05_Othello

It's my first 3D game so if you test it just let me know if it runs smoothly

I have saved the funniest part to create to last so to morrow I will start
working on some real AI that might be a better challenge.

/Per-Erik Bergman
The Perfect World Is In My Head

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RE: Verbose vs Dotose

2004-06-02 Thread Per-Erik Bergman
You could write it as:
put(member(1, castlib(1)).name)
-- "MyMember"

/Per-Erik Bergman

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Peter Bochan
Sent: den 2 juni 2004 17:08
Subject:  Verbose vs Dotose


Just for reference so I won't spend another hour breaking it:

I get an error using this:


and this one works

put the name of member 1 of castLib 1

Does that mean that it'll work only in verbose syntax?


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RE: Sorting Challenge

2004-05-31 Thread Per-Erik Bergman
Hi, I'm taking the opportunity to say "Hi, I'm a new one at this list." :)

I'd create a new list with the values of the combine properties and sort
that one and in the same time making the same changes to the original list.

My code:

on sortList iList
  -- Creating the list to sort --
  tList = []
  repeat with tData in iList
-- This is similar to the 'Prop1 + Prop2 + Prop3' you used. --
tValue = tData[#Prop1] & tData[#Prop2] & tData[#Prop3]
  end repeat
  -- Tha actual sorting --
  tCount = iList.count
  repeat with i = 1 to tCount - 1
j = tCount
repeat while j > i
  -- Checking the list you just created --
  if tList[j-1]>tList[j] then
-- Making the change in the list you crated --
tData  = tList[j-1]
tList[j-1] = tList[j]
tList[j]   = tData

-- Making the change in the original list --
tData  = iList[j-1]
iList[j-1] = iList[j]
iList[j]   = tData
  end if
end repeat
  end repeat
  return iList  

on test
  tt = [  [#Prop1: "abc", #Prop2: "02", #Prop3: "02"],  [#Prop1: "abc",
#Prop2: "02", #Prop3: "01"],  [#Prop1: "xyz", #Prop2: "02", #Prop3: "01"],
[#Prop1: "abc", #Prop2: "01", #Prop3: "01"]]
  put sortList(tt)

-- [[#Prop1: "abc", #Prop2: "01", #Prop3: "01"], [#Prop1: "abc", #Prop2:
"02", #Prop3: "01"], [#Prop1: "abc", #Prop2: "02", #Prop3: "02"], [#Prop1:
"xyz", #Prop2: "02", #Prop3: "01"]]

Hope this help.

/Per-Erik Bergman

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Slava Paperno
Sent: den 31 maj 2004 18:36
Subject:  Sorting Challenge

Is there an xplat Xtra that expands Directors limited ability to sort lists?

Or, can someone please advise me on how to implement this sort?

I have a linear list where the value of each item is a property list,
[  [#Prop1: "abc", #Prop2: "02", #Prop3: "02"],
   [#Prop1: "abc", #Prop2: "02", #Prop3: "01"],
  [#Prop1: "xyz", #Prop2: "02", #Prop3: "01"],
  [#Prop1: "abc", #Prop2: "01", #Prop3: "01"],  ]

I need to sort the outer linear list on the compound values of the three
properties in the inner lists, so I get this:

[  [#Prop1: "abc", #Prop2: "01", #Prop3: "01"],
   [#Prop1: "abc", #Prop2: "02", #Prop3: "01"],
   [#Prop1: "abc", #Prop2: "02", #Prop3: "02"],
   [#Prop1: "xyz", #Prop2: "02", #Prop3: "01"]  ]

If this were a database table with three fields and four records, I'd use a
compound index, Prop1 + Prop2 + Prop3. How can I achieve the same result in
Director MX?

The size of my lists and the number of properties in each list are quite
modest, so peformance is not really an important factor.

Any advice will be appreciated.


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Re: list

2003-08-14 Thread Erik Verschueren
1. good list : http://chattyfig.figleaf.com

(for various levels of expertise and interest)

2. good editors : 

try scite-flash (http://www.bomberstudios.com)
or ultra-edit32 with AS-syntaxfiles

those R my favorites



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RE: The long date

2003-01-10 Thread Erik Sandbergen
Ah, but it _is_ listed in LBF under Time in the first table 'Current date and time', 
second row, second column...

> -Original Message-
> systemDate entry makes no mention of 'seconds'. It's also not 
> listed at 
> all under "Time" in Lingo by Feature.
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Re: Unicode fonts in director MX

2002-12-02 Thread erik verschueren
I've made contact with somebody of the Director support team
and it seems that even in Director  MX Unicode fonts/text will not be
In this matter i have chosen to make the entire application in Flash MX,
which supports
the unicode standard and also handles XML files quite well.

I searched the list archives for alternatives in director.
I have found a lot but nothing sathisfying.
I am sure it is possible somehow

thanks to everybody who replied to my question.

erik verschueren

Alligence Modern Media Architects
Schaliënhoevedreef 20 E
2800 Mechelen

+32 15 40 50 60

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greek ... in director MX ?

2002-11-29 Thread erik verschueren
Hi all,

i posted a few days ago the question about the greek character
display in director.
After trying all kinds of possible approaches , i found none of them
worked for me. It IS in fact a problem.

Now .. I was wondering : Does anybody know if the MX version of director
will support UTF-8 .. or different codepages than the traditional ISO-8859-1
It would make the difference between choosing director as the preffered
platform (my choice , if not for the greek) or making a cd-rom in HTML,
which is visually
lessinteresting but HTML supports UTF-8 ..

If anyone else got a "halleluja"-clue for me, please let me know , it's
important (aargh).
thanx .

erik verschueren

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RE: behaviours

2002-11-28 Thread Erik Sandbergen
Hi Roland,

You can put this in a movie script:

on getScriptInstanceCount whichScript
  tempList = []
  repeat with i = 1 to the lastChannel
if sprite(i).member.number > 0 then
  if sprite(i).scriptList.count > 0 then
repeat with k = 1 to sprite(i).scriptList.count
  if sprite(i).scriptList[k][1].name = whichScript then
  end if  
end repeat
  end if
end if
  end repeat  
  return tempList.count

In the message window enter:

put getScriptInstanceCount("name of behaviour")

It will return the number of sprites to which the behaviour is attached. The function 
- steps through each channel in the score
- checks if a sprite is present
- checks to see if any behavior is attached to the sprite
- checks to see how many behaviors are attached
- checks if any of these behaviors match the name of the one you passed as whichScript
- adds the sprite number to a list
- the last line returns the count of the list i.e. the number of sprites the behavior 
is attached to

You can return the complete list of sprites the behavior is attached to by removing 
the '.count' property from the return line.

Hope this helps,

-- Erik Sandbergen
-- Integration New Media, Inc.
-- Montréal, Canada
-- www.IntegrationNewMedia.com

> -Original Message-
> From: Roland [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, November 28, 2002 3:25 PM
> Subject:  behaviours
> Hello all
> I have attached a behavior on a few sprites. How can I find 
> out (number) on
> how many sprites the behavior has been attached to in order 
> to place this
> number in a variable.
> Thanks for your replay
> Roland
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recursive use of handler

2002-11-27 Thread Erik Phalet
THX for the quick reply, Tab !

Andreas, I am using recursion in a project where I use DOM-lingo to work a
bunch of XML stuff.
A recursive setup can simplify things there, and is sometimes (as far as I
see) the only solution. 


Erik Phalet
> Tel * +32-(0)2-751 45 29
> GSM * 0473 86 41 36
> Mail * mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> www.theWizard.be
> Interactive Communication
> Registered Office  * Machelsesteenweg 67,1820 Melsbroek, Belgium
>   Production  *  Zandvoortstraat 8, 2800 Mechelen, Belgium
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recursive use of handler

2002-11-27 Thread Erik Phalet
Is it possible to return the result of a recursive loop to the handler that
called the loop, instead of to the previous instance of the handler itself ?
I am not sure the question is accurate, but you can check out what I mean
with this example-moviescript.

on startMovie
  myList = [5,6,7]
  myPropList = createList(myList)
  put myPropList

on createList oldList, newList
  if not ilk(newList,#list) then
newList = []
  end if
  if oldList.count > 0 then
createList(oldList, newList)
propertyList = [#propName:newlist]
  end if
  return propertyList

The value that is returned to startMovie is VOID, while I need it to be the
constructed propList.
If I put a breakpoint on the line "return propertyList", I see what is
happening, but how can I pass my return value through this stack ?


Erik Phalet
> Tel * +32-(0)2-751 45 29
> GSM * 0473 86 41 36
> Mail * mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> www.theWizard.be
> Interactive Communication
> Registered Office  * Machelsesteenweg 67,1820 Melsbroek, Belgium
>   Production  *  Zandvoortstraat 8, 2800 Mechelen, Belgium
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Re:xml in foreign languages

2002-11-25 Thread erik verschueren
Your problems aren't with XML, but with Director and the languages you are

Finnish should be no problem, at least on Windows, because the character
set is part of the standard ANSI character set.

Director basically, as far as I can determine, uses only code page 1252 on
Windows, the code page for Latin 1, defined by the ISO 8859.1 standard,
which is essentially the same as ANSI.

Greek, defined by ISO 8859.7, uses code page 1253. If your font is a true
Greek font, and you are running on a Greek system, you should see
everything in Greek. However, if you're running on another system, you will
probably see garbage characters, because Director is matching the high ANSI
characters with the glyphs in the font's 1252 area, where it might have
ANSI characters.

I just found. Greek is giving me problems.
I was going through the archives and some say using
embedded adjusted greek fonts would do but this hasn't worked out for me.
I guess there's no quick solution then unless going through custom made
(ascii-wise). Anyone?

As for the beta-xtra , nik, nice piece of work at first sight.
i will definitely try to look into it.

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xml in foreign languages

2002-11-25 Thread erik verschueren
I have a big project coming up which involves
multiple , 14 i guess, languages including greek,
finnish and so on . All of these contain multiple special characters.

I want to put all the text in XML.
Is there anybody who has encountered any kind of problems along this line.
(meaning in XML and in Director)
I expect trouble because char's are displayed well in the xml (using UTF-8)
and browser
but not in director . that's why i ask .


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RE: Director 8.6??

2002-11-11 Thread Erik Sandbergen
> software engineer knows that, contrary to Mark Twain, there 
> are *three* 
> kinds of lies--lies, damn lies, and software schedules. 

Contrary to Disraeli as well...
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Re: How can I install a minimum QT Player without going through registration and download?

2002-10-04 Thread Erik Phalet

< MPEG1 surely could, but you would have to have two separate Casts. On Win
you'd use something like the DirectMedia Xtra for playback -- and thus have
a Windows-only media Cast -- whereas for Mac you could use QT -- the
Mac-only Cast. >
We often work like this. Apart from some (rare) early win 95 or win NT
users, or mac users with a quicktime version before-mpeg1-playback, nobody
has to install anything. (although we normally provide the installers). With
carefull preprocessing & encoding, mpeg 1 can give very good results for a
reasonable filesize & CPU usage.
We use the same name for our windows and our mac cast, we just put the right
cast in the right volume of the X-platform CD at burntime.
The same scripts can be used for DirectMedia & QT video control (if you
script carefully)


Erik Phalet
> Tel * +32-(0)2-751 45 29
> GSM * 0473 86 41 36
> Mail * mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> www.theWizard.be
> Interactive Communication
> Registered Office  * Machelsesteenweg 67,1820 Melsbroek, Belgium
>   Production  *  Zandvoortstraat 8, 2800 Mechelen, Belgium
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member("text").filename=blah.xml = ole object...

2002-09-04 Thread Erik Phalet

in a projector, the fileIO Xtra can read the text from your file in a
openFile - readFile - closeFile 


Erik Phalet

+32/15/28 73 00

Option Facilities nv
Zandvoortstraat 8, 2800 Mechelen

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editable field

2002-09-04 Thread Erik Phalet

hello all,

I need to make an entry box for a video timecode value.
the field comes up as "00:00:00:00" and the user can enter the timecode he

the first behaviour I need for this field goes like, when the user just
types "30404", the result should be "00:03:04:04"
so with each keystroke I delete the first digit, append a new one at the end
and shuffle them all around the ":" signs.
it works, but for the moment the field comes up with the cursor positioned
at the end. 
is it possible to select all the text in a field at beginsprite (that would
make this behaviour more intuitive) ?

the second behaviour I need goes like, when the user places his cursor p.e.
between the third and the fourth digit and types "12321", the result should
be "00:01:23:21"
so I must not insert but replace digits, and here I am lost. I am not aware
of an insert/replace property for textfields,
and I don't know how to find or monitor the position of the cursor in the

any help appreciated,


Erik Phalet

+32/15/28 73 00

Option Facilities nv
Zandvoortstraat 8, 2800 Mechelen

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Flash sprite and load movie actions

2002-08-28 Thread Erik Schutzman

Hello Lingo geniuses,

Is there a way to get a Flash sprites "loadMovie" action to work in

Erik Schutzman
Designer, Interactive
Mullen - Pittsburgh
Crane Bldg., 40 24th Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
v: 412. 402. 0114
f: 412. 402. 0161
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RE: vector shape Xtra??

2002-07-10 Thread Erik Sandbergen

Try the Flash Asset Xtra, it handles vector members...


> -Original Message-
> From: Craig Taylor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2002 4:12 PM
> Subject:  vector shape xtra??
> Seems a ridiculous question to have to ask...
> Have a program with a few vector drawings done in Director 
> (Vers. 8.5.1).
> As you would expect, it asks for the Vector Shape Xtra at run 
> time.  Why
> can't I find it ANYWHERE??
> Program files, original install disc, nada.
> Please point my small mind in the right direction,
> Thanks,
> --Craig
> Craig Taylor
> Chief Renegade/Multimedia Developer
> Renegade Digital Media inc.
> C: 416.930.5206
> T: 705.733.1996 | F: 705.733.0503
> M: 30 Summerset Drive, Barrie, ON, L4N 9L7
> (digital).video | (interactive).multimedia | (web).solutions
> (DVD).authoring | (live_event).media_support
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Re: Lingo-l digest, Vol 1 #199 - 19 msgs

2002-04-15 Thread Erik Verschueren

> I'd be interested to hear of others who have Classic, who have fired
> up the extensions manager and disabled all the MS inits (list
> following), and specifically whether it worked.


You're definitely on the right track..
I already had a "stripped down" classic set in my  extensions manager
But after disabling ALL the MS components (before i kept a few) , rebooting
and such , i am now working a few days without a single director-breakdown
and also (as you mentioned) window-redrawing in all classic apps seems
Faster indeed. 

( you might consider posting it to  www.macosxhints.com )

> Here are the inits I disabled:
>  Microsoft Component Library
>  Microsoft Framework
>  Microsoft Hyperlink Library
>  Microsoft Internet Library
>  Microsoft OLE Automation
>  Microsoft OLE Library
>  Microsoft RPC Runtime Library
>  Microsoft Structured Storage

+  E.
+   +32 3 470 26 13

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Re: Director 8.5.1 in os x environment

2002-04-15 Thread erik


Re: Lingo-l digest, Vol 1 #199 - 19 msgs  = Re: Director 8.5.1 in os x

Sorry 'bout that.

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Re: Director 8.5.1 in os x environment (erik)

2002-04-12 Thread Erik Verschueren

You know, you could be right...
Problems started around the time of upgrading to D 8.5.1 and os 9.2.2
I will try downgrading.. (first time ever but hey...) hehe
In the mean time, colin, be sure to know that i have developed
A compulsive   apple-s - habit...
"Glad" to hear that it's a known issue although that doesn't solve the
problem (for now) .

> I have no idea if this'll help but it might be worth a shot, check out this
> article:
> http://www.mac-upgrade.com/article_67.shtml
> According to it, OSX and 9.2.2 are nothing but trouble. To quote the article:
> "The final, successfully sequence was: OS 9, OS 9.1, OS X, OS X 10.1, OS
> 9.2.1. And, to [expletive deleted] with OS 9.2.2."
> I'd be interested to learn if de-grading to 9.2.1 solves any of your probs.
> Bob

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Re: Director 8.5.1 in os x environment

2002-04-12 Thread erik

>> Is anyone who is using director 8.5.1 in mac  os X
>> Having the same instability problems as i am ??
>> It is the only application which crashes frequently
>> (on both my home- & work-computer) whenever
>> I (for example) drag a cast member to the stage or score
> I haven't seen a crash because of dragging a cast member to the
> stage. I have seen crashes if Director was the first thing that
> opened up Classic. It's as if Director is already attempting to be
> open before Classic is ready for it.
> Whatever the case, if you get a lot of crashes, stay in OS 9 for now.
> I have my PowerBook set to be able to boot into either OS X or 9.2.2,
> and I stay in 9.2.2 for most of the time, with occasional runs of OS
> X for things like iPhoto. Whenever there's been a comment from MM
> about this, it's always sounded hopeful that they will do OS X
> authoring one day.

But , you see, i am totally hooked on mac os X so i don't like booting in 9
(Which i have stripped as much as possible) . I also experienced the kind of
crashes when opening director before opening classic but that's no big
deal.. Comparing to runtime crashes without having saved first.

So i guess we just will have to wait on MM.. Sad.

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Director 8.5.1 in os x environment

2002-04-12 Thread erik

Is anyone who is using director 8.5.1 in mac  os X
Having the same instability problems as i am ??
It is the only application which crashes frequently
(on both my home- & work-computer) whenever
I (for example) drag a cast member to the stage or score
I am getting quite fed up with it so if anybody out there has
A clue for a possible solution..
Meanwhile i am still waiting for the next version which will hopefully
Be a native one..

+  E.
+   +32 3 470 26 13

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Re: Database for a Mac and PC CD-Rom

2002-04-02 Thread Erik Verschueren

Hello marc,

I 've had some satisfying results using xml for all the textformatting
And the xml parser xtra which is standard-included in director ..
Using this you don't need to buy (2 different mac-pc) xtras..and you can
find all the documentation on how to parse XML and extract the data on the
Other advantages :
- your data remains strictly separated from the actual project thus making
updates, corrections, ... very easy ..
- it's a very flexible format and there are many (freeware and shareware)
tools that help you in formatting your xml..
-- XML itself is FREE and so on and so on..


> Hi,
> I need to create a learning CD with Questions and Answers for PC and Mac.
> The Text content should be included into a database specially because
> the CD will be in 3 languages.
> Any idea how to do it? Which softwares/add-on should/can I use? Maybe
> some existing examples to look at?
> Thanks,
> Marc

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Re: My Crystal Ball (Kerry Thompson)

2002-03-18 Thread Erik Verschueren

Flash MX vs. Director 8.5??
Whatever .. They both have its own advantages
Depending on what you'd like to do i guess...
(at least for me they do)

But what i like about MX is that it runs natively under my MACOS X
While the Director 8.5( which i use far more frequently ) is very unstable
When running in "classic mode"..

So what's up with Director 9/X ?? does anybody have a clue ??
Or are they going to wait as long as they did to come up with a
shockwave-plugin for the osX-browsers,,??


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Re: miaw position

2002-03-13 Thread Erik Verschueren

Just add : 

Window("miaw").rect = aRect

> Hello,
> I got A MIAW and it's working nice
> but,how do I get it on A specific
> position.The help files say:
> Define the coordinates as a rectangle in the order left, top, right, and
> bottom, as in this statement:
> set window.rect "Sample" = [0, 0, 200, 300]
> Use the rect() function to define the window rectangle’s four coordinates,
> as in these statements:
> set aRect = rect(0, 0, 200, 300)
> set window.rect "Sample" = aRect
> on mouseUp me
> open window ("miaw")
> window("miaw").windowType = 12
> set aRect = rect(100, 100, 260, 120)
> end
> And it doesn't seem to work WHY!!

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RE: Xtra that will zip external files?

2002-02-01 Thread Erik Sandbergen

Thanks for the tip, I'd only tried the zip method. I am trying however, to
add all files at once, but seem to have some trouble with the last
parameter, 'any filelist', in both jar and zip.

I tried using getNthFileNameInFolder to return a list of files, nothing. I
tried with full path and filename in the list as well, nothing. And I tried
just specifying a single file with and without path (not in a []), nothing.
Perhaps I'm misunderstanding the 'zipDirectory' parameter? This seems to
indicate the location of where to create the zip file.


-Original Message-

Well, you have to zip all the files at once, not add them piece by piece. 
I've used it by creating a folder (file xtra), adding files there, zipping 
the folder (jar works, zip doesn't seem to) then deleting the original 
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RE: Xtra that will zip external files?

2002-02-01 Thread Erik Sandbergen

> BUT THERE'S A ZIP XTRA ALREADY! Straight from macromedia.

> sigh. no one listens to me...

I did: The Zip Xtra (Mac and Win) that ships with Director is listed as
Authoring only, and "Enables Director to compress Bitmaps when publishing a
DCR." A quick test revealed that you can create a zip file in Authoring and
Projector mode as well, but didn't have much luck with adding files into the
zip file. Perhaps someone else will have a better result, or prove that no
result can be had...


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RE: Xtra that will zip external files?

2002-01-31 Thread Erik Sandbergen

>Yeah, but buddy is for only pc

>> No it's not. I have a perfectly workable version running under 8.5.1 
/ classic/ X.1 right now...

I think he meant to refer to Budzip/BudUnzip, which are Win only,, and not
Buddy itself...

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Lingo vs. PHP

2002-01-24 Thread Erik Verschueren

Dear people,

If i wouldn't have a problem ya'll ain't be readin' this...
Concerning the following :
I want to send a post/getNetText from director
To a php-server (in this case my own (osX with PHP configured) but i don't
think that is revelant)
Using the following(test-setup)

global gnetID

on exitFrame me
  if netdone(gnetID) then
if neterror(gnetID) <> "" then
  put nettextresult(gnetID)
  put "on dze way"
end if
put "not done"

  end if

go the frame

global gnetID

on mouseUp me
  gnetID = getnettext("";)
 -- there is a variable ($name)in the php that should output some text

So all i get is the following in my message window

-- "on dze way"
-- "not done"
-- "not done"
-- ""

And so on..

I have also tried the "post" with a property-list (because i have more than
one variable) the "get" with a single one and so on...

Anyone any ideas???
Thank you very much


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XML Problem!

2002-01-24 Thread Jan-Erik Lauding



global gParserObject
  gParserObject = new(xtra "xmlparser")

I call this function with two parameters.
i.e "set getXML = xml_dialog(5,1)"

The function "search" my XML file(code) for
the node named "stage" with the attributeValue "5"
and wich contain a child node named "dialog" with a 
attributeValue "1". When it find's it it should put
a certain node attributeValue.

The script works fine with this parameters
 "set getXML = xml_dialog(5,1)"
but when I try to get the nodes with parameters:
 "set getXML = xml_dialog(2,1)"
I doesn't return anything!?

WHY? Please help me on this,
it seems like I can't step through the
XML correctly!?

Here's my code, the XML is last.


on xml_dialog stage_id, dialog_id
  global gParserObject, stage_node
  repeat with i = 1 to gParserObject.child[1].child[1].child.count-1

test1 = gParserObject.child[1].child[i].attributeValue[1]

if test1 = stage_id then
  put gParserObject.child[1].child[i].attributeValue[1]
  stage_node = i
  set getXML = xml_dialog_num(dialog_id)
end if

  end repeat   

on xml_dialog_num dialog_id
  global gParserObject, stage_node
  repeat with i = 1 to gParserObject.child[1].child[stage_node].child[1].child.count-1

test2 = gParserObject.child[1].child[stage_node].child[i].attributeValue[1]

if test2 = dialog_id then
  put gParserObject.child[1].child[stage_node].child[i].attributeValue[1]
  put gParserObject.child[1].child[stage_node].child[i].child[1].attributeValue[1]
end if

  end repeat 



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RE: Next available member in castlib?

2002-01-17 Thread Erik Sandbergen

If you don't name all of them, you can find the next empty spot with 'the
number of members'. If there is one cast member in castlib 1:
put (the number of members of castlib 1) + 1
-- 2
Member 2 is an empty slot...


-Original Message-
If you name all your members, you can find wich place is free if it 
has no name ("")

put (member 3 of castLib 1).name
-- "OnWine 3D"

put (member 36 of castLib 1).name
-- ""


Natalia Tjelum wrote:

>Is there a command for finding the next available member of a castlib?

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