how to corrupt a cast

2001-04-14 Thread Slava Paperno

I think I found a way to corrupt a cast--in this case, a cast consisting of 
some 150 scripts and nothing else. Two of the members in my cast are linked 
externally, and those are the ones that begin to act abnormally: their 
older, no longer existing versions are executed instead of the current 

If you want to try and reproduce this, put a bunch of scripts in a cast by 
themselves, then open some other cast, and create a new behavior script in 
such a way that the new script ends up in that other cast. Now you want to 
move it to the cast where you keep all your scripts. Open the script cast 
window in the old-fashioned icon view. Drag your new script to an available 
slot, and everything is fine.

However, if you open the cast window in a list view, and then drag your new 
script from its current cast to this window and drop it just anywhere (in 
the list view you don't see available slots), then the cast -- in my case 
-- is corrupted.

The symptoms are that when I revise the externally linked scripts in this 
cast (from within this same movie), D8 continues to execute the older -- no 
longer existent -- versions of the scripts. I Saved & Compacted, and Saved 
As a different movie, and watched the time stamps of the externally linked 
scripts: everything looks right, I'm not confusing my drives or folders, 
and there's no other version of D8 running, no other volume of the same 
name, and I rebooted the machine to get rid of all potentially lingering 
cached stuff. In my case, it is very consistent.

I was able to reproduce this aberrant behavior--with the same movie--under 
Mac OS 9 and under Windows, both with D8.

I wonder if anyone else ran into this. I haven't tried this with a smaller 
movie or smaller cast. I don't know if 150 cast members is excessive 
(they're all short scripts), but I don't think so.


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Re: miaws

2001-04-14 Thread Tab Julius

I wasn't talking about memory, I was referring more to servicing multiple 
video streams at once.  I don't know exactly what you're doing, so all I 
can say is try it, and see what happens.

As far as the same dir, I said how you could try it, but I also said I 
suspected Director wouldn't do it, because it would have the same file open 
twice.  It's easy enough for you to find out, and if it works, great, but I 
suspect it'll complain.

As far as your last question, are you suggesting you're going to have 
multiple 800x600 windows open playing video, revealing only a portion?  In 
that case I would say you will definitely have a performance problem.  The 
better thing would be to snip your video into multiple pieces making 
multiple versions of the video, each representing a different portion.

What are you trying to accomplish?  Do you want a tiled tv look or 
something?  If so, why not just play the video and overlay a grid of TVs or 
borders or whatever to give it the same look?

- Tab

At 08:02 PM 4/14/01 -0700, mike massey wrote:
>thanks tab
>i would be using the same dir with the same QT playing
>in it.  it would be jsut different windows showing
>different cropped portions.  would that be easier on
>also when i set the rect of the miaw will they just be
>the size of the other dir i made and i can just posion
>the coordinates?  how do these coordinates work?  if
>my second dir is 800 by 600 and i want only a small
>portion of it revealed in the first dir how do i use
>those rect coordinates to do that?
>thanks alot
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2001-04-14 Thread mike massey

also somebody gave link for an e book on object
oriented programming in lingo and i forgot what his
name was or the address does anybody remember what
that adress was?


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2001-04-14 Thread mike massey

thanks tab
i would be using the same dir with the same QT playing
in it.  it would be jsut different windows showing
different cropped portions.  would that be easier on

also when i set the rect of the miaw will they just be
the size of the other dir i made and i can just posion
the coordinates?  how do these coordinates work?  if
my second dir is 800 by 600 and i want only a small
portion of it revealed in the first dir how do i use
those rect coordinates to do that?

thanks alot

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Re: copyPixels and QuickTIme

2001-04-14 Thread Bradley Boute

I can.  I was hoping to keep the better performance of the DTS.  I think 
what I will do is create the zoom as an option that the user can turn on 
or off.  Giving them prior warning that it will decrease performance.  
That way they can pause the movie, and check out the parts they want to 
up close.  That is of course if the DTS property of a QT movie can be 
controlled.  I have not looked into it yet.


On Saturday, April 14, 2001, at 06:04 PM, Colin Holgate wrote:

>> newImage.copypixels((the stage).image,newImage.rect,pSourceRect)
>> member("Target").image.copyPixels(newImage, pTargetRect, 
>> sprite(me.spritenum).rect)
> Still don't think you can get the image of a DTS QuickTime (especially 
> if it's Sorenson compressed, the video will go via the hardware 
> acceleration). Why can't you use the method that does work for you?
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Re: please help me

2001-04-14 Thread Tab Julius

1) Opening a bunch of MIAWs all playing quicktime.  This is easy enough, 
though I would suspect that having multiple (6? 8? 12?) videos all playing 
at once might make for a performance problem, but you'll find out soon 
enough if that's true in your case.

2) The usual way to open an miaw is to say open "myhelp", which will open 
myhelp.dir (or .dcr or .dxr).  Since that becomes the name of the window, 
it would be hard to have multiple windows open USING THAT TECHNIQUE, as 
they'd all have the same name.  You'd have a hard time referencing them 
properly, and chances are that Director wouldn't let you do that.  To get 
around it, make up a name, like "movie1", "movie2", and then use 'set the 
filename of window' to give declare the filename to be whatever .dir (like 
"movie.dir").  However, knowing how Director usually behaves with files, 
I'd suspect that it wouldn't let you open the same .dir multiple 
times.  So, it probably would NOT work, but it's easy enough to test, so 
give it a shot, just try opening it twice and see if it complains or 
not.  A little experimentation goes a long way.

3) Will a quicktime movie sprite work on a pc if you don't have quicktime?  No.

- Tab

At 04:01 PM 4/14/01 -0700, mike massey wrote:
>hi everyone!
>if i want a bunch of miaws to open in a grid like
>formation on my screen all playing a cropped version
>of the same quicktime movie how would i do this?
>would i reference the same .dir with a quicktime movie
>as a sprite in all the calls to miaws in the other
>will a quicktime movie sprite work on a pc if you
>don't have quicktime?
>thanks all

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Re: copyPixels and QuickTIme

2001-04-14 Thread Colin Holgate

> newImage.copypixels((the stage).image,newImage.rect,pSourceRect)
> member("Target").image.copyPixels(newImage, pTargetRect, 

Still don't think you can get the image of a DTS QuickTime 
(especially if it's Sorenson compressed, the video will go via the 
hardware acceleration). Why can't you use the method that does work 
for you?

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Re: test 2

2001-04-14 Thread Colin Holgate

>test 2, please disregard.  I can not seem to get any messages through.

They seem to be getting through.

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copyPixels and QuickTIme

2001-04-14 Thread Brad Boute

This is the script i am using, and i get nothing.  The script is 
attached to the sprite the user can move around which acts as the 
"magnifier". Any ideas about what i have done incorrectly?

property pSourceRect, pSourceSprite
property pTargetRect, pTargetSprite

on beginsprite me
   sprite(me.spritenum).moveablesprite = true
   pSourceRect = sprite(pSourceSprite).rect
   pTargetRect = sprite(pTargetSprite).rect

on stepFrame me
   if sprite(me.spritenum).intersects(pSourceSprite) then
 newImage = image(sprite(psourcesprite).width, 
sprite(psourcesprite).height, 32)
 newImage.copypixels((the stage).image,newImage.rect,pSourceRect)
 member("Target").image.copyPixels(newImage, pTargetRect, 
   end if

on getpropertydescriptionlist me
   pdlist = [:]
   addProp pdList, #pSourceSprite, [#comment:"What is the source 
   addProp pdList, #pTargetSprite, [#comment:"What is the target 
   return pdlist

If i change the on stepFrame behavior to the following it works, but 
only if the movie is non-DTS

on stepFrame me
if sprite(me.spritenum).intersects(pSourceSprite) then
 member("Target").image.copyPixels((the stage).image, 
member("Target").rect, sprite(me.spritenum).rect)
end if


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test 2

2001-04-14 Thread Brad Boute

test 2, please disregard.  I can not seem to get any messages through.


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Testing, please disregard.

2001-04-14 Thread Bradley Boute

Testing, please disregard.


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please help me

2001-04-14 Thread mike massey

hi everyone!
if i want a bunch of miaws to open in a grid like
formation on my screen all playing a cropped version
of the same quicktime movie how would i do this?

would i reference the same .dir with a quicktime movie
as a sprite in all the calls to miaws in the other

will a quicktime movie sprite work on a pc if you
don't have quicktime?

thanks all

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Re: a few problems and questions

2001-04-14 Thread Colin Holgate

>However, the problem is, I think that a script like this will 
>increase the size of all instances of this cast member, and I only 
>want the size changes to occur in the two intersecting sprites.
>Any suggestions?

To get 10% bigger you could multiply by 1.1:

sprite(1).width = sprite(1).width * 1.1
sprite(1).height = sprite(1).height * 1.1

It will only affect that sprite, and not others that use the same 
Flash cast member.

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a few problems and questions

2001-04-14 Thread N. Taylor

To the List (Colin & Al):

Ok.  I'm trying to create a script that increases or decreases the height & 
width by 10% everytime intersections occur.  (Thanks for the hints before.)

For example,

if sprite.member("bee shape").intersects sprite.member("spider shape") then
sprite.("spider shape").width=+10%
sprite.("spider shape").height=+10%
sprite.("bee shape").width=-10%
sprite.("bee shape").height=-10%

(I know that's not exact, but I'm new to this, so I'm unsure of the exact 

However, the problem is, I think that a script like this will increase the 
size of all instances of this cast member, and I only want the size changes 
to occur in the two intersecting sprites.

Any suggestions?

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RE: New Error On Script for Scaling Graphic

2001-04-14 Thread Al Hospers

> I thought the script was considering the member and not the
> sprite. I wanted
> to work with membernum 1 in castlib. "pictures"

then put member(1, "pictures") not sprite(1, "pictures")

> From: "Al Hospers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: RE:  New Error On Script for Scaling Graphic
> >Date: Sat, 14 Apr 2001 15:10:01 -0400
> >
> > > That is why I was asking what that error message was signalling.
> > > That is what I couldn't figure out OR read about.
> >
> > > >One parameter expected
> > > >wide=sprite(1,"pictures").width
> >
> >it means that sprite(1,"pictures") doesn't mean anything. a
> sprite number
> >is
> >only 1 parameter!
> >
> > > OR read about
> >
> >p 473 Lingo Dictionary
> >
> >  sprite(whichSprite).property
> >
> >do you have the documentation to the program?
> >
> >
> >
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> >Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]
> >
> _
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RE: New Error On Script for Scaling Graphic

2001-04-14 Thread David Pexton

Thanks again
I do have the documentation
I thought the script was considering the member and not the sprite. I wanted 
to work with membernum 1 in castlib. "pictures"

From: "Al Hospers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: RE:  New Error On Script for Scaling Graphic
>Date: Sat, 14 Apr 2001 15:10:01 -0400
> > That is why I was asking what that error message was signalling.
> > That is what I couldn't figure out OR read about.
> > >One parameter expected
> > >wide=sprite(1,"pictures").width
>it means that sprite(1,"pictures") doesn't mean anything. a sprite number 
>only 1 parameter!
> > OR read about
>p 473 Lingo Dictionary
>  sprite(whichSprite).property
>do you have the documentation to the program?
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Re: expanding textfield

2001-04-14 Thread Sébastien Portebois

Hi Ines,

>Has someone have a tip how to go about this:
>I want the user to click on an object with a hidden textfield. Once clicked,
>the user can start typing - the textfield expands with each letter to both
>sides. the object, hence, splits up in the middle and the two sides become
>the margins of the textfield.

Below is  a behavior I've wrote a while ago doing something quite similar, plus a few 
feature (RETURN for example). 
To make your field expanding in both directions (script below just adjust its lenght, 
so only  the right side moves) you should look the width of the sprite rect and adjust 
the loc of the sprite (regPoint of a #field is always the top-left corner, so as your 
field expands the loc of the sprite should go left, and vice versa)


PS : sorry for bad method naming... I was not yet using heavy naming conventions, and 
I havn't updated this one yet...

-- field width adjust behavior --

-- script properties
property pMember
property pSprite
property spriteNum
property pLastLenght
property pType

-- GPDL properties 
property pPhantom
property pAutoUpdate
property pReturnFilter
property pReturnHandler
property pMinWidth


on beginSprite me 
  -- properties initialisation
  pSprite = sprite(spriteNum)
  pMember = pSprite.member
  pMember.wordWrap = FALSE
  pType   = pMember.type 
  pLastLenght = pMember.text.char.count
end -- beginSprite handler

on endSprite me --
  -- restore channel visibility
  sprite(spritenum).visible = TRUE
end -- endSprite handler

on exitFrame me --
  if pAutoUpdate then
if (pMember.text.char.count <> pLastLenght) then
  pLastLenght = pMember.text.char.count
end if
  end if
end -- exitFrame handler

on keyDown me 
  if the keyPressed = RETURN then
if pReturnFilter then
  if (pReturnHandler contains("no filter")) then 
-- nothing more to do
  end if
end if

  else -- not a RETURN
  end if
end -- keyDown handler

--   * setText(thisInstance, aString)
--   * adjustWidth(thisInstance)

on setText (me, aText) ---
  -- set the text of the member to the given text, then adjust width
  -- of the member.
  -- text can be either text with line breaks or a linear list, in
  -- which case each item of the list is to be a line of the field.
  returnVal = -1
  textToSet = ""
  case (ilk(aText)) of:
  lineNb = aText.count
  repeat with i = 1 to lineNb
textToSet = textToSet & aText[i] 
if (i < lineNb) then 
  textToSet = string(textToSet) & RETURN
end if
  end repeat
  returnVal = 0
  textToSet = aText
  returnVal = 0
  end case
  if (returnVal <> -1) then
pMember.text = textToSet
  end if
  return returnVal
end -- setText method

on adjustWidth me 
  -- look what is the longest line in the field and adjust the field
  -- width to this lenght
  maxLght = 0
  charCnt = 0
  case pType of:
#field :  #FIELD member ---
  linesNb = pMember.lines.count
  repeat with i = 1 to linesNb
lineCharNb = pMember.line[i].char.count
if (lineCharNb > maxLght) then
  maxLght = lineCharNb
  charCnt = pMember.line[1..i].char.count
end if
  end repeat
#text :  #TEXT member ---
  linesNb = pMember.text.line.count
  repeat with i = 1 to linesNb
lineCharNb = pMember.text.line[i].char.count
if (lineCharNb > maxLght) then
  maxLght = lineCharNb
  charCnt = pMember.text.line[1..i].char.count
end if
  end repeat
  end case
  pixWidth = charPosToLoc(pMember, charCnt+1)[1]
  if (pixWidth > 0) then
pSprite.visible = TRUE
fieldWidth = pixWidth
-- We adjust the line size
myRect = pMember.rect
myRect.right  = fieldWidth
pMember.rect  = myRect
if pPhantom then
  pSprite.visible = FALSE
  myRect = pMember.rect
  myRect.right  = myRect.left + pMinWidth
  pMember.rect  = myRect
end if

RE: New Error On Script for Scaling Graphic

2001-04-14 Thread Al Hospers

> That is why I was asking what that error message was signalling.
> That is what I couldn't figure out OR read about.

> >One parameter expected
> >wide=sprite(1,"pictures").width

it means that sprite(1,"pictures") doesn't mean anything. a sprite number is
only 1 parameter!

> OR read about

p 473 Lingo Dictionary


do you have the documentation to the program?

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Re: New Error On Script for Scaling Graphic

2001-04-14 Thread Irv Kalb


You are getting this specific error message because the keyword 
"sprite" only takes one parameter - the spriteNumber.  The question 
is, what are you trying to say when you keep referencing:

   sprite(1, "pictures")   ???

   sprite(1)refers to whatever cast member is in channel 1 in the score.


At 2:26 PM -0400 4/14/01, David Pexton wrote:
>I am using this script to change the screen scale of certain bitmaps.
>I get an error which says:
>One parameter expected
>I am using this to change the scale of the screen graphic to
>70% of its size
>on changeScale
>  wide=sprite(1,"pictures").width
>  high=sprite(1,"pictures").height
>  newWide=wide*.7
>  newHigh=high*.7
>  sprite(1,"pictures").width=newWide
>  sprite(1,"pictures").height=newHigh
>  updateStage


Lingo / Director / Shockwave development for all occasions.

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Re: copyPixels and quicktime...

2001-04-14 Thread Brad Boute

That sounds like it will work, i will give it a go and let you know.  


On Friday, April 13, 2001, at 06:27 PM, Mark R. Jonkman wrote:

> Hi Bradley
> Don't try to get the image of the quicktime member as you do for a 
> bitmap,
> rather grab the stage at the location specified by your box
> ie. if your box was at screen coordinates of rect :
> rect(50,100,100,150)
> then with the QT member set to non-DTS you should be able to capture 
> that
> section of the stage's image into a new image
> l_ImageObject = image(50,50, 32)
> l_ImageObject.copyPixels((the stage).image, rect(50,100,100,150),
> ImageObject.rect)
> that should give you an image of the piece of the stage that you want
> including the QT member minus any control panel for the QT as that is
> removed when setting the DTS to false.
> Does that help at all
> Sincerely
> Mark R. Jonkman
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Re: New Error On Script for Scaling Graphic

2001-04-14 Thread David Pexton

Hi and Thanks Al
I was using rect(sprite) but it failed to work. I was getting
only one dimension to scale and not the other. I guess the
problem is that this is dynically updated and the width and height are 
entered into fields. I only have 2 dimensions to work with as well.
So I need to do this accordingly with 2 dimensions.
According to the error - it seems lingo can only deal with one dimension at 
a time
That is why I was asking what that error message was signalling.
That is what I couldn't figure out OR read about.


>From: "David Pexton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject:  New Error On Script for Scaling Graphic
>Date: Sat, 14 Apr 2001 14:26:43 -0400
>I am using this script to change the screen scale of certain bitmaps.
>I get an error which says:
>One parameter expected
>I am using this to change the scale of the screen graphic to
>70% of its size
>on changeScale
>  wide=sprite(1,"pictures").width
>  high=sprite(1,"pictures").height
>  newWide=wide*.7
>  newHigh=high*.7
>  sprite(1,"pictures").width=newWide
>  sprite(1,"pictures").height=newHigh
>  updateStage
>I would appreciate help to solve this.
>I will need to have a way to scale some of my bitmaps.
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RE: New Error On Script for Scaling Graphic

2001-04-14 Thread Al Hospers

> I would appreciate help to solve this.
> I will need to have a way to scale some of my bitmaps.

page 415 Lingo Dictionary - rect(sprite)

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New Error On Script for Scaling Graphic

2001-04-14 Thread David Pexton

I am using this script to change the screen scale of certain bitmaps.
I get an error which says:

One parameter expected
I am using this to change the scale of the screen graphic to
70% of its size

on changeScale




I would appreciate help to solve this.
I will need to have a way to scale some of my bitmaps.

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Re: Thanks greater than ">" script working

2001-04-14 Thread David Pexton

Thanks Colin
That did the trick . There are so many things to know.
Thank God there are people like you who have taught us
so much. That help has been invaluable
Many Thanks
Happy Easter

>From: Colin Holgate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re:  greater than ">" script not working
>Date: Sat, 14 Apr 2001 13:56:35 -0400
>>Given the script below - I still get the alert if the number is 200
>>in "maxheight" and only 58 in "height"
>>What am I doing wrong?
>>if (member("height").text > member("maxheight").text)  then
>>  alert "do Scale"
>Try testing the value, not the string:
>if value(member("height").text) > value(member("maxheight").text)
>then alert "do scale"
>Try this test in the message window:
>put "123" > "23"
>You would expect 123 to be greater than 23, but as an ASCII string it 
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Re: a few problems and questions

2001-04-14 Thread Colin Holgate

>I have a few problems with this file.  One is the the bees have a 
>little white thread around them.  I need to fix that.  The graphics 
>are .swf Flash graphics.  I tried to fix this glitch in the .swf, 
>but it didn't work.  Is there something I should know about 
>importing Flash graphics into Director?

Don't think I see a white thread. In any case, in Flash make sure 
that anything that isn't Bee is just the stage. Don't use a colored 
fill at all where you want it to be the background color. Then in 
Director, set the sprite to be background transparent, and where ever 
was just stage in Flash will be see-through in Director.

>The other thing is, I need to script into this interface collision 
>detection.  If a bee hits a flower, it gets bigger.  If a flower 
>hits a bee, it gets bigger.  If a spider hits a bee, the spider gets 
>bigger and the bee gets smaller.  Does anyone have a basic script 
>for this kind of collision detection?

Read up on the hittest function, it will let you find out whether any 
particular coordinate is on top of an opaque part of the Flash 
sprite, and if so, whether it's on a button or not.

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RE: a few problems and questions

2001-04-14 Thread Al Hospers

> bees.html
> I have a few problems with this file.  One is the the bees
> have a little
> white thread around them.  I need to fix that.  The graphics
> are .swf Flash
> graphics.  I tried to fix this glitch in the .swf, but it
> didn't work.  Is
> there something I should know about importing Flash graphics
> into Director?

is the blend of the graphic set to backgroundTransparent?

> The other thing is, I need to script into this interface collision
> detection.  If a bee hits a flower, it gets bigger.  If a
> flower hits a bee,
> it gets bigger.  If a spider hits a bee, the spider gets
> bigger and the bee
> gets smaller.  Does anyone have a basic script for this kind
> of collision
> detection?

look up the Lingo keyword "intersect."


Al Hospers
CamberSoft, Inc.

A famous linguist once said:
"There is no language wherein a double
positive can form a negative."


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RE: greater than ">" script not working

2001-04-14 Thread Al Hospers

> Hello - I am using the following script to determine if the
> contents of
> field "maxheight is less than field "height"
> Given the script below - I still get the alert if the number
> is 200 in
> "maxheight" and only 58 in "height"
> What am I doing wrong?
> if (member("height").text > member("maxheight").text)  then
>   alert "do Scale"

you may want to look up the Lingo keyword "value" in the Lingo Dictionary.
in fact you may want to generally read through the manual. useful things
like this may pop out at you.

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Re: greater than ">" script not working

2001-04-14 Thread Colin Holgate

>Given the script below - I still get the alert if the number is 200 
>in "maxheight" and only 58 in "height"
>What am I doing wrong?
>if (member("height").text > member("maxheight").text)  then
>  alert "do Scale"

Try testing the value, not the string:

if value(member("height").text) > value(member("maxheight").text) 
then alert "do scale"

Try this test in the message window:

put "123" > "23"

You would expect 123 to be greater than 23, but as an ASCII string it isn't.

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a few problems and questions

2001-04-14 Thread N. Taylor

To the list:

I have a few problems with this file.  One is the the bees have a little 
white thread around them.  I need to fix that.  The graphics are .swf Flash 
graphics.  I tried to fix this glitch in the .swf, but it didn't work.  Is 
there something I should know about importing Flash graphics into Director?

The other thing is, I need to script into this interface collision 
detection.  If a bee hits a flower, it gets bigger.  If a flower hits a bee, 
it gets bigger.  If a spider hits a bee, the spider gets bigger and the bee 
gets smaller.  Does anyone have a basic script for this kind of collision 

Thanks in advance.


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greater than ">" script not working

2001-04-14 Thread David Pexton

Hello - I am using the following script to determine if the contents of 
field "maxheight is less than field "height"
Given the script below - I still get the alert if the number is 200 in 
"maxheight" and only 58 in "height"
What am I doing wrong?

if (member("height").text > member("maxheight").text)  then
  alert "do Scale"

I am using this because if the user pastes in a graphic that is over the 
number set in "maxheight" I would then
like lingo to scale the graphic on the screen.

Thanks for any insight or solutions you have
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director 8.5 it all worth it [eng/ita]

2001-04-14 Thread Bruce Epstein

At 8:04 PM -0400 04/13/2001, Roberto Molari wrote:
>it worth to spend 199 $ to upgrade director 8 to 8.5?
>tell me your opinions please

I have only seen sneak peaks but was very impressed. It certainly seems like a massive 
upgrade for $199. Certainly a much better value than the D6.5 update, which I believe 
cost $399 (didn't it?).

Certainly if you want to do 3D in Director, there is no question that you want to 

There are also substantial other improvements, such as:

Bug fixes
RealVideo/RealAudio support
An upgraded Multiuser Server with server-side scripting and UDP support
Flash 5 support
Silent downloading of Macromedia-signed Xtras

I think that a lot of people will be ready to be pissed that they have to pay $199 if 
the only thing they wanted was bug fixes. But I think even those people will find 
tremendous value in this release. Macromedia realized that they had a public relations 
problem and I think $199 is incredibly cheap for what they packed into this release. I 
think that it is so cheap because they realize that some people just wanted a free 
patch. I think anyone who upgrades will think it was worth it. But that is just my 
initial impression. I'm sure that they have a demo version available when it ships and 
you can try it yourself.

I know that they have a public Shockwave beta so that you can check out some of the 
new content that is available, but I haven't tried it myself.

Bruce Epstein

Lingo in a Nutshell and Director in a Nutshell

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expanding textfield

2001-04-14 Thread 1nes


Has someone have a tip how to go about this:

I want the user to click on an object with a hidden textfield. Once clicked,
the user can start typing - the textfield expands with each letter to both
sides. the object, hence, splits up in the middle and the two sides become
the margins of the textfield.

Thanks for help!


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