Re: ELKS NIC that will take a 64K rom

1999-11-16 Thread Jakob Eriksson

On Tue, 16 Nov 1999, Alistair Riddoch wrote:

 I am now stuck. I have tried a 3c509B, an SMC Ultra, and SMC 'Western
 Digital' card, and various older NICS, and none of them take more than 32K.
 The only remaining options are purpose build cards.

How about packing the ROM image with some algorithm and the unpack it to RAM?
(LHA is rather small I think.)


Re: Stability

1999-10-29 Thread Jakob Eriksson

On Thu, 28 Oct 1999, Alan Cox wrote:

  The only reason I suggested using 0.1 as the stable tree is because we are
  currently heading towards making 0.1.0 a stable version.
 Well we've never applied any idea of stable/not before 1.0 to mainstream
 Linux. I think tradition is 0.x = unfinished

I thougt the opposite (I saw linux first time around 2.0.1x),
but that sounds fine to me.


Re: Request for comments - Microwindows

1999-10-05 Thread Jakob Eriksson

On Mon, 4 Oct 1999, Bradley D. LaRonde wrote:

 However, it does appear to kill the static model, but ONLY FOR NON-FREE
 ROGRAMS.  Free programs could still use the static model just fine, and
 non-free programs could still use the client/server model, since the client
 side is LGPL.

But the static model is probably targeted the most at embedded projects.
These tend to be non-free, often for practical reasons.
I think it is better to get a shoe through the embedded door, rather than
not at all.

Just my SKR 0.05


RE: Re Z80-8088, was: Linux on TI?

1999-09-17 Thread Jakob Eriksson

On Fri, 17 Sep 1999, Alex Holden wrote:

 On Fri, 17 Sep 1999, Hessel Schut wrote:
  IIRC the Zilog was founded by some of the developers of the Intel 8080, and
  I recall the Z80 resembled that chip. The 8080 is the ancestor of the 8086/
 Yep, the Z80 was designed by ex-Intel 8080 engineers, and it was backwards
 compatible (in code) with the 8080, but was quite a bit faster and had
 some additional instructions, registers, addressing modes, etc. which let
 people who had designed a system using an 8080 but who needed more speed
 to upgrade to it without too much pain. The 8086 is exactly the same as
 the 8088 except for the fact that the 8088 has an 8 bit external data bus
 (but 16 bit  internal- it does two operations to access each word). ISTR
 that the 8088 was produced mainly at the request of IBM, who thought that
 the 8086 was too expensive for a Personal Computer (TM).

There were already lots of hardware developed for 8 bit busses,
but not that much for 16 bit, so going to 16 bit bus was expensive.


Hercules on ELKS / Microwindows

1999-09-15 Thread Jakob Eriksson

Hi everybody and Thomas!

Eh... Sorry for crossposting,
but I am a little confused regarding which people
would like to hear this...

Since I have been too lazy/busy to do some hercules coding myself
and others have already given it a try, I post here what I know.

This is taken from a Microsoft Press book from 1987.
It is a book full of asm examples, original title:
"Programmers Guide to PC  PS/2 VIDEO SYSTEMS"
I have the swedish version.
The copyright says (from swedish):
The contents of this book must not be in part or as a whole
copied (xerox etc) or stored on machine-readable media without
the copyrightholders (? dont know the legal term in english)
written permission.

But AFAIK in Sweden it is legal to copy a few pages of
a book for educational purposes...
(I am doing this in Sweden.)
So if this educates someone, I guess it is just fine. :-)

Does any of you know how this legal stuff works?
Do companies expect to sell books containing source code and
then no one typing it into their computers?
(Machine readable media...)
Or is it a silent agreement?

Happy hacking.

ByteOffsetShift EQU 3


HorizLineHGC:   mov ax,ARGy1
mov bx,ARGx1
call PixelAddrHGC
; AH:= bitmask
; ES:BX - videobuffer
; CL := number of bits leftshift
; ES:DI - buffer

mov di, bx
mov dh,ah
not dh
mov d1,0FFh
shl dh,cl
not dh
mov cx,ARG2x
and cl,7
xor cl,7
shl dl,c1

mov cx,ARGx2
and cl,7
xor cl,7
shl dl,cl

mov ax,ARGx2
mov bx,ARGx1
mov cl,ByteOffsetShift
shr ax,cl
shr bx,cl
mov cx,ax
sub cx,bx

mov bx,offset DGROUP:PropagatedPixel
mov al,ARGn
or dh,dh
js L43

cr cx,cx
jnz L42

and dl,dh
jmp short L44

L42:mov ah,al

and ah,dh
not dh
and es:[di],dh
or es:[di],ah
inc di
dec cx

L43:rep stosb   ; This instruction does not work on 8088?

L44:and al,dl
not dl
and es:[di],dl
or es:[di],al

jmp Lexit

...  ... ; vertical line draw etc.

pop di
pop si
mov sp,bp
pop bp

_PropagatedPixel DBb



One can pageflip (hello doublebuffered microwin here I come!) between
the 2 graphics frames on HGC.

To write on page 0, use video segment B000H.
To write on page 1, use video segment B800H.

I have forgotten how to flip between the 2 frames, but I will post later
when I have found it out.

Oh, and here is

PixelAddrHGCPROC near
mov cl,bl
shr ax,1
rcr bx,1
shr bx,1
mov ah,BytesPerLine(that is, 90 /comment)
mul ah
add bx,ax
add bx,OriginOffset
mov ax,VideoBufferSeg (you know, one of the buffers /comment)
mov es,ax
and cl,7
xor cl,7
mov ah,1


PS 2

These routines are so _neat_! Small and fast...
I am impressed by the person(s) who thougt them out.

Autodetecting video mode and graphics adapter

1999-09-15 Thread Jakob Eriksson

From the book I mentioned in an earlier message there is code for
detecting the presence of one or two cards of type:
Hercules Graphics Card
Hercules Graphics Card+
Hercules In Color Card

I guess this would be good for the ELKS kernel to autodetect
at boot, and then applications could (in a way you kernel people 
decide on) ask what kind of framebuffer there is,
allocate the framebuffer and go on doing graphics.
Maybe ELKS already can detect these, if so, please have patience
with me.

(Should ELKS support two graphics cards, BTW?)

(There is also code for detecting which videomode the herc - card
is in.
Would that be of any use for ELKS?)

Jakob Eriksson

Re: Hercules on ELKS / Microwindows

1999-09-15 Thread Jakob Eriksson

On Wed, 15 Sep 1999, Perry Harrington wrote:

 I happen to have source in C, C++ and asm available for free use,
 written by myself.  There is also code for 640x480 BW VGA there too.

Thanks a lot!
This simplifies both coding and legalities.

 The tar file can be had at:
 If you look at the VGA code, it demostrates the use of a lookup table
 for Y coordinate offsets.  A lookup table for herc would be a big
 speed win on slow CPUs, just calculate the Y beginning offset at
 driver initialization.

Hmm... interesting.
I never thought of that.
Probably the hercules can be really useful.


Re: MC68000

1999-08-21 Thread Jakob Eriksson

On Sat, 21 Aug 1999, thcg wrote:

   The linux m68k docs are very vague about the hardware that can run
 that OS port. It says the least is MC68020 which implies that MC68000 is
 useless. Can ELKS be run in the MC68000? If the MC68020 etc are higher
 class controllers of the order of 386 etc running 32-bit code... MC68000
 must be a slightly lower class of say 8088 etc... I think the same way
 ELKS was produced from linux... an MC68000 port can be derived from
 standard linux-m68k .. any ideas?

ucLinux runs on the 68832 (or whetever is in the PalmPilots)
the 68332 is a processor very much like the 68000.
No MMU...

What they had to change for ucLinux was for example fork() to copy
instead of fiddling with MMU.


Re: 8051 or Z80 Can run ELKS

1999-08-20 Thread Jakob Eriksson

On Fri, 20 Aug 1999, Apisith Udompat wrote:

 Now ... I m Beginner leanning Linux and  i terrested ELKS
 i have any question for ask you ..sir
  -- How i use MCS-51 uPC or Z80 [Zilog] or 8088 [intel] run on OS ELKS ..,
 Can i DO ?

Only IBM PC compatibles can run ELKS at this time.
Z80 port was planned and started, but development stopped.


Re: SIBO/Psion Elks

1999-08-16 Thread Jakob Eriksson

On Mon, 16 Aug 1999, Alan Cox wrote:

exist, what does this do and should this file be writable (which won't
possible with a read only file system!)?
   Eventually you are going to need a ram disk.
  [Simon Wood]  
  Why ???
  I agree that in a 'PC' type environment you will need disk storage, but
  there are many applications for ELKS that will not...
  In this specific case 'init' would need to create a RAM disk for /var before
  it continued booting - seems a suspect way of doing it to me.
 Then you will need to do hacking otherwise - unix tools tend to assume disk
 scratch space exists.
  And on this line in whinging 'clock' talks directly to hardware (which in my
  case doesn't exist!) - it should be through a clock driver!
 No. The clock driver itself would take up valuable permanent space in the
 kernel. It means you need the right clock binary for the hardware but it 
 saves you kernel space. Linux 386 is a bit different but on an 8086 its best
 in luser space

The same reason graphics (until recently) has not been in Linux 386?


RE: Apple ][ Unix Revisited

1999-07-30 Thread Jakob Eriksson

On Thu, 29 Jul 1999, Greg Haerr wrote:

 : The Problem is that the Tarball has no filename information in it, so
 : all the contents just spit put into one large file that I can't use.
   Sounds like something a typical Apple ][ hacker would do... ;-)
 Tell me where it is, I'd like to see this.

Isn't xinu just a bunch of programs?


RE: Herc in Microwin

1999-07-20 Thread Jakob Eriksson

On Tue, 20 Jul 1999, Greg Haerr wrote:

 : On the down side it did take a little long for it to load, try 10 min!
 : So if it is to be used the code has to be somewhat speeded up. I did not try 
 : to move any windows because I did not have a mouse pluged in and it would 
 : have taken too long.
   Uh-oh. Scratch the above comment.  You mean that it took
 10 minutes to *draw* the screen!  (laughing in background, peers looking
 at me very strangely...)  Well, we definitely need that HERC_drawhline
 to be implemented, because now it calls HERC_drawpixel for *every* pixel
 on the screen, all 252,000 of them.  I can take a hack at rewriting that,
 but It'd be nice if someone with a card did it.  The file is 

Ok. I'll do it, since I already have code doing the task "optimally",
(how can one be sure anything is done optimally?)
if I understand it correctly. (I am not the brain behind the algorithm.)

(Guess I'll have to put that Herc. card in a machine then... huhm...)

Jakob Eriksson


1999-07-15 Thread Jakob Eriksson

On Thu, 15 Jul 1999, David Murn wrote:

 Just a quick note to let everyone know that has returned, so now works again for CVS and web.  Also, the [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 kernel mailing list is now back online. 

The web message is not very friendly though!
*shocked amusement*

GO AWAY, Your bugging me.

Jakob Eriksson

Re: Microwindows for Hercules

1999-07-15 Thread Jakob Eriksson

On Thu, 15 Jul 1999, Greg Haerr wrote:

 : I am not really up to writing the driver myself because I have never writen a 
 : driver before, but I will test it for you. I have 2 8086's with herc cards 
 : in.
   Well, last night I took Jacob's hercules code samples and wrote
  k  :-)

 a complete hercules graphics driver for MicroWindows and Nano-X.  I wrote
 all the driver entry points, but since I don't have a hercules card, I can't test it.
 Basically, the hercules card appears to use 32k of graphics ram for 720x350 mono
 pixels starting at segment b000.  Each "screen ram line" corresponds to 4 physical
 scan lines, and there's one bit per pixel.  There's a sequence of OUT instructions
 to turn the card from text to graphics modes and back, and I use int10 to get
 the bios rom's character set map.
   The files mwin/src/drivers/scr_herc.c are the hercules driver and
 mwin/src/drivers/elksutil.c are some support functions to read/write far data, etc.
   I'm looking for volunteers to test, I think this baby should run pretty 
 It will be slow, since I've implemented hline by calling drawpixel.  This
 needs to be sped up by drawing a scan line directly.  I didn't want to do that
 until I knew drawpixel() works.


I have examples on how to draw fast lines horizontal, vertical and
(x1, y1) - (x2, y2) using Bresenham.
These are in a book in asm. so I don't know about their copyright but
I think they are intended to be used, ie public domain.
Bresenham on Hercules is a little tricky.
If I don't remember wrong, there are two buffers on a Hercules (2 * 32k mem)
so you can even doublebuffer changes. Now that would be cool to work into
the driver.
If you other people fix it into working order, I can fix double buffering.


RE: Microwindows for Hercules

1999-07-15 Thread Jakob Eriksson

On Thu, 15 Jul 1999, Greg Haerr wrote:

 : I have examples on how to draw fast lines horizontal, vertical and
 : (x1, y1) - (x2, y2) using Bresenham.
 : These are in a book in asm. so I don't know about their copyright but
 : I think they are intended to be used, ie public domain.
 : Bresenham on Hercules is a little tricky.
   No need.  MicroWindows handles the Bresenham algorithm in the mid
 level code in devdraw.c.  It uses successive calls to drawpixel to make it work.
 In this way, people like you and me don't have to rewrite bresenham for every
 card someone wants

That is fine for normal cards, but since Hercules cards are so ... strange...
the algo is very optimized for the Hercules.

If using writepixel, there need be 16 writes to videomemory.
When using the native HGC linedraw, there need be only 4 writes to videomem.


The benefit increases the more horizontal the line is.

Also, the algo. uses an incrementing form of bresenham. Very standard,
yes. But the incrementing scheme takes into account the bizarre
HGC memory layout.
Calculating a byte address and bit offset for a given X, Y is rather
costly, whatever way you do it.
But when drawing a line you know a lot of stuff already, so you are
not solving the problem (X, Y) ---  (byte address, bit offset),
you are only drawing a line.

If someone wants asm code I can write it down from the book.

   The fast line draw that we need is the one that calculates the 
 *bit* starting position in a starting scan line byte, and the end *bit* position.
 The bits in between the begin and end are then filled with ones.  For the bytes
 inbetween, this is ridculously easy, just set them to 0xff.  For the begin and
 end, use a mask to set those bits...

I am not sure about what you mean here.
You mean we need an algo that returns BYTEADDRESS, BITSTART and BITEND?

 : If I don't remember wrong, there are two buffers on a Hercules (2 * 32k mem)
 : so you can even doublebuffer changes. Now that would be cool to work into
 : the driver.
 : If you other people fix it into working order, I can fix double buffering.
   Neither nano-X or microwindows require or use double buffering currently, 
 This might be useful when bitblt is implemented though...

I was rather thinking of a solution not visible to above layers, but
maybe that was not a good idea... :-)
(A hack.)

Jakob Eriksson

Re: Microwindows for Hercules

1999-07-15 Thread Jakob Eriksson

On Thu, 15 Jul 1999, Perry Harrington wrote:

 Why not take the approach that Linux takes with the module:
 Create the driver structure, have the primitives referenced in the
 driver structure.  If the driver doesn't implement a primitive, set
 the structure member to NULL, and the driver loader will take care
 to use the builtin function.  EG:
 struct driver {
   ptr_t   hline
   ptr_t   vline
   ptr_t   bline
 struct driver herc_card[]={
 That way you can have driver optimized primitives or rely on the default,
 which just calls write_pixel.

sounds good.
how much would it take to change/add microwin?


RE: herc microwin support

1999-07-14 Thread Jakob Eriksson

On Tue, 13 Jul 1999, Greg Haerr wrote:

 On Tuesday, July 13, 1999 12:35 PM, Thomas Stewart 
 : I think it is a good idea to look into herc support for microwin? How many 
 : 8086's do you know with a VGA card? OR is it a bad idea are 8086's too slow 
 : to run microwin?
   Well - you've got a good point - an 8086 is probably *way* too slow
 to run graphics programs of any merit.  However, I would like to add
 a screen driver for hercules.  Is hercules only monochrome, or does
 it support color?  Do you know how the screen memory is accessed?  
 Do you think you could write the driver?
 : If anyone else is interested I have some specs and some assembler examples 
 : of how to control the herc card.
   Send me the asm examples, I'l take a look.  In particular,
 examples in small model that read and write a pixel, and write a horz
 and vertical line are all that's needed.

In 1997/1998 when my only Linux box was a 386SX with Hercules, I played
around with graphics, since I wanted to view pictures.
I disturbed a lot of people with questions and could eventually display PCX
pictures (I converted all pictures I wanted to PCX using Image Alchemy)
on my Hercules screen.

I am sending the code to Greg and anyone else asking for it.
Almost no asm though (only a couple of instructions) the code is in C.

It does not compile, since I messed something up, but the functions shows
what and how to do.
I am particularly proud of the tightly coded PCX-reader! :-)

Jakob Eriksson

RE: new rrd.c ?

1999-07-07 Thread Jakob Eriksson

On Wed, 7 Jul 1999, Greg Haerr wrote:

   The pmode ideas are good, but I think you missed the point.
 A normal, old-fashioned 8086 can be tricked into getting 65535 more bytes
 of memory than the normal 1 megabyte.  This is accomplished
 by programming the keyboard controller on PC's to hold the A20 line
 high and then use the 8086's real mode address wrap "feature".
   I think it would be a good idea, and might even be ok to use
 it in the ELKS kernel to get another 64k of memory.  Of course, whenever
 the tasks switch, the kernel's got to turn on and off the damned A20 gate.
 Isn't PC hardware fun 8-)

But are there memory cards with the extra 64k?

Jakob - puzzled

Re: Technical question boot problem

1999-06-10 Thread Jakob Eriksson

On Thu, 10 Jun 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all!
 I've got a 808[68] maschine with a 40 MB harddisk with MS-DOS 3.3
 I want to use this maschine with ELKS in future so I decided to make a 
 backup of the disk first. Can I just move the whole disk with it's
 adapter card to my Pentium? I noticed that there is a xt disk driver
 for linux. 

You may have problems with your BIOS booting from the 40 MB
or not making up its mind at all regarding which harddisk to use.
This Linux XT driver is intended (AFAIK) for linuxes running
only on XT harddrive, no IDE.
(Typically som eextremely old 386SX.)
If you end up booting from the 40MB, maybe you can fix things
by booting from floppy.

 My second question is: I have got a problem with running init after
 ELKS boots under dosemu. It says ,,Loading init'' and just stops. What 
 could be the cause? As a hint: When I start dosemu with xdos -A it
 complains that sector 1 could not be found. What does this mean?

No idea. You ELKSers, please help out.


Re: Park (Was: Technical question boot problem)

1999-06-10 Thread Jakob Eriksson

On Fri, 11 Jun 1999, David Murn wrote:

 On Thu, 10 Jun 1999, Jakob Eriksson wrote:
   BTW: Do you, Jakob, or somebady else know, whether one has to "park"
   the xt-disk before shutting down the computer?
   Is this neccessary, and if, how do I do this with   linux and/or
  If no one ports this utility to ELKS, I guess XT drive users just
  have to be very careful when moving the computer/disk.
 As long as we're not in protected mode, it's easy.
 MOV AH,19
 MOV DL,80
 INT 13
 This will park the heads on the first disk (81 for 2nd disk, etc).   Very
 simple little asm program.  You could pretty it up if you really wanted

Ah, great! :-)

Somebody smart could add this to the shutdown process in ELKS.

Re: NanoX version 0.3 released

1999-05-15 Thread Jakob Eriksson

On Wed, 12 May 1999, Ansel wrote:

 easily handle.  Personally I'm of the opinion that using the BIOS for
 everything possible is a great shortcut.  Lots of device drivers talk to
 Shouldn't ELKS ultimately be able to run on systems without a BIOS?

If you write the code... :-)


Z80 ELKS and C128 (Was: RE: some questions [OT])

1999-05-10 Thread Jakob Eriksson

On Mon, 10 May 1999, Klas Axelsson wrote:

  There was a Z80 add-on chip that could be purchased for a C64 
  or a C128.
  I think few people used it, tho... :-)
 z80 is standard in c128, it's used only by the CP/M
 mode. I don't know if it's possible to access it
 at all under normal operation.

There is no such thing as "normal" operation on C128.
Either you run the built in (always built in) Z80 or
the built in 65XX processor. Nothing very magic. Just choose
a processor and start executing code.

 Huh, this is really offtopic... or... c128-elks...
 There is acctually something called lunix
 (little UNIX) for the c64 and c128. I don't
 know very much about it's status but I heard
 it's able to do some version of multitasking
 on a c128.

And a C64 too.
I tried it a few years ago on C64 emulator on an Amiga.
Could start three processes, then it hang. :-)
 I've also heard people talking about a TCP/IP
 implemntation for the c64...

"The operating system running on my hardware projects
 (includes TCP/IP, web server, multitasking and much
 more) can be found under the OS/A65."

This guy is a genius IMHO.



1999-05-10 Thread Jakob Eriksson

On Mon, 10 May 1999, Luke (boo) Farrar wrote:

 If anyone is interested I found some info on wiring a 3" drive to your PC.
 ie. Amstrad PCW / Spectrum +3

No, But I would like to know how I am supposed to get hold of
a "cartridge" or cassette to my Amstrad 8256. Or is it a 3" disk?

I can't do anything with it!


Re: GEM (WAS Re: vgalib)

1999-04-22 Thread Jakob Eriksson

On Thu, 22 Apr 1999, David Given wrote:

I know two things.
1. It can live on rather small resources in terms RAM and CPU.

 The Graphics Environment Manager was a simple,
 but nice GUI for PC ( with 2 floppies 
 and 512 KB RAM at least ) and for the Atari ST. 
 Wouldnt it be a good idea to do a port to elks ? 
 To have the same GUI for DOS, ELKS and the Atari ST
 would be a plus.
 I've played with GEM. Trust me, you don't want to have anything to do with the 
 internals of this beast. It's written in a ghastly mixture of C and assembler, 
 the API is foul and about as non-OO as you can get (and that comes as a 
 horrible shock to today's generation of programmers), it contains no memory 
 management code whatsoever (it's a TSR! Honestly! You load the TSR, then you 
 load an ordinary executable on top of it that uses services provided by the 
 TSR...) and it's full of arbitrary limits. It also relies on a segmented 
 architecture a lot.

2. It runs on MC68000, (atari) that is not segmented at all.

 We'd be a lot better off designing our own very-small-scale windowing system 
 instead. Then we could backport it to DOS, possibly implementing it on top of 
 GEM. But porting GEM to ELKS? No way.


Re: GEM (WAS Re: vgalib)

1999-04-22 Thread Jakob Eriksson

On Thu, 22 Apr 1999, David Given wrote:

 I know two things.
 1. It can live on rather small resources in terms RAM and CPU.
 True; but porting it to ELKS would require an awful lot of developer 
 resources, that we can't spare.
  TSR...) and it's full of arbitrary limits. It also relies on a segmented 
  architecture a lot.
 2. It runs on MC68000, (atari) that is not segmented at all.
 But 68k GEM and PC GEM are fundamentally different beasts. Yes, the 
 *applications* can be source-compatible, if you use the horrific set of 
 compatability macros provided (and no-one ever does because they are, indeed, 
 horrific); but the kernels aren't. At all.

I read (for the first time actually) how to program the API on Atari, and
thought it was nice.
I'll look into it myself, and since I'm not the one of the resources
you can't spare, no harm's done? :-)

Jakob Eriksson

Re: kernel fission was: msdos/umsdos support?

1999-02-11 Thread Jakob Eriksson

On Wed, 10 Feb 1999, Shane Kerr wrote:

 On Wed, 10 Feb 1999, Steve Drake wrote:
  The reason I can see for ELKS is what first lead me to take an interest
  in it -- the "E" in ELKS stands for "Embeddable."
 For those looking for a free, open source, embeddable OS, check out:
 It does require a 32-bit (or 64-bit) processor, but AFAIK that's not a big
 deal for real embedded projects.
 ELKS is for funzies.

You can always make an 8086 smaller than 32 bit prcrs., plus it's a known
design. I have no problem figuring ELKS running on a wristwatch.


Re: kernel fission was: msdos/umsdos support?

1999-02-11 Thread Jakob Eriksson

On Thu, 11 Feb 1999, [big5] ª÷©÷²z wrote:

  The reason I can see for ELKS is what first lead me to take an interest
  in it -- the "E" in ELKS stands for "Embeddable."
 For those looking for a free, open source, embeddable OS, check out:
 It does require a 32-bit (or 64-bit) processor, but AFAIK that's not a big
 deal for real embedded projects.
 ELKS is for funzies.
 Hmmm I'm as new as 2 days on this list, and yes, I'm looking ELKS as
 a possible embedded system also.  Real embedded projects we do here are
 using 186s and that's with 16-bit real mode only.  I'm even considering 
 porting ELKS back to 32 bits for 386/486 and ARM.  All these are NOT
 supported by eCos, and I'd think that porting ELKS would be simpler than
 porting eCos.


Imagine a unix (with memory protection perhaps) running
on a Pentium 2-3 whatever running entirely from level 1 cache! :)
